The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 28, 1883, Image 3

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2?hc StaUij strolim.
Tho Oregon is duo to-day
Th county court meets next
The State Teachers' Institute is
m session at Salem.
Grading on the 0. C. Co. at Ba
ker Gity, begins this iveok.
I. Bergman brought down a
handsome pair of ponies on his last
tnp from Portland.
The champion runner in the
Walla Walla fire department on the
Fourth will get a $45 medal.
-The last isuc to hand of the
Yamhill lieyorter contains faixteen
liases, and is a credit to its publishers.
The Xorth Jimd is loading at
Knappton. The WhUtlerh out thirty
days, and wondor is belli; felt as to
her delay.
Work on the Northern 1'icillc
terminal comanv's car shops on the
dat below Alhinu will boqin next
bmcc the new mail arrangements
went into effect Sacramento papers
are roceircd hero forty-eight hours in
advance of former time.
Madame Janauschek will
her first appearance in Oregon
cidcntal Hall this eening.
will be a largo audience.
at Oc
Extensive preparations are being
made by tho Seattle Driving Associa
tion for the three days' races to take
place at that place the 3rd, 4th ami Ith
of July.
-The Eugene Journal is printed on
the oldest press in Oregon, the one on j
which the Ur&jon Spectator rat print-!
ed in 1S4G the first paper issued on
this coast.
Frank Wheeler is on trial in
Portland for the alleged killing of
FredJSchwartz at the Palace Theater
last February. He will probably be
acq tutted.
"Who shall be Chief of Police!"
is the question in Salem. It some
times happens that the usual head
quarters of Chiefs of Police don't ex
actly suit the citizens of a munici
pality. Summer travel seaward is now at
its height. "To those who in the
love of nature hold communion with
her visible forms," no placo offors
more natural attractions than Astoria
and vicinitv.
Tie city jail has its full quota of
ccupa&ts these days. Four of the
inmates skipped out yesterday. They
had been set to work on the streets
and struck for the timber at tho first
opportunity. If they will only skip
so fast and far that tho city will never
be troubled with them again it will be
just as well.
The engine companies are mak
ing splendid time. Last Tuesday
night Rescue No. 2, ran 200 yards and
threw water in 55 seconds; last night
1's ran 300 yards and threw water in
1.10L By the way, next Wednesday
is tho 4th. Time that "compromise"
was effected and the contest made up.
Twould be a pity now that the thing
is almoit aisured to let it go by de
A correspondent of the Sacra
mento Bee, speaking of the large sugar
pine trees cut down along tho railroad
line above Redding, says they are
used for temporary bridges and lim
bering tunnels. But timbers that are
to be used in the permanent bridges
will come from Oregon. It is estimat
ed that the grading of the railroad
from Redding to the crossing of tho
Sacramento river, tweniy-nine miles,
will cost SSO,000 a mile.
Johnson, of the Walla Walla
Union telegraphs to the Oiegunian:
"Since returniug home I have inter
ried fanners, millers "and.grain deal
ers from various parts of Walla Walla,
Umatilla and Columbia counties, and
some from Garfield. All unite in
saying the fall wheat will yield a first
class crop of fine grain, without rain;
in fact, most fear that rain would
dunage the crop. Spnrg wheat, of
which there is only a small area, will
yield a fair return for the labor.
Barley is in fine condition. It is the
gcoerxl impression that Philip Ritz
was looking at his Ritzville Gcl.i when
An item in the Jost-Intelligencer
regarding tho fine view, etc, at Mt.
Ranier, suggests the idea that the
joctly celebrated merits of that lo
cality is fully equaled by Saddle
taountain in our own county. Some
time when we've all made as much
teaey as we want, and feel like
tajeying life a little, some enterprise
isg JLsioriaii will build a house $fc tho
be of that graud monarch of the
com!, cut a road thithor from Astoria,
aad sake the public aware that here
in our own county we have the peer
of aay f them. Pure water to drink
(Uwt ought to fetch 'em,) sparkling
; fall of trout; deer and other
to hast, and & view unequaled
t)sst4ef Mt. Shasta. '
Council Proceedings.
