The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 10, 1883, Image 3

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glue gtaftrj storlmt
On ami after this date 1). II. Caswell
will have charge of Hie Daily Abto
uiax lloute. All subscriptions are pay
able to him, and he is authorized to re
ceipt for monev paid.
There will bo no services in Grace
church to-day.
The Cotoma. from Hongkong,
arrived in yesterday.
The Byerale took on board 3,025
cases salmon yesterday.
We acknowledge a call from Geo.
.YonReinoltz, city editor of the Ntics.
Dr. La Force, dentist, presents
his card under new to-day.
Good music may be counted on
w among the attractions at Liberty
Hall to-night.
Rev. V. B. Osborne will conduct
sen Ice in the Y. M. C. A. Hall at 3
V. M. to-day.
The testimony in the Lappeus
case is cloBed and the final argument
will be heard on Tuesday.
The adv. of steamer Quiclzlep,
Hobson master, appears among our
now advertisements to-day.
Tho Queen of the Pacific went on
the dry-dock at San Francisco yester
day, to repair her broken propeller.
Rev. R. Scheidt of the German
Reform church will hold divine
service in the Baptist church at 3
Mrs. Rev. W. B. Oaborn will
oouduct services in tho Jlethodkt
church to-day at 11 A. 31. Church
closed in the evening.
Miss "Willard, Miss Gordon, Mrs.
Osborne and others are expected to
address the youth and children at
Liberty Hall this afternoon.
Willie Hall and Willie Clinton re
turned yesterday morning from a bear
hunt on Young's river, and they
triumphantly brought a bear with
The large foundation timbers for
Mrs. Kiuney's brick building on
Squemoqua street, were yesterday
slid into the water and floated in
W. L. Peel, of the Olympic sa
loon has, been stricken with paralysis
in his lower limbs. He was conveyed
to St, Mary's hospital yesterday by
his friends.
Laborers are in such domand at
present, in logging camps, saw mills
and ranches, that the contractors on
the K&laxna extention have hard work
to keep full gangs along the lino.
A children's meeting will be held
in Liberty Hall this afternoon. Tho
time will 1 announced from the vari
ous pulpits. Let all the children and
young people come.
I. W. Case had hands emploj-ed
all day yesterday in removing his
banking house furniture to his new
quarters in tho Odd Fellows' building.
A uafe weighing 7,000 pounds was
successfully removed and placed in
position in the new bank.
Tho bark C. 6'. Hnrlburt, built
in 1SSI, goes on the berth to load for
2Cew York direct If inducement of
fers she 11133 lae on freight at any
cannery between Portland and Asto
ria that has sufficient depth of water
at landing, for a vessel of her size.
The annual meeting of the State
Pioneer Association will be held at
the State Fair grounds near Salem,
next Friday. The annual address
will bo delivered by Hon. W. Lair
Hill, of Tho Dalles, while the occasion
al address will be by Hon. John
Whiteaker, of Lane county.
The Affsf is informed that in
about two weeks, the Columbia Flume
and Lumber Company will commence
to build a large stoam saw mill on the
GUukanie, about five miles from the
Columbia, and that they have secured
a large amount of timber on the head
waters of the river, which they will
cut by small mills and send it down
by & flume to the largo mill where it
will be finished for market.
The Wide West will, on tho ar
rival of the Columbia to-day tako on
board President Arthur's daughter,
Senator Edmunds and wife, T. F.
Oikcs, vice president, and C. H.
Prescott, general raauager, of the 0.
R. & N. Co., and other distinguished
parties who accompany them. The
steamer Ii. li. Thompson will tako tho
place of the TFidVr West to-day for
general passenger traffic and loavo at
1 1. si. as usual.
