The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, July 04, 1883, Image 3

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o firecrackers, please.
-Mrs. Samuel Eltnoro and three
children are on tho incoming steamer.
- What a tand dunce this afford
for the man who goes around saying
"I told you sol'
Further Particulars.
Ton being detected threw the burning! Indians had increased of lato, and the
I cigarettes into a pile of sawdust, company had come to the conclusion
I shavings, etc., closo by trom tfnicujinaian auuuiuuw
bjr husband was dead, for she has
nsver heard from him, and this had
induced her ta go in search of him;
and now after a long sea Toyago
rthtch had Ia3tod thirteen months, she
j v-ith inexpressible joy, saw his face
When daylight came yesterday the Ore immediately Bpread. An old trapper naa Dcen seen coining
morning the full extent of tho de- The clerical force of the O. R. &j around Tongue point m a canoe, ono
l: i.i i.rM;v r., -....r,,.! tr. T. Afnm Idnr. and be had brought tho ucwa
BirUCl'lUIl RIBUkCU IUO illllb u-jiuid xi. V"., kmuubiibu ...w , j,
was manifest From where the saw (street wharf, Billy McUabe giving j from another station placed by .fit yam.
. .. . ... rr- i t I fo- unthn fliilnmbwi. ! Thu ViHiuL' man vrlnio holding the
mill stood eastward is a mass ot-blacic- tuem possession ot jus omce, anu uw wuij.., ... -r , - , ,. " . .
ened timbers and smouldering debris, the time the Wide West came downFor many days the community Wt m position was looking up into
. .... ... - t i. I ..v-a .,r vinlnntlv . tlinr uta-1 her tactv ano ftad mst commenced to
cverytmn:; was moving aiong sxuooiu-jc.uuc.i ........ . j , --,
ly Mr Noyes has not received anv'cnMed the news around the yrcat so-her. when the tido coming
word of tho company's intentions in (stove- in the old low-roofed Stre. . nmuA rhe bow of the ship caused the
rinrahaildtnir." Tho filing ap- i One day a sail was seen u8y.mlf ,mt i birch to one side, and ho was
Tho engines kept streams going till
five o'clock, aod after hastening to
other alarms again took up their post.
i The blackened roadwav was crowded
-The postofiice will be open to-day j with people who Btepped carefully
one aour alter uie arrival i ma across tne rent anu smoKing umosra. i mmy m.w - i . - i r. u ,.:.. ri, .n nn ahri1-fmm
an and river mail steamer. below which the tide ebbed carrying bnUdiuQ the bnrnefi over ;iroi,t ut w.e .w. ... i 1 M and aha fall insensible
;&u. hurniu- in-iBses which floated last Monday will be iiecessttily slow. was alwre. ;. 'Jirl and she fell insensible
Cant. Grav'i new steamer has cmw rmnS n-ses wnitu J , . t. . h . The vonn? man rose to
been launched near Smith, mill. She j r "l TV'iZr;:!: nu,nb,r. aware . th fact that this gen-f h. xac,, u.k. ru again, and yet the dark, rushing tide of the river. -
wxUberauinthe Gray's harbor trade in 1110 ffalRr- im "OT'r rST l.l w married i a Juvrfv 1J. Uirri Mine, and was then lost to I Adair WelcUr, tn Sacrament Jtteow-
- lii? j i . i ... i ...,.- ,.t i nnri stii.iii.i i id .iiiiuc.4i.x 1 i i' - i
pears to be uninjured, and the proba
ii;tv w thnt thov will. Nyurlc in
c ..iiorwl ntul :it nlinnt A o'cluek in I t4in.ji into the river. He k3t his
the afternoon the 9hip anuhorwl. in i JU.'a npa.i the rope and was earned
raau in the community read the burial
services, and tho unfortunato young
pair were lowered to their eternal
resting place.
Tho hull of the old Srtna de Grcts
withstood ihe shock of the wind and
the weather for many years. It is
said that people sailing by the old
ship at midnight in their boats have
heard the despairing cry ot me young j
girl, and on moonlight nights the sail
ors have been seen pulling at the
ropos of the vessel. But theso mys
fnrTnna rlsitfirs Hie to be seen no
more, for the noble essel h.ii at j
length given up the battle with time, j
A few years ago the last remnant of
iheSihiadi Gj-oj was carried away by
The Leading Dry Goi
House of Astoria,
a sou as comploted.