At tho regular meeting of tho city
council hold last Tuesday evening a
petition from committee of Astoria
Engine Co. No. 1, in reference to tho
present situation of tho fire alarm boll
was referred to fire .and water coiu
raittoo. A request from T. S. Jewett
that his leave of absence be extended
to July 31st wa3 granted. A petition
asking for the repair and im; rovemont
of Water street was referred to street '
committee A petition from tho As
toria Gaslight company, asking the
council to appoint a committee to
confer in relation to lighting the pub
lic buildings and streeta wf the city
was read, and a special committee
consisting of councilmen Case, Car
ruther3, Johns and Hume, witi ap-'
Ad ordinance to j.rowtle for tho
time and manner of improving a por
tion of Miiu street was read
first and second times and referred
to street committee. The auditor
and clerk was instructed to give
notice that the city council propose to
improvo Water street to full width
from West-Ctli to I he v,et end of
said street. Tlio health committee
report on the reil of police judge
for May was adopted The report of
the committee on public property on
city sexton' leport for May was
adopted. The report of the commit
tee on public property in regard to
bnilding wagon road from Skipauon
landing to cemetery, it as laid on the
table. The follow injj claims were
ordered paid: Theo. lir.ieuner, $14;
J. Enchtel, S170.25; Arndt Per
chen, $14; I. Gorman, 15.40; Geo.
McLean, $3 50; C. Alexander, $9; I.
W.Case, 17.27; Mbrey.!' Co., 17.05;
Clakop Mill Co., 3233.93; Job Ross,
814.25. On motion it was decided
j that the matter of the citv-s
takinir stock in Ilia CIatMn road be
reforred tr the citv artPrnev. 0u
motion eonnc; adju,wl.
Oregon Jury Iaw.
No person is competent to act as a
juror who has been convicted of any
felony, or misdemeanor involving
moral tnipitude. 2o person shall be
summoned as a jutor in any circuit
court moie than onco in one j ear,
aud it shall be sufficient cause of chal
lenge to any juror culled to be sworn
in any cause, that he has been sum
moned aud attended said cum I a3 a
juror at any term of said court held
within one year prior to the time of
such challenge, or that he has been
summoned from the bystanders or
body of the count', and has served
as a juror in any cause upon such
summons within one Teir prior to the
time of such challenge.
Libsrty Hall.
J. H. Rogers- Dramatic company
closed a brief engagement at Liberty
Hall lint evening with the production
of a laughable Ethiopian act, followed
by tho rendition of Mis Rraddon's
great drama, "Lady Aud'ey' Secret,"
which was further followed by an af
ter piece. To-night tho company
pla's at Vancouver, and from there
through tho Willamette valley, re
turning to Astoria about September
1st. The company play all they ad
vertise, and will doubtless do a good
business in this state and on the
The JUTortlnrest , published in New
York, is making a mighty effort to
have the name of Ranier changed to
Taconin. Tho samo journal publishes
that same old map reported before in
which the name of Oregon's seaport is
uiuirejy omittec, aim i-a-i-a-in-a w
printed up the Columbia rivor in
cluding the bur at its mouth." The
reliability of ono is commensurate
with the justice of the other.
i A Portland man, who has been
enjoying a few weeks' leisure at Tilla
mook. recently donned his rubber
boots, swung a pail over his shoulder
ou a hoe, and started out at high tide
to dig clams. Not meeting with good
success, he approached a settler's
house and inquired where he could
find th i juicy bivalves. The native
eyed him keenly for a moment, and
then remarked: "Young man, I
don't know much about city customs,
but if you want to dig clams at flood
tide you'll have to leave these parts to
do it."
Elijah Harper, an old gentleman
who has just returned from Harris-
burg, Alaska, whither he went in
search of gold, reports to the Standard,
that all accounts of gold being plenti
ful and easy of access is false; that
hundreds of good men, many of them
old miners, h-ve been induced to go
there on the representations made by
letters from that section, and a dis
position on the part of many persons
to assist the boom. He claims that
one Harris is the principal party in
circulating these fahe rumors and in
ducing miners to go there. Harper's
party consisted of thirty old miners,
some from Colorado, Arizona and
New Mexico. They all returned
i much disgusted with the prospects of
gold in the Harrisburg district. There
may be gold in Alaska, but not where
Harper went.
Handsome trimmed hats for Si at
Sheriff O'Neil's bankrupt store.
Boy's full suits for $2.50 at .Sheriff
O'Neil's bankrupt store.
Go to the O. K. Lodging House
corner West-9th and Water streets.
