(4) 3. ASTORIA, OKEGCVf." SUNDAY JULY 8.1RS3 GOMMEfiCE AHD1TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. ARRIVALS FROM SKA. QMn of tho Pacific. s.S T Jn'y7 VESSELS IX THE RIVER. Cheftebrough. Am sp Harry Morne. Aia sp Imperial, Am sp O fi Hulbert. Am EcyM T. C'rotreU. Highland Licht, Aia.sp "orsica. Am sh Knxpor, Am sp Indiana. Am ep. Western Eelle. Amjp Ooloma. VESSELS OA' THE WA Y. From Fvrisn Port, for lb e C'oluinliln Itlver Abtrlrinno, Br bk Newcastle Bbotan, Br ftp Liverpool May 12 Chaca. Br bfc l.irorpool March & Cairnsmora, Brsp London AprH Vt Fir jy Cross, Br sp Sidney Glenberrie, Br bk Liverpool Oji 2J (Jrisedale. Brsp Liverpool Harry Bailey. Br bk Bucnox A tit a Incbcroen, Br up I(W1 G recnoci. June 2 Ironside, Br lit Greenock May 19 Kapnnda, Br sp London April 7 Lake Krie, Br so London April 29 Mad ran, Br etr HoDckong Mallfcate, Br bk Liverpool May 21 Nairnshire? Br sp Glasgow March 2i Oberon. Br bk Hull Juno 33 Ubcron, Brsp London June It) Scottish Tar, Br bk Liverpool. Maroh U Bhenir, Br bk Newcastle WiRtonshlre. Br bk Bremen March 19 From American Iort. C'arrie Winslow. Am bk N Y March IS JU Washington, Am sp New York April 1 fl irt W Watts, Am bk New ork May 12 Olive S. Southard. Am t-h, Phila. "eb VI Rod Cross. Am sp N Y March 12 St, Lucie, ep Now York March II Sovereign of the Seas, Am sp New YorV June ! Tillie E Starbuck, Am sp N Y June 23 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables or United Slates Coast Sutrey High Water. 1 Low Water. Date. a. x. P. M. G. 8.""Z 10 11 u 13 H 15....... 1 IS. 1 57 2 35 3 23 4 17 r 12 02....... 7 1.1 8 15 !! 2 47. 3 2I...... 3 rl 4 1G. 4 4S...... r. :i C liU...... 7 111 , 8 051. K 51.... , 8 4C . II 20 . 9 r.i .10 15..... .10 45 .11 20 . 0 20 .. 1 17 .. 2 15.. .. - 3 17..... 8 23 .... 9 01 !1 47 ..10 33 .11 20 0 04 0 m 1 oO 2 40 Columbia River .Exports. SniPMENTS FOKEION. RECAPITULATION JANUARY 'S3. 204.878 bus. wheat . .. s 3o.310 66,357 bbls flour. 257,170 Total, 8 cargoes...... 5 503.4SC RECAPITULATION FEBRUARY. Wheat. 1C0.905 bus., value S 179.198 Flour, 29,490 bbls., " 144,410 Total, EcarcQes S 323,091 RECArrrULATION, MARCH. Wheat 1197.524 bushels) 210.750 Flour(68.141 bbls)........ .S3H,107 Salmon (2C0G rasts). ...... ... 13,050 Lumber (000 M ).. g,900 Total (8 cargoes) $890,311 RECAPITULATION APRIL. Flour, 21,850 bbls ... .S135.554 Lumber, :.7f M 40.000 Total, 3 cargoes . . " : MAY. 9 To Liverpool per Saranac. From Portland 49.242 bus wheat " " 3,")2l)bls Hour " '" " 1 cs indie. 5180,551 ,...559.0!X; 17.881 Total $77,002 JUNE. 29 To Liverpool per Uucvalc. From Portland 994 obis Hour 4,970 " Astoria 37,793 cs salmon 1SS.905 Total.. M $193,935 JULV. 6 To Liverpool per Ullock. From Portland 1.534 bbls Hour S 7.073 " Astoria 32,850 cs salmon 101,250 Total. .S17U23 Common Council. Regular meetings second and fourth Tues day ventngs of each month, at IVt o'clock "Porsons desiring to have matters acted apon by tho Council. .at any regular meeting must present the satire to tho Auditor ana Clerk on or before tiro Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which tho Council holds its regular mootings. TI10S. S. .1 UV h.TT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Lodge No. 40. 1. O. G.I. Regular Meeting. every Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Astoria. Mem bers of the Order, in cood standine. are inviL cd'to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday of each month. lly order W. C. T. Temple Lodge, No. 7 A.F.A.M. Kegulnr Communications first and third Tuesdays in each month, atT'J o c:ock. t. M.. at the itail in Astoria. Members of the Order, in good standing, are invited to attend. Ilv orde: of the W. M. American Legion of Honor. Regular meeting ot Astoria Council No. 995, 1 held on the first and third Saturday ot each mouth, at 7 o'clock r. m. By order of Council Commander. It. V Montkith, Sec'ty. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. TVand office at Vancouver, w. t., JUL May 15, 1SS3. . Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878. entitled "an act for the sale of timber Jands in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." (lustav Kopplin, of Multnomah Count jv Oregon, has this day filed in this office flis'nppllcation to purchase the north east of section 18. township 9 north, or range 0 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony In tire above case will be takeh before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash.Ter., on Monday, the 3uth day of July, 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any .portion thereof, are hereby reouired to fife tlteir claims in this office within sixty (GO) davs from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING. Register. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresli and Cured Meats, "7"o geta"bles, FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, C II KX A3IU.S Street, Astoria. Oc J:, K. D. GRAY, -Wholesale aud retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED, Kay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME) -SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terras. Foot of Benton street, Astoria Oregon. PLAIN TRUTHS The blood is the foundation of life, it circulates through every part of the body, and unless it is pure and rich, good health is impossible. If disease has entered the system the" only ture and quick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. Thesd simpls facts sre well known, and the MghMt medical authoridM sgrse that miking but iron will restore the blood to its natural condition; and also that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head ache, and are otherwise injurious. Brown's Iron Bitters will thor oughly and quickly assimilate with the blood, purifying and strengthen ing it, and thus drive disease from any part of the system, and it will not blacken the teeth, cause head ache or constipation, and is posi tively not injurious. Saved his Child. 27 N. EuUw SC, EJtinore. Md. Feb. xs, iBSo. Gents: Upon the recommenda tion of a fnend I tried Brown'j Iron Brrxxas as a. tonic and re storatire for zny daughter, whom I was thoroughly convinced was wasting away with Consumption. Having lost three daughters by the terrible disease, tinder the care of eminent physicians, I was loth to believe that anything could arrest the progress cf the disease, but, to zny great surprise, before toy daugh ter had taken cne bottle of Known Ikon Brrrzas. she began to xnead and now is quite restored to former health. A fifth daughter began to how signs of Consumption, and when the physician was consulted lie quickly said "Tonics werere- Suired;" and when Informed that le elder sister was taking Brown's Iron Brrrzas, responded "that is a good tonic, take it." Adorax Fuclts. Browk'sTion-Bitters effectual ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weakness, and renders the greatest relief andbenefitto persons suffering from such wasting diseases as Con sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc. MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned "Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGS, BUTTER. CITEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POULTRY AIT 3AJIF In tho season. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Best or "WINES AND XIlUORS. All cheap for CAS II. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite L W. Case's store. J. KODGERS. Washington Market, Main Mrcct, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN & BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTUN tion ofthe public to tho fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention (dvon to supplj nc shies. LOOK HERE ! We respectfully inform the public that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Presh and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Crockerv and Glass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup plied on liberal terms. A share of the public patronage Is respect fully solicited. dtf. "WARREN & THOMPSON. I A. BL IC E K. ' S HAIR BALSAM. S- "ivj-vN This elegant drc&wis is prcferVed by thoie who hare used it, to xny similar article, on ac coust cf its superior 'cleanliness and purity. It contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp and hair and .J ways Restores the Youtbfal Color to Grey or Faded Hair P.trker s Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re move dandrulfaiiJUdiinj. Iltscox : Co.. N.Y. SCc d J l iket, at inlen la drap ud cwJicIncc PARKER'S NGER TONIC A Superlative Health ai StreBft Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farm it, worn out wit!) overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try Parker's Gincer Tonic. 1 f j-ou are a laryer, minister or business man ex haust ed by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxieatingsdmulants,butuse Parker's Ginger Tonic Ifvou hare Consumption, Dyspepsia,- Kheuma ism, Kidney-Complaints, cr any disorder ofthe lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerrespACKBs's Ginger Tonic will cure you. Itis the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Swtst (togfe Cere Ever tkei. If you are wasting away bom age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take Ginger Tonic at once ; it will invigorate and build vou up from the first dose but will sever intoxicate! It lias saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION ! iliiiibfUiaUi.ru-xtr'iGirictTTcnicIf ernijo J of the bnt remedial afto U In thi world, and it ttUrrty d:!7rrrnt from r-rrtnlioni of iriartr alan. Sad fcr dresUr to UUrex & Cn., K. Y. McA 1 tUfijatdralmiadrcjv. cr.UAT SAVING BCTtNC DOLLAIt SIZE. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing like It. Insist upon having Flokes ton Cologkz and look for signature of . on rrrry bottk. Anr drscpirt or dealer in pcrfamcry can tspplv va. Si and l cent tlzr. l.AHfiE SAVING Bt'TING tSc SIZE. A 2"asal Injector free with each bottle of -Shlloh's Catarrh Beraedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement A Fearless and Truthful Judge. I ouce heard this anecdote of Judge Parsons, the great Massa chusetts advocate and lawyer. It is said that being about to try a mercantile case he ordered a jury to be summoned, and among the names was "that of Colonel Thomas H. Perkins, the leading merchant of Boston, in that day, and a per sonal friend of Judge Parsons. When tho officer made his return he laid down a fiftv dollar bill be fore Judge Parsons. -What is that?5' said Parsons, j "Col. Perkins says is very busy indeed to-day and iivFtra to pay'his fine." "Take that back to Uoi.P.Tkins." said the Judge, "and tell liiui to com; here at oner; and if he re fuses, bring him by force." When Col. Perkins nppeard, the Judge looked sternly at him, and said: '"What do von mean, sir, by sending money "when you were summoned to sit on this jury?" Col. Perkins replied: .;M meant no disrespect to the court, your Honor but 1 was extremely busy fitting out a ship for the E::t in dies, and I thought if 1 paid my j fine I might be excused." "Fitting out a ship for the East Indies, sir!" shouted the Judge; "and how happens it that you are able to fit out a ship for the East Indies?" 'Your Honor, I do not under stand you." "I repeat, then, my question: How is it that you arc able to fit out a ship for the East Indies? f you "do not know, I will tell you. It is because the laws of your country are properly administered. If they were not, you would have no ships. Take your seat, sir, with the jury." A lady supposed to be about ninety years of age, residing- in the western portion of Chiiton county, Ala., and who is the mother of thirteen children, has recently passed through another period of dentition, and has now a full set of fresh, natural teeth. The New York Herald is in clined to belive the startling state ment made by Dr. Talmago on Sunday week that there are two hundred and fifty thousand per sons in the two cities of New York and Brooklyn who receive charitable assistance. There are 80,000,000 acres of unsurveyed land in Montana, and numerous sections will have to be resurveyed, owing to the imper fect, worthless character of the work done. Mr. Geo. L. Chalmers, of Ban gor, Me., says: "I suffered so verely with acute rheumatism of the knee, and was unable to bear any weight on my foot. Having heard of the wonderful influence oi St. Jacobs Oil, I used it, and a few applications of the oil com pletely removed all soreness and pains, and enabled me to use my knee as well as ever." IVolice. Dinner at "J EFF'S"CIIOP HOUSE every day at 5 o'clock. The best 2f cent meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A glass of S. F. Iieer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jell is the "BOSS." For a Neat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Clie iiiutius street, next door to 1. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Important .Notice to JFlHherrucu and Others. "JEFF," of the CHOP HOUSE, will give you the BEST 2j-cent meal in town for cash. Board by the week ST., in ad vance. Meals at anj' hour, dav or night. AverilPs mixed paints, the best in use. for sale at J. AW Conu,s drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. .Notice or Application to Purchase Timber -Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T.. Alay 10. itssn. Notice Is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the Act ot Congress approved June a. 1878, entitled "Aiiaet for the sale of timber- lands in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." Henry Obner, of Multnomah County. Oregon, has this day filed in this office tils application to purchase the east 4 of southwest H and lots a and 4 of section is, township 9 notrh, of range 5 west of the Wil lamette Meridian. Testimony In the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ten. on Saturday, the 2Sth dav of July, lSKt. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv liortion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (CO) days from date hereof. J FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice or Application to rnrchasc Timber Laudn. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T.. May 15. ISO. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provision- of the Act of Congress approved Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." Richard Spencer, of Multnomah County. Oregon, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the north east i of -section 10. township 9 north, of range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony iu the above case will be taken berore the Register and Recelverat Vancou ver. Wash. Ter,, on Saturday, the 2Sth day ofJuly,lS83. J Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv portion thereor. are hereby required to file their claims In this office within sixtv (Co) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Registe,. INE OF THE GLDEST AND K0ST P.ELIASL1 REMEDIES IK THE WORLD fCl THE CURE 0? C0UgllS, ColdS, HoarseiieSS. Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, whooping Cough, Croup, and Every offectiou of tho TUDflfiT H13UPP awn frrT niliUrtl, LUISUO mU uflLwi... lncluditiir CONSUIWPTBCr A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICInH V.'KITC-: "It does cot dry cp a coc-h, rj J L a c t' . c fcchiad, at Is the case with most prtpr-tK i. tirni It, deaasei the lungs and aibi in.-i. i ."..us rtajoving the c&mc-of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by attKlw I.-, ng similar naas. Be sure you get D. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, rith the signature of" I. BUTTS" ca tlier-Mf-pc. 50 Cent and SI. OO n ttottle. Pirparcd by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, ,aa. M-iis. Said v dmcons aod desWs ctnrriB" NO USE FOR THEM. t'ourernlntr f'ertaln Itvlii's r the I'ast Doss that itav- h:ti! tht'lr l.ty. (leorce Stophen.n's "Kneket." al the limirnifiront InoAtnntSrMi iT liilm- un lmilt uton the nic rennml nrln..;,..! vi t ,., ..,-1 chine with which the great encineor .-lon- i ishctl his age, is intcroitins now only : an H-; lustration of tbo beginning of tho invention. There wcro idasters with hole? in them Kwr j before BENSON'S CAl'CIXE l'OUOl'S : l'LASTFU surprised botli the tmbliesH.l the! Dhryiclans : nml tho triumnh of tho Cnnrine 1 ij-foundedunon tho partiat sucevsc. or the i utter failures of its predocefiory. Eventhinc' of vnluo in tho old rorous ila?ioris rotaiiiLsl inthoCnM:ine;hutntthis,H,tntalleoi,.ri-; son ends, and contrast bejio?. 1 r example: Tl.e old Masters were slow in their notion; VX, . ; 1 . . : V . i. a nc oiu piasters lacked the imwor t slight. trt.n,,nr- relief nont; the Capcinc ine-! moro than to impart in cases easy of treatment iroicsuie system anu ren.ianenuy cure me trouble fer which it ii recommended Tho old plasters depended fur any good re sults they might attain, upon an accident of their makers and the naked faith of their wearers; Uio Benson's reaches its ends by mean? of tbo scientific combination of tho rare medicinal ingredients which iti contains. In brieL tho old plasters, like bteplienMin's discarded engine, arc switched off tho track, whilo tho Benfon's goes on its way winning golden opinions from all sorts of people. Yet in this very fact lies the leading danger to thv pcoplo who buy and use this reliable and scientific remedy. "Hypocrisy i? the tribute vice pays to virtue.'' Imitation is the concession failuro makes to success. Benson's Planers aro parodied in name and style. Beware of swindles. The genuine have tho word CAPCIXE cut in the center. Price 25 cents. Seabiiry .t Johnson, ChomitsNow York. Notico of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER W. T.. JIay2S)tii, 1SSJ. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June a, lSTs, entitled "An net for the sale or Timber. Lands iu the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and iu Wash ington Territory,' George Smaldoon, of Multnomah County, Oregon, has this day tiled in this oflice his application to purchase' the Miuthcast li of Section 12. Township 9 : ii ii i ii. in nuugc hoi in nit- iiiniuriii Meridian. i Testimony in the above ease w ill lie taken j before th Register and Receiver at an 1 couvcr. Wash. Ter., on Tnesdav, the llth I day of August, iss:. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lauds or anv portion . thereof, are hereby reouired to ille their ; claims in this office wit bin sixtv tun davs trom date nrreor. FRED. V.'. SPARLING. jelo-COd Register. Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council ofthe city of Astoria, in Clatso) county, State of Oregon, propose to order tiie improvement and repair of that portion of Water .street from the west side of West Gtii street to the west end of said Water street, all in that iiortion of said citv which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively; the sameshall be repaired ami improved to its full width, by piling, capping and planking all that portion thereof not now piled and planked, ami by removing all defective piling, r-'p-nng, planking and timbers now tlier: m and unfit for further use. and rep!:e ing the same with new and .sound pil ing, capping, planking and limbers. ai:.i by building side walks on each side thereof twelve feet wide, where side walks arc not now constructed, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property adjacent to said part of Water street, be filed with the Auditor and Clerk oi said city within ten days from the date of the final publication of this notice, namely: On or before the 21st day of July, 18S3, said repairs and improve ment will he made. By order ofthe" Common Council of said citv. T. S.JEW ETT. Auditor ami Clerk. By I.. E. Sklio, Deputy. Astoria. June 2S. 18S3.