The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 13, 1883, Image 3

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kc B3niXvj !st0xi;mi-
Tho Ona and Alplta arc in Tilla
mook bay.
The Queen is due from San Fran
cisco this morning.
The First National bank of Salem
lias begun businoss.
The A. B. Field arrived in from
Tillamook yesterday.
The Pyerale 1ms 28,000 case3 of
salmon aboard; the Ullock, 11,000.
Wm. L. McEwan. of The Dalles
is in the city. He goes to Skipanon
The round house at Blaluck'a sta
tion, on the O. R. & N. road, was
burned last Sunday night.
At the pioneers reunion in Salem
this week, arrangements will be made
for an excursion east, via tho N. P.
R. R.
"Our Boys" started
Salem tournament yesterday,
a crowd went down to "ive
to the
them a
parting cheer.
The twenty-fourth annual com
anencement of the Willamette Univer
sity was held last Sunday in the Salem
M. E. Gnnrch.
A Victoria, B. C. special says
that the latest arrival from the north
brings news that at all the canneries
salmon arc scarce.
Ohas. H. Williamson and Co.,
have removed their real estate office
to Genevieve street, in the rear of E.
R. Uawes establishment.
The Clara Parker is having fitted
up an attendant barge with the old
housing of the Planter thereon. She
will carry lumber from Skamokwa to
The commission house of Todd
fc Bivens, of Portland, has failed;
liabilities $30,000; estimated assets,
$40,000; an apparent case of business
The Columbia is reported boom
ing in the interior. Except a dis
coloration of the water and a few
stray snags floating by, the raise is
not appreciable here.
Mr. R. T. Trowbridge, Co. Su
perintendent Tillamook Co., informs
us that tho regular teachers examina
tion will take place at Lincoln on
Thursday the 28tk inst.
Parties wishing to join Mrs.
Achey's drawing and painting class
can join by calling at her studio in
the Odd Fellows' building any after
noon. A picture of "Lalla Rookh."
from her skilled pencil is on exhibition
in the window of Hansen, the jeweler.
A. Blaney, of Portland has tho
contract for building Mrs. Eliea Kin
ney's brick building cor. Genevieve
ana quemoqua streets. The struc
ture will bo 50x70, two stories high.
The pile3 have been heavily capp ed,
and brick laying will begin in ten
day's time.
Looking at the massive structure
across the street from our humble
sanctum last oroning as the gas shone
out through the plate glass windows
for the first time in the history of
Astoria, wo thought of the rickety
old China house that stood propped
up on stilts there one year ago, and
the brilliant contrast the change af
forded. The grand lodge of A . F. & A.
M. f Orego-j, have elected the follow
ing uffcers for the ensuing term:
Grand master, W. T. Wright, of
Union; deputy grand master, D. P.
Mason, of Albany; senior grand
warden, J. C. Fnllcrton, Roseburg;
junior grand warden, A. Nashburg,
Empire City; grand treasurer, Jacob
Meyer, Portland; grand secretary, F.
J. Babcock, Salem.
Astoria is one of the liveliest
towns in the state. Property of all
kinds has advanced in value rapidly
during the past j-ear and business has
increased at an equal ratio. The
fishing season this year has been dull,
but we arc told that the salmon are
coming into the river in great num
bers and there is timo yet for the
fisheries to do a profitable work. The
future of Astoria is bright and promis
ing. Mercury
Drowning of H. A. Parker.
Hazcn A. Parker was drowned be
tween the dock and the steamer
Clara Parker at one o'clock yesterday
morning. Deceased was a native of
Vermont, in the 44th year of his age.
He was a machinist by trade, but of
Iste had been employed as fireman on
the Clara Parker. At the hour
mentioned yesterday morniug he
started to go aboard tho boat, but
aissing his footing fell into the water.
His cries attracted tho attention of
ona one on board who flung him a
rope, but being unable to grasp it he
ws drowned. Parties were engaged
jesterd&y in grappling for tho body,
bt up to last evening all efforts were
uuccefcful. H. B. Parker offers a
reward of $25 for the body.
lee SRd Ice Cream Delivered.
