ASTORIA, Oil EG ON: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1. V$3 hm TRADE. "OUT OF ASTORIA. A KHl l A , 'KOSI 'iK A R'ver Vith. Br Sp Vefctc N S V Ju'x3t Gragmore, Hr Wc Syd ftj- V July 31 Itrtilc cwoa tle.lalySt Tarn O' ihaiiter, July SI Qocen of the Pacific. ss.S F JtT.yM VESSELS IX TJJE JtFvER. 0 l.'heiebroURh. AmTp Highland l-iebt.AT3.ip lihrry florae. Am sp '"orsina, Aiiibd Imperial. Am 6p Reaper, Am sp Titan. Am Indiana. Am fp. Rtonberric. Kr bk Western Belle. Am sp Olive S.Soutlianl. Amsp Ooloma. Kate 1' Troop. Br blc vkssels o.v IFIn: va y. 3roi Furolsu X'ortH. for tin' Colmnlila ttlver Antoinette. Br bk llonckons Jubb 4 Barjrany. Brp Airil 2S Clyde JtlensfeH, Br sp May H London BanfTsliiro. Br bk April 4 Land en Bliotan, Brsp l.irerpool May 12 City of Madrid. Br sp MarS Clyde Chasca. Br bk Liverpool March 9 Cairnsmore, Brpp London April 27 Dovenbj-. Br ltk Newcastle X S AV Kiikdale. Br bk Liverpool .luly 96 I'iety Cross, Br sp Sidney Ulenporis, Br bk April S3 Cardiff Ciirran. Br bk April '2C Louden Griseilalc. Brsp Liverpool April 7 Harry Bailoy. Br bk Bnonns Ayres IncbRreon. Brsp 1091 Greenock, June. Ironside, Br bk Greenock May 10 Inle of Anclosea. Br bk May 5 Liverpool Janet McNeil, Br bk .Tunc IS Glasgow Kapunda, Br sp London April 7 Lake Kric, Br sp London April 29 MalUcate, Brbk Liverpool May 21 Kairnshire, Br sp Glascow March S2 Oban Bay. Brbk Mar 31 Glascow Gaknortli, ISrsp I-V128 London Oberon. Br bk Hull ,lcue 3 Oberoc, Brsp London June H Portland l.loydc. Am sp Montevideo May 2! Itosfdliu. Bri-p Tort Ohalmers May 1! Uoxburcshi re. Br bk Vob G London Star of Hrin. Br hp Glasgow June lft Spirit of the Dawn, Br bk May 2 London Scottish Tar. Br bk Liverpool. March 14 Shcnir. Br bk Newcastle March 94 Wictonsbiro. Br bk Bremen March la From American I'ortn. Carrio Window. Am bk X Y March 1ft Morem, Am sp X Y MtWashington. Am sp New York April IS M W Watts, Am bk New ork May 12 Bed Cross, Am p X Y March 12 Sea King, Am sp X Y July 4 St. Lucie, sp Xevr York March 11 Sovcroicn of the Seas, Am sp New York June 2 Tillic K Starbuck. Am sp X Y June 23 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTOHIA From tables ol United States Coast Survey Uish Water. J Low Wat or. Date. A. V.. I. V. A. V.. , M . " 2SI . ...... . 7 , 8 401...... . i 4:j ,10 -301. u a-i. , 1 10 . i i-'i 2 11J.... .11 15 . 0 ft! . 1 12,.. . 1! S4...., . 1 0"..... . f, 15..... . G 15 . 7 OS.... . 7 42..... . K 15..... 27 i; :s IN 7 W J.. it 18 . :) n n ::i n nl ... i. o -jj o )""."'. 1 ... i o n 11 i it; It vs 3 4 42 , .1 15 n 40 7 20 8 C Columbia Hirer Exports. SHII'MKXTS FOKK1GX. ItKfAI'ITULATIOK JANCABY 'SI. esl.S7ji 1ms. bbls Hour. Total, cargoes . FHltllUAKV. Wheat. lfi0.t0C bus., value.... Klour, at,4iHi bbls., .... Total, 6 cargoes MABCtl. Wheat (107.524 bushels) KIour(.S.m bbls) Salmon (2T.O0 ittscs)............... Lumber (WOM ) . 237,17b S 5H3.4S0 ? 179.10s 1 S 323.ail 'J1C.750 SH1.W7 i.-'.u-jo C4"00 Total (S cargoes). Flour. i&lJM Mils...., Lumber. Jm5 M .....S8fJ,Sll .1S5.554 4li,000 Totnl.s cargoes .SlP0,55! MAY. 11 To lArcrt4 iter Smmmac. Vnm l'Mltan4 lt,'JI2 bus wluat S55.0DC ".W2'i bMs Hour 17.RXI " 1 S )tMM. ... Tolni JUNK. l-'rom 1'ottlantl Ml ltbb; ll'.nr AsloiiH.T7.7:5 cs sjilmim S77.wri ? 4.W0 lSs.Nl Total JULY. 0 To Lircrpwkl ; Ullock. From IVirtiaml l,.iit bbls Hour . " Astoria 32,85o cs salntou. SUC5.035 . 7.C73 10150 Total 171,923 in To IJvcrjxml jtcr Emma T. CnnrclL From Astoria 47.235 cs salmon .230,175 Domestic Exports, The receipts of certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1st, 18'. to July l8lh, inclu sive, nave oeen as loilows Flour, qr sks Wheat, ctls Oats, ctls Salmon, bbls hf bbls cs....... 203.000 2I,i3 4!f.l 1 128ti lk 41 Apples, Uipe, bxs Uuttcr. ikj:s Potatoes, sks Wool, bales... ; Hides. No.. Tallow, pkgs IJccf, bbls Hay. bales Quicksilver. Uasks Fruit. Dried, pk?s.. licalher. j)ks Hops, bales .... Hams, pkgs . Cheese, as............. Flaxseed, sks.......... Corn. ctls..... Canned Uoods, cs Iird. pkgs Bacon, cs 101 23.440 2,87 24,490 7U1 23 0.487 2,0fl7 11 724 