Caches of stolen goods wore
found in various locations yesterday,
and all day long property was being
identtGod and removed from the city
Au exchange Bays that the body
of a merchant, who never advertised,
wsa found dead on his counter where
it had lain several days without being
The Polaris having appeared in
the same form for three wcoks consecu
tively is apparently in dofinitc dress.
It is a witty publication and is evi
dently prospering.
--H. G. Hurlburt and his Burvoy-
ing party are camped near the junction
of the Mishawaka and Jowoll roads.
Th timber oxperts are expected this
way about tne lutn.
The city is in a dangerous predic
ament. Everything is unusually dry;
the water aupply is exceedingly lim
ited; the utmost care is necossary or
we ahallhavo a repetition of Monday's
these destructive nranus lounu louy-,
ment, and on the street wherever a
puff of smoke showed itself u stream
of water was turned upon it. The
destruction waa complete; in nouie
places the locality of the house waa a
difficult matter to determine. F.irther
down the street tvf re scattered pro
vision, melted glass, charred remains
of buildings, with here and thore a
safe which had bean hurriedly rolled
out from the flames. On tho 0. Ii. &
N. docks the firo burned all day yes
terday. The piles of iron pipe for the
Columbia Water company wero not
irreparably injured, some slight dam
age, but not so bad as feared; the
great pilea of salmon were still burn
ing, and the machinery stored on tho
dock destroyed; below, the coa! bunk
ers were completely destroyed, the
burning heaps of coal alone allowing
where they stood. On the dock the
morninst before the Gro were 1,000
made of the r-adw..v m, that Englinh Kiri the duy i.ei..iv i m..k.
communication with upjr wn England. He had left his v'iis ; Tho younS girl was taken ashore m ,
may o on. When building does I in England, and had come to this SHr, n it.nsime commion. oome men
berna" provisions -houlu be jJarnl to w.rk f-r the ; ct,mp:iiir f..r Mivi$ in a log-cabin deserted it and
made for wider streets. Nothing h so few yutw until had saved m my J up to her.- An old woman
- ... t ..f tir ..,,..o..h t.. .r., Imhuu and live with hilK?iv had wurked for some of the
Uiviuui; i" uiu jii.itiw " j " - -------
A Trunk Mystery,
Astoria's streets arojvrife iuease. ft was a hard t:iUo jofKcem i ih company, attended her
narrow mreeis. .-vshih.i j "v , ....
all too narrow. rst a firo hro out him and a hard tnnl to his ymit g-rinii her sickness, wtucU lasted two
auywhero and it itiil leap the street, wife; but povcrry.was his r.ias- r Hr j wiMrk-. Day after day the rough in
Owin to our situation we cannot have had thought first .f delaying th Joy llwbiUiild would eoi,io stealthily Jo
trees which form a most effective pro- of marriage, until his ret n, b.-t thi the old cabin, lay their hals on the
toction a-amst thu spread of fire iut had already been delayed, and both j srml and wais. silently until the old
we must have wider streets. It is a were to deeply in love tn reason.- In-Median rinan happened "to come to
c . r.t .o..;r..r iy(.v fn.t uiKrriail. !jihe door, when 'she would toll them
M""""""" . . " ... ... ... :.l rp,
A fAor liniiM of evouMte Wi ana Uiuviaow nv ouu hh ""J
n--lnA wonlJl awr.y tlien, snauing meir
rri. ...!.:.. ;u t,a. u.ol 'ih'trli I hfwtih inouriifiillv as thevwent. Dur
X1IU n.uic - v. . . ....... -. -
Thu expressman cnrefully dejiosited
a new tnmk in the hall, Mr. .T. with a
knowing smile, remarked to nis surpris
ed family: 'This is the mysterious
to unlock it, his wife and children drew
A Legend of the Columbia.
town of Astoria,
the hills on the
When the little
which lies beneath
left shore of tho Columbia, was in its
infancy, it was even more picturesque
than it is at the present day. It was
situated on a rising grouud and close
to the waters' edge. The tall Grs.haru-
had brought tho young husbund to
Astoria were spread and slowed around
to catch the wind; the vessel ntod
away on her homeward voyag.; ihe
citizens watched the sails until tavv
becamo a white speck on tho ocean,
and then became undistinguishabla
...... . i?
ni. ni'ist ot this tnno suo was uenri-
ous. The long continued anxiety,
followed by the unexpected Bight of
the one she loved, and that followed
bv hie death at the moment of her
gfwteat happiness, had beon more
tkan her seutle nature could stand.
pieces pipe for the Columbia WaterCo., . tho prutecte(i it from the
272 boxos tin for Balfour, Guth- tempe5ta of wiuter. Several miles
rie & Co., 4 billiard tables; J. M.
