01 aaacwsEHsaBBKa i" .-, - , .; X -3" Vol. xix. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, June 9, 1883. No.61. & ai kit f$ir 11 tfV tt riM ing i S 1 111 II A CALIFORNIA JUDGE. "You have often heard the ex pression, 4If tins court knows her self, and I think she does,' I'll tell you where it originated. In early times, long before the California excitement, a young boy from Pike County, Missouri, by the name of Blackburn, ran away from his home and went out to the mountains, lie became hunter, trapper, Indian fighter and guide, d at the period where other jK'opte Income satisfied with their stature and stop. Blackburn kept em growing until he towered G feet 4 inches into the air. In addition to Wis unusual height he was very ltm and unapproachably awk ward. His joints were large so wv his hands and iVet, and in Wsgnit he seemed to imitate the undulatory motion of the giraffe. In his numerous encounters with griwsly hours and Indians he had bean pretty thoroughly mangled, and when he made his appearance on the coast he was minus an eye. The ball was there, but the sight luid been scratched out by the claws of a grizzly. His hair on the top of his head was rather short and uneven, and it stood straight up. His method of cut ting tt was to grab a handfull and saw it off with a butcher knife. Around the sides and back of his cranium he didnt bother with it, so it hung in graceful confusion about his shoulders and back. lie had no book larnin' whatever, but in lieu of that he had a keen wit and good common sense. "When the gold fever broke out Black burn made his way to the mines, and the miners in a humorous freak elected him Alcalde, which corresponds to the office of justice of the peace. The first case brought before him was an action brought by the husband of a comely 30 ung Mexican woman for damages against a jgambKer, who "While on horseback and Intoxica ted, had run over the lady, knock ing her down and producing seri ous consequences.. The trial took place in the largest cabin in the vKxnity, and the room was packed with rough-bearded and red skirted miners. For a table a huge dry goods box was placed at owe on (I of the room, while the juige seated himself with dignity upon a smaller one. The gambler, who was rich, cnrared the best OMtnscl, and prepared to make a bitter fight. The judge called the yog woman to testify. She told hor story in a simple, straight forward way, and, when she had fmitiiied, Blackburn closed the use. The attorney for the de foMse protested, but the judge was firm and stern. Running his hamls through his upright hair and fixiug his one eye on the defend ant he proceeded with duo de liberation and emphasis to deliver Uis judgment. He said: 'If this court knows herself, and she tMnks she does, 1 fine you the smhi of 500 damages and assess upon you the cost of puttin' this yens gal in good condition.' When asked to explain his precise meaning he said he meant for the Tmbling chap to pay the doctor's bill and the cost of her illness.' ' Crr. (ilitbi-J)t'morrat. When all with one accord give spontaneous testimony in favor of St. Jacobs Ojl, we know that its virtues are such as to merit it, and we are heartily glad of the gen erosity which does not hesitate to give a good article its due need of praise. Mr. William Hadeler, at the Marathon Hotel, Wausau, Wis, relates the following experi ence: Some time since, said Mr. U.. I took a severe cold, which settled in my limbs, and gradual ly developed into a bad case of rheumatism. After suffering for some time, and using many differ ent preparations (among which was a remedy prescribed by a phy sician) all without receiving any benefit whatever, a friend advised me to try St. Jacobs Oil. I did so expecting to receive but little ben efit, and was considerably sur prised to feel somewhat easier af ter the first