t JCfcc aitg gistariau. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY ..JUNE 7, 18S3 A Legal Farce. Tue trial -of the Star route Ktiueres still goes on at "Washing ton. This is the becond trial, the jury having disagreed on the first which was begun over a year xgo. In summing up for the de fence Bob Ingersoll says: "Now, gentlemen, the responsibility is with you; their fates are in your hands. In yoiu'eping is every thing they love. Everything thpy bold daaris in your power. With t irful responsibility you have j no riht to listen to the whispers of suspicion. You have no right to hearken jlo the promptings of fear. Beware of prejudice. Look to the testimony alone. Be not convincecLby, .the last argument. Listen not to epithets instead of facts. Recall every argument made in.thls.case. Put the evi dence in the scale and then have the hoBorMld manhood to say which'seai?des tfkmn. We" ask from you the mercy of an honest verdict. This is all we ask; the verdict.. of your honesty. It is for you to say whether these de fendants ihall live with honor among their fellow citizens; wheth er they shall live in the free air, or be taken from-their wives, from their children, from their firesides, from alrthey hold most dear. It is for you ta .say whether they shalUbe:. clothed with honor or with shame; whether their day shall set without a single star in all the sky oX eternal night; whether they shall be branded as criminals. After all they have suffered; after they have been pursued oy the government as no defendants-have before been pur sued, it is for you to say whether their homes shall be blasted by the lightning of a false Terdict. You must say whether their fu ture shall be one of agony, of grief, of .tears. Nothing beneath the stars of Jbeaven is so profound ly sad as the wreck of a human being. Nothing is so profoundly moarnful as a home covered with shanid. The thing is as infinitely sad as the thing, that shall cast a stain upon children -yet-unborn. It is fo&you-to. say whether this shall be such a verdict or one in accordance with the lawcd the frets. The prosecution are hnBPd with the chase; they are excited by the hunt; but I will say. jhat, in the end, they will be a thousand times better pleased with a verdict of not guilty than with what they .ask. They would enjoy their victory, they would eajoy success, and they would kive you give to these aspirations greater weight than to homes and wives' and children. I want a Terdict that will relieve my clients from the agony of two long years; that will lift from them the cloud a verdict that will fill the com ing days and " nights with joy a verdict that will fill their minds with a sense of joy and of grati tude forever to you, one and all.' A directors' meeting' of the Sttley Paget Sound and Gray's Harbor railroad was lield last Tuesdaat Seattle. The company means business and they think they can obtain all the funds necessary, and their intention seemstotbVto get right down to vrork and build the road as soon u possible. -, It was ninety-two degrees in the shade at San Francisco last Tuesday. In the Sacramento val ley, the thermometer was pre suaiably out of sight.. The brated Californians would greatly enjoy the delightfully cool and bracing weather vouchsafed to north coast dwellers. The JSast Orcgonian reports that at least 100,000 sheep have been sold in Umatilla county this season at an average of 2.12 a bend. Nearly all of them will be drireiteut of the country. 'Thk "election in Nez Perce county, Idaho, last Tuesday, on thqaestKHi of the couuty seat, Wtween -Lewktou and Moscow, rasvlted in favor of the former city by 300 Majority. MARRIED. At Skiwuioti, June's, 1SS3, by Rev. W. J. Franklin, I. & GraS, and Clara II. Farkcr. ' " DIEB. lHrtrVKHc G, 18S-C, Clara Stella, 4MtaferC&rs. Ufieba Byers, aged (3 years 2 Montbs a4 12 days. TIm fmecal vrUl take -place 'from the 3i.J.dMrcfcat4F. x. Frleads invited 4V VVvMVm i 'jiMo-.? NEW TO-DAY For Sale. A FIRST CLASS SALOON AND LODG Jns house on one or the principal streets of this city. 15 rooms f urnished : an axsort- ment of Liauors and refreshments. A good stock of Pegars ; l Peel Table, and good Bar Fixtures. A chance to step into a good paying busi ness, rrice Sl.cuo. Inquire of W. B. GltENELL, Real estate agent, cor. Cuenamus and Benton, near Pot Ofllci. CHA8.1.ULLMS0H&C0. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Broken. Office corner Cass and Chenamus streets, with JohnTlogers. A General Agency business transacted. Rooms to Let. X OOMS SUITABLE FOR LIGHT HO DSE- JLV keeping, furnished or unfurnished, or single rooms at MRs. TWILIGHT'S. 7-lm Meeting of Board of Equalization. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'TiULT X the Board of Equalization of the City of Astoria, consisting of Council- men .i. iiume, I. v. uase, u. J. Tren chard, Deputy Auditor and Clerk, L. E. Selig, and City Assessor, E. C. Holden will meet at the council chamber, on Friday, June 28th, 1883, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of correcting the assessment roll for the ear 1883. All those feelinc themselves aggrieved by the assessment are notified to appear before .the board ana maice tneir oujection Known. By order of the Common Council. T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk, ' By L. E. Ski.tg, Deputv. Astoria, June Cth, 1883. td Net Lost. SUNDAY NIGIIT IX VICIXITY POINT Ellis, about IK) fathoms 45 mesh, ll-ply Barbour twine net; white huojs; leads marked . I. A-1). Finder will please return same to Devlin's Gaunerv and recehe a fit ting reward. FRANK VIANKLIjO. Jiine4.'&i.-5-lk Net Lost. UTOI' .TUN ONTHENH.HTOr .TUNE 3D. ON THE V i reck of the Great Renublic' about 130 fathoms 45 mesh lift. Harbour's 40, l-'-ply; corks branded R. II. & F. Co. The finder will be suitably rewarded by calling at the ." lwk riSIIERMAN'S I'KG. CO. Notice. "JlfY WIFE, REA KNUTSEN.HAS LEFT ItJL mv bed and board. I will not be re sponsible for debts contracted bv her. .Juue5th.-G-lk OLE RNUTSKN. Net Found. ON THE MORNING OF THE 4TJI INST., on the weather beach near Ovsterville rort.ige, boat No..t:, of Eureka Packing Co., and nctt net. ler can have It nppliii to V. D. TAYLOR, 0-3t " Ihvaco, W. T. Partnership. '(XS THIS DAY, .TUNE .Tru. GEORGE V Ganz and C .1. Shaffer h:i e entered In to copartnership in the butchering business in the town of Astoria Air. Shaffer willal was be found aHiis post to cater to Asto riausin want or beef pork. eal, mutton, and satLsteof all the lu-M makeup. Call, buy and go au.ij vnllhi'i GEORGE GANZ, -l wk C. J. SHAFFER. Stolen. On iiighl of .June 4th, was .stolen from moorings at Fi&herton, a twentv-six foot fishing boat with anchor ami line; painted outside ochre color, inside white; brand on bow Geo. T. Elvers. Any person finding the aboe and s6 curing the conviction of the person tak ing the same v. ill be hlernlly rewarded by the undeisigned. Geo. T. Mvkrs. Fisherton. W. T. Fisheiton. .lime 5, 18S3. Net Found. "PICKED IT AT TONGUE l'OINT, ON JL the night of the 3rd of Mav, 1 piece net. about 40 fathoms. 41 mesh 1 i ply. Corks and leads hot marked : one buoj maiked M. V. G., apparent! cut with a jK-nknlfe. Owner will please coiiiiminic.il c with 11. Gallagher, Fishermen's 1'acking fV pa j tost of this ad. and resume possession of his property. Net Lost. DURING THE AFTERNOON OFTHURS day.Mny 31st. in -Sonth Channel near Fort Ste ens, loo fathoms of 41 mash Bar bour's 12-nly net, nearh new. Some of the leads marked .1. H. D. V Co. A reasonable reward will be paid to whoecr returns same to De lln & Co.'s Cannerv. 2-3t Fresh Milk Cow for Sale. A GENTLE YOUNG COW, GIVING TWO gallons milk per dav. Applv to Mrs. J. F. Barrows, on Chenamus street, be oiid the 1. O. Notice. 1 MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS A3L of the P.U& 1J. Association is requested by the Hoard of Directors, to be held in Liberty Hall, Astoria, on Monday, the nth daj of June. IRSi, for the purpose oi filling a acancy occurring in tliat RoanL WM.ii. MrKU AN, Secretary. Astoiia, Or,. May 31, lS83.-dlot Partner Wanted. 