The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 08, 1883, Image 3

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Ighc -BnilQ 'Astauten,
On and after this date 1). II. Caswell
will have charge of the Daily Asto
kian Route. All subscriptions ai e pay
able to him. and he is authorized to re
ceipt for utoucv paid.
.1. V. II AI.T.OK.VX lc Co.
The Oregon sails for San Fran
cisco to-day.
Sixty feet of snow discourage
AUska miners.
-The A. Ii. Field
Tillamook to-morrow.
will leave for
OJympia loggers marketed nearly
3,000,000 feet of lumber in April, and
5,GS4,422 feet in May.
The Salem woolen mill project is
well under way, and the buildings
will probably be erected this season.
The city board of equalization
will meet at the office of the auditor
and clerk at one o'clock this after
noun. The Alien liesic has arrived at
Victoria from Hongkong. The Co
if ma has been looked for here since
the 1st.
The Walla Walla was discharging
Nanaimo coal at the O. R. & N.
bunkers yesterday noon. She sails for
Seattle to-day.
The new two cent postage stamp
which takes the place of the green
three cent stamp after October 1st,
will be of a coppery hue.
A Xcw York dispatch reports the
speaking of the German bark 3felu
.mmc, from Astoria for Queenstown,
with all oflicafs and crew sick.
Regular monthly meeting of the
Young Men's Christian Association
this evening at S o'clock. A full at
tendence is particularly requested.
Yakima county V. T., has
dropped on the true state of affairs
and proposes to tax 500,000 acres of
railroad laud this year at 1.25 per
Portland proposes to have a big
time on the 3rd, 4th aud 5th of July.
The troops from Vancouver will bo
there and form a portion of the glit
tering pageant.
Tis saio that when a Roman
Senator ate raw onions he shut him
self up in his house for three days
after. Those Roman Senators were
sensible fellows.
J. Y. Welch desires notice given
that water will Le shut off about 8:30
1. 3L The supply is not very plenty
and this dry weather necessitates the
exercise of a little cconomv.
The net proceeds derived by the
Astoria Musical Society from the con
cert given by them on Tuesday even
ing, were one hundred and forty-two
dollars, which amount goes ito the
treasury to assist in defraying the fu
ture expenses of the society.
The scarlet fever epidemic ai
Skaxuokwa, is under bounds, and
though three more deaths have oc
curred in the families where it origi
nated, it is uow hoped that the
scourge has done its worst and that no
further fatality need be feared.
The State of California arrived in
yesterday afternoon. The passengers
report a stormy voyage. This is the
one hundredth trip that Capt. Deb
ney has made on his splendid ship
from San Francisco to Astoria. Dur
ing the last four years he has carried
thousands of passengers without
trouble or mishap. The Slate left up
at 3.30 l. M.
The next session of the grand
lodge K. of i will be held at Albany.
Following is the list of grand officers
for the ensuing year: G. C, R.
Newcomb, of Portland; G. P. C, J.
O. Bozorth, of Astoria; G. V. C,
Gorge TV. Hochstedler, of Albany;
G. K. R., WardS. Stevens, G. M. E.,
John Holmes, of Portland; Grand
Prelate, J Xeite; G. M. A., J.
Bachelder; G.LG..F.R Xeale; G.
R. G., W. Geddiss, of Columbia; V.
Up river passengers per It. R.
Thompson, June 7: W P Bruce, Win
XcMastcr, B F Reed, C Thompson,
TV Walters, Rev F Dielman, F Peter
son, A G Hutchins, E Compin, T
Hatching, Jno Hutchins, C Williams,
Messrs. Altschul, Holstater, Morton,
Twembly. On the 1rest went Mrs
DBxger, Mrs Loeb, T Fitzpatrick, E
STOunn, A E Thayer, D Kipper, M J
Ltxreay, J Daffy, E Kennedy, C W
Wfiitncy, A Van Dusen, F C Xorris.
Carl Adler and wife, Jas Hampton,
Mecers Gill and Ferguson.
AtTkwr old Tricks.
The Oregonian says: "A dispatch
from San Francisco says a cannery
tkereis labeling its pack 'Columbia
Krer Salmon 'Cascade Packing
Co.' " Snch rascality should be wide
ly exposed, and the name of the firm
given. It is now two years Eince any
effort has been made to foist an infe
rior article ou the trade by pirating
a same which is a guarantee of merit,
ami. Uks Columbia canners owe it to
tVNDselvea to expose the rascals.
