m jt,v I XI I r Jgfc ailg st0riatu ,-ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY "... ..JUKE S, 1883 GOMMERCEMD TRADE. ' . PORT OF ASTORIA. ARRIVALS PRO SKA. SUU t C&Ufer&l. u 20 Debser. 8 F Jnns' yXXMLS IITTUBTtirxR. . OUMbnttk, An p Highland Light, Am. ip nrsie&,Xnsh Reaper, Am sp ?DUftt;AaB:p. - western Eelle. Am sp Mer.Asi ss perUl,A& sp c. Br tk VJ.", &U6rV3L; JEu T. CrewcU. AM. J A& rSSLS tt THE WAY. o freak Cerefcu Pert, for the (feluabla River CfcMet.Br fcfc Urrjo&l Much 9 Fiacr CrMt, Br ip Sldaey fc GlwWrie, Sr fek Lirecpool Dec 27 r tUR7 Biler. Br bk Bubdo Ayrei Ieferrea. Br H 1091 Greenock. June 2 Kxdw&a, Br sp London April 7 Xdru. Br ttr SoBgko&s X&ttatfeh-B, r tpGlugow Mirch 2 8eUish Tr. Br bt Urerpool.UArob l s Shealr. Br bk NwcUe Victoria. BrwJleackeor WtetCMkire. Br bk Bretaen March 18 , . r Xxwm Aaerleaa PortM. ' b&-iriMlr. Am bk N Y March 15 OUr SrSouthard. Am eh, Phil. Feb 12 B44tMt. Am p N Y March 12 S. Ld. p New York March U TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables ot United States Coast Survey ULch Water. Low Water. Date. x. v. r. v. A.M. p. y. Vt - Gehuabia. River .Export. - SHIPMENTS FOKKIOX. XECAMTOT.ATIOX JA20JAHY W. 2SH.8TS bus. wheat S 30GPtlO S"bMs8our...... ......... 27,17t$ Total, 8 cargoes.. . S .VK.4SG RBOAPJTUUl.TIOX'FKBRrAKV. Wfceatnei:Q6 bos., value; fcFltrar,2S,4a0bbls., .. IS 179.19? . 144,493 Total. 5 cargoes .. S 323.S)i KSCAriTULATION', MAltCII. "Wheat U97.524 bushels). 216,750 $344,107 13,030 6JPO0 riouri.us.i4i DDK...... balraon (aeofl cases) Laaber (CW M ) aUKTQL4 carjj5).. SSW),"ll HKCAPITULATIOX AIUtlL. Flour. 24.630 bbls HlSlS5ZT4 Lurabrr, 375 M..,. ... 4(5,000 Trt4,3efles .. : ..1SD.5M MAV. S-lCb Xtreijpee! per Sarawic. From rottlandY942;us t!eaf ..f...Sr.9.o!W . . 3,jz5"bbls flour 17.1 lesnidse 21 - -T- TW - TJZZZ. Total .... S77.002 Domestic Hrports. The receipts of certain articles of Or rytm produce, nt.S&n Francisco, irom Jkrimj 1st,' 186S;,to May Otli, inclu sive, have been as follews: Flour, qr sks...- Wheat. cUs Oats, ctls. Salmon, bbls. hf bbls 1G1.0GI- 21.239 33.006 378 161 5215 35 PTCO 89 23.440 34119 16.531 6T0 9 PKES Apples, Klie. bxs... BaUcr. pkrs ... .... Potatoes. sks.... Woal, balcsM .. Hles. No. Tallow. nlcRs Beet, bbtei. Hay tmWi OuickKUrS, Baskir.! Fruit. Dried, pkgs.. Leather, j)krx. -Hepi,u0cs liaBM, pkgs . Cheese, cs. Flaxseed, sks. 633 003 451 4 14 1,370 Corn.cus.. H Caaned Goods, cs... Lard, pkgs 612 9 2 12 3 52! 3 51 9 15 9 2 55 4 28 10 2u 10 07 10 3 46 5 04 1 10 57 11 to 11 4 40 5 45 11 32 11 5C 12 5 41 6 31 - - 0 1C 13;. 6 46. 7 22 ... 0 65 1 OS 14 7 67 6 131 1 56 1 58 15 9 03 8 571 2 58 .- 2 49 16 10 02 ft 43 3 57 3 3G 17 10 55. 10 251 4 46 4 21 Common Council. Ksfndaraaetlncs second and fourth Tuea arvreRiBcs of each month, at Vi o'clock aVFeneas desiring to have matters acted lmby the Council, at any regular meeting Mt preeent tho same to tbo Auditor ana - Oterk e or before tho Friday evening prior -ib& b-T5e4'n which tho Council holds its jyE...ietec.metiag.. TII0S.S. JEWrlT. Auditor and Clerk. &BtortaliOd6:e No. 40. L O. G.I. Kelar Meet hip every Tuesday livening at7e,eIock. at Pythian Hall, Aftoria. Metn Wm f tins Order, in cood Ftandine. are invit. tri1tend. Degree mcetinclst Monday if eaehlaOBth. By order W.C.T. Temple Lodge, Wo. 7A.P.A.M. 1 Kecalar Communications first taiva Tacsdar! in each month, at "sJ?X 'etoek. r- v., at the Hall in Astoria. X sabers ertae Order, in pood sU lav! to attead. Rr erde: of the aro W. M. American Logion of Honor, ttecular nieeUngot AstoriaCouncil No. 'JX, kltelC en Utet first and third Saturday of each Month, at 7 o'clock i. ai. By order of Council Commander. 1L V Moxteith. Sec'tv. if f' .XKtecrf Ajjlleatlea to Purchase ' Timber LandN. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T,. April 9th, 18S3. Notice Is hereby given (hat in compliance TrKhtfceprovfckms of the Act of Congress awrorcd Juue 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tbesaleof limber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and In Wash clafftM j erriton-," John Anderson, of Pacific "enty. Wash.'Ter. has Uils day filed In tills IQco Ms r.pplicaUon to purchase the North East Kn Action 20, Township 10 North or nanjtrX West, of the Willamette Meridian. TrsUaony in the above CLse will be taken before the Clerk ef the District Court, al OystervUle, Wash Ter.. on Monday, the ' lMay if June, 18S3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to die above described lands, or any portion tbereaT, Are hereby required to file their 'ctataHta this ofince within sixty (CO. dav.s fro-milate hrreop. FRED. W. SPARLING, 1 U M Register. Nstice. ' Mi4s will bo received until Monday oei, Jatie 38Ui, at the office of the City A4iter ami Clerk for fencing all or a Mrtkm of the city cemetery on Clatsop ftelits. Bids must state kind of fence fe4 on, and cost per foot Ab4 ust include cost of making a fec rod eight feet wide on each side tf tiie fence. i. ; larUer particulars inquire of the JJt? ewMilUec Tke cowmlttce reserves tlte right to re ject any or all bids. - CLTRENCHAItD, tn "X S A.