The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 20, 1883, Image 3

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Sgkc Dnilv. fVstarlniL
-WEDNESDAY-.. JUNE '20. 183
Justice Field of the U. S. su
preme court, sails from S. F. to-day
to ait in the circuit court at Portland.
The U. S. Engineers are engaged
in mating a re-survey of the bar. The
party is in charge of U S. assist, en
gineer, VonGeldern.
Mrs. T. S. .Tewctt is a passenger
on to-day's outgoing steamer on a vis
it to her father who is dangerously ill
at Santa Cms, Cal.
Prof. T M. Coon, fonnerly princi
pal or the public school in district No.
1, is in the city. Hood river appar
ently agrees with him.
Coroner FranUm goes to Clifton
this morning to hold an inquc-t on the
bdy of a man who was drowned near
there yesterday morning.
In &st Portland last Monday,
H. (1 Meyers was elected mayor, hav
ing 24 majority over his competitor,
J. K. Mayo, in a total vote of G78.
There will be an ice cream and
atrawberry festival at Libeity Hall
to-morrow evening under the aus
pices of the Ladies Guild of Grace
Prof. James, of the Columbia
Commercial college is in the city. His
educational institution, one of the
best on the coast, is in a flourishing
Governor Newell has been in
vited to deliver the 4th of July ad
dress at Etlensburg and at Montesano
bnt cannot accept either owing to pre
vious engagements.
The C. S steamer Gen. Wright,
grounded on Clatsop spit, near Fort
Stevens, at 5 o'clock Monday evening.
U. S. Engineor Von Gelderu took the
tug Astoria down to take her off at
high tide.
The officers of the grand lodge I.
O. G. T., will be installed at Occi
dental hall at eight o'clock this even
ing. This will be a public installa
tion, and every one is cordially in
vited to be present.
F. Bricklcman, foreman for Smith
&, Paquct on the construction of Sib
son, Church it Company's new- flour
ing null at Albina, was instantly killed
last Monday morning by a heavy tim
ber falling upon him.
-The body of Hazen A. Parker,
who was drowned from the Clara
Parlrrx dock last Tuesday, was picked
up at Cat5op spit yesterday morning
and brought to the city. The funeral
will take place to-day.
At Knappa last Monday J. F.
Bender's children were teasing a bull
which, becoming enraged, rushed at a
horse standing near by and ripped
open his stomach, killing him instant
lj. The animal was valued at $200.
Decency forbids mention of the
means employed by Chinamen to
freshen stale salmon, but those of our
readers who have any regard for their
stomachs will refuse to buy salmon
from China peddlers who want to "sell
There is a snbscription afloat
put the road from Ilwaco to the ocean
beach in good condition. The sum
needed is 2,000, of which nearly
1,200 is already subscribed. There 1
should be no difficulty m raising the
Zaehanah Baker and B. H.
Thomas shot and killed each other in
T. B. Handley's law office at Hills
boro, last Monday. They had had
some trouble about land, and had
gone to tho lawyer's to arbitrate it,
-when the quarrel broke out afresh
with fatal result to both.
N. A. Thompson of Newport,
who is up from Yaquina bay, attend
ing the grand lodge I. O. G. T., of
which he is a prominent member, says
that work on the railway is progress
ing xs fast and favorable as could be
expected. The people of his section
have an abiding faith in the ultimate
success of the enterprise and they have
good reason.
Covcmor Newell has postponed
the execution of Gianini who was sen
tenced for the murder of Ricco, on
the 29th of June, until the 28th of
October. Leading citizens of Van
couver represent him as insane and
the Governor has given this long time
to have his condition tested, also to
provide for pay of a commission by
the Legislature if it be required.
The municipal election at Port
land was something that no outside
resident can understand; it is proba
ble that a good many Portlandites
don't just see how it was done. There
were four councilmen elected; Messrs.
Gerdes and Healy, in the first ward,
AacLras is the second ward and Sears
in the third ward. The first three
gentleman are classed with the "free
wfekkey association," as it would
Metn that the price of that beverage is
jat sow an important factor in Port
land politics.
Attemtiea flfe. 1.
fecial meeting Tharsdar, June 2tst,
at o'clock r. m. Business of import
ance fall attendance desired.
-,By order of W. W. Parked,
L.E.SELIG, , President.
SecreUryy' ..
The Floral Concert.
The floral concert of the Baptist
Sunday school was a decided success.
