The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, July 08, 1883, Image 3

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The Lanarkshire has arrived out
E. C. Holden has been reappoint
ed a notary public.
Bishop Morris will officiate at
Grace church to-day
B. Wistar Morris, Bishop of the
Episcopal diocese of Oregon, is in the
The members of the Columbia
board of pilot commissioners were all
in the city last iveek.
The smoke rolled up so dense
yesterday that after two o'clock the
sun glowed like a copper ball.
There will be no service at the
German church to-day, as the pastor
is unable to attend till next Sundav.
- That price of salmon combination
didn't hold together very long. Fish
are now worth just what they'll fetch.
-The ladies who gave such valiant
aid at the fire deserve to be elected
honorary members of the department.
Presbyterian church preaching
morning and evening by the pastor.
Evening subject "Lessons from the
- The Dallas flouring mill was de
stroyed by fire last Friday morning;
loss, $6,.O00, insHred for $4,000; in
cendiary. A large crowd of pleasure-seekers
came down on the Wide Wet yester
day and were transferred to tho 0-n.
Milk for Uwaco.
There are twenty-five cannerieB
on tho Columbia River. Commercial
Count 'em again.
There will bo diviuo service on
board tho JEmmn T. Crowcll lying at
Flavel's dock at 4 v. m., Ho v. J. W.
McCormac officiating.
Thomas Connell for chief of police,
and an ordinance reducing liquor
licenses to $300 per annum, give
Portlandites present discussion.
Sherman it Hinman paid $500 to
bring their circus to Astoria thiB trip.
They chartered the S. G. Herd and
make their headquarters on the boat
while in Astoria.
W. B. Bancroft from A. L. Ban
croft & Co., S. F.; Theo. Rosenberg
of D. Rosenberg &Sons, N. Y., and
Win.. E. "Waters of Whittier, Fuller
& Co., S. F., are in the city.
Forest fires of more than ordina
ry magnitude are reported to the
south of us. In Washington and
Tillamook counties,, also, a great
xmouut of damage is reported.
Correspondents from Chad well,
Bear River, Knappa, Cray's River
and other points inform us that there
was a general celebration on tho
Fourth, and everyone had a good
Some more of those notified left
on yesterday morning's boat; we hope
that is the last of a painful necessity;
the city has had a week of hurtful
distraction, and now, to business
a ain.
Thos. Butler, an ox-soldior from
Vancouver, who cut his throat at the
Burton house m Portland on tho af
ternoon of the Fourth of J uly, died
at four o'clock Friday morning at St.
Yincent's hospital.
Rev. B. S. McLafferty, of Eu
gene City, occupies the pulpit of tho
Baptist church to-day at 11 a. ai. and
7:45 i. m. Subject of evening lec
ture, "Reckless Living," a diicourse
specially for the 3oung people.
Friends of sufferers by the late
fire are invited to meet in the rooms
of the Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation at 2 p. M.. for the purpose of
taking into consideration some jneas
ures of relief. Charity.
The C. Southard Hulbcrf is at Ea
gle Cliff, where she will take on 4,000
cases salmon from Win. Hume's can
nery: from there she goes to J. G
Megler's Brookfield cannery, thence
dropping down to Astoria where she
will finish.
Sherman & Hinman gave the best
circus performance last evening that
was ever given in Astoria. They
have added greatly to their attractions
since they were here last summer and
justly claim to be tho most compiele
organization on the road.
The Good Templars of Astoria
lodge 2To. 40 h&vo chartered tho
teamer Tom Morris to go to Skipa
uon this afternoon, where they ex
pect to assist in instituting a now
lodge.. All members of the lodge are
invited. The steamer will start from
Wilson & Fisher's at one o'clock sharp,
What's the matter with the Port
land papers? Tho Standard publishes
an item as news that The Astoria
had three weeks ago; the Oregonian in
thrco several items says that it was
raining in Astoria last Friday,
and the News to cap the cli
max of absurdity says the Htolen
property in this city ia being brought
to an account by "Tho Northwest
News." It must be more than
usually warm with our friends up the
Internal Revenue.