-F. JOHNS, . iPSlil L.W.OASE, & wJL Ceoimktee on-Public Property. -HANSEN 3K0S. MA YE HE MO TED I ' ""Frttir-lketr W quarters io their UiCTpYKlAK KINNEY'S CAN Failing! That is what a great many people are doing. They don't know just what " is tne matter, but they have a comDinanon 01 pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Brown's Iron Bitters, and this by raplcl and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and nriches it, and "rich, strong B18bcl flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out diseasCjand gives health and strength. This is why Brown's Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, Consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. Mr. Simon Hlanchard, a well known citizen of Hayesville. Meade coamy.Kciituclr .says: "My wife lad been sick for a long time, and her constitution was all broken down and she was unable to work. She was ad v ised to nc Drou n's I ron Ititteis, and found it to work like a chain. Wc would not non I'euitl. out it for any censider: t - consider it tiie Lett torn, i i . world' Brown's Iron Bitters is not n drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious i fects. Get the gtr.: :: Don't be imposed o' imitations. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE, AT VANCOUVKK, W.T., May 15th, 1SS3. Notice is hereby given that ia compliance Willi the provisions of the act of Congress, approved .June 3, lf78, entitled "An act for tliesale of timber lands in the States of Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and In -Washington Territory," John E. Furry, of Multnomah county, Oregon, has this dav filed in this of fice his application to purchase the south west of Section 22. Township 9, noith, or lbuige 5 west of the Will.imctte Meridian. Testimony In the- nbne case will be taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver. Wash. Ter. on Mondav, the 30th day of July. 1883. Any :md all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any IKirtion thereof, are herebv required to file their -claims in this office within .sixty (GO) days frtin date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. '.T.. May 15. 1R83. - Notice is hcieby given that in compliance with the prolions of the Act of Congress approved Junes, 1878, entltie"Anact for the s:ile of timber lands in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." Hazel I-ath:im. of Multnomah County, Oregon, lias this day filed in this ofilce his application to purchase the south east i of .section is. township 9 north, of rouge i wesi oi me niamene lcnauin. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ten, on Satiirdav, the 28th dav of July. 1883. Any and all persons having a Uerse claims to the :tboe described lands, or anv portion thereof, are herebv reoulred to file their claims in tills office within sixty (oo)days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LS.ND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. W T., I My 1.1, 1883. Notice is hereby ghen that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the stile of timber lands In the states of Cali fornia, uregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." Robert Craj ton, of Multnomah County. Oregon, has this day filed in tills office his application to purchase tiie south west 4 of section 10. township 9 north, of range .1 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken bi-fore the Register and Receiver at Vancou a er, wash. Ten, on Saturday, the 28th day of July, 1863. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in tliLs office within sixty ICO) days iriuii uaie iiereui. FRED. V. SPARLING. Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T Jklay 154883. Notice is hereby given that in compliance withiherovislons of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878. entitled "an act for the sale of Umber lands in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and In Washington Territory." Gustav Kopplin. of Multnomah Comity, Oregon, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the north east of section is. township 9 north, of range a west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in Uie above case will lie takeh before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ter., on Monday, the soth day of July, 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are herebv required to file their claims in this office within sixty (CO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T.. -Mav 13. 18S2. Notice is herebv given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress annroved June 3. 1878. entitled '-An act for rhe sale of timber lands in the slates of Cali fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and In Washington Territory." Mnthias C. A ten. of Multnomah County, Oregon, has tills day filed in this office his application to purchase the cast J-J of northwest li. and lots l and 2 of section 18, township 9 north, oi range s west oi tne w u lauiette Meridian. TesUmony in tne above case will bo taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ter., on Monday, the 30th day of JlllV. 1883. Any and all psrsons having adverse claims to the above described lands or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in tills office within .sixty (Co) days from date hereof. FRED. V. SPARLING. Register. ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot' Lunch -every' lay from 10 to 12 A. M The beat of .Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HILLER. For Jame Back, Side or Chestiaiise Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price at ceats. For sale by W. E. Dement. The Baltimore"&tm has this in in in formateon: When General Butler was last here ho expressed the hope that Harvard College would decline to confer tha degreo of LL. D. upon him. He said it would be worth from 10,000 to 15,000 votes. From what he'Baid his friends. here have no doubt that he intends to run again forgovernor of Massachusetts. He said ho had no doubt whatever of re-election. If re-elected, he has cletdrmiued to contest for the Ddniocratic nomi nation for the--presidency, and it is entirely understood among his friends that he-is to have the sup port of John Kelly as against every one else. General Butler has no fears, or says he has none, that he will not receive the solid Democratic vote of the " south in the event of his nomination, and calculates that his strength with the laboring men will give him the vote of several northern states which with any other candidate could not possibly enter into Democratic calculations. The results of stripping a coun try of its trees have been exempli fied in the French Alps, where the forests were ruthlessly destroyed. Good arable land in the valley is being inundated with sand and gravel, as the torrents sweep'down the slopes unhindered, carrying great quantities of detritus and cutting great gullies and ravines into the softer soil formations The farmers are forced to dam tip the smaller streams in numerous places in order to compel the wa ters to drop their sediment in their channels instead of upon the valu able soil. Tfiefdfly of destroying the forests is aSTast fully appreci ated, and noTf?1 the farmers are planting the oare mountain sides with new treejsft A CnriSfem Speaks. When anything worth saying is spoken in tha&iterse and pointed way that bearijroe impress of hon est convictioRpwe like to have people knowXtne nature of the communicatiotl Of such a nature is the following from Mr. W. F. Haist, Gamp&gn P. O., Lincoln Co., Ontario.' -, Mr. Haist says: With great jovjOver my restored health, I wounnwrite a few lines concerning tnSwonderful reme dy, St Jacobs?Oil. For the last sir years I havB been using vari ous medicinihternally and ex ternally, but iroftiing would hlp me. FinallyJl$rocured a bottle of St. Jacobsxftu which curffd me after a fewfcroplications. My mother-in-lafjvftio has also been a great suffefeiSfrom rheumatism, was also instjflKly relieved by the use of the GffearGerman Remedy. St. Jacobs OiV'IS'a great blessing to suffering JiVrnftmity, and I shall Ldo all in my flower to spread its merits. NOTICE' OF .CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is heriilven that by virtue of a warranfrlseued by the auditor and clerk of tlujiucHy-of Astoria in Clatsop county, state otOregou, on the iGth day of Mayv3d,rid commanding me to levy inJw;an4r3eJl as by law provided, lot nuB&cr&A 3 in block numbered 117 in thatwortkra of the city of Astoria as laid outKkvVrccorded by JohnM..Shive- ly, to 9Mhry,tan assessment of eighty six 50-lpp., dollars as declared and as sess4'daonaidlot3 by ordinance No. .108 of hI city for the Improvement (if inaL .porviTO or .euar street in sam euy betVttinj3t .cast side of Salmon street anq:iaq;ifev.enu oi ueaar street as pr viw WtKrected by ordinance No..j04 ofistfcfj&vl. have levied upon ta'ul lot 3aTwfpirproceed to sell the same at THiblfc WiDon to the hichest bidder for cmitlBfiflid at the court house door of sftiu-uiaxsop county wnicn court house Vs in said city, on the 23d day of June, i&i.!, at the hour often o'cleck: a.m. of said day to satisfy said sum of SS&50 and costs oLsale. The name or the owner of said lot as designated bV said ordinance No. SOTIs G. W. Hume. C. W. LOUGHEUY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is liereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on tiie lGth day of May. 1883. and to me directed com- Lmandlng me to levy-upon and sell as by law provided, lot .numbered 3 in block numbered 113 in that portion of said city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John pf. Shively, to satisfy ai assess ment of Thirty-four 75-100 dollars as de clared and assessed upon said lot 3 bv ordinance .C08 of said city for the im- Erovement and repair of that portion of edar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and di rected by ordinance 504 of said city, 1 have levied upon, said lot 3 and snail proceed to selrthe same at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said county of Clatsop, which court house is, in said city, on the 23d day of June 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to satisfy said sum of 89.50 and costs of sale. The owner of said lot as designated by said ordi nance No, 508 is School District No. 8. U. W. LOUGHKKY. Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. Notice or Application to Purchase Timber IanriB. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOU VER, W. T. May 15th, 1883. Notice Is Jiereby.ciyen that hi compliance with the provisions el the Act ot Congress approved June 3, 1878", entitled "An act for tne sale of timber lands In the states ot Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory, "Henry Jlenser, of Multnomah County, Oregon, nas this day filed in this o&lcehls application' to purchase the east Yx of northwest X and west X of northeast Hot section 22, township s north, of-range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony In the, above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ten, on Monday, the 30th day of July, 188X Any and all persoas havteg' adverse claims to the above described laads, or any portion -thereof, are hereby '"required to tile their claims in this office within sixty (SO) davs from date hereof, . FRHD. W. SPARLING, Reffetsr. bbbLlhBHIbw BBBPSTCSfrafmjSr Vitalize! and Enriches the Blood, ...met up tho System, Slnkca the MVuk Strong, Builds up tho Urokcn- dovm. Invigorates tho Brain, and -CURES Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Gsn "'eTal-Dsbility, Kenralgia, Fever and Aga: Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, I)ropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Eemittent Fever, and ILL DISEASES ORiGINATiKG CI A BAD STAT! OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY 03 A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN SuppLfcs the btocd with its Vital Principle, o Llfo Jllcincnt, ntOX, :afi2 strength Vigor and Xpw I.lft L.ta x It rirt cf i' e i tn 8E1NG FRE FROM ALCOHOI .ic ct- -ng cSccts -ue te: followed by cfTcs;l:.. icic i"a, bat arc permanent. SETH V.'