A. Olsen, of boat No. 1Z, Fisher
man's Pkg. Co., while sailing home,
new the Republic wreck on Friday
night was knocked overbdard by tho
boom and drowned. Deceased was a
native of Stramstadt, Sweden, where
he leaves a wife aud child. He was
known hero as a careful and industri
ous man. The Fishermen's Pkg. Co.
adrcrtise a reward of fifty dollars for
tfee recovery of his body.
He Didn't Know.
The proprietor of a Dalles store
which had been finely decorated in
honor of the Knights of Pythias, wa?
at his door during tho recent parade,
when an old man lounged up and be- J
''Such ignorance. 1 never saw in
all my life! You see that man there
the one with the lint on?"
"Well, ho was having a good deal
to say, and when I asked him who
Pythias wa3. Would you believe it,
he couldn't answer me?"
i"C-couldn"t he?' stammered the!
"No sir, he couldu't. Think of
such ignorance in this enlightaued I
age! When I told him who Pythias
was he called me a liar. Now I want
to prove that I'm right. You come
over and tell him all about it."
"But I I can't leave.'
"Then I'll bring him over here."
"No, you needn't I'm busy."
"I see you are, but when a man
calls me a liar I wan't to prove that I
ain't. I'll have him over in moment."
He hadn't crossed the street before
the merchant slid into store and
hurried up stairs to keep out of sight
for an hour, and it was oniy after he
was certain that the old man had de
parted that he slipped down and con
sulted Webster's dictionary to find
out whether Pythias was a town, a
man, or a temple on a hill.
Misplaced Confidence.
Persons traveling along the roadway
leading to Upper Astoria cannot bo
too careful about bearing their weight
against the railing which is placed for
safety along the sides. Yeaterdaj',
two gentlemen on their way afoot to
upper town, met two acquaintances
coming in the opposite direction.
The four stopped for a friendly chat,
two of them leaning against the hand
rail. It suddenly gave way, ami in
less time than it takes to write it tho
two gentlemen found themselevs floun
dering on their backs in about three
feet of soft mud to one of water. Tho
fall was not less than fourteen feet
the tide being well out. As they
broke neither neck nor limb, they
were able to pick themselves up and
wade through the mud to terra fir ma.
When they had recovered from their
astonishment at the sudden and unex
pected fall, they gazed at each other,
and realizing the dilapidated and
ludicrous appearance they presented
enjoyed a hearty laugh at each
others expense, in which we vho
were on the stage and witnesses of the
mishap most cordially joined.
It is said the farmers in the Farni
ingtou and Moscow country, east of
Colfax have gone extensively into
wheat raising tins season, expecting
that the Palouse branch of the North
ern Pacific would reach them in time
to remove this 3'ear's crop. But the
railroad will not reach them till next
year, and their surplus of wheat is ex
pected to be 25,000 tons, for which
they have no storage. The most of
them are new comers and arc unable
to buy lumber at the prevailing high
priC2s,t ) provide shelter for their crops
which they cannot sell. Unless they
receive some assistance there is great
danger that their crops may be lost
during tho coming winter.
Miss Frances E. "Willard.
This evening, at Liberty Hall,
everyone who to desires can have an
opportunity to hear Miss Frances E.
Willard lecture on temperance. Since
October, 1875, thin talented lady
has been elected and re-elected presi
dent of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union. Miss Willard is said
to be a woman of rare qualifications
for the work sin is engaged in, of
cultivated and polished address, of
skill 111 arranging facts and arguments,
of a restrained and impressive elo
quence, and she will no doubt greatly
interest all who listen to her
Hotel Arrivals.
C H Hall, G Yon Rsinolls, W B
Allen, Mrs J Strang, B Simpson, F
Dekum, D P Thompson, J D Show,
D McKenzie, Portland; E V Sinalley,
N Y; T J Haynes, Fargo; M H
Savage, S F; W Dunn, Missoula,
Montana; H P Grant, J It Pickett, S
C Benner, Westport; D G Ross,
Knappa; C Goddard & wf, Westport;
LCronk, Upper Astoria; W S Block,
U S A; R Ostrand, Fisherton.