application. The use of only one-third of a bottle per fectly cured me. From a state of complete helplessness, I am now just as strong and healthy as ever, and gladly give all the praise to that wonderful remedy, St. Jacobs Oil. Parneli's Reply to the Pope. A cable special from Loudon says: Parnell has at last made an official utterance in the-form of an open letter to a Paris journalist concerning the Pope's circular. He announces that he is pleaded with it because of tiie effect it will certainly have upon the fortunes of the real Irish party. The breach the Papa! circular has al ready caused among the papers which affected to represent the Irish cause, Mr. Parnell says he regards with delight, because it will place the Catholic religion just where it belongs m the poli tics of Ireland. Some of the truest republicans in Ireland have felt themselves compelled to conceal their sytnpatey with the Irish par ty and to hold aloof from all par ticipation in its movements be cause of the general impression that, Ireland being the stronghold of the Catholic faith, no general Irish political movement could ever occur, except it were domin ated by the church. Xow that the Pope has officially declared that the church does not recognize the Irish party, but forbids its priests to make themselves con spicuous in its actions, the Irish people can realize how completely Irish politics are divorced from re ligious domination, and Catholic j and Protestant republicans can i work together in complete harmo ny. Parnell concedes that the Pope's action may have been astute from a Roman point of view, but claims that Leo XIII overreached himself if he intended to give to England the influence of the Catholic church in Ireland, because the principal effect of his recent circular would leave among the Irish Catholics the conviction that in politics they were absolute ly independent of the church and among Protcstautsjie conyiction that they can act with the republi cans without subjecting themselves to the domination of Home. Par neli's letter concludes with the statement that while a majority of the Irish people may be submis sive in matters of faith to the Pope, in matteis of politics and nationality they respect them selves jl Case of Iaterect "We are informed that the sec retary of the interior has decided the Gowen vs. Spithill ease, and in so doing has reversed the de cision of the Olympia land officers and of the commissioners of the general land office. The case as represented to us i& a-, follews: John D. Gowan several vcars aro pre-empted a valuable quarter sec tion on Port Susan Jjay, in Sno homish county. He did little or. nothing on it, however, and, disre garding his claims, Alexander Spit lull shortly after filed his ap plication to purchase it as a tim ber claim. Gowen disputed Spit hill's right, w hile the local land of ficers sustained Spithill. Gowen appealed to the commissioner, who sustained the land officers. Gowen lurther appealed to the secretary, who now, we learn, has. reversed the prior decisions. The effect of this action will be, as we under stand it, to violently disturb tim ber land claimants, who are con siderably weakened in their pos sessions by its terms. This par ticular piece of land is said to be very valuable, it containing not only much good land, and choice timber, but it also being the out let or natural route to a large body of timber behind it. In this con nection we may say that the old simile of a third dog running away with the bone while the two first were fighting over it is likely to be verified in this case. Spit hill has been ousted; Gowen is said to have acquired no title, while a third man, named Peter Daley, has quietly taken posses sion, and begun the cultivation of the land under'the homestead act and will in all probability obtain the patent therefor. Pott-IntcUi-ficnccf. Serves, brain, and muscles gain strength and the power of endurance by using Brown's Iron Bitters. A Fable lor the Brave. A fly observing one day a sheep running with great rapidity iroma j forest, inquired, "What is the jmalter, my friend.'" ".Matter ! enough,' panted the sheep. '-Dear fly, in yonder wood there is a lion!" "Really, and what of that?" returned the flv. "Surely vou are not afraid of a lion?5' ''And doi you indei'd not fear hiin'f" gasped the sheet). 