Every available amount of standing
room in the church was filli-d and
many had to turn back unable to get i
into flip olmrMi. Th lnirrli M-nt'
decorated tastefully, a large cross
trimmed with ivy and flowers stood
upon the back of the platform in the
center and on the wail above a motto
in blossoms ''welcome" was placed.
On the organ stoad a harp of flowers;
tho little children were trimmed in
flowers to correspond with the senti-
, ment of the piece to be tecited. As
j each child finished, the boqnet she
I held was placed upon the cross to
complete iU adornment the last flow
er to finish the cro!3 was a beautiful
lilly, placed in the center.
Its placement was magical and
the wholo design of the concert,
viz: to beautify and adorn the cross,
was manifest. Miss Flavel followed
with the solo ''Consider the Lilies,"
and sang it in flue voice and with
great acceptance. The singing a id
recitations by the children were good,
and everyone went away delighted.
A collection of twenty dollirs was
taken to add to the library.
As Usual
The invariable misstatement of
Portland correspondents of San Fran
cisco papers justifies the belief that
such inaccuracy 'if statement is due
more to deliberate intent than to ig
norance. Pure ignorance is always
to be excused, een in a newspaper
correspondent but mendacity is an
undesirable clemont in the make up
of one who prof eses to tell ihe truth
in tho columns of a newspaper The
Bulletin of the ICth, has an article on
Columbia river fisheries written in
Poitland, in which the writer says,
speaking of tho canneries: "There
are some half doztMi, or more, at As
toria. The remainder are scattered
along the mighty Columbia.' Had
the mendacious correspondent taken
the trouble to look at the columns of
any of Oregon's commercial pipers ho
would have seen that there were
twenty-four cmneries at this place.
A man known us John Codey, who
ha3 been working in a logging camp
near Skamokwa, was accidentally
drow ned last Saturday. An inquest
was held with the following erdict.
"We the jurors summoned to de
termine thejeause of the death of John
Cody, have carefully examined the
body of the deceased and find that he
came to his death by accidental drown
ing II. A. Moss,
We 11 nd upon examining his papers
that his proper nrme is Lawrcnre Mc
Nally. Eureka, Humboldt Co., Cal.
papers please copy."
Justice's Court
The following cases were disposed
of yesterday by Justice P. H. Fex:
Win. Patterson and Wm. Allen, lar
ceny of a watch from the person of L.
George, held to answer, S300 each;
.1 liutterfield, larceny of a suit
of clothes, held to answer, 8300;
Angelo Perrota and Maik Kyle, lar
ceny of a boat, fined 23 oach, or 12
days in the county jail; Thomas Wal
lace, assault and battery, lined $25,
or 12 days in the county jail; Sam
Hawkins, defacing a building not his
i own, in l pper Astoria, linen sJU or
15 dajs in the county jail
the Occidental 11 a' 1 thiB
evening there will bo short speeches
by prominent people from abroad,
and choice literary entertainment is
promised to all who attend. The hall
will doubtless be filled to its fullest
In tho year 1880 letters wero ad
dressed by A. N. Tow no of the Cen
tral Pacific railroad to the leadiug
wheat-growers of California, with a
view to obtaining material for a
thorough study of the wheat industry
ou this coast. The very complete in
formation thus obtained, supplement
ed in other ways, is to bo placed be
fore tho public in papers announced
for the July and August issues of the
Occtland Monthly. These papers will
form the most important and com
plete study of tho subject ever in
Yesterday's Passengers.
J S Reed C L Lambert, Miss Liw
rence, Miss Carlson, W W Cathcart,
B Merrill, E H Stone, G Lyon. E
Woodruff, J L and Mrs Stout, C Gun
derson, Wm Atkins, Messrs Morse,
Hume, Watson, Hopkinson, Arlott
and Hutchcross, Mrs Thomes, M J
and Mrs Fleminc, N L Gray, P and
Mrs Spencer; M Curry, A M Peter
man, Mrs Lnnderback, J and Mrs
Wilive, C A Barni, F Forstner. Lucy
Tanner, H Zackery, T J Buford, Mrs
Kuaff, Mrs Strang, O L Levey, M
Kinney, H L Wells.
Girl Wanted
Immediately, to take care of an infant.
Enquire of A- V. Allen.
Attention Alert H. & T,. So. 1.
