U) m jEfcc 53ail3 gistorifm. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY.... JUNE 14, 1883 Oar Southern Neighbors. On another page will be found some reference to Tillamook coun ty a section of country with which Astoria should have the most intimate commercial rela tions. At presentabout all that is known of Tillamook with us is that they make excellent butter 'down therejj knd that there are plenty of clams. The facts arc tbere is a great and growing trade, y ad one that should be looked al " ter by our Astoria merchants. Tillamook has a fine area of soil . that Is sure to attract its share of . jht present great north- west immi gration. Astoria is the natural market and headquarters for the r-. toon try from Yaquina to the Sound. Every day men from - ;Tillamook go "over the moun- tains" by way of Yamhill to Port- lwsd,.aad -e?en -past Astoria to Portlaad'u buy goods. This trade - by & little effort could be monopo lized by Astoria. Tillamook folks . , are just like other folks; they'll buy in the best market for them-.r:- ,sTj kut gjj things being equal they would prefer to trade with Astoria. This is a matter in which ; Astoria should take the lead. It is worthy of attention. Pointers. FiFrr million people in the United States to-day drink no more whisky than 25,000,000 did 30 years ago. There are 117,000 miles of railroad ia this conntry,representing a capi tal of $G,314,000,000, and the earnings last year were over $725, 000,000. Chemical analysis proves that while most baking powders are in jurious, the really worst case of baking powder is putting dyna . -raite into the stove to dry. The area of Russia in Europe is nearly thirty times that of the state of New York, and the -Russian army has to defend an ..empire ol eight million square .- - .miles. Rev. Mr. Prout, editor of a Vir ginia City (M. T.) religious paper, "says: "Editing this paper is like trying to swing a very large cat in a very small garret without hurt ing the garret." Samuel J Connor, of St Mich- - igls, jTalbot county, Md., was recently fined $100 for selling ' ""corn beer," which "looks like whisky, smells like whisky, and tasted like whisky, but was not . whisky." The two coats of paint on the great bridge at New York weigh 10,000 pounds, but the whole .weight of steel in the air is 14,GS0 tons, and the load it is expected always to be carrying is 3,100 tons more, making 17,7S0 tons. "It is said that the greatest dread of a gambler is that he will be paratyzed." and one of the tiwfes:when he Is "paralyzed" is wbe he bets $1,000 on four kings and an ace and the other fellow throws down four aces and a king. The Examiner says that Blaine is not as entirely out of politics as his enemies wish he was; that there "are Republicans who will ' giveiery odds that he will have more than half the delegates in the aext- National convention of his party Tfce bureau of statistics has isjjed an estimate of the probable exports for the fiscal year, placing tfce amount at from $60,000,000 to $75,000,000 in excess of last year's fr.iyalie, Which was $750,000,000. -nTms would indicate the largest '.exports ever .. 1S50-S1. known except in - The sum of $5,000, which might proEtably be multiplied ten times, has been offered by M. Paul to the French Academy of Medicine, to ,fottsd a prize for the discovery of x cure lor diphtheria. The com petition is to be open to the world, and not confined to the medical fraternity. V stated that the superinten- 4eat of the Pittsburg public schools advooates the daily reading of newspapers by the pupils. In a recent convention of Pennsvl- vaaia teachers that gentleman op- - peeed the use of any and all spell- ieg books, contending that a word ljfaduig by itself was dead, while i a sentence it had life. f Every true Confucian, says the "tfftfth China JTeraId, is an ag- nostic. He believes only in the seen; the unseen he regards as un known and unknowable. As an agnostic the Confucianistis toler ant of other creeds. He goes even farther, and will admit that for the ignorant multitude, and especially for women, an apparatus of gods and demons is necessary. He does not care, therefore, to proclaim his skepticism, still less to actively propagate it. His creed is only for the wise; the masses are better as they are. He will subscribe to the temples and take part in idolatrous ceremonies. To the common people Confucian ag nosticism