Brunswick, 42 barrels cement for the
school house, -i bales web, Seaside
Packing Co.; 7 packagrn liquor, W.
E. Dement Sc Co.; 20 ce labels for
the Union Pacific, PaciUc Union,
White Star, and Seaside Packing
Co.'s; A. W. Berrj and Sam Elmore,
18 package furnitute; P. D. Neville,
?. do.; Lieut. Green, 2 cratea sewin-
machines; C. JS. bcanimon, o.vj cases
Pyramid Tnlet; 3 packages marble, J.
D. Merrymau; 100 boxes tin, W. T.
Coleman & Co.; 6 pieces pump, P. T.
A. G. Spexarth will reopen
in Havel's new building, Foard &
Stokes havo already begun business
tn one of Hume's new stores; others
will begin agaiu as soon as they ean
una accommodations.
A Gro alarm near Kinney's can
nery yesterday morning created the
utmost confusion among many who
feared the scenes of Monday would be
rcneated. Fortunateh' it was a tn
fiing blare and easily extinguished
There won't be much celebration Cassidy; 78 packages fruit, Shuhrict:;
in Astoria to-day. "We've liad all the 227 packages freight for Tillamook,
celebration we want. If you see any including machinery and gooda, and
one with fire crackers, organize your- 8,000 cases salmon. The loss on tho
stlf into a committee of one and ait dock includiug every thing,is 8125,000.
down on him, gently but .firmly. The other losses can not be given in
t . n-" 7 Z i. i anything like detail, as can readily bs
Let it not bo forgotten that Astor J
, . . ... - , understood. Every one is still busy
Lodge 2o. C, will give their social u J J
. . - mi . -ii it . gathering up whatever is saed from
party uus evening, ahuj nmuuuuv- - - - . ...
, . . .. n i the wreck, but the loslowing will be
Im hfiTi a rtleasant time. (jOOUI
... j j found, m general, correct: L!atsup
music nas oeen securuu, aim iu win-1. , , , . , . .-A
... , i a Mill Co., lumber and shooka tor lo0,-
iuiucc ut iuiuui:i;iui;uu9 huu hva ...
i 4. r i - 000 boxes. 817,000; null and ma-
Cilllicrjr, O0,wuj uuuuuio iuu "hijiuu
imu. i nnn. fv.f-i nnn in
thet m the lelt shoulder by a special 3ured for 12,000; W. W., C. L. and
H. B. Parker, $11,000 on Foster's
acro. the blue waters of the Columbia
wero to bo scon the tree-capped hills
of what is now tho Washington Terri
tory shore.
The now member soon settled down
and became like the rest of tho com
munity, and it was not long before he-j
acquired those habits which wore com-
oil A t first. In. vctsi tho. nrin-
j luull vw - i
The part of this little town which cipal at the old store, and
was formerly called by it eight or mi!ll ascribe to the little band of
ten inhabitants the Lower Town, . Mner. ti.e L.r01t and nusv worid t
waa originally a trading post of the L Even the dogs of the vil-
Hndson Bay company, and was tirat , w11,ij :h ir haunoiiee 1
kno-.Mi by the name ot jorc ueorgc. ,nnV ,, inlo hia f ttCa wjA n Uk ..f
. . - -i r . I
Llere, tnousanue or mno
locks and spruce tree3 that surrounded L ,.e .liatnnt clouds on thu hori-? In hei delirum so the oldest inhabi
: tants say she seemed to tninic tnat
she was on an island in tho middle of
the ocean, and that her husband was
being torn from her arras by savages
who inituided to murder him.
But death cast his soft mantle of
eternal aleep over tho poor weary form
at last, for ono evening, as the sun
ww sinking down through tho sky of
i fire, that hung over tho mouth of the
great river, a ray t.f sunlight coming
j:thruugh tho old log-cabin a ray
which had been restiug on the poor
:wcary face and playing in tho hair of
gold, grc.v dim, and more dim, until
it had gone, aud tho night had come,
and to hur tho night of death!