-23-10t . HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OKEGON THIS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready foi the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation i anv desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, even patient Is free to and has the privilege ot employing any physician they prefer. United States marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cits torn House. Sistkils or Cn AKIT I. "W. CASE, LMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenaraus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - - OREGON SHIPPES'G NOTICES. 1 Columbia Transoortaiion Co J FOR PORTLAND, (.FAST TIME.) The popular steamer FLEETWOOD, Whirh has bvn refitted for the ttwnJwt otit jwnTcrf wilt leave Wilo ami FHher ;it every i ., . . , . . - Hednesdey and rrtdny or 0 1 A.M. ttrrivimg at Porttamt at 1 P. X. j Memmi tear r.wthu-: wcrj iTuenus and Th,! at s a. m. . " Anitung at Asiorin ml 1 P. M. An :utut;hi:: trip be mad on Sunditv of Hack Week, !"t in-.: ltt:i-l M tl rt'PKtel; PaMrnitvla route eonwel at Kjlatua ' ft HHtmt iH. it. St.hCHl. l'rnBHlBt. iSlenmcr "Quicksicj?." W II. liiIfcX. - - MASTKi; Is iratly for 4Krtr. 1 frcJgh. lowagf. or exraisiott irti. Can 1m ftHtml at (.vaeman' iltwk. Kr fHtiher artiilas vvt t Ws. T. t'Ol.liUAX S C'-i AK-n'j. Astoria and Fortlaun, F. II Si! K KM A.N. - MASTEi: f Will Hiakc rt-rntlar trii to lVHtUmd asd ."t!rh. traviut: !'.rH"Us dwk, foot of Mr-' 10 :t -ir-;-t, tVrt'aml. at a.m. Satunlnv-. , Awt will Iravr WiliUHt & FWMr lrk. Actinia, at r. a. . ThuriMys. ftflHi vjtnU'tl at rtaswabV raifs. FlELfC." WlLLJIAlCKTRirSAS FOLLOW? : To VpUNOS III V!:K. MmMays. Wertilas aitd Salttrtiavs SMH-iaI tris as tvtiiirvl. Will teavf YUm & VWu-rs wharr at S oVJoek sharp, each morning. I UWISf;. IIAAVKX. I xt Asria. .MaMi-r. . "D PP. TIT AT) 01? AM P A PYW I ilia II UUiUl OliJillli iilbJlili.' BaJSy." ant! Bange. . , Wj IeHV(, Atwhu mm Qny.s ,)K.,; I ForOlney. and Head of Ymmas River. tt..fti,..M..,iii..i..fv .t.;...,- JJfe ? A" M" eXCC"t ItetuniiiKtsamedav, For I-tiidin-s on Lewis & Clark's River. On Ylfdncsilnys, n S .1. .11., Returning same day. iHTFnr Freight or Passage. apHy on lnio.nl. or at Gray 's IJock, where Freight will 1 re ceived and stored, if necessary- J. II. D. GRAY. Timbor Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. W.' T.. May 21th. 1SSJ. Notice is hereby given that in coHipiiaiuv with the provisions of the act of Concrets annroved June 3. 1S7S. entitled "An n't for the n!c of Timber Iuuls in the States of i'.ii;r,.n.;.i tww...i .....i ,. ir.... ington Territory." Nicholas I Vhn. or Mult -1 n.miah countyOregon, has this day liled in this office his appflcatioii to purchase tlve north-east of section 12. Township D north of Range G West, of the Willamette .leridian Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Register amk. Receiver, at Vaii-j couver. ash. Ter. on Thursday, the IHh day of August, 16S3. . . . .SfS"?,1 S?ilUl'f.,ii,S,I to the above described lands or anv portion t thereof, aro hereby required to ille their claims m this office within sixtv (uo) davs I from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, JeO-COd Register. Notice of Application to Pnrrhase Timber JiandH. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER W.T. May 24th. 18S3. Notice Is hereby given that in comirtianeo with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June S. 1S7S, entitled "An Act for thesaleof Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash- I ingt on Territory," Harry Reck of Mult noinah County, Oregon, has this day filed in this office hisaiinlicatbiu to mm-hax' the South East l. of Section S, Township Sii Merldfanf.1ansc5 f tl,c w,,,,,Ht,"c Testlmonv in the above case will be taKrn before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver, Wash. Ten, on Thursdav, the wh, day or AuBtist. iss:t. Any and all persons having adverse claims to tlie above descrilied lands, or any portion thereof are hereby required to tlteir claims In this office within sixty (tioi day trom date nereof. n:ED. W. SPARLING, Jc0-Kl RegiMer. BILL'S VARIETIES.! GEO. HILL. -WALTER PARKS, - PROPRIETOR STAGE MANAGE!: Engagement of MISS SUSIE LEE, Song and Dance Artist. MISS MARY MOULTON. Character Actress and Rccltntiojtes. MISS FANNIE WALTON. Songstress. P.ACY WEST, Tlie Child Wonder. MR. HENRY WEST. Ethiopian Comedian. WALTER PARKS, Comedian. CIIAS. HARROWS. Actor. Together with a new Under tho management of PROF. CILVELES RICKAEDS. All the Old ravorites Retained. 