"a- . ST V. " m &c Snils gvsicrrfcttt, ASTORIA, OREGON: lTEDNESDAT. JUNE 27. 1SS3 TJw War to tke Ocean. The American with his merchan dise arrives at the sea shore and can go no farther. On the west the Pacific spreads its vast ex plore before him. On the east tbe stormy Atlantic bars his way. Bat Jm at get this merchandise out of the country. It is over and above what he can consume him self and the production of this surplus has given employment to ay jiople. He hopes to sell it to fenig&ers and thereby add to tWe store of shekels with which to provide ior his old age. If it re aulas on shore it will, be only a barck to him and in. the end the oaase of misery and distress to a large number of his countrymen. Tbey cannot continue piling up a surplus of merchandise. The c&nnot consume it themselves and prodactioa under such circum stances would be folly. Time was when the American at the sea shore found his own ships waiting to take away this surplus, but he neglected this branch of the busi ness aad with some few exceptions his vessels have disappeared. He is not, however, altogether dis consolate, for foreign ships are waiting for his merchandise. The foreigner is only too glad to have the work and to have the Ameri can dependent upon him for ocean transportation. This pic tare has been shown before. Peo ple are tired pf it, but it should be shown until a better one can be presented. It is admitted says the Jfari tiinc JRegister, that the American, by being shut off from the rest oi the world unless the foreigner helps him, is in a most unfortunate position. But it is .claimed that the way upon the ocean is closed to him by the superior power of his foreign rival. This is absurd. The way is open if he choses to use it under the same regulations as other people. These regula tions are well ktyown, but some few selfish individuals have suc ceeding in persuading people here that the regulations are inimical to their interests and by consequence the American has been prevented submitting to them. Yet tr every, circumstance these regulations will have to be obeyed and the sooner that fact is ac cepted the sooner will the Ameri caa be less dependent upon the foreigner. The. dog-in-the-man-gerclique scoff at such, ideas, but their position is beiri attacked from a direction they least expect ed. Mr. Grorringe's proposition tkat iron sailing vessels can be built here as cheaply or almost as cheaply as wooden ones, opens the way again for Americans to the ocean. In proof of his assertion iron sailing- vessels are being built upon the Delaware. This is the most hopeful sign yet of the re habilitation of American shipping, It demonstrates the posibilities of American ship-yards and shows that were the shackles which now biad American shipping struck off it would again stand among the first upon the ocean. "The coronation of the czar,'' remarks the Spectator, "was Asi atic i a afto-re than its accessories. If we were asked to state in a word the 'note' or central fact which differentiates Asia from Earope, -.we should answer Im moderateness.' Nothing in Asia is saJBcIently restricted. All things have in them a trace of im moderateness, as if gods and men had lost the sense of wise limita tion. Forests in Asia cover king oew. Mountains occupy the area of large states. People are num Wed,Kke the Chinese and the XmU&as, by their fractional rela tion to the whole human race. A eyckwe desolate a province. A tidal wave sweeps away half a millioa of men. A'famine slaugh ters oat eleven millions. A wail beds aa empire. One sovereign is taedter of tins sun, another is GWs "YioecereaL a third is inca r ate 4etr. This characteristic of immeiwateweec is the dominant ee l Mm Rweia coronation." Txx ooert of commissioners of A Alabama claims has decided that wA jtets at Groat Britain, resi emafei at the time withm Betted States ad sailing on MWi ml ma dor the protection the the of the TJafeed States tag , wore em litid wtcmW'the btsofthe Labor and Food. The human body never ceases to work. Even in most profound slumber some of the functions of lifo arc ioing on, as, for instance, breathing, the circulation of the blood, digestion, when there is food in the stomach; and it follows that some part of the nervous sys tem is therefore awake and at tending to business all the day and night long. In the act of liv ing, says an exchange, some of the substance of the body is being constantly consumed. The amount of work done by the heart in one day in propelling the blood is now estimated as equal to the work of a steam engine in raising 125 tons one