Madame Fanny Janauschek.
Of this world renowned artiste, who
appears as "Hilary Stuart" at Occi -
dental Hall to-night, tha London Era,
"Madame Jananschek canio among
us a stranger, ignorant of our language
as well as tho people to whom sho pre
sented herself as a candidate for fa
vor, aud she remains among us yet, a
permanent and splendid ornament of.sleopat any time, accon
tho American stage. Francesca Ro-,
mana Magdalena Janauschek was born j
at Prague, Bohemia, on July 20th, jcomei more difficult; there is a tend- t
1837. Of a family of nine children, oncy to nervous excitability and de-,
she was the fourth. Her father was a irangeinent; the repair of thf system
merchant, whom business reverses j does not equal the waste. Thf luorj
overtook. Francesca had developed .finely organized people are, the
an extraordinary musical talent in her greater tho difficulty and d tnger tr-.uii ,
childhood, and at the age of ten was j tins cause. The first thing in order"
a, brilliant pianist and .i phenomenal J to sleep is to go to bed at a regular!
6calist. At sixteen bhe went un the jhour. and make it : ctm .s possible.
stuse at Prague. Shortly aftcrwar.l
she accepted the first engageineut
fered and went to Chemmitz, w here
she joined a traveling company at a
satary of 14 per month. Socially she
soon rose above her position on the
stage, and made such rapid advances jsert her rightful supremacy afterward,
in her profession that at the age of Another point ii, never to th.vurt tho
eighteen ahJ engaged ai leading ac-' drowsy impulse whoii it cmies .it
tre3s at tho Stadt Theater at Frank-1 the regular tune by special
fort. There she remained for eleven j efforts to keep awake, f- this
yeur aud made her reputation. The j drowsiness ia the advance guirdof
firat year her .-alary reached $300, audi healthy, restorative sleep. Sleep is a
after that Sl.000, besides benefits, j boon which must not be tampered
which amounted to oer 2,000 per, with and put off, fur if compelh-d to
year more. At the end of the eleven wait, it i3 never so perfect and rest-
years, and at the ago of twenty-nine,
she closed as a star. There was but
ono thing left for he to win, and that
the titlo of 'Royal actress. For a
year and a half shs starred through
Europe, which wn3 then ablaze with
her fame, and at the end of that time
accepted a three years coutract with
the Royal Theatre at Dresden, at a
salary of $2,500. She remaiucd one
year. For three yean after she starred
through Europe, ancLin 18C7 came to
America with her ow n company. Al
though she acted exclusively in Ger
man, the English-speaking public
recognized her ability and encouraged
it, as they had Rachael's before her
as they did IJernhardt's after.
Madame Janauschek was so well
pleased with her first acquaintance
with the country, that after she left it
sho determined to play here in Eng
lish. She went to work to master tho
language by heroic means. Jsne was
already something of a linguist, and a
knowledge of the principles of the
strange tongue was not so difficult to
attain to. Indeed, she is said to have
mastered it within a year. But to
perfect herself in pronunciation was
another matter, and to this day traces
of her old tongue still cling to her
English, and render it, like Fechter's,
peculiar, without investing it with the
charm tho splendid vivid originality
of Fechter cloaked his own defective
intonation with. Sho is eminently a
tragedienne, and in her hands the
most splendid passages of the drama
tists find appropriate and thrilling in
terpretation. The actress touches the
intelligence, and the heart; stirs the
blood and the soul. There is one
thing fir which tho American
stage has to thank Madame Janau
schek. She brought to it a heroic
strength and a lordly breadth of
style which had well nigh departed
from our boards, and redeemed tho
classical drama in the United States
from a decadence in which it was be
coming the toy of hands incompetent
to wield tho fan of JFrou-Fruu, far
less tho dagger of Lady Macbeth.
Closs of the Sealing Season.
The sshooners Anna Deck and
P. Say ward have arrived from Burclay
Sound bringing the latest news rela
tive to the scaling trade on tho west
coast of the Island. Owing to con
tinuous rousrh weather the season has
not been a
successful one and the
catch falls far below the average.
fortnight ago, yestarday, 27 Indians
who had ventured out too far from
shore in their canoes were drowned
and during the season a similar fate
befell 21 other natives, making a to
tal of 4.3 lost. No lives were lost
from the schooners and the responsi
bility rests entirely with tho natives.