has never been very sat isfactory. But the agnostic phi losophy has not been without its influence on the masses. There is but little religious fervor, and scarcely any deep faith. Tne peo ple will ridicule their own gods, laugh at their own worship, and freely criticise all the creeds. Speak to any Chinese, no matter what his rank, about the future life, and his reply is almost cer tain to be, "Who knows anything about it?" and is likely enough to add, '"Eating and drinking are realities," implying that all else is doubtful. BOItX. In Astoria, on tho 10th hist., to the wife of A. M. Johnson, n irl. 3IAKKLKI. InFoitCaiibv. . T.. .June 11,1883, bv llev. Winfu'lil Scott, IX D., Chaplain U. S. A Mr. Gust Sandy ami Miss Mar gaietta Jlaithuian. NEW TO-DAY. BOZOKTH & JOHNS. Real Estate and General Insurance Agents. ASTORIA, - - - Oregon. WE WRITE POLICIES IN THE WEST em. State Investment Hamburg, Un met! and North German Fire Insurance Com jianie, and represent the Tnuclleis Life and Accident of Hartford, and the New York Life, of N. Y. We hat e tho only complete set of township maps in the county, and have made arrange ments to receive application, tilings, and final proofs on Homestead, Preemptions, Timber Lands, etc.. having all the official blanks therefor. Our maps can be exam ined in the office, updn tne pavmeut of a rcamnahlc fee. Wc also have for sale city pioperty In As toria and additions, and farms and tide land property. ItenLs. and other colli elioas made, and loans negotiated. I'.OZORTH&.IOUNS, Net Lost. ON TUESDAY NIGHT. 12TII JUNE. IN Tongue Point shoot, about 100 fathoms half new and half old : -Jr. mesh ; part of the co-ks branded A. A. I. Co. Reward given for delivery 1" WM. WAHLGItEN. 14-3t Anglo-American Pkg. Co. For Sale. A f ACRES LAND 3i MILES FROM AS rdfcvy toria, on tho John Day river, at $16 per acre if sold soon. 'I lite is a good purchase for any one desiring a small farm. Enquire of 1MJZORTH& JOHNS, Net Lost. TN NORTH CHANNEL. NEAR No. A JL buoy, 100 fathoms. 44 mesh and l.r0 fathom Harbours 40-12 ply twine, part 43 mesh, old web. and part 40 mesh, new a eb ; leads and coiks marked O. S. Liberal reward at UNION PACKING CO. To- Rent. F INC DWELLING HOUSE. PARTLY fumWhfd In a desirable locality. UOZORTH & JOHNS. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer -A. IB. FITFITiIP, RAI511AGF. .... Master. Will leae Astoria, fort lit' above poit on SATURDAY. June 2:irl. LjlOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU I? lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER. Mam street Wliarf. Asteiia: ALLEN & LEWIS. Portland ; J. L. STORY, Tillamook. For Sale. A FIRST CLASS SALOON AND LODG x. tng house on one of the principal streets of this city. 15 rooms ruruNhed ; an assort ment of Liquors and iefiehments. A good stock of Segai : l Peel Table, and good Rar Fixtures. A chance to step into a good paing busi ness. FrieeS!,Guu. Inquire r W.R. GRENELL. Real estate agent, cor. Uhenamus and Renton, near Pot Office. To Lease for a Term of Years. A WILDING SITE ON WEST 9T II ST., near ttie roadway. Suitable for store, shop or residence. Inquire of GREENRERG&CO. Coiner W. !th and Water streets. Rooms to Let. ROOMS SUITABLE FOR LIGHT HOCSE keeping. furnished or unfurnished, or single rooms at MRS. TWILIGHT'S. 7-lm TUTTS PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, -with, a dull sen sation in the back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating:, "with a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, 'with a f eel intr of having- neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the heart, Dots before the eyes, "x el low Skin, Headache generally over the right eye. Restlessness, with fit ful dreams, "highly colored TJrino, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PIXiX.8 arc especially adapted to rach cases, one dose ef fects such a ciianRo of feeling as to astonish, the raflerer. a They Increase the Appetite.snd canto the body to Take on "lcsh, thns the sts tcm Is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs, ltejc slar Stools are produced. lTlceZSceitU. Mi BTwrray St.. W.T. TOn'S HAIR DYE. Grat Ujljb. ob Whiskers change to a Glossy Hulce by a single application ot this Dte. It Imparts a natural color. Acts Instantaneous .y. Sold by DrnKElsts, or sent by express 09 rccelptof...S1.00. OFFICE, 35 BTUKBA.T ST., W. T. f Br.TCTrSBlKCXIiorTihnliUlafeButteau