U) glw 53nilij storiau. ASTORIA, OREGON: "WEDNESDAY MAY 30, 1883 A Ion? dry spell. Let us pray for rain. Tho-i. It. Field will leave for Tillamook June 9th. The postoffice trill be closed to day from ten A. M. to fire P. M. The Skipanon road will certainly be built before the next transit of Venus. Misses Alice and Lou Wygant of Portland are in the city, the guests of Mrs. Dr. Trenchard. Over 2,500 fish were received at one cannery in this city last Monday, but last Monday was a good day for Gsh. About 4,500 cihes of salmon are on the Main street wharf, for tho Ullock which will load 40,000 cases. Nearly 2,000 feet of sewer pipe arrived on tho Tarn O'Shatdcr, which E. R. Hawes will put in at Fort Stevens. The Columbia and Walla Walla arrived in yesterday; the State sails to-day. The Victoria will go north ward about Friday. Tho Skamokwa sawmill has been having additional machinery furnish ed by the Astoria Iron Works. This mill will soon turn out J 00 M per day. Tata a little stroll around this morning, if you have time, and see the immense amount of building anil improvement that is going on in the citv. A new lodge K. of P. No. 19, was instituted at Salem last evening. The order is fast increasing in mem bership and influence throughout the Etate. Peter Dolson, an old resident of this place, who has been ailing for a long time, died at his residence last Monday night. Tho funeral will take place to-day. In yesterday's ITcivs appears a Washington dispatch signed by Adjutant-general Drum, stating that Jas. H. Lappeus deserted from the United States army at San Francisco, Ifay 2S, 1S4S. The Neics comments on the statement at great length. Work on the Odd Fellows' building which has been retarded from various causes, is about finished. The black walnut counter, in tho lower story is a fine piece of work. It is of Astoria manufacture and compares favorably with any carpenter work in the build ing. There will be no public observ ance of Memorial Day in this city, as opportunity does not offer to hsre atrew flowers upon soldiers' graves. The day will, however, bo appropri ately observed as a semi-holiday, and at tho forts military salutes will be fired. One could yesterday say, "It is a warm day" without fear of successful contradiction. Straw hats and liuen coats were above par, and tho seduc tive lemonade and ice cream wero in requisition. Even the little fishes in the deep blue sea felt the influence of the warm air, and swam merrily into the Columbia. The American ship Oracle, Cap tain Morrison, recently lost off Cape Horn while bound to Liverpool from San Francisco, was woll known in this port from tho fact of her making tho passigo from Liverpool to Cape Henlopen in twelve days, perhaps the quickest passage over made by any a&iling vessel in tho world. The lat ter part of the passage was remark able, aho having overtaken and dis tanced the famous Guion line steam ship Alaska, and tho Inman steamship diy of Berlin, and was reported at the Delaware capes when the English steamers were seen off Long Island, on their way to Now York. The State of California sails to day for San Fraucisco. "When she arrives here again, says the Oregonian, Captain Debney will have made 100 consecutive voyages on his fine ship between San Fraucisco and Portland. She lias made the best time ever known between these ports, and dur ing the four years she has been on the route has carried many thousands of passengers in safety and comfort. She never did better work, Capt. Dobney says, than on her last trip. She left San Francisco thirty-four hours after the Umatilla, and had a strong gale dead ahead all tho way. When the Umatilla arrived at Astoria she reported that tho State would not be in on that day, but she was there in a few hours all right. Capt. Debney