Mrs. W nchcy has opened a studio in
U Odd Fellows' building and is pre
pared to cxexMte portraits in oil. She
will organize x class in Oil painting
&ex Xoeday.
A Rotten Corporation.
This is a city of corporations. They
spring up like mushrooms and fado
away like the shadow at nightfall. It
has been a mystery how people
without visible means could suddenly
become bloated shareholders in a
largo stock company, and what is
more of a mystery is the work that is
accomplished. The case of Col. W.
C. Gaston against the Northern
Pacific Land and Immigration com
pany, now pending in Justice Green's
court, serves to throw some light ou
cHe business. The Colonel sues the
company for SL25 attorney fees.
About three months ago the company
was organized by ten men, with an al
leged capital stock of S500,000. Each
of the incorporators paid in $10. The
object of the company was to deal in
real estate, build and equip railroads,
steamboats, mills, farms, woodyards,
and induce immigrants to Sow hither.
The Qrst principal move was to pur
chase 1G0 acre3 of the railroad in
Washington county, at the nominal
price of $3 per acre, paying about $15
down and taking a bond for a deed.
This land was divided into ten shares,
among the share holders, and
was by them turned into the
company at $50,000 each in payment
for the shares. This, of course, made
the capital stock "paid up." The
next business was to buy and sell 128
feet of wood for a cord. Col. Gaston
was elected attorney fcr the company,
and things not running smoothly, he
desired his pay, which, for some rea
son, was not forthcoming, hence the
suit at law. Col. Gaston in his testi
mony yesterday said that this compa
ny consisted of xi long name, inordi
nate cheek, and no money. So far as
known the company has not bilked
any person yet, unless it manages to
get away with its attorney, and that is
.not probable. It ought to be able to
realize on its 100 acres of land, which
is supposed to represent $500,000 and
pay up its debts. There are several
other corporations atloat in this city
which may come to grief in a himilar
manner before long. An immense cap
ital stock looks very well on paper,
and imbues an outsider with a sense
of awe as he contemplates it, and
probably makes a holder of $50,000
feel somewhat dizzy fur a time, but
tho fall of such a corporation is not a
calamity by any means. Portland
What Tripe Is.
Occasionally you see a man order
tripe at a hotel, but he always looks
hard as though he hated himself and
everybody else. He trieM to look as
though he enjoyed it, but he does
not. Tripe h indigestible, and looks
like an india-rubber apron for a child
to sit on. When it is pickled it looks
like dirty cloJies put to soak. On
the table it looks like glue, and tastes
like a piece of oil silk umbrella cover.
A stomach that is not lined with cor
rugated iron would be turned wrong
side out by the smell of tripe. A man
eating tripe at a hotel table looks like
an Arctic explorer dining ou boot or
chewing pieces of frozen dog. You
cannot look at a man eating tripe but
he will blush aud look as though he
wanted to apologize and convince you
that he is taking it to tone up his
system. A woman, never eats tripe.
There is not money enough in the
world to hire a woman to take a
corner of a sheet of tripe in her teeth
and try to pull off a piece. Tho3e
who eat tripe .ave men w ho have
had their stomachs play mean tricks
on them, and they eat tripe to yet
even with their btomachs, aud then
they go and take a Turkish bath to
sweat it out of I he system. Tripe is
a superstition handed down from a
former generation of butchers, who
sold all the meat and kept the tripe
for themselves and the dogs; but dogs
of the present day will not eat tripe.
You throw a piece of tripe down in
front of a dog, and see if he does not
put his tail between his legs -and go
off and hate you. Tripe may have a
value, but it is not as food. It may
be good to fill into a burglar-proof
safe, with the cement and chilled
steel, or it might answer to use as a
breast plate in time of war, or it would
be good to use for bumper between
cars, or it would make a good face for
the weight of a pile driver, but when
you come to smuggle it into the
stomach you do wrong. Tripe! Bah!
A piece of Turkish towel cooked in
axle grease would be pie compired
with tripe. Ex.
Reading Notice.
The adv..
of St. Matthew's Hall.