Frank Fabre's wagon is now ready to
deliver ice, or ice cream to any part of
4 tit city, during uic uay.
Our Oregon Manufacturers.
Much attention is now directed to
ward tho milling interests of this
state, among which is the Salem
Flouring Mills Company of Salem,
which, established in 1870, still main
tains its leading position in this as
well as European markets. The com
pany owns one of the Gne3t water
powers in the state, and their mill and
warehouse property are not only a
credit to the city of Salem, but to the
state at large.
The company is composed of such
men as W. S. Lddd, A. Bush of Sa
lem (who is alco its president) Donald
Maclea, Sibson, Church & Co., Wm.
Scott of Liverpool, besides other
stockholders in "Bonnie Scotland,"
whose policy is to spare no expense in
keeping up with the most approved
methods of the time, and the reputa
tion of their favorite brand of Hour,
the "Salem Baker's Extra" is a suffi
cient acknowledgement of the wisdom
of their policy. This flour is manu
factured on the "combination" prin
ciple, the reductions being made by
burrs and rollers and thiB process is
by many undoubted judges consid
ered superior to all others in exis
tence. It is claimed in this connec
tion that the Hour is not heated in its
manufacture, and that the bread
made therefrom longer maintains its
sweetness and moisture, and as a
proof of this we arc told that, not
withstanding the effort of competitors,
the "Salem" flour 'made by this
company still maintains its position as
the favorite of the thrifty house
wife. Several of the stockholders
oi the Salem Flouring Mills company
are also interested in the Oregon City
Flouring Mills company and the
Portland flouring mill, now being
built near this city. The Oregon
City mill, after a successful run of
fourtce j months, is now shut down
for improvements. To this end are
being put in some of the Gray
patent smooth and corrugated rolls,
bran dusters, centrifugal reels, etc.,
and on completion its out-turn, under
the manipulation of Mr. Humphrey,
its head miller, will rank second to
none on the coast. The construction
of Portland mill is being rapidly
pushed and the buildin" is already a
sightly landmark for visitors ap
proachiug the city b3' water. Tho
encriue bed. on which will rest the
powerful engine, i3 already completed,
having been built up of solid concrete
under the special superintendence of
the company's engineer. These enter
prises represent a capital invested of
nearly half a million dollars, and
when in working order will require
nearly 10,000 bushels of wheat per
diem in the manufacture of about
2000 barreis of flour, the qmlity of
which it. is determined by tho owners
shall be excelled by nc mill in the
country. Mr. William Scott, of
Liverpool, who is largely interested
in these institutions, is the sole agent
for the flour in Europe, where its
oxcellent quality has enabled him to
build up a leading trade, and Messrf.
Sibson, Church & Co., of thh city
are the leading agents and managers
of the business. Oregonian 10.
Per Bonita.
B F Stevens and wife,
Mrs Taylor, Jno Thomas, Mrs How
erson, W H Gray, Geo P Wheeler, W
Wilson, 0 Wilson, H Miller, S Miller,
G Richardson 2? Johnson, M Chance,
Wm Humbel, F Ferrell, P Newberg,
R Nolt, Jno Beck, L Martin, Messrs.
Reegan, Sinbad, Raumberg, Turner
and Jones, D Marshall, Mm McDon
ald; Mrs Hood. F Smith. Per R. It.
Thompsen: P Peterson, Miss Porter,
A AdamnppJe, F L Parker, B S
YVoraely, R F Prael, J C liryce, T H
Crang, E G Chiff, G W Rom, F H
Crosby, A A Cleveland, J W Hare, C
W Loughrey, Wm McConnick, H
Sherman, Mrs Worsely, Dr Hicks,
Dr Fulton, P Dorey, F N Elliott, L
Phelps, P Wilhelm, Miss Carr,
Messrs Bradley and Collins.
arc King's Combination
Spectacles Hie Rest?