'Certainlv not; to continued, uVou are ri;ht my friend, he is there; but really there is no occasion for fear. I con versed with hun for some minutes and I even flatter myself that it was I who annoyed him. Pray do not be so timid!" At this moment a spider, who had just completed his web near by. appeared suddenl' on the scene. The fly turned pale, and, without warning, fainted quite away. The spider seizing him, bore him into her web, whence he never reappeared. "Alas: my friend," sighed the sheep as he walked quietly away, "it is not so much what you are afraid of, as it is the being afraid!" Absolutely Pure. ThK powder nerr varies. A maw el o purity, st renin U and w miesoincness. Ior? economical than the onliuarj kinds and cannol be .sold in eomnetitiun trill i Hie iiikI- litude of low test snort weight, alum or puospnaie lenders, isoldimluin can, ltov-at- 15aki.n; rewnr.i: Co.. iw Wall-st. X. Y. RUDDOCK & LEVAKE. PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, lia- and Strum Fitter. Have constantly on hand a general assort ment of goods in our line. Jobbing prompt ly attended t. llstimates given. N. 1!. We guarauico our oik. Shop nearly oppositeO. It. & N. Cos doc!: Plumbing and Gas Fitting. I.ORYEA BICOS. Plumbers, Gas. and Steam Fitters. Jobbing Promptly Attended to- A Full Supply of I'.AS FIXTUKES. COCKS, STKAM F1T- TIXOS, lrrc, ALWAYS OX HAM). Cannery, and Steamboat Work a Specialty. Chenamus street, oppose Demeut's Dru Stoie, Astoria, Oregon. NEVILLE & CO. Pacific K"et and Twine Co. .SAxFi:.xri., April lltli.ISS::. Dki:.Sii:; For KPM'ral convenience, we have sent a supply of IVo. 30. 12 Ily (ii-iniinc Scotch .Salmon IVct Tw inc. to the care of A. r..TOHN.SO fc CO.. Astoria, which will be sold at low enough figures to make it an object for all net menders to use it for repaire, in place ofllie more costly No. 40, 12 Pl. Fishermen who have heretofore used this grade of twine for repairs, claim that the durability ot the. patch is equal to the balance of the net, after the latter has had a few weeks use. We think it will be money in your pocket to try it. For prices and samples apply to A.M. JOHNSON &CO., Astoria. Xeville & Co. Sole Agents, I o ,-.!o ;:i and re California St. tSan nuicisco. TIIE ASTORIA STEAM LAUNDRY Is now ready for business. YOUR PATRONAGE. Is mot respectfully solicited. ALLWOKK DONE IX A SATISFAC tory manner at ihlng rates. All reasonable repairs mado free ot charge. Garments of all kinds will he repaired at fair prices, if so requested, wx. Mccormick, That Hacking Cough can bo so quickly cured by Stolon's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement, prove it, I will myself enter tLsgMS I T. , .!a.,s ami Thuisdays at 6 A. M. wood," The fly hurried away, Mf .!mV rff Aslo.ia at 1 P. . and returning after 'some timej 'Fil!JlJr n iai .w! infill bnwideim TIUPgglSSlT- TiW I a a I 1 ; 43eS& tv 7m fc-a i s-? . FOB EHEUliTISI, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of iho Chesf, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Sire!' ings and Sprains, Burns and " Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Pre piratioa oa earth cquaut St. Jacobs Oil cj a afe, sure, simple aa J cheap External Bemedy. A trial entails but tLe comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every oao suffer ing nUh pain can baro cheap end p atlrc proof cf iu claims. Direction