An act to reduce internal reve
nue taxation, and for other purposes,
approved March .', 1883, provides
"That the tares herein specified im
posed bf the lows now in force be,
and the same are hereby, repealed, as
hereinafter provided, namely: On
capital and deposits of banks, bank
ers, and national banking associa
tions, except such taxes as are now
due and payable; and on and after the
first day of July, eighteen hundred
and eighty-three, the stamp tax on
bank checks, drafts, orders and vouch
ers, " "
This leaves the tax on circulation
only remaining.
The question arising whether the
tax will be charged up to date of the
act or not beyond January 1 , the at
torney general decides (Ma' 22) that:
l'the duties on the averagf of deposits
and capital stock of tht- association fur
each hulf year cannot be assessed, ur
the amount ascertained, until the expi
ration of such half year: hence purl
thereof cttn be regards as besoming due
prior io that time.''
No duty therefore will hereafter bo
collected from National Banks on de
posits and capital aftur January 1,
1883, and from other banks after
December 1, 1882.
Two-cent check stamps are not re
quired to be used after J uly 1, 1883,
and those unused, whether printed on
checks or otherwise, will be redeomed,
less ;" percent., by tho Commissioner
of Internal Revenue, if presented
within three years from time of pur
chase from the Government. Private
die proprict:uy stamps will be redeem
ed at their face value, less o or 10 per
centum, according to the rate of com
mission allowed on their purchase.
Stamps may be exchunged for other
check ur proprietary stamps of equal
value until July 1, 1S8:.
The stamps should be accompanied,
by a claim, on Form 81, copies of
which form, will be furnished upon
application to the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. Washington, 1). C.
In claims for redemption of im
printed stamps, allowed prior t-j July
1, 188?, the blanks upon which tho
stamps are printed will be destroyed.
In claimH allowed after July 1, i 88;?,
the blanks will bo destroyed, unless
claimants request their return, in
which case the word "Redeemed"
will be impressed on the check or
draft, and the blanks, with the stamps
so cancelled, will be returned by rcyis-
tcrcil mail, free of expense, unless ho
shall otherwise direct, in which case
they will bo returned at his expense.
In rejected claims, stamps are return
ed to claimants.
A Pine Picture.
In tho studio of 3Irs. Achcy hangs
a picture winch is receirnnr the
finishing touches and which will bo on
exhibition in the post office next
Tuesday. It portrays a. scene of sur
passing beauty, Astoria at sunrise,
and in tho treatment of her snbiect
the artist has evinced the most deli
cate arrangement of color, while re
maining implicitly true to nature.
The view is from the deck of the
Highland Light, looking up stream.
A light breeze ripples the water, the
fishing b.iats are returning on the
morning ebb, the sun, three hours
high and obscured by floating clouds
throws shadows on the glistening
stream; above, half dimmed by purple
mists, stands Tonguo Point, and far
in the distance rise tho wooded slopes
of Washington Territory. On the
right are the hills, to the south of
upper Astoria, smoke from forest fires
obscures tho radiance of the green
foliage, and in the stream are craft of
ertry size. The pieturc i3 a bouitiful
one, and will doubtless adorn the
walls of some one of our citizens who
can afford to purchase that which is a
"thing of beauty and a joy forever."
Mr. J. C. Trullinger, proprietor
of the West Shore mills, wishes to
say that as far as his mills are con
cerned he has not raised the price of
lumber, and that the article in yester
day morning's paper in reference to
the alleged raise in the'price of lumber
hid no foundation in fact as far as he
was concerned. The West Shore
mills have
not raised the price of
When the fire alarm sounded its
solitaiy signal yesterday afternoon for
assistance in putting out the firo in
the brush, one of the boys who was
ovor near the old mill on Young's
river hoard it and started for town aa
hard as he could run. When about
half way he met two men running
their boal, "Hold up," he said,
What's the matter!' ' " Why" said
one, "don't you hear that bell, that's
the vigilantes. WeVe got to light
out," And they lit.
At the Methodist church, morn
ing theme "The how, tho why and
the wherefore of the late tire.' Text;
"Now therefore bo 3'o not- mockers,
lest your bauds be made strong; for I
have heard from tiie Lord God of
hosts a consumption eveu determined
upon tho whole earth." (Ga. 28:22.)