is justly proud of his gallant ship, which carries the broom, and long may it wave, and may he make another hundred consecutive tripB without accident, is all the harm he ic wished. Trata From the Metropolis. If a man or women is bound to keep a cat, let him pay a license, and fee Wifed to pen the animal at night. FeUri. Northwest Canneries. Will McGregor, who arrived down on the last Alaska steamer from Bouquet Inlet, where the Cape Fox Canning company is located, reports that the salmon will begin running there about June 1st. A good catch is anticipated. Tho Idaho landed men and machinery at the wreck of the EurelxL who expect to get her afloat once more. There salmon busi ness in the northwest starts out lively this season. The Northwest Trading company and the Chilcat Packing company, at Chilcat, are nearly ready for business, having erected a very large cannery east, and they aro expected to put up 20,000 cases each this season, and also several thousand barrels of salt salmon. Beside these there are a number of smaller canneries and places at which they are salting salmon. The Northwest Trading company at Killisno are mating great work among the codGsh. They are drying and boxing it for market. This will soon be a great industry for the country, and the very small price at which fish can be bought makes it an easy matter to compete with the east. Ten Indians catch with lines from 2,000 to 3,000 fish per day.and if they had any of the improvements for catching them, they could supply more fish than trventy companies could can. At Sitfca Captain Morri son has tho old government boat house all in order as a cannery. He exppcts to salt several thousand bar rels of fish this year. At Smith's Inlet Quashel & Co., had closed in their cannery buildings and were making cans; at Rivers Inlet the new building of the Rivers Inlet Company were going up, and other improvements were in progress. The buildings of the Victoria Packing Company are all up. The Motlakailah Indians have gone to work for S35 per month. Ten boats are out on Skeena Jliver. The Windsor Compa ny have no boat out, but are ready for business. Cunningham & Co. have put up the first seventeen cases. The Balmoral company had about sixty line salmon in their shed the morning the latter Bailed. The In verness company are ready, but had sent no boats out. The Indians want $45 a month. The Alert Bay can nery is ready for the run. The fish are expected to come in large num bers from now till the last of October. More Recruits. The Columbia arrived in at eleven yesterday morning. Her decks were black with passengers, a portion of the advance guard of the grand army of civilization that is pushing out from "western" homes by the Ohio and Mississippi as did the ancestors from across tho sea generations ago. The immigrants aboard of yesterday morning's steamer, wore a hearty, healthy lot of folks who come here on busine3ss. They do not start from their old homes to hang around large cities and live on swill; they come to take possession; to got land and culti vate it; to build homes and raise families and send children to bchool who will become educated and grow up and run for office and bu just as American as any of us. Plenty Pish. Ft. Caxbv, May 29. Ed. Asteriax: The catch of salmon is materially increasing, B. A. Seaborg sent over a thousand or two on Monday to Astoria; that amount bein in excess of what he could can. The faces of fishermen are brightening now. with tho pros pect of being better -rewarded for their outlay and toil. Tho persistent toiling and the constant dangers of these faithful men ought to be abun dantly rewarded. O. Bible Readings. Rev. Dr. Scott is to give a series of Bible readings in the Baptist church every Thursday evening from 8 to 9 o'clock during the month of June, the first ono will be given Thursday night. The subject is to bo "Tho Two Crowns." It is expected that Mrs. Scott will be present to recite at the close, that beautiful little poem, "The Starless Crown." The public are in vited. Sick and billious headache, and all derangements of stomach and bowels, cured by Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" or anti-billious granules. 