in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALLDBUGGISTS AHD DEALERS III MEDICINE. A. VOGEILER & CO., Baltimore, Xrti, V. S. A, Boston posesses a tobacconist who has conceived a plan for the vfholesale killing off of wealtlry idlers. He says: "Did 3011 ever see a workinginan smoking a ciga rette? Of course not. Cigarettes are smoked exclusively by wealthy chaps. Xow, I don't mind telling you outright what it was that I hinted at. I'm a cigarette hand. I work in a factory where o00,000 cigarettes are rolled every day. AlnrA tlntl 4 ten, if,, r,n,i .t,.i-t.ir .... "" """j "- s "a are Socialists. What won H ho.I i i ---- - easier than lor us to put a deadly poison into a whole day's batch of tobacco? Then away would go thousands upon thou-j sands of our oppressors at a puff. Here and there a good enough man would fall, but the great ma jority would be the kind that hurt Us, and the kind that the world would be happily rid of. "When the time comes to bring about an archy and mighty soon thai may be, I can tell you we've got it in our power to destroy multitudes of the non-producing classes by just making them smoke them selves to death. it i perfectly simple and feasible. We know a poison one uhifl of which would be deadly.' SYfPTOaSS OF wo-r&s. llu' otu,it!i v i" pile and Iiridoii ! I, w.tii i .-liit !!ilii oi a tir ci;n tiIh! jm oi. i:if or UIh Hieek; t..e .-u-. Ihsi hi, 'i'II. tlu cupiN dilate; r.a az.irc hiin- n ! n s !. I'n lower ejt -mi; hi- in, in r- t ,nl, Mti-lh, and sojiietiii:ellHNs;a ui'tiuistf i! e upjier 1Sj: ot-i-MsioiiHl h id.u'lte, il!i liiuiinuug or lUToUUUnr, of Uio u.ir.; mi uuuMinl vt Ttftn of saliva; siliny or furnsl lonue; brea'li ery fool, jMrikuilarly.in tlte morn ins, iN.iai :uiitl.le, sometimes om clous Willi a Kawin4 M.-nwiiion of the Ktomacit ; at otlivr-, entirely Kone; l!epiliij pains in Hie toiiiiu'li ; oo-icmoiuiI nmiseu mid vomiting; ioIcnt pains throulioiit the ulxliiineii; Im.wcIs liTetinlar. at limes eo-ilive; stHK luny. not uufrequontly lineil w ith llord ; holly sv. Won ami hard ; urine tiirlnd;r(ypimt ion im i-risioiiailydslli-cull and acN!ii)tnifd hj li!inmh;cugli sometiiueMilryaiid eoiiiilsie; uneasy ami liMiirhiii sleep, with Krintllimor the lot-Ui; !emiKr vari.tlde, hut nenerilly irrithle. Wheeer the aliow m-iuiHoihk .are found In exist, UK. ('. ilcL-iXFAS Yr.KMIFLT('G wjll eiTtaiuly efi'tvl a cure. lu l)iiiiiK VruiiriiKo Jmj m;iv ou cvt them-iuiltie !Ii. C. ?Iel.AXK'S 'j:i:.MI ll';i:, iiiaiiufttcturtsl by riciiiinn !Jro-., it WikI sint-t. Ilttshun;lit l'a. The urirket is full of counterfolLs. Vou will he ii-.Lt if it has the signature of l'!iu inir Itros. ami O. MeLanc. If yinr .vtorekeeer doc no hive the genuine, pleae rejort to us. Send us a three .rent Mainii for I Irui.i some :,lMrli!lu; cards. FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, l'a. -jPu. Kins: of tiie Blood Is not a "cui all," It Is a blood-purifier and tonic Impunty of the blood jhiIsous tliesys tem, deranges the circulation, and thus In duces many disorders, known by different names to UlstlnKUish them accordiuto ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity or Blood. Such are DuKpsla, liillloiumuf, Liver Complaint, Constipation, JVcrrotw DU ordcr. Headache, Backache, General Ifeak noof. Heart Dltcnse, Dropsy, Kidney Dlcac, Piles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Shin Dlmrderg, Pimple. Ulcer. Strelling, lc, &c. Kins: or the Itloocl nrcrenls and cures these by attacking the catnc. Impurity ui me uioou. Luemisuana pnysicians agree In calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for the nurnose " Sold hv Dm?- glsta, SI ier bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, kc, in pampmet, - iTeatise on Diseases ot the Blood." wrapped around each bottle. D. RANSOM, SON & Co.. Props Buffalo, N. Y. i . 'r v:?3"55r-.'