The members of Alert Hook and Lad
der Co. will meet in their hall at 8
o'clock r. u on Wednesday. Important
business. Come nc, come all.
By order of
F.B. Et.nKr.sov, Foieman.
C. Brottc, Sec'y.
If yon are sick and troubled with
dyspepsia, Brown's Iron Bitters will
cure you.
Go to the O. K. Lodging House
corner West-9th and Water streets.'.
Eighteenth Annual Session
The eighteenth annual session
the grand lodgo of Oregon, I. O. G.
T., convened in Pythian Hall in this
city at ten o'clock yesterday morning.
The committee on credentials reported
the following delegates entitled to
seats: Capital, No 11 W C King, C
A Sehlbrede, Mattie Berry, L R
Stinson. Hillsboro, No 17 A E
Tozior, Chas Tozier, alternate, Anna
Jackon, A H Boscow, Lucy E Mor
gan. La Creole, 23 J J Brown.
Rni. M9 "E M VandHPrcrl-. Astoria '
'ninS,it RHh .1 H Phr
D H Caswell, RE Jackson; alternates, ,
J W Gaarhart. Etta Charter Can-in!
T?;i.i .1 ,.; P-. fo..n .,bei.f the grand lodge,
L Dunmick. Milwaukee, 57 J i
vt u v r w . -i' t .-
N Lambert, L M Waite. val Fontis, '
74 SSGimble. Nonpareil. 8G-W,
S James, M P Brower. Sheridan, '
118-E Falconer, EC Richler. For-,
wtfimv... 12T.-.T V T.v.n. V. P i
Miller, altennte. Pacific, 179 Cha3
Vandevert, Onward, 229, -J E
Knox. Amity, 258 11 15 Putnian,
Anna Piihnin. Pnt-nllsrv onq R TV
Prettyman, alternate, Mattie Walton.
McMinnville, 239, May Baker. New -
berg, 302 -J T Smith, F A Olds,
May Hadley; alternate, Ida Wiley.
Monmouth, 331 -R A Boothby.
Wasco, 338 -A M Allen, H Williams.
alternate. Marv HiibW. R.i1 Sa-
maritan, 346 Ella Hovel, Allie Beez
ley. Mount Hood, 350 S A Trench,
R B Hood, alternate, Lizzie Lord.
Columbia, 358, D M Long. Ever
green, 360 Julia A Stewart, Emma
Moore, alternate, Jas Mucklc. Alpha,
3GG-Mira Smith. Butte, 307 Jennie
Spencer, F Rankin, Mary Rankin,
Josie Smith; Alternate, J E Houston,
W E Welch, Lola Edris. Champoeg,
370 -J B Leatherman, J B Forcyth.
Webfoot, 371 - J L Taylor. Oregon
City, 372-J W Watts, C E Watts, I
S Hurst; Alternate, Lavi Leland.
Prohibition, 373 -E Smith, T F
Wright; Alternates, M A Russ, N M
Rnss. Eureka, 377 Rev D P Porter,
P J Porter. Oak Grove, 3G9 E S
Stevens, Ashley White; alternate,
Mrs White. Glendive, 383 -T J
Graves. Harvest, 385 Emma T
Fisher. Corvalhs, 388-C H Whit
ney; Altercate, SAN Terwillinger.
Springfield, 390 M L Wilmot, Mary
MWilmot. Hood River, 393 -T R
Coon. Rescue, 397 J R Scrafford.
Gaston, 402 H C Raymond. Hope
ful, 403-SL Smith. Newport, 410
N A Thompson. Kilchis, 41G-W
J Elliott. Canby, 424 -E Harner;
Alternate, C Shank. Waldo Hills,
427 R L Downing. Tho following
were also reported as being entitled to
seats in the conventien: T J Alley,
state deputy; Sadie Smith, Nate L
Wiley, New berg. 303; Ida Porter,
Freedom, 378; Clark Hay, Prohibi
tion, 373. The committee's report
was accepted, and the committee dis
charged. A resolution was adopted
fixing the hours of morning 'session
from 8:30 to 12; for afternoon ses
sions, from 1 :30 to 5:30; evening ses
sions, 8:30. Tho grand lodge degree
was then conferred on sixty-nine of the
attending delegates, and tho con
vention adjourned to 1:30 v. y.
Following is a list of the efficers: G.