There was an abundance of seals
but tho weather was too boisterous
to permit of their being taken.
Tho schooners KaU aud Mary
Ellen, due from Barclay Sound and
should arrive in port to-day. The
total catch has not exceeded 2,400
seals. The fleet belonging to the
American side has also experienced an
unsuccessful season, in fact, more so
than the British fleet of schooners.
The actual result of the American
catch has not yet been ascertained.
Tho ruling prices as compared with
previous seasons are low, the average
figure being 3 each, jumping from
75 cents each for the smallest to $4
for tho largest. Of course the latter
predominates. The season is over and
operations have ceased. Ficforia
The hard glove contest between
Ihomas Warren, champion feather
weight pugilist of the Pacific, and Wil
liam O'Neil. champion light-vr eight of
Liverpool. England, for our hundred
and seveuty-five dollars and the cham
pionship will tafcc place at tho Skating
Kink Saturday evenlng,June 30th. Chas.
Wright, of the Occident Hotel, stake
Ladies' linen ulsters for $ at
Sheriff O'Xeil's bankrupt store.
Averill's mhced paints, the best in
use, lor sale at J. W. Conn.s druir store.
I opposite Occident Hotel.
Hints on Sleep.
j The question of chief inipurtanco to
raost peoplo in these overwrought,
'wakeful days and nights ia how to get
jood sleep enough. Dr. Corning
drops a few simple hints which may
bo of value. In the first place, people j
should have a regular time for going i
to sleep, and it should bo a3 soon as '
can well bo after sunset. Peoplo who
venionce, get less benefit
sleep than others; getting
i sleep I'e-1
-The next thinsr h t exclude at. vnrt v '
ot-jand exciting subjects of tlinuh: frui
i the mind some ritutr beiVre retiring,
(The body and mind mtist bo jet down
: from the high-pressure strain before,
f going to bed, so that nature cu:i as-
fill as if taken in its own natural time
and way. The right side Is tho best
to sleep on, except in special cases of
disease, and the position should hi
nearly horizontal. Finally, the even
ing meal should be composed of food
most easily digested and assimilated.
so that the stomach will have little
hard work to do. A heavy, rich din
ner taken in tho evening is ouu of tho
things that murder sleep. Late sup
pers with exciting foods and stimulat
ing drinks make rcalJy restorative
sleep next to impossible. Narcotics
are to bo avoided, save ks used in
case of disease by competent physi
cians. Tho proper timo, according to
Dr. Corniug, to treat sleeplessness is
in tho day time, and it must be treat
ed by a wise aud temperate method
of living rather thuu by medicines.
This is good common sense, says tho
Ncic Yoilc Star, from which paper wo
copy, and doubtless a vast del-'of the
debility, nervous derangement, and
the insanity of our lime would be
prevented by more good, restful nat
ural sleep.
K. of P. Ball.
Astor lodge No. C, K. of P. will
give a select ball on July 4th uve. Ai
raugeinents are m progre&s to inuke it
a social success. Following are the
cemmittees: Com. of arrangements,
A. Campbell, J. C. Lidwell; Printing,
Jay Tuttle, E. D. Curt-.s; Music, J.
E. Thomas, H. E. Nelson; Invita
tions, J. W. Hume, E. A. Noyes;
Reception, E. D. Curtis, E. A. Noyes,
Jay Tuttle, H. E. Nelson; Floor,. J.
C. Lidwell, J. Y. Hume, A. Camp
bell, J. E. Thomas.
Hotel Arnval3.
P-iKCER iiouaE.
R Wilson and wife, C D Leninau,
C Johnson, A Guion, J A McCree, W
Dempsy, J McCarty, J H D Gray and
and sou, B R Elliott, E W James,
A P Matthews, City; WD Whealdon,
Mrs Brussels, B A Seaborg, Hwaco;
D H Prescott, J W Crow, L H Crow,
Knappa; H A Spaytt, 2t E Johnson,
Miss M Young, B H Dorcy, Mrs
Rosener, R A Speeccr, Mrs White, J
Friedmin, Hamilton, Mrs J D Mc-
Comas, Miss McOomas, O . McCo-
mas, M J Wallace, W A Williams, S
D Smith, P Berten, E Williams, F
Schuffer, W Thorson, .Airs A S Dnni-
wav, E Huntington, Portland; I D
Miller, Millors Station; P A Peterson,
Vancouver; S White, Nasell; R J Ca-
ples, St. Johns; A Mague. Khskamne;
R Rurch. Skamokawa; Mrs Lirson,
Steamer Days.