. ITAVLE : SONS, Vrjtimtors, I iimioa tlvcaue. B!cc Scli bv I -jcbts Notice or Application to Purchaso Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T., May 10. 1883. Notice is hereby given that in compliance With the provisions of this Act oi Congress approved June 31878, entitled "An act lor the -sale of timber lands In the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory," Henry Obner, of Multnomah County, Oregon, has this dayfilfd in this oEce his application to purchase the east '4 of southwest H and lots 3 and 4 of section is. township 9 notrh, of range 5 w est of the Wil lamette .ueriuian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the register and Receiver at Vancou ver. Wash. Ter.. on Saturday, the 23th dav id July, 1S83. Any ana ait persons navmg au verse claims to the above described lands, or any jwrtion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims In this office within sixt (CO) daws from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., May 15. 1883. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of Cali fornia. Orccon. Nevada, and in Washington Territory." Richard Spencer, of Multnomah county, uregon, nas tins uay uieu m tuts office Ills application to purchase the north east U of section 10. township 9 north, of range o west of the Willamette .Meridian. Testimony In the above case will be taken before the Register and Eccclverat Vancou ver. Wash. Ter.. on Saturday the 2Sth da of.luly.ltB3. Any auu au persons navmg adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv imrtlmi "thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in mis omce witiiiu sixty oJ uays rrom aate nereoi. FRED. W. SPARLING, Rcglste NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby civen that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on tho lrttii day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com- manning me, ui icvy upon aim sen as uy law provided. lot numbered 5 in block number 121, in that i)ortion of said city numbered 139, m that portion of said of Astoria, which was laid out and re- city of Astoria, which was laid out and corded by John M. Shivelv. to satisfy recorded by J. M. Shively, to satisfy an an assessment of fortv-seven (847.00) assessment of twenty-three 30-100 dol doilars as declared and assessed upon lars as declared and assessed upon said said lot fi by ordinance No. SOS of said I lot 2, by ordinance number 308, of said city, for the Improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 304 of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot u and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said cit', on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day to satisfy said sum of forty-teven dollars and costs of sale. The name of the ownerof said lot 3 as designated by said ordinance No. 308 is James Taylor. C. YV. LOUGHEllY, Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICK OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oreeon. on the 16th day of May, 1883. and to me directed com j manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provioea lot numbered 2 in oiock numbered 117 in that portion of said city of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satlsfy an assessment of eighty-six .10-100 dol lars as declared and assessed upon said lot 2 by ordinance No 308 of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city. "between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city 1 have levied upon said lot 2 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said Clatsop county which court house is In said city, on the 23d day of June. I8fc3, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day to satisfy said sum of 86.- 50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 508 is G. W. Hume. C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said city ot Astoria. Notice BIDS will be received until Monday noon. June 26th, at the office of the Citv Auditor and Clerk, for clearing off a portion of the city cemetery, on Clatsop Plains. Bids must state cost per acre. ALso, by clearing Is meant that the ground shall be cleared of all brush, stumps, and logs." Jo contracts will be let to white per son unless they use white laMr. Contracts will be received from Chi nese only for China labor. For further particulars inquire of the committee. Tiie committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C. J. TRENCH Altl), .1. J', iiuuno, I. V. CASE, Committee on Public Property. CLATSOP MULL COMPANY hHeccster or GEO. W. HUME SAW-.MTLL. MANUFACTURERS DEALERS IN LUMBER, SALMON BOXES, TRAYS, ETC. Office aiid Mill corner ofwest 9tu axd water 8TS NOTICE OF CHIEF DF POLICE, Xoticc is hereby Riven, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the HJth day of May. 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and teJI as by law provided, lot numbered ;:, in block numbered 121, in tiiat portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John IF. bhively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty seven dollars, as declared and assessed upon said lot .", bv ordinance number 50S, of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Odar street between the east side of .Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provided and directed by ordinance Lnumber Mi. of said cit y, 1 have levied upon sain 101 if, ana sunn proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in-hand at the court house door of said Clatsop coun ty, which court house is in said county on the 23d dav of .Tune, 18S0, at the hour of ten o'clock A. I. of said day to satisfy said sum of 27 and costs of sale. The nameot the owner of said lot as desicnated by said ordinance number 308,'is 3lnrgaret McCann. C. W.LOrGHERY. Chief of Police of ald CiU of Astoria. NOTICE OF CniEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby ghen. that bv virtue of a warrant issued b the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the ltHh day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell, as by law provided, lot numbvied 4. in block numbered 121. in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and-recorded by John M. Shivelv, to satisfy an assessment of thirty 'loilars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4, by ordinance number ."(VS. of said city for the improvement of that portion of Cedar street in said citj, between the east side of Salmon street and the wot end of Cedar street, as provided anil directed by ordinance number .104, of said city, I have levied upon said lot 4, and shall proceed to c!I the .same at public auction to the highest bidder for casli in hand, at the court house door, of said Clatsop count, which court house is in said city, on the 2-ld dav of June. 188:!. at the hour of ten o'clock A M. of saiu day to satisfy said sum of 30 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 30S is Margaret Me Cann. C. W. LOCGliEUY. Chief of Police of said Ot of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by irlue of a watrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in ClaNop county, state of Oregon, on the Kith day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered ::, in block numbered 13l, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shivery, to satisfy an assessment of twentj-three 30-luo dollars, as declared and assessed upon said lot 3, by ordinance numbered .ioh. of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the eat side of Salm on streeet and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordi nance number 304 of aid city, I have levied upon said lot 3. anil shall proceed to. sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door"of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said citv, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'efock A. M. of said day. to satisfy said sum of$23J"0 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lotas desig nated by said ordinance number 30s, is J.M.Shhely. C. W. LOUGIIEUY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. .NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby siven that by irtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on tho lf.th day ot May, 18S3, and tome directed, coin- iuuimiiiSiii,iuii ij i ain, 'j law provided, lot nnmbercd 2, m block city, for the Improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as pro vided and directed by ordinance num ber 304. of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot 2, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. to satisfy said sum of 23130 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as desig nated bv said ordinance number .108 is J.M.Sliivoly. C.W. LOrOHEIiY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 16th day 01 Jiay, ioN, ami 10 1111 uirecieu, com manding me to levy upon ami sell as by law provided, lot numbered 4, in block numbered 112. in that portion of the said citv of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-six dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance number 508 of said city for the improvement and repair of that por tion of. Cedarstreet in said city, between the east side of salmon street ami ire west end of Cedar street, as provi.led and directed by ordinance number .", of said city, I have levied upon s".id lot 4, and shall proceed tosell the same at public auction to tiie highest bidder for casli in hand, at the court hoitx door of ClaLsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour often o'clock A. M. of said day to satisfy said sum of 26 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 508, is James Mc Cann. C.W. LOUGIIEUY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF TOLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of tho city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the lOtli day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon ami sen, as by law provided, lot numbered l, in block tiumber 141. in that portion of said city of Astoria, as laid out and re corded bv J. M. Shivelv, to satisfy an assessment of twcnty-tlnee 30-100 as de clared and assessed upon saiu lot 1, oy ordinance number 308, of said city, for the. improvement and repair of that portion ot uetiar streec oeivveen tne east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provided ami di rected by ordinance number 304 of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot num ber l. and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour often o'clock in the forenoon of said day to satisfy said sum ofS23.50 and costS'Of sale. The nam? of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 308, is E. 13. Gager. C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the lCth day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell, as by law provided, lot numbered 2, in block 112, in that portion of the city of Astor ia, which was laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three CO-100 dollars, as declar- ed and assessed ulion said lot 2, by or dinance number Z0S. of -aid city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street, in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the wct end of Cedar street, as provided and di rected by ordinance number .101. of said cit,Ihavc levied tipoiisaid lot num bered 2, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for casli In hand, at the court hou.se door, of snid Clatsop county. which court house ise is in said city, on the ,1853, at the hour often irenoon of said dav, to 23d dav of June, o'clock in the forenoon satisfy the said sum of S2"w0 and co.