(3) ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY -.AUGUST 1, 18SS Good weather for bacon. Dan Caatello will show liere on the 11th. The tug Escort No. is towing on the Sound. Melons, both water and must are in the market F. T. Jordan returned yesterday from San Francisco. -The Idaho sails to-day with an Alaska excursion party. E. E. Chipman is prepared to do all kinds of painting, etc. See adv. Portland smoke is so thick that river steamers must signal.as in a fog. The Bonita is ofT for the icy north and a cargo of whale oil and hone. The Australian steamer which left San Francisco last Monday took 8.C00 cases salmon. The Chehalis Nugget is received; we have seen worse looking newspa persbut not much worse. -Invitations to attend the North ern PaciGc celebration in Montana on September 3d have been issued; are you going? The Gen. Milt will leave for Tillamook at six o'clock next Wednes day morning, and will return the same day. See adr. The St. Lucie with a cargo of water pipe, is now out 140 days. The Carrie Winslow from the same port, is out 141 days. The Northern Pacific Railroad will not receive for transportation liquors or wine of any kind con signed to places within Indian reser vations. The Queen arrived in yesterday morning, the Columbia sails to-day; the A. B. Field leaves Jot Tillamook this morning at six; the Milts is due from Gray's harbor this evening. To-day all unsatisfied mortgages go on the tax rolls of the several counties. Jt will be trouble for the county clerks and assessors in the state, and a bonanza for the lawyers. The camp meeting at Ocean Park began last Thursday,and closes August 0th. To-morrow the Woman's Tem perence Christian Association will hold a meeting there, and Gov. Newell will deliver an address. At the last meeting of the Portland board of trade $1,500 was subscribed to aid in dredging St. Helens bar. A committee was appointed to make suitable preparation for the demon strations of driving the last spike. In our salmon report yesterday, the pack of John West's cannery at Hungry Harbor was placed at 12,000 cases. It should have been 16,000 cases. Any other inaccuracies, if any exiBt, will be promptly corrected upon notification. The Wide West did not arrive down till a quarter past two yester day afternoon, the smoke on the river making progress a matter of difficul ty; the Fleetwood rounded to at liar dock at 2:30. A large crowd boarded the Sam and Canby immediately upon arriving, and went down to the beach. The funeral f the late Capt. Bochau took place from Masonic Hall at half past two yesterdaj' afternoon. The ceremonies were conducted by the Masonic fraternity and were at tended by a large concourse of people. The shipping in the harbor wore their flags at half mast in respect to the memory of the deceased who was widely known among shipmen. A noticeable feature in the minor details of growth is the constantly in creasing number of vehicles. The latest arrival came upon the Queen yesterday. It is a two wheeled ar rangement, is a model of comfort and neatness, and when its owner, Capt. Hustler, gets his three minute nag Prince between the shafts, he will have a turn out as good as the best. As a pointed illustration of the growing tendency of young men to earn a livelihood by means of an edu cation rather than by a trade, we de sire to call attention to the fact that a short time ago a prominent citizen of jrortiana aavercisea ior a. iaa or man to do copying for 15 a week. Ho received 500 applications, the number including doctors, lawyers, and gradu ates of high schools, but not one, so far as he could learn, who had a trade. All were of unexceptionable character, but they were disappointed profes tional men who had learned all about their bookB, but who had not learned how to use their hands, and strange to say in both these cases many of the applicants were on the verge of desti tution. Mercury. Postponed. Owinc to the creat demand for Elec trie Belts, Dr. Afitchell will remain un til Friday, August 3d. Call at Astor House, room 1G. Koscoc Dixon's new eating house will be opened to-day. Everything I5JC liWTI flttfill lin tn firat-nlocc cM'ln and his well known reputation as a ca terer assures all who like good things to eat, Ihat at his place thev can be ac- commoa&tea. Salmon. Of salmon the California Grocer awl Canncr of the 28th ult says: Columbia river Gsh are quotable for carload lots, SL25(Sl,27i f. . b. in San Francisco. The New York mar ket is very dull, and the English mar ket seems to be xn a condition more favorable to Columbia products than for a long tune past; advices from there state that the Fraser river fish of good quality have been exhausted in that market, and that the detesta ble quality of that which remains ne cessitates a return of Columbia river fish for marketable slock of uiKjnes tenable quality. The arrivals of salmon in Great Jiritain for the month ending June 30, 1883, aggregate 45, 015 cases; for same month of "S2. 