San Mateo, Cal., will be found else
where. Rev. Dr. Brewer is a life
long teacher, and his present estab
lishment is nearly twenty years old.
The school is always Full, and those
seeking admission should apply at
once. Oregon is well represented,
aud a boy from here would not find
himself altogether among strangers.
John. Muir, superintendent of
traffic of the O. R. & N. Co., has
been appointed superintendent of
traffic of the O. & C. R. R. Co., and
will assume charge July 1st.
Dr. LaForce has removed to His new
offices in the Odd Fellows building.
Delicious Ice Cream at Frank Fa
bre's. Go to the O. K. Lodging House
corner West-9th and Water .streets.
Character in Smoking.
It's twenty years, said a cigar deal-,
er, now since I began to sell tobacco,
and in that timel have closely studied
the characters of my patrons, forming
my conclusions from the kind of com
pany they keep. 1 mean by the kind
of cigars they smoke. I can always
tell. An even tempered, quiet follow
never goes to an extreme in choosing
a tobacco; a nervous man wants some
thing strong and furious; a mild man,
something that smokes and nothing
more. The same conditions run
through chewing tobacco. Then there
is a great deal in the ft ay men handle
their cigars. Very few can smoke on
one side as well as on the other. Men
come in here every day whojhave been
smoking for thirty years, aud if they
were to place a cigar on the wrong
side of the mouth they would appear
as clumsy and green, as a boy who was
trying his first weed. Tho muscles of
the face become set to one position.
Any change repuires a reorganization
of the face. So it ain't by the way
the cigar is embraced in the mouth
that you can estimate a man.
If a man smokes his cigar only
enough to keep it lighted and relishes
taking it from between his lips to cast
a whirling curl of blue smoke into the
air, set him down as an easy-going fel
low, who cares little for how tho world
goes and no moro for himself. Ho
has keen preceptions and delicate sen
sibilities. He will not create trouble,
but is apt to see it out when it is once
Beware of the man who releases the
cigar from ttie grip of his teeth, and is
indifferent of whether it burns or dies.
He is cool, calculating, and exacting.
He is seldom energetic physically, but
lives easily off those who perform the
The man who smokes a bit, rests a
bit, and fumbles the cigar more or
less is apt to be easily affected by
circumstances. He may be energetic,
careful, generous and courageous, but
he is vacillating aud liable to change
on a moment's notice.
If the cigar goes out frequently the
mm has a whole-soul disposition, is a
devil-may-care sort of fellow, with a
lively brain, a glib tongue, and
generally a fine fund of anecdotes and
To hold half the cigar in the mouth
and smoke indifferently is a lazy
man's habit. They are generally of
little force and their characters are
not of the highest strata.
A nervous mau, or one under ex
citing influences, tumbles his cigar a
great deal. He is a kind of popinjay
among men.
Holding tho cigar constantly be
tween the teeth, chewing it occasion
ally, and not caring whether or not it
has been lighted at all are character
istics of men with the tenacity of bull
dogs. They never forget anything
and never release a hold
A fop stands his cigar ou etid.nud an
inexperienced smoker either points it
straight aheid or almost at light
angles with his course. Chicago News.
Salmon Shipments from Astoria to
San Francisco.
a pm i..
:i Columbia Wm. Hume. 70; Scan
dinavian Packing Co., G00: total (170.
9 Oregon Scan. I'ksr.Oo., 00.
18 Queen Astoria V vg. Co., 200.
L't Oregon Geo. W.I lumeK); Astoria
l'kR.Co.,150; total 240.
24 SUitc A. Booth, 2.
27 Columbia Jas. Quinn, I0t; Cut
ting Co., 2T.0; Astoria Tkg. Co., 200;
Scan. Pkg. Co., 2.121; Win. Hume, '.';
Occident. :0; total :i,0&.
:u)Qurcn Astoria Pkg. Co., 200.
: Oregon Aberdeen Pkg. Co. 300 cs,
Astoria 300 cs, Cutting 2T0 cs, Fisher
m Hi's 1 es. Point Adams, 325 cs. Wash
ington :0 cs, Uadollet & Co:21 bbls. To
tal, liOl cs.21 bbls.
0 State of California -Astoria 200
es, Uadollet & Co. 501 cs, Pacific Union
1 cs, Quinn SI cs, White Star G50 cs. To
tal, 1,430 as.