4 RELIABLE MAN WITH A CASH CAR i3L iuilof from S2005 to S5000 can liae a one-naif interest In a well established and pauugbusiucss in Astoria. Apply at tills office. lwk New Fish Boat for Sale. Apply at Leather lire. Shop. NEW JEWELRY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A jewelry Store on the Roadway, and will kep a general assortment or goods in Ills line. Repairing a Specialty. Tu T Sat MICHAEL STUDZINSKI. r TTS PILLS SYJrlPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, with, a dull sen sation in the back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating-, -with a disinclination to ex ertion of body or TirV Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a f eel ini? of navintr neglected, some duty, weariness. Dizziness, Fluttering at the heart, Dots before the eyes, Yel low Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Bestlescness, with fit ful dreams, "highly colored Urine, Rnd CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S PIX.X.S are eipecfadlr adapted te sack cases, ee doae ef fects such a cfeange or fcellne as to actonlah. the SKficrer. They .Increase the Anpttitcind came tho body to Take gr fleck, thus the m--tem la nourished, and by their Tonic A.ctlGon P16 JlKUTe Onr&BX. ; ular Stool are prodnecd. Price 25 ceuu. a5 MHrray SU. N. Y. TUnS HAIR DYE. Giut Ujuh oa "sVHHcrRS ofe&npo to a Qlosbt Black by a single application or this Dtc It Uaparts a natural color. Acta Instantaneous, -y. Sold by DraKrista, or seat by express a receipt or.. .SI.OO. - OFJbTCB, 35 MTTKRAT ST., JT. T. f Br. TCrrS X1SC1L of T!ttUlforitl asd VCmM Eteriyti iH b m114 IX n aS(tlw. J AUCTION " EXTRAORDINARY! I will sell at public sale! or the uerffew dajsat HOLDEN'S AUCTION HOUSE..the finest line of Walthain, Elgin, Springfield and Howard. T " WATCHES, IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES. Diamonds and Fine Jewelry, Eer offered in this state. This stock is from an extensive and well-known jewelry nouse, ana must oe ciosea out. it consists e: Diamonds, Lace Pins. Rings, Drops, Studs. Brooches. Sleeve and Col lar Buttons, Chains, Charms, Gold Pens and Pencils, And eery thing In fact usually found In a first-class Jewelry House. Sale without reserve or limit. Under no circumstances will a single article be mis represented. Sale to continue Every Evening, at 7:30 and continue for a fewdavs only. atE.C. Holden's Auction House. Do not fall to ex amine this fine stock, as ba gains will be reamed. j.a.iuuau:, E.CHOLDENT " Assignee. Auctioneer. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer -A.. 33. FITlTiD. B ABB AE, - - - . Master. will sail foe TIjLXAMOOK, SatHrday, Jane 9th, at 6 A. H. FOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Mam street Wharf. Asteria: AL1.EN & LEWIS. Portland ; J. L. STORY, Tillamook. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! British Iron Barque "EYEVALE," 100 Al. WILLIAMS, --- - Master. THIS FINE VESSEL HAVING HER CAR co fullv cnjnwed will have QUICK DEbl'ATCH, ami will be followed by the Uritish Iron Barqne "ULLOCK'lOO Al. SALMON In cases will be taken in lots to suit shippers, at reasonable rates. For rates of Freight and. IasaraBcp Apply to ' MEYER, WILSON & CO., or to SIBSON, CHURCH & CO., If Portland, Oregon. Ice Delivered to Order. FRANK FABRE ISTREPAREDTO DELIVER THE BEST quality of Ice at 2H cents per pound, m quantities from ten pounds up. to "Hotels, Saloons. Restaurants, or Families, ieaIng their orders with him. Large quantities of Ice constantly on hand. If Ice Cream Frettk Every Day. For Sale. LOT 8, BrXCK 101; LOT 5. BLOCK 103; Lot 3, Blk 14C ; Lot l, Blk 90 ; Lots S & 4, ink 37; Let2.BlklOG: Lot 6 Blk 131: Lot 3, Blk 134 ; Lots 5 & 6. Blk 1: Lot 7, Blk 147; Lots 5 & C, Blk 151 ? McClurcs. Its 7 & 8, Blk SO, and Lot 3. Blk 80. Blk 91, Shivelvs, and part of Blk 5, Hustler & Aiken's add. And dhers loti in other parts ol the city, besides outside lands In Oregon and Washington Territory. Lease to sell or building to rent in good business location, tt BOZORTH & JOHNS. For Sale. LOT 7, BLOCK S9; LOT 1. BLOCK 108; lot 8. blk 109; lot C. blk 120: lot C. blk 132 ; lot 4, blk 147 : lot 5, blk 84 ; lots 5 and 6. blk 54, Olney's. FUe-acre blk in H.&A.'s addition to 01 nex's. Lots S and fi in blk 113 ; lots 9 and 10 in blk 58. Slavery's. One hundred acres water Iront on Young's ri er, near Williimsport. Also 150 acres directly back of Alderbrook at $150 per acre. Also 22d acres (arm and timber land near John Dav's river at $10 per acre. CHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & CO.. Real Estate and Commission Brokers. DANCING SCHOOL. rrHE UNDERSIGNED TVILL OPEN A JL School for Dancing, at Occidental Hail, June 6th, On Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, from 2 o'clock until 4 v. si. and in the evenings Irom 8 to 10 o'clock. Lessons vrfll be given in all styles ol dan cing. Those wishing to join my class will 8 lease call and see me. entleinen.. ...... Fifty cents