Following is a resume of sailing
dates for ocean steamers for June
aud July, steamers loaving Astoria
and San Francisco every three days:
June! at 10 a. "M. June
Queen Krld.iv 2Statc ..KrUlay 29
Jul) Jiilv
OrcRon Holiday 2Colu:uuU.Monilav 2
Stale. .Thuisdav S Queen .Thursday o
Columbia. .Sunday sioregon Sunday 8
Quecn.'Wednesday llStattfVdiiPsday It
OregonSaturday HCohnnhlaSatiir!:iy u
State Tuesday lTJQueen.. .Tuesday 17
ColumbiaFriday sOiOreRon Friday 20
Queen ...Monday a.State .Mondays:"
OreKoiu. ThurMlry 2G,(olumbIaTliurdav 2C
State Sunday 29Queen .Sunday 23
Gist of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Post
office at Astoria, Oregon, Jnne 28th,
Anderson, Mr Kaalalucn. Lnas
Anderson. Otto Mattson. Erik
Alley, Georce Millar. Win
uertson, J reil Mullane. Peter
Bonquist. 11 XichauROIher
By bee. J F (2) Person, J con
BilK L S Plummer, Frank
Carethcrs, Chas Strostrane, C A
Campbell, David Spencer, Dora
Dickerbon, C J Schow, Frank
Deargu, J 11 Snyder, E A
Epstein, J Standbcrrv, Man'
Eskola. J E Waltna. C"
Gallacher. Dave Wuopio, John
Johnson, L A and X E.
Persons calling for theso lettors
xnuit give tho date they are advertised.
W7. Chaxcb, P. M.
Greatest DIccnrry Since 119?.
For coughs, colds, soro throat,
bronchitis, laryngitis, and consump
tion in its early stages, nothing equals
Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis
covery." It is also a great blood-purifier
and strength-restorer or tonic,
and for liver complaint and. costive
conditions of the bowels it has wo
equal. Sold by druggists.
An attractive, youthful appearance
secured, by using Parker's Hair Balsam
to all who are getting gray.
for tie
1 U U 11 1 Jl .
from rim on until the Fourth we intend
Aithouli we lue no Run-powder explosions,
wonderful reductions in the prices of i
t oi eoous in c
butV ill cause
ootis in
out competitors. The first bombshell nred is
nounueu pleasure looar natrons.
uuuuuiru uiiTiLsurp iiiiiur ii.iiruiu. uul nui uux:
Arip's Gents' and Youths' (Mini and Msiii Goods.
Boys' Suits from 32.50 up.
Men's Suits from 5.00 up.
, Linen Bosom Shirts from 75 cts. up.
u Underwear from 35 cts. up.
Cotton Socks from 4 ct3. up.
" Shaker Socks from 12 1-2 cts. up.
All Wool Hats from 75 cts.
Th -coiid P.ombslicli
Ladies Lisle thread Gloves from 10 cts. up.
" Silk Gloves from 25 cts. up.
Cotton Hose from 5 cts. up.
Fireworks and miscellaneous explosions in Dres3 Goods,
Fancy Goods, Domestics. Millinery. Etc., at
Sheriff Q'Neir& Baakrapi 9totes
M. ISAACS & Co., Consignees.
Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON
BIricUsmitli "Wnutctl.
Apply to (r.A. Stiuson. A good work
man can get good wages.
At Carl Adlers
"Peck's Bad Boy. "Confession:, ot" a
Bishful Man." and nil the new and pop
ular books. Every book .of any note re
ceived as fast as publibhed.
If you Ulic
New rooms, new furniture, new, clean
beds ami a quiet place to sleep go to the
O K Lodging House, corner West 9th
and Water streets, opposite Frank Fa
bry's. Foralfcat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che
namu. street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
consiautly arriving. Custom work.
Important Notice, to .FlMncrmen
and Others.
-JEFF, of the CHOP HOUSE, will
give you the BEST 25-cent meal in town
forcah. Board by the week S3, in ad
vance. Meals at any hour, day or night.
