en ill i NT 'tirntvinir Vol. xix. Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morniug, July 27, 1883. No. 101. AHOMAHCE.OF THE SEA. The records of our law courts are full of strange incidents, and the history of insurance has con tributed ver3r liberally to them; but no stranger storj' has ever been told than that which haa cropped up now and again with reference to the adventures of the Ferret. This was a screw-steamer which belonged to the Highland railway company, and was char tered'for a short cruise by an indi vidual named Henderson. She left Greenock on a short trip, and vrent straight for Cardiff, whence she proceeded to the Mediterra nean without any reference to the will and pleasure of her proper owners. After passing through the straits of Gibralter, she sud denly changed her appearance. Her cream-colored funnel assumed a black hue, the color of her boats was changed, her name was al tered from the Ferret to the lieu ton, and each of the crew had a slip of paper handed to him with a name and history upon it. Every seaman was ordered to as sume this name and this history, so as to be thoroughly acquainted with it, under penalty of having his brains blown out. The ship's papers were altered, and at San tos, in Brazil, where she next ap peared, she took in a cargo of 400 tons of coffee, and started for Genoa. She then eccentrically changed her course and turned up at the Cape of Good Hope under a new title, namely, the India, and with the suppositious charac ter of having cleared from Guayra, in Brazil. This marvellous vessel now suddenly appears at Mel bourne, where the cargo is sold for about 10,000, and it is with the view of getting hold of some, at least, of this money that sundry actions have recently been brought by the owners and consignees of the cargo and ship as well as by the insurers, who paid upon a to tal loss, the Ferret, of course, be ing missing. Mr. Henderson seems to have cleared about 2,000 worth by the transaction in cash, but the remainiug 8,000 were paid into the bank to meet the sundry bills which were also handed to him in part payment for the sale of the cargo of the Ferret alias the Ben ton, anu more recently known as the India. It was to attach this sum of S,000 that actions have been brought by the insurance companies and the owners and as regards 4,000 of the amount they have been successful 1 he balance is hem over to ascer tain whether the bills against which this money was deposited are held b' owners for bona fide value or not. The disposition of the money is, however, but a prosaic proceeding compared with the marvellous and kaleidoscopic changes of this vessel. It is al most incredible, that in an age when the electric telegraph practically unites all parts of the world, a Ship can enter any port in the world with false pa pers. A vessel whicli arrives, say, from Rio Janerio, must presuma- havc left that place, and it is some wnat surprising that the various lists did not supply purchasers of cargo of the India with the infor mation that no such vessel of that name had left the port of La Guayra in Brazil. It is not im probable, however, that the mere audacity of the proceeding dis armed suspicion. Here was a ship with a valuable cargo on board and with her papers apparently in order, the captain of which was prepared to hand over the said cargo to any bona fide purchaser. Hence, the contents of of the good ship India were promptly sold, and the money paid over with equal promptitude to Mr. Hender son. it is some satisfaction to learn that this talented gentlemaM, with two accomplices, is now un dergoing penal servitude in Mel bourne. The Highland Railroad company will probably be more careful in the future as to whom it lends its steam packets on hire for pleasure trips. The Flying Dutchman of ancient days was but a bungler as compared with the modern Ferret, which belong ed to that most prosaic of all un dertakings a railway company. Governor Newell returned from a tour through the Pacific coast country. He states that many new coiners are settling on new land in Pacific and Chchalis coun ties, on the river bottoms and on Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Har bor Hats, and are very much en couraged with the prospects. Oys ters of superior quality are becom ing abundant in Shoal water Bay. Commerce is largely on the in crease on the Chchalis river in lumber and general merchandise. Montesano is flourishing, new buildings arc being constantly erected, but restrained for want of mechanics and lumber. Elma is very prosperous. Fourteen new buildings are under contract, in addition to as many more recent ly completed. The new saw mill of Mr. Goodell runs with relays of hands eighteen hours a day with out intermission, with more orders lun he can fill ahead. All people look anxiously for railroad connec tion between the Harbor and the Sound. Tra nscrh . "When Rev. P. S. Knight was looking over some of his old pa pers, he ran across the first Ore gon Statesman ever printed. It was dated and postmarked Oregon City, O. T., March 2S 1351." It was published weekly at 7 a year br Asahel Bush, with the