Ladles-.................. ... Free PROF.J.F.MEVRR; For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will delher at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. Drawing or all Jtinds done at reasonable rates. R. X. MARION. To Lease for a Term of Years. A BUILDING SITE ON WEST 9TH ST., Jjk. near tne roadway, auitaoie lor store, shop or residence. Inquire of GREENBERO&CO. Corner W. 9th and Water streets. Figures Neyer Lie ! AXD J E F E OF THE CHOP H0XTSE Can prove by' his booltftHhat he JiaoToK the bluest business of any EESTAUBANT In the city, and he -will guarantee t Eire the best meal for cash. T , Notice BIDS will be received until Monday noon. June 26tb,t the office of the City Auditor and Clerk, for clearing off a portion of the city cemetery, on Clatsop Plains. Bids must state cost per acre. Also, by clearing is meant that the ground shall be cleared of all brush, stumps, and logs No contracts will be let to white per sons unless ihey use white labor. Contracts will be received from Chi nese only tor China labor. For further particulars inquire of the committee. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CJ.TRENCHARD, A. F.JOHNS, L W. OAbE, Committee on Wbllc Property. Nttice. Bids will be received until Monday noDn, June 26th, at the office of the City Auditor and Clerk for building or con structing a wagon road from Skipanop landing to the city cemetery on Clatsop Plains. Bids must state proposed man ner of construction. No contracts' will bo let to white per sons unless they use white labor. Contracts will be received from Chi nese only for Chiaese labor. For further particulars inquire of the committee. ' The committee reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. ' - ' f C. J. TRENCHARD. A. F. JOHNS, L W. CASE, , Commltte on PabUc.JJroperty. HOTELS AND RESTAURAKTS. PAIH&ER HOUSE, wj II. IJ. PARKER. Prop.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. AM, MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. HOT AKT COU BATHS. Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. S3TFKEE COACH TO THE HOUSE.- THE OCCI DENT HOTEL First-class in every respect. ItFEGUER & TVRIIIT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. IT IS A PACT THAT JEFF'S CHOP. HOUSE ON Concomly Street is the Best in Town. TILVT lie lias Aiwa j s on Uaud FRESH Shoal Water Bay and East era Oysters. THAT- "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He ka brea Proprietor of the "Aurora Hotel" 1b KnapptoB levea year. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, CHENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. fllHE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO X announce to the public that he hxs op ened a FIRST CLASS JSgtfl-ng House, And furnishes in first-class stjle OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE, TEA, KTC AT THK LadieV and Genf s Oyster Saloon, CHENAMUS STREET. Please give ibb n calL kusuuk uiAUA. I'nittrtetoi CENTRAL HOTEL. CHAS. WALIJMAN. - - - Proprietor. IHAVKTAKEX CHARGE OF THIS Pop ular Hotel and can guarantee atlsfaction TO AI.I. Permanent and Transient Boarders The choicest brands of "WlnH. Liquors and Cigars, at the Bar. Opposite O. It. &S. Dock, Astoria. Oregon COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIGHTl HealR US ceatK auil upwards. L. 1VILBROX JL G. BOUIjAKD, Proprietor. M1IV STKEET. ..... ASTORIA. ASTORIA SAIL LOFT. A.M.JOHNSON & C0..-PR0PRS. HAYING CONSIDERABLY INCREASED out facilities for meet iim thedemand of Increase in boats this ear we would re spectfully call the attention of "cannery men Anil all others needing sails, to this fact. Prices Same as Last Year, WORK STILL BETTER. Drilling- and Best Quality of Rope on Hand. Our Work has Ghen Satisfaction for Eight Years, And shall be made to do so while we are in tho business. LEADING Boot and Shoe Store, FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF Boots axd Slioes Eer brought to Astoria, is opened to the Public in Brown's New Building, Next to City Book Store Come and see Latest Styles. I. J. ARVOLD. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. (Jonera! storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Koot of Betton street. Astoria Orejrou. TAXXiOBJEiVG, Cleaning B, epaiving. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK, BY GEORGE IiOVETT, Mala Street, epposite'N. Loeb'j. & GO as BANKING AHDIHSURAHCE. X. w. c&ss. BROKER, BANKER AD -. insurangI agent! ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM. 9 O'CLOCK A. Mr UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Home MM tar Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. Houohtox .President Chas. R. Stort......... Secretary i GKO. L. Storv .... .Atent for 0i;on ' Capital paid up in U. S. goldj coin i 3X) C00 00 I. W. CASri. Agent. Chenamus street. Astoria. Oregon. , $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONHON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MKKC'AN-i TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. ' OLD CONNECTICUT OK HAUT-I FORD, AND J COMMERCIAL OF. CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMFANIES Reir63entine a capital of SG7,000,000. i A.VANDUSEN.Agent j WM, EDGAB, I Dealer in i Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, . GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY! i Revolvers and Cartridges. FIRST GRAND , Clearance SALE! AT EMPIRE STOKE PRIOR TO STOCK TAKING. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line of Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets. Plushes, Cashmeres and Armures. Laces. Hosiery, Corsets, Cloaks, Dolmans, Etc.. etc. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FLANNEL COMFORTERS, Blankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. Frael Brothers. ANNOUNCEMENT ! We begleao to announce l hat we will, soon orxMi a complete stock of Croctery mil Glassware And all goods pertaining to that Sine nt their NEW STORE. Cor. Chenamns I Genevieve Sts. Parties contemplating purchasing any thing in that line will consult their own in terest by waiting till our goods arrive. . "We paj cash for our goods and and ill be able to sell as cheap as any house in Oregon Portlinrt not oxcepted. JORDAN & BOZORTH. GERMAN1A BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CHCCAMC3 StECKT. ASTORIA, The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glftss Orders for the Celetatei ColiiMa Brewery IQEliEIFL Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. yXo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at uns piaoe WM. BOCK. Proprietor. Astor Street Deficit Assessment. .Xotice is hereby given that the deficit cssessrnent as made and declared by ordinance No. 521 of the Citv of Astoria, for the improvement of Astor street from the west side of Lafayette street to the eastern end of. Astor street, in McClures Astoria, in the manner pro vided by ordinance No. 4?7, on each of iim loiiowing uescnueu iuis liuiuiiiy uu said portion of said street, is now due and payable at the offiee of the City Treasurer, in TJ. S. gold or silver coin, and unless paid within five daj-s from the expiration of this notice, viz: June jnui, was, me L-ommon council win or der warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows I.Vo. of Xo. of l A -Lot. lilock. j ment. A. Van Dusen Geo.W. Hume Geo. "W. Hume J.W. White George McLean George Havel J. Kara m A.C.Rahles J. W. Suprenant and A. E.lerguson.... J. W. Suprenant and A. E. 1erguson J. G. Hustler 31.31. Gllman G' fiG CO M M Gj (m 4.-1 13 00 1.100 10 00 IK 8 I'rl 2 15 2 13 GOO ;oo 1 oo 14 00 1 00 Bv onler of the Common Council T.S. Jkwett, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, May 20, 1833. lOtd NATURE'S REMEDY. Liver, Kidney, and Skin Diseases., f Malaria, Dyspepsia. . Biliousness'. ? m Pains in the Bdckand Loins, Pimples and Blotches on the Skin, AVhetlipr IIcremar-. i Or Cn5t lr'Vcakn,w, or Excesses. ! I Can Only be Cured by the Use of ,faanwifir.n MMUB'Ul-rV Largest Sale and Most Satisfaction! or an Medicine on the Coast. Sold hy all Druggists and Medicine Dealers. $1 00 per Iloltlc C. for $.".00. PEBUYIAN BITTERS !. Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. -ASK FOK- TTnioii India Eubber Co's Pure Para (Sum CHACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. nr.wAitE or imitations! P.c sure the Hoots are stnuiued CliA TAT PftOOF'on the heeK. and hae the PL'IiK GUM SPItlXGS ou the foot and instep, which prcent their eniekmg or breaking. We are now innking tliein with RUBBER AXD ASBESTOS 5o!es which will make them last more than twice, as loni; sis anv Kubber boots made. FOlt SAJ.E P.V ALL DEALEUS. ALL KINDS ltUDHEll 15EIIINO. PACK ING, HOSE. SPKIXGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. COODYEAR RUBBER CO. It. U. PEASE. Jr. I ARents. S.M.ltUNYON. I San Erancheo. GRID CLEARANCE SALE! to make room for more Hardware auil Sbi A. VAN DUSEN &. GO. Will sell at cost their entire stock of HATS AND GAPS! -AXD- BOOTS AND SHOES. 