The second term of the Astoria Mu
sical Society begins next Moudav. Of
this members will take notice aiuf be on
hand at the Methodist church punctual
ly at 7:30 r. m.
All members of the Astoria Musical
Socioty ?.re requested to be on hand at
the beginning of tho second term of the
Society Monday evening, the 11th insr.,
in the M. E. church.
Dr. LaForco has removed to his new
oflices in the Odd Fellows building.
Xew Kick Blood.
The use of Oregon Blood Purifier.
Tor a UTeat Filling Boot
Or Shoe, co to J. P. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to 1. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Go to the O. K. Lodging House
corner West-9th and Water streets.
Coldek's Liquid Beef Toxic im
parts strength to body and mind. Take
wo oilier. Of druegists.
Simple Remedies.
Half a teaspoonful of common table
salt dissolved in a li:tle cold water,
and drank, will instantly relieve
"heart-burn" or dyspepsia. If taken
every morning before breakfast, in
creasing the quantity gradually to a
teaspoonful of salt and a. tumbler of
water, it will in a few days cure any
case of dyspepsia, if at the &ame time
due attention is paid to the diet.
There is no better remedy than the
above for constipation. As a gaigle
for sore throat it is equal to chlorate
of potash, and is eqtirely safe. It
may be used as ofter as desirable, and
if a little is swallowed each time it
will have a beneficial effect on the
throat by cleusing it and by allaying
the irritation. In doses of one to
four teaspoonfuls, in lialf a pint to a
pint of tepid water, it acts promptly
as an emetic, and in cases of poisoning
is always at liand. It is an excellent
remedy for bites and stings of insects.
It is a valuable astringent in hemor
rhages, particularly for bleeding
after the extraction of teeth. It has
both cleansing and healing propertie?,
and is, therefore, a most excellent ap
plication for superficial ulceration.
Mustard is another valuable
remedy. No family should be with
out it. Two or throe teaspoonfuls of
ground mustard stirred into half a
pint of water acts cs an emetic very
promptly, and is mild and easier to
take than salt and water. Equal
parts of ground mustard and flour or
meal, made into a paste with warm
water, aud spread on a thin piece of
muslin, with another piece of muslin
laid over it, forms the often indis
pensable "mustard plaster." It is a
specific for colic when applied for a
few minutes over the "pit of the
stomach." For all internal pains and
congestions there is no remedy of
such great utility. It acts as a
counter irritant by drawing the blood
to the surface; hence, in severe cases
of croup, a small mustard plaster
should be applied to the back of the
child's neck. The same treatment
will relieve almost any case of
headache. A mustard plaster should
be moved about over the spot to be
acted upon, for if left in one place it
is liable to blister. A mustard plaster
acts as well when at considerable dis
tance from the affected part. An ex
cellent substitute for mustard plasters
is what is known as "mustard leaves."
They come a dozen in a box, and are
about four or five inches in size. They
are perfectly dry and will keep for a
long time. For use it is only neces
sary to dip one in a dish of water for
a minute and then apply it.
Common baking soia is the best of
all remedies in cases of scalds and
burns. It may be used on the surface
of the burned place, either dry or wet.
When applied promptly the sense of
relief is magical. It seems to with
draw the heat, and with it the pain,
and the healing process soon com
mences. It is the bett application
for eruptions caused l3r poisonous ivy
and other poisonous plants, as alto
for bites and stings of insects. 0.ving
to colds, over fatigue, anxiety and
various other causes, the urine is -often
scanty', highly colored, and moro or
less loaded with phosphates, which
settle to the bottom of the vessel on
cooling. As much soda as can be
dipped up with a ten cent piece, dis
solved in half a glass of water and
drank every three hours, will soon
remedy the trouble and cause relief to
the oppression that always exists from
interruption of the natural flow of
urine. This treatment should not be
continued more than twenty-four
hours. We have no more space to
devote to this subject now; but it is
one of universal interest, and we shall
continue it. We shall endeavor to
show that most of the diseases and ac
cidents that are constantly occuriA
could be remedied or avoided by re
sorting to such remedies andappliances
as are to be found in every home.