1st. They are composed of a Combi
nation Frame, set with the finest French
polished lens; they do not rust, and are
the most durable in use.
2d. The lenses are of different shapes,
so as to correct imperfect Mght in youth
as well as old age, both for reading and
seeing at a distance.
3d. They caii be so adjusted that the
cone of the lens will come before the
eye, which is very important for distinct
4th. They will neither confuse the
sight nor cause dizziness by long and
continued use, as is the case with com
mon spectacles of unequal focus.
5th. They supply the deficiency that
occurs from the flattening of the crvs-
aline lens and will enable one to see as
well as in youth.
Cth. lhey are recommended bv the
leading opticians of the country, arc not
now in use.
As the need of glasses does not de-
pend on age alone, it is very important
to have the eyes properly tested, and
not fitted by guess.
Bewaiu: of imitations. The gen
uine are marked King's imti:nt, on
the nose piece. Peddlers cannot obtain
the genuine.
Don't trust to travelling opticians and
pay exorbitant prices, but call on tne
only authorized agent, who has King's
new system by which defective sight
can be corrected on scientific priuclnles.
For Rata bv f!arl Adlir. Watnlimnkpr.
Jcweler and Optician, Far.c' Goods,
etc., Astoria, Oregon.
1'aiiitings, Chromos mid
Steel Engravings
At Carl Adier's. a choice assortment
just received.
Cards, Cards, Cards.
A beautiful selection of Birthday
Cards at Carl Adier's.
Delicious Ice Cream at Frank Fabre's.
Columbia River Salmon
Sometimes Produced.
It is now about two years since
The Grocer and Country Mercliant un
dertook the task of breaking up tho
use of false brands and false labels on
salmon in this market. The evil had
become so great that legitimate can
ning enterprises were made to suffer
through competition with bastard
brands, and at the risk of creating
much bad feeling on the part of those
who felt that their interests were in
terfered with, we applied the reme
dy. From that dav to the present
timfl sa'mnn mit tin on this coast has.
. r r .
for the most part, borne a brand cal
culated to signify the locality of the
cannery, and with rare exceptions no
important deception has beeu prac
ticed. One city cannery lias, per-i
haps, been guilty of packing under aj
fictitious label more frequently than j
all others m tne state; out even mis
one has not until recently openly put
up citj' packed Sacramento river fish
under a Columbia river label. The
object of fictitious labels is quite ob
vious. They are not calculated to
build up a name for the canner very
rapidly, but m.iy be found useful in
covering up a bad reputation. It is
not the fictitious brands, but a false
brand which we now propose to con
sider. There is a wide difference be
tween the two. Fictitious brands
merely hide the name of the manu
facturer, while false brands are in
tended to deceive as to the quality of
the product. False brandn also do in
jury to the legitimate manufacturers
of genuine goods. It is this which
makes it so important, and justifies us
in going directly at the point.
A representative of this journal in
passing the establishment known as
the Red Cross Packing Company, lo
cated at 803 Sansome Street, recently,
observed a large number ot new salm
on cases. These attracted his atten
tion, and after a hasty glance at the
stencil mark, he was surprised to find
the follewing: "Columbia River
Fresh Salmon. Cascade Packing
Company. A Mau & Co., S. F Agt's."
This was a leader which, fol
lowed up, showed that not only
eaipty caBes bearing tins stencil mark
received on one day, but also on
several successive days at this enter
prising establishment. The pre
sumptiou is that one of two propo
sitions is true. Either Columbia
river fish are being taken from the
Sacramento river, or else the Cascade
Packing company brand of "Fresh
Columbia River Salmon" is a fraud.
It is true none of this- brand of fish
has been placed on tho market, nor is
it likely to be for some time; but it is
evident that the Red Cross Packing
company is doing the Columbia river
packers, to say nothing of consumers,
a irreat wrong, by adopting a false
label for their city-packed fish.