1 i ; lamctte ..lenuian. Open all the Year Performance Every Testimony iu tne above ease will be taken Night Entire Chance of Programme. j Iterore the Register and Receiver at Yancou Evcry Night, Comprising ver, Wttsh. T-r.. on Monday, the .Kh day of SOHCS, DANCES AMD ACTS. ' Anv and all iisrsous havimr adverse claims We t-rivc the Best Variety Entertainment Ia the Vest. Tlie theatre is crowded nightly, and all ; who have witnessed the entertainment pro- nouiice It to be eo-,al to any given elsewhere. Mr. nut as :. caterer tor tne pinnies nitsement can nut be excelled. Anvbodv i amusement can not be excelled wishing to sjcnd a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vol-1 garity, should improve the opportunity aud 1 come, Tlie company comprises the followia well- Kttown Artists : Miss Fa'i:ii? Walton. M iss Makv Moci.ton, Mi:. Waltkk Pai:i;s. Mr. Cuas. Harrows. Mu. Ukkrv Wfst. All of which u ill appear nightly iu their dif. ferent sjiccialties. i Open air concert every evening ; perform-1 mice commencing at S; entrance to theatre on Ronton street ; private boxes on 'Chena- j mus street. ! No-or Stars in Rnpiu Saccussion ! I Notice of Dissolution. -jVTOTICE IS HERRY GIVEN THAT TIIE J-1 co-partnership Iieretofore existing be tween J . W. Ruddock and A. S. Levake. un der the linn name or Ruddock and Levake. has been this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All accounts due the late firm must be paid to J. W. Ruddock and he will imiv all Indebtedness or the firm. J. W. RUDDOCK. 23-lOd .A. S. IXYAKE. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon -Railway & Navigation division On and after April 1st, 1 883. 0m Stmers will il from San Fnin ofee ami 1'wi html prry ilme days, j I.t'Mviiuf SiMur St. wharf San Francisco, at Vt M A. M.. ami AtitswtH tit Dok. rortland, MMa!j;h flirouaclt Tickets soiit to all princion (iaaad and 1 rtties in trt l nu state: r!im. River and Rat! Division On and After r:a:ch 18, 1883. I RAIL DSViSIOK. trains kavt' rortland for Fast frit poitst' i at :ait A. M. SnmiRys esi-eptd. IHYEit llVilo. (JJitldlc 'olunthtn). I iua: h nvf rortland lor Dalles at T MO 1 A. M. also : , , Mn Tm. I Wtvirhitj Fri. hwl A -writ .. i.wt.r - I I I ' I tMMtK... Alt CAM llii amU ASll. A.Mlft AM 1 i' ,.., i. rtii V ! ;t.Ajr.. . IsamI i iwITiifU vU wi1 ! L in U m ' 1 sieiH ... : LTEy.'L'l V2f,Jli: 1 rcan( tori a for I'art !t,t at k a. ta. rfaiij ei- i Astoria to Portland. rAST LINK. Sleaior IVtrfo Wojt wtlllrave Astoria for Tort mu. I l 21. lifliirniiMf. Iivs rj.rtlaiMt for AMoriu, i !i A. 2!.. .lily. W diHMi.is ewepted. I l'nlihan rM-e I'srn rnnin? tffttwpen I'art i.tntt. VkSU WalUaml l).itnn. JOHN MUIR, SmiTintt'ii.Ioiit ofTnitllc a. u STnKEs5. Assbt. Siipt. TralHe. ' l.. II. 1 KISM Ul l. Manager. tlwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s Ge. Miles," Will make two nMtiid irips from ;Astona to Fort Canby. and llwaco. ; ON ('oitiiui'iiriiiK .lime 'ilt, ISSo, I Will leaw Astoria, at 1 n'rlorl: X. 31. anil ' it Kti K.N.roiim--tiiig Willi thv O. K.& N.Co's j i Steamer "Wide West." to or from Portland. , And Irave Astoria again. Tor !lart. direct, at 2 o'clock 1. 31. After .Inly .-.Sli. either the ; Steamer Gen. Miles, or Gen. Canby. ! SlJiu1 TSSuSS j am WeiliK'xiavs eeeptnl. lettvin As(uria , A 31 Wei,nt.slsJJ S, . Anil It A. M. on Sundavv I a. ' .1. II. I. l.KAV. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an alter May IS, tss.t, trains will run as fo?lws, DAI Li (Except MUM'.aj?). KASTSWR DIVISUKT. Kriwccn rO!:TIi.l.M nucl i;i.BMAM ili.ll. Tit A Ut LKAVE. ARRIVE. Portland....... 7:30 a. M.iGIoniIa!e10:r5 p. v. (Herniate 1:00 A. ji.ll'ortland ir2T p. m. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LKAVE. ARRIVE. Perthnid I:W P. M.l Lebanon !'.20 P.,',1 I Lebanon 4: t A. M.!PorMand...ln:06A.M " t.an1 c-d',,01Il? " rorrj UU coanocUoa w,th all 'orular'lram or ' I'ivwwhi. : ! JSet W'JMTIW: DIVISIO.X. iortlmil unit t'orvnllis iwei'ii i vavv jituivp forllaml flaw A. M.Corva!lt-. . l::!0 P. M C.rvaI!is......S:SJ A. M. Portland ...:5:20 P. M KXrKKSS TttAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. f Portland .jtfMr.M.iMcJiinnvilIe-.btOOi'.ii. i .McMinnville.":t"A.M.jPortIaml S :30 a.m. Closo connections mado at Glondale with thoStagos ofthelreon and California Stage Comi'any. xfaTTiokots forsalo at all tho irineipal pointf in California and the East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bachar""-! on freight remain inc att'omiwnys Wrlio'50 0vor24 hours. r rocat will not lo received for snipmonl -iftor 3 o'clock P. on cither tho East or ' Vat id& Divi-ion. JOHN Mriit.Snp't i.rTraQIc. A. I-STOKES. Asst. Sup't. of Traffic. Siionlwatsr Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Giyrnpia, Touching at S-'ort Stevens, ort "anhy, Ilwae.o. North Jlench.OyNierville. North (?nvp, ieter.son 1'oint. Ifn iiium, .llonte.