Evening theme "The refuge of lies
swept away." Text: "For tho bed-is
shorter than that a man can stretch
himself on it; and the covering nar
rower than that he can wrap himself
in it. (Isa. 28:20.)
"Buck Flinn" Tells his Story.
On Friday night William Johnson, ,
went into the Oregovian office, and ;
baring his body to the waist, showed i
upon his back eleven uly red welts, j
some of which had broken tho skin,
received at the hands of the citizens'
committee at Astoria. His story i3
that he, with two companions, were
near Hill's variety theater about 12 1
o'clock a few nights since. Hb had
bought a bottle of whisky, and was
taking out the cork with a knife. At J
this juu cturc they wore approached j
by members of the committee, who ;
with drawn revolvers hurried them to '
jatl. At 3 o'clock Frida' morning a !
i deputation from the committee visited
i u:... j ...i j . j i .
mm aim uiijuia aim uiucicu uic.n
leave the town. He responded that :
he would leave as soon as he got his :
pay. Thereupon he and four others !
were haudcuficd and marched to the
uuy uaii, where the committee was
in session, the prisoners being con
fined in an anteroom while the com
mittee passed on their cases. Th e
verdict reached, they were conducted
by tho crowd to the woods beyond
the graveyard. Six mon with rifles
took the lead and the remainder sur
rounded the prisoners, each with a
drawn revolver. Arriving at the
designated spot Johnson and
two Italians were caused to strip
to the waist, and were then tied
up by I he wri3t to a telegraph pole,
and the leader called to "jNumbur 21"
and to "Number 27" to lay on the
strokes. The men so ordered then
drew a buggy whip each, with the
lashes cut off, and slowly but powor
fully dealt the blows. The fourth
prisoner fainted and he was not
flogged. The fif;h evidently belonged
to some secret society, as he gave a
peculiar sign and was allowed to go
without punishment. The quintette
with sereral others were taken aboard
the Mountain Queen, furnished with
tickets for Portland and the price of n
meal. This is the story as told by
Johnson. In auswer to a reporter's
inquiry, he said he was drunk when
arrested, and probably defiant. ''The
Italians," he said, "are a great deal
worso hurt than I am. One of them
was so badly whipped that he can
hardly stand. When we first got to
the place they put a rope around my
neck, and I was glad to get off with
my life." During the conversion
with tho reporter, which lasted ten
minutes or more, Johnson, strangely,
did not express indignation toward
his punishers. He suid he was a
horseshocr by trade, but had worked
at fishing this summer.
He gave tolerably correct version
of a part of the affair.
Rapid Transit of Mr. Dungan.
Thomas Dnngan left Duugan's ferry
Saturday, Juno 9th, and arrived in
San Francisco Sunday, the 10th at
noon. At 10 the next morning
Monday ho sailed for Astoria, Ore
gon, where he arrived Wednesday at
1 1 jl. M. From there ho went 20
miles across into Washington Terri
tory and was back at Astoria at 2
o'clock the same night or Thursday
morning. Uo sailed Thursday at 3 P.
M. from A3toria and arrived in San
Francisco Saturday morning at 7
o'clock, took tho steamer Humboldt at
11 o'clock a. m. Sunday. Took the
stage at 12:20 and arrived home at 4
o'clock Sunday afternoon, just a trifle
over a week from tho time he left.
-Dr. II. R. Fowler, of San Fran
cisco, uaiitornia, died at, etarts,
Tillamook Co., on the evening of
June 30th, of Iiright'a disease of the
kidno3's. He was a brother of Rev.
Chas. Fowler of the Chrintian Advo
cafe, N. Y.
-A single bell tap at half past two
yesterday afternoon brought everyone
flying to the street It was intende I
as an alarm to get men to help put
out the fire on tho hill which with a
change of wind threatened destruction
to outlying buildings. The utmost
proeaution is necessary for every
thing is dry as tinder, and "a spark
maj' raise an awful blaze."