Doubtless the Red Cross company
will shirk the responsibility under the
plea that it is put up under c
for some firm, which furnishes ten
eilled cases and labels; but we doubt
if the canners will claim that any
greater care is taken with the Uh
than if it wws to go on the market
under any other of the numerous
nrands which they have heretofore
Some one is responsible for this
wrong to the salmon interests. If
the canners are exonerated, tho agent
of tho "Cascade" brand A. Mau &
Co. can set up no such claim, to
they certainly know the character ot
the product, and that it is not Colum
bia river fish. We euro not what
trade this salmon is intended for, the
principle involved isthesame, whether
it is for local use, shipment east or for
the noble red men of Ariz-ma or New
Mexico; and we are surprised that a
firm pretending to be interested m the
development of our local industries
and working for the home trade
should become a party to so question
able a transaction. Whether it be
true that J. K. Arinsby & Co. are
also interested in this "Cascade"
salmon, jointly with A. Manr & Co.,
we do not pretend to say, but if it is,
eastern buyers may this season find
the "Cascade" salmon offered in
places where the celebrated "Steam
boat" salmon proved so signal a fail
ure two years ago. Canners on the
Columbia are likely to have enough
to contend with this season without
suffering competition from false labels;
and if there is anything wo can do to
relieve them from this wrong we shall
do it cheerfully. We shall labor also
in the interest of fair trade and legiti
mate protection to our home indus
tries. S. F. Grocer and Country
A Card to the Public.
It was reported on the street yester
day by the superintendent of streets
that I had filed objections to the im
provement of Cedar street. I filed a
protest against the way they arc mak
ing the improvement. The facts aro
that the city council passed an ordi
nance (No. 504) providing for the man
ner of improving said street and under
mat, orumance I, for myself, and as
agent for others, paid into the city
treasurer eight hundred dollars to be
expended on said street as per said
ordinance, and all wo ask is that the
contractor be compelled to repair said
street according to said ordinance. I
make this statement through j'our pa
per, Mr. Editor, that the public may
know the facts, as there has been a
creat many misstatements In relation tn
me audthe roadway, and I shall in the
future make publio, any stand 1 may
WK.U iu iciiiuuu ujsaui roauway.
. Jas. W. Welch.
Astoria, Ogn., June 11, 1883.
Hotel Arrivals.
W L MacEwan, ThoDalls; HBach,
J McBride, S P Smiley, S F; F M
Warren, J McCrack, Portland; J
Dunn & wife, Brookfield; J C Town
send, H Bingham, F W Welch, Spo
kane Falls; W Locke S F; W fl H
King & wife, Vancouver; G T Myers,
Fisherton; C W Stone & wife, Knapp
;on; T C MacKey, Douglas Co; W J
Deetz, Portland; A H Sprath, Michi
gan; D Ross, Portland; M McFar
land, A J Cotter, Knaepa; C H Hal ,
J Kelly, City; J P Brann.ui, Br.iik
A Wohlers, E W Eaton, Portland;
A J Polland, John Days, II Bzrth,
Citv: J Alexander. A Alexander. W
Maimaon, Cathlamet; W Tackett,
tj ir ... w t r....n O...I. .
lamet; O C Yocum & wife, J S David- j
son, W J Bncanneii, M E Pattern,
Portland; W Olliver. J C Ensign, G
W Freeman, City; H Hudson. San
Rafael, Cal; T Barker, Portland; C
I Benson, City; T Jennings Oakland;
B A Seaborg, liwaco; J
H L.mgd'in,
Salmon Shipments from Astona to
San Francisco.
v. Columbia Wm. Hume. 70: Scan
dinavian Packing Co.. GOO; total G70.
9 Oregon Scan. Pkg.Co.. GO.
18 Queen Astoria Pkg. Co., -JOO.
21 Oregon Geo. W.I lume 4X) : Astoria
Pkg. Co., 150; total 240.
24 State A. ttootll, 2.
27 Columbia Jas. Quinn, lGt; Cut
ting Co., 250; Astoria Pkg. Co- 200;
Scan. Pkg. Co- 2.121; Wm. Hume, ?;
Occident, 300; total 3,039.