-ano. And all points on Siioal water Bay, ami Gray I Harbor. GEN. MILES. J Strs. or V On Columliia Piver. GEN.CANUY.) " G EX. GARFIELD ' MONTKSANO Skoalwatcr Ray. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. 1-cave Astoria fi- Olympia. at - - 7 A . 31. On Mondays. Thursdays ami Saturdays, arriving at Montcsuno the day after leaving Astoria through trip iu GO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. Notice oi Application to Purchase Timber liUndri. J AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. W. T.. jU May 15. iss-'. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tlie provision of the Act of Congress approved June a. 17S. entitled "An aet for rhe sale of timber lands in the states ot Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and in AVashington Territory." Malhias C. Aten. of Multnomah j County. Oregon, has this day filed in this i office his application to purchase the east Y i.f iinrtliii-i.cr I. ml l.tc I i.rulinii IU township :i north, of range ." wet or the Wil- I to the above described lands or anv -portion (thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixtv (o davs from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING Register. BEFORE AND - AFTER ElKbb ippliar: a:s zzzi a 33 Zij i1- T0MEH0NLYfY0UNB0R0LD, WHO aro sniTorlns from Nervous Decil rrr. Lost Vitautt. L-ick ok Jiervt: ToacE xsd Vigor, XTisnsa "Weaksesses, nnd all those dUoases of a Personal J. atpre re r.ultln? from Abuses and Other Causes. Speedy relief and completo restoration or IlEALTU.VtOOUand 3IAXHOOD GUAItASTEED. The grnndost discovery of the Mnejeentk Century. Send at once for Illustrated Pam phlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, MICH. 0 ss -X Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. T AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., SuffiilSsiTen that m compute : with the provisions of tho Act of Consre&i. approved June 3, 1STS, entitled "an Act for the sale of timber lands in tho States of I California. Oregon. Nevada and in Washing ton Territory," tuiaries riiia, or -Multnomah County, Oregon has thia day filed in tuts ollleelu.s application to purchass tne North West li of Section S, Township 1 j North of Range . "West, of the Willametts Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before tho Keeistcr and Receiver, at Vaa- C0MTer "VVaslV Tcr on Thursday, the Oth day Anv and all persons having adverso claims : to the above described lands, or any portion i thereof, are hereby required to file their I claims in this office within sixty (CO) days j from date hereof. FRED. "W. SPARLING, ! JeO COd Register. Notico of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. y AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., -J nay un. lss. i Notice is hereby given that In compliance wiin me provisions ot tne Act 01 congress approved Junes. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the side of Timber Lands in the States of Sat 1 California. Oregon, Nevada, and In Wash ! iiigion Territory'." Charles Beatner, of Mult- ltomaii county, uregon. nas tms uay lueu in this otllce his application to purchase the 01 Auriu ivesi ; aim riast,oj aouia West 4, ol Section 12,-Township 9 North, or Rnge West, of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony before the Register and Receiver, at Visi couvcr, Wash. Ter., 011 Thursdav, the 9th, day of August, 1SS3. Any and all persons havinc adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, aro hereby required to fllo their claims in tills olllce within sixty (CO) days from the date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, jeo-fiod Register. Notice of Application to Purchass Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T. May 15th, 1383. Notice Is. hereby given that in complianco with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1ST3, entitled "An act for tlie sale of timber lauds in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington Trritnrv "ltnrv Matwni. nt Miilinnmoli j CountyOregon, "has this day filed In this i ofli co his application to purchase tho east 54 01 norinweM a anu west aoi nonneast not section 22. township o north, of range 5 west or the Willamette Meridian. Testimony In the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou- . ver, i :tsn. i.er., on iuouoay, me sum any oi Julv. 1SS.1. j Any and all persons having adverse claims j to the above described lands, or anv portion 1 thereof, are hereby reouired to tile their claims in this ol from date hereof, claims in this office within sixty (GO) days FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notico of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, "W.T., May i.