uM XerlU wSl b, bu4 FEIS eapjaao. I LIBEETY HALL, F.W-STECHUAX, - - MANAGER Saturday, June 16th, 1883. ONE XIGIIT ONLY. COURTRIGHT & HATFKMS MINSTRELS. TIip Greatest Minstrel organization in the world. so admitted by press and public. Th2 Great California Quartette. Tills organization Is perfect In everv re spect and lias appeared in all the principal cities or the United States. PRICES AS USUAL. Reserved seats nt the Xew "Tnrfc "Knritrr Store. Boot and Shoe Store. FINEST XSD LAEGEST STOCK OF' Boots AKD Slxoes Ever brought to Astoria, is opened to the Public lit Brown's New Building, Next to City Book Store Come and aeo Latest Styles. I. J. ARVOLD. RUDDOCK & LEVAKE. PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters. Have constantly on hand a general assort ment of POOriq In nnr lino .Trlilltirr" urninirf. ly attended to. Estimates given. N. B. T e guarantee our work. Shop nearly oppositeO. K. & N. Co'silnck. POAED & STOKES, FHTE GROCERIES AND- PROVISIONS. ANCHORS. ROPE AND CORDAGE. HARNESS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. A Full Line of House Furnishing Goods. AT TILE O. R. &. X. DOCK. J. H. JD. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED, Hay, Oafs, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot or Benton street. Atort Orepon. MAGNUS C. (1R0SBT, Dealer In HAMARE, IS, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTER0 Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER. Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large aisortment ofj SCALE? Constantly on hand. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry In Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, Ice Delivered to Order. FRANK FABRE IS PREPARED TO DELIVER THE BEST quality of Ice at 2tf cents per pound, in quantities from ten pounds up. to Hotels, Saloons. Restaurants, or Families, leavinc their orders with him. Large quantities of Ice constantly on hand. tf Ice Cream Freak Every "Day. For Sale. LOT 7, BLOCK 83; LOT 8. BLOCK 109; lotCblklSO; lot C. blk 132: lot 4. bllt H7 : lot 5, blk H : lots 5 and c, blk m. Ol ney'A Lots 5 and Cm blk nn; lots 9 and 10 in blk 53. Snlvelys. Blk 15, Hustler & Aikcns. 150 acres JiShoness donation land claim, lyin directly back of Aldcrbrook ; 103 acres water front on Young's rlTer; also farm of 15 acres, 3 miles back of St. Helens, on Ne lialcm road. For rent, two stores on the roadway, t.as fixtures already In. CHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & CO.. Real Estate and Coaralssion,Brokers. New Fish Boat Jor Sale. Anply at Lestkers Bres. Bkep. J CO g 25 CO 4l HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, II. It. PARKER. Prop.. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. FIKST CLASS HOTEL. AM. MODKKX IMPKOVEMENTS. HOT AXD COO BATHS. Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa Icon stocked with Fine Liquors. ss-FKEE COACH TO THE HOCSE.-W THE OCCIDENT HOTEL First-class in every respect. aiEGr,ER & WRionT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. it is A FACT -THAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomiy Street is the Best in Town. THAT llv has Alwaj s an ITand FRKSH Shoal Wafer Bay nnil East ern Oysters. THAT- "JEFFV IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He ba hrra Proprietor of tbc "Aurora Hotel" la Knapptoa cvcn jcarv OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, CnENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. mHE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO X announce to the public that he has op ened a FIRST CLASS JBctflTig BCouse , And furnishes in first-class stjle OYSTERS. HOT COFFEE TE.V. KTC AT THE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHENAMUS STREET. Pirate give me a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor CENTRAL HOTEL. CHAS. WAI.LMAN. - rropriclor. I HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THIS POP ular Hotel and can guarantee satisfaction TO ALL. Permanent and Transient Boarders K The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, at the Bar. Oppo-dte 0. 1L Jc N. Dock, Astoria Oregon COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AXD NIGHT. 