.i '2a - , jFv. Y?iSf$5& V. I... ; !., lufiii ivRJIeil for the citfnfort of ZfcSr fi &&S&fyS-?'ss-: i-- iu-ct- will lee Wlteon ami il ItfsSwSMi Fi-5.erV.Jock ccry F ,i; $3& '' '''J' Wednesday and Friday at 6 ."-',, v-- f JvM I ' " riving at Portland at 7 P. M. - )SmjkSeim , ... .. , i ; &. js1 v.-rvsr 1 9 - x3x-ti tirs. i m .ii- iHft i iiniiihi I'vnrv MfatlBftZeW EiS33?BE,5a9 29 u i .V JUM -i j-tM& SHIPPING NOTICES. umbia Transportation Co. res POftTLAKD- Sunday of Each Week, lAStM!t Portia:! at is oVIorlc Sunday ,'Jnniiu:. jte connect at K:dai:ia I !" v.! i.rl. U. l:. SCOTT. President Astoria and Portland. jTHStr. VVESTPORT, V.U SHKi'.MAX, MASTER V.'SSl make regular trijK to Tortiand and AMoria. leaving llumcirs dock, foot of Mor iim slreet, Portland, at C A Jt. Snturdavs. And .M leae Wilson & l'lslier's dock, Aon:. atfi.. 51. Thursdays. ja"Krf.s!it c.irrietl at reasonable rates. Sfoamer . KSL1C." WILL MAKE TRIPS AS FOLLOWS : To YOIJXCS RI Vi:i:, Mondavi, Weilnesdaj s and rridas. Special trips as required. Will leave Wilson & Fishers wharf at ii oVIoc; j!tarp, eacli morning. , LKWISC.iLVAVEX, I'pper Astoria. Master. REGULAR STEAM PACKET. "Daisy." and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, For OJney, and Head of Youngs Itivcr, On Tucstlio h. ru1 t'rldaj v, at S A. 33. Uet uniiiit; same da , For Iir.dins on Lew is & Clark's lliyer, On Wcdncsdnjs, :1ts A. 31., KetuniiiiK same da. For Fonner's Camp. On rni!:i. sitr. i iZ layinrovcr night at the Camp, will leave for Astoria, on Sat urday, at 8 A. 31. : Kciuming will leave Astoria, at .; 1. 31. i?B-For Freight or Passaic, apply on board. - Qr aLurays wock,mic.c i relent will ue re Tccived and Morcil, uneeevnry. J.H.D.GItAY. A.M. .JOIlN.-0. V. II. STICK ELS. A. EE. JOHHSOHf & CO Dealers In CROCKERY & CLAS WARE. Al Wholesale Dealers in I:ii:iN, Oilt. V:irni?Ixos, OIn.ss. Pa3'. Aviiiiu Oil and V.'iifer Colors. I'stinl and H:i!mi- mine liruslics. Constant on hand a full and choice stock. of Staph-and lvnc Grocenes Only tho Best kepi. Our Mock or Crockery ami IJIas. V:ire K the Lari-vt and xmwt Complete Stock e er oj-ned iu AMoria. CiuiMtiugof Tea ami Dinner Set-. Toilet Sets. Class. Flint, and Ws.ter ts. Bar Fixlurcj.. Ale Mupi. Ponies. KuMie Bottles C(Wei!. Tum blers I.".'nonade Cups, Ac , a e i:erythim sold at howet I.iinK!httes. Qmilitj- f;tjnranfJ. An Inanimation uilliiioroiimu rejwx ou. LOKB & ()()., .iOBKKitS IN WINES, LIQUOiiS, A.I OIG-AKS. ACKXTS l'Olt T1IF. Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and Ail Kinds ofSaioon Supplies. rBAIt goods sold at San FraiirHnii I'rlee. MAIN STHKKT. Oposite rarKer MiMt-e, Atoria, Oregon. MAGNUS 0. CROSBY. Dealer in. EABBWARE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, PLTJ rDIilJS AXD FTExUr FITTER0, Goods and Toois. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON Till AND COPPER, Caanery anfl Msieraens SnpBlies Stovas, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but IlRt class workmen employed. A large assortment ofj SCALE? Constantly ou hand. $&&M pi pjrrwnnrv i55P- TKAXSrOllTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXX. OCEA.V DXVISIOX. Cn and after April 1st, 1883. Ocean Steamers. will sail from San Fran eico and Portland ecrv three dajs, U-aving spoar St. wharf San Francisco, at 10 Mi A. M.. and Alrtwortli Dock, Portland, at Midnight, Tiirousti TielvPts sold to all principa Hties in the United. Slates. Can.ula and Kurojie. Rivor and Rail Division. On and After March 18, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. 