Hall's Journal of Health.
"Golden Medical Discovery" ib
warranted to cleanse the blood from
all impurities, from whatever cause
arising. For Scrofula, Sores of all
kinds, Skin and Blood Diseases, its
effects are marvelous. Thousands of
Testimonials from all parts. Send
stamp for paraphlec on Skin Diseases.
Address World's Dispensary Medi
cal Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Frank Falre? Oyster and CIiop
Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or
Shoahvater bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early breakfaht before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoahvater
bay oysters received by every steamer.
JcfTs IHnnor Bill or Fare Tor
Ox Tail.
Baked Salmon.
Bccf, Mutton, Pork, Stuffed Veal, Bear
meat, cranDerry sauce.
Boiled Tongue, Spanish, Kidney Stew
id on toast, Veal Fricasee, Corned
Beef and Cabbage.
New Potatoes, Green Corn, Green Peas.
Cranberry and Gooseberry.
Tea, Coffee, Wine or S. F. Beer.
Meals, 23 cents.
If you JLikc
New rooms, new furniture, new, clean
beds and a quiet place to sleep co to the
O K Lodging House, corner West nth
and Water streets, opposite Frank Fa
bre's. Delicious IceCream at Frank Fa-bre's.
Salmon Shipments from Astona to
San Francisco.
2 Columbia Wm. Hume. 70; JLaii
dinavian Packing Co.. GOO; total 070.
0 Oregon Scan. Pkjr. Co., 00.
IS Queen Astoria Pkg. Co. 200.
21 Oregon tiCO.W.Hume,0; Astoria
Pkg. Co., 150; total -210.
24 State A. Booth, 2.
27 Columbia Jas. Quinn, lfift; Cut
ting Co., 2T0; Astoria Pkg. Co., 200:
Scan. Pkg. Co, 2.121: Win. Hume, 2;
Occident. 300; total 2,029.
20 Queen Astoria Pkg. Co., 200.
X Oregon Aberdeen Pkg. Co. :500 cs,
Astoria 300 cs. Cutting 'S-0 cs, Fishcr
111 m's 1 cs, Point Adams, 32." cs. Wash
ington 200 ts, Badollet & C'o.21 b!K To
tal. 1,501 es.21 bhls.
0 State of California Astoria 2(H)
c. Badollet Jk Co. 5ol cs, Pacific Union
1 es, Quinn 81 cs v hite Star COO cs. To
tal. i.4a; es.
9 Columbia Aberdeen 325 c. A.
Booth & Co. 100 ci. .Jos. Hume WX) cs,
Point Adams 200 c-.Sea Side I es, ash
Ington 300 cs. Total. una; cs.
11 Oucen of the Pacific A. Booth
& Co. 101 cs. Astoria 4O0 eases Aberdeen
325 c5. Badollet & Co. .vx) e. Fisher
man's 300 cs, 'J. W. Hume 200 cs .los.
Hume :0 es. Union 501 es. White .Star
1 cs. Total, 2,1528 cs.
15 Oregon Astoria 320 cs, A. IJooih
& Co. 100 cs. G. W. Hume 100 cs. Union
100 cs. Washingion 301 cs. TotalirM es.
18 State of California Astoria. 200
es. Eureka 3tX cs, ,J. W. & V. Cook l.w0
05. Total, 1,500 cs.
21 Columbia Aberdeen 2i cs.
21 Qitccn of the Paclfir Astoria X10
es. A. lJooth it Co. 101 cs, DadoIIet Sz Co.
500 cs, Eureka G05 cs. Hapgoml & Co.
300 cs, J. Williams :550 es. .1. W. &V.
