(2) 7 " MjdfVT i'-PT ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY .. JULY 7. 18S3 Thai Railroad. Mu. Editok: It was promised us that we should have an answer in GO days rogardtng the building of the rail road. As you say, time is out, and no answer. 2sow, does it seem to any reasonable man that anything-is intended to be done this year excepting to postpone the matter until after next con gress? There is one small sur veying party in the field, it is true. In something less than four mouths they have done one-third of the distance. At the present rate there will be twelve months taken in survevinjr one route. At the same rate for other routes something like three vears will be taken in surveying. An extension of time will probably then be asked for two or three rears more in which to build the road. -in trie meantime railroads are being built to other points on the coast without any grant, withou any subsidy. There is no land grant in the way, it is true, to Ya quiua Bay, Coos Bay, or to Gray's Harbor. If Astoria had her land grants out of the way her railroad would have been built long ago. Now what should wc do? Our policy is plain. AVe should ac cept of the proposition of any other- company to build a railroad, even if it costs one or two hundred thousand dollars subsidy, and get the land grant forfeited. We have waited too long for promises of those that would keep us back tin til every other point on the coast has a railroad first. Ctf.MTUX. A Growing: ErII. Use ot tno cleverest oi men once said, "Society prepares the crime: the culprit but executes it." The thought was in our minds several times this week on seeinjr prostitutes and their at tendant uimps paraoinjr our streets. The unfortunate .crca lures arc ofttimcs deserving of pity because of their fallen condi tion, but thev should be made know that decency forbids this constant display. It has c;ot to be so that a decent woman cannot go down to tho San Francisco steamer without being jostled by one of these social outcasts. I he thing is getting to be a jrrowins: evil. It s not pleasant to taisc auout, out we irunK it is necessary. .o man wants nis wile or daughter or sister compelled to forego a walk upon our thoroughfares by reason of the proximity of these creatures They are unfortunately an appar ent part of our "civilization," but are getting altogether too bold, and should be made understand it. A Chicago dispatch says Chi cago paid dearly for its celebration ofahe national independence anni versary. The record of death and bloody wounds is horrifying in the extreme. Between G o'clock a. m. and midniffht the total number of casualties footed thirty-eight, in cluding three deaths, five persons fatally wouuded, twenty-three more or less hurt and maimed for life and five slightly injured. The chief instrument of irresponsible murder was toy pistols in the hands of children, ably supported by small cannon. Philadelphia failed altogether to take any perceptible notice of the Fourth of July, and it passed oil as quietly as a puritan Sabbath in a New England village. It was, in all respects, thoroughly a Quaker Fourth. KEW TO-DAY. PORTLAND TO TILLAMOOK Kf 12 HOURS. The llwaco Steam Navigation Cos Str. GEN. MILES Will leave Astoria Oa SATURDAY, July 1-tlh, 85. For GARIBALDI and TILLAMOOK, -XiOavinc Astoria on the arrival of the steamer Wide West from Portland, ar riving at nuainooK at.. r. m. iteturn ins, will leave TILLAMOOK on BUS DAY. July 15th. at 12 M. J.H.D. GRAY". Agent, Wanted. i&UAX .WHO THOROUGHLY UNDER- xa. stands building siat lisu traps can hear of a good Job by applyiug at tills office, from ten to three o'clock. Notice ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEM f.elves indebted to theJAstorla SalKoft will please call and settle before the 15th of tills month, as I hare sold a half interest In the business to J. Hess, of this city, mid I - want to'tet'ray accounts straightened up. Yours respectfully. A. H. JOHNSON, Sallmaker, KEW TO-DAY AUCTION SALE THIS DAY At Holden's Auction Rooms At 11 A. M. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, Bedsteads. Chairs. Tables, Etc. Also I will sell, Positively With out Reserve, for account of whom it may concern, a lot of Dress Goods, Plaids, Hose. Ladies' Ul sters, Shawls, and other goods. Also at Administrator's Sale, 1 Trunk and Contents. 1 Cook Stove, Heating Stove, and lot Sundries. E. C. HOLDEN. Auctioneer. $j) REWARD TTTILL BE PAID FOR THE EETl Ilji OF J 1 a small blotter lost from my place dur ing the fire. Ketum to Theo. Brackers' cl ear store. 7-3t A. U. Sl'KXA li 1 M. Net Lost. OK TIIE NIGHT OF JUNE 30!lt. IS Grav's Bay. about 100 fathoms 40. 12 ply, 50 mesh." leads and floats marked I lc J' Co. Finder will please send information to PILLAR BOCK PACK I NO CO. 7-St Pillar Bock. W. T. Notice. IHAVKT1IISDAY SOLD A HALF IX terest in the buslnes of sailrnaklng to Mr. J. Hess of this citv. Mr. Hess has been with me in the capacity of foreman for a number of years and Is fully competent in all the branches of sailm&king. Hereafter the business will be carried ou in th? Ann namo of ItheJAstorla JSall-Ioft. J. Uoss & Co., proprietor?. J. HESS. A.M. JOHNSON. CEE&T EUROPEAN CIRCUS AT1 ASTOEIA Saturday, July 7thu Special Engagement of Prof. Mu Stall And his World-famed TOMMY, BARNEY, and JACK, Together with the Brightest Army of Arenic Stars ever Exhibited on the Pacific Coast, foremost of which stands 3IISS LEE. Crown Princess of the Arena. Y3l. UOiniAX, Champion Hurdle-Rider of ilia World. WILLIE 01RLL. Summersault and Pad Rider. LITTLE GLOHIA, The Child Wonder and his Ponies DUKE and DUCHESS. 331 iue. KFFIE DEKOCK. The Lady with the Iron Jaw, The Great Russiau Acrobat. TIIE ?IOXROE BROTIIEltS. Victor, Frank, Charles an d Harry, FRAISK aiOJVUOE. The Human Fly. YOTTffG AMERICA. Contortionist. FRANK aiOROSCO, America's Greatest Knockabout Clown. GEORGE ZORELLO, Horizontal Bar. GEORGE TlIOIPSO., Equestrian Clown. We give our show inside the tent, not in the street. Sherman's Silver Cornet Band Will parade, just prior to the afternoon performance, in their MagnificentBand Chariot drawn by Six Noble Steeds. Admission, - -One Dollar. Children, - - Fifty Cents JT'Doors open at 1 and 7 v. m. Performance at 2 and S. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer BABBAGE, - . . Master. Will sail oa her regular trip, for TILLAMOOK, OX TUESDAY, JUJDy 10th, l&Hli. FOll SAILING DATES AND PAItTICl larsapply to J. G. HUSTLER. Main street Wharf, Astoria: ALLEN & LEWIS. Portland ; J. L. STORY, Tillamook. Take Notice. I THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY NO- tify the public of Astoria, if there Is any claims against the undersigned, the claimant please come forward before the isi oi August, and present said claim as I am Going to take atrip to Washington. I). C 6-2vks. U. li. lilL.UC.Kl, Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTI lled not to purcliase any notes made payable to me. as I hare not transferred them to any one and they' probably liave been stolen during the fire. A. G. SFEXARTn. July?,SS3. Reor w Enlar Summons. r? THECIRCUITCOCRTOF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop : M. J. Kinnev. riaintitT. vs.E. 1). Heatley, J W Grace and .1 31 '1 en Bosch, as trustees of tho estate of 31 J Kinney. '1 heodoro Brack er, W E Dement. I W Case, Win McAlIee, the New Zealand Insurance Company, A L Bancroft and H H Bancroft, partner? under the firm name and stvle of A L Bancroft X Co.. E 1 Uucter and Gtutav Hurler, part ners under the firm name and .Myle of Hne tcr Bros. & Co.. .lolm Marcus and Wm Mar cus, whose true names are unknown to plamtilf, partners under the firm name and style of Marcus Hros. & Co., James Harri son, whose true name is unknown and John Doe whose true name is unknown to plaintiff, partners under the firm name and style of Harrison & Co., H S Crocker