25 cents a vial. No cheap boxes to allow waste of virtues. By druggists. Fine Boots and. Shoes Of the best make and guarauteed quali ty at P. J. Goodman's. N othing sold but what can be recommended as Toeing a good article. .Ladies' and children's shoes a specialty. New goods constant ly arriving. If you .ikc New rooms, new furniture, new, clean beds and a quiet place to sleep uo to the O K Lodging House, corner West iUh and Water streets, opposite Frank Fa bre's. Fran It Fabrc's Oyster and Chop House Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or Shoahvater bay oysters cooked in any style, or an early breakfast before going aboard the boat, should call and see him. Fresh Eastern and Shoahvater bay oysters received by every steamer. Genuine Misses' Kate Castleton Bonnets at Empire btore. For the genuine J. 1L Cirtter old BonrboUjand. the best of wines, liquors ana san Jjrancisco Deer, can attne uem opposite the bell tower, and see Campbell. OUR SOLID MEN. Aatonans who pay Taxes on $5,000 and Upwards. Following is an abstract from tho assessor's assessment roll for the cur rent year: Astoria Iron works 7,900 Allen. A V ; 7,850 Astoria Packing Co 30,000 Boelling, C 26,550 Bain, CH 8,355 Baltes, C 5,115 Brown, H 30,419 Berry, A W C,350 Badollet, J estate of 14,350 Badollet, Jane 5,850 Bowlby, JQA. 12,275 Clatsop Mill Co 31,140 Corbett, H W 16,000 Case, IW , 27,525 Columbia Canning Co 11,270 Cutting Packing Co 10,000 Crosby, A Heir's of 21,150 Crow, EC 11,770 CooperCH...-. 7,500 Carruthers, Robt 6,200 Devlin & Co J A 24,162 Davidson, Geo 6,320 Eaton, T W estate of 5,1 17 Elmore, S 5,000 Fisher, A C 6,240 Fiavel, Geo 1 . 133,330 Foster,I?aac 6,860 Gilraan, MM 5,960 Gray, JHD 6.890 Gearhart, J W 7,305 Graham, Dan 5,500 Gray, WH 7,550 Hawes, E R 6,150 Heilbcrn, Chas 5,715 Hinman, A 6,150 Hill, Geo 5,790 Hobson, Jno 22,250 Hume, G W 43.400 Hume, J W 6,700 Hume, W 19,800 Hume, J03 12,300 Hobson, Rich, estate of 6,175 Hyland, TA 6,800 I X L Packing Co 12,100 Johnson, Philip 5,550 Kirchhoff, Lewis 9,290 Kamni, J 7,800 Moyer.M 7,200 Masonic L & B Ass'n 0,233 Megler A J 7,650 Meglor & Wright 6,250 Montgomery, A 9,100 Monteith Thos 10,200 Nowlon, M 9,700 Occident Packing Co 11,350 Odd Fellows L & B Aasn 13,000 OR&N Co 31,000 Olney, Cyrus estate of 5,760 Parker, W W 5,900 Parker, C L 34,435 Parker, C L, Mrs 6,400 Parker, HB 19,025 Parker, G W 9.750 Pythian, L & B Ass'n 5,000 Pacific Union Packing Co. . . 9,950 Page, C H 5,750 Reed, G 5,965 Ross, Job 5,865 Rogers, M 11,150 Robb, J W estate of 5,200 Shively, J M. .' 34.550 Shively, Mrs S L estate of. . 12,300 Simpson, A M 5,500 Sherman, F 6,175 Trenchard, C J, estate of 6.625 Trullinger.J C 14,900 Jaylor, Jas 17,400 Ten Boesch, et al 21,100 Union Packing Co 8,500 Van Dusen, A 8,175 Warren, M E aad M S 12,700 Warren, D K 6,596 Wise, M 6,140 Wright, C S 6,425 West Coast Packing Co 9,775 Welch, Mrs Nancy , 26,480 Welch, Jas W 11,150 Welch, J W and A 5,950 Wolch, DH 6,475 Wood, S F and G W 10,215 Wilson, Louis 9,460 White, J W 11,800 Steamer Days. Following is a resume of sailing dates for ocean steamers for May, June and July, steamers leaving As toria and San Francisco every three days: FIIOM ASTOUIA IFKOMSAXKEAXCISCO ilavl AT 10 A. M. Mav StateVednesday 30iQueeiuVednesdav so Junoj June Columbia Saturday sjOregon Saturday 2 Queen .Tuesday 5 State. Tuesday 5 Oreuon Friday SlColumbla Friday 8 State Monday llJQueeu Monday 11 Columbia Thursdayl-i Oregon.. Thursday 14 Queen ..Sunday 17j.Mate Sunday 17 Oregon Wednesday 201 Columbia Wednesday 20 State Saturday 23Queen Saturdav 23 Coluinbia.Tuesday 201 Oregon .Tuesday1 loi Queen Friday 2HState Friday 29 Julyl July Oregon Monday i'ColumbIa.Mondav 2 state .Thursday 5) Queen .Thursday 5 Cotumbla..Sunday 8Oregon Sunday 8 Queen.Wednesday llState Wednesdaj-11 Oregon-Saturday 141 Columbia. Saturday 14 hUUe .