Sherman it Hunnan's circus
showed at Tacoma last Friday night,
got on board the train, slammed down
to Kalama and got aw3y for Astoria at
half past ten yesterday morning, get
ting here too late for tho afternoon
performance but in time to get every
thing in good shape for the evening. tent was jammeu tun, the per
formers at their best and everything
advertised was given with all the at
ionium to tieiau ior v. men this com
bination was famous. The circus will
show again this evening at ei"ht
Arrested the Wrong1 ."Uan.
He was lugging along two large bun
dle, the perspiration pouring down his
forehead, a cheerful smile all over his
countenance; he did not look suspicious
at all, burthe polico was puzzled about
his heavy bundles, stopped him on the
roadway and searching them thorough
ly, they found an clegantsuitof clothes,
a line new hat, a pair of boots, some
shirts, socks, etc, in facta complete out
fit from head to foot. He showed them
the Dill for the goods, which were
bought of M. D. Kant, The Boss Mer
chant Tailor, at a great bargain, forS25.
Anybody can get the same goods for the
same price from the largest and best
assortment in town.
West Shore; "West Shore.
The West Shore for June; splendid
illustrations of Astoria; just the num
ber to send away. One thousand cop
ies ai ;an Amer s.
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Water! Water! Water!
Smoke ! Smoke ! ! Smoke I ! !
$2,875.60 Salvage received from
J. Bachman Bros., Underwriters.
18 Cases of Dry Goods. Clothing and Furnishing
Goods, consigned by Sheriff O'fcleil
to M. Isaacs & Co.
These roods saved from the wreck nf t-hp
B Steamship Calypso, only
a water, will be sacrificed at
Wet Cabot A, IT) yards
Wet American Percales,
ITT . T 1 T - t
a wet insn jmen .rasii, 14 yds. lor $1.(10.
I Wet Heavy Fruit of the Loom Sheeting, 4 yds.
lor $i.uu.
Wet Heavy Canton Flannel, s yds. for 1.00.
Wet Shaker Socks, s pair for 1.00.
Wet Dress Goods; Wet Domestics; Wet
Cloaks; Wet Hosiery: Wet Furnishing- Goods.
and Wet Clothing.
Sheriff 0'Neil'& Bankrupt Store,
M. ISAACS & Co., Consignees.
Corner Coneomlyand .Main Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON.
Ocean Park.
Oceau Park is situated in
county, Washington Territory, Fuir-;erviciatllA.M.,aiul7:)p.M.Wediies-teen
miles north of the Columbia nv-SSSf?0'
cr, on the Ocean-bench road, miming j Kii:st Pi:ksi:vtki:iaxCiiui:cii Ser
from Ilwaco to Ovterrille. It con- ycPS :,t11 .A-'-d 7W p.m. Wedncs-
I ( hi V Vitiitirr iirfii-f innnflnn . ,'n
iists of two hundred and fifty acres of
land with a frontage of tliret;-furths
of a milo on the ocean beach. A road
way one hundred feet wide connects
tho Park with Shoalwatcr Hay, and
terminates in a small tract of land
with a bay frontage of six hundred
and sixty feot, all of which in included
in the deed of the nark. Utthin'
privileges are thus afforded on the
ocean and on tho bay. The bay
is a
beautiful sheet of water, and
ocean beach between Ilwaco
Ocean Park is unsurpassed.
peninsula at thii point is about a
milo uido. The natural facilities of
the park are excellent for making
it a most atttactive seaside resort.
Tho grounds aro level and dry, suit
able for building purposes. Heauti-
ful groves of ptnc and spruce and
alder intersperso it. Pure well water
for drinking can be had in abundance.
The grounds are owned by an associa
tion consisting of ten minister and
ten laymen, known an the "Quean
Park Camp Meeting Association of
the f. E. Church." The association
was incorporated under the laws of
Oregon and Washington Territory,
May 1, 188:?. Tho constitution de
clares tho object of the association to
bo "the holding of camp mee'itis and
meetings for other religious and be
nevolent purposes, and to furnish a
Christian Bea-aido resort at moderate
cost, and freo from the temptations to
dissipation usually attendant im
fashionable watering places."
x Fpllepvj- (Fitn)
successfully treated. Pamphlet of
particulars one stamp,addres Wokld's
Disr-KXSAitY Mkiucai. Association',
Buffalo, N. Y.