and John D Yost, partners under the finnnnia? and stvle of H S Crocker & Co., li Balfour, R B Fbremau and Alex Guthrie, partners under the firm name and style of Baliour. Guthrie & Co.. A M Simeon. K A Robbing, H Osterloh. Carmen Island Salt Co.. John Searle, J Grace and J F Chapman, part ners under the Arm name and style of J W Grace Co . W R Grace and Richard Roe, whose true name is unknown, partner un der the firm name andMylc of W K Grace & Co., N Ten Bosch and R Clere. partners under the firm name and stIe ot N Ten Bosch & Co.. Charles nolbiook. .1 F Merrill and C Merrill, partners under the nrm name aud stvle of Ilolbrook. Merrill & Co.. E D UeatleV and George Campbell. pHrtueis un der the firm name and style or Dickson De Wolf & Co.. R C Jauion and Ch iries .Smith, whose true name is unknown, partners un der the firm name and stvle ol R CJ.inkrtiX Co.. Henry Coubrough, George ShieS. V Goldsuiith and J Loweiibers, lrtner un.lrr the linn name ana stie. oi ivoiiisiuitn, Loweuberg it Co.. Charles Hireltfeldl, whose true name is unknown, doins lni::m- under the firm name aud style of iidenian. liiisch feldt & Co., Salc-m Flourim; .Mills Co., W Ixcket and J Loefcet. nartners under the firm name and style of and J Locket. W E Hooper ana ivm Jiooper auu .iouu lKwjver, wiiose true names are uiikiiowii. pai liters un der the firm name and style of XV EHooiKr& sons, J w Davis auu .iouu .lone;, ttitosc true name is unknown, partners iumUt the (Inn :tml stvle of.l V Ii:lis X C.i- I) .1 Tallant. John McKec and John I) Tallant. partners under the linn name aud iyle of Tauant & co.. ueiennanus. In the name ot the btate oi Dreson ; lo each of the above named defendants. The New Zealand Insurance Compauy.A 1. Ban croft aud 11 H Bancroft, partners under tht firm name ami &ivie or a i. uancrtut a: ro., E I llueter aud'Gustav Hueter. partners under the firm name and style of Hueter Bros. & Co., John Marcus and Win Maieus, whose true names are uukuown, partners under the firm luune and style of Marcus Bros. & Co . James Harrison, whose true name Is unknown, and John l)ie. whose true name is unknown, partners under the firm name and style of Harrison it Co.. II S Crocker and John D Yost, partners under the firm name of H S Crocker Co.. R Bal four, R B Foreman and Alex Guthrie, part ners under the llnu name and st3le of Bal four. Guthrie & Co., Carmen Island Salt Co., J W Grace and J F Chapmau.iianners under the firm name and style of.l W Grac & Co.. W R Grace ami Richard Roe.whosc true name is unknown, nartners under the firm name and s'yle of W R Grace & Co.. N Ten Bosch aud R Clere. partners under the linn name and stvle of NTen Bosch it Co.. Charles Hol broak," J F Merrill and C Merrill, partner, under the linn name ami style of ilolbrook, Merrill it Co., E 1) Heatley aud George Campbell, partuers under the finn name arid stvle of Diekvjn. DeWolf & Co.. R C Janion aiid Charles Smith, whose true name is un known, partners under the firm name aud stvle ol It C Janion & Co.. Charles llirsch fualt. v.hoe tnie name is unknown, doing business under the name ami style of Tide man. Hirschfeldt it Co.. W Loekctt and J lckett. partners under the firm name and stvle of Wife J Lockett. W E HooKT,and Win Hooper and John Hooper, whose true names are unknown, partners under the finn name and style of W E Hooper it Sons, .1 W Davis and John Jones, whose true name is unknown, partners under the linn name and stvle of J W Davis &Co..D JTallanllohn McKec and John 1) Tallant. partners under the firm name and style of Tallant it Co., Win. McAffee, AM Simpson, F A Bobbins, H 0tcrloh, John Searle, Henry Coubrough. You ana each of you arc hereby notified and required to appear and answer the amended complaint filetl by the above named idaln tilT in the above entitled suit in the above cutitled court, on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, winch is on Tuesday, tticTlh day of August, 1SS3, and vou will