3Ieals 25 oentH and upwards. L. 1VILBRON &. G. DOULAKD, Proprlctoru. MAI.V STKEET. ASTORIA ASTORIA SAIL LOFT. A. H. JOHNSON & CO., PROPrVS. HAVING CONSIDERABLY INCREASED our facilities lor inee tint: the demand of increase in boats this year wc would re spectfully call the attention of CANNERY MEN And all others needing sails, to this fact. Prices Same as Last Year, WORK STILL BETTER. . Drilling and Best Quality of Rope on Hand. Our Work has Gi en Satisfaction for Eight Years, And shall be made to do so while we are in the business. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. I.OKYEA BROS. Plumbers. Gas, and Steam Fitters. JoVblng Promptly Attended to A Full Supply of GAS FIXTURES, COCKS. STEAM FIT TINGS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. Cannery, and Steamboat Work a Specialty. Chenamus street, opposite Dement's Drug Store, Astoria, Oregon. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! British Iron Barque "EYEVALE," 100 Al. WILLIAMS. Master. THIS FINE VESSEL HAVING HER CAR go fully encased will hae QUICK DESPATCH, andwlll be followed by the British Iron Barqne "ULLOCK.100 Al. SALMON in cases will be taken in lots to suit shippers, at reasonable rates. For rates or Freight and. Insurance Apply to MEYER, WILSON & CO., or to SIBSON, CHURCH & CO.! tf 1'ortlaud, Oregon. TIIE ASTORIA STEAM LAUNDRY Is now ready for business. YOTTE PATRONAGE. Is most respectftdly solicited. ALL WORK DONE IN A SATISFAC tory manner at living rates. All reasonable repairs made free of charge. Garments of all kinds will be repaired at fair prices. If so requested, wm. Mccormick, BANKING ANDJNSURANCL x. "w. case:. BROKER, BANKER A"D INSURANGE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE IlOUUii: FKOM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mitral Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. chas. r. story. sccimry Gko. L. STor.v. . AKi-nt ior 0-cn 1 , Capital paid up in U. S. glu coin ..s a 0i j-o l. W. CASE. Agent, Cncnamus street. Astirla. Oregou. $67,000,000 CAPITAL, LIVERPOOL AND LOMON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND AlKKUAN- TILE OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OK HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FTRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Representing a capital of Ott7.00O.O00. A. VAN DUSEN. Acent WM. EDGAR, Dealer in i Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes i Meerschaum and Brier Pifjes. GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY j Revolvers and Cartridges. j FIRST GRAND Glearanee A JL AT PRIOR TO STOCK TAKIS0. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line of Dress Koods, Silks. Velvets, Plushes, Cashmeres and Arimires. Laces. Hosiery, Corsets, Cloaks, Dolmans, Etc., otc. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FLANNEL COMFORTERS, Blankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. Frael Brothers ANNOUNCEMENT ! Wc begleavt to announce that u will, soon open a complete stock of Crocierf and Glassware And all goods pertaining to tliat hut at their NEW STORE, Cor. Ctaans kmm Sts. rartles contemplating purehaMni; any thins m that line will coasult their own in terest by waiting till onrgood arrive. AVc paj cash for our goods and and will be able to sell as cheap as any house in Oregon Tortland not excepted. JORDAN &B0Z0RTH. GERMAN1A BEER HALL AKD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CHCf 4MU8 Street. Astoeia. TlicBest of litigerS Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celettil CotaMa Brewery Left at thl3 place will be promptly attend ed to. J27No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. Leinenweber & Co., C. I.KIXKNWXBKR. it. liROVT.V. ESTABLISH KD 1SG5. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS MD CDBRSIES, Manufacturers and Importers ol A I.L KINDS OF T-TT! A rr-Tr-gng AND FINDINGS Wliolesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. eIIIghest cash price paid lor llidei and Tallow. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITH1NG, At Capt. .Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. NATURE'S EEMEDT. ! Liver, Kidney, and Skin Diseases. Malaria, Dyspepsia. Biliousness. Pains in the Back and Loins, Pimples and Blotches ca the Skin 1 "Whether HereilltxiA. OrCHitclb Wrikn ,(ri:w"W, Can Only be Cured by the Use oi Larnest Sale and most Satisfaction J OI ai.v Mcihtr. 11 1.. Cmst. Sold r all Dni0glta and Med... me De.tlere. 1 si no per Rorilc c. for STr.oo. PEBUYIi BITTERS ! Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co.. Agents. AstGria. - A.