38, 800 cases: for same period 'SI, 48,703; for s;x months ending June 30, 1SS3, the arrivals of salmon in Grout Ilrit ian were 424,013 cages: same period of '82, 252,98.".; and tho some period of '81 , 201,1 15. This argues either a rapidly increased and increasing con sumption of cannod salmon through out the United Kingdom, or a present orcrsupply. As our reports do not confirm the latter hypothesis, the former, by far more satisfactory one, is also the more warrantable. On the Sacramento, fish are run ning sufficiently to induce some of the canneries to keop open, and oth ers keep their doors open from force of habit or example. The rumor that there would bo no fall pack on the Sacramento river seems to be without foundation, as we are informed that no combination has been effected to that end, and packers on the river are convinced that packing will be con ducted as usual at all canneries. Great preparations are being made to catch salmon next month for salting purposes on the Sacramento river, notwithstanding the penal code makes it a misdemeanor to havo a salmon in one's possession during the month of August. Tanks capable of holding 10,000 fish are being built along the Sacramento river, and fleets of boats and barges are being made read' to engage in the business. Fish Commissioner Redd ins reported at a late meeting of the commission ers that ho had consulted with Mr. Bradford and W. T. Coloman & Co., and that they had expressed a willing ness to contribute toward a fund for the support of a detective force along the Sacramento to prevent the pro posed violation of ihe laws. A letter from Collinsville staled that to pre vent illegal fishing a detective force was an absolute necessity, as an ordi nary patrol would do no good, fisher men having openly avowed their intention of fishing uninterruptedly in season or out, and in pursuance of this intention had laid in a large stock of salt. Five detectives were ordered to be employed along the Sacramento and its tributaries. It is proposed to start a cannery at Santa Barbara for the canning of all varieties of fish taken on that portion of the coast. There is no special news from the Fraser river. It is estimated that the pack on that river will bo 75,000 cases short of last season's, this being what i3 known there as an off year. For chief engineer of the Astoria Fire department, Frank P. Hicks: At the regular meeting of Rescue Engine Company No. 2, hold at the hall of the company July 2, 18S3, Mr. Frank P. Uicks was nominated for the position of chief engineer, and wo would respectfully recommend him to the firemen of this department for such position. R. F. Phaki., C. W. Flltox. Se'cy. President. Tho wheat fleet begins to drop in; yesterday arrived the Abcrlcnmo, Connor master, 75 days from New castle, N. S. W. ; the Gnwuere, Thom son master, DC days from Sydney, and the llivcr Niih, Sheret master, 7G days from Newcastle. They are all coal laden. The Grixedalc, Mc- Lellan master, 114 days from Livcr- erpool, is outside, and will probably cross in to-day. J lie last named ves sel has a general cargo aboard, and made a very quick trip. Beautiful Wouicii are made palid and unattractivo by functional irregularities, which Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" will infallibly cure. Thousands of testi monials. By drucnists. Waiter Wauled. Apply to the Cosmopolitan Restaurant on .Mam street. Rooms to Kent. Apply at Mrs. P. J. Goodman. An Original Story. The Oregon Vldettc of August -4 tli win contain tno commencement or a snlcntlid serial storv pntiilml ."Millie's Confession; or, one "Love and Another," written by Georce 1. Wheeler oHhis city. Every one should read it. The Oregon Vidctte is published weekly, and is only one dollar per year. The cheapest weekly on the Pacific coast. anm ior iu jvuuress E. O. Noirrox & Co., Salem, Oregon FoiiikI. A bracelet; owner can have it by ap plying to 1). l MACKKXZIK. AveriH's mixed paints, the best in use, for sale at J. W. Conn,s drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. The Peruvian syrup nas cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, ete. Pamph lets free to any address. Seth W. Fowl &Soii Boston. Xew stock of Hats received-at Occident Store. the An'O'-foran!." At an editorial convention the con- J versation turned on typographical' errors. Of course every man present who had wielded a Faber for the pur pose of lifting struggling humanity into the upper strata, where the bright sun of knowledge should illume tho path, etc, had somo reminiscences about certain typographical errors. Joe Peters, of the Blowtown Bugle, finally got the floor. "Gentlemen," said he, seo this scar across my left cheek as big as a horseshoe; see this crevasKe in my nose whence a portion has been extracted; see the nynuiniug hulf inch if my right ear; examine this hand and wonder what became of ' the thumb and fourth finger; look .it ' this stiff leg. All this i the