foot high, or one ton 125 feet high. We lose in weight by working. "Weigh a man after several hours' hard labor, and he will be found two or three, and in extreme cases, several pounds lighter. If we do not wish to be come bankrupt, we must replace by food the amount we have lost by labor. Hunger and thirst are the instincts which prompt us to do this. They are like automatic alarm clocks, which stop the en gine at various points to take on fuel and water. In a healthy man as much is taken as is required to maintain the weight of the body against loss. Nature keeps the account. On one side is so much food spent in work; on theother,so much received into the stomach for digestion. They should balance like the accounts of an honest book keeper. In an unhealthy person the instinct of hunger becomes disordered and does not sound the alarm, and so the person goes on working without eating until he becomes pauperized; or the iu stinct works too frequently, and eats too much and clogs the vital machinery. A calculation of the business done in the body reveals the fact that for a hard working person about 81 pounds of food and drink are used up daily; some bodies use more and some less, but this is the average. The profit which the body gets on this transaction has been calculated, and may interest our readers. The euergy stored up in the S1 pounds of food ought to raise 3,400 tons one foot high. Most of this energy, however, is expended in keeping the body warm and U functions active. Abont one-tenth can be spent in our bodily movements or in work. The profit, then, on the process is about teu per cent. This is enough to raise 340 tons one foot high each day. A profit which is quite enough for earning a good living if rightly expended, and it is probably more than most make. Oxi: of the most interesting computations which have engaged the attention of scientists is that relating to the amount of force imparted to the earth by the sun's heat. According to some of the French investigations, there is re ceived in one minute enough heat to raise the temperature of five and a half cubic miles of water one degree Centigrade. Comparing this with the work done by a given amount of heat, as utilized in a steam engine, it would ap pear that the heat sent to the earth in the sun's rays during the space of one minute is equal to the accomplishment of as much work as would be dene by 2,000 steam engines of 100-horse power each, working continuously lor 4,000 years. By far the larger part of the heat force, of course, expends itself upon the earth in actual work, only a small portion of it being radiated into space. Necessarily the result thus accomplished such as the maintenance of the temperature of the earth, ocean and atmosphere, the stimulating of animal and vegetable life, &c, must be the equivalent of the power retained br our globe; but a vast amount remains unacconnt ed for still. Tin: Louisville, Ky., Courier Journal reports General Grant as saying in that city: "I am in fa vor of wiping out the internal revenue system and making the burden of taxation fall upon the imported articles. The states themselves should have charge of the liquor and tobacco tax and do what they please with it." The star route trial, which ended in the acquittal of the thieves, cost the goverhment $261, 979.48. The defendants probably spent a hundred thousand more. One of 4he results of a lawsuit recently tried in California is to give definiteness to the phrase "a right smart chance.1' A witness testified that ho saw a right smart chanco of hogs invading the plain tiff's field. The Court asked him to put this into figures, and he testified that in Arkansas and Missouri "a right smart chance" mcvit fourteen. The judge in structed the jury to consider the phrase equivalent to fourteen, and damages to the full amount claim ed were awarded the plaintiff. It is asserted that British capi tal to the extent of thirty millions went into Wyoming and Texas last year. The Greenbackers of Ohio still live, and announce their intention to take part in the October elec tion. BOK. At Hood River, Or., June -'Mi, to tl e wue ot t. a. uoon, a noy. NEW TO-DAY SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WINCHESTER RIFLES Of the best make and guaranteed Colt's Celebrated Double Action Revolvers, 38, and 4-1 calibre. A. GLSPEXARTH Importer, and Dealer in ALL KINDS OF FIREARMS, PISHING- TACKLE, AND AMMUNITION. FOR TILLAMOOK. Tho new Strainer -A.. IO. DFIX32XI- BABBAOK, - - 'Master. Will sail on her regular trip, for TILLAMOOK, OX TUESDAY, JULI lOtb, 1883. P OH SAILING DATES AND PARTICU lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER. Main street Wharf, Asteria: ALLEN & LEWIS, rortland ; J. L. STORY, Tillamook. ILWAC0 STEAM NAVIGATION CO'S REGULAR PACKET LINE . FOR GRAY'S HARBOR. Sir. GEN. IMS Will leave Gray's dock FOR GRAY'S HARBOR OX TUESDAY, JUJLY 3. 