The pretty oyes, blue as the blue
light of heaven, had lost their look of
weariness, and their look of sorrow
forever. There was no moro suffer
ing, no more pain for her she was
dead .
The next morning the' body of
the young husband drifted upon the
Preparations were uiado for the
funeral. Two canoes wero placed side
IU UlliW-l. ... ......
back, expecting something wrong to
como forth, out tncir scare eswui- w
certain end as lie puueu out a new
suit for his boy Jim. 2 nne colored
shirts, 1 tie and abundle of socks forj
(Jharley, a pair ot wnue n elegant suit for himself,
and then turned the truncover to Jane to
pack her things in. The wiioie mvstery
was this t he boucht all these goods for
S40 of M. D. Kant, tho Boss .Merchant
Tailor and Clother. lie will solve tne
same mystery for all -who call on him.
Card of Thanks.
XTn .laairo in OYnnN HUT illOPre I
n.nnVo in tlm frionH who lv their!
huuurw w w , .7,1
great exertions saveu at. jiary uuaunai
from the names last juonuay, uuu es
pecially to tne meraoers ol aich
llook and Ladder Co. No. 1, of this city.
who so nobly came to our reuet wnen
the danger was so great and did most
effective work.
Dinner Bill of Tare
r have just received a large consignment o Lace Corona,, aud
Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an. njpw.
tion from intending purchasers, confident that for rarity and Low Pfices
SiUss and Dress Goods,
We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of. thermos
elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City,
All Silk Shadames, Drap D'Almas
All Silk Poulards, , Wool SupOis,
All Silk Ottomans, duw,.
Etc., Etc-
We ave now showing th-i Largest and most Elegant jne.dLa-
' Cloaks and Wraps ever brought to this Uty.
Black Dolmans,
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp.
Black Silk Dolmans.
Lined and Trimmed with Gnipure Lace and'GimpV,.':
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans, "
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe.
Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters;
Shetland Shawls,
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls
All Sizes and Colors. .
noliceaian resterdav morninz. Tho
alleged reason was his interference
with the arrest of a man who waa
ataaling goods at the time. Ho was
taken to the hospital and attended to.
The wound is not a serious one.
building aud Central hotel, no m
suranch; J. V. and D. H. Welch, and
Mrs. Wood, $12,000 on buildings at
different points of tho burned district,
insurance $1,500; Mrs. Grant $0,000,
At a citireas meeting held at tho I insurance, $2,800; Mrs. O'Brien,
iroin tne
civilized world, with tho silence of a
vH.t f..nst to tho riuht of them and
behind them; the silence and deep
solitude of a mighty ocean to tho left;
with the silenca of a grand river in
front of them; here, all alone, lived
a tew wait, irom tne reai nviuy
rU may be imagined, these beings
who had wandered away to this west
ern world belouged to a class who
might be said to consist of tho curi
osities of humanity Trappers, men
who had escaped from justice, men
imbittered by the strange chances and
misfortunes of life such men formed
this community. Auiongat the last
class was a curious old lawyer; a man
possessed -of profound ability
had been brought up at the Inns
Court nt London. He had striven for
man years in that great city, feeling,
knowing his ability. Tn his aitempt
to obtain a foot-hold he had battled
8ccmiug interest a3 he apfky. Ann
one time ho told of tho sweet gaiiae
wife that he left behind him, and nt
he describsd her in glowing terini hii
listeners leaned forward with their
elbows on their knees, and one old
pilot took off his hat and laid' it wr.
the floor as the young, man dascrilfcW
the lovely face like that of. an an,Ml,
and spoke of tho golden hair aim tbt
eyes like tho blue vf heaven.
But after a whilo a dep inia'.-lnty;
took possession ef him. an 1 hi hardl
spoke to tho rest. And he wad of
ten J seen to wandor up and down :1ml.
bach in the cveuin'' after the diy a
iv., showing without doubt, the largest, and most, corapleta
anCra foffig I stock of Mens Youths', and Boys' Clothing ever brought to Astoria
nnv-.i npfirt. at PYTRT?rwr.r T OW PRICES.
ill, iJl.. Ji mi"" - -
Baked Salmon.