take notice that if vou fail to so an- pear and answer for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court lor the relief lira veil lor in sam amcmicu comniaint. wiucii in substance is a decree declaring the amount of the claims or said defendants against said estate, if any claims they or either of them have, and requiring the said defendants E 1) Heatlejvf W Grace and John M Ten Bom-1i as trustees of the estate of plaintiff, to pay to plaintiff all moneys belonging to said estate, and enjoining them from making auv further sales of the real projierty belonging tosaiu esiatc. nu reouinng litem to convex and transfer to plaintiff all of said real prop erty, a description of xvliich Is as follows : Those certain lots or parcels of land situated in the town of Astoria a- laid out and recorded by John McCIure and extend ed bv Cvrus Olney, in the County of Clatsop and "State of Oregon, to-xx it t CommcncinE at the intersection or center line of 1st or ConiHtmly street with a line drawn from the southwesterly eonirr of Mock No. one. to the northxvesterly comer of block No. tict sixteen, thenec northerly on the course of the xvesteriy line of. said blocks Nos. one aud sixteen, to the line established bv the au thorities of the town of Astoria as the xxater front line ; thence westerly along the same to a point where said xx-ater front line xxould be intersected by a line drax-n parallel to said xvesteriy line ol said blocks h. one aud sixteen and two hundred feet xestcrlv therefrom ; tlienee southerly on a line par allel to said xx'esterix Hue of said blocks Nos. one and .sixteen and txvo hundred feet xvet eriv therefrom to the noint xvhere the same xx-ould intersect the eenter line of said 1st or Concondy street, produced xvesterix : thence easterly along said last mentioned line two hundred feet to the point of commencement Lot No. S in block No. 1C. lots Nos. "3. 11. 12 aud 13 in block No. ?, lots Nos. i 11. 12. 13 and 14 in mock o.ct. lot o.-t in mock rso. 41 ; alo the N K i of the S E H or section M). is. ami iot o or saut section iu. in town ship No. 8 north of range No. xx est, in said Clatson countv : also the N W j and the N J Jot thcS E H of section No. 1 iu township No. 3. north of range No. 1C east, and lots Nos. 1.2. a and 4 of section 17. in toxx-nship No.2 north of range No. 15 easr, in Klickitat couutv. xxasniiiKton lerntory: also mat certain WO acre tract of coal land situated in Columbia County. State of Oregon, pur chased bx- nlnlntilTmid William S. and .V- C. Tvinnex' from the State of Oreeon : Also, an undivided one-fourth interest in all those certain lots oi land situated in the citv and countv of San Francisco. In the Slate of Can foniia, designated and described :ls follows, to-wlt : lots numbered one. txvo, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, twelve, nineteen, txventy. txventy-onc, txveuty-txx-o, txx-cnty- inree. iweuiy-iour ami iraciiomn tots mini bereil nine, ten and eleven, in block numbered four-hundred and sixty-txvo, embracing ine xvnoie oi sanwjiocK excepting txvo small, rocky islands, as slioxx'ii on the mat of tue salt marshes and tide lauds aud lands Ixin under xvater south of Second street, xvhich map Is on file in the office of me surveyi r tienerai or me state or cautor nia. AH ot said lands having been cnux'cvcd by plaintiff to said defendants. E D Heatley, J W Graccand John M Ten Boch on the ICth day of March, 1ST8, In tnist for the pay inentof his creditors. This summons is published bv virtue of an order nude by his Honor A.S.Bcnnett.Judge oi sam court, at ciiamoers ou Hie inn nay oi .lune, iss3. C W. FULTON, and F. J. TAYLOR. Attorneys for Plaintiff. FOARD & STOEES, WE HAVE OPENED AGAIN lit Hittne'.s 2s'cv Building. Aiid are Ready to Supply the "Wants of Our Customers. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries. For Sale. A FINK ASSORTMENT OF YOUNG CA narys. Singers $3 apiece, or Sa,iD a pair, at MILS. TROTTS. 