Common Council. llesular mootinc? second and fourth Tues day veninsHi of each month, at 7!4 o'clock B" Persons desiring to ha vo matters acted aiut itrcsont tho samo to the Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday evening prior to tho Tuesdny on which tho Council holds its retmlar meotmcs. THUS. S. J EV tTi. Auditor and Clerk Astoria LrOOffo Mo. 40, L O. G.I. It ocular Jlcctinp every Tuesday Evening nt o'clock, at i'ythian liall. Astoria. Mem bors of tho cood ftandintr. are invit. d to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday of each month. Ly order W. C. T. Temple LiOdge, No. 7 A. F. A. M. (tegular Communications first and third Tuesdays in "each raqnth. at 7H ciock. r. a., at tao liall in Astoria. Members of tho Order, in good standin , are invited to attend. Uy ordo: of the X American Letrion of Honor. meetii-.trnf Asti.ri:innniw.n oo-. is held on the first and third Saturday of each month, at 7 o'clock r. si. i;y order or council Commander. It. V Montkith. Sec'ty. BLACKSMITH AI) Horseshoeing Establishment T HAVE LATELY SECURED THE SETt JL vices of a twtunetent horseshoer from Ti liuols, and will giiarantcu satisfaction In that won:, uannery worK and general black smithing done at reasonable rates. Shop JOHN FEELY. Know nil aire the wj i dyspepsia - and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and ?ives a new lease of life Dispels nerrous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ingmotherto full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves.cnriches the blood. Dvercomesweakness, wake fulness, and lack cf energy Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new the weakest invalid. lifr 37 Walker St., Baltimore, Dec iB6. For six years I have been a icat sufferer from Blood Uieasc, Dy pepsiandConipationndbeiw io debilitated that I could not retain anything on my stomach, in fat. life bad almost become a burden. Finally, when hope had almost It ft me, my husband seeing Brown's Irok Bitters advertised in tin paper, induced me to give it a tri. . I am now taking the third luti'.o and have not felt so well in ws years as I do at the present time. Mrs. L. V. GsiFf:::. Broto's Iron Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one wlic needs "bracing up," thar any medicine made. MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. eneral assortment of table stock constantly on nand. such as Canned Fruits and Jolly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. BUTTJEK. CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POULTRY AND GA3II In tlie season. CSGARS AIVD TOBACCO. Best of TFEVES AXI Z.IQVORS. All cliean for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Onitositc I. W. Case's store. J. ROIXJEKS. Washington "Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN BERRY T ESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN. XL tion of tho public to tho fact that tie nbovo Market will always bosujipliod Vith a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowcat rates, wholcsalo and retail, broclal attention pi von to sui;j nc shiL'S. LOOK HERE ! We respect full v inform the public that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Fresh, and Cured Meats ALSO Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits. Vegetables, Crockery and Glass-ware. Shins. Hotels and Boardinc Houses siid plied on liberal terms. A share of the rniblic uatronace Isresnect- nui y soncueu. rttf, ' WAKREN & THOMPSON VARIOUS QUACKS. WhoEach iritli Jils own Pet Scheme Cultivnto the Field of JIntnaa Xature. There havo always been quacks : legal quacks, theological quacks, scientific quack?. and medical quacks, Somo of thorn aro bland oily fellows who arguo and smile the world into believing their favorite bit of humbug. Others aro nompous and pretentious parasites Eut they mako it pay. Men seem to lore to bo swindled, stipulating only that it fhnll be neatly done. Tho dear public aro equally liberal to tho electric and magnetic fraud. This fellow is a genius in his lino. Ho will put a magnetic belt around your waist, a magnetic