Baked Heart.'
Lamb and Green Peas. VeaLPredan
gio. Oyster Patties, Corn Beef and Cab
Green Corn, String Beans. Mashed
Ice Cream.
"Mlnwv an it A Trf(nt.
Tea, Coffee, Wine or S. F. Beer.
Meals, 23 cents.
Dinuer from 5 to 8.
Largest Stock,
Finest Goods.
Lowest Prices in Astoria.
UCilUil 111 V. liUIlii, ...vw. .....x.... .. . I ,
work .was done. Pic became the'auf.- by side, aud boards were placed be- I
At Carl Adler's'j Jinn Tlnv" PnnfPAs!onS Ot"
noci.rni Xnn otw! nil thR new nnd non-
ular books, kvery book of any note re
ceived as iasc as puouaiieu.
I Know Whereof I Speak.
"Rnr T havo used it extensively. T re
gard Parker's Ginger Tonic a most)
wTPPllpnt remedv for kidnev. lull"
and stomach disorders. ft invigo-
against poverty and misfortune, and
ai a catte luctiuug Cm au tuo insurance, ouu, " had felt the pangs of that hope de-
city hall last evening, the mayor and Campi Restaurant, $4,000, ininco wll;ch lnakos the heart ek;
common council beuiff present, ms ?l,u00; U. VVallman, Central but the rushhllI fitrCam of misfortune was ordered that W00, insurance 2,000; A. G him Ug
all places of business in Astoria be Spexarlh, ,000. insurance S1.U0U; ,
c ii. t iir : qi ir(.
r ......... :.,... mao terriDie tme, anu ne lost n-a
' . nnnii the world. He sounht the
oth inclusive. A committee ot safety surance ?2,100; John JJouglas 4
. ..nT.. tn nnf.i;nrr in . I Oft A .... J mnu. P Ariim P-Jf.1". I l'0'101-
prpconcerted system of arrangements, inj; Co., 1440 cs. salmon, $,200, un
insurauco; A. Astelle, $ov), no
iect of conversation, uad tin
;1" all solemnly agreedand c-spJt&-Xf
Hel ,., .. , , , . ..i . u
ma tne oiu lawyer iwiiiciuuu- iiiai w
was out of his element; that funt waa
no place for him.
Still the days dragged ty and Vi
rain came drearily doivn; atiil tit In
dians in their cauocs paddled their
way over the smooth surface of thd
river, and still the river t-aviwl O'd
Timo in his invisible boat ..! v-Wl
One dny an Indian camtr-jiniw-Thi:
store and informed the paopht thriw
that a big canoe waa out on the
They went out, aud siirw nnj on
J . ... n .,- t rates without intoxicating. J. i?ran-
tween, funning a platiorm. On Una philo3 Journalt Chicago.
and solitude of the
fOl63t. I f 1..,:., .,,..1 .. l....tlrt in n.,r:
W lai HJlli.-yil, mix .w ......
This last gentleman was the oraclo I - A iinllfi ;1 ,.fi, t,W to,!,r
ot tne little lown, auu many a lucmro
did ho give to his audience there as
sembled, as he sat before thu groat
expressed it, was a sail. The sail
moved across the mouth of ths river,
and many were the conjectures a-s to
i ;n- f;i nK. insurauco; A. Asteue, ouu, no m
iT r- .i surance; G. W. Hume 8o,000, no in
OC uu nciu tvi luua. , r.nn ....
, . i i it j r : I surance; vnuie a uuiiuuik. 9Kuu, uu
srods cpturod a boatload of provis- l ' . , n ' ' .
i ixMiraiind- vm rviri nnniff A .11 111. 1 1 mill luiiiiv kuiu ii.u iuniwim
.j , 010 ,uu luu Kwi wuauv. 1,,,. f At. List lh niiMtiuii
. 1 mi -1.-1.-j lusuieu ci,uuu iuo x-iMui, vii'( . . . , , ,
emioiown. iuoy siariou . . his macrscliaum nine in ciouas aDOTei i.i
' , - , . , . insured 55,000; Wm. lleadington, - ' : . , . . - aeiuea wuon iue vessci iuuuu
acro the river again and returned at J him; or ;lt wa3 around Uus stove tha nwlh CTd ftf lho W.