1 rains leave Portland for Eastern points, at 7 :0 A. -M. Sundays excepted. line: DlllSIOS (Middle Columbia). Boats Ieae Portland for Dulles at :00 A. at. al-o : IJJauTI'ort-l ""T'T" -- - land for Mn 1 Tu. )We. iTliu. Fri. I Sat AtonJ and! I I lftAr fk.l I I lntabia....lCAM hAM GAM BAM BAM GA31 Darton. Or !7A3l! ITAM.1 7 All Victeria.KC'!rAM!CAM';AM6AM(AM!pAM LoaTe Astoria for Portland at 8 a. in. daily ex cept bnmlay. Astoria to Portland. FAST LINE. Steamer Will o "West will leave Astoria for Portland. I I22. KetHrnhiir. haves Portland for Astoria. ." A. J5I., daily, Wedueidays excepted. Pullman Palace Cars running betweon Port land. Walla Walla and Durton. john Jiorn, Superintendent of Trafllc C. II. IMtFCOTT. JIanager. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Ilwaco, Connecting by Stases for Oysterville and Olympia. r4j"jw Steam Navigation Co'a stearaors ?S ITnfil fnrTiir wnliii, IVia Tlfffns- GEX. 3ILLES, ouGEX. CAMBY Will leave Astoria On Mcnday3t and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. K0K Fort S(eu:i, Tort Canby, and Ilnaco OX Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturd ci : . The steamer will leavo Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. I'ire to Fort Stevens ............Soeto Canby and Iiwaco .. Si oo es-llnaco frelgltt. by the ton, in lots ol one ton or over, $2 oo per ton. JtS"For Ticbots. Towago or Charter applv at the oSco of Iho Company, GrayV wharf, foot of Bentua streot. J. II. D.G BAT, Agent. Oregon & California R.R Co .On an altor May 11, 13.e3. trains will run at "" follows, OAH.V (Kxcept sunilajs). fUSTSIKK DIVIblOV. Ketvtccn I'OItTL.V.D riiiI LE3DALK MML TKAW LKAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30a. u.iGIendale I0.?5 r. v. Clendale 1:00 A. m. Portland J.-25 v. m . ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. i.EAYK. ARRRrE. l'ortiHBd.. 1:00 P. M. Lebanon 9.20 P.M Labnooa 4.41 A. M.!Portland10:05A.M ThoOresoa and California Railroad 1' errj wakes eartio!' rrith 1I 'ovular Trains on i'jtJid i ivui'tou wkutswe nivisuos. Sletwcen I'urfliinil miI Corvnllin vu. THAW LEAVh. ARRIVE. Portland !.0u A. M.ICorralhs -4:,W P. 51 Corvallis : A. M.Fortland 3:3) P. M KS1M:I2S TKA1X LKAVK. ARRIVE. Portlmul - -5:00 r..jMcMinnvilIe.S:oo r.i:. MciMinnviIleJ::y.",i Jl'ortiand .. S:30 . ii. C!ois contractions utado at (ilendalo iritb thoStazo of th 'Iroon and California Stago CotHjny. xwTkket? fvr s!e at all the principal point in California and tbo Hast, at Company'? 0ce. Corner F una Front Sts., Portland, Or. ston-jci? will be ohr',i on trcisht reiuain in atComi.uiy i .irehuicc uvor J4 hours. Freight will nut 1 roreivoil for sbipmen: lifter o o'clock P. M. on eitber thu East ot Uestsidu DiTi-mti. J. URANDT. Uoc'l Sup'i ILKOBIIIiEK.IanaKe . B. P. KOilERS. tfcn'l 1-roightand Paaengor Agent. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, fr'ort Cuiiliy, Uua'. Xorth l.enclt, 03 ntfi-villv. Xorth Oovo. lctirsons roint. Ilo- iuium, .lIoiiteMauo, And all points on Shoalwater Ray, and (I ray Harbor. GEN. 3IILES.1 Strj. or On Columbia Itiver. GEN. CANBY. J - GEN. GARFIELD Shoalwater Uaj " MONTESANO " GrayS Ilarbot Connecting with Stages mer Portage. Iave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at aiontesaKo the day after leariug Astoria through trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. W. E. DEMENT & GO, ASTOJtIA, - - - OREGON Carry In Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, BOZORTH & JOHNS. Real Estate Dealers. A general ageney business transacted navo Columbia City, Alderbrook, Astoria and Seaside property for tale. ta&5s. NEW YORK LIFE. Ase(j. . Surplus.. ...., lHi:iJUie.....M HM..,HH.H.MH.H,.MHM...W....M.M..H..MMlm.MMMMMMM. ..W,.-.