'these goods must be disposed of as e are soon to rceehe another large lot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And must have room to ston it. Drugs and Chemicals fcw inumiio. .o ' 3 DLUTQG1ST s .VXD Pharmacist. l AST0KIA.C Prescriptions c;irefiUlj' compoundctl Day or Night. Hardware M Slip CMlerj. A. VAN DUSEN & GO.- DEALERS IX Hardware arid Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing machines. Paints and Oils. Groceries, etc. EC, S- PARKER, DKAI.KK IX Hay, OatSy Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Tclivereil to Onlcr, Draying, Teaming and Express BusineSi? Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DIULKR IX WINES, LIQUORS'ANDlClGARS. ' FIRST CI.ASS ijf-Uijtl ILImJI lllllllS ! "i fl U"''LxlJ W- i sv r i p"ia ' a ( .ii jh . 1 -r A z. Corsets from 50 Cents Upwards. Can Anybody rob Themselves? why, irss I iu w roi yoMr es. j our husbands, your children, bv p.i mc hifili prices in great naiaed stores that have big expeuscs, while ou hae ; - .-A CHAKCE . . To lm sooils 25 per cent cheaper at the California Store, Next door to Geo. Hume. 1 am retiring from the iln goods business, and am willing to sell all mydrj poods, clothing. etc, AT COST. xx.r Come and see 1 - o m ; o8 - a O t5 r; ; : o : o O-O j S Sc .5 : im : o : so; o ; 5: c c : a o 2 : ge: o : c a : ,,....,......."""" 750 Bones French Woven Corsets at $2.10 sotdB everywhere for S2.75. a c o : CITY BOOK STORE. W Imc tenia finished opeiiing and putting in order the Immense Siocik of Goods Bousht in San Francisco iy B. F. STEVENS. C. I MOFF1T v ill ho found behind the counter, nis long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. e You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. TEU applv to the Captain, or to iJoliiiL A. XYX&nigomery, (SUCCIISSOR TO .TACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) s-gy PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to PfCiriptly on Reasonable Terms.- curat A SITS STItF.KT. Xo-vt to C J,. Parlccr's Store. THE KEWMODET f A FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 3ES- 3Et- TTA WES, Two doors eist or Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON . CHAS. HEILBORN, . MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S BEDDIISTG AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CpRTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. M. Or.5EX. J. GUSTAFSOX. A. .TOUXSOX. MARTIN OLSEN DEALER IN J$ FURNITURE Ss BEDDING. Corner Ulnln and. Wqiiemoqua Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WIHDOW SHADES AHD TR1MMINCS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALT, KISJiS OF rURIVITURE REPAIRED A1I TARKISIIED. Leinenweber & Co., C. I.FIXKXWEHKIU . r.nowx. ESTACUSHKD 1C5. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMES MB GUREBIES, Manufacturers and Importers of A LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. j5aHI"he.st cash nriee n-ild for Hides aid ! TjUIow. a A. STINS0N & CO., BLAGKSMITHING, At Capr. itogers old sLind, corner of Caa . and Court Streets. Ship aud Cannery work, irorseshoeinjj. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guarantaed. a 3 o g a 5 o c ? Tl -t O o o c S O CO o a5 to O ct O- o a r 0 5- rg o a o T3 O T 0 STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK H. B. PARKER. DEALER IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. iY. General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best In the market. 1'iunibing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work don in a workmanlike manner. l UXSCik CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OP B. S. BAWE9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE F1.EASED. K. R. HAWES is also agent for the 1 CooUoif Stove And other first-class stoves. Furnace Work. Steam Fit tings, etc. a specialty SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, BRACELETS, ! Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. J3"A1I goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria J'ov elites of all Kinds Prnits Both Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S C0RN1B, O R &Jf DOCX $