-ts of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number .108, is John McCann. C.W.LOL'OIIERV. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLK'E Notice is hereby given that hyirtue of a warrant issued bv the Auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clakop county, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May. 18SJ, and to mo directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 2 in block numbered 141. in that nor- tion of said citv of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John hn M. Shively. to satisfy an assessment of tweiity-tlhree 30-100 dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 2 by or dinance No. 30s of said city for the im provement ami repair of that portion of Cedar street in .-aid city between the eat Mile (if Salmon street and and west end of Cedar street as provided and di rected by ordinance No. 304 of said city. I have levied upon said lot 2 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auc tion to the highest bidder, lor cash in hand, at the court house door of Chit sop count, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, iss:;. at the hour of ten o'clock .v. m. of said day, to satisfy said sum of S23-10 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 308 is E. IJ. Gagcr. C. Vf. LOCGIIERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astori :. NOTICE OF CniEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereb1 given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in ClaLsop county, state of Oregon, on the 10th day of May, 188.'!, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided. lot numbered 3. in block numbered 111, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded b J. M. Shively, to satisfy au assessment of twenty-three 30-1CO dol lar. as declared and assessed upon said lot :;. byo'dinance No. 308 of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street between the east side of Salmon street and the west end or Cellar street, as provided ami directed by ordinance number 301 of said city. 1 have Ieied upon said lot number 3, and shall proceed to sell the same at puli lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door, of Clatsop county, which court house is in stid city, on the 2!d day of June, 1883, at the hour or ten o'clock A.M. or said day, to satisfy .said sum of 23.30 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 308, is'E. U. Gager. C. W. LOUGIIEUY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria, NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city ot Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 10th day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 1, in block numbered i:, in that portion of the said city of Astoria which was laid Out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-tlirce30-100 dol lars us declared and assessed upon said lot 1 by ordinance No. 308, of saiil city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said citv be tween the east side of Salmon stree.t and tlte west end of Cedar street, as orovid etl and directed by ordinance number 304 of said city. I have levied udou said lot numbered 1, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court Iiouso is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in tiie forenoon of said day. to satisfy said sum oi $23-10 and costs of sale, the name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance num ber .108. is J. M. Shively. C. W. LOCGIIERY. Chief of Police ot said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF-CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by irtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, rti Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the loth day of May. 1883, and to mc directed com manding me to levy upon and sell, as by 1 law provided, lot numbered 4 in block . 130, m that portion of the said city of Astoria winch was laid out and record ed by John 31. Shively. to satisfy an as sessment of twenty-three 30-100 dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance number 308, of said city, for the improvement and repair of that yortion of Cedar street in said city be tween the cast side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedarstreet, as provid ed and directed by oidinauce number 301 of said city, I have levied upon said lot numbered 4 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the Irish- Lest bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door 01 said t latsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1SS3, at tho hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to satisfy the sum of S23.30 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 308, is J. M. Shively. C.W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astotia