The 3Inn TVIio Iuiglis
Who! Whv! Where! At Carl Ad
ler's. Get the "Bad Bo3''s Diary, and
you'll have to get your wife to sew on
the buttons that ybu shed.
Ice. anil Ice Cream Delivered.
Frank Fabre's wagon is now ready to
deliver ice, or ice cream to any part of
the city, during the day.
A Chicago Merchant's Exp erience
After I had become almost skin. and
buuc, with neither strength, appetie
nor ambition left, and the doctors
couldn't help me, two bottles Parker's
Ginger Tonic cured me completely.
M. B. Wcstcott, Lamp MTr.Chicago.
Tho Latest Styles.
Among the !:ilet styles may be noted
the very prevalent one of taking Syrup
of Fics'instead of castor oil, pills, salts,
and the other bitter and nauseous reme
dies of former times. It is a very de
cided improvement anyone may learn
bv getting a bottle from our druggists,
V. E. Dement & Co.
llodge. Da. Is &. Co., wholesale- agents,
Portland. Or.
FranU Fnbrc'? Oyster and Chop
Thoe wishing a nice plate of Eastern or
Shoahvater bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early breakfast before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoal water
hav oyster received by ecry steamer.
Kor the genuine J. H. Cutter old
Bourbon, anil the best of wines, liquors
and .3iiu Francisco beer, call at the Gem
onpo-itf the bt'll tower, and see Camp
bell. Brae.' up the whole system with King
of the Mood. See Advertisement.
Have Wistars balsam of wild cherry
ahvajs a? hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, m
liuenzn, consumption, and all throat and
mug complaint, r-n cents anthSl a bot
tle. Where o fast my friend ? Why to
i rank r abre s for a pan roast.
lis now ready to manufacture Ice Cream
lUUMItl 111 lll lutlllllbj iuiiiuiw.uvn.m-
bles. Private Houses, etc.. and having
tho bcitfacilities of any place in town
guarantees to gie satisfaction. Ice
constantly on hand and for sale.
Demand it, and take no other iron
preparation except Brown's Iron Bit
ters. It is the best.
Foi Djspepsia aildLiver Complaint,
vou have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Sbilolfs vitalizer. It never
fail- to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
Make yourself healthy and strong.
Make life happy by uaing Brown's
Iron Bitters.
The Bev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind says: ''Both myself aud wife
owe our lives tobitir.on7s "Joxsujiption'
CiTitK. Sold by W. E. Dement
Delicious Ice
Cream at Frank Fa-
Whv will you cough when Sliiloh's
Cure will Rive immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cts and 1. Sold by W.E. De
ment. Atp vmi mmlft miserable hv fndl-
cestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shilou's Vital
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement.
to hold a grand parade in the prices of good.
the explosions we are about
to raase m
o make Tit the
e erv department in our store will ki un-
erv aepjrime
the balance of
ijittieniiiLiuu j
m uimayin lueraiiKsoi
We beg leave to announce that we wlP,
oon open a complete stock of
Crocierj anil Glassware
And all Koods pertaining to that line at thoir
Cor. Clems I Genevieve Sts.
rartles contemplating purchasing any
thing In that line will consult their own in
terest by waiting till our goods arrive.
We paj cash for our goods and and will be
able to sell as cheap as any house In Oregon
Portland not excepted.
our facilities formeetin? the demand nf
increase In boats this vear we would re
spectfully call the attention of
And all others needing -jails, to this fact.
Prices Same as Last Year,
Drilling; and Best Quality of Rope
on Hand.
Our "Work has Given
Satisfaction for Eight Years,
And shall he made to do so while we art In
the business.
In. Astoria, an Agent for the
The DOJIESTIC w ith the latk iMrnovE-
HESTS. Is tho best Sewlne Machine the
world has et produced. For terms addtess
21-lw F. L.TILESTON, Agt. Portland.
For Sale.
Iock Wood, which I will deliver at the
houses of customers for 4 a cord.
Draylng or all Kinds done at reasonable
rates. R. R. MARION.
For Sale.
rxJ torla, ou the John Day river, at SltJ per
acre If sold soon. Tills Is a good purchase
xor any one uesirine-a smau iarni.
Enquire of
To Rent.
furnished in a desirable locality.
To Rent.
uated. Inquire ot MRS. MALCOLM.
after this date, the 2lst day of June. 13S3.