9 Columbia Aberdeen 325 cs, A.
Booth & Co. 100 cs, Jos. Hume 900 cs.
Point Adams 300 c. Sea Side 1 M,Wnsh
ington 300 cs. Total, 1,920 cs.
11 Queen of the Pacific A. Booth
& Co. 101 cs. Astoria 400 cases Aberdeen
325 cs, Badollet & Co. 500 cs. Fisher
man's 300 as, G. W. Hume 200 cs, Jos.
Hume 300 cs, Union 501 as, White Star
les. Total, 2,028 cs.
15 Oregon Astoria 320 cs, A. Booth
& Co. 100 cs, G. W. Hitine 100 as, Union
100 as, Washington 301 cs. Total,921 cs.
18 State of California Astoria, 200
as, Eureka 3oacs, J. W. & V. Cook 1,000
cs. Total, 1,500 cs.
21 Columbia Aberdeen 225 cs.
24 Queen of the Pacific Astoria 320
cs, A. Booth i; Co. 101 as, Badollet & Co.
500 as, Eureka 005 cs. Hapgood & Co.
300 as, J. Williams 350 cs, J. W. & V.
Cook 750 cs, Pacific Union 1,100 cs, Sea
side 200 cs, Thomes & Knowles 2 cs,
Washington 200 cs. Total, 4,428 cs.
27 SUUe of California A. Booth &
Co. 500 cs, Aberdeen 800 cs, Badollet fe
Co. LOOO cs. Cutting 2,500 a, F. II. War
ren & Co., Cathlamet 300 cs, Eureka, 300
cs, G. W. Hume 200 cs, Jos. Hume 100 cs,
John West 200 cs, Occident 100 cs. To
tal, 0,000 cs.
30 State Union Pkg. Co., 2: J. W.
Hume, 200; White Star, 2: Paciflc
Union, 2; A. Booth. 100: Badolett & Co
1 480; PL Adams, 1; Fisherman's Parking
2 Columbia Seaside Pkg. Co., 1.100;
Union Pkg. Co., 1,000; Badolett & Co.,
20; total 2.120.
5 Queen J.W. Hume, 75; J.G. Meg
ler, 1,000; F. 3L Warren, 100; Hapgood &
Co., 300; Eureka Pkg. Co., 000; Seaside
Pkg. Co-82; Washington Packing Co.,
300: Union Packinir Co- 1.185: Cuttinn
Packing Co., 500; Astoria Packing Co.,
oju; l.-v. l. uo., i; .las. ijuinn, 300; xo
tal 5,003.
Dancing: School.
All those that delight in the Terpsi
chorean art can have an opportunity this
evening, at th'e Knights' hall. Xo dis
reputable characters will be admitted.
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock.
After this week there will be dancing
school every Monday evening from 8 to
11 o'clock, and a club party for instruc
tion, Thursday evenings, composed of
tho best young men In town. All those
that wish to join the club can give their
names to A. F. Xaef, of Curtis & Co.,
who will take the names before the
club. Each member is expected to bring
a lady if he can, aud moro if he vlshes.
LThe Many Things Into "Which Paper
is Made.
A tall man, with sharp fealnres aud
a thoughtful air, sat in a small study,
and gazed gravely at a brown object
that lay at his feet.
'It is a paper railroad cross tie," he
The reporter raised it with some
difficulty. It was of very close fibre,
and so highly polished that it resem
bles rosewood. Its inventor tapped it
with his nail, and said:
"It doesn't look much like paper.
does it?"
"It seems more like iron. Is it
possible that it is made of paperf '
"Oh, yes; almost anything can be
made of paper. A paper ball can be
rendered so solid that nothing will in
dent it but a diamond tool. Carl
wheels are now made if paper. Its
strength is astonishing. You ran sits-'
pend S39 pounds from a Bank of Eng
land note aud it w ill not part. Ra'.h
tubs, pots, plates, knives, fork, rook
ing stoves, printing presses, steam en
gines and chimneys are made of paper
nowadays, and ther-is absolutoly no
limit to the use3 to which it may be
"Have paper cross ties ever been
"Not yet. The cross tie is my in
vention." "How did you happen to think of
"Well, I didn't happen to think of
it, oxactly. I started out deliberately
to invent a substitute for the wooden
crrai tie or sleeper, aud I kept
steadily at it until 1 was successful.