in Clatsop county state of Oregon, on the Kith day of May, 1883, anil to me directed, com manding me to leraupon and sell as by law provided, losiumbered 4 in block numbered 113 in that portion of said city of Astoria which was laid out" and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of S31.73 as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance No. 30S of said city for tho improve ment and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinauce No. 304 of said city, 1 have lev ied upon said lot 1 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to tiie highest bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door, of said county of Clat sop which court house Ls in said citv, on the 23d day of JuiielSS3ntthe.hoiir or ten o'clock A. ii. of said day to satisfy sald sum of S34.73 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 308 is School District No. 8. C.W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Ponce of said City ot Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF TOLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the lGth day of May, 18S3, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered G in block numbered 140, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment or. 523.30 as declared and assessed upon said lot G by ordinance No. 30S of said cityfor the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west cud or Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinance No. 304 of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot 6 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for casli in hand, at the court house door of said county of Clat sop, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour often o'clock in the forenoon of said day to satisfy said sum of S2350 and coats of ale. The name of the ownerof said lot as designated by said ordinance No. r0S is S. P. Marsh. C. W. LOUGHEFiY. Chief of Police of said C ity of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a v. arrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, county of Clatsop, tstate of Oregon, on the lCth day rr Afriv. is3. and to me directed, com- mantling me to levy upon and sell as bv law provided, lot numbered J in block 112. in that portion of said city of As toria, wlucli was lam one aim recuuwu by John M.Shhely, to satisfy an assess ment of S2.130 as declared and assessed upon s-aid lot 3 by ordinance No. 303 of said city for tho improvement and re pair of that portion of Cedaj. street in said citv between the east side of Sal- tnion street and the west end of Cedar f street as provided and directed oyor- dinanre No. .104. of aid eiry. l nave lev ied upon said lot 3 and shall proceed to .sell the same'at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d dav of June. 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock a. ju of said day to satisfy said sum of $23.30 and costs of sale, lhe name of the owner of said lot as desig nated by said ordinance No. 303 is James McCann. C.W. LOCGIIERY, Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. HiLL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL. -WALTER PARKS. - - PROPRIETOR - STAGE MANAGER Engagement of MISS SUSIE LEE, Song and Danco Artist. MISS MARY MOULTON. Character Actress and Recitatloness. MISS FANNIE WALTON, ' Songstress. P.ABY WEST, The Child Wonder. MR. HENRY WEST, ' r Ethiopian Comedinn.-- . WALTER rARKV Comedian. ('HAS. P.AEROWS. Actor. Together with a new Under the management of PROF. CHARLES E1CKARDS. All the Old Favorites Retained. Open all th Year Performance Every Night-Entire Change of Programme Every Night, Comprising SO?'CS. DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. Tiie theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be eitunl to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Am body i wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see spurKiing wit, ami neauiy wiinout vtu-garltj-, should Improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following well known Artists : Miss Fa s:;i k Walton. Miss makv Mour.Toj. Mr. Walter. Parks. M it. Chap. Harrows. Mr. Hj-n'ry Wkst. AU of which will appear nightly in their dif, ferent specialties. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at 8 ; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Cliena mus struct. Notv Stars in Ran id Succession ! fci..-j:j-r-r.wyHcrra-r-. tt H Am, BALSAM. JPSK T' :s eicjint dressing- Cm&" -".sT&jSb,, "-1 1'iticircd by those ?? ' i. j, -J.-. 'whahavciiNcdit.toany jg ff';t5in"Iar attic's, on ac- tifc$Jc.SZS7couiit of its superior jOttt It cont.uns materials 'jEAjSyM t TfrM n only that are bcndidbl s-"v fc C to the scalo and hair ZiL'?' and always Restores the Youthful Color to Srey cr Faded Hair Piri:ers HairPalsaia I finely perfumed and is w-.rrantedtopreent Cu'ir oftlichair and to re move dandrulTat. J itdu ij. Hiscox fi: Co . N.Y. S"i . nl 1 iiies, at V.Irj in dni and mtUidnrr. 2Z-5Z!ZZ3E3E A Suparlaliva Health and Strength Restorer. If -j a rue a mechanic or firmer, vrora out with cv-rv ort. or a mother run t' jwii Ly family or house. h-"l duties try 1'AKi.ra'sf ".ctu Tonic. I f you are a lawycr, nlruter or business roan ex liattsted by mental strain or anxsou-i cares, do not taJce intoxicatmgsuniiilanw.lMituseParkcr'sGinserToru? Ifvou have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheuma Issi, Kidney Complaints, oranydtsorderof thelungs, stomach, bow eb, blood or nr cs lvr ker's Ginckx Toctc will cure j ou. 1 1 is the Greatest Blood Purifier And tbe Gest and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any y ue or weakness and retruire a stimulant take C -t '1 . 