motto "No favor sways us, no fear shall awe." Rev. Knicht also found 1 among his papers a proclamation of Governor Geo. L. Curry to in - crease the army in the field by j three companies of mounted .vol- unteers expressly for service in i Southern Orejron. This procla- j mation was signed and sealed I on the 11th day of March, liJoC. Statesman. Detroit is amused b' the decis ion of a Justice respecting the meaning of a statute which de clares that all saloons shall be closed on Sunday, and that "the word 'closed' shall be construed to apply to the back door as well as to the front door." The .lustice ruled that if the door was closed, even if unlocked, then the letter and spirit of the statute were un broken. Thus, if an officer were forced to turn the knob and use a little exertion in opening the door, the dealer was on the safe side of the law. "How delightful the country air j is this morning,' remarked Miss i Fitzjoy, as she stopped to the threshhold and looked toward the : rising sun. "1 should like to live ' here always." "Well, 1 guess Josh won't object," said farme Tuim. ., ,l,r Is no! a "cwirnl," it Is a blood-purifier and liobmson, with a sly wink. And "tonic. Impurity of the blood poisons thesvs rr.l, t....l ..-r..,,,,! ii, ! teni, deranges tlie circulation, and tints in- then Josh scud around the corner duCKI m:m. disorders, known bv different f fV. lim.cn onrl l,nm trnlK.wr nl of the house and began yelling at the cows, and Miss Fitzjoy started inside to take down her crimps so as to look as pretty :is possible by breakfast time. The New York Sun has invent ed a new war cry, viz: "Turn the rascals out." The Commercial Advertiser moves to amend by naming the rascals who are to be turned out, and also the patriots who are to be put into their places. Mr. Dana's paper has not yet complied, and probably thinks that to do so would take all the snap out of the thing. "Mine is a romarkable case," says Postmaster J. E. Bonsai 1 of Liverpool, Pa. "At 15 years of age, I was seized with a fear ful attack of rheumatism which lasted for twenty-five weeks, re sisted medical treatment until my physician said I would never get well, and finally left me with my system liable to frequent recurring! attacks, in the winter oi lor.i-ou, I was so used up with rheumatism that I could scarcely walk from my house to my office. "When I was worst, I happened to hear of that wonderful substance St. Ja cobs Oil. 1 obtained a supply, used the article as directed, and was entirely cured. Its action in my case was almost miraculous, as I am now perfectly free from rheumatism after being afflicted with it for thirty-four years'." The Fires. In a conversation with one of the largest loggers on the Sound, the Transcript is considerably en lightened in regard to the true in wardness of forest fires. It is a common thing for farmers to set fires in the most reckless manner, ostensibly for legitimate land clearing. It has been ascertained that some of the most mischievous fires this season, involving the de struction of property which can only be estimated by thousands of dollars, have spread from insignifi cant fires kindled by ranchmen for the purpose of clearing a po tato patch, measuring a few square rods, to rid themselves of a troub lesome brush-heap, or' to reduce a small slashing, the whole value of which, many times duplicated, would not pay a tenth part of the loss incurred by some adjoining logging camp into which such fires had carelessly been suffered to run. There is a law imposing a severe penalty for willfully or carelesslly setting fires in the woods during the dry season. It is a poor com fort, however, after a farmer's crops or a logger's timber have been destroyed to the amount of a year's earnings, to find that the dire conllagration started from the log-heap of some rancher, who owns nothing but a cabin and a pair of blankets, or perhaps from the camp fire of an irresponsible tramp. Absolutely Pure. This powder inner varies. A man-el o purity. Mrenjith and wicnVsomeness. More econoink'Hl tliau the ordinary kinds, and cannot lH'.dd in competition with the mul titude of low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlu in can. Itov- .VI. I.AKINi. 1 OVVDKK VO., 1CW Wall-M. . . I King of the Blood ; "allies HI UlStlURUlM! tllCm according to V, fects butbeimr rcallv branches or imzise.s ISiooiI. Such are Dutnavla. MlUmigne. inai great generic uisoruer, impurity or Lirzr Canwlatnt. Coimttnatlon. Xcrnnt DU- onler, Headache, Backache, General W'eak . Heart Dixcae, Dropsy. Kidney Ditcai, Pilot, lthciunatim. Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin DhuirdcrK, Pimple. Ulcer. 