30 Queen Astoria Pkg. Co., 200.
3 Oregon Aberdeen Pkg. Co. 300 cs,
Astoria 300 cs. Cutting 250 cs, Fisher
man's 1 cs, Point Adams, 325 cs. Wash
ington 300 cs, Badollet & Co.21 bbls. To
tal, 1,501 cs, 21 bbls.
0 State of California Astoria 200
cs, Badollet fc Co. 501 cs, Pacific Union
1 cs, Quinn 84 cs, White Star G50 cs. To
tal, 1,43(3 cs.
9 Columbia Aberdeen 325 cs, A.
Booth & Co. 100 cs, Jos. Hume 900 cs,
Point Adams 300 cs, Sea Side 1 cs, Wash
ington 300 cs. Total, 1.92G cs.
11 Queen of the Pacific A. Booth
& Co. 101 cs. Astoria 400 cases Aberdeen
325 cs. Badollet & Co. 500 cs. Fisher
man's 300 cs, G. W. Hume 200 cs, Jos.
Hume 300 cs, Union 501 cs. White Star
1 cs, 'total, 2,(128 cs.
15 Oregon Astoria 320 cs, A. Booth
& Co. 100 cs, G. W. Hume 100 cs, Union
100 cs, Washington 301 cs. TotaI,92l cs.
is Slate of California Astoria, 200
cs, Eureka 300 cs, J. W. & Y. Cook 1,000
cs. Total, 1,500 cs.
21 Coluiubhv Aberdeen 225 cs.
24 Quccn'of the Pacific Astoria 320
cs, A. Booth & Co. 101 cs, Badollet & Co.
500 cs, Eureka G05 cs, llapgood & Co.
300 cs, J. Williams 350 cs, J. W. &V.
Cook 750 cs. Pacific Union 1,100 cs, Sea
side 200 cs, Thoiues & Knowles 2 cs,
Washington 200 cs. Total, 4,428 cs.
27 State of California A. Booth &
Co. 500 cs, Aberdeen 800 cs, Badollet &
Co. 1,000 cs. Cutting 2,500 cs, F. M. War
ren & Co., Cathlamet 300 cs, Eureka, 300
cs, G. W. Hume 200 cs, Jos. Hume 100 cs,
John West 200 cs, Occident 100 cs. To
tal, G,000 cs.
30 SUitc Union Pkg. Co., 2; J. W.
Hume, 200; White Star, 2: Pacific
Union,2; A. Booth. 100; BadoIett&Co.,
480; Pt. Adams, 1; Fisherman's Packing
Co., 302; total 1,0S9.
2 Columbia Seaside Pkg. Co., 1.100;
Union Pkg. Co., 1,000; Badolett & Co
20; total 2.12a
5-Queen J. W. Hume, 75; J. G. Meg
ler, 1.U00; F. MAVairen, 100; llapgood &
Co., 300; Eureka Pkg.Co., G00; Seaside
Pkg.Co.. 82; Washington lacking Co.,
300; Union Packing Co., 1,185; Cuttiuc
Packing Co., 500; Astoria Packing Co.,
G20; I.X.L.Co.,1; Jas. Quinn, 300; to
tal 5.GG3.
8 Oregon J. Quinn, 300; Cutting
Pkg. Co., 1,000; F. 31. Warren. 425:
Washington Cn-GOO: Astoria Pks. Co..
9G0; Thome-J & Knowlts, 300; Jas. Wil
liams. ;.; Total 3,'uO.
11 State-Hapgood & Co.,300; Wash
ingioii Pkir. Co-300: Cuttiiur I'kir. fn-
500; Aberdeen, 325; G.V. Hum.', 1,000;
jas. iitunn, aiu; AMoria l Kg. uo., 3ju:
total 2,990.
Steamer Days.