- Inid lleatli Jjoases. Annuities, Endowments, etc. in 18WJ5 ,31y.gg . lurrease in IiiHurauce ..... ..............i........ li4WTS. Income JSFor further particulars, apply for Annual report at the office, 64 asd FKOST STKKiyr, roitTiiAxi,oic. DONALD ROSS, General Agent for Oregon and Washington Territory. Wc Hie undersigned, take pleasure in declarrng our unqualified confldenca-ln the flna. eial aijuiltv alul iiitecnty or tins company, anil iiioroucn reuaouuy 01 me agei W.S.1.AI31), li.w.coRBErr. c. 11. lewis. Tv.ayadhams, jo PAUI.hCIiri.T2E. A. U LINDSLEY, JAS. K. KELLEY, KENNETH DONALD MACLEAY, G. A. 5100NEY. ROZORTII & JOHNS, Agents for Astoria, to whom all applications should be made WILLIAM HOWH -DEALKR IX Boors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of OAK LUMBER,, GLASS, Boat IVJaierial, Etc. i Boats of all Kinds Made to Ordr. 11 mum --------- lTlfm,,i.,,im...i.... 1, J37"Ordcrs from a distance promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed In all -gry ?'" -.se j-,-i r'j' S. AllNDT & FEE0HEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop DUAUnOilll X.kX SHO PS Boiler Shop -& All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, -AND- STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bsntox Stkekt, Near Paiikkr Hodsk, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANBaMfflAEIEEMIS BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Oral! Descriptions made to Order at Hhort Xoticc. A. D. Wass, Prasedent. J. O. Hu.sti.eu, Secretary, L ". Casf, Treasurer. .John Fox.Superintendent. 'SUCCKSHOR TO PAOK & ALLEN.) Wholesale and retail dealer In Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together witb Wines, UquorsJobaccoXigars Wilsom & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DKALKRS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AND CUT GALVANIZED SPIKSS, Sails, Copper Nails and Btirrc, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, . FiOUK AITO MlJLTs FEED. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chcnamus and Hamilton Streete ASTORfA, OREGON. 2&3c&rm-4SS 9 . Tra.W?sH.l r I A- Tt iri amTTt HfMUIB. : MACLEAY AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. c-t ::""::? 'Ljccsjjjiay l.im-'Oks BUSINESS OAETiS. .IU . .J. . tt "P C. HOIiDCN, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION ' AND IN SURANCE AGENT. Q.EI.O F. PARKLEK. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, aiad City of Astarta OfBce :-Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. "P J. WIJiTN, Attorney and Counselor at Law ea-Offlce in'Pythlan Building. Booms 1142 ASTORIA, - - - ; OREGON. JAY TBTT1E, M. . PHYSICIA2' AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3 Pythian Build ing. Residence Over J. E. Thonaaa' Drat Store. Tjl P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, --- - - OREGON Rooms In" Allen's building np stain, eorner of Cass and Sqemocqhe stret 8. x q.A.izowrjinr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ChenamusStreet, ASTORIA, OREGON T J.JONES, STAIB BUII.DEB, Ship and Steamboat "Joiner. WM. B. GRENELL, HE.it ESTATE AGEIf CY. CITY AND SUBURBAN TROPSBTY, TIM BER AND FARM LAND. SrOftlce uet to F. L. Parker's Store. Cor. Chcnamus and Benton Sts. CMEJILLIAMSOMCO. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Broken. ORlee corner Cass and Chenamus streets, with John Rogers, A (!enerl Agency business transacted. MISS LINEKER. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER. Suits made in the Latest Style, and on short est notice ; also Fainted Flowers on thaBreues SIidies are invited to call and-sea aaaa ples of this fine worlr. PRICES JIEASOXAB-LE. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AQENCT. Bills of Exchange on any Part ol Europe. T AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWIN A well known and coinmoiLutLsl.?:nansliJp lines. STATE LINK, RED STAR, WHITBSTAR, " HAMBURG-AMERICAN. DOMINION LINE; NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. " Prepaid tickets to or from any Enropeaa port. ' 4 For full information as to rates of farev sailiiiR davs, etc, apply to I. W. CASE. I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WH0LE5AEI AND R TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL HERffiiUBIS! Corner Cbenaraux and CASf.Areeto. ASTORIA ... - OJKKOK & r :U r