Job Ros is the only authorized agent, and
proper person to apply to for the use or oc-
anon oi ioeny nan, minis ciiyoi.:iona,
llatsop County, Ogn.
Done by order oi the Board of Directors.
ti Scct'y.
JL tween Henry Ferchen. and Martin Han
son, in theoldDevrDrop In saloon, has been
dissolved by mutual consent, and all bills
due are pa able only to M". Hanson, at the
same place,
Astoria, June 18th, 1883. lOt
. School for Dancing, at -
Occidental Hall, June 6th,
On Tuesday and Fridajr
Afternoons, from 2 o'clock until 4 v. m.
and In the evenings from 8 to 10 o'clock.
Lessons Trill he ctven In all st les of dan
cing. Those wishing to loin my class will
please call ana see me.
,...M.Fifty cents
Sinxon's Cube will immediately
relievo Croup, whooping! cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by W-. IL Dement.
Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy a D03i
tlve cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Deraont
Mill YL
The Leading Dry Goods
Clothing House of Astorim
1 have just received a large consignment of Lace Curtains, sod
Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an inspect
lion from intending purchasers, confident that for rarity ?rad Low PricjJi
Silks and Dress Goods,
We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of the -most..-elaborate
and richest Goods ever shown in this City, " ..
All Silk Rhadames, Drap D'Almas
All Silk Foulards, Wool Surrtiu,
All Silk Ottomans, Satin Soltii$
Etc., Etc. ,' x
CLO&SS,' 7:
"We are now showing the Largest and most Elegant IaneofciE'a
dies Cloaks and Wraps ever brought to this City.
Black Dolmans, -- - -
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp. . . . "" -
Black Silk Dolmans, T"l
Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and Gimp. -
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans, -
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe.
Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters. :
Shetland Shawls, .
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,
All Sizes and Colors.
We are" showing, without doubt, the largest, and most complete
stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys' Clothing ever brought to Astoria
Xa.rgest Stock, Finest Goods.
Lowest Prices in Astoria,
Having received the most complete line c Gents Fumlshrag Goods ever opesed la
Astoria. I shall offer to buyers the choicest Neckwear, UnderweiUvDrees 8Wr3,Fcy
Shirts, Avhlte vests, Linen Dusters, Alpaca, uoats, etc, etc .
At the Very
The Largest Assortment of Straw Hats, AH" the leading.
styles in Soft, Stiff and Flexible Hats
Full stock of Clothing,incIuding fine Prince Albert Coats in Black and Blue
The Tailoring department comprises tho largest stock of Imported Cloths,
Cassimeres, Worsteds, Tweeds, etc.
The Xeading
SeasifteBalery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best,
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candles etc., lurnlshed for Wedding
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite ii. W. Hume's.
G. A. STINS0N & CO.,
At Capt. Kogera old stand, corner of Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
xVewcst Style "in Furniture?
Ol W. ('alHck's Old Stand.)
Have some elegant designs in the above
mentioned goods which they will be pleased
to show the public.
Everything new and tasteful,
Lowest Pricesr
! BMs!
Drawback Entries
Bills of Lading,
Manifests, Etc.
Legal .Rlanlis
Mortgages, 'W irranty Detdi.
The Astorian Office
Any blank or form not In suck will is
printed to order.
Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Becdpt Seeks,
Uh TnllAwt Pnrriq. Tin. and COWUKUI
Fish Talleys, Cards, Ta
paper of all kinds printed to order at
The Astorian Job Office
We have for sale
MONROE'S Celefewte Tke,
Which are acknowledged by all Logrs to
dwlm WILSONS FISHER, Astoria.
Importer and wholesale dealer (a .
Clxar and TeTMeea, Smeken' ArtteiM,
PIutIbz Cards, Cwtlery. Sta
tionery. Efcv t..
The Innieii and firiMt toikKof 7tfEX
SCHAIIJf and AMBEK i'OUD.S Jit the eHy.
ruiticular attention paid to orders treat
the countryt-
Chenamus Streer, Astoria. Oregon.
. remain. ,
We will take orders for luster tx&m. Ml
to KoMM at the mill or delivered.
We also maHTifacture lath aad shtaMfeset
Al quality..
Flooring, Specialty.
Address aHorien
w J
f. r
s ' r '
- .
' - r
- i
J 'J?55h