I thought of paper. There are are
scores of mills in the country where
paper, straw, prairie grass and other
fibrous substances arc converted into
straw board. The process is simple,
the straw is reduced to a pulp aud
run out -into boards. Tiieso straw
boards are sold all over the country as
substitutes for wood. My invention
utilizes straw board. The cross tie is
constructed of sheets or layers of paper
or straw board, laid one upon another,
cemented and compressed into mold?.
It makes a perfect cro$3 tie. It is
practically water and fire proof, as it
is manufactured under 500 degrees of
heat. Atmospheric changes have no
effect upon it. It can be made as
oheap as wood at the present time,
and will last at least twenty-five year?.
New York Sun.
Hotel Arrivals.
C E Hall. O Von Geldern, A Brad
ford & wf, E D McKee, H Flecken
stein, PHM Morrison, T W Me'hs,
W H Morrow, Ii Bomb, F M Wanvn
J Kahm, Portland; B .1 Chrys3toin.
Nortre Dame, Ind; E M LVk-y,
Skamockawa, A L Bancroft, C F
Dorrance, C C Blakeslor, S F; J R
Chute, M L Chute M Mcintosh.
Miuner.po'is; C AMcGuire, A C Wiit,
Clatsop; A Berlinsky, Si-attle; F R
Cogg3hall, Eureka; W C Parson?,
Arizena: V Cook, Clifton; L A
Loomis cfc wife, Ilwaco.
Police Court.
June 7, 18S3.
John Collin.", lighting; lined S10.
William Daggit, fighting; fined SiO.
Andrew Uleudrum, drunk; fined $2.
Knh Luctise, drunk; fined 310. .1 dm
Riggin, shooting riruarun in city
limits continued until to-day t pro
cure witnesses.
Fit 4. Fltt, Flit,
successfully treated by World's Dis
pensary Medical Association. Addn-.-,
with stamp or pamphlet, BufTilo,N.Y
At the Skating Itinlf.
Mr. Warren will ride on IiK bis: wheel
on Saturday evening, June Dili. A large
attendance is expected. I) ors open at
8, and close at 10 :30 v. m.
:ew3Iitsfc ami Instruments.
A fine selection of the latest music,
vocal and instrumental just rceehed by
B. F. Stevens & Co. of the City Book
store. Besides their usual Minply of
musical instruments they have just re
ceived violins and banjos, which will
be found to excell anything of the kind
in town, for the same price. A fresh
supply of the latest popular idumc by
every steamer.
Furnished Rooms to Rent.
Apply at Mrs. Denny Currans, roar
Congregational church.
If jou I, ike
Now rooms, new furniture, new, clean
beds and a quiet place to sleep go to the
O K Lodging House, corner Vet nth
and Water streets, opposite Frank Fa
bre's. An Aromatic Fragrance
Is imparted to the mouth by the uc of
SOZODOXT. It is beyond doubt the
cleanest, purest and best wash ever of
fered to the public. SOZODOXT and
comfort arc sj nonyms. It cleanses the
cavities in the enamel of the teeth.
Where so fast my friend? Why to
Frank Fabre's for a pan roast.
That feeling of languor and debility
that follows physical exertion, re
moved by using Brown's Iron Bitters.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Price 50 ceuts, Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement
For Biliousness and Sick Stomach,
try a dose of tho OREGON BLOOD
PURIFIER. A vegetable remedy.
ill you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vital izer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Tak relieves cough quicker than any
other medicine.
Pike's Toothache Dhops cure in
one minute.
COLDEX'S LlOCID Beep Tovm nrn.
motes digestion; admirably adapted for
females m delicate health. Of drug
gists. Xo more long waiting to be shaved,
as the three best barbers in the city can
be found at Joe G. Charters, next door
F. Fabfe's ice cream saloon.
Messus.. Isaaqs &Co'.: , ,. ,
Raise all tlfe cash yoircan as speedily as possible, on
receipt of which will send those goods yoiuordered.
(Signed) l ' SHERIFF O'NEIL.-
In accordance with the
slaughter goods for the next
Now is your Time
Look at the
Dress Goods from
enngnams irom
Calicoes from '.