'C tt rce ; it will tn is:cnite andljuikl ivi .,if..mi!iefi-t dose br.t will r.ev.r intoxicated it -. itcd hij-.dicik of ltes; it may sac yosis. C l riO Rrfii-eaHfBlrtitBlM.rarVtr'jOIn-rrToaHj cm -n. i l th tatrrawillalag-iM "" V eworW anjatntfatly ,i . t, pr.uri.ofr i"- rail". S'uJforcIreubrta IImvs & ., J. . V. i K. & $ 1 1 J, ai dtsler la dragl. c .: Wla E INC DOLLAP. SIZE. !.- H . -d LuU. fr -ance has made this tlc't.,Vi.ilpcHumce.i.eedi.5ty popular. 3'hero IsuothiBlikeit. Ini-upcnhuvms'L0RI:s TON V-OLOCNK ana iook wr s. jaa:urc ci (J&cScevc :yCa . OB TV IrOttV. r ia fenaoery on wnvlv 1- fcU WSgsgj.WLW &&S$S r- ia v -j.t , -issKasKSS Notice. Bids will be received until Mondav non, June 2;th, at the office of the City Auditor and Clerk for building or con structing a wagon road from Skipanon landing to the city cemetery-on Clatsop Plains. Bids must state proposed man ner of construction. No contracts will be let to white per sons unless they use white labor. Contracts will be received .from Chi nese only for Chinese labor. For further particulars inquire of the committee. The committee reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. C. J THENCilAlU). A. F. JOHNS, I. W. CASE, Commute on Public Proper"'. aroonr s Ko. 40 I2-PIy SALMON TWINE ! CORK AND JiBID LINES, SEINE TWINES- A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 51 L-31nrket Street, Son FranciHce. Sdle'Agents for the Pacific Coast. mv-wxr-: is w.vrm j FAMSER'S r. SIZE. MAEKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on nand. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POITLTBY AXD GAME In the season. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ISest of W1TYES AJTD IJQUORS. AH cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. Washington Iffarket, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN C BERRY TSPSCTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN. XLtion cf the public to the fact that tha above Market will always bo supplied wita a FULL VARIETY; BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given-to snppb) us shix3. LOOK HERE ! We respectfully Inform the public that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Fresh and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery and Glass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Honses sup plied on liberal terms. A- share of the public patronage is respect fully solicited, dtf, WARREN & THOMPSON. STAR MARKET. WHERRY &. COMPANY, Fresli and Cured Meats, Vegetatoles, FRU TS BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT nOTEL, UIIEXAJSUS Street, Astoria, Or SAET' M-aJSOTB HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OKEGON THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CAEE OH the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol anv desiring them. Patients admitted at all hotus;day or night. No physician has exclusive right, every patient Is free to and has tha privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States.Mariae Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to .Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. Sisters op Chakitv A Common-sense Remedy. Salicylic A. No more Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Five years established and never Tcnoum io fall in a single case, acute or chronic. Refer to all prominent physicians and druggists for the standing of Salicylica. SECRET ! THE ONLY DISSOLVER OF THE POISONOUS URIC ACID "WHICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF RHEU MATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALICYLICA is known as a common sense remedy, because It strikes directly at the cause of Eheumatism, Gout and Neural gia, while so many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded h v eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointment?, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which are the result of the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA works with marvelous effect on this acid and so removes the disor der. It is now exclusively osed by all cele brated physicians of America and' Europe. Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 93 per cent cures iu three days. S5.3ESjg:TF5TVr:BJaJJb. that SALICYLICA. is a certain cure for Rheumatism.Coutand Neuralgia. 'lhe most intense pains are subdued almost instantly. Give ir- a trial. Eelief guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. Si a Box. 6 Boxes for So. Sent free by mail on receipt oi money. ASK YOLTt DRUGGIST FOR IT. But do not he deluded Into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just as good J" Insist on. the genuine with the name of Washburne&Co on each box which Is guaranteed chemically pure under our signature, an indispensable requisite to insure success In the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. 6T Broadway, cor. Reade St., NEW YORK For Sale by W.E. DEMENT & Co., and J. E. THOMAS. flW5 BEFORE- Electric Aj-cKkcm its H:i 33 8&7S Trill, TQhtffinNLY,Y0UNGORQLQ, WHO are snfferlng from NEKVOOS'DKBri ity. Lost Yrrjmrr. Lxce oy Nsstb Force ad Viaoit, Wastixo Weaxxesbss, ana all those diseases ot a Pzrsoxai. NjLTwarre Miltlng from abuses and Other Causes. Speedy relief and complete restoration oC HEArnr.Yiooiiand 3axhood Guaranteed. Tho grandest dlscoTery ot the Nineteenth Century. Send at once for Illustrated Pam phlet free. Address VOLTAIC EELT CO.. MARSHALL, MICH. -AND- AFTER 1 That Hacking Cough can, be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement. ft