For a Scat Filling lo(
Or. Shoe, go to P.J. (loodmans. on ("ho
namus street, next door to I. W. t'ae.
All goods of the best make and nuaran
teed quality. A full slock: new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
I Know Whereof I Speak.
For I have used it extensively. I re
gard Parker's Ginger Tonic a most
excellent remedy for kidney, lung
and stomach disorders. It invigo
rates without intoxicating. .J. Fran
cis, Ueligio Philoa. Journal, Chicago.
Foi Dyspepsia andLivor Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shilohs Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. .Sold by W. E. Dement.
Brace up the whole system with Kins
of the Blood. See Advertisement.
The Rcr. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind., says: ''Both myself and wife
owe our Hves'toSim.on's Coxsujii'tiox
Cukk." .Sold by W. K. Dement
The best cure for discuses nf the
nerves, brain and muscle.?, is Ttrown's
Iron "Bittera.
Indigestion, dyspepsia", heart-burn,
nausea, etc., cured by using Brown's
Iron Hitters.
For the genuine J. 11. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the (Jem
opiwsite the bell tower, and see Camp
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
periumery, aim louei articles, oie- can
he bought at the lowest prices, at.l. Yv.
Conn's druc store, opposite OeMden
betel, Astoria.
Shiloh's Catarrh Bemedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. tt)!d by W. E. Dement
Win will vou cough when Shiloh's
Cure will Hive immediate relief. Price
loctsSOctsandSl. Sold by W. E. De
A dressing to beautify gray hair e
ery family needs. Parker's Hair Bal
sam never fails to satisfy.
slightly damaged by
marvelously low prices.
for $L.un.
2f yds. ior $1.00.
.. . - . ....
P u-tiir ' ( .(-'hit.cii IJoly communion
Mirst irundavof even- month. Snnil.iv
o'clock. KVv. J. V. Milligan, Pastor.
CoNl;i:KATioxAr. Church Services
am a. 31. ami v. 3r. Her. Sam'l
Wood, Pastor.
Koman Catholic Church Services
at lOilo a. 31. Kev. h. Dielman, Pastor
31. E. CurncH Sorvices at 11 a. 3t
and 7sp.ji. J .ccture and Prayer Meet
ing, Wednesday, at 7 r. 3i. Ilev. W.T.
Chapman, Pastor.
Haitist Ciirucn. Services every
other Sunday. Sunday School at 2 p. 31.
Rev. Winlield Seott D. D. pastoral
Steamer Days.
Following is a resume of sailing
dates for ocean steamers for July,
steamers leaving Astoria and San
Francisco every three days:
, , .Jtllyl AT 10 A. 31. July
( oliiinina.. Sunday sOregon Sunday a
ueen. Wednesday llStatc Wednesday 11
Orioii.Satun!ay lliCoIumufcuSaturday 14
State Tuesday 17 Queen.. .Tuesday 17
ColiimWaFridav sOiUregon . Friday 20
Queen.... .Monday estate Monday 23
Oregon... Thursdry ;ColiunliIaTlmrsday 2C
State Sunday 20; Queen .Sunday 23
Salmon Shipments from Astoria to
San Francisco.
2Orcyon: Quinn 3o0, J Williams
:viO Thames & Knowles 400, Warren 500,
.1 W Hume .123. Total 2125.
State: A Booth Jb Co 500,Thome3
& Knowles 300, W Hume 1100, Cutting
5-J0, U P 123, Astoria 300, Eureka 600.
Total :H3.
Foreign Salmon Shipments. 1. v.
iiL'Uock: Aberdeen 5000, West Coast
200D, Occidental 2000. Booth & Co 3500,
Megler & Co 2050, llanthorn & Co 3000.
Cuttintr 11W). Georce T Myers 2000, S D
Adair & Co 1S0O, Pillar Rock 200, J West
5100. Devlin & Co 3000. Total 32,850.
A Sufferer from Rheumatism.
1 iimped about for years with a
eane, and could not bend down with
out excruciating pain. Parker's Gin
ger Tonic ellected an actonishin cure
and kueps me well. It is infallible.