W C T, S R Jessup; G W C, C A
Sehlbrede; G WY T, Mrs E Lord;
G W Secy; J E Houston; G W Treas,
J N Limber t; G W M, S Hobson; G
W Chaplain, W C King (appointed)
G G, Mrs E Moore; G S, M Chambers;
Ass't G Sec, C N Whitney .(appointed);
D G M, E Fisher, (appointed), P G
W C T, C T Tezier: Sunt Juvenile
work, Levi Lelaud.
The lodge was called to order at
1:30 p. -v. by S. R. Jessup, G. W. C.
J.., in the chair. Minutes or morn
ing session approved as read. Report
of G. W. C. T., was read. Report of
Grand Sect, was read, showing lodges
reported last year 68; present number
of lodges "104, number of members re
ported last year 3,118, present mem
bership 4,480. Grand treasurer read
report. Report of Grand Supt. of
juvenile work, number of members at
present 3,G25, number of lodges last
report 8, number of lodges at present
report 51. This is a splendid showing
and speaks volumes for the life and
energy of the order in our state.
Following are the committees.
Committee on obituary W M
Houston, W C King, H M Russ.
Distribution C A Sehlbrede, T W
Dimniick, N A Thompson.
Finance C H Boscow, S S-Gimble,
N A Thompson, G W Dimmick, J B
State of order-J W Watts. H C
Raymond, J Hobson, E Moore, E M
Constitution W S James, Z T
Wright, R R Boothby, F A Rankin,
0 Hay.
Grand lodge organ C A Sehlbrede,
W C King, J E Knox, Emma Fisher,
D H Caswell.
Appeals C F Tozier, T R Coon, S
Bozorth, A M Allen, RyC Ramsey.
Music S Bozorth, Miss Jennie
Brown, Lou Morgan, Mrs Mary Heis
ler, R C Ramsby.
A resolution extending the tbauks
of the grand lodge to Astoria lodge
Ho. 40, for courtesy extended repre
sentatives, was passed.
Corvallis having received the major
ity of the votes, the next session of thp
grand lodge will be held at that place
next Jane. " " -$ . " t
GOOD' S R Jesmp and W M Houston
jwere elected representatives to the
right worthy grand lodge, and Levi
Leland and J W Watts, alternate, rep
resentatives; this meeting will be at
Washington, next 31ay.
The lodge then adjourned till 3
Upon reassembling, the minutes of
the afternoon session were approved
as read.
On motion, the representatives of
the several lodges, made 'verbal re
ports concerning the condition of
their respective lodges. Their reports
were very encouraging.
Levi Leland on behalf of Astoria
M& No-40- presented D- H- Caswell
with a double baby carriage which
was one amid the cheers of the mem-
iiriffirm.t litiaitmca flic lilir nil
, . . 3 -' -
,rt uifet this morning.
-.v - .
A Good Idea.
In commenting on the frauds di
covered in banrancisco h
re a
Sansome street firm marked Califor
k -i
nia salmon with a fictitious label and
was guilty of appropriating the naufe
t uouimDia river salmon, ttl
I fornia Groctr awi Onner as:
' "The firm name of J. K. Armsbj
I & c- of Chicago and San Francisco,
'a,so figuresjn this connection as the
probable factor in placing these goods
, Pon the market. Wo have not been
al to obtain facta
sufficient to en-
lable us to judge upon whom the
greater share of the blame should
fall, nor does it matter much, since
all connected with the transaction are
sufficiently bl am cable. We have so
many times raised our voice against
this mode of dealing that there ia but
little left for ua to say, unless we re
peat that which we have so frequently
said before. It would be well for tho
salmon trade if there were no packers'
engaged in picking what are termed
blanks. Every, can of salmon that
goe3 to the trade should bear the name
of some packer as a guarantee of its
quality and to guard agaiust frauds
similar to the one we hive under
consideration. In no other way
probably can the small dealer and
consumer expect to get goods "true to
name," (genuine beyond any perad-
venture, and for the quality of
some one is willing to stand
Our Trout Streams.
The rains came pelting down and
the winds hlew in fitful gusts for a
week, while the streams wero so
muddy that the trout could nut see
the fly. For my own part T stayed
home, enjoying my hook and pipe,
and contented myself with sorting
over tho flies in my hook and getting
ready for "a vigorous prosecution of
the war' when brighter skies and
warmer da a should come to greet the
devotees who revere in the name uf
Izaak Walton and worship atlthe
shrine uf Dame Juliam Harnt:rd.