1883. At CA. 31. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent L S. X. Co. ASTORIA TO TILLAMOOK! 3& Sir. BIS. MILES Leaves Astoria for Tillamook, direct, after me arrival oi me steamer "Wide west," from rortland, OX HATUROAY, JUXE 30, 1H8.J, i.tiuiuiiii, icaics uunuujui ill u A. JI., Monday, July 2d, connecting with Wide v est ior roruana. Fare, for tho Bound Trip, 87.50. J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. Net Lost. ON THURSDAY MORNING, OUTSIDE the har.ahout 300 fathoms net 45-12 Bar- oour s twine ; left-hand lines ; corks marked U L F I Co. ; leads marked AFFPCo. lander will leave Information at Fishermen's i-Kg. uo. 2C-lwk- Net Lost. ON THE NIGHT OF THE 23D JUNE. AT or near the Barel Beacon, about 100 lath oms net, Barbour's 40-12 twine, 45 mesh, some of the corks marked F 0, and F I Co, leads marked F P Co. The finder will be suitably rewarded bv applying to the 2C-3t FISHERMEN'S PACKING CO. Net Lost. ON THE MORNING OF THE 25tji OF June, at the .Republic, about 09 fath oms 45 mesh net. Corks branded N P I. and C T & Co. , l wooden buoy marked W S P Co. Finder will please return to "White Star Packing Co. and be suitably rewarded. 26-3t "WHITE STAR PACKING CO. Net Lost. ONTHENIGHTOFTHE23RD.INSOUTH Cliannel, 150 fathoms 45-12 new net, corks marked Nit leads marked FP Co. Finder will please bring It to the Fishermeus Packing Co. 2(-6t fS THE NIGHT OF JUNE 21th. ABOUT V-r 1U0 latnoms 40. 12 nlv Barbour' twine 44 mesh deep, corks warked B D& Co., leads T & K. Finder will please notify Thomes & Knowles and be rewarded. Lost at head of Sand Island. . D. MARVIN. 26-3t per C. T. Thomes. Net Lost. ON TIIE 21st INST., IN THE SOUTH channel, about 300 fathoms net, 40-12, corks marked GM O. Finder will leave It at Columbia Canning Co. 24-3t A.HOUKE. For Sale. OTS ON Tl XUSINES9 LOTS ON THE ROADWAY (SauemoanaSt.).andsome of the most eligible residence property in the city. We have also lots Ior sale in the city and in all the additions at reasonable prices : also a farm of 45 acres, three miles from St. Hel ens : a town lot In St. Helens, and a farm on the Columbia near John Day's river. CHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & CO. A LDERBROOK PROPERTY FOR SALE. Inquire of CHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & CO. Saloon for Sale. THE NEW COBNER SALOON. GOOD loc&ttoB asd rood busiRess: 2 years 1 Me. CHAS, H. WDLLIAMSON & CO. OCCIDENTAL HALL, f Two Night3 Only ! ; THURSDAY AND FRIDAY,) June 28th and 29th. j A GREAT DRAMATIC EVENT !j Engagement cf Hie Greatest Uvirifc Tragedienne JANAUSCHEK Supported by her own powerful coinpauy, headed dv MR. GEO. D. CH Al'LIN. and MR. ALEX. A STUART When will be presented XnUBSDAlT, JUXE 2S. Schiller's Historical Masterpiece In5 act-.' MARY STUART. FRIDAY. JUXE 29, The beautiful emotional drama in 4 acts, entitled MOTHER AND SON. Seats can be reserved at the New York Noveltv Store, on and after Frldav. June 22nd, Under Hie management of Mr. Nath. Child. Business Agent, - Mr. L. A. Morsenstetn. Liberty Hall, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings. June 25th. 26th and 27th. SOGER'S ALL-STAR DRAMATIC COMPANY ! Tronounced bv press and public the moit re- lined anu taienteu uramaiic organization traveling. Houses crowded everywhere! Enthusiastic audience; Tlie talented and popular Eastern dramatic Star, IIOUIES GICOVER, Jr. The favorite young character actor, and 31iss MAY DcIOME, The powerful emotional Actress, have been specially engasred to appear hi their Great Original Melo-drama,in 4 acts, entitled THE JAMES BOYS. Monday, June 25th, 1883. The Great Fire scene ! Assassination of Tease James by the Ford Bros., Hubert and Charles. The scenery painted for this pro duction, and which we carry with lis, n ill be HMiecIalfoaturc. This drama, which was written by Holmes f rover, Jr.. and fullv copyrighted by him, h; pronounced by the entire press and public; whercever produced, to be the Greatot Sen sational Drama ever written. THE COY DETECTIVE-! lteplete with Sensational Scenes, Startling Incidences. Pathos and Comedy. THE PHOENIX ! orttack from the Crave. Lady Andley's secret ! East Lynne ! The Gambler's Fate ! Unele Tom' Cabin Oli ver Twist ! Hidden Hand ! Grand Mechanical Effects ! Powerful cui of Characters ! The artists