Cook 750 cs, Pacific L inon 1,100 cs, Sea
side 200 os, Thomes & Kuowles 2 es.
Wasui ngton 200 cs. Total, 4,428 es.
in-Slulc of California A. Rooth fc
Co. 500 cs, Aberdeen 800 cs, Ikitlollet &
Co. 1.000 cs. Cutting 2,500 c., F. 21. War
ren fc Co., Cathlnmet :aw cs, Eureka, vm
os, G. W. Hume 200 cs. Jos. Hume 100 es,
John West 200 os. Occident 100 cs. To
tal, 0,000 cs.
20 State Union Pkg. Co., 2: J. W.
Hume, 200; White Star, 2: Pacific
Union, 2; A. Booth. 100: IJudolett &Co,
480; Pt. Adams, 1 ; Fisherman's Packing
Co., 302; total! ,os.
2 ColumJila Seaside Pkg. Co.. l.loO;
Union Pkg. Co., 1,000; IJadolett & Co..
20; total 2.120.
5 Queen J.W. Hume, 75; .1.0. 2Ieg
ler, l,0; F. 21. Warren, 100; Ilapgood &
Co., 300; Eureka Pkg. Co., r00; Seaside
Pkg. Co., 82: -Washington lacking Co..
:KK): Union Packing Co, 1.185; Cuttiim
Packing Co.. 500; Astoria Packing Co.,
C20; J.X. L. Co., 1; Jas. Quinn. 200; to
tal 5.GG3.
8 Oregon J. Quinn, :0; Cutting
Pkg. Co.. 1,000: F. 21. Warren, 425;
Washington "., W0; Astoria Pkg. Co,
9C0; Thomes & Knowles. ."-GO: Jas. Wil
liams. 325; Total 3,1)10.
Steamer Days.
Following is .1 resume of ruling
dates for ocean steamers lr June
and July, steamers leaving Astoria
and San Francisco every three days:
June! atiOa.31. June
State .-.Monday HJQueen Monclav 11
Queen .Sunday I7iiate .Sumlav 17
Oregon Wednesday sofColumbU. Wednoday vo
State Saturday 23 Queen Sntttrdav 23
Coltiniliia.Tursday 2G Oregon .TitCMla 25
Queen Fridav 2i5t ate Friday -J9
July! .inly
Oregon Monday :iColr.nillu..Monday 2
Stale .Thursday sJQueen .Tliuradav 5
Columbia. .Sunday 8Oregou Sunday S
Qiicen.VVedneMlay llSfate. V. edueday 11
OregonSatnnlav HColumbiaSatuni:iy H
State Tm'Mlav lTJQueeu .Tuesday 17
ColumbiaFriday SOiOrvgon Friday 0
Queen Mondav 2:,Stalc Monday 23
Oregon. Thur-drv 2G'( oliHii!.i:iTliiirs!avi.v.
State Sandav 29,Qii"on .Sunday 'ja
Fiirutsltccl Rooms to ZScnL.
Apply at Mrs. Denny Cuirans. rear
Congregational church.
An Aromatic Fragrance
Is imparted to the mouth by the use of
SOZODONT. It is beyond doubt the
cleanest, purest and oet wash ever 'of
fered to the puiiiic. su.uuom' and
comfort arc synonyms. It cleanse the
cavities in the enamel of the teeth.
Important Xttticv t: I-Wnenm-ii
aurt Ottiers. .
'JEFF." of the CIIOP HOUSE, will
give you the REST iVcenfmeal in town
forcash. Jioanl by the week ?.. 111 ad
vance. Meals at any hour, day or night.
A Chicago Merchant's Experience
After I had become ninnwi skin and
bone, with neither strength, appetie
nor ambition left, and the doctors
couldn't help me, two bottle linker's
dinger J Mine cured mo completely.
M. Ii. Westcutt, Lfjimp M rr,Ch!e:'go.
-Dinner at "JEFF'S" CHOP HOUSE
everv dav at r o'clock. The best 2 cent
meal in town; soup. iish,Mvii kinds of
mea's. vegetables, pie. pudding, etc. A
glass of S. F. Deer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. All h haw tried
him say Jeff is the -1SS "
Invigorating Food
For the brain and nerve is .hat we
need in these days of rush and worry.
Parker's Ginger Tonic restores the vi
tal energies and brings good health
and joyous spirits quicker than any
thing you can use. Tribune.
Its Wonderful Efficacy.
Xo remedy ever discovered possesses
the wonderful efficacy of -Syrup of Figs.
The certainty with which it expels all
impurities from the system, at the .ame
time giving tone to the liver, stomach
and bowels, places it ahead of all other
remedies, to iv nothing of its beiug
more casilv taken. It Is selling very
rapidly. .Messrs. E. Dement & Co.
are agents for Astoria.
flodge, Davis & Co.. wholesale agents.
Portland. Or.
Brace up the whole sj'siem with King
of the Blood. Seo Advertisement.
Averill's mixed paints, the best in
use. for sale at .1. W. Conn ; druir store.
opposite Occident Hotel.
As a family medicine, the Oregon
Blood Purifier has no equal. It has
proved itself a certain and efficacious
remedy for all ''iseases caused by an
impure state of the blood.
The Oregon Blood Purifier is Ka
ture's own remedy, and should bo
used to the exclusion f all other
medicines in all diseases of the stom
ach, liver and kidneys.
Safe and profitable is the invest
ment of a few bottles of Plunder's Or
egon Blood Purifier; safe, because it
is a vegetable compound; profitable,
because it will diminish your doctor
There is no comfort, night or day.
When teeth arc suffering from decay.
And oh ! the pain that we shall feel,
When bitter hours at last reveal,
That all our woe came grim and gaunt
From our neglect of SOZODONT.
charms away a cough, cold, or inlluenza
without any bad effect
Pike's Toothache Dbops cure In
one minute.
New Yokic Mav 19th.
Messbs. Isaacs & Co.:
Raise all the cash you can as speedily as possible, on
receipt of which will send those goods you ordered,
In accordance with the above request we intend to
slaughter goods for the next ten- days.
Now is your Time to Secure Bargains,
Look at the Price List.
Dross Goods from t. . . 5 cts. per yd u
Ginghams from " S " "
Calicoes from -. -t ': Sl
ihislms from 5 tc "
Flannels from S ': "
Table Linens from , . .".' 20 " " '
Linen Napkins 00 ,:' per do.
Ladies ITosc 5 " pur pair
Collars and Culls 10 " pnr sot
Embroideries 2 " per yd.
Walkinjr Sucques from 1 .00
Ladies Trimmed Hats 50 "
Boys' Suits from 1 .50
Gents' full Suits from .- 5.00
Socks from 5 u per pair
Reductions in every line. This is a bona fide sale,
no buncombe. Our bargains must be seen to be appre
ciated. Every article marked in plain figures at
SJierfff Q'NbIFs Baaiema Bisre,
Corner Coneoinly and Main Streets,
CSIUKCH ii!tr.cTo:tv
Gkaci: Ciifi'.fii Holy communion.'
first Sunday of evory month. Snuriay'
services at 1 1 a. M- ami 7 '!0 r. w. Wednes- f
day evening service at 7 'JlO o clock. Kev.
.m. i). iison, Hector.
Fikst Pkkskvtekiax Cncnrn Ser
vices at 1 1 A. m. and 7 !0 i. m. Weilnis?
dav evening inyer meeting at 7'3Q
o'clock. Kev. .J. V. Milligan, I'ustor.
Co.ngkkoatiox at. Church Services
at 11 a. 31. and 7::50 r. 51. Kev. Sftm'l
Wood, Pastor.
ltoMAX Catholic Church Services
at 1030 a.m. Itev. L. Dicluian, Pastor
M. E. Church Service- at 11 a. m
and 7:50 !.m. Lecture ami Trayer Meet
ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. M. Jiev. W. T.
Chapman. Pastor.
Baptist Church. Services every
other Mmtlnv. Sunday School nt li p. m.
Itev. Winfield JSeoK D. 1). pastoral
IevlMif ami iusir:i3eiifs.
A fine .selection of the latest music,
vocal and iu-trmnent'tl just revived br
U. K. .Stevens & Co. i.f the City Book
Store. Besides their uual sttiply of
musical instruments thty have just re
ceived violins and banjos, which Willi
be round to cxceil anything or tm Kind
in town, for the sani; price. A fresh
supply of Hie latent popular intwir by
"Fair HrJ rdnltc-.,
wIiom; swl"iitaty lives iucrcHSu those
trophies peculiar In -.rotucu, should
ii'cDr. Pierce' "Favorite .Prewip
ti..o," wh:h is s unfailing ivmecy.
S!l liv dii"jas.
All the itT.i medicines sdvertwed
in this pnper. together with the choicest
perfumery, and toii-t articles, etc-emi
if t bo!t!ht at the IftAtvt prices, at. I. V.
Conn's tlrii -,ir-." OcidM
hrtei. Astoria.
Have Wistar balsam or" wild i-lit-ny
always at hand. It cures eoughs. colds.
bronchitis, whoopinjr oouii. crimp, tn
flticuzn, con.-ii!tiplinsi, and all throat and
lung complain:-, r-0 rents anU 1 a bot
tle. Wlii will j on rough when Shiloh's
Cure will giw iiniiiedJAle relief. Price
10 cts ,rn lis and 5!. .-ihl ly W. K. He
men!. F01 l)pcp:.t and Liver Complaint,
vmi have a printed siuaranlee on ivery
Imttlu of Sniloh's Vitalixer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. IemeK.
Smi.on's Ccrk will immediately
relieve Croup, whoopinti eough ami
Bronchitis. Sold bv W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a. posi
live cure for Catarrh, Dintheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement.
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Hcniedy
Price ."0 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement
The JJev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour
bon, ImL, says: ''Both myself and wife
owe our lives'lo Shiloh's Consumption
Cpue." Sold by W. E. Dement.
Are von made miserable by Indi-
Iv. Dement.
-J lackmetauk." a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 2T and 50 cents.
Sold by AV. E. Dement.
Krtr tuo t(mii!1iii J. tr. Cutter' old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opixisiie uic ni'ii lower, anu see jauii
bell. MEFF." of the CIIOP HOUSE
i now rradv to manufacture Ice Cream
to order 111 a'nv quantity for Balls, Socia
bles, Private 'Houses, etc. and having
the besuaciuties ot any piace in town
guarantees to give satisfaction. Ice
constantly on hand and for sale.
No more long waiting to be shaved,
as the three best barbers in the citj can
be found at Joe G. Charters, next door
F. Fabre's ice cream saloon.
Mrs. Achcy has opened a studio in
the Odd Fellows' building and is pre
pared to exexutc portraits m oil. Jane
will organize a class in Oil painting
next Monday.
An attractive, youthful appearance
secured by using Parker's Hair Balsam
to all who are getting gray.
A true friend to the weak and con
valescent i3 Brown's Iron "Bittera.
A rf imiiiioiI. ri'Sfomf inn i.t nr.
. t'r . : :. r .
haustert and worn-out iunctiona toi
low tho use of Brown's Iron Bitters.
Where my friend? Why to
Frank Fabre's for a paii roast.
C I ft f
M. ISAACS, Consignee.
TT9 r r, 7 F T T? D
A Full Line of House
Furnishing Goods.
AP THE O. Jt. &. X. DOCK.
Rmibs lir Lie !
j is jf jr
Can prove hy his books that he Is doins the
blppcst biLMiiCNS of any
In the city, and he will guarantee to give
the best meal for cash.
For Sale.
1 i. in' liiis nn nnr of flit nrincinnl stn-fts
of tlifc titv. 13 rooms fatni-iicd : an assort
ment of L'lquors and refreshment".
A sool stock olBegars : l Fool Table, and
troiMl liar fixtures.
1 A chance to stop into a good payhsf; busl
I noss. I'rice SlfiJi.
Inquire of W. B. GREXELL. Ileal citato
J apent. cor. (Jhcnamus and Denton, near Post
at Ir
0 -
pi N 1 1
he Leading' Dry Goods
I have just received a large consignment of Lace Curtains? od
Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an inipec
tion from intending purchasers, con6dent that for rarity and Low Prio
Silks and Eress Goods, . -
"We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of themoat
elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City,
All Silk Rhadames,
All Silk Poulards,
All Silk Ottomans,
We are now showing the Largest and most Elegant Lineiof La
dies' Cloaks and "Wraps ever brought to this City. c"r
Black Dolmans, ,'s
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp. "'-
Black Silk Dolmans, :4.
Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and Gimp. -,
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans, -a
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringj?. -. -
. Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters;
Shetland Shawls, (
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,
All Sizes and Colors.
Wo are showing, without doubt, the largest, and most complete
stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys' Clothing ever brought to Astoria
largest Stocls,
Lowest Prices in Astoria,
flavin? rect-ivetl the most complete line oC Geiits Eurnlshinjc Goods ever. opened I
Attotia. 1 snail offerto buyers t!iet'lioicet Neckwear, Underwear, Dress Shirts, Fjwcjt
Sliins, White Vests, Linen Dusters, Alpaca, Coats, etc., etc
At tlie Veiy Lowest Prices !
The Largest Assortment of Straw Hats, All- the leading.
styles in Soft. Stiff and Flexible Hats.
Full stock of Clothing. including fine Prince Albert Coats in Black and BIu
The Tailorini; department comprises the largest stock of imported Cloths,
Ca&siaieres, Worsteds. Tweeds, etc.
Th.e Sheading
Seaside Baiery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best,
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candies etc., fu'rnlshedfor "Wedding
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
ive perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
OppoMltB ii. XV. Hume'H.
Tip Stalrw
Ox'cr Arntlt & !'erchcii8 Shop.
Call and examine the work "ve are doinp
and see the wood we aro using, before mak
lug a trade elscw here.
have you mm !
Newest Styles in Furniture?
OI AV. Callick'a Old Stand.)
Have some eletsint designs in the above
mentioned goods which tfiey will be pleased
to show the public.
Everything new and tasteful,
cinse of Astoria
Drap D'Almas
"Wool Surralis,"'
Satin Soleils,
Finest Goods.
Drawback Entriei ,
Bills of Lading
Manifests, Etc.
Legal Blanks.
Mortgages, "Warranty Deeds.
The Astorian Office
Any blank or form not la stock-will b
printed to order.
Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Keceipt Books.
Fish Tallevs, Cards, Tags, and eomraeral
paper of all kinds printed, to order at
The Astorian Job Office.
We have for sale
MONROE'S Celebrated Yekes,
"Which are acknowledged by all Loggers ta
dwlm WILSON &FISHEB. Astoria.
Importer and wholesale dealer lu.
Clznrs anil Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles,
VU13 Ins Cant. Catlery, 8ta-
tionrry. Etc.
The largest an-4 Hnt stock of 1MEEB-
SCHAUM ami AJIiibi; GOoDS in-theclty.
I'artictitar attention paid to orders from
tlw iittntr
Tiieo. BKACKEB, Maaaxer.
ClicnamiLs Street, Astoria. Oreson.
"We will take orders for lumber from 198
to 500 M.f at the mil I or delivered. ,
We also manufacture lath andTiaWtglea (
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty,
Address all orders
! Blanks !
- 1