nccklaco under your chin, or fit you, out with . an en tiro suit of magnetic clothes, warranted to servo tho purpose of ordinary garments, and andatthosatno timo to .euro all dieasos from whooping-cough to hasty consumption. Most of theso havo no more electric or mag netic power about them than resides in wool on blankets or in girdles of sackcloth. Only when applied by an c.xpcrt is electricity of the slightest uso as a medicinal agent, and oven then its valuo is grossly over-stated. What is tho strongest possiblo presumptive ovidonc an favor of a particular remedy? Clearly that it should havo been-prepared by rosponsibl persons of acknowledged skill in tho troat ment of disease. Squarely on this foundation stands BEN SON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. En dorscd by 5,000 physicians, pharmacists, drug gists, and chemists, it needs no further apol ogy nor introduction. It is the ono and only truo and tried external application. Quacks of all kinds pay the Capcino tho compliment of their dislike, as Satan is said to .hato holy water. Look in tho middle of tho plaster for the word "CAPCINE." Price 23 cents. Seabury & Johnson, Chemists, New York. Shlloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and -all symptoms of Dyspepsia, pice !io and 75 cents penbottle. Sold us y.x jjement. Things, Tilings, Tbings The coldest tiling in the world The kitchen oilcloth to your bare feet in a winter's night. Tim hottest thing A raisin ly lur in mnhush in :i mouthfui of hot . i. puihliiig. c tiullojt thing A funny Mi-Mt thinir Your rritud i s l-I'V. The shortest thing The mem ory of a perpetual borrower. The biggest thing Thejfortune you expect to innke by slock spec ulation. The smallest The fortune which vou do make. The toughest thing wife's pie-crust. The softest thinir The young -Tlit convor- sation which pusses beiwepn a duck and a deary. The highest tiling The mercu ry in the thermometer, about this time. The hardest thing The bit of bone that j'ou "come right down on," when eating chops. The easiest thing Lying. The tightest thing The mar riage tie; that is to say, it usea to be, but now it is the loosest. The prettiest thing Look in the j mirror, and you will see it. j The brightest thing The sun's j ight shot into your eye as it comes j reflected from the piece q looking- j glass in the hands of the mischiev- j ous small boy. j The silliest thing Thinking j that wealth produces happiness. (Wouldn't you like to be knocked silly, provided the money came?) The freshest thing You know him; he is every where. However, he will ret salted in time. The stalest thing Common sense. Tho quickest thing The Ilea. The slowest thing An ama teur drama . by amateur perform ers. The heaviest thing A long sermon on a hot Sunday after noon. The lightest thinir A lover's vow. The thickest tiling - Your from tongue when coming home the "lodge." The thinnest thing Tho story you tell your wife the next morn ing. The wettest thing The foot of the small boy with a new pair of rubber boots. rite driest thing You have just been reading it Botftm Tran script. AVhat will it not. accomplish? we queried, :ts we read in an t cx cliansc of the .cure of a severe felon by St. Jacobs Oil, the great panacea for rheumatism. Mr. E. S. Pike, of .320 North Third street, St. Louis, ir., a prominent Ma son and Odd Fellow was the suf ferer whose case we read of. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Presli and Cured Meats, "Vo gota-lDles, FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OFrOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CJIKVA3IUS Street, Astoria, 0 KILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL. - - FUOPKIETOR STAGE MANAGER WALTER FAKES, Engagement of MISS SUSIE LEE, Song and Dance Artist. MISS MAItY MOULTON, Character Actress and Recltatkmess. MISS FANNIE "WALTON. Songstress. 