engaged w ilh this company nave been selected from the prin cipal Theatres oi Sau Francisco, Every one a star in his special line. Complete chnnge of Programme nightly. The performance concluding earh evening with a laughable farca or comedy. For complete cast of char acters, synopsis of. scenes and incident:, sec small bills. J. H. HOGEUS. - - Sole Proprietor HOLMES GEO VEIt, Jit., iluslness Mauager Popular prices of admission, ltescrved seals for i-ale at 11. F. Stevens & Co.'s Book Store. NATIONAL HEADOUABTEHS ! CARL ADLER'S EMPORIUM. Fte!Flai$!Fte! GKAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS! Muslin Plags ! Bunting Flags ! Silk Hags ! Flags of every Shape, Size, Style and Price, at CARL ADLEE3. Boot and Shoe Store, 2 OH FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF Boots ASD Slioes Ever brought to Astoria, is opened to the Public in Brown's New Building, Next to City Book Store Come and see Latest Styles. I. J. ARVOLD. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! British Iron Barque "EYEVALE," 100 Al. WILLIAMS. .... Master. THISFINEVESSELHAVINGHERCAi: go fully engaged will have QUICK DESPATCH, and will be followed by the British Iron Barque "ULLGCK," 100 Al. SALMON in cases will be taken In lots to suit shippers, at reasonable rates. For rates of Freight and Ihsu ranee Applj to MEYER, WILSON & CO., or to S1BSON, CHURCH SCO., 1 Portland. Oregon. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. tORYEA BROS. Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fitters. Joining Promptly Attended to A Full Supply oi GAS FIXTURES. COCKS. STEAM FIT TINGS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. Cannery, and Steamboat Work a Specialty. Chenamus street, opposite Dement's Drug Store, Astoria, Oregon. aS>f DO YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME, rent a building or sell any property? It so apply to CHAS. n. WILLIAMSON A CO. BAHKIHC AHDJHSURAHCL RRHKFR. RAWKFR .........- r... ..... f .1"D INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOIil.-j., ... OREGON OFFICE IlOUKb: FROil 9 O'CLOCK A. 31. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mutual Insaranee Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. flouGirrojf . .llwident Chas. R. Stout......... Secretary Geo. L. Storv.... Aiipnt for O-tron Capital paid up in U. H. '! coin .... SSWUuHmi r. AY. CAHK. Aeent. Cheaamus street. A-tiria. )res'- $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOno AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MKKCAN- TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OK UAKT FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA r'lRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Koprosentine a capital of SC.7,OO0,000. A. VAN DUSEN. AcenU FIRST GRAND A JL PRIOR TO STOCK TAKING. We ctfer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line of i)rtss Goods, Silks. Velvets, Plushes, CaslniKTes and Aram res. Laces. Hosiery. Corsets, - Cloaks, Dolmans, Etc., etc. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FLANNEL COMFORTERS. Blankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. Prael Srot&ers. "TT BTIT GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able t'rms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria Oreeon. Wilson & Fisher, ' SHIP CHANDLERS. DKALKB5 IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AND CUT GALVANIZED lYuilw. Cupper X'ails ami Itttrrs, Sholf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packinq of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. Fjr.oun axd aiEz.1, fs;::. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Strc ASTORIA, OREGON. LOEB & CO., JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. Gf'-All goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. Ice Delivered to Order. FRANK FABRE ISPREPABEDTO DELIVER THE BEST quality of Ice at 2JJ cents per pound, in quantities from ten pounds up. to Hotels, Saloons. Restaurants, or Families, leaving their orders with him. Large quantities of Ice constantly on hand. tf Ice Cream JFrcsU Every Isy. RUDDOCK & LEVAKE, PRACTICAL PLTTMBSES' Gas and Steam Fitters. Have constantly on hand a general assort ment of goods In our line. Jooblng prompt ly attended to. Estimates given. 2T. B. We guarantee our work. Shop next door to Gas Co's office. mm CLEAMCE Sill!; to make room for more mm m sniii mmw i A. VAN DU8EH & GO. Will toll at m their entire itoek of , HATS AND GAPS? AND BOOTS AND SHOES.; These goods must he disposed of as we are soon to rceeiv. another largo lot .f Hardware and Ship Chandlery! Am rmiit h.w ro .tn to store It. PERUVIAN BITTERS !, iiiiPl! I! Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. Drugs and Chemicals AND f? nu :. rnaiiiiduiau !- VAST0h A.O Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. ASK FOR Union India Rubber Co's Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BKWAEE OP IMITATIONS 1 Bo sure the Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM sriusxas on the loot and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We ate now making them with RURDUR AND ASBESTOS Soles which will mako them last more than twice as long as any Rubber hoots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS KUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, nOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHLNG, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. 11. PEASE. Jr. I Agents. S. M. KUNYON. f San Erancisco. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. AND PLANING- MILL. A full stock or home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. ASTORIA. Oregon. THE LATEST STYLES WALL "PAPER AT B. 3. FRANKLJPS, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Windowcurtains made to order. fS'-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be lound convenient to my patrons. Figures Jew Lis ! JEFF OP THE CHOP EOtTSE Can prove by his books that he Is domjj the biggest business of any RESTATTEANT In the city, and he will marantee to i;lve the best meal for cash. WILT. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobscco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. rTERMANIA BEER HALL BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chen-axcs Stiiekt. Astoria.. The Best of ,ager5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the ia Brewery ASTORIA. Am Lert at this place v.ill he promptly attend ed to. f ST"No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place W3I. BOCK. Proprietor. OF THE CALIFORNIA STORE'S EI PSIOE LIST. Camers Hair REDUCED from Cashmere " Cashmere Sold Formerly Ladies Gioth 750 bones Corsets REDUCED Our $2.50 Corset REDUCED $2. Kid Gloves in dark and Opera shades REDUCED to CALIFORNIA Next to St. MATTHEW'S HALL, SAX 3ZATEO, ... CAliIPOIt.VIA A Classical School under Military Discipline. The IDText Term Commences Thursday, July 19, 1883 Frr catalogue or information, aridrcs Hew AJiFUEJ JjEE iSKEIVKit, 31. A.. Principal. CITY -5- o l:at lo-day hnishert opening and putting in order the In-iniense Sio& of CSroods Bought in San Francisco b B. F. STEVENS. ('. V. jIOFFIT Yfill lie found behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. PT'i, "' e f" ' ' -wZSl TEU apply to the Captain, or to im JL ZKEontgomery, (SrcCFSFOE TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) Sv&k PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIZES1A32CS STltERr. Xext to C. I. Parker's Store. THE NEW MODEL err ;A TULI, STOCK Two dors cast of Occident Hotel. issfSirr' .'"""" .-), --its!uJ'?e3i i f ifi&aiH & CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FTJB.NITUB.E Si BEDDING AND DEALEll IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. M. or.SEN'. J. OUSTAFSON. MARTIN OLSEN DEALER IN FXJBNITUBE SS BEDDING-. Corner 5Inin anil Sqitemoqua Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WIHDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AIL KIISJS OF ITiTKaiTUKE KEPAIBEI AK VABKISHED. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Or every description. The finest stock cf Jewelry I" Astoria. S7TA11. goods warrantedasfepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. CTION! $1.00 to 50c 1.10 to 80c 75 for 45c 1.75 1.10 2.10 to 1.50 1.00 STORE, Geo. Hume's Grocery Store. STORE. STEJLHIER CLARA PARKER. Eben P. Parker, Master. or TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR K. B. PAUKJER. DEAtIR I2 Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agent3 for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best in the market. Piumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. BANGS CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF f. HAWE9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOD WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. HAWES Is also agent for the Bnct patent Mm Stove And other flrat-class stoves. Furnace "Work, Steam. Fit tinE3 etc.. a specialty- ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON. A. JOHh'SOX. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. fries! Complete Stock in Astoria Jsi ovelties of all Kinds Fruits Both Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &ND0C '' A - c vry-t. ... wwjf'..- &&l?&2i?.