Following is a resume of sailing
dates for ocen feteumera for June
and July, steamers leaving Astoria
and San Frauc-scn every three days:
June AT 10 A.M. JlUlf
Columbia ThursdayH'OrccnM '1 hursday It
Queen ..Sunday 171 -tale -tiuiil.u 17
Oregon Wednesday IWlColumbi. Wednesday 20
-ta! e . Saturday 23 Qumi S:u unlay 2
Columbia.Tuesdav 2COresm .Tursdav iM
Quri:i Krldav iSUte Friday 29
July I
Orocnn Monday 2Co!uailiia-..Mninlay 2
Mole. Thursday fijQueeii .Thursday 5
Columbia. .Sunday bUregm Sunday R
Quceii.Wednesday instate UeriueMlay II
Uregou-atunlay HCoiiiiiblaS:ttiir.l:iy tl
State Tucsdav l7(Oueeu. .Tueday 17
Columbia.-Kridav 20Oreuon Fridavai
Queen .. Monday iSJ'State Monday 2t
Oregon Thursdry 2t;;t olumbt:iTliursday 'jr.
State...?.. Sunday 29', Queen Suudavjj
"Willi Cratrrul IVr tins..
1'ikkuk. Buffalo, X. V.:
Sir: Your "Golden Medical Discov
ery" and "Purgativu Pellets' have
cured 103' daughter of Serofuh-us
Swellings and Open So'ts about the
Neck; and your "Favorite Prescrip
tion" has accomplished wonders in te
storing to health my wife who had
been bed-fast ft-r eight mouths from
Female Weakness. I am with grate
ful feelings, Yours truly,
T. H. Loxu, Galveston, Texas.
Uly Stock ofCisar
Must be sold out, as I Intend to close
out that line of goods. If you want a
bargain go to Carl Adier's.
A permanent restoration of er
haudted and worn-out functions fol
low the use of Brown's Iron Bitters.
Hale's Hoxey of Hokeiiouxd
charms away a cough, cold, or influenza
without anv bad effect.
Pike's Toothache Ditors cure
one minute.
An attractive, youthful appearance
secured by using Parker's Hair Balsam
to all who are getting gray.
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Hemedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Moullu Sold by w. E. Dement
"Uackmetack," a lasting and frad
grant pcriume. rrice a anu 00 cents.
Sold by W.E. Dement.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines. liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite tho bell tower, and see Camp
bell. MEFF." of the CHOP HOUSE
is now ready to manufacture Ice Cream
to order in any quantity for Balls. Socia
bles, Private Houses, etc.. aud having
the bestfacilities of any place in town
guarantees to give satisfaction. Ice
(constantly on hand and for sale.
Pro Bono
We feel justified in returning thanks to the general publ:c for
the liberal patronage they have bestowed on -us since our advent in
The business wo hav- transaptt-d lis- )
ppctations, and in :irkuwlfdin mont il er-.
reduce our already low prices "
Eednctions in Dress Goods, v
Seductions in Domestics,
Seductions in Fancy Goods,
Seductions in Furnishing' Goodsf :
Reduction in Clothing,
Reductions in Cloaks and Dolmans,
Reductions in Millinery.
it .
Id will pay one and all to come and see for themselves our sweep
ing reductions in every department. t
To every girl visiting our store to-day, will be presented a hand
some celluloid ring -at a
Sheriff 0' Neil' s Saakrtpt 9 tore,
Corner Concoraly and Main Streets,
Furnished Rooms to Rent.
Apply at Mrs. Denny Currans,rear
Congregational church.
Important Xotlce to Fishermen
and Others.
"JEFF," of the CHOP HOUSE, will
give you the BEST.25-cent meal In town
for cash. Board hy the week S5, in ad
vance. Meals at any hour, day or night.
every day at 5 o'clock. The best 25 cent
meal in town; soup; fish, seven kinds of
meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A
glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. All who have tried
him say Jeff is the "BOSS."
Franlc Falro's Oyster and Chop
Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or
Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early brealifastbef ore going
aboard the boar, should call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
bay oysters received by every steamer.
If you Like
Xew rooms, new furniture, new, clean
beds and a quiet, place to sleep goto the
O K Lodging House," corner West flth
and Water streets, opposite-Frank Fa
bre's. JXer Rich Blood.