1JABY AVEST, Tlie Child AVonder. MIL HENRY WEST. Ethiopian Comedian. WALTER PARKS, Comedian. CHAS. HARROWS. Actor. Together with a new ORCHESTKA. Under the management of PROF. CHARLES RICHARDS. All the Old Favorites Retained. Open all the Year Performance Every Klght Entire Change of Programme Every Night, Comprising SONCS, DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce It to be equal to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following well known Artists : Miss Faxnik Walton. Miss Makv Moulton, Mil Walter Packs. Mil Ciiab. Harrows. Mil IIkkry AVrst. All of which will appear nightly In their dlf, ferent specialties. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at 8 ; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. New Star in Rapid Succession ! mn mmm Wnmterrul Cnrc or a Lart 12 yenrs iiM, who Tor fe year.-, from the tup or his to his ankles, was turn 3!j! of Scahs. My sot, a 1st! twelve yemn of ro. w ai Skted wiUi the wpi form of litr ewa for period uTcu ty r- So rirMl-t ittbutl froii the U, . head to withi :ew iarh- j 1 rrfawl t j ield i -aj- tatnm that jM-t d b fii nl- or i hj--icin tn-- ta vhih. allopath), hunitK-,thy. nvi. salt-water bath, flaxseed jmaltices, iwt ointMen:?. and in bott everything that eonld ta done to eradicate the disorder sectaed only to aggravate it, and the child's lif beWMf h burden to him. ami the csk of the vari os exiteriioent; was a conant draia upon ourretourcts. My wife reading the advertisement of the CcTicrn-v ltKMUiis inoae -f the daiy : pers, resolved to make on more attempt. t :i cure. (The ili-pocc wa miw eneroMvhimf upon his face, and seemed incurable.) 1 save i a reluctant consent to the pni-wl- ami enj Mcian or New York, who Mad a iait' thor ! ough examination of the case, and prini:-d i interview was sougut witii a ti wuy iay a euro without the least hesitation by tho w of your Cl'lirtltA KkmXm:. hi k tkh. there waa markwl chanae: iht- rmr and an j?ry Hire? bepm to pnw pale ami alonjr tite ! outer edges ralel off, and a time wort wit! they began to uifappocr enlirely. aatil at the pruent writiac tho only veti:e ia small ?Kt ujon tho forearw, mthooIv visible ami tijt di;aiiearins. Thii :ifltr i tolit rmir; afpfiuHKa xrul wit- ' ioty. we have tho intense 5atifnetin f inc tho chiWV skin an lair ami rimwlh a it wasboforc this dreadful rntaneoa dfewder j attacked him. I Sincerely voki. ! CllAS.HAi'KliUIXKI.K i Ciiimihood ami yoatli are Ihe iriols when such diseases yield mo?t readily to th! an- i failing iskin and I!Iood Secibc. Cimci'KA j TJrt'RA and Crnri'BA row the Brest kin J i rice i in i k. -inan ibici IfllYP ltOVfX. $J(0 l' TII 1 . Itl-vtll A vr -IJU i jer but tic. CiTi'tTA SoAx. i'!. : Ct rirr j ev hamso iow, l ct.. bold li ail drai.''t. I Potter Drag: and Ciiem. Co., Boston. UU 111 1 1 1 I 111 r l Mi 171 I A finslo do?o of Sanrrtrd'.-t Cure instantly relieves the met io'eat I Snooiiniror 1 1 omH Villi. Clenrylhe ll.itd n by iiiacic. watery discharjfe from lh Xo and Eyo. prevents Kimrinp Nci-o in the Ilend.ciire Xcrvnus Headache, and uWaw Chills ami Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it clean?es the nasal wjro of foul iiini, re- j ytore.i tho see 'f riuell. Jate. and hearing i when affectc!. frees the head, throat, and i bronchial tubes of o(Tenrio matter, sweetens j ami imrifiw the breath. Mom; tin- emizh ami I arre?t. the progrei of Catarrh lwanU Con-j Miiupiion, Ono bottlo ltadical Cure, one lox Catirrhal Solvent and SanfordV Inhaler, all in one packaRO. of all dnicsi?! for Ask forSA.v OKt KAiiirAt. CTek. ForrKR Uaro Axn Ciii:j. Co.. 15ostov. it 1 IKfOi For the relief and prevca-UUI-!JVo' ion ,hr l i- ' I,,,p.,,tt iwicnaiaiiim..eH- v vWti VV'ra,K'a' Sciatica. Cohrm?, V 'V Cold. Weakliack'itoiaach -vL'S' T--i "-ai)i r-iiiK)U!iit rmn. O- Viyo er Complaint. lSiliottstever. 'y"r- Malaria and hpidemic. ne yp VreTRl m t'olIinV Ilastersan VAcc l i tt. ' v trir Kattcry combineil "iASTE wi,n 51 i''-oh rinslri-taml A laugh at pain. 2Hc everywhere. -rvx" M1 '.. II ii I Iir Infantile ami Jhrth BABY Humors. Kouzh.ehaniied or (;n:i-.j kif, Kettle Ka-1). l'liirilt. and Skin BEAUTIFIES IM-iiu-lu s. uvf c t tiitka niai an ex quisite Skin Ii:i TiKtKK.::iidToSi-t. llath. and Xnr.