saownwianotnerioireco.ereu $goQ; tho w 10le ; c, y assemoiea wnenevcr " In two houra the ves8cl wilh aU eaa9
their property may hnd it at the city ,uf w.. nCarlv everv day in the year. Around TTTI L .IT ; "
- -. 1 I n tnntl .1 n .1 Hil 'I'ntTlrtr Tlk.'VI II I 111. 1 -
Damage to the Eskdale
.T,nn.r.ion, .mVl i T.Jvfirnool 200, no insurance; Gilbert Chris-
.ured: St. larv's hospital. S1.000. no l,US?reaiSlOVe m l" m WUI The vessel was ,a beautiful clipper
.1 .... store inn wnoie ciw on ines mmiut-i r e..iQ..j;,i i; j:
77Mn i,pnPa insurance; morions saooung gauery, . , " , . PttUh-cl' uuu Ui
j$Kaait, nence ous OCCAjj,ons chewed and smoked m. j t,.
the year. Arouno. rf &nd wenfc Qa U Ujo
tho old log-wood .i . i,n..,;r.,i Mir.,-,
the community placed green bonghs.
Tho csirpentera of the packot ship
made two pino coffins. Tho remains
of the young people were placed on
these, and thev rested side by side
above tile platforms on tho canoes.
This was taken in tow by tho " life
boat, and tho inhabitants took canoes,
and the ship's company their boats,
aud this littlo company rowed slowly
Attention Knights A tor JLortso
4 Ko. 6, K. of P.
Vmi nra ImroliV rAflllPStpd to lllCCt at
vour CasUe Half at UiTO P. af,on tho
evening of July 4th.
By order C. C.
PnntJnnlion. liver and kidney dis
eases are cured by Brown's Iron Bit
tors, which euriches tho blood, and
and silently around Smith's Point and J strengthens the whole system,
up Young's river. A number of In- j Go to "Jeffs" for your oysters, nights.
dians in their canoe3 followed grimly
and silently in tha rear.
Near a narrow "onre in this
Handsome trimmed hats for 31 at
Sheriff O'NeU's Danicrupc siore.
Shirts, Wliiu esis, i.wicu xiu.iii.-i9. -.iv, .
At the Very LowestJ?rice3 !
The Largest Assortment of Straw Hats, All the leading
styles in Soft, Stiff and Flexible Hats.
kLo?it!andS. Full stock of Clothing.incltfing fine Prince Albert Coats in Black an Blut
The Tailoring department comprises the largest stock of imported Cloths,
Cassimercs, Worsteds, Tweeds, etc.
The Xaoadisig
Mr 12th. havimr exnerienced heavy tianson W.500. no inwiance; G. W
m-n n .i Coffinberry, $3,000, no insurance;
i ....r nt Antoine's restaurant, f4,000, no miiir
had bulwark, badly damaged, washed ance; Luigi Sorra, $1,500, no ininr-
a t-, j i ance: Ktnncv'a new buildintr 4,000, ,
away me waeei ana susvaitmu uuiui i - - -
in0n Uo insurance; A. Gmders saloon
-.Ja a Ar-n-A nnn $1,000, no insurance; Blue Wing
-f wiiw l,ill lpm. Ualoon. $800.. no insurance; China
An inquiry was held to de- ft houses. $600; Astoria Soda
termine tho cause of the disaster, and Works, 2,000, insured: Jas. Turk
-n. ,..; $3,000, insured; J. W. Gearhart,
in delivering the judgment of the UBOO, no insurance; Ureenbnrg &
i !J XI L T t 1 V... UU., WiUUW, ilU IHOUIUIIVC, V. II.
CO Hit, Hia kuai lb Xiuu ucnu auunu ....
tat the reel when she left Astoria Ruddock, $1,000, no insurance; II
wAi Fnn Strudzmki, $00, no insurance;
aL v c i j Centennial hotel, ?u,000, no insur
lOW LUC OOaiXl Ul tiiiuu luns, I ,.
tkreeuartera of an inch below ccJJOU?
. . rnipp- S. .T. Sinclair. S2.0fin rtn in. " . a
Llovd'i rules, and there was a ditter- , . , lDrin
... . u. .v. surance; Esculapius aaloon, $300, no
ease ofonimons aa to whether she ' . '
I packets that sailed between this coun
try and France fiity years ag i; in
j those vessels that were fitted op iLtt
a palace; that were built of oak aid
pino and were fastened with copr
bolts. This was tho Siirla Grot,
y nen auca a strange event as iuu : ...w.
.. .. and she hnd a majestic appearatu u
appearance of a white sail upon the .,
ocean happened, tho quiet littlo com-1 .
munitv would be thrown into a state r
tobacco, and told hideous yarns.
And all tho whilo the Columbia,
with the rain ever falling on its smooth
surface, rollfd on in grim silence to
When such a stranore event as the
of enormous excitement. Then would
the members of the community lay
down their tobacco pipes, the quids
would be cast aside, tho people would
put on their rubber-boots, their oil
skin hats and coats, and the whole
community, followed by the sheep,
T!vtv fmv-trlass in the citv Wis
J o
leveled at tho vessel as she liddd
onward. A lady on the "poop-Heck
was waving a handkerchief, and a jj-
glass showed to tho young clerk that
this was the wife he had loft m -U
river, .1 i:non n XitPTu for S1JJ0 at
- u.mito
buueuth the shadow of tall fir trees Sheriff O'Xeifs bankrupt store.
was found a little green spot, and Bov's full suits for $2.50 at Sheriff ES5g23gSfitS
here a LTave was dug. The oldest O'Neill bankrupt store. a,mnn Rhinmenta from Astoria to
San Francisco,
t, . rininn :r.o. .T Williams
350 Thomes & Knowles 400, Warren 500,
J W Hume 523. Total 2125.
-The Albany Democrat gravely in-
I forms its readers that in Nevada and
California, the dust is so thick that
bells on the teams are necessary in
order to prevent collisions. A man
that would believe that would Deneve
A-,,r, ,w? middle-aijod men. suf
fering from nervous debility and kin
dred affections, as loss oi memory uu
i,-nr.,i- nhnnld inclose three
stomps for part VII of World's Dis-
pensary uimo
Address World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, Buffalo, S". Y.
For a Neat Tittlnsr Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che-
BMs! Blanks I
Drawback Entries,
Bills of Lading,
Manifests, Etc.
Xegal Blanks.
Mortgages, Warranty Detdi,
The Astorian Office
Any blank or form not la stock wUl b
printed to order.
Bill Heads, Lettef Heads, Belpt Bok&
Fish Talleys, Cards. Tags, and. cmohhW
paper or all kinds printed to order at
The Astorian Job Office.
.....n i,A u.inrti, xv intond to hold a crand parado In tha prices of goods. " tlvt- ,innr tn W. Case.
Altbonau we hive no gun-powder explosions, the All goods of the best make and guaran-tr-T,,ini
wMiiirt on; In the nrlces of goods In every department m our store win mtj-uh i it, cinoV upw poods
England. Tho day had been a bright
i 1. .. ran a cinlrillir fir t W
cows and dogs of tho village, wonWLonth or the rircr through n hoan
j it.- m . x :i i
CmCQ oi opinions aa w wuciuci auo -. i anu iuu crew wouiu prepare w uuub
r . - . I insnraiipft? A. S. Cloutnc. S300. no ... . L .
waa overladen or not. Captains ivnox I . 'n . the ship into port. But such au oc
as Wilion takincr tno view tnat bub
boat of tho company would be manned
But such au
casion as this occurred only at very
iuu iubvivaia jtiuiu.
t "L"- co nan
i 1-J 1 fl.nfuin 1 wt - J! "l
ijul uvensucui auu, viiii" i .... i
. . . . . ; xt, ance. The total loss as announcea
ranta. conwuenuc uiu imiuio w wu . i
te and tlie time of rear that yMt85J aro&t(ii ,n9nr- dys, but not one is now left to tell of
A would be off tho Horn, takinc a r"!.. ' . ' ... .... 1L. r . the race that
contrary riew. Tho court, however, . . ' . . ,r ... quiet, peaceable and idle raco. Thny
w of the opinion that ahe waa deep- About three months ago it cMefl fby
i- i.An nn fiiH fi'fin " . " . and were not of a warlike disDosi-
-.Tlv x -til. was rold to a company consisting of tjon.
... . mi I Anir f! "FCinriBV. Lvman 0. Kmnev. The littlo town of Astoria had heen
tac itavijjatioH oi tne Tossei. xney o- - m
MMUred that any attempt to save Wm- Kinney, Astona Paclving Co., sleeping m the quiet manner which we
..... - . . .Linn "WVlcli. and D. Morgan. Jr.. for have described, disturbed onlv hv tho
Vm Hi it oi iae raan wno wasiost -
woU Kave beea madness. They atout $32,0CX). The origin of tho cry of the panther and the howl of
ware ako well aatiiEed with the con- Cre believed to have been occa- tho wolf, when a great commotion was
m in which the vessel bad been nonea. by a few boya who wero on tne causea oy tne report tnat uiero was
to sea -a marked contrast Idj-heack about fifty feet southwest of the to be an increase in the population.
y they -were siaoldne cigarettee, and i.Eagknd. The sale ol blankets to the
of golden clouds.
The young husband got into ho
lifo-boat with four companions and
rowed up the river after the veswL
The sun sank, and the clouds of gold.
in the west took a crimson hue.
It was suddenly noticed that ihe
vessel had stopped. She had struck
upon a hidden rock. Iho vessel te-
mained in the Bame D03itloU Wlthsilt
movinjr. The boat reached her, audi
tin viumcr hnsband seized upon a
rope that was hang
which had ccjme before
wonilerfulrcdurtloiBta A full stock; new goons
r cKu constantly r
aiucn., ucii
Custom work.
Anlip's W Yontus' ClotMiaifllirasliii Goods.
Boys' Suits from $2.50 up.
Men's Suits from 5.00 up.
" Linen Bosom Shirts from 75 cts. up.
. " Underwear from 35 cts. up.
Cotton Socks from 4 cts. up.
" Shaker Socks from 12 1-2 cts. up.
, ' ' ' " All "Wool Hats from 75 cts.
lite second noinb3hell
Ladies Lisle thread Gloves from 10 ots. up.
Silk Gloves trom 2d cts. up.
Cotton Hose from 5 cts. up.
Important Notice to Fishermen
ami Others.
alBPPI) nf tl.n P.lIflP HOUSE, will
give you the BEST 25-centmeal in town
for cash. Board by the week $5, in .ad
vance. Meals at any hour, day or night.
Tlic Man Wlio Laughs
wimi Whv! Where! Atuanu-
the buttons that you shed.
We hare for sale
MONROE'S Celebrated Ylte.
Which are acknowledged by all Logjewf to
dwlm WILSON & FISHES, Astoria.
L. K. G. SMITH, m
Importer and wholesale dealer la
ClKan and Tobacees, S meter' Arttelw,
PJavlaz Cards. Cutlery, Sl-"v-
tSbncry. Etc
Tlift largest and tlnost s!o"lc Xt SKKK
SC1IA15M and AllUKK (JUUDii lu taedty.
Particular attnntiou pattt to orac ire
nDi tho "R.ifl Tlov's Diarv." and
vou'll have to get your Wife to sew on ciienanius Street. Astoria. Orejoa.
I ler's.
Thko. UEACTKKB. Maaaxer.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oe-ideu
hctel, Astoria
The Peruvian syrup nas cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep
sia, debjlity, liver complaint, oons, nu
tr ZZl Kiworks and miscellaneous explosions in Dress Goods, SSitS&S&xM
i A i .1.. nnlc. TATiinctina lTilliTiftrv- Ttfi.. at &Son- ijoston.
f tho vessel in order to keep lie
boat in position. The ebb-tido vsl
ruthing rapidly around the bow of J
the ship forming a ?hirlpool in its j
course "j
During the voyage from England i
the young wife had had a cons.Unti Corner- Goncoraly and Main Streets,
find that
Fancy Goods, Domestics, Millinery-, Etc., at
Sheriff O'Neil'g Baakript Store,
M. ISAACS & Co., Consignees.
presentiment that she would
i&Son- ijoston.
x Arnnn tn beautifv srrav hair ei
familv needs. Parker's Hair Bal
sam nover fails to satisfy.
Shlloh's Vitalizer is what you need
innctinxtinn l.nviC nf ATinp.titc DlZ-
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
ASTORIA, OREGON Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle; bold
remain. - ,
"We will-take orders for lumber teem MB
to 500 M., at the null or delivered.
We also manufacture lata aad siuafteJ
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty .
Addrasi all orders
WXSTPpETjmiiO. ,
4 r" '