result of I getting an "o" where'an 'V ought to J be. I had occasion to report a case in Squire Field's office and the evi-. dence of one of the witnesses did not tally very well with the others. This was a big, burly man, a livery stable keeper, '.tIio might be able to get away witu oumvan. i incidentally re-i marked that tho witness wa3 a vera cious man. Well, gentlemen, wheni the Bugle came out, the intelligent compositor and equally intelligent proof-reader had got it vora cious. Tho livery stable man saw it before I did, and walked straight into tho ollice, and without speaking a word he seized me by the I hand and broke those fingers to they had to be amputated; then he jabbed ! me against the wall with force enough to knock out my front teeth, stopping to inquire whether I still thought he was voracious. Before I could an swer, he bit off a piece oft" my car, and asked if I took him for the fool who undertook to eat eighteen goose eggs in eighteen hours. Then ho slammed me against tho imposing stono and broke my leg, and mildly inquired if he looked like a man who would make a bet to assimilate a braco of quail every day for six weeks. Be fore 1 could recover from that assault he landed an iron inkstand against my jaw-bone, with the query whether anybody had told me that ho was the party who could digest a peck of raw oyster at a sitting. As a parting sa lute he bit a piece out of my nose and left. After tho doctor had gathered together what there w.n left of me and set my broken bones, I asked for a copy of the Bugle and discovered what it wa3 that had made him mid." 'Did you sue him for damages?" asked the crowd. Not at all," said Peters. "1 had got more damages than 1 wanted already."- -Oil City DerricJ:. Angling for an Acquaintance. They met by chance beside a brook. And neither knew the other, Yet each with agitation shook As though he'd found a brother. One said: '-Come home with me to dine, You'll meet some friends, no doubt." He was a wily fisherman : Hi new-found friend a trout. The consumption of salmou is fairly satisfactory, bnt holders of stocks are -showing a little more anxiety to realize. Dealers are al ready interested in the prospect of a gocd supply of this season's catch, and, although the past year has re sulted in continued los3, there is a charm in the trade which always en courages dealers to prospective profits. Tho latest quotations are 24-S Cd to 25s for Columbia river. Correspon dent Lon-lon Grocer. Tho market for preserved salmou is flat, weak and depressed, there bo- ing no demand worthy the name, no stability in price3, and scarcely any sales. Holders arc evidently over loaded with unsold imports, which ought to have been cleared oft mouths ago, and, iu their anxiety to realize their stocks of last season s fish before the new conies in, thev are ready to accept much lower prices. The deal ers and the retailers, on the other hand, refuse to be tempted into buy ing, except on pretty much their own terms, which would be nearly equiva lent to purchasing Columbia river fish at about the same rates as are asked for Fraser river kinds; and whilst the former gqpds, in the event of sales taking place, would bo quoted 243, if not less, the latter would be offering in any quantity at 22s Cd to 23s Gd por dozen tins. The London Grocer. A Sufferer from Rheumatism. 1 limped about lor years wxtn a cane, and could not bend down with out excruciating pain. Parker's Gin ger Tonic eflccted an actonishing cure and keeps me well. It is infallible. M. (Tmlfoyle, Bmghamton, x. i. Look Here! You are out a treat, and don't you for- nct it. if you miss JEFF'S Dinner every day irom r to s. soups, itsn, eignt Kinus of meat, vegetables, pies, nuddinss, cof fee, tea. wine, S. F. beer, or inilk. Din ner 2T cents. Shiloh's Couch aim Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. t That Hacking Cough can be so ouiekly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement A dressing to beautify gray hair ev ery family needs. Parker b Hair Bal sam nevor fails to satisfy. Honors Bros, nlatcd ware and Wost enholm cutlery at Jordan & Bozorth's new store.. After eating each meal take a dose of Brown's Iron Bitters. It helps di gestion, relieves the full feeling about the stomach. D.A.Mcintosh lias received a large stoclc ot r me Clothing which he special attention to. rails Latest styles in Hats at the Occi dent store. Brace up the whole system with King ui me -uioou. see Auveriiseinenu 4 Positive and AUCTI or iDry Goods, Clotliii ON Millinery, to., By S. C. SOLDEX-T, iLtTCTSOSTEER, AT Sheriff 0' Neil's Bankrupt Store, Corner Cnurotuly ami Main Ntrref. This Afternoon From 2 to 4 o'clock, and in the eveninifrom.7 to 9 o'clock.. Continuing til! STORE TO LET. SHOW Billings vs. Villard. A special to the Minneapolis Tribune datod New York, July 18th, states that rumors have reached there with in a day or two from the northwest to the effect that what is known as the Billing3 party