Certain it is that no stream in
America can surpass the tributaries of
the Willamete and Columbia fur line
fishing; nor is there any region along
the Atlantic coast which has one
continuous season fur Gphing from
May to October, like ours. In May,
try the' Cowlitz, the Toulle and the
smaller tributaries of the Tualatin; in
Juno, your Ashing takes in the creeks
that debouch into the Mullala, the
Santiam and Li Creole; in July, when
tho Washougal and Claaimas are no
no longer fit for the tly, then try
Hood river, the Btreams debouching
into the bay uf Astoria, and the two
beautiful little rivers that flun into the
bay uf Tillamook; in August, try the
head waters of the Sandy and the
Clackamas, taking the wagon road
known as the Barlow gate; and ui the
sweet September days, take the Mc-
Kenzie from Engeuo or the Matlolea
from The Dalles.---Con: Canadian
Hotel Arrivals.
J Winterhalder & wife, W T Bar
nett, H Frankliu, W E Stuhba, W A
Williams, S F; W H Gray Klaska
nine;Mrs F A Hill, C A Powel!,.Day
ton; V Cook, F O Northup, F
Hacheny, Portland, J Kiernan, Pil
lar Rock; C Moller, J B Lowry, E J
Harris, J Thomas, S F; J J Living
ston, Pittsburg, Pa; J 0 Spencer,
Clifton; A Knapp, Knappa, L A
Loomis, Ilwaco; J F Warren, Knap
L S Korpor,HFriedlandor,TSchreed,
J Asper, W A Williams, S. '.; J
Hume, B R Elliott, L Davin, T Mc
Kenna, City; R Newman.Z T Wright,
C Hay Mrs P M Brown. Mrs E
Smith, Mrs D M Long, Dr Russ and
wife, J Joseph, J Hall, T H Reardon,
H Murry, W Williams, Portland; E
H Haines, 6 Shank, Canby; S L
Smith, North Yamhill; T R Coon,
Hood River; Mrs VanDerbort, Miss
Walton, Salsm; J L Taylor, Gervais;
A O Condit, Turner; H Nayland, J
R Coulter, Ilwaco; C C BlakeiE Burn
ham, Knappa; J T Osborn, R J Snell,
J Hopkinson, The Dalles; A Cassino,
Junction; C Hallin, San Jose?. Wil
son, Chico; W Stuart, Albany.
The hngo, drastic, griping, sicken
ing pills are fast being superseded by
Dr. Pierce's "Purgative Pellets.'
Sold by drgggists.
Furaiskcd IteeHiH to Rent.
Apply at Mrs. Denny Currans, rear
Congregational church.
Ice, and Ice Cream Delivered.
Frank Eabres wagon is now-ready to
deliver, Ice, or Ice cream to any. part of
the city, during the day.
Pro Bono
We, feel justified in returning thanks to the general public for
the liberal patronage they have bestowed on us since our advent in
Astoria. , .
The business vre have transacted has been beyond our utmost ex
pectations, and in acknowledgement thereof we intend to still .further
i ii,. in Tit
reUuca our already low pnees.
Reductions in Dress Goods,. S
Reductions in
Reductions in Fancy Goods,
Reductions in Furnishing Goods,
Reduction in Clothing,
Reductions in Cloaks and Dolmans,
Reductions in Millinery. ,
It will pay one and all to come and see for themselves our sweep
ing reductions in every department.
To 'every girl visiting our store to-day, willbe presented a hand
some celluloid Ting at - -
Sheriff Q'NbII'o Bankrapt 9tTt,
Corner-vQcncomly and Main Streets,
Steamer Days.
"Folio wi
wm if is" a resume of Hailing
fur ocean steamers for June
and July, steamers leaving Astoria
and Sau Francisco every three days:
June at 10 a. Mi June
Oregon Wednesday 20 Columbia. Wednesday 20
State Saturday 23 Queen Saturday 23
Columbia.Tuesday 261 Oregon .Tuesday 23
Queen .Frldav 291SUte Friday 23
tuJjl July
Orecon Monday ''IColumbIa..Mouday 2
State .Thursday 5 Queen .Thursday 5
Columbia. .Sundav 8OregonwSunday 8
Oueen.Weduesdav instate Wednesday 11
Oregun.atun!ay 14 1 Columbia- Saturday H
State Tuesday 17 Queen.. ..Tuesday 17
Columbia. Friday 2flOregon...Friday 20
Queen.... Monday 'JSIStntc ..Monday 23
Oregon Thursdry 2U('olumbiaTliursday 26
State Sunday 29Queen..Sunday 29
Domestic Exports.