The use of Oregon Blood Purifier.
ForaScaJ Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to J. 1. G"oim.n
tiamtts :trept, next ihvr to i ' C
All goods of the be h4 . 1.1
ted quality. A full s H&;4r v
constantly arrivum. r utor . wo- h
An Aromaciu 1
Is imparted to the mnti f
50ZOD0XT. It is x- f
(Meanest, purest and best v fe r ut
fercd to the public. SOZ-Dv. i' ai.d
comfort are syuonj ms. It cleanses the
cavities in the enamel of the teeth.
Its Wonderful Efficacy.
Xo remedy ever discovered pos-sess&s
the wonderful efficacy of Sv- up of Figs.
The certainty witu which It expels, all
impuritit-s from the system, at the same
time giving tone to the liver, stomach
and bowels, places it ahead of all other
remedies, to say nothing of Its beiug
more casilv taken. It is selling very
rapidly. Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co.
are airents for Astoria.
Hodge. Davis & Co., wholesale agents,
Portland. Or.
Invigorating Food
ror the brain and nerve is what we
neu'l in these days of rush and worry.
I'.irker's Ginger Tonic rea:ore3 the vi
tal energies and brings good health
aud Junius spirits quicker than any
thing ymi can use.- Tribune.
A Chicago Merchant's Experience
After 1 had become almost skin aud
hiine, witn neither strength, appetie
nor ambition loll , and the doctors
couldn't help me, two bottles Parker's
Ginger Tunic cured me completely.
M. B. Weitcott, Lamp M'f'r.Chicago,
.So moie long waiting to be shaved,
as the three best barbers 111 tne city can
be found at Joe G. Charters, next door
F. Fabre's ice cream saloon.
Coldks's Liquip Beef Toxic im
parts strength to body and mind. Take
no other. Of druggists.
As a family medicine, the Oregon
Blood Purifier has uo equal. It has
proved itself a certain aud efficacious
remedy for all 'tiseases caused by an
impure state of the blood.
The Oregon Blood Purifier is Na
ture's own remedy, and should be
used to the exclusion of all other
medicines in all diseases of the stom
ach, liver and kidneys.
The Peruvian syrup Has 9nred thou
sands who weresufferlne from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc Pamph
lets free to any address. Seth W.FowIi
&Sonp Boston.
A true friend to the weak and con
valescent is Brown's Iron Bitters.
Where so fast my friend? Why to
Frank Fabre's for a pan roast
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 eta 50 cts and SI. Sold by W-E. De
ment Go to the O. K. Lodging House
corner West-9th and Water streets.
Publico !
:i.. r .
.J lll'l.iCI
M. ISAACS, Consignee.
Safe and profitable is the invest
ment of 41 few bottles of Pfunder's Or
egon Blond Purifier; safe, because it
is a vegetable compound; profitable,
because it will diminish your doctor
For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
Shiloh's Cure will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping! cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement
Averill's mixed paints, the best in
use, for sale at J. W. Conn,s drug store,
opposite Occident Hotel.
The ReT. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind., says: "Both myselfand wife
owe our lives toSnir.on's Coxsujiptiox
CtntK." Sold by W.E. Dement.
a t
W s
-SB .
& I
l !
5 s i-
3 jj
1 KS i
W 1
' m .
W Si
8 I
K :
JH s
of Oregon, for Clatsop County.
Mary A. Leinemveber and C. Lelnenweb
er Plaintiffs, vs. C. G. Glass, Defendant.