'Sicclllngs, dr.. vr. jtvuis: oi me siooa preronis and cures these bv attacking the cause. Inmuritv ofthc blood. Chemists and physicians agree in calling It "the most genuine and effluent preparation for the purjKse." Sold by Drug gists, SI per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions. &,, in iHunpldct, "Treatise on Diseases oi hip ihoou." wrapped aroima eacn bottle. I). RANSOM. SOX & Co.. Props Buffalo. N. Y. Summons. T.N THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE J of Oregon, for Clatsop Count v. 0. V. Day plaintiff, vs. Jane "X. Day de- ii-iiuaiu. To the above named non -res! dent defend ant, Jane X. Day. In the name of the State oi Oregon you are required to apjear and answer the complaint of the above named piamtia nieu against you in the above enti tled couit and suit on or before the first dnv the 7th day of August, 1K83, and if you fall so to appear and answer said complaint the plain tin" will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed lor, which in substance Ls, a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaln- iii anu ueicnuani. anu inai inc care ami custody of the minor child be awarded to plaintiff. This summons Ls published by virtue of an order made by Ills Honor A.S. Bennett, Judge of said court at chambers, on inc j iii uuy i dime, it. f W TTITT.TYW IScKt Attorney for PJainlfa, 20 BOATS CANNERY SITE FOR SALE. THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS A. P. CO.'S Net Hacks, ndioinin" Fort Guitar, fsu foot boats, good for Raker's Bav or up river iisiiui ; n nia racKs complete ; ironinge SW feet running to deep water; one block on shore with mess house. Tills Is the most convenient place for salmon nets, traps and seines and decidedly the best location on the Columbia river for a salmon cannery.. Will sell for cash or will take stock with satisfactory tisuermen's racking Co. BOZORTH S: JOHNS. lttY HPf! p; , JFOTt RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No reparation on earth eqcals Sr. Jacoej Oil us a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entails bnt the croparaUTelj' trifling outlay of oO Cents, and crery one suffer ing with pain can have cheap and ponitive proof of iu claim. Directions In Eleven Language. BOLD BY ALL BE UG GIST3 ANDDEALEH3 IH MEDICINE. A. VOGELBR &, CO., Haltimors,2id., V. h. A. Did you ever think what you would do if you bad Vatiderbilt's income? -Yorristo icn Jicgistcr. "Well, no; but we have often wondered what Vanderhilt would do if he had our income. Pliila delphia JFcics. MOTHERS,. READ. Gknts: Altout nine years ago I IiikI a child two years old mid almost demi. The doctor I liad attending lier could not tell what ailed her. 1 nsked him if lie did not think it was worms. lie said oo. How ever, this did not satisfy mo, ns 1 Ml i-on-vinced in my own mind that she hud. I oMalnod a bottle of PIS. C. Mi-HANK'S CEr.EimATKOVKIiMIFUGKiKenuine). I gave ',or a tenspoonfnl in the mornim; andntiotheratiiIghtlnftenrl!ichsheiMtsed seventy-two worms and was u well child. Since then I hnvo nevorl)eeii without it In my family. The health of my children remained so good that I had neglccti-d watching their actions until alnrnt thnt weeks ago, when two of them prcMited the .same sickly appearance that Fanny did nine years ago. Bo I thought it must be worms, and went to -work at mice with a iMittlo of I. C. McLANK'S VKK3II Yt (IK between four of my children, their af.es being ns follows: Alice. S years; Char ley, t years; Emma, C years; John, ft years. Now comes the result : Alice and Emma c-uneoutall rlght.but Charley ims.ed foity live and Johnny about sixty worms. The result was tut gratifying that I spent two days in showing the wonderful effect of your Vermifuge around I'ticn. and now have the worms on exhibition in my store. Yours truly, JOHN 1'11'KIt. The genuine 1K. C McLAXirs V1JK. MIl't'CK is manufactured only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ihir the signatures of C. 3Ic-r.nuo and ricntiiig Itros. It is never made in si. Imis or heeling. !! Mire you get the genuine. Price, cent ixnuo, t'LKMIMft iJKOS., J'ittelmrgli, Pa. A.M. Johiison&Co. DEALERS IN droceriesiCroGtej A FULL LINE OF Artists' Materials. WBI. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLAfllffG MILL. A full stock of home manufactured jroods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work puarauteed. Your patronage .so licited. ASTORIA. --- - Oregon. Changed Hands. milE BAKERY ON CIIEXAMUSSTF.EET, JL fonnprlv owned hv Clio. Carow. has been bought by Chas Eberle. who will here- after conduct it Good Bread a Specialty. The public trade solicited. iR-'i 2LS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, A.AJSMELiIi, Manager. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. AM. MODKKX I M PUO VE3IEXTS. HOT ASD COI.I BATHS. None But White Help Employed. fiWKKi: COACH TO THE HODSE.-S IT TS A PACT -T1IAT- JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE O.N Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT II- Jms A!iru on Ilund FRESH S'lioal "Water Bay ami East ern Oj'sicre. THAT JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He has brcn Proprietor of the "Aurora Hotel' In Knapptou bctch years. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, CHKXAMUS STREET, ASTOP.fA. mnE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED! TO jl announce to ttie punuc tnat ne nas op ened a FIKST CLASS 355ttiTigr TTouse , And furnishes in first-class style OYSTERS. HOT COFFEE TEA, ETC AT THK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHKNAMUS STREET. Please give nie a call. ROSCOli DIXON, Proprietor PI05TEER RESTATJBANT AND LODGING HOUSE. Refitted throughout : theSTahle supplied with the 1kM : the beds clean and comfort able. A First rela.ss House. Hoard by the week. $3.00 .Meals to onier. .T. (I. ROSS, Proprietor. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. niealH ;. cents and upwards i:ouiiAiti, MAI.V STKEKT. Proprietor. - ASTORIA. NEYTLLE & 00. Pacific Net and Twine Co. Sax Francisco, April llth, 18S3. 1)i:ar Sirs; For general convenience. we have sent a supply of ISo. 30, 12 ply Coiuiliio Scotcli Snlmou IVct Twine, to the eare of A. M. JOHNSON it CO- Astorin. which will be sold at low eno'.ih figures to make it an object for all net menders to use it for repairs, in plnec ofthe more costly No. 40, 12- Fishermen who have heretofore nsed this grade of twine for repairs- claim that the durability of the patch is equal to the balance of the net, after the latter has had a few weeks use. We think it will he money in your pocket to try it. For prices and samples apply to A.3I..TOHNSON&CO., Astoria N,r"!P.,;:.fts' !-San Francisco. lit WVUIIUIIIl4l 1 Barbour's Ko. 40 12-Ply SALMON TWINE 1 COM Mil LEAD LINES, SEJNE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5f 1 market Street, 8au Francisco Sob Ammtsfor the Pacific Coast Hardware anfl Ship Clailerj. A. VAN DUSEH & CO.. DF-ALEII-S IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, cte. WILLIAM HO WEI -DEALER Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of OAK LUMBER, i GLASS, Boat Material, Etc. ! Boats of an Kinds Made to Order, j a tS'-Orders from a distance promptly attended S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREG0N The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH ' shopI AND Boiler Shop Ail kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bextox Stbekt, Near Parkkk House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAD aiaiABlE EMMS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. "Wass, Prosedent. .1. G. IIustlek, Secretary. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Joux Fox.Suporlntendent. (SUOCESSOE TO PAGE & ALL EX.) Wholesale and retail dealer Id Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobacco.Gigars LOEB & CO., JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. E55A11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. le 0. B. & 1 Co. Will Transact their Business at the MAIN STREET WHARF. Which has been Leased, Until Further Notice- E. A. N0YES. Agent, Uf- AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. to, and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases BUSINESS CARDS. Q TV. FULTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5 and fi. Odd Fellows Building. Jg C. 1IOLDEX,, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. JAY TUTTJjE, 31. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms l, 2, and 3. Pythian Bnlld Ing. Residkxcf. Over J. E. Thomas Drug Store. Q.EI.O V. I'AilKKK. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, and City of Astoria Ottlce : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. p. mess, PEN.TIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms In Allen's buildinc an stairs, corner of Cass and Sqemocqhe stret . J q. A. ISO WRITS'. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ChenamusS:treet, - - ASTORIA, OREGON J .1. JOXES, STAIR liUILDKIJ. Ship and Steamboat Joiner, JQK. J. K. IiaFOROE, 1EXTIST, Room li. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Or. (ixls administered for painless extraction of teeth. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. 1AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING well known and commodious steamship lues, STATE LINE, RED STAR, WHITE STAR. HAMBURG-AMERICAN, DOMINION LTNE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For full information as to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to I. VT. CASE. BOZOKTH & JOHNS. Real Estate and General Insurance Agents. ASTOltIA, --- Oregon. WE WRITE POLICIES IN 0TIE WEST om. State Investment, Hamburg; Bre men and North German Fire Insurance Com panies, and represent the Travellers' T.if and Accident of Hartford, and the New York Life, of N. Y. We have tho only complete set of township maps in the county, and nave madearrange nieuLs to receive applications, filings, and llnal proofs on Homesteads, Preemptions, Timber Lands, etc.. having all the official blanks therefor. Our maps can be exam ined in the olllce, upon the payment of a reasonable fee. We also have for sale city property in As toria and additions, and farms and tide land property. Rents, and other collections made, and loans negotiated. BOZORTH & .IOHNS, &EAM GLEARMCE SALE! to make room for moro Hardware anu SM A. VAN DUSEH & GO. Will sell at cost their entire stock or HATS AND GAPS! AXD BOOTS AND SHOES. These goods must be disposed of as we are soon to receive another large lot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And must have room to store it. THE LATEST STYLES WALL 'PAPER AT B. S. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. HFMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be tound coavealent to my patroaa.