The receipts of certain articles of Or
egon produce at San Francisco, from
January 1st, 1833. to-June 13th, inclu
sive, hae been as follows :
Flour, or sks 178 020
Wheat, ctls 21,239
Ojts, ctls . ..... 33.C06
Salmon, blits t 378
hf bbls s 1G2
cs - asm
idvgs . . 35
AjiplM, ttlpe. Iixs..... .. . 8.3C0
Butter, pkgs ... ...... to
Potatoes. hks......r... . ... 23.440
Wool. b.Ues... . 0.748
Hides. Xo " 18.C88
Tallow. pkg .. .... 764
Beef, bbls 9
Hay. bale... ........ . .. 23
gulcksiler. JIa&ks................ 75
ruir. Dried, pkgs C.465
Leather, plvia .... , .....I W7
Hops. bale.s........ . . 454
Hams, p!vcs...... .. ........... 4
Cheese, cs... ... ... 14
Flaxseed, ks.....w. . 1,370
uoni. ctis. .......,...: ii
Canned Good?, cs....r.. G92
l.ard, pkKS... . 1. 9
Frank Fabre's Oyster and Chop
Thoe ishinganice plate of Eastern or
Shoaluatcr hay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early lTreakfast before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
hint. Fnsh Eastern and Shoalwater
ha j ojstiTsreeehedby every steamer.
FofaXeat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che
n.umis street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and gnaran-
teetlfitiaiiiy. AiuitstocK; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Important Notice to Flaberraen
aa a Others.
-JEFF," of the CHOP HOUSE, will
give y on the BEST 25-cent meal In town
for cash. Board "bv the week'SS. in ad
vance. Meals at any hour, day or night.
Invigorating Food
b or the brain and nerve is what wo
need in thesedays of rusli and worry.
Parker's Ginger Tonic restores the vi
tal energies and brings good health
and joyous spirits quicker than any
thing you can use. Tribune.
An Aromatic Fragrance
Is imparted to the mouth by the use of
SOZODONT. It is beyond doubt the
cleanest, purest and best wash ever of
fered to tho public. SOZODONT and
comfort are sj nonynii. It cleanses the
caities in the enamel of the teeth.
is now ready to manufacture Ice Cream
luuiuci ill mi ijiiaiiiii-j iui ihiisuwm-
bles, Private Houses, etc- and having
the bestfacillties ot any place in town
guarantees to give satisfaction. Jab
constantly on hand and for sale.
ThePeruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who were suffering from dysnen-
sia. debility, Iher complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc Pamph
lets free to any address. Seth W.Fowlf
&SOU1" Boston.
Averlll's mixed paints, the best in
use. for sale at J. W. Conns dmg store,
opposite uccment Hotel. IIoxkv of Horehouxd
axt Tar' for, coughs and colds has
reached the pinnacle of fame. -
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in
one minnte.
A true strengthening medicine and
health rencwer is Brown's Iron Bit
ters. For the genuine J. H. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Framusco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp
bell. Where so fast my friend ? Why to
Frank Fabry's for a an roast.
Shiloh'.s Vitallzeris what jou need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia"
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle, sold
by W.EiDenienL
Publico !
Domestics, '
M. ISAACS, Consignee.
Dinner at "J EFT'S" CHOP HOUSE
every day .atro o'clock:. The oest'jri cent
meaMn town; soup, fish, seven kinds of
meats, vegetables, me, nnddlng. etc. A
glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. All who have tried
him say Jeff ia the "BOSS."
If you Lilic
New rooms, new furniture, new, clean
beds and a quiet place to sleep go to the
0 K Lodging House, corner West 9th
and Water streets opposite Frank Fa
bre's. A Chicago Merchant's Experience
After I had become almost skin and
bono, with neither strength- appetie
nor ambition left, and the doctors
couldn't help me, two bottles Parker's
Ginger Tunic cured me completely.
M. B. Westcott, Lamp M'f'r.Chicago.
Try It.
-I like it better than any remedy I
have ever used, because it leaves my
bowels in better condition,5' Is the re
mark made by everyone when referring
to Syrup of Figs. That is one of the
principal reasons why Syrup of Figs is
taking the place of all the liver medi
cines and nauseous catSfcrtics heretofore
used. Try it. Messrs. W. E. Dement
& Co. are agents for Astoria.
Hodge, Davis & Co., wholesale agents,
Portfand, Or.
Sleepless Nights, made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment For chills, fever, ague, and weakness,
Cor.iiKX's Liquid Beep Toxic. Coi
tion's; taKe no other. Of druggists.
An attractive, youthful appearance
secured, by using Parker's Hair Balsam
to all who are getting gray.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee It. Sold by W.E. Dement.
. I 0
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The Leading Dry Grbods
Clothing House of Astoria
L have iust received a larire consisnnlent of Lace Curtains,- 5d
fjihirtain Materials, in the newest designsand would invite an inspee-
tion irom uuenaing purcnasers, connaent tnat ior rarity aim uun x
ftri "-' Silks and
C " ....
"WiTare showing on our Centre Counters avcolleotion of the most
elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City, -
All ''SilfcTBhadames,
All Silk Foulards,
. ''All Silk Ottomans,
, ,"A We are now showing the Largest and most'EleganlLtne of La
dies' Cloaks and "Wraps ever brought to this City..
Black Dolmans,
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp
Dion's CilLr IlnlmonP
uiaurt viuiv iuuiiaiio, ..BT
Lined and Trimmed with 'GuipureTLace andGimp!
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans,'
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe. "
Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters an'd 'Dusters.
Shetland Shawls, -
We are showing, without doubt, the largest, andmoat complete
stock of Mens, Youths', and Boys' Clothing ever brought to Astoria
Largest Stocks,
Having received the most complete line of Gents PurnlshtnK Goods ever opened la
Astoria . 1 shall offer to bnj era the choicest Keckw ear, Underwear, Dress Shirts, Faaef
Shirts, "White Vests, Linen Dusters, Alpaca, Coats, etc., etc
At the Very
The Laraest Assortment of
styles in Soft, Stiff
Full slock of Clothing, including fine
The Tailoring department comprises
Casslmeres Worsteds, Tweeds, etc.
The Leading 3
J ' WHO?
SeasiieBaiery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best,
and Always Fresh.
Cikes Candles etc., furnished for Wedding
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give penecK sauauicuou.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite a. W. Hume's.
lip Stairs
Over Armlt & Ferchen's Slrop.
Call aud examine the work vre are doing
and see the wood w e ".ire using, before max -Ing
a trade elsewhere.
N,-u-st Shlot In rurmtnrev
(M W.iSall'cVsOld Stand.)
Hae some elegant design
in the abme
mentioned iroous wmen me;
mentioned goods which
ey will be pleased
to show the public.
r tne punnc.
Every thing new and tasteful.
ssr-m .
Draas Goods,.,
Drap D'Alnias
Wool Surrahi;
" S U
2 ? W
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,- -
All Sizes and Colors.
Finest Goods.
Lowest TricesT"
Straw Hats, kl the'
and Flexible Hats.
Prince Albert Coats in Black aiul Blitt -.
the largest stock of imported Cloths,
Drawback Jktrie,
Bills of Lading
Manifests, Etc. i3
Legal Blanks.
Mortgages, "Warranty Dtods.
The Astorian Offioe
Any blank: or form'not In stock irill b
printed to order.
Bill Heads, Letter Heads, BecIpt Bocto.
Fish Talleya, Cards, Tags, and eoamcrdM
paper of all kinds printed to order at
The Astorian Job Qfflct.
We have for sale
MOISBOE'S Celebrated Ylfe,
Which are acknowledged bT all Logger to
be the best is xtus &aaj.x
dnlm WILSOX & FISHES,' Astoria.
L. K. G. SMITH,;
Importer and wholesale dealer lu
Cigar ami Tebaeess, Sm1cc-Article.
Plajrlaz Cards. Ckllrry, 8to-
Ii8Mcnr. Elr. .
The largest and 1iwi stOf)t of MEER
SCHAUM and AMBEtt Ootr fiUJMetty.
Particular attention paTd to orders fros
the country. . ,,
Thko BRACKER,ManaRe.
ChenunuiH Street, Atoria. Orezon.
We will take orders for lumber froa 188
to MOM., at the mill or delivered.
We also manufacture lath and. sUaglM at
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty .
Address all orders m ,Ji
8. 0, BEK20S, SuC.
t m