-r S;n:iivc. l'mnnit with deli cious oil." and Culititra lialsams. AlMlntfl pure: highly medicinal. In dorMtl bv'phv- lfiaus ; preferred by the elite. Sales in lKsl asal l-c. I.IKO.OI e.ike-.. AU ypccfuUy pn jr ! jor l:icir.-t. Vilaltze.H aJ IJuri'.h' s Iictni, . .mci up tho Sy&t-nj. Makes V;" Strang1, Iuilds up ::n:fc". douu, Invij:orn-! i.:.. ISraln, n:i: a. Dyspepsia, Hervous Affections, Gk eral Debility, Uenralgia, Fsver and Afjuc, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhea, Boils: 2)ropsy, Humors, Fercab Com plaints, liver Com plaint, Kemittenn Fever, and ILL DISEASES ORIGINATING IH A CA0 STAT'. OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOKPAKSED P.Y DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. 3HIYIAN SYRUP Supplies the tiocd with its Vital 1'rinciWe, o. Liro Ill.-mtnt, IKON, inf-: : :rj i:th Vigor ar. l New I.Ifisiatrt s'.lf :v. - t.f l' e tea BEING FRLE i ROM AI.COlKL. r cr-it ing cficcts arc r.oi f Ilowcd ly c r-.r.r . . . i-...: I.-ki, bat are pcrno-acnt. sctii v. rcAVu: f; ro - r n.-. . .. i- danisoa Avtauc. Efcitec Sold by u". I crjsi. TO MEN 0NLY,Y0UrJG OR OLD, WHO are suirorlnR from :irnvorslEiin try. Vmirrv. I.HK OV 2tMVK roucK and Vioon, V.'asttso V.'r..sxSEs. ami all those diseases of a 1eesoxai- Xawbe re rultlnR from Abtses ami Onrea Cirsof. Speedy relief and complete restoration k IlEAi.Tn,Vioonand JUxuoon Gi-akantceij. The Krandc-t dUcovetyor the Mnetetath Century. Send at onco for Illustrated phletfrec. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MAHSHAtL, MICH. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. IOP.YEA BROS. Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fillers. JoBbins Promptly Attended to A Full Supply or GAS FIXTUUES, COCIvS, STEAM KIT TINGS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. Cannery, and Steamboat Work a Specialty. Clienamus street, opposite Denient'siDruK Store, Astoria, Oregon. j T ' SHIPPING XOTfCES. Columbia Transportation Co.nr8gon Railway & Hi FOR FORTLARDr ! 1 (FASTTIV.K.) i FLEETWOOD, W'.-.U-U ha tvrn lrtUtcd for the comftwr of rav -fix-Tv III i:iTe ilw and Fher'.- Sx-k every 'wsrfay, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.2. an winy fit Pvrilaad att IVtnrtifns it ybrtbHHt ewty 7fdifatts and Thursdays at 8 A. U. Airivtnq at Astoria al 1 P. M. Aw a4UittintuI tri will be mad on Sunday of Sack Week, levins Prtiand at 1 eVIo'Ii ndy 3farnxH!r. 257 hL:hk r puns'. nw'.n tfmnrft at Kalaiaa V. , FfOTT. l'resMlt'Ht. Astoria and Pcrtiand. Str. W3TPCRT, V. II SliKHMAN. --- MASTBK Will itak- rtuiar trip to 1'ortland and .Vrt'"-". Ivavins HttmrilV dwek. fool of Mor twi sn-i-i. i or;iaiw. at A..ianma. : rill 1. sr Wilura Jt I-lnherH wk. Atrt:i. at r. a. m. Tltiimhtys. S-Yrrxtit er!il at nar.3l!e rales. " " 7V-i- . WlI.I.'MAKKTXirs AS cJvTxLisS 1l- KOI LOWS SSEr ' ' ' KW Satnnla. Siwrtal as reqaimi. Will b :i4 Wilv A l'Wbers wharf at 1 oVJnck sharp, each nioniltvr. UF.WISt;. HAAVEN, rpl'r Aria. Master. ! RECrDLAR steam packet. 'Daisy' and Barge. Will leave Aforin. from Cray's Dock. Fir (Kiiey, awl Head of Yomtps Kiver. Daily, at s a. St., (exeeH WedeHlavs and Sundays.) HctMruitur siame da For Landings o Lewis & Clark's Hirer. Oh Wrtliicsdays. at :t A. .I Kt'ttiniittxtRH day. l'or hreiht r I';wai;i'.ami)y h iHMtrd, or ai ir.iy s iMteK.wiiere r relent will m re- ceived and Mored. U neeessary. .I.H.D.CKAV. or MORRIS. and I':iverite Iloat ---s NOW . can le eharten'd for exeiirskHis. siiecial juirtn. ele.. at reasonable rates. A sewral stea:iiMatmj; lm4-s tnea'ted. V.ISOIil.LINn.lIastcr. "There is a tkle in Uie aR'airs tf mn Whieh, if taken at tin- mxd, Iads on to Fortune." fhak!rr. Do iGTi 4- ill; TO SECURE A COMPETENCY ? IF SO INVE YOUR 7 KaroiMS !N EEAL ESTATE THAT TO Double in Value ! IN A .VERY SH0ET TITflE. Termiis Aiitioii to AlMna. This utldiiion commences only five blocks from the O. 11. & N. Co.'s extensive improvements, and inimcdialel' adjoins the Mammoth Flourinpr Mills to be erected hy Sibson, Church & Co. Immense works arc now going on right front of it, and there will be at least four hundred thousand dol iars sneni on tnem tins summer