have .succeeded iu re gaining possession ot a majority ol ttie stock of the Northern Pacific railroad company, and intend to use their power at the next annual meeting in September to retire Mr. Uenvy Vil lard from the presidency and substi tute Mr. Billings or some one io be designated by him. The statement conies from the line of the road that Vice-President Oakes, who ha&hither- to been considered the immediatu lieutenant aud confidential represen tative of President Villard, has been making wholesale removals of em ployes, including hirge numbers who were supposed to enjoy the friend ship of Mr. Villard. The action on the part of Mr. Oakes has been inter preted to mean that the days f Mr. Villard'a control aro numbered, and that the vice-president is acting in view of the coming revolution. In quiry here in New York among the few official gentlemen who remain during the dog days fall to confirm in any degree whatever the rumor al luded to. One prominent friend of Mr. Villard in Wall street declares that nothing eliort of an earthquake could interfere with that gentleman's hold upon the Northern Pacific, and that there is no more prospect of his going out of the management either this year or the next than there is of the road failing to be completed in 1883. The same party adds that Mr. Billings is entirely content with the present conduct of affairs and is not scheming for a change. I Know Whereof I Speak. For I have used it extensively. I re gard Parker's Ginger Tonic a most excellent remedy for kidney, lung and stomach disorders. It invigo rates without intoxicating. J. Fran cis, Heligio Philos. Journal, Chicago. IVoticc. -Dinner at -J EFFS"CHOP HOUSE every day at 5 o'clock. Tlie best 2.i cent meal in town; sou), usn, .seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie. nmliling. etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say .Jeff is the "BOSS. l'oralVcat Fitting; Iioot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. rll r.oods of the best make and guaran teed qualiiy. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complai it '.' Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you Sold by W.E. Dement. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy ior you. ."sold by . K. ue- ment 111 health generally comes from lack of the proper life forces in the blood. To restore tho blood to a healthy state use Brown's Iron Hit ters. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cenh?, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Prices 2.i cents. For sale by w. is. Dement. For the genuine J. 11. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best ot riiies, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp- ueu. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness ami an synipiouis oi uyspcpsia. Price 10 and 73 cents per Itotlle. Sold by W. E. Dement. Croun. Whoonkng Cough and Bron chltis immediately relieved by Shiloh's cure. ioid uy w. is. Dement. 2PR ?3 Peremptory ALE! Further Notice. CASES. ETC.. FOR SALE. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Oldest Institution of Learn Inz on the Coast. (G Students and 38 l'roressors and Instructor. i. College of Liberal Arts with four courses it. College of Medicines. Portland Or. a Woman's College, with Conservatory ol Music and Art Department. A. I'nlvorMty Academ. in which diplo mas arp given for IIisinkss Couusk and Tkaciikk's Coliisk. also for Preparatory eoiuses. A young lady's tuition and board In Wo man's College a srhool vear costs od'v S185. A young man's board anil tuition a school year costs only .SI.'O. First term begins September 4. Send for Catalogue toTHOS. VAN SCOY, President, Salem, Oregon. THE AMERICAN FLAG STILL WAVES! OVF.lt "JEFFS," And will continue to WAVE until ALL in this boasted land of Liberty are deprived of the right to EAT After i-J o'clock midnight : then he will si lently fold it up and depart for the Sacchar inal Subsequently. JEFF. VOR SALE. IN McCLURE'S ASTOHIA. LOTS e.7.3 and 9. in blk 141 ; lots D, 7. 8 aud 9, In blk 91 : lots -I and 5. iu blk 81 : lots 5 aud o la blk ol; lot 0. In blk 120 ; lots 2aud 4. in blk 117; lot ti. in blk i:t'; lot I. in blk 4: cottage house aud lot iu blk r.2 ; lot 1. m blk 11 with all the improvements. In Shively's Astoria, lots 9 and 10. In blk ."3 : lot fl. iu blk .V, ; lots r. and c. in blk 113. 7 blocks in Adair's east addition to Uppor Astoria. Lots 1 and i! in block Upper Astoria. Iu Alderbrook we have some .splendid lots, just the place for people with moderate means to build a home. We have also a 5-acre block in Hastier & Aiken's, and farm and limber land adjacent to the oil v. Spiles for Sale. We hae on hand sidles iu lengths from 25 to O) feet, anil c.ui furnish fiom one to live thousand at short no! ice, at the market price. i;ilA. 11. WILLIAMSON &uu Iteal Estale and Commission Brokers. lS-2vk Genevieve street. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer in 'izar and Tobaccos. Smokers' Articles, i'iaj ins varus, cuiicry, in tloncry. Etc. The largest and finest stock of MEER SCHAUM and AMBER COODS in the city. 'articular attention paid to orders from the country. Tiiko. BKACKEK. Manager. ChenamiLS Street, Astoria. Oregon. ,3?.IIJ035.I'lSrC3-, Cleaning Repairing. X EAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE iOVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb'a. BLACKSMITH AND Horseshoeing Establishment. I HAVE LATELY SECURED THE SER vices of a comnetent horseshoer from Il linois, and will guarantee satisfaction in that work. Cannery work and general black smithing done at reasonable rates. Shop near Kinney s cannery. JOHN FEELY. Summon. IN THE CI RPL IT COURT Or THE STATE of Oregon, for Clatsop County. Mary A. LeneHveber and C. Lelnenweb- er l'laiutifis. vs. C. (1. Class, Defendant. ToC. (!. i;iis. the above named delen daht: In the name of the State of Oregon, von are Herein required to appear ana an swer the complaint tiled aruinst you In the above entitled action, on, or oeiore luesuay. August .tn. 1ST", saui uay ueing me ursi ua of the next regular term of said Clrcui Court : aud If you fall so to appear and an swer for want tnereof the plaintiffs will take iiulmnent nxainst von for the possession of the premises ticscnuea in piainiin s com plaint : to wit the premises situate in Clat sop County, Oregon in sections twenty-five. twenty-six. inirty-nve. ami minv-six. ana known and described as the Donation Land Claim of T. P. Powers and Mary Powars his wue, saving aim excepting one nunureu ana thirty-live acres oil the west side of said Do nation Land Claim, together with the sum of fifty dollars damages for withholding pos session of said premises from plaintifts and the further sum or eighty two 50-180, the rents, issues and nrollts of said nremisas and for the csts and disbursements of ac tion. This summons is served by publication uiervtii in me ijaii.v astomax. pursuant to an order made bv the Hon. A. S. Bennett. Judge of said Court, which said order was maue on Jiav mu, tsst. F.D.WINTON. Attorney for Plalntlfls, Astoria, May 23th, 1SS3. wed FraiiiM Ms, C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. THE I V L The Leading- Dry Goods Clothing House of Astoria, T have jnst received a large consignment of Lace Curtains, and Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an inspec tion from intending purchasers, confident that for rarity and Low Prices NO SUCH VALUE HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED IN ASTORIA. Silks and Dress Goods, We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of the most elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City, AT REMARKABLE LOW PRICES. All Silk Rhadames, Drap D'Almas All Silk Poulards, Wool Surralis, All Silk Ottomans, Satin Soleils, Etc., Etc. CZiO&lKS, "We are now showing the Largest and most Eiegant Line of La dies' Cloaks and "Wraps ever brought to this City. Black Dolmans, Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp. Black Silk Dolmans, Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and Gimp. Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans. Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe. Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters. Shetland Shawls, Evening Shawls, Wool Shawls, All Sizes and Colors. CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT We are showing, without doubt, the largest, and most complete, stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys Clothing ever brought to Astoria AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Largest Stock, Finest Coods. and Lowest Prices in Astoria. C. H. COOPEK, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING, ASTORIA. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Kogers old stand, corner of I'ass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired, (lood work guaranteed. FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY IS IX TOE FIELD AND TEOPOSES TO remain. "We will take orders for luinuer from 100 to GOO 51., at the mlH or delivered. We also manufacture lath and .shingles of At quality. Flooring a Specialty . Address all orders WESTPORT MILL CO. S. C, BKNKKit, Supt. OCCIDENT STOBE. STEW GOODS! New Styles in Hats! line ClotMni and Rents' Enrnislinr Boots Received at the Occident Store. d. a. Mcintosh, The Leading TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER I f. . d d 5 a m m g .e m I 35 g H w I 1 5 IT PAYS TO TRADE ITH ME ! "WHO? FRANK ELBERSON, SeasifleBaiery & Confectionery. "VK7"JdL 2ri ? Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candies etc., furnished for Wedding parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite H. YV. flame's. Largest Stock and Finest Goods and GENTS FURNISHER Ed. D. Curtis & Co. iCarjels, llolstery UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. S. B. CROW, I PHOTOGRAPHER, I Corner Benton and Squemoqua Street?, East of the Court House. i Astoria, - Oregon. 1