To C. G. Glass, the above named defen
dant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled action, on, or before Tuesday,
August "tn. 1883, said day being the first day
of the next regular term of said Circuit
Court : and if you fail so to appear and an
swer for want thereof the plaintiffs will take
judgment against yon for the possession of
the premises described In plaintiff's com
plaint : to wit the premises situate In Clat
sop County, Oregon In sections twenty-five,
twenty-six, thirty-five, and thirty-six. and
known and described as the Donation Land
Claim of T. P. Powers and Mary Powers his
wife, saving and excepting one nundred and
thirty-five acres off the west side of said Do
nation Land Claim, together with the sum
of fifty dollars damages for withholding pos
session of said premises from plaintiffs and
me runner sum 01 eigniy two oo-iw. me
rents, Issues and profits of said premises
and for the costs and disbursements of ac
tion. This summons Is served by publication
thereof In the Daily Astoiuak, pursuant
to an order made by the Hon. A. S. Bennett,
Judge of satd Court, which said order was
made on May 22nd, 1SS3.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Astoria, May 25th, 1833. wed
The Leading,
I have just received a large consignment of Lace Qurt&icA, a&&
Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would inrite an insp
tion from intending purchasers, confident that for rarity and Low Prie
Silks and Dross Goods,
"We arc showing oa our Centre Counters a collection of the" moat
olabqrate and richest Goods ever shown in this City, 4
All Silk Shadames, Drap D'Almas
All Silk Foulards, Wool Surrahs,
All Silk Ottomans, Satin SolaiW
Etc., Etc;
"We aro now showing the Largest and most Elegant Line of
dies' Cloaks and "Wraps ever brought to this City.
Black Dolmans,
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp.
Black Silk Dolmans, $ .
Lined and Trimmed with G.uipure Lace and Gimp. -
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans,
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe.
Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters.
Shetland Shawls,
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,
All Sizes and Colors.
"We are showing, without doubt, the largest, and most complete
stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys -Clothing ever brought to Astoria
Largest Stock, Finest Coeds.
Lowest Prices in Astorit
Ha vinff received the most complete line of Gents Furnishing Goods eyer'oetd 1
Aslorla, I snail offer to bnyers the choicest Neckwear, Underwear, Dress 8hlrts,FiUWf
Shirts, Whlfe Vests, Linen Dusters, Alpaca, Coats, etc., etc.
At the Very
The Largest Assortment of
styles in Soft, Stiff and Flexible Hats.
Full stock of Clothing, including fine Prince Albert Coats in Black and Itvt
The Tailoring department comprisea
Cassimures, Worsteds, Tweeds, etc.
Tne Leading
-aaBgBasaaKMaira'H' 'iirm
SeasifleEalery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best,
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candles etc., furnlshedfor "Wedding
parties, 011 short notice, and guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite 4J. XV. JInme's.
Up Stairs
Over Arndt & Ferchcn's Shop.
Call and examine the work we aro doinp
and see the wood we are using, before mak
ing a trade elsewhere.
: 1
flfevrcst Stj-Ies in Furniture?
OI "W. (iallick's Old Stand.)
Have some elecaut designs in the above
mentioned goods which they will be pleased
to show the public
Everything new and tasteful,
1 VI
Dry Goods
Lowest Prices !
Straw Hats, All the le(
thajargest stock of Imported Cloths,
Drawback Entries, .
Bills of Lading,
Manifests, Etc.
Legal Blanks.
Mortgages, Warranty Dtedi.
The Astoria? Offlc
Any blank or form not in stock wtlf-b
printed to order- j
Bill Heads, Letter Heads, TTrrtlpt'WiW.
Fish Talleys, Cards, Tags, and eoraMtfeuu
paper of all kinds printed to order at
The Astorian Job Office.
We have for sale
MOXROE'S Celebrated T1cm,
"Which are acknowledged by-all Loggers- ta
dwlm WILSON & EISHEB;?A3toria.
L. K. G. SMITH, "
Importer and wholesale dealer iu.
CIsars nnil Tobacco, gntben' Artiefea,
Playlaz Card, Cvtlerr, Sta
tionery Etc
The largest an4 fiurst sto- f MEES
SCHAUM and AMBER GOODS iu tua city.
Particular attention paid to ordeas from
the country.
Theo BRACKER, Maajw.
Cheuamus Street, Astoria. Oregon.
remain. . . -
We will take orders for lumber froai 100
to 500 M., at the mill or delivered.
We also manufacture lath and shlailes
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty.
Address all orders
8. o, Bxx2ra;ata9t