-sK foi:- TJiiion India Rubber Co's Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUB3EH BOOTS. i:kwi:k of ijiitxtiox4.! IJo Mire the l?oot are stamped Cl'ACK PHUOFon tin heeN.-and hae tiie PURE (SUM SPRINGS on tin root and instep, which prevent tlicir cracking or breaking. V are now making them with RU11BER AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make tiiemlast more than twice as long as anv I'ublx-r boots made. FOI: SALE IJY ALL DE.VLERS. ALL KINDS KUBBElt BELTING. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, P.OOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. IS. 11. PEASE. Jr. i Agents; S. M.HUNYON. f San KramiMW. WM CLEARANCE SALE! to make room for more Hardware anil Slip Chanfllery A. VAN DUSEN & CO. Will sell at cost their entire stock of HATS AND GAPSI BOOTS AND SHOES. These goods must be disposed of as we arc soon to receive another large lot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And must have roam to store it. Drugs and Chemicals t.J.E.THOIAS,J? -i MltUtittlST S M c Pharmacist. Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. J Hardware anil Ship Mlery. A. VAN DUSEN & CO, nrvu'Rs ix Hardware and Ship Chand$sryt Pure Oil. Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil. Wrought rron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agi'icultni'n I Implements, Sewing1 3Xncliim. Pa in Is anl Oils. Groceries, ete. DKAI.KK IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand "Wood Delivered to Order, Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DKALER IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST CLASS 'AST0RIA.O i SUTi c : 3 : 1- - H! o o oui x ; o 2; 2 n ! S -: B cs ts ml 2 i ' a o ; When ve intend to be tl'c ptopleN guide. When an opportunity like the present occurs Anybody Ough.t to Tiutibfe tmr siM-h plain facts! Moreso folks who claim to be economical ami Wide Awake to their ownterests ! ! ! IJeiwg forced by eireunitanc(s to have the capital imested in th. dry jrool.s bu.stnes.s Heady by the 1st of September, we are will ik; to sell our entire stock AT COST FOR CASH ! ! Don't mas to see us before on buv elsewhere. Retlect and save 23 cents on every dollar, before yon siqh : Alas, too late ! CAT.IFORSIA STORE. Next door to Geo. W. Humes. St. MATTHEW'S HALL, SAS r.IATKO, - . . CA1.IFOB.VIA A Cl.issiral School under Military Discipline. The Next Term Commences Thursday, July 19, 1883 For eRtalofite nr lnfnnnalMtu. aililrs Kpv. AIiPltED IiEE BREWKR, 31. A.. Principal. GITY BOOK STORE. Wt Iiavi tc-day Hiiislicd opening and putting in order the :-sse St ols of Goods ljoimht in Sin Francisco by IJ. F. STEVENS. ('. r. M OF FIT will be found behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. SV llrfb"Ji4irr J-yfflfeta?-;-" wh a a ' -.i. TEU apply to the Captain, or to SBSS5s355ia5rK p&sy 2 .g8 JLW?ll.fc;41itri'.V (SCCCESSOR TO JAPKINS & MONTG03IERY.) JifSc'zJK PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIEAAm'S STREF.r, A'ext to C If. Parker's Store. HE NEW MODEL 73L s r A FULIi STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. DE2- 3EL- HA WJaJg, Two loors east of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE Sh BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. M. Or.SKN. J. OCSTVFSON. A.JOHNSON. MARTIN OLSEN DEALER IN lKHQp FURNITURE S5 BEDDING. Corner DSaiii and Squemoqua Streets. Astoria, Oreson. WINDOW SHADES AHD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stuck. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALL KIIIS OF FCRS1TURE REPAIRED ASI VAKICISHED. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. Tlie finest stock of Jcwelrj" Astoria. EffAll goods warrantedasrepresented 6USTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. To seek and to find Is a puzzle for the blind ! i ao 00 : 0 :oo3 :2a " : ft : Ok : So o : 00 : sra STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK II. B. PAJUSJEK. DEALER IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best in the market. I'nimbingKOods.of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E, E, BAWM9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E.R.HAWES is also agent for the BegI jatent CooiiBjr Sto?e And other first-class stoves. Furnace 'Work Steam ITit-t-inSs. otc., a specialty. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria Novelties of all Kinds Fruits Both Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, O.E &ND0CK $& ' e.