-i iss;;. Notico Ls hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tho Act of Congress, approved June 3, 1S78; entitle "An act for th sale or timber lands- in the states of Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and In "Washington Territory," hazel Latham, of Multnomah Countv. Oregon, has this day filed in this oftlce Ids application to purchase the south- : east .i oi section is. xownsnip a nortu, ot ; range 5 west of the Willametto-Mendlan. t Testimony in the above case will be taken 1 before the Register and Receiver at Vancou I ver.Wash. Ter., on Saturday, the 2Sth day of i July. t$S3. ! Anv and all nersoas havinc: adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv portion thereof, are hereby required to illo their claims in this otlice within sixty , (CO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T., May2!)th,lSS3. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June a, 1STS, entitled "An act -for-the sale of Timber Lands in Hie States of ft JonTyrritorV Ptiniiiicev I? Smith of ! JW JStnomih Stmt-?oSS lias thte dav ffiffi California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash Hied in this office his application to purchase the north-west l.l of section 10. Townshin'J north, of Range 5 west, of the Wilamette Meridian. Testimony in the above ease will bo taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver. Wash. Ter., on Monday, the 13th day of August, 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (60) days from dato hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, jelO-COd Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE, AT VANCOUVER, W. T., May 15th, 188a. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tlie provisions of the act of Congress, approved June 3, -lSTS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in tho States of Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory," John K. Furry, of Multnomah county, Oregon, has this day filed In this of fice his application to purchase the south west of Sect ion 22, Township 9, north, of Range west of the Willamette Meridian. Testlmonv in tho abovo case will be taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver, Wash. Tcr. on Monday, the 30th day of JuIy.l$S3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above- described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims In this office within sixty (60) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands, LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T., MayiSth.lSSJ. Notice is hereby given that in complianco with the provisions of the Act ot Congress approved June :t, 1S78, entitled "An act for tlie sale of Tjmber'Lands in the States or California. Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash ington Territorv," Charles H. Hood, of Mult nomah County, orcgou, has this day filed in this otllce liis application to purchase the northeast i of Section 8, Township 9 North, of Range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testlmonv In the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver, Wash. Ter., on Monday, the R5th day of August. 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, tire hereby required to file their claims in this oflice within sixty (CO) days days trom date hereof FRED. W. SPARLING, JelO-cod Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T., May 23th, 1833. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tlie provisions or the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1STS. entitled "An act for the side of Timber Lands In tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory." William Flinn, of Mult nomah County, Oregon, has this day filed In 'his office his application to purchase the southeast 't of Section 12. Township 9 north, of Range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before tho Register and Receiver at Van eouter. Wash. Ter., on Tuesday, the 14th day of .August, 1S83. Any and all persons having adverse claims to tho above described lands, or anv portion thereof, aro hereby required to file their claims In this office within sLxty ((50) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, jelO-COd Register. Notico of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. T AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. W T.. JU May 15, 18SX Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for tlie sale of timber lands In the states of Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." Robert Crayton. of Multnomah Countv. Oregon, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the south west U of section 10, township 9 north of range 5 Avest of the Willamette Meridian. Testimonv In the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver. Wash. Ter., on Saturday, the 28th day of July, 18S3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty 60) days from date hereor. FRED. W. SPARLING , Register ''ilackraetack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 ana 80 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement.