The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 29, 1883, Image 3

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liaaan'Maaa3aJTTriaBnnTI1Wn-iTTM-ir,Tifiiir I minim i - i..n.i miimiti
isniiu 'Ajsiorttiu.
JUNE 29, 18&
The Con. RurdiUd has arrived at
The Oregon Arrived in at nine
jest-rday morning. The Queen sails
Ooraegys tfc Vestal have sold
their Kalanm business, raid will go to
Snohomish. W. T.
Mrs. Hiram Brown, aud Mrs. F.
P Hubsou came up from Tillamook
a the last steamer.
The auxiliary steamer Geo. H.
Homer, will run as a collier between
Seattle and San Francisco.
The Teachers examination be
gins at tha Superintendent's office at
nine o'clock this morning.
W. C. Humbal, of the Astoria
freight aud it&sscngor line, has bought
the est&blishmont of Ueodo fc Co.
--Pilot Howos reports a smooth
voyage tlm trip. Evciyone was lad
t see the s-toainor in in such yood
OapL Levi Smith's wife wants
Win. She ha?n't hoard from him for
fourteeu years and is getting n little
Frank Wheeler, charged with the
luurtiorof Fred Swartz, in Portland
last February, was acquitted last
Two of Use rnnairay s' taet gang
wore fnd in a bowling jtilty Inat
Wednesday- night and brought back
to the city bast He.
The thirty-fifth anniversary of
the Orogon and Washington Territoiy
Association of Congregational chinches
will be hold t Walla Walla. W. T.,
Those of our reader who like a
pretty tight tshuuld eo Captain IJust
ler's magnolia tree. It is in full
bloom, and the flowers arc of rare siws
and fragrance.
Four hundred and fifty tons of
wheat have been taken out of tho
StmifwaU Jjch't, which went ashore
on the Irish coast roccntly. The
vessel wm from this port, and was
bound for Cork.
The E. T. Crowcll has 18.000
cases salmon aboard. She will take
on about 27,500 more. The Ullecl:
has about 30,000 cases on; aud will
take on 2,500 more, finishing, to-morrow.
The three vessels will take about
113,000 coses.
CapL A. D. Wnss was celebrating
the accession of Queen Victoria to the
English throne yesterday. The fact
that it was the Captain's birthday also
had something to do with it He
takes tho Queen to 6ea to-day the
(uccn of the Pacific.
Tho work of track laying has been
begun on the Oregon oxtension of the
C P. railroad, llails are being laid
from "Redding at the rate of half a
mile a day, and the road 13 graded
twenty miles. By the first e: Sep
tember cars will bo running rcgulaily
twenty miles beyond Redding.
The contract for cutting a long
tunnel through the Siskiyou moun
tains, on the extension of the Oregon
aud California railroad, has been
awarded to parties in Portland. The
tunnel is to bo 3,100 feet long, and
the price per foot paid for construct
ing will be $09. Jt is to be completed
in October 18S4.
Sometime ago when policeman
Hunter pulled an opium deu near the
Anchor saloon he was informed that
they'd "go to the woods" aud he
tuvren i go auer tncm. keeping
this bit of information m mind bo
went to a suspicious looking house on
the other side of tho hill south of
Benton street, and found a complete
lay out. But two uero there, one of
whom got away. The one captured
was given tho customary benediction
yesterday afternoon.
Workmen engaged in cutting
Cedar street westward yesterday
cime to a pile of human bones, about
a foot below the surface. The skele
tons of five or six bodies were ex
hnmed. From appearances they have
laid there for many years, and tho
most diligent inquiry failed to develop
a trace of remembrance concerning
the death or burial of those whoso
bones they wore. The skulls indicate
the white race; a coppor thimble was
found near the remains.
The London Grocers' Gatette of ;
June 9th, says of salmen: Tho de
mand is quiet. All the Fraser river
fish of good quality has" passed into
dealers' hands, leaving only the dis
credited and inferior qualities, of
which there was a considerable quan
tity in the last arrival. That large
parcels of this description are in Lon
don is undeniable; competent author
ities estimate them at 30,000 to 40,
000 cases. Their value and ultimate
destination is a problem as yet to be
solved. The market in Liverpool
shows signs of an improvement, and
sales in the country are very promis
ing, but to far no change has taken
pkee in prices, which rule from 23s
Cd. to 25s for Columbia river, and 22s
for Fmer nvor.
Janan3cfcek as Mary Stuart.
Madame JnnauachcSc appeared at
Occidental Hall last u renin". The
theater, the farthest west of
liko protHnsions m the
United 1
btats, was filled by a large auuieucai
whicn embraced tho culture of the '
city, who were anxious to enjoy the
rare treat which her appearance en
sured. What little can be said could
neither add to nor take from the uni
versal reputation which Janauschek
enjoys, as the greatest living actress;
but it is always pleasing to note that
encomiums which precede the appear-
, . ., '
anew oi a star, were aese-rveu in tins
A 'Pi it r r I
" i
Stuart and her revolting death have
been and over will be a theme for ani
mated discussion by tho youth at
school as well as the aged student;
aud whatever view historians may take
of her character, however justified
politicians may hoM her death to
have been, nevertheless, the fact that
a woman of such tuitchless beauty --a
queen in b!ud. in form and in lofty
aspirations, and the sister of her mur
deress -should havo bpon held for
thirteen years aud then led to the
block, is calculated to -xcito sympa
thy and brand the act of Elizabeth as
bloodthirsty and ignoble. White tho
play leads t the conviction that the
death of Mary Stuart was without
itisfcief it: nnns nut rnli RHnlwth nf 1
j. , , .. ...,. . . .....
ail womanly qualities; but s?rvos to
show that her pride, hor desire to be
firmly seated in the throue she occu
pied, the natural j&iloiisly of a a roy
al queen aud anger kindled by Mary's
taunts regarding ihe chastity of Eliz
siboth's mother and of her own illegit
imacy, together with the incessant
importunities of Bnrlcigh, are all cir
cumstances which conspired to cause
Elizabeth t sign a document that
gave to the blockman the head of
Mary Stuart. The sibj'-rt is a
sorrowful ow, -md thn pt:oii of
Mary r.a the captive of a sifter, a rival
and a powerful opponent to her Haira
for the throne, requires a constant
aud almost Kiiuful tension, which
however great, still was not too great
for the raro power f Madame Janau
schek. iier voice, clear, rich and
full, answering perfectly ti every de
mand, wan not more powerful in
betraying the fiery thought of the
passionate queen, thnn her wonder
ful couutocanco in which every ex
pression spoke its own Idle as in let
ters of fire. There suoms to be a dig
nity, a majesty in every look, in
every movement, and in every gesture
which said she vtar a queci; notwith
standing, there were uiumcuta when
the mere womanly instincts asserted
themselves and told she had u heart
that could love; and great r.s was her
pride equal to that of the powoiful
Elizabeth she could be soft aud
thoughtful, and tender when she
willed. The most powerful scene, of
course, was the maeting of the rival
queens at Fotheringay; the most
touching, in which was displayed the
greitertt fortitude and composure, as
sociated with calm tesignation, was in
the last set. The parting of the con
demned queen, with her faithful asso
ciates iu years of imprisonment, and
her forgiveness of the vile, and
treacherous Leicester, wore such as
forced tears to tremble in the eyes of
the spectators -moving the iieart to
pity and filling the mind with admira
tion for a uoman who possossed such
remarkable qualities as those with
which Madame Janatisehek'a unrivaled
powor invested the character of Mary
Stuart. It was a wonderful creation,
to bo seen and never to bo forgotten.
Madame Janauschek was ably sup
ported by Geo. 3). Chaplin as
Leicester, Mr. Stewart as Mortimer,
Mr. Stevens as Burleigh, and Mr.
Shine as Shrewsbury. MibS Ida Monk
as "Elizabeth showed an appreciation
of her part and a power of rendition
that justly entitled her to the applause
her histrionic ability elicited. Though
cast for the miuor part of Hannah,
Miss Irving displayed undoubted abil
ity. To-night the drama of Mother
and Son will be presented.
The next issue of tha weekly De
troit Free Press will contain the open
ing chapters of a new and brilliant
story by that popular author John
Eslen Cooke, of Virginia, entitled
Tho Maurice Mystery; the story of a
crime. The story is of great literary
merit and is sure to please and inter
est all who read it.
The official report of Victoria
fisheries show a total cash value of the
catch for 1882 to be $1,842,675, an
increase over 1881 of S38S,353. The
value of vessels, nets, etc., employed
is $229,070; canneries and other fish
ing stations, $402,000, employing
5215 hands, including seventy-nine
sails in the scaling fleet. The yield
of canned salmon, tttses of four dozen
one-pound cans, iu 1882 is 253,051,
showing an increase of 77,785 cases.
Twenty canuerics were operated dur
ing the year. About 1,700 barrels
and packages of fcalt herring ivere put
up f?)r the Australian market.
Blac!(sxaitlt Wanted.
Apply to G.A. Stinson. A good work
man can get good wages.
Handsome trimmed hats for 1
Sheriff 02f oil's bankrupt store.
Go to the O. K. Lodging House
corner Wcst-9th and Water streets.
Delicious Ice Cream at Frank Fabry's.
Hovr the Ship "Was Saved
Captain Hunter of the
Eu reha has arrived in San Francisco
.? b
; r.ccmum. 10 ilia vessel m uurwiuru
waters: She left Sitka on tho morn-
ing of the 26: h of April, with pilot D.
E. George on board. About three
hours afterward, as she was steaming
along at the ralo of ten and a half
miles an hour, she struck on a rock
in the western narrows of Peril
C,tl1.fa Clin Vnnn in f! 1 1 rnnwltv !
, f , , r, " '
and was run on to the on Bara-:
.,,,,, -t ,. . i(
noil isiaau. aooui a nine uisiani, jutvKmi i..- uiwiionuu amu inniuicuj
1...t. ..r T v. V7..I T.t... OI. IT. a.1
abreast of Les Noi Island. She lUtcd '
offbhorejiud sank within thirty miu-!be nabhstf to take through Pullman
ntos after having struck the nck. jlace sleepura at Portland ami go
After lauding the passengers, lines! through to th great lakes without
were made fast to the trees on shore, J change. Tho dining can., which are
or tha vessel would have canted overt becoming so popular in ibr o,it, will
and become a total loss, aud us it was
she listed to an angle of twenty-five de-1
gree3, aud at high water nothing but
her jibbouin, a part of her pilot house,
stauke stack and masts were to be
seen above water. By hard work the
crew, a'a-lsied by the passengers, got
out some s-dils and tores before she
sunk, and the whole party camped on
the beach. Captain Hunter immedi
ately sent a small boat conveying
word of the dwaster to Captain Merri
nian of the Uuitcd States steamer
Adams, stationed at Harrisburg, 200
miles distant. Captain Merriman
steantcd down to Port Townsend and
telegraphed to this city, and the own
ers of the wrecked vessel immediately
sent up divers, pumps and machinery
to net the steamer up i f possible. In
tho mean time, tho steamer llote, ply
ing in northern waters, pussed along
aud took tho Eureka's passengers to
Hainsburg, charging S10 a head for
so doing. For two weeks the party
camped on the each, had pleasant
weather,followed by three weeks' cold
rain, dining which there was much
sufTeringjUiitil log cabius were erected.
They could do nothing towards saving
the vessel, more than to tighten tho
fastenings now and then to keep hr
from slipping into deeper water. An
attempt was made to iloat her with
oil casks brought from Kiiiisnoo, but
the only success had was in moving
her l.w about ten feet. On the 18th
of 31ay the divers and machinery ar
rived on the steamer Idaho, and work
was begun. The water was to cold
that the divers could work for but a
short time under water, but finally a
piece of canvas twenty-six feet lonjr
and eight wide was nailed around the
stern, covering a hole eighteen feet
long by six wide. It was found that
abont twenty feet of the keel had been
knocked off, and that a plank had
been torn off near the keelson under
the bridge Everything being in
order, the hatches were battened down,
scupper holes plugged up and after
skylight canvased, when the pomps,
one stationed on deck and the other
on a lighter, the steam being furnished
by the Favorite, were set to work,
and in ttwo hours and a half the
wrecked steamer was afloat again.
She was towed to a sandy beach a
half mile north, where tho holes wcro
patched up. (Jetting tip steam she
completed her voyage to Alaska, de
livering hor freight, all of which was
nearly worthless. Tho carpets, bed
ding, and everything inside rhe vessel
were found to be ruined. On tho
down trip a huudred tons of coal
taken on at Nanaimo, and the
from there here was made in tho
time of seventy-eisht hours.
will go on to North W3ys for repairs
next Monday. It has been but a few
months when the EureJxi had $50,000
worth of repairs and alterations made
on her. Captain Hunter, in explain
ing the cause of tho accident, says that
Wyanda rock, tho one struck, as laid
down iu the charts, is about thrco
hundred yards northeast of where he
found it. The pilot was experienced
in these waters and a moment before
striking had pointed ovor tho port
aide to a spot where ho thought the
rock was. Without tho divers there
was no chance to save the steamer.
Capt. Gilman returned yesterday
from a trip up country. Ho says that
during his thirty-three years residence
in Oregon he never saw such a dry
season as the present one. Crops of
all kinds are badly in need of rain.
In some localities it would be of little
use. Near Forest Grove, W. D.
Haro tried an experiment that has
proved an admirable success. Ho
put about 100 acres in wheat and
plowed unusually deep, turning up
tho rich subsoil, hitherto untouched.
Tho reBult is, that he has most luxu
riant fields of waving wheat, while
aauower plowing nas resulted in
stunted grain and a possible failure.
Young, middlc-ased. or old men.
buffering from nervous debility or
t kindred affections, should address,
with two stamps, for large treatise,
World's Disfexsaky Medical Asso
ciation Buffalo, X. Y.
The hard glove contest between
Thomas Warren, chamnion feather-
! weight pugilist of the Pacific, and Wil
j Ham O .Nell, champion light-weight of
i Liverpool, Enuland. for one hundred
! and seventy-five dollars and the cham-
pionsiup will tasc place at the Skating
Jtink Saturday evenincjunesoth. Ohns.
Wright, of the Occident Hotel, is stake
Ladies' linen ulsters for .?l-"0 at
Sheriff O'XeiPs bankrupt store.
Demand it, and take no other iron
preparation except Brown's Iron Bit
ters. It is the best
Northern Pacific Pointers.
In a recent interview with an Ore-
gonian reporter, Jonn 3Iuir, tsupenn-
steaineritendeut of traflic of the N. P. R. R
and other lines, said:
"We expect to run through passen
ger trains between this coast and St.
Paul by September 1, aud will prob
ably be fully equipped for frcijiht
traffic within three or four weeks from
tiiat date. Work has progressed
much more rapidly lhau we antici
pated and the inaugural ceremonies
will doubtless take place during the ,
licit TTOttV in
August. The actual '
Portland to St. Paul f
." f
distance from
.. ,, , , . , :
and ixerii miles. Passengers wi5l
.. ..-. ., vril& V
als be added to tha trains at proper
placus together with reclining chair
cars between all important points.
To Pacitie coa points, first clays f-ire
vill be 8100;- emigrant, $45. To
Spokau Falls, Walla Walla, ete , lirat
class, $97.50; emigrant, $42.50. flow
these rates compare with those of the
U. P. and C. P. lines, w best illus
trated by taking their emigrant rates
from Omaha to Winii'emucca, 1452!
miles, which is $45; while our rates
from St. Paul to Walla Walla, a dist
ance of 270 miles farther, is but
$42.50. This last i-ato we will also
establish to Wailula, Dayton aud
Pendleton, the lowest rate via the
other overland lines being $4.1. In
other wordn, they make their charge
to all intermediate points tho same as
to their termin-il, San Francisco,
while, as I have said, t-nr rates to
interior points will be less than the
through rate. One hundred pounds
of baggage will be allowed on each
full ticket, fifty on each half ticket.
We are now building in the east a
number of substantial immigrant
sleeping cars, which will provide for
them most of" the comforts of tirst
clawj travel. We will adopt practi
cally the same classification aud tariff
on overland business as that now in
force upon the transcontinental
routes. Tho rate t all points west
of lake Pond ,d'Oroillo will not bo
higher than those to Portland. As
torin, New Tacoma and Seattle will
be common points with Portland.
Victoria is not upon otir rail line. All
the other points I named will be rail
points when the system is completed.
However, there will be but a smtl!
additional charge added fr.'in Seattle
to Victoria for lighterage. Under
the plan which I have just outlined
that is, putting Spokane Falls, Chen
ey, Spraguc,. Walla Walla, Dayton,
Pendleton, The Dalle, etc, upon tho
same footing with Portland each of
those placet will become h distribu
ting point tor tue locality waicn is
naturally tributary to it. Tho idea is
to make the rates common and let the
business divide itself gcuranhicallv.
We have not yet dotermed what
course to pursue iu regard to the con
tract system. All contracts now in
force with Pacific coast consignees by
tho other lines expire December 31st,
aud until the end of the yaar wo will
take up such contracts upon Pacific
coast business and duplicate such
contract rates to Portland. Ciider-
stinding this, shippers will no doubt
reduce their present stock to a mini
mum, and a view of saviug the trans
portation from San Francisco north."
Bad Man Scares Portlandites.
Persons living near Portland say
that a ventablo wild man makes his
homo iu tho heavy t:mber several
miles from the suburbs, and that he
terrorizes tho neighbors for a lone
way 'round by his savag; maimer and
horrible threats. Tho nun lives alone
in a cave within one of the many
narrow ravines, and into ilm he "re
tires during tho day and refuses to
have anything to Bay to those who
call upon him. But at. night ho
sallies forth and prowls around aim-
Ies3ly ovr the hills.
no ha? madu
of the neigh
threats of killin" some
bors, and is reported to be armed
with two pistols, one of which he
constantly keeps iu hi3 hind, appar
ently in readiness to fire upon the
first one who approaches. Ho has no
vocation aud no visible means of sup
port. A few days ago he exhibited a
handful of "twenties," which ho
claims to have secured bv killing and
robbing a man. The sheriff has been
notified, and a posse is now scouring
tho woods searching for the ogro.
K. of P. Ball.
Astor lodge Xo. C, K. of P. will
give a select ball on July 4th eve. Ar
rangements are m prores.1 to maku it
a social succcsi. Following are the
cemmittees: Cora, of arrangement,
A. Campbell, J. C. Lid well: Printing,
Jay Tuttle, E. D. Curtis; Music, J.
E. (Thomas, H. E. Nelsen: Invita
tions, J. V. Hume, E. A. Xeyes:
Reception. E. D. Curtis, E. A. Noyes,
Jay Tuttle, H. E. Nelson; Floor, J.
C. Lidwell, J. V. Hume, A. Camp
bell, J. E. Thomas.
Hotel Arrivals.
I Schlessinge.S. F.; Mi?s H Ewiug,
O Stevens, L Byrne, J Adelman, F
McDonald, L H Richarda, K. Y.; 11
Barne, P Blankholm, G Byer. Port
land; D H Prescott, John Days; W
Peel, 0 Knicksen and wife, City; J
Brownell, Fort Stovens; F J Whit
comb, Woodards Landing; W Hen
dren, A McPherson, Cathlamet; B A
Seaborg, Ilwaco; H Ewing, Grays
mnn-nmn fev2gwr.v
n KTH ! W9A
j J- VJ J JLL J. JUL i "v2
I .
From &ow on until the Fourth we Intend to hold a grand parade iu the prices of goods.
Although we have no gun-powder explosions, the explosions we are about to make in the
wonderful reductions in the prices of goods in every department in our store will give un
bounded pleasure to our patrons, but will cause consternation aud dismay in the ranks of
our competitors. Tho first bombshell fired Is the balance of
Arakp's Gents' anil Youth" ClotMi and Furnishing Goods.
Boys Suits from $2.50 up.
Men's Suits from 5.00 up.
" Linen Bosom Shirts from 75 cts. up.
' Underwear from 35 cts. up.
Cotton Socks from 4 cts. up.
4 Shaker Socks from 12 1-2 cts. up.
4 All Wool Hats from 75 cts.
The second Dombsaell
Ladies Lisle thread Gloves from 10 cts. up.
' Silk Gloves from 25 cts. up.
" Cotton Hose from 5 cts. up.
j Fireworks ami miscellaneous
Fancy Goods, Domestics, Millinery, Etc., at
Sheriff Q'NelFs B antra pi Store,
M. ISAACS & Co., Consignees.
Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON
Steamer Days.
Following Is a resume of sailing
dates for ocean steamers for June
anil Jury, steamers leaving Astoria
and San Francisco every three days:
Junej at 10 a. at. June
Qiti'Pji Friilav SiJSIate Friday 29
.f ul i July
Oron Monday :!ColiinibIa..Monday a
Mate .Thursday rlQueen .Thursday 5
Co!unitIa..Sund:iy SlOregon Sunday s
tjupenAVediiPMlay llState. Wednesday 11
Oregon Saturday 14ColumbIaSaturday H
State Tuesday iTJQucen. .....Tuesday 17
Columbia Fridav WiOrcgon . Friday 20
Jue'ii ..Monday siiState ..Monday 23
Oregon... Thursdry 2c!('o!umbIa-Tliursday 2G
State Sunday 29Quceu .Sunday 2)
At Carl Adler's
"Peck's Bad Uoy. "Confessions of -a
Bashful Man.' and all the new and pop
ular hooks. Every book of any note re
ceiu'rt as fast asniblished.
Il: you like
New rooms, new furniture, new, clean
leds and a quiet place to sleep eo to the
O K Lodging House, eorner West Otli
and Water streets, opposite Frank Fa
bre. r or n IVeat Fitiu;r Root
Or Shoe, go to P. J. (loodmans, on Che
nanius street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed qua HI y. A full stock; new goods
constantly nrrh ing. Custom work.
luipurtant Notice to i'l.sliermcn
and. Others.
"JEFF, of the CHOP HOUSE, will
give you the BEST 25-cent meal In town
for cash. Board by the week S5, in ad
vance. Meals at any hour, day or night.
The Man Who Laughs
Who! Why! Where! At Carl Ad
ler's. Gut the "Bad Boy's DiarjV and
you'll have to get vour wife to sew on
the buttons that you shed.
Ice. and Ice Cream Delivered.
Frank Fabro's wagon is now ready to
deliver ice, or iee cream to any part of
the city, during the day.
Invigorating Food
For the brain and nerve is what wo
netj'l in these days of rush and worry.
Puikcr'a Ginger Tonic restores the vi
tal energies aud brings good health
and joyous spirits quicker than any
thing von can use. Tribune.
The Latest Styles.
Among the latet styles may be noted
the very prevalent one of taking Syrup
of Fiss instead of castor oil, pills, salts,
aud the other bitter and nauseous reme
dies of former times. It is a -very de
cided improvement,as anyone may learn
bv getting a bottle from our druggists,
W. E. Dement & Co.
1 lodge, Davis & Co., wholesale agents,
Portland, Or.
FntnlcPnliro's Oyster anil Chop
Tlup ishing a nice pflte of Eastern or
ShoaJwaler bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early breakfast before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
bay oysters received by eyery steamer.
Kor the cenulne J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Franeisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp-
Where so fast mv friend? Why to
Frank Fabre's for a pan roast.
is now ready to manufacture Ice Cream
to order in any quantity for Balls, Socia
bles. Private Houses, ctc and having
the bcitfacilities of any place in town
guarantees to Rive satisfaction. Ice
constantly on hand and for sale.
Make yourself healthy and strong.
Make life happy by using Brown's
Iron Bitters.
ttny's full suits for S2.30 at Sheriff
O'Xell s bankrupt stprc.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed CTarantee on every
bottle oC Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
An attractive, youthful appearance
securedby using Parker's Hair Balsam
to all who are getting gray.
The Peruvian syrup nas cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep-
clfi ?nlllif' l!i'r nnmnlnln- lintla Tin.
I mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph-
icu ucbiu .iiijr uuureas. oewi tr.ruwir
&Sonp Uoston.
Simon's Cuke will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping! cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement.
explosions in Dres3 Goods,
A Chicago Merchant's Experience
After I had become almost skin and
bone, with neither strength, appetie
nor ambition left, and the doctors
couldn't help me, two bottles Parker's
Ginger Tonic cured me completely.
M. B. Westcott, Lamp M'f 'r,Chidgo.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bonght at the lowest prices, at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden
hctel, Astoria.
AVe beg leave to announce that we will,
soon open a complete stock of
CrocSery anH Glassware
And all Roods pertalmns to that lino at tholr
Cor. Chenamns I GenBVJBVB Sts.
Parties centemplating: purchasing any
thing m that line will consult their own in
terest by waiting till our goods arrive.
We pa cash for oar eoods and and w ill be
able to sell as cheap as any house In Oreson
Portland not excepted.
our facilities ferrncetins: the demand of
increase in boats this year we would re
spectfully call the attention of
And all others needing sails, to thU fact.
Prices Same as Last Year.
Drilling and Best Quality of Rope
on Hand.
Our Work has Given
Satisfaction for Eight Years,
And shall be made to do so while we are In
the business.
In Astoria, an Agent for the
The DOMESTIC with the uite iMPnovK
siEjcrs. is the best Sewine. Machine the
world has yet produced. For terms address
21-1 w T. L.TILESTON, Agt. Portland.
For Sale.
lock Wood, which I will deliver at tho
houses of customers for $4 a cord.
Draylng or all kinds' done at reasonable
rates. . R. R. MARION.
For Sale.
rfcv toria, on the John Day river, at Sl'J per
acre If sold soon. This Is a good purchase
for any one desiring a small farm.
inquire or
To Rent.
furnished In a desirable locality.
To Rent.
uated. Inquire of 3IKS. MALCOLM.
after this date, the 2lst day of June, 1883.
Job Ross Is the only authorized agent, and
proper person to apply to for the use or oc-
panon oi woeny iiaii
Clatsop County, Ogn.
nation of Liberty Hall, in this city of Astoria,
Done by order oi the Board of Directors.
tf Sect'y.
School for Dancing, at
Occidental Hall, June 6th,
On Tuesday and. Friday-
Afternoons, from 3 o'clock until 4 p. jr.
and in the evenings from 8 to 10 o'clock.
Lessons will be given In all styles of dan
cing. Thoge wishing to Join my class will
please call and se me.
Gentlemen.......... Jlfty cents
Ladles ,....... Jree
The Leading- Dry Goods
Clothing Souse of Astoria.
Xu&GE ctjutjlhts,
J have just received a large consignment of Lace Curtains, and
Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an infec
tion from intending- purchasers, confidentthat for rarity arid Low Prioes
iUJSS 3.23.0.
We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of tha moat
elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City,
All Silk Rhadames,
All Silk Poulards,
All Silk Ottomans,
"We aro now showing tho Largest and most HIegaut Line of La
dies' Cloaks and "Wraps ever brought to this City.
Black Dolmans, -. '- ;
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp.
Black Silk Dolmans,
Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and'Gimp.- "
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans, -
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe.
Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Duster
Shetland Sluiwls,
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,
All Sizes and Colors.
We are showing, without doubt, the largest, and most compleU
stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys' Clothing ever brougjoAst
Xaargest Stock,
Xowesi Prices in Astoria,
Having received the most complete
Airnnn. 1 sirm nurr m nuvprs in riiun-ti.
bnins, wnite ests, unen J7iister, Alpaca, uoais, ere., ere.
At tlie Very
The Largest Assortment of
styles in Soft, Stiff
Full stock of Clothing, including fine
Tlie Tailoring department comprises
Cassimercs, Worsteds, Tweeds, etc.
Th.e Leading
SeasifleBaiery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best,
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candies etc., -furnished for "Wedding
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite . W. Huxne'H.
At Capt. Kogers old stand, corner of Ca.
and Court Streets.
Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
Ucwcst Styles in Furniture?
(II W. Galltck's Old Stand.)
Have some elegaut designs in the above
mentioned goods widen they will be pleased
to show the public.
Everything new and tasteful.
Esxsse&msgmMmmmmammmmmmammm ,i
Drap D'Alm&s
Wool Surrfthi,
Satin Soltils,
' Etc.
at Cbods.
line of Gents Furnishing Qoods eve
itcwrar. -- t
Lowest P
Straw Hal
and Fiexii
Prince Albert!
tne largest siock oi
Drawback Enfriej,
Bills of Lading,
Manifests, Etc.
Legal Blanks.
Mortgages, Warranty Bedi.
The Astorian Office
Any blank or form not la stock will W
prlnted-to order.
Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Beelpt Boka.
Fish Talleys, Cards, Tags, and eeaaurebkl
paper of all kinds printed to order at
The Astorian Job Offlc.
"We have for sale
ItlOZVKOE'S Celebrated Yk
"Which are acknowledged by all Loggers
WILSON & FISHEB, Astoria.,
Importer and wholesale dealer Iu
CIsars and Tebaeens, Bankers' ArtlelM,
PlayJaz Cards. Cattery, 8i-t
Uanery. Ete ,
The largest and finest stck of HZKR
SCHAUM and AMBKit GOODS ia tl city.
Particular attention paid to orders fre
the country.
Thko.BKACXEB, Msaafter.
Ckeiiamus Street, Astoria. Oregos.
"We will take orders for lussber
to BOO M., at the mill or deuyerea.
We also manufacture lath ami
Al quality.
ooring a Specii
Addrws all orders
c 8,C,39KJ
Blanks;! BMs ! '
.. 3'
I "5- t.
I --,