3-1 xvk Upper Town. Owners Wanted TCTOR BARRETT, TRUNKS. BOXES OF I? soap and kess of xvhltc lead picked up in the rirerand-saved near the dock. Can be lound at KInncy'J dock. Parties can have them by paying for this notice. tf BANKING ANDJKSURAHGE. 3. W C2SS3. 1 BROKER, BANKER SURANGE AGENT. I I!l( i0 ST01llA, OKKGON OFFICE IIOUKS: i PliOM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. U'T1L s O'CLOCK P. M. j Home Iitii taraice Co, I of cal;fcrnia. - j. f. hooqmto.v Oh as. il Storv...., Geo. L. Stohy Capital paid up in U. S. coin .. s o v ' I. W. V. Ajellt. Chenamus street. Asiei Is. Ot.oii $67,000,000 CAPITAL, LIVERPOOL AND !LON'V:-. ,v;i; GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND V. KliVA N TILE OF LONDON aNP EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF :.ni:1 TORD, AND CHlMilERCIAL OF CAL1FOKN1A IRE INSURANCE COMPASll'-S ItepreHeutinc a capital or SC7.000.0OO. . A. VAN DUSEN. Auent. 1?J 1R8T GrRAND X iBL S? AT empies srosis PRIOR TO ST9GK TAKING. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line cf Dress (xooils, Silks. Vrlvsls. IMnslics. CnshiMirtiS ami Annnvi's. Laws. IIosIim'V. Cm-scis, Cloaks. Dolmans. Etc... dc. A I- INK ASSORIMKXT or FLANNEL C 0 til FO RTEBS. Blankets, Stock Complete in Every Branch. Boot and Slioe Storej A L- 4& T 55i Cj r- " O X O SreJ g- Kj FINEST AND LAKGKST STOCK OF Boots AND Slioes Kx it ltmui;lir to Astoria, is niHMinl ! the I'ublie iu Rnnx-n's New Ruildine. Next to City Rook Ston CVniio and see I Jitcst Styles. !. J. ARVOLD. Wilson & Fisheh, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALERS IN Iron.. Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains. TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AND CUT GAT.VAN17.Kl SPIKES. Nails. Copper IVails mid Ilurr.s, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of ail Kinds. PROVISIONS, rr.ouit awi niir.T. fki:i. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenamus andHaniiUon Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. HAVE YOU SEEK -lICiaEIU3ICIIBSX33SIIJ3I2:SSSlCB3Sas:S:2I OUR SPLENDID STOCK S33iai3nCI3SIIIIEIIIS3SS33:S3S-X3::2SIl OF : CARPETS, j UPHOLSTERY, j WALL PAPER, j AND IVewesl Styles In Furniture? ED. D. CURTIS & CO. OT "V. Gallick's Old Stand.) Have somo elccant designs In lhe abox-e mentioned goods xvhich thex- xvill he pleaded to slmxx- the public Kverythins new and tasteful. For Sale. A ( ACRES LAND 2J4 MILKS FJ:OM AS r:yJ toria, on the John Day rix-er. at Sl:5 per acre if sold soon. Tills is :i good purchase for any one desiring a small farm. Enquire of B0Z0RTII& JOHNS. 1 1 if M GLMMCE SALE! 7f make twm for more - Ctafejj k VAH DUSEN & C8. W":; '! ..t !w tPeir erthv ttfc t.f TO HU VJ -AXI- BOOTS AND SHOES.: i . They roods must be disposed of js we re t SecreWiry j .AMitforo-.nj.Hai'dwarB and Ship Chandlery Ald MUt iiav.' PM!i to :.iTf il PERUVIAN DfrivPTi1PQ ? r-n ": Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Anents, Asioria. f Drugs and ChemicaSs ! M J. h. IliUiMii.o Pharmacist. C? H ASTORIA.o S t ! ; . J i Prcscrii:is carefully com;HHinled t Day or Nijjht. -ASK FOR Union India Bubber Go's Ture l'ara Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. linXTAEE OF IMITATIONS ! Re sure the Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PC RE GUM SPRINGS on the foot and instep, xvhich prevent their cracking or breaking. We are noxx' makinz them xvith HUJtRKR AXD ASIfESTOS Soles xvhich will make tiM'iu last more man twice as ionc as any ; RubtK-r hoots made. j AA. KINDS RURRER RELTING. I'AC K- IXG,IIOSE.SPRINGS.CI.OTI1IN(;, I ROOTS jVND SHOES. Etc. COODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. 