and fall. The whole place is a most level as a table, high and sightly, and as before stated, close up to the property on which Mr illaru is inaugurating immense works ot all kinds, the lots are all full sizt 50x100 feet each, and range in price from $200 to $o50, according to locution. Terms of sale: Ono-third cash, and balance i:i easy monthly o quarterly pitvments. without. in terest. Discount made lor all casn. rials may oe seen and any further particulars obtained on application to E. 0. HOLDEN, Auctioneer and l?eal Estate Ag't, J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AHD FEED, Hay. Gats, Straw, Wood, Etc.. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. Geueral storage and Wlmrface on reason able terms, toot of Benton street. Astoria uregoa. bteamer i TRANSPORTATION LINES. rtgation I On and After April ist, 5 S33, Ocean Stcanit-rs will sail from Saw Fnui rbrn and I'ortfand everv three ttay. fitlrg ?pe:-.r Ft. whan S Franetsro, at 10 H A. M.. anil Ahisworth Dwk. PortiaiHl, at Xihlnirht Ttirniiru Tfflits sold to all winciya ! rrethe KcLster and Kecelver. at Van HlSlh? "nid Statr-, Canada aw! j 'r.JVaTer, on Thursday, the 9th day . I Anv:iinl all nprimtic liovinw "lilvorci. nlilmi River nd Rail Division. On and aftor July 22d, !SS3. BA3L OIViSIQFi. rascnger'lratnsiMve Tortland for East ?n phH", at 7 :3 A. M. ::YRit :IVISiJ.Y (IXiildZc Coluinblul. Ui hHve I'wtland for llsah's at 7 :( A. Af. ai-o : Lt'avc 1W1-I j land for IJiiTm. I We. ItImi.I Fri. I S:i: itori and I lAWr (V I AMlB A ( AM t AMI AM I I)MMf. tr ;7 AM ! AM ,' IT AM Salem KAJ1 Is am! (mila..l i t I , I Vietnri.Kt'ii: A M A M U AM AM AM!" AM f."s AtoHa fr Portland t S a. in. daitj: m vept tfnniy. Astoria to Portland. FAST MXfC steanier '.V3le " -will leave Astoria for 1'ortland. 1 5.3!. Ketnrninir. leaven Fortland for Astoria. Ti ,. 31.. daily. Wednesdays excepted. I'iiHhwh I'alace f'ar nmnin between Port -MHHt.aad MiaalA. C. 11. IMtliSCOTT. Manager. JOHN iucii:, Sttiterlntendent ot Tralllc A. STOKKx-?. A!rf. Sujit. rn K. F.ROllKRS. iivtl Aset. , fiwatio Steam svigatlon Oo.'s sr.MMEJISCIIEDCi.K. Asioh.t to Fort Stevens. Fart Carby, and Hwazo. ('tmuvtin;; with 1- A. IjmmuLs" Stat;e Line, ami MnaiwateriKiy inuisnaiiHiiLo s. Steamer for .vtervilte. daily. HJoistesano. anl f i.vm jia . Holidays, Thursdays, and Saturday.-. Steamer "Gen. Miles," or ''Gen. Canby ' Will make two trips daily, except Wetlnps nay, between Astoria and itwaco :is follows : I.eav Astoria at 7 A 31, touching at Fort Stevens and Fort Canby and arriving at II waeo at S -J) A M . UetitnuHjr, leave Ihvaco at t -JV) A M lor Astoria ami arriving then at l! s A M. land a!oi; "sble steamer "Wide West to transfer Passengers, lfctggage and Freight. Iave Astoria at 1 1 jrfor Ilwaeo direct, ami arrive tlR're at -2 0 1 M. Ketnrning, leave Hwaeo at :5 I .11. touch at Fort Can bv ami Kort Stevens and arrive at Astoria .-. VM 1 .V. On Wtshiesujij-s leave Astoria at 0 A M for Frt Stevens, Frt CiUiby aim Ilwaeo. Ke turmnt: in tlx afternoon. Fare between Astoria and Fort Stevens ets Fare letweeii Astoria and I'ort Canby iw Ilwacn cts Frisht lietween Astoria ami Hwact 09 icr ton Horses between Astoria and Il waeo - each. Carriapes between Astoria and Ilwaeo. 2 oo each. - .1. II. D. G1JAY. Agent. Oresfon & California R.R Co On a alter May 13, 138?. trains will run as Mlows, DAI Li (Kxcoi: HHitays), lUSTSIDX DtVJMiO.Y. Kcnrcrii lOZ:TLAM and CLKSWAIX 3I.AII. TKAKT LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 a. M.jGleadaic 10:35 r. v. Gleadale 1:00 A. x. Portland -iriji-. y. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LKAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 130 P. M.Il.olanon...20 P. M LsbHtm3...... S:r, A. M-i Portland .10:05A.M The Orwoa and CalifomiA Railroad Fern nske ennetkn with all Regular Trains on Kastfhle iliriston. wkstsidx 5tet vveei: frllmi(i an i.'ri'all!s. LEAVE. AKKIVE. Portland iM A. M.ICorralH ....1:0 P. M Corra!Iis....S:30 A. M. Portlaml S:20 P. M EXPRESS TKAIX LKAVK. ARRIVE. Portland ":) r. v.?.Ie:.iiiiriHeL...S:ii p. y. -Mc.Mmnviile. "::" v.M.irortland 8:3.v. y. CIom eonneetiona made at Glendalewitb the Stages of the Oregon and California Stage Lumpftny. o lK.'ketrtr3nljnt all tho inncipal point: in California and tho Kant, at Company'; Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Kfnrr,f will l,n pfinrcrml nn frolfrlit Tnrnnin. iDr atCouitnnv-s n iirohou?eovorsl hours. iroieht will not bo received tor shipment after o o'clock P. M. on either tho East or iiettside Division. JOHN Ml IK.Suirt olTramc. A. L.STO ICES, Asst. Stip't. oITninie. Shoahvater Bay Transportation Co. SITMMKIi Kotmc Astoria to Olympia, Totichins at !'ort t?tcvens. Fort. .'anl3 Slwaeo, North Ueaclt. Gystfrville, ortli Cove, i'etcrson.s i'oint. Ho q ilium, JIoutCNaiio, A ml all jMiints on Shoahvater Bay, and (! ray Harbor. (SEN. MILES, ) Strs. or tin Coluntbia IJiver. OEN.CANP.Y, ) CKN. CAKFIItLI) JdONTESANO Slioitl water Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages uvcr Tortages. Iare Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Slondays, Tliursdays and Saturdays, turiving at Montesano the day alter leavinj A5tor:a throih trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. E uy: BITTERS !, Vilmerding & Co., San Francisco Loeb & Go., Agents, Astoria Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by bniloh i Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T. M:iy2Uh.l3ftt. nun UK UUI5IUIM VI ACi. Ol liOUgTteS, approved Junes, 1578, entitled "an Act for tht ah' of timber lands In tho States 'of California. Oregon. Nevada and In Washing ton Territory," Charles Bild, of Molt- iw'man i ouniy. uregon nas tnis aay niea M-rid an. Tf -vtiiiiony in tho above case will be takea tu t h auovc described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to die their claims in this olllce within sixty (eo) days from date hereof. FP.ED. W. SPAHLING, rt G0d P.ejlster. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. T AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, WT., JLi May 2lth, 1SS3. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June s. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and. in Wash ington Territory." Charles Beatrier, of Mult nomah county, Oregon, has this day filed m this office his application to purchase the East !i of North est f i and East M of South West ;.i ot Section 12, Township 9 North, of Range t West, of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will bo" taken beforu the Register and Receiver, at Van couver, Wash. Ter., on Thursday, the oth, day or August, 18SS. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to tile their claims in this ottice within sixty (60) davs from the date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, jeo-cod Register, Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, XT. T., May 2!th, 1S83. Notice is hereby civen that in comDlIancs with the provisions of the Act of Congres iniiroved .Mine :t. 1S78. entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory," CUauncey R. Smith, of ol Multnomah county, Oregon, has this day filed in this olllce his application to purchase the north-west U of section 10, Township 9 north, of Range 5 west, or the Wjlamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver. Wash. Tor., on Monday; the 13th day of August. 1SS3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to thf above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby reouired to llle their claims in this office within sixty (60) days irom tiato nereoi. FRED. W. SPAJILING, jelO-COd Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T.f May 20th, 1SSS. Notice is hereby civen that In comnliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June S. 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands In the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory," Charles H. Hood, of Mult nomah County, Oregon, has this day filed in mis muce ins application io purcnase mo northeast 1 4 of Section 8. Township 9 North, of Range 5 west of the AVillametto Meridian. Testimony- in the above caso will be taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver. Wash. Ter., on Monday, the. 13th day ot August, 18S5. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims In this office within sixty (CO) days davs irom tunc nereoi FltED. W. Si'AIlLLNG, jelO-COd Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. 8 UfflUC AI AiUUU V Jill, W.-J.., XJ May 29th, 1833. Notice is hereby civen that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 18TS. entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in tho States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and in "Wash ington Territory," William Flinn, of Mult nomah County, Oregon, has this day Died la Mils ofliee his application to purchase the southeast t of Section 12, Township 9 north. oi itange 5 west ot tno tviuamette Aieriaian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Ilegister and Receiver at Van eouver, Wash. Ter., on Tuesday, the 14th day of August. 1SS3. Any ana an persons naving auversq claims to tho above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in thLs oftlce within sixty (60) days from date hereof. FEED. W. SPAKLING, jclO COd Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, T7.IT., May 21th, 18S). Notice is hereby civen that in compliance w ith the provisions of the act of Congress approved dime 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory." Nicholas Fehn, of Mult nomah county, Oregon, has this day filed in this offico his application to purchase the north-east .t of section 12, Township 9 north or itange a west, ot the Willamette Meridian Testimony in tlie above case will be taken before the Recistcr and Receiver, at Van couver. Wash. Ter. on Thursday, the 9th uay ot August, iss. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands or any -portion thereof, are hereby required to ilie their claims in this oftlce within sixty (CO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPAKLING, je9-cod Register; Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T.. May 29th, 18S3. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of ConKress approved June 3. 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States ot California, Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash ington aerritory," ueorge smaiuoon, or Multnomah County, Oregon, has this day filed in this ofliee his application to purchase the southeast Ji of Section 12, Township 9 north, of Ransre 0 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Van couver, Wash. Ter., on Tuesday, the llth day of August, 18S3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this oftlce within sixty (CO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLTNG, jelo-GOd Register. Notice or Application to Purchase Timber lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T.. May 29th, 18S3. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory." Walter M. Smith, of Mult nomah county, Oregon, has this day Hied in this office his application to purchase the n nrth-east ?i of section 12, Township 9 nortli. of Range 5 west, of the Willamette Meridian, Testimony in tlie above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Van couver, Wash. Ter, on Monday, the 13th day of August. 1883. , . Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this olllce within sixty (CO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLTNG, jelu-eOd Register. Xotice of Application to Purchase Timber .Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER W.T. JI.iy2ltli.1883. . Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory," Ilarry Beck of Mult nomah County, Oregon, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the South East X of Section 8, Township 9 North, of Range 3 West, of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken berore the Register and Receiver, at Van couver, Wash. Ter., on Thursday, the 9th, day or August, 1SS3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof are hereby required to fllo their claims in this office within sixty (60) days irom date nereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, je9-C0d Register;