-Tuesday 17 Queen.. Tuesday 17 Columbia-Friday 20 Oregon ..... .Friday 20 Queen. ..Monday 23State. Monday 23 Oregon- Thursdry 2CColumbIaThursday 20 State Sunday 29lQueen .Sunday 2D JVitroith Oxide Gas. Painless extraction of teeth at Dr. LaForce's dental rooms over 1. W. Case's store. 2Vew Rich Bleed. The use of Oregon Jilood Purifier. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOcteSOctsaudSl. Sold by W. E. De- lueui. Delicious Ice Cream at Frank Fa me's. Go tO tllft O. TT. T.nrfmiKT TTmioa comer West-9th and Water streets. A large assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Muslin Underwear just received at Lmpire Store. Where so fast my friend? Why to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast, The best Si 5-hook Kid Glove in the market at Empire Store. The finest pan roast in the city. Where, oh where ? At Frank fibres. The Soldier's Kiss. The following is from the graphic story of the campaigus of the Army of the Potomac as to!d by George "Williams in hi3 '-Bullet and Shell:" tcl beg your pardon, ma'am," said Jim Manners, as he dropped the heel of his musket on the ground, and peered wistfully into the faces of the mother and her child "I heg pardon, but may I kiss that baby of youn? I've ono just like him at home; at least he was when I Iast.saw him two year ago." The mother, a sympathetic tear rolling down her blooming cheek, silently held out the child. Jim pressed his unshaven face to its innocent, smiling lips tor a mo ment, and then walked an, saying, "God bless you, ma'am, for that! God bless 3'ou!" Poor Jim Manners! He never saw his boy again m life; for a bullet laid him low the next day as we made our first charge, and he found his grave on the field whfr so manv thousand brave fellows fell. Tho child of Jim Manners ii only one of the great army of orphans whose father'u graves will bloom to day with the offerings of a grateful people. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDENT. C W Stone. KnatiDten: S W Dol man, Westport; V Cook, City; H F Carnah an, Knappton; Mrs G rider & chil. Skipanen: A S Whitnev. S F: J Uahm. J D Shaw. J W Thomas. W F Barton, K Selig, J Strang.Portland; ixvjuiig,uo lunnHcnuu, j imckoi bunr. M P Kellev. H Wolff J P Wat son, S D Abrahams, S F; J Shively, City; G T Myew, Fishertou; Mrs O'Brien, Brooktield; F H E Ebsteim & wf, Ft Canby; T J Baldwin, Den ver, Col; J Williams & wf, Tanzy Point; A F Cotter, Knappton. PAKKER BOUSE. F Cohen, M Stuarinsthe, S F: J W Kinsman, Portland; P Titus, John Days; A J Watson, W X McCoy, Mrs N C Kofoed, Portland; J Shaughnes- sy, S F; J W Walker, Nehalem; T Powers, Pertland: H R Brown, Upper Astoria. Domestic Exports. The receipts of certain articles of Or eeon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1st, 1SS3. to May 1?A, inclu sive, nave neen as follews: Flour, qr sks. ... . Wheat, ctls . Oats, ctls Salmon, bbbj :., hi bbls CS... ........ , pkgs Apples, lUpe. bxs.... .. Butter, pkgs ................ Potatoes, ska . Wool, bales ..... .... ...... Hides. No Tallow, ykgs- .. . Beef, bbls....I Hay. bales .............. Quicksilver, flasks... Fruit, Dried, pkgs Leather, pkgs . , Hops, bales .. Hams, pkgs .... M . ., Cheese, cs... Flax Seed, sks.. ..... Corn, ctls . . Canned Goods, cs.... .. .. , Lard, pkga 159.632 21 Z$i 31.749 378 1C1 :2).CS7 34 8rