n- , f J JL SL. CH ssrosa r-.. ..-.i . Site Sailtj Astasias. ASTORIA, OKEGON: miDAY... JUNE 29. 1SS8 CMH1ERCEAHD TRADE , - '.PORT OP 'ASTORIA. Orc m. Peklwui. 8 F Jun- 23 TESSELS I A' TEE RIVER. CtMferch, Am p BtTMMM.Am p IftpcrUl. Am ep miMk.rnk OS HalberUAw RmuT. Crowell. TiU.a. A HhjMaad Ucbt.Atn.fp rersict. Am sh Keeper, Atn p Tmdis, Am sp. "Kierale. Br Western Belli. Am cp Celesa, rES$L$VX THE WAY. Foreign PortN. for the CelHmUa River AberimtM, BrfekXewcastle feats. Br sp Liverpool May 12 Caue. Br bk Liverpool March 9 Calrasaaere, BrsLeB4oa.AprH?; TitTT Cr, Br sp Sidney Gtaberri. Brbk Lirerpool Dor 27 OrWasl. Br up Liverpool Harry Bailer. Br bk Baesos Arrei lacarrecn, Br sp 10l Greeaock, June 2 lrsesiie. Br tk Greeaock Hay IS Kapmcda, Br sp Leaden April 7 Lake Erie, Br to Loaden April 29 Madras, Br air Ho setose Kallftffate, Hr bk Liverpool May 21 Xakaafclre, Br sp GJascoir March 22 Oberon. Br fek'Hull Oberon, Brsp London June 10 Scottish Tar, Br bk Liverpool. March U fikealr, Br bk New castl o Wlrtcahir. Br bk Brcmon March 13 Frsai American Port. Carrie Winalow. Am bk N Y March 15 MtWaahinxTon, Am sp Ken York April IS U K "Watt, Am bk New York May 12 OUre S. SenMrtri. Am eh, Phila. Feb 12 Ked Cross, Am p K Y March 12 Kt,Lde, sp New York March 11 Sererelga of the Seas, Am sp New York June t Tfllie E Starbuck. Am sp Philada TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of United States Coast Survey Eic.h Water. Low Water. Ite. A.M. P.M. CtliaUa River Export. IPMENTS FOBKIGN. iriTULATION JANUAKY '3. r.f78 bus. wheat .......... ? 30G.310 slr6bus.whi e67 Bbls flOUT..... 257.176 Total, 8 cargoes.. $ 55t.ifec XKCAriTULATfOTrFKBKUAKV. Wheat, 1G0JP06 bus., value .... S 179.103 Flour, 29,4Klbbls 141,493 Total, 8 cargoes.. .. KKCAl'ITULATION, MAKCU. "Wrhp.tttt97.S24 bushels) Flouues.Ul bbls) Salmon (205 cases)....... . .... lumber (NO M ) Total (8 cargoes).. ..... ... RECAI'ITILATION ArlllU S323.C91 - 21C.7S0 ,.314.1117 , is.aio 0100 ..$X3,311 .$lSi.ST.l . 40.000 r. 21.830 bbls tier, S75 M. .71 cargoes ..... . ..$180,r51 MAY. -To Liverpool jer Saranac . Portland 49242 bus wheat ..... ,.STi!.tfW 3,525 bbls flour . 171 C5 Rill "5.. . .. $77,002 Council. i second aod fourth Tues- ImonUi, at7J5 o'clock kto nave matters Acted iny regular meeting tthe Auditor nd riday erenintr nrior he Council holds in 105.5.JEWKTT, ' Auditor and Clerk. 40, L O. G .1. Tnpsflnv TVpnin Htjrfan llsill, Astoric. ilem- k Ordnefei Row! ftandinc arc invit. ! attcssL Jtftreo meeting 1st Alond.iv of ek month. Br order W.C.T. Tsple Lodge, Wo. 7A.P.A.M. Kecular Co mm .lcntions first and tfelrd Tuesdays r each month. at" Vieet. r m., a tno Jlall in Astoria. Mwberacfhe Order, in Reed standing, are laritod to at end. llverdc: of the Av.M. Ai.oric&n Legion of Honor. JMrulat weetlnjt or Astoria Council No. W, Ueld on Ue llrst and Uilrd S;nurd.j r.f acli month, at 7 o'clock r. si. lyerrtr of Council Commander. 1L V MoNTKiTir, Sec'tv. LOG SOILING. Ift'klle WresillHS "With a Fc!l: Trre & LHtHbcrtaan IicceJv,; CHsetmeutIai Danascs Whilo on a huntinc excursion in tho preat coal ana wood region near Carbondtilc, Pa., tho writer met William Coil, i lumborman. AeeaEtomed to life and labor in tho lore-t from early manhood, ho was a truo Knight of the Axe. Many a tree had fallen before hb rincinx strokes, and fleets of rafts had borno awajto market tho sawed products. Coil is a charactcrand if Cscar Wildo is right in fay ice that all movements in unhindered labor are graceful, our friend "William, stripped for hii work, and aUacking a trco as Richard L setaaUcel te heavy doors of Front do DsePa Castle, BBt have presented an admirablo pktarc 0 4ay, however, bu let him toll the rtory himrelf, as ho told it to me. ln wa. ut in tha woods, you know, tryini: jUrta log Sown a hill. Thinking I could 'Ct a better purchase on it from the lower side 1 tackled it there with, my log-rolling "hook and threw my weixht on the lever. She start ed, fte did, but as lack would havo it, before 1 M ceteitt ( the way, shy rolled right ever Me. If khaaa'tbeea for a lot of small liaaba aa4 hntk lylag in the road, which lift echc,fiakt'dacrAeiieflaL As it was If.Mf wkltwet a broken bone, hut with aoata fcaiffc-tr baa bmees.'. MTVe yea ware all right," said his auditor. Xot hy a b1a sight, strasgor. i took eeli. raoawBtiwai set ia, aai if I hadn't heard f BKXSOX'S CAPCDJE POROUS PLAS TJ0RS imi. w 'saa, its ay opinion I should MversMffeTMieaae&er chip Sy. But the Csekte tek ImM aiek, and I'm 'bout as Ciaew. Bat taere's eae thiag you kin iikliatti ; I aevef ahall wrartle with an tbr lag ma4M I have the adraata;c of the Far, as I tola yea before, if it hadn't i far theta brashes Pd aeea smashed so, M 'aswisM fw a ier aat" pCifieiae the thiag for. rheamatism. lUlceapyaawakiag. The word CAP- 1 is err ia the eeter of the genuine. tag.etala. nry A J.almna. Cheie4,ew York. H0JE SCHOOL roK XWrO LJLDXKS. Tttegraph , OahfgJML Cat. OlCMiiMl te JK2. ' ytMr -mm feegte b Weelsesday, Km L, A.TEELD, PriMipaL S. T 57 8 071 1 54 1 4S 30 11 15.... 9 03J.. . 3 03 . 2 49 I 10 31 10 04 4 1!) .1 52 ?. U 42...10 5G1 5 S3 4 53 3 0 41 U 47 fi 31 ri2 4 - 1 30., 7 27 C 17 . 0 34.. 2 11 8 03 7 3(3 6 1 1S.. 2 47 8 4C h 23 7 1 57.. 3 21 U... 9 20 .... 9 I1 S 2 35..... 3 51 1.. 9 61 9 47 No Whiskey, Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor of the American Christian Re view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Cin.,0.,Nov. i6,i88i. Gents : The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relie mnx.'j'!jifJKarwr jiji-it ., k.i; hb Salmon Shipments from Astoria to San Francisco. APRIL. 3 ColuvnUna Wm. Uunie. 70; Scan dinavian Packing Co..(KK): total (710. 9 Oregon Scan. Tkg. Co.. 00. 18 Quccii Astoria I'kjr. Co., L00. 21 OrcfjonG eo.W.lhnneJW; Astoria Pkp. Co., ir,0: total 1M0. 24 Stale A. JJonJh. 2. 'IT Columbia las. Quinn, l(Ki; Cut litiS Co 20: Astoria Pkg. Co., 200; Sean. PfcR. Co., 2.121; Win. Hume, ?: Occident, :KK); total 3,aso. 30 Queen Astoria Pkjj. Co., 200. M VY. 3 Oregon Aberdeen Plccj. Co. .100 cs, Astoria :00 as. Cuttinc 250 cs. Fisher- maifs 1 cs. Point Adams, :25 c?. Wasli incton :0 vs, IJadolleL & Co.2l bbls. To tal, lJOl cs, 21 bbls. G State of California Astoria 200 cs. JJariolIet & Co. Kil a. Paeific Union 1 cs, Quinn 84 cs. White Star iWO cs. To tal, lA'M e. fJCdlumbiiv Aberdeen .i2." cs. A. 1 Booth & Co. 100 c. Jos. Hume JKK) cs, i Point Adams ;X) c. Sea Sidel cs.U'asli- niKton :W cs. Total, lea cs. 11 Queen nf Utc Pacific A. Booth & Co. 101 cs. Astoria 400 cases Aberdeen 325 cs, Badollet & Co. ."WO cs. Fisher man's :0 cs, i. W. Hume 200 cs, Jos. Hume H00 cs, Union r.01 cs. White Star 1 cs. Total, 2,52.S c?. 15 Orenon Astoria :J20 cs. A. Booth & Co. 100 cs. G. W. Hume 100 cs. Union 100 cs, Washington -"'-Ol cs. Tutaliei cs. is Mate of Californ in Astoria, 200 cs, .Lmeka :oo cs. J. w. & v. Cook 1,000 e,s. Total, 1,500 cs. 21 Columbia A bcidcen 22." cs. 24 Quec a nf the Pacffc Astoria :120 cs, A. Booth Sc Co. 101 cs" Badollet & Co. 500 cs, Eureka 003 cs, llapsood A- Co. .'500 cs, J. Williams :ui cs, J. W. & V. '27 State of California A. Ilootli Sr Co 300 cs. Aberdeen 800 cs, Badollet & w. i.wo es. mting 2,500 e-, b. yi. war tal, 0,000 cs. ! .TO Stale Union Pks. Co.. 2: J. W. jJlume, 200; Wliite Star, 2; Pacific t Union, 2; A. Booth. 100; Budolett &Co., 480; Pt. Adams. 1; Pishermairs Packing i .fi.i, loiai i,us. irxc. 2 Columbia Seaside Pkg. CoM 1.100; i nionx-jvg. uo., i,oiw; isatioiett A: Co ai; ix)iat.i20. Pkg. Co.. 82: Washington lacking Co., :00; Union Packing i 1.183; Cutting Packing Co., 300: Astoria Packing Co., 020; 1. X. L. Co., l; .las. Quinn. CSOO; to la! 3.00X s Oregon ,!. Quinn. ::00; Cutting ' ';; '. j,vw; r. m. warren, 423; Washington Cx.000; Ablona Pkg. Co, ihM); Thomes & Knowles, ,aj0; Jas. Vil liams. .!23; TotaL:y10. 11 5at?-IIa)good & Co., :K); Wash ington Pkg. Co, .100: Cutting 1'kg. Co, 500; Abcideen,323; G. W. Ilunip, 1,000; Jas. Quirm.230; Astoria Pkg. Co, 220: total 2AKU 14. Coliunbtaz Win Hume, 100; S El more. 3.1; Jas Williams, 700; Astoria Pkg Co. 320; AVashington Pkg Co, 301; IXL Co. i.oon- j w .v- v rnni- t oni - Knappton Pkg Co. 2,100: Fisherman's Pkg Co. .100; Union Pkg Co, 375: mumes x snowies, 3uu; .-oi co, ;;; (i W Hume, 2; total G.235. 37 Queen: Washington. 700; Colum bia, 325; Astoria. 975; Geo Hume 1,000; Cutting, JG3; BadeIletJiOO: PacificUnion, 325; Occident., 000: Eureka, COO; Fish erman's, 30; total 0KS. 20 Oregen: Point Adams, 1.000 ; WTest Coast,l,000; Fislicrmans.i00; Knappton, 1.43,1; Washington. :m; Astoria, 325; Cutting, 104; Ha pgood, 310; T &K,400; Cook. 230; Scandinavian, 150; Columbia, 45; total 0,137. 20 Columbia- Cook 1500, Quinn 038, Ocean 1000, Hapgood .'500, Cutting 887, total4323. ' Foreign Salmon Shipments. June Uycvalc. Liverpool, Scandi navian 2000. Ocean 2000, W Hume 2000, Geo Jluinc 1000. Pt Adams 2000, Astoria 1000, IX 1,2000. Geo T.Myers 1714. Jas Williams 073, Union 23U0, Joe Hume 1200, Pillar Rock 2004. Fisherman's 2000. SD Adair 2000. .T A Tnvlin r.nnn WliH Star 2000, J O JIanthorn 1000, Seaside jww.o Elmore ioou, racinc union 1000, Aberdeen 2000, Columbia 200, total 37093 SchoGl Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE legal voters of School District Ho. 18, of Ik; held at Uie school house In said district at o clock r. m., on tho 29th day of June. 16S3. fprthepunwseoiJevjlnga tax to supporf the school for ilie ensuing year. By order School Directors of said District. 1(M. n C.W.SHlVELYtaerk, Astoria, Oreea, .Jane 18, i8-ia-iol One of the Oregon Short Line surveyors arrived in town on Mon day from Engineer Clark's com pany, and informs us that they had located the line of the road on the Idaho side of tho river for a distance of eighty-one miles below Burnt river, aud that eugineer Moscrip was locating the road up the river, and that tho two parties were not more than eighteen miles apart. The more the engineers see the Snake river route the more they are impressed' with its advantage over all other- routes. There is not the slightest doubt but that the road will be built down Snake river at an early date. The engineers are quite confident of the result, and freely express the opinion that the work of grad ing will be commenced at Lewis ton this fall. When the road is located, both parties will rendez vous at Lewiston and fit out for continuing the survey down uako rivet. Xciciston 2Feu v. One important senator who will not be in the next senate is "Wil liam Pitt Kellogg, ofLouisiana, but he only steps from the Senate to the house, and in either body he is the sole Republican from the state, and is regarded by the ad ministration as the Republican party of Louisiana. The duties of the Republican party in Louisi ana, even in the disposition of pat ronage, are quite onerous when concentrated in one man, aud "Wil liam Pitt Kellog, although he missed a few votes in the closing month of the season, was the busi est man in "Washington. Mr. Kellogg, during the last sixty days has filled 310 offices in Louisiana. It happened that the vacancies for nearly all the federal offices oc curred at this time, and Mr. Kel logg has had the disposal of them for four years to come, reaching two years into the next adminis tration, be it Republican or Dem ocratic. He is the most potential distributor of patronage next to the president of the United States. The Richmond (Va.) Southern Planter and Farmer says the success of St. Jacobs Oil in rheu matic affections throughout the world is without a parallel. rvoticc. Dinner at '-JEFF'S' CHOP HOUSE every day at 5 o'clock. The beit25 cent meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of ie?.tc, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who have tried hint say Jeff is the -BOSS." A rSiisal Injector free with each bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh Keixedv rrice 30 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement Shlloh's Catarrh Itemedy a posl tlvc cure for Catarrh, Diutheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement Columbia River Canneries. Adair, S. D.4 Co Anions PacVinc Co.. Kinaay Am?lo-Ajnrricn Packing Co.. lUdolleti Co llootU. A.ACo Oolnmbis Canning Co., Cutting Packing Oo. DeTlm. John A, i Co , Klmorp. bam. ...... Viahertnen's Packing Co Msnthorn fc Co Hume. Wm Hume. Geo. W. , Occident Packing Co ".' Pacific Union Packing Co.I..., Scandinavian Packing Co...".. Seaside Packing Co White Star Packing Co.... CTimmim i Co., Union Pocking Co West Coast Packing Co.... " Williams James A. Co.... " Thomes 4 Knowles Washington Packing Co """ Point Adams Packing Co...'.7, L X. T.- Parl-inf Cn Astoria. Aberdeen Packing Co Knreka Packing Co Hspgoodi Co Knappton Packing Co Hume. Wm Mecler.J.Ct Oo Mrers. Go. T. Ocean Canning Co Oregi Pkg Co, J WA VCook. Pillar Rock Pkg Co Quinn, Jsmw,., w.t. .John. Warren A Co. F. M Warren & Co. .Iliraco, W. T. ,.Enreka.W. T. .Watrford.W.T. .Knappton. W.T. .Kagle Chff W.T. Brookfleld.W.T. .Fisberton. W.T. Bar View. W. T. .Clifton -Pillar Rock.W.T. -Ouinn'fl . fin err H arbor. WT .Cathlamet,W.T. ..Cascades. SRMI CTAU nimeht always Cores and xtover disap points. The -world's great Paixt Roliovcr for Mas. and Boast, Cheap, q.nlok aad reliahle. PJTCBOSR'S ASTORIA, is not Xarcotic. Cliildrcn grow lht upon, Motlicrs like, and Physicians recommend CASTOEIA. Itrcgrulatesthc Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Fevecisnness, and de stroys "Worms. WEI DE METER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Aatidete for tltia iarriale xiala dy, "by Aosorptlox Tie most aaportaat TJisooverysiHoe Vao cination. Otker res.edies aaay relieve Catarrk, this caxea at amy stage stefere Ceatramption aetata, ' m Skin Diseases Fifteen jenrs of SHfTrrlns. Bac'y cov crcilHh Ilnmor. Hntl Titi-Ivp Ucc lors. Pnll nnt $3CO So Care Xo nope, I will now -stato that I made a miraculous cure of one of tho wcrrt cases of fkin dlrcsse know. Tho patient is a man forty years old ; bad safFered fiftoen years, llis eye, scalp, and nearly his whole body presented a frisht ful appearance. He had tho attention of twelvo different physicians, who prescribed the best remedies known to the profesfion. such as iodide potassium, arsenic, corrnivo xublimutc. arfapBriIla, tc liad paid SCs) for medical treatment, with but little relief. 1 prevailed upon himtousethelirncERA Ue S0LVE5T tblood puri&cr) internally and tho CrricCRi and Crricccv Soap externally. He did so, and was cwnpUMu cured. The ikin on his head, face, and many other patts ot his body, which presented a most loathesome i pearacce. is now as soft and smooth as an in fant's with no scar or trace of tho disease left behind. He has now been cured; twelve months. Reported by F. H. lJROW:. Esq.. Barnwell, S. a Reference, Dr. U. B.K,t.'harletou. i?. C. IIilpItaHh for Kij;l rnr-. Ljlle to IVallc for Oae Vear.-Cot about on IlmidM and Knei'i.-AWtmuVr-fal Cure. I have had a most wonderful cure of Salt Rheum. For seventeen years 1 mfTered with Salt Rheum; I had it nn my head, fucc, neck, arms, and leg. I was not able to walk, only on my bands and knee-:, for ono year. I have not been able to help myself for eight years. I tried hundreds of remedies: not one had tho least effect. Tho doctors said my caso was incurable. Fo my patents tried everything that camo alonsr. I saw your advertisement, and concluded to try Crnrunv KniFiiics. The Cctici ka brought the humor to tho sur face of my skin. It would drop cQ"ns it came out, until now I am entirely well. AH I can say is, 1 thank you most heartily for my euro. Any person who thinks this letter a fraud, let them write or como nnd eo me. and find out for themselves. N ILL McDON ALU. 2ot2Dcarbom St, Chicaco. 11L The Cutlenra Treatment, for the euro of Skin. Scalp, and Blood Disease; con sists in the internal use of luticcra ltt.soi.v- kst, tno now uiooa runner, ana tnq external . .- . - ... -... ..w... ...-... . u-e of Ccticuea and Ltrrrcccji SoAr. the Groat Skin cures. Price of CrnccRA. small boxes, 50 cts.: large boxes. SI. Craccci H: soLVciT, SI per bottlo. Ccticcba Sor. 25 ct. Ccticcka SHAVi.xc Soak, 13 cts. Sold by all drucsift3. I'otter Iracr and. Chemical Co. Jlo8ton. TJ A BV Eor Infantile and Birth Humors AJA3.JJ X and Skin Ulcmihes use Cutl- euraHflap, a deliriously perfumed akin J JXeaatifler and Toilet, Bath and Nursery! SanaUvo. Absolutely pure, coles list an! ; 18S2, 1.O00.CO0 cakef. CATARP SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, Tbn Great: Balsamio TJlstillation of Witch. Hnzol. American Pine. Cunadinn Fnr, Slnri-oid Clovor Blossom, etc-. For the Immcdiato relief and Permanent Cure of every form of Catarrh, from a Simple Head Cold or Influenza to the Loss of Smell. Taste, and Hearing. Couch. Bronchitis, and Incipient Consumption. Itclict in five min utes in any and every case. Nothing like it. Grateful. frasrantt wholesome. Curo begins from first application, and rapid, radical, per manent, and never failing. Ono bottlo Radical Curo. one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package, forming a eomplcto treatoment, of all druggists for SL Ask for Saxfobo'jj Uah ical Cubk. I'orrKn Drcc asd Ctiuiir.ii. Co , Boston, ,A'Al I IK Pi Forthcreliefandproven-..VV-""u'tion. IlieliiHlnnl It Ls ap- V lift T4lr ......, -n.l ? -v xr -..v'. i XJs,SS0 cr Complaint, UiliousFever. 'WtCy Ia,3ria nnd Eidemir, use Sc i r'cTRi c. "o1Hh'i tJnstrran Wce- A,'-7s!Sctrlc Caller? combined "L ASTEtv wtM a Porous l'iasterjand lanch at pain. Kc ettrywhere. j H tallies and l.rlc!:.-s Ci- t'lood. .nci I np tho STStcra. 2Inks the wtft Stroair, Build- up tiro irroAcu- down, Iavlsorsitc th JBraln, am! CORES Dyspepsia, Uervons Affections, Ssa eral Debility, Ifcuraigia, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhea, JBoils, 23ropsy, Humors, emale Cora plaints, liver Com plaint, Remittent Fever, and 411 DISEASES OCIGIHATIXG VI A LO STAT! OF THE BLOOD, OR ACC0HPAMED DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. aurpLrsiln W. J w.th lis Vitfl I'rtrusrle, Llf. lHcit.-r.r, lV.O, nhtw-. .'.r.n-.i: VisotH -etvJ.iriMU-llp.i .- i . 3r.lNG I ;LE i'V( AJLCO' !!.. . ,: ... T.g elects e t.: 1o1Joh-S hy ..- -;. . i '. X ..t S".' f-cTMnsnt. '-urn iznuoo HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, okege: THIS INSTITITION. L'NDEP. CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis, day ornlght. No physician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege ot employing any physician they prefer. United Status 3Iarin Seamen who pay Hospital Dues,3re enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital durine sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cm torn House, Sistkks orCrt.u:ir . 3. -a.E2;t. PKAT.KIl TN Hay, Oats, Straw. Lima, Brick. Cement and Sand WeoI Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALEK IK WINES, LIQUORS AND.CICAR8. FIRST CIlASM -"aifcaiu- v.'. :v.;vi.k t v , pz . . u,i.. i (z& n r g as ra can ps on g sx SRTPPDs'G NOTICES. Golumbia Transportation Co. ?OR PORTLAKD, (FAST T131E. Tin j l'iw sleamer FLEETVOOD, Whk'ii has been renttcd for thuforofoit off iwssencer will leave V.l!5on.am? iT-aer s uock every tJonc'rti', Wednesday and Friday ct A."., arriving at Fontand at 7 P. '. Ret un.ln j leaves Pcrtlacd ovsry Ti'i'tdsys end Thurstiavs at 6 A. Arriving ai Astoria at 1 P. ft. An additional irlp v.lil 1m nde en Sunday of inch YSeek. !.oninfC Port :! ! t.VtU I'AiMrr.gonbvtWs route c.!ierS i Kalawa for Strand ports. t tt. ?tT. ISteamer. Quscksicp' iJATEK W.H.H0KSON, Is ready for charter, for fieJjrht. toway-.-. tr eoiuIon parties. Can be found at Coleman's dock. Fr further particulars apply to WiT. T. COLb&IArt R L -kmic. Astoria and Portland. l32-irStr. VESTPOKT F. II SnEKMAN. JIASTEU W!l inak resnlar trips to I'ortland ami ... l . I...- t ,,,. .l.-i. r ., nf W... ,v-n.riii. iv- u-u uuriicii a uwr, i."-i "i .i"i- rj,,,, slr,.et, Tortiand. at C a m. .-.uniiis And will leave Wibon & llaher's, rtock, .Astoria, at C a. si. Thursdays. ayFrvlRht canied at rtanaWp nst-. festoanier ktliELiC." Wl LL It A K E TBI IV- AS FOLLOWS ",,,;",7r,.t,,. ,. . ... ToOUC-SKr EK.ilondaj..-.:u.-.d ''" fcanmla. Social trijw as reiiuired. Will leave Wilson & ITslii-rs wharf at O cVlorlc sharp, ea'h morning LEWIS G. IIAAVKN, lTI)per Astoria, ilwuer ;DT?nTTT AD ornp ATtf THPFPrn , ItJliUUUilR )LhM I iiUMii. "Daisy." and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray:. Doek. For Ohiey. and Head of YoiiHr? Uiver. I Daily, at S A. M., (excel Wedaeidajs sow! Sundays.) Beir.rning same day. For Landings on Lewis & Clark ltivrr. On WeilucHilajs. nl SZ.. Jletnnilnfjsame day. ilirFor Fmight or r.i.Vie. atiply on Imanl. or at (Jray's Dock, where Prefent will be re ceivetl and stored. If nccoary. .l.H.D.GHAY. Notice of Application co rnreliase Timber Lor.d;. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T1.. Mav2Ith. 1S53. Notice h hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress approved Junes, 1R7S, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Innds in the states of California. Oregon. Xevad - and in W.-ish Ington Territory." Nicholas Fehn. of Mult - nomah county, Oregon, has this daj filed m this office his application to purchase the ncrth-east U of section 12. Township u north of Range C west, of timvYHlaniette Meridian Test imonv in the above ease will betaken before the Register :uid Receiver, at A an-1 iviiirpr, Wnsli. Tor nn Tlmisilai-. tli. fill jdarfAiigusr.lSS3. Any and all persons bavins rd verse claims to thi above described Ian-. ir anv portion thereof, aro hcrebv require d to file their claims in this oOce witldn siMy i) days irom tiate nereoi. FRED. W. SPARLING, i:egier. jc3-C0l A'otice of Application to reliasc I Timber Xinntls. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER W. T. May 21lh. 18SS. Notice is hereby uiven that In compliance j with the provisions of the Act of Congress I approved June 3. 1S73. entitled "An Act for ilhcsaleof Timber Lands in the Mates of) i California. Orecon. Nevada, and in Wash-' , icgto! TerritorjV' Harr- i:ecfc of Mult f.ilfllrtll Oiillllf- Ol-o.fUI lls tl.lft ffflV ! filed in this office hisapTriicaiiontn iHireha.se the South East H of .Section 8, Township!) 1 XTvaWtli nf Vnnna t AVast nt ).- IVillunuiitrt Mcridfan. i Testlnionv In the above case will lie JaKcn before the Register and Receiver, at Van eonver. Wash. Ter., on Tlnir.iy, the aih, ;day of August, 18SI. .ny aim an persons naving adverse ctaims to the above described lrmls. or any portion thereof are hereby required to nle their claims in this, office within ixty (So) days liomdjie Hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING. jeO-COd Itegi-der. HAIB BALAAM, 1 aj eiaat droiiop is p.cieiud by thatc wlioliat c usda.tnany sxnn1 r srt le, on : ;xi..t of is sar-- " clcanlice-n aod p. . ,. It contains mat- tu. only that are beta.. i to the scalp and b Ir i l.M ... Rstteres Fis Yoaihfal Colsr to CtT cr Taizi Hair P'.rier's HairEakain is finclypeinisccd ami is v-. -ran'sd to prevent ftllinjj of t l-ir ard to re-r-oTedandniuaadi:chir.. Iltjjox & Co. N.V. .. and (1 tbrs, xt lwuTl Id irt r.d aKii.'.atT. sassssEssaz ft Sc:-?rlaiive Ileallli aail Strcaab'i Raslorer. If; ra are a mechanic or fann-r, wora out with c- j-vofrk. cranvKhcrrundovTibyfamilyorhoajS" L.J daucs try Faekgi's. GiNots '1 o:.ic. If you arc a lawyer, minister cr business man cr rn.-'tfed by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take i-ojCitingstanaIants,butUac Pwker's GinserToals Ii'rtnihsnre CoasranpLon, Dyspepsia, Rhcunia. Isia, Kidney Complaints, cranydiscrderofthelungs rionsadi. bowels, blood or neres.PARxni:S Gincee 'iorncwillcurcyou. Itisths Greatest Blood Purifier ld las Bc;t aad Sarest Counh Care Ever Utea. It jouarcvastinjiatray Homage, dissipation or Si v rlsfJBcac or weakness and rsnuiie a stimulant tales t. ws Tonic ttence; itwillinvisrruc andbuua j i up from the first cose but in!l ne r mtancite. J.h is mved hundreds of lives; it may save yens. C . ITIOX Rt'Wall reVUta!.rv-lr CmefrTcafc U c , ' -del lketrttrrtnl!IaiitlathirotiI,an..Uatlrtl7 A .--n'.' n-FnnmSoB.tctthiztt&a. Sm If -rcjrcIirU L- J.AT ,..y. t0c.4tltuc,lliriSaJrr5J. C T.C'.T S VM BCVINV IH)IXAU itZE. ltr t 3-d lasuns frap'.-'Qce fcas rcaJe tls d!n" '. pfrnae exceedingly popnbr. Thre isnothiBglikoit. lnsisttrionha-insFtjOKES. to:; CoLxa:c and Icck fcr sicamrc of tn trtrv icUlt. Asy itfzUt a !iSr m jrfatcty cu tjr.lv a. ISa2lTcrt -. ': : s f . r.rt Rrrr. Ttr. SI7E. Si52SSS IIbS&S T.iXio:o.x:Krcs-. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CnEL.U AND QUICK. BY GEORGE I.OVETT, Main Street, opposite N. LoeL'i, Mmm v.4Kt --jy M i i' swri rrTirn'ir ''i' .wi iSfiiy&Si iyisii TRSPORTATrOg t-DTES. Oregon Railway & Navigation j 4'03IPAS3l'. ' , :slls orvssso. On and after Aprli 1st, 18S3. Ocean Steamers vtll sail from San Praa- ; cistti aart Ioiianl every ttirco riny, IaingSprarPt. wharf San Prwteigoo. at 10 -M a. Id., and A Ins worth llok. PorUaod, at M!dni)ent. i Throuzh Tlcltote. nM U all princitt citiev In the rutted State. Canada nad j Europe. Rivar s.ni Rail Division. On and After Search IS. !SS3. J RAIL DIVISION, j Irain? leave Tort land for K&teni i,J i at 7 rS A. M. K.mdu axcopted. K3VC;: !5VIt:r; Ctliddte 4'o!i:nl.la. I ; Roat ltvr Pwthunl tor Dali at 7 :CO A. ?. j . aipo : Ij:V."l'hrl-l l 1 1 1 t i JLTil. '? .'" l - lawl Sr I Mi 1 Ta. I We. i'iltK. i-Tt. I at Inahl.. I.A.1KA AM A.t!AJI D'fn. tr ," AM; Sa:i . . -, : t AAtt I VTct.MJ.w;.- W'i M;r S:A"t a'AM I t, ..,.. . ljt. ici tor To 1 rH ffQmilf. lam: a a m. iiaHf m- Astoria to Portland. FAT I.IN'F jnr Portland I t. 32. If.'hirnin". Icsves i'rtlacti for Astoria. . t. J:., daitr, liaitt-Miiixs excepted. PHlliHan Pslfcrc lr, ranainc hvtwMQ Vmi. land. WalU WtJU tr.d Dtyimt. JOHN TiVUX, SniierintendPHt f TnWc A. 1 STOKES. Assist. Swpt. Traffic. o. it. iiii-.cini, TManaRer. Sfeampr "Gen. TiHies," ' Will make tno cound triM front !.... .. ... lAsiona io i-ort uanoy. sna uwaco. ! ox .! TZI"L"IISSAYS. . . . .... ; ;nmiuitclnz rfitae 21t, XW;. I Wilt leave Asloiia. at T uVlorlt A. 31. and j i:KTCKX.eoneetin with the O. K.& N'.Co'-t Steater"WWe Wet." to or troni Portland. A ic! v. x .Istoi-t 3snl:. l'r J!nr. !irer:. nl I o'clock V. M. .'.fler.lulj ."tit, either the I Steamer Gon. irliles. or Gen. Canbv. ; Will make two not m Ti:ir daily, wb i neethie with th "Wide West," (Sundays, and Wednesdsjs excepted.) leaviiiK .tturlu at t) A. 31. on Wedncsdsiy., And 10 A. 51. on Sunday. ; Direct for Canby. and Hwaco. II.D.I5HAY. A sent. Oregon & California R.R Co On an after 3Iay 1", 1SS3, trains will ran a j follows, DAIL1 (lixcept bandar?), EAST3IDK DtVISIOX. t:clcrn rOKTI.V.M ni-.d I.KV:.tI.:i iSXlh TRAIN LRAVE. AltRIVE. Portland :W)A. u.iGlcndalr 10 p. v. I (Herniate 1:00 A. u.lPortlaad Jr35r. v. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAWL I.CAVK. AWtlVE. Pert: ,l t:C0 P. M.LebaiMn.-.3e P. M Lebanon 1:4.'j A. itf.lPortla'sd...IrfGA.SJ ! The Oregon and Caiifomsa Railrowulrerrj makes connection with all Kerala r Tmii oc I Eastside Division. j j wssrsiur nrnsros. Bl. ween l'ortliim! antl CorvRlH I JAIL TEAR! ..kkv.. ,,. ft?'rtIY5-.M ,l,ruB"u ft' -? i'r Ut "i " "S 41 Corvallis 8:30 A. M.U'ortland 5:20 P. ,J i . express tr.vix LEAVE. ARRIVE. t J 'on land 5:our.ir. iUcJiinnviuc.s:uor.. JlcMinnviIIo.5:15A.3r.lPortland h-JUa. a. CI oao connections made at Glcndalewitb the Stages of the Oregon and Califorc.a Stage Company. s"Ticket3forsalo at all tho principal jKint tn California and the Eaatf at Company' Otnco. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will be char-Kl on froicht romsis ingatCompany3 W'irBiioueover2l hours. exmht will not ? --i vn n.r nimeni ir " .'does. . .Vi. wneit'wr tb Krt or ! 'VctsidB Divin. JOIK MUIR. Sup't of Tranie. A 1 STOKES, As-t.Sup't. of Traffic. Shoalwatcr Bay Transportation Co. SUMaU3R ROCTR. Astoria to Olympta, Touching at Fort Stevcnfi, 1'ort Canby, Sit'.tir. Jforth Bcarli.Oysterville. Xortli Cave, I'etcraons Colnr. SIo- iilusi, JJtonte-sano, And all ioints on Shoalwatcr Ray, ami : w Harbor. GEN. MILES, l Strs. or On Co'.uiK-ia Sver GliN. CANBY EN. GARFIELD MONTHS ANO Shoabaier r.R Gray's Ilart-o- Connecting withStasoK ov?r Prtar,. Leave Astoria for Olyrapla, at - - 7 A. jI. On r.Iondays, Thursdays and Saturdajs. arrh ins at Montenno the day after leaving Astoria through trip In CO hours. Leave Olympla for Astoria on samo day-t Xoticeof Appliratioa Io lurrhaho TimLer Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. W. T.. May 13. lsfi.'. Notice is hereby gh en that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1S7S, entitled ''An act for rhe s.ile of timber lands in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and in Wrshington Territory.' Mathlas C. Aten.of .Midtnomnh County. Oregon, has this day filed in tliN ofliec hi application to purchase the east yx or northwest lx aud lots l and '2 of section 18. township 9 north, of range 3 west of the Wil lamette Meridian. Testimony in tne above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vaneou- er. Wash. Ter.. on Moudav, the oth da of July, 1S33. Any and all parsons linking adverse claims to the above described lands or any portion thereof, are hereby required to lilt- their claims in this oflice within sKty (C) days from date heroof. FRED. W. SPARLTNG, Register. BEFORE -AND- AFTER SImHs ij;liai:e: in zsi ca SO Bijs' Md, T0fuEN0HLY,YQUH8QS0LD, WHO are snfierin?from XervcxsDk3U rrr, Lcst Vxtautv, TAck ov Xeuvb Foece asd Vioon, Wasttsc WcAicrcsES. ami all those dlseasef of a Peksos it. Natvce ro sultins from Arrsrs and Ormnt CacsEt Speedy relief. anl complete rest oration of HsULTnViGon and Haspood GrAKASTEO. The grandest Olscdvcry or tho Xlnctwnta Century. Send at onco for Illustrated Paia phletrree. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. 'J ! L L' S T 1 RIE TIE S. ?ffl:SPAieks.-"". - PROTR-IETOR STAGE atANAGBK Engagement of falSS SUSIE LEE, ijottft and Dance Artist. MISS MARY MOULTOX. dsaractgr Aetreas amf RoeKsUIunesf-. XU FANTE WAI.TOX. Sowgress. BABY WEST, The Child Wonder. 3fH. IIRJEY WEST. XUtieptan CwoediaB. V ALTER PAltKS. Comedisn. CirAS. RAKROWS. Aetw. Together with a new LTnder the insnageinenl of PROF. CHARLES RICKARDS. All the Old Favorites Retained. Open M ti Y ar Perlxrinanee Eiry NKht Kntirt' Chansecf l'rognuiimc Every NiKht. Cumpriskijj SOI503, DAHCES AHD ACTS. :Ye give the Best Varisty Entertainment In the West. fhe tiunitrt i-. vTiwbd nistitly, and all v.lwliaf w.tntr.iaed tho cnterteiument pro nruu'e it to be euttal to :uiy given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a esUeior ior the public's om-'ieiit enn iwrt 1k ixet'lled. Anybody vhktro in .n3tu( ijsuiit ovmn.r nnn t - siiarblinv wit nud lvtmutv without, vul- Hrity. tUvnUi i.HnroVt the OpJK)rtnnlt5 and Smswv enmc. I The eoflipwiy e;nprues Uie. following ;e!I- I known Artists : Mtw Fa.x:i Waj.to-. M ISP ilAKY roCCTOy. XtK. WALTElt l'AKK3. i l K. fit AS. BARKOWS. Mr. Hiornv Wkst. I All of which will appear nightly In their dif, j terent saHie Open air concert every eveuine ; perfonn- am- eonatnanetnt; at S; entr.tH- totiieatre 1 on Denton srrett : private boxes o'n Chena I Hit street ! hiiw street jfaw siars in Rapid Succession ! Notic of Application to i Timber Lands. .' Purchase n AND OFFICE AT VANC OUVER, AY 3i Way 16. lSci. T., Notice is hereby gii en thai nt compliance with the provisions of the Act ot Congress approted.Iunc J. 1873. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lamb in the statcsof Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." Henry obuer, of Multnomah County. Oregon, has this day tiled in thLs 8ice ins application to purchase the east of southwest 'a and lots s and 1 of section is, township a notrli, of range 5 west of the Wil lamette Meridian. Testimony in the above cae will be taken before the jteghter and Receiver at Vancou er. Wash. Ter.. on Saturday, the asth day of July, 1&5.1. Any ami all persona having adverse claiia-. t, tlu shnvo iltMUr4ltf.i linil hrmirimrHnn I thereof, are hereby required to file their ctaiias m tuts omce witniu sixty to) days from date iM'reof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. i r?tie? r AupHeatioji To 2nreZintc Timber Xiamls. T AND OFFICE AT VAXCOl ATR, W. T., U May 15. lss;. Notice Is hereby given that m wHiiidiance with the provisKHi'. I the Act of Coutrress aprovel .iHiMj s, 17. entitled 'An act for :ne sale e: timber lands m tuc states of calt fomU.Oreatii. Neada. :uid in Washington Territory.' Richard bnencer.of Multnomah County, Oregon, hat tins day filed in this office his application to purchase the north east H of section 10. township 0 north, of ra'ige west ot me Hiameuc .McrKiian. Testimony intheabovtscaso will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver. Wash. Ter,, on Saturday, the 2Sth day cf July. IMS. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described land, or anv-portion thereof, are hereby required to hie their claims in this office within sixty (GO) days from dale hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING. Register A'otice of Application to Purchase Timber Xiautlg. T AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., JU .May 15, 1SS3. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved Juno , 1S7J, entitled "an act for the sale of timber lands in the statesof Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and m Washington Territory."' Gustav Koppliu, of Multnomah Comity. Oregon, has this day filed in thLs office Ins application to purchase the north east i of section 18. township 9 north, of range.", we-rt of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be takeh lieforethe Register and Receiver at Vancou ver. Wash. Ter., on Monday, the SOth day of July, 19ga. Any and all persons having adverse claims lo the above described laiuLs, or anv portion thereof, are liereby required to ille their claims in this otSec within sixtv (CO) davs "from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. A Common-sense Remedy. Salle ylic P2o more Rheumatism, Go tit or Neuralgia. immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Ffiv yean established and never Tmnien to fail in a tingle casr, aevtr or chronic. Ecfer to ol; promi'K.il physician and druggist for the elandinu of Sallcylica. THE ONLY DISSOLVEIt OF THE POISONOUS UKIC ACID AVIIICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OFKHEU AIATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS SALICYLICAIsknovni as a common- sense remedy, because It strikes directlvat the cause of RiieumiUbm. Gout and Neural gia, wnne so many so-caueu speeiucs ana supposed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded hv eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing wuii oils, ointment', liniments, umisootmng IotitMs will not eradicate these diseases which are the result of the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid. SAL'CYLICA works with marvelous eKectonthisacidandsnremoes the disor der. It is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians ot America and Eurone. High- st Medical Academy of Paris reports vo per ceiiL cures in uirce uays. that SALICYLIC A. is a certain aire for Rneumatism.Coutand weuralgia. l'he most intense pains are subdued almost instantly. Give ir a trial. Relief guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. SI a Box. 6 Boxes for S5. Sent free by mail on receipt ot money. ASIC YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. Rut do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just as good !"' Insist on tho genuine with the name of Washburne&Co on each box. which is guaranteed cliemicaiiy pure under our signature, an indispensable requisite io insure success in me treatment, Take r.o other, or send to it'. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. ST Broadway, cor. ReadcSt., NEW YORK For3aIeby W.E. DEMENT & Co., and J. E. THOMAS. I. "W. OASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN BE1ISHAL KECHAUDISE Corner Chenamtis and Casa streets. ASTOBIA - - - - 0JUS60N Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T.,1 Mav2ith.issa Notice is hereby riven that in compliance' with the provisions of tho Act of Congress, aDDroved June 3. 1S73. entitled "an Act for the sale of Umber lands in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada and In Washing ton Territory," Charles Bild, of Mult nomah County. Oregon has this day filed in this ofllce his application to purchase the North West of Section 8, Township 9 Norrli of Range 3 West, of tho "Willamette jienamn. Testimony In tho above caso will bo takes before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver, Wash. Ter., on Thursday, the 9th day of August, 1S33. Any and all persous having adverse claims to tho above described lands, or any portion tlKsrcof. are hereby required to file their elaims in this office within sixty (60) days from date hereof. FEED. W. SPARLING, JeOCOd Register. Notico of AppUcatlon to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T., May 21th, tag. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, evada, and In Wash ington Territory." Charles Beatner, of Mult- uuniau i-ouiuy, uregon, nas tins aay Uiea in this office his application to purchase tha East 54 of North West i-. and East Kor Souta West h of Section 12, Township D jforth,of Range West, of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver, Wash. Ter., on Thursday, the 9th, day of August, 1883. Any and all hersons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file thelr claim3 in ilU office within sixty (CO) days from the date hereof. FRED. W- SPARLING, -jeo-eod Register, Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T. May 15th, 1SS3. Notice is hereby given that in compliance w ith the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1S73, enUtled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of CaU- fomia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory, "Henry Measer, of Multnomah County, Oregon, lias this day filed In this office his application to purchase the east of northwest a and west yx of northeast Jof section 22. township 9 north, of range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ten, on Monday, the SOth day of Julv, 1S83. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in tbis office within sixty (GO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING. Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Trftnds. LAND OFIICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T., May 15. 18S3. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 187S, entitle "Aiiactor the sale of timber lands in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." Razel Latham, of Multnomah County, Oregon, has this day fllod in this olllce his application to purchase the south east U of section IS. township 9 north, of range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver.Wash. Ter., on Saturday, the 28th day of July. 181. Anv and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (60) days from datrt hereof. FRED. W. SPARLTNG, Register. Notice of AppUcatlon to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T., May 23th, 1883. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and In Wash ington Territory," Chauncey B.Smith, of ot Multnomah county, Oregon, has this day Hied In this office Ills application to purchase the north-west of section 10, Township 9 north.of Range 5 west, of the Wflamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case wfllbe taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van eonver. Wash. Ter., on Monday, the 13th day of August, 18S3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thoreof. aro hereby required to fllo their claims in this office within sixty (60) days from dato hereof. FRED. TV. SPARLING, jeto-cod Register. Notice of Application to Purchase - Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE, AT VANCOUVER, W. T., May 15th, 1883. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress, approved June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tue sale of timber lands in the States of Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory," John E. Furry, of Multnomah county, Oregon, has this day iRcd In this of lice h application to purchase the south west U of Section 22, Township 9, north, or Range 5 west of tho Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver. Wash. Ter. on Monday, the SOth day of JuIy.l8S3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to tile their claims in this office within sLxty (co) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice- or Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T.f May 29th, 1SS3. Notlce-is liereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, lSTS, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands In the Statesof California, Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory." Charles If. Hood, of Mult nomah County, Oregon, has this day Died In this office liis application to purchase the northeast of Section S. Township 9 North, of Range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony In the above case will bo taken betore the Register and Receiver, at Van couver, Wash. Ter., on Mouday, the 13th day of August. 1883. Any ami all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their elaims in tills ofllce within sixty (GO) days days trom date hereof FRED. W. SPARLING, JelO-COd Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T.. May 29th, 1S33. Notice Is hercbv given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1S78. entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash ington Territorv," William Flinn, of Mult nomah County, Oregon, has tills day filed in his office Ids application to purchase the southeast t of Section 12. Township 9 north, of Range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimonv in the abovo case will be taken before tho'Register and Receiver at Van couver, Wash. Ten, on Tuesday, the 14th day of August, 1S83. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above describe'd lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (60) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLTNG, jelo-0d - Register. 4i Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. T AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. W T., JU Mavis, 1883. Notice is hereby given that m compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of CaU fomia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territorv," Robert Crayteu, of Multnomah County. Oregon, has this day filed in this oflice liis application to purchase the south west U of section 10. township 9 north, of range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony In the above case wfll be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ter., on Saturday, the 28th dayof July, 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their ekiims in this office within sixty 60) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register Tho Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour bon, IntU says: "Both myself and wife owe onr lives to Shtloh's Consumption Cure." Sold' by TV. E. Dement. u -r r - . , - ' -' - ' - -.- - r -. i, ." - "-