M. f!nilfoyle, Binghamton, If. Y.
A Vasal Injector free with each
lottIe of Shiloha Catarrh Kemedy
I'riee 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement
"Hackinctack." a lasting and fra
grant perfume. I'riee 25 and 50 cents.
Sold hv W. E. Dement.
Constipation, liver aud kidney dis
eases are cured bj Brown's Iron Bit
ters, which enriches tho blood, and
strengthens the whole system.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
lways at hand. It cures conchs. colds.
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
lung complaints. M cents and5l a bot
tle. Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite," Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital
izer is a positive, cure, r or sate oy W .
E. Dement.
tjinr.onV Crr.B will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping! couch and
Bronchitis, bold by W. E. Dement
The fine A I Barque
KATE F. TROOP, 1081 Register,
Will be due at ASTOUIA on or alwut
The 15th Instant
to load for the above port. .
SAli.MU.N l.N CASKS will be taken m
lots to suit shippers, at reasonable rates,
For terms of Freight and Insurance,
Ai'Plv to MEYER, WILSON & CO.,
Portland, Or.
Astoria, Or.
At Capt. Kogers old stand, corner of Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Canuery. work. Horseshoeing
Waons made and repaired. Good wor
The Leading Dry Goods
Clotlxing House of Astoria
I havfe just raoeived a large consignment of Lace Gurtains,. antl
Curtain Materials, in tbe newest designs, and would invite an inspec
tion from intending purchase confident that for rarity and Low Prices
Silks and Brass Goods,
We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of tho most
elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City,
All Silk Ehadames, Drap D'Almas
All Silk Foulards, Wool Surrahs,
All Silk Ottomans, Satin Soleils,
Etc., Etc.
"We are now showing the Largest and most Eiegant Line o La
dies' Cloaks and Wraps ever brought to this City.
Black Dolmans,
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp.
Black Silk Dolmans,
Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and Gimp..
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans,
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe.
Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters.
Shetland Shawls,
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,
All Sizes and Colors.
We are showing, without doubt, the largest, and most complete
stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys'
Largest Stock,
Ixowesi Prices in Astoria.
Havine received the most complete line of Gents Furnishing Goods ever opea4 la
Astoria, 1 shall offer to buyers the choicest Neckwear, Underwear, Dress ShlrwyiTtfncjr
Shirts, white Vests, Linen Dusters, Alpaca, Coats, etc., etc.
At the Very Lowest Prices !
The Largest Assortment of
- styles in Soft, Stiff
Full stock of Clothing, including fine
The Tailoring department comprises
Cassi meres, Worsteds, Tweeds, etc.
T3a.e -Zeading
WHO? !
SeasideBatery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best, :
and Always Fresh.
r.iki OandlM etc.. furnished for "Weddlne
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite ii. W: Jlnme'a.
Flavel's New Bnililing.
L. K. Cr. SMITH,
Importer and wholesale dealer in
Cigars and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles,
riaylas Cards, Cutlery, Sta
tloncry. Etc.
The largest and finest stock of MEEK
SCHAUil and AMBER GOODS In the city.
Particular attention paid to orders from
nil; tUUUUJi
Theo. BRACKER, llanaser.
Ohenamui Strett. Astoria. Oregon.
Clothing ever brought to Astoria
Finest Goods.
Straw Hats, All the leading
and Flexible Hats.
Prince Albert Coats in Black and Blue
the largest stock of imported Cloths,
Dealer In
Iron Pipe and Fittings,
Goods and Tools,
Cannery and Flsiermens inppliK
Stoves, Tin Ware and KtHSt
Furnishing Goods.
Done with neatness and dispatch.
None but first class workmen employed.
A large assortment ofj
Constantly oa band
We have for sale
niOIVUOITS Celebrated Ye5et
Which are acknowledged by all Logger tn
d wlm WILSON & FISHER, Astoria. ,
We will take orders for lumber from 10ft:
to E0o JL, at the mill or delivered.
We also manufacture lath and shingles of
At quality.
Flooring a Specialty.
Address all orders ,TT
, S. C, BKXJiEB, Sopk
O "fU -