Muslins from
Flannels from . . i
Table Linens from ...'
Linen Napkins 5.
Ladies Hose
Collars and Cuffs .
Embroideries . .
Walking1 Sacques from
Ladies Trimmed Hats
Boj-s' Suits from
Gents' full Suits from . f
Socks from
Reductions in every line. This is a bona fide sale,
no buncombe. Our bargains must be seen to be appre
ciated. Every article marked in plain figures at
Sheriff 0' Neil's Bankrupt Store,
M. ISAACS, Consignee.
Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON
Steamer Days.
Following is a resume of sailing!
dates for ocean steamers for June
and July, steamers leaving Astoria
and San Francisco every three days:
Jiinel at 10 a. 31. June
oretoii Mlday S
Statu .Monday 11
Hueen ..Sunday 17
Columbia Friday S
Queen Mondav n
Oregon-.. Thursday H
State Sunday 17
Columbia, Wednesday 20
Statc.. Saturday 23Queen
...Saturday 21
CoIutnbia.Tuesday 20 Oregon.
.Tuesday :
-.Friday 2D
qupeu .nioav 2istate ..
Oregon Monday ::
State Thursday 5
Columbia Monday !
queen .Tnursuay
Columbia. .Sufu)a 8Oregon Sunday 8
Queen.Wedneday instate Wednesday 11
Oregon Saturday ItjColumbla. Saturday 14
State Tueday 17Queen.. .Tuesday 17
ColumbiaFriday 20Oregon Friday 20
Queen Monday 23iState.....-...M0nday 23
Oregon.- Thursdry 20 Columbia-Thursday 2C
State Sunday 29,Queen Sunday 23
For a IVcat Fitting; Boot
Or Shoe, go to J. P. Goodmans, on Che
nnmu street, next door to I. W. Case.
All poods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new poods
constantly arriving. Custom work."
A Chicago Merchant's Experience
After I bt-c 'me almost skin audi
buiic, witti neither strength, appctie
mir ambiti'iii Itti, and the doctors
couldn't help me, two bottles Parker's
fiincr Tmic cured me completely.
31. Ii. Westentt, Laitip M'f r.Chicajjo.
IVeAi- Iticli Blood.
The use of Oregon lilood Purifier.
Frank Funre'ft Oyster nml-Chon
Thoe wishing a nice plate of Eastern or
SIxKihvalrr b.n ousters cooked in any
st j le, or :iu early breakfast before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
hi in. Eastern and Shoal water
ha o.-rs recehed by every steamer.
Invigorating Food
For ills? liniin and uen'e is what we
nee I in thee days uf rush and worry.
Parker"! Omer Tonic restores the vi
tai energies and brings good health
and joyous spirits quicker than any
thing you can use. -Tribune.
A Fair Proposition.
Anyone suffering from habitual con
stipation, torpidity of the liver, colds,
fevers, headaches, restlessness, sleep
lessness, indigestion or other ills arising
from a disordered or inactive condition
of the liver, stomach and bowels, and
wishing to give Syrup of Figs a thor
ough trial, can buy it of V. E. Dement
& Co., who will agree to return your
money if it fails to act promptly and
Hodge, Davis & Co., wholesale agents,
Portland. Or.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with, the choicest
Cerfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can
e bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden
hrtel. Astoria.
Have Wistars balsam of wild cherry
alwaj's at hand-.. J t cures coughs, coldi,
bronchitis', whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
tung complaints. Z0 cents and.51 a oot-
is now readj to manufacture Ice Cream
to order in any quantity for Balls, Socia
bles. Private Houses, et, and having
the betfacillties of anj place in town
guarantees to give satisfaction. Jce
constantly on hand and for sale.
Nerves, brain, and muscles gainJ
strength and the power of endurance
by using Brown's Iron Bitters.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Sleepless Nights, made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call atthe Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp
bell. -- -
Jewelry Store on the Roadway, ami will
keep a general assortment of coods in bis
Repairing a Specialty.
Roomsjto Let
keeplng, furnished or unfurnished , or
single rooms at-MRS. TWILIGHT'S. 7-ira
Hale !
above request we intend to
ten days. .
.x .t.
to Secure Bargains.
Price. List,
-.. 5
cts. per yd upwards
u it
'.'...-. 5
.' . St
".....'. 2
SI .00
-. . 50
1 .50
k. 5 .00
per do. "
per pair tl
per set "
per yd. "
per pair
A Enll Line of House
Furnishing Goods.
Fipres Never Lie !
Can prove by his books that he is deing: the
bhjges business f anl
In the city, and he will guarantee to five
the best meal for cash.
School for Dancing, at
Occidental Hail, June 6th,
On Wednesday and Friday
Altemcons, from 2 o'clock until 4 p. m.
and In the evenings i romS to 10 o'clock-.
Lessons will be given in all styles of dan
cing. Those wishing to join my class will
please call and see me.
Gentlemen ., Jifty cents
.Ladles...'..... . Fret
I tftf I c 1 "1
I El! 1 B 1
m ?
iH M H " a
& s
The Leading
Clothing House
Z.&GErC7RT,&X27S, 1
- 1 have just received a large consignment of Lace- Curtiins," .wid
Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an inapeo
tion from intending purchasers, confident that for rarity and Low Prions
SiUss and Dress. Goods,
. r We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of-thems
elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City,
All Silk BHadames, Drap JD'Almas "
All Silk Poulards, Wool SurraHi,
All Silk Ottomans, Satin Soleils,
Etc., Etc.
"We are now showing the Largest and most Elegant Line o Lst-
dies' Cloaks and Wraps ever brought to this City.
Black Dolmans, -..-,
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp.
Black Silk Dolmans, t . ,"'
Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and Gimp..
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans,
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe.
Walking Jackets, Mantjes, UTsters'and Dusters.
Shetland Shawls,
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,
All Sizes and Colors,
We are showing, without doubt, the largest, and moat complete
stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys'
Largest Stock, Finest Good,
Lowest Prices in Astoria,
Having received the most complete line ot Gents Furnlshmjt Goods ere'r opened hi
Astoria. L shall oiler to buyers the choicest Neckwear, Underwear, Dress Shirts, Fajr
Shirts, White Vest. Linen Dusters, Alpaca, Coats, etc., etc.
At the Very Lowest Prices !
The Largest Assortment of Straw Hats, All the i&atfift
styles in Soft, Stiff and Flexible HaTs.
Full stock of Clothing. including fine Prince Albert Coats in Black.tnd Bitit
The Tailoring department comprises the l;ir?est stock of imported Cloths,
Casshiieri's. Worsteds, TweetLs, etc.
1Sh.o Leading
SeasifteBakery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best,
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candicsetc., furnished for Wedding-
parties, on short notice, ana guaranteeti to
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite ii. W. IXnxne's.
Up Stairs
Over Arnrtt & Fcrchen's JShop.
Call and examine the work we are dolnp
and see the wood nc aro using, before mak
Inga trade elsewhere.
have you mm
' . AND
lYeweMt Styles iu Furniture?
(M W. tlallick's Old Stand.)
Have some decant designs in the above
mentioned goods which they will be pleased
to show the public
Everything new and tasteful;
- j -
Di?y Goods
Clothing ever brought to Astoria
! BMs!
Drawback Entries,
Bills of Lading, t
Manifests, Etc.
Legal Blanks.
Mortgages, "Warranty Deedi.
The Astorian Office
Any blank or form not in stock wtU bt
printed to order.
Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Receipt Sooks.
Fish Talleys, Cards, Tags, and commercial
paper of all kinds printed to order at
The Astorian Job 'Office.
We have for sale
MONKOE'S Celebrated Yke,
Which are acknowledged by all Loggers ta
dwlm WILSON & FISHER, Astoria.
Importer and wholesale dealer Iu
Cistars and Tobaccos, gnsken' ArtleSe,
I'laylHC Cards, Cutlery, Sta
tionery, Etr
Tho largest and ' n' MEER
SCHAUM and AMBER GOODS Iu the city.
Particular attention paid to orders' from
the rountry,
Theo.BRACKER, Maaager.
Chcnamus Street, Astoria. Oregon.
We will take orders for lumber .frwa l
to 500 M., at the mill or delivered.''
We also manufacture lath and sblaf las of
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty.
Address all orders
, ' -WESTPORT Mill. CO.
' 8.c,Bs2rmacsc.