11. l'KASK. .Tr. i Ascents. S.M.15CNYON. l San ErancNeo. ! HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY.; AND PLANTING MILL. I A full stock of home manufactured gcii constantly on hand. Special Aiiention given to Orders. ' All xxork guarantofHl. Your patn::ia - licited. ASTORIA. .... trt:ttn. . THE LATEST STYLES WALL 'PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLift'S, NKXT DOOR TO VSTOKLVX OFFICC. A x-ery large Stock from xvliicli to f!cct. Windoxv curtains made to order. J5yMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall l'aierj xviu ooioumi conxenicnt to my patrons. JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prux-e by his books that in is doim; Hie biggest business of any RESTAURANT In tlie city, and lie xvill xuaranttv ,t giVe the Ix'st meal for cash. TA.IXi02UKTG-, Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, C1IEA T AND QUICK. IJY GEORGE LOVSTT. Main Street, opposite N. Iicb. G ERMANIA BEER HALL aku BOTTLE BEER DKPOT. CiiKwncs Strket. AsTAar.t. TheJicst of iMtjcvo Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celeliratefl Colomfiia Brewerj Left at this place v. ill 1 immptly attend ed to. ENo clipap Sun Francisco Reersold at this place W.M. BOCICVroprielor Saloon for Sale. rTHIE NEW CORNER SALOON. GOOD JL location and good business: 2 years lease. CHAS. II. WILLIAMSON & CO. 1 Iff my i km Hp mores lew Lie ! LD ITresii Fruits if -a- St. MATTHEW'S HALL, SAX A U ier:t el;l under .Military Disciidhie. Tim Host Term Commences Thursday, July 19, 1883 For eatategwe or infoi matt.m. aidrs Kcv. AJiFitKI) liF.E UREWEIi, 31. A.. Principal. f!TTY V- ruxe n-Uay fiiitehpil openini; ami putting in order the ilouijlit in San Francisco by li. F. STEVEN'S. r. il. iiiiFKlT xxill lie fo:tml behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good aud reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. TII5C ;:irIy to t!ie f.:pt;iin. or i' (St'crEssni: to .iapkins & Montgomery.) i PLUMBING, GAS FITTING. AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. J15:SiA5II' STKKKr, Xext to i L. Parker's Store. HE NEW MODEL i mm A FULL 5TOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 33- JEL. 3BLTjSL W'JilS, Two doors east of Occident Hotel. CHAS. HEILBORNj MANUFACTURER OF FTFUNTTTTRB 55 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oii Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. Xf. O'.SRN. J. OUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN DEALER IN FTTRNITUBE Ss BEDDING. Corner niaia ami SJaueinoqna Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC X Complete Steel.'. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. aixm ici-siss or ruKraTUitE kep.hiies aivi vaissished. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stoek of Jewelry l" toria. ISAIl goods xrarrantcdasrepresentcd GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. PARKER. i Vegetables CALIFOB.U K STORE. STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. or TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK- II. IS. VAJXBLEB. DK.VLER IN Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magce Stoves and Eanges The Best iu the market. I'miuhtuK floods 0f all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. RANGR CAN BE IIAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF BAWBB '3 AGENT CALL AND EXAaHNE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E.R.ILVWES Is also agent for the Ml patent Mlw Stoye And other first-class stores. Furnace Worlr, Stsam Fit tings, otc, a specialty ASTORIA, OREGON . A. JOHNSOX. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Oldest Institution of Learning: oa the Coast, asc Students and 23 Proressors and Iastractors. 1. College of Liberal Arts with four courses 2. College of Medicines, Portland Or. 3. Woman's College, with Conservatory of Music and Art Department. 4. University Academv, in which diplo mas are given for Business Course and Tkacii Kit's Col kse, also for Freparatorj' courses. A young lady's tuition and board In Wo man's College a school year costs only $185. A young man's board and tuition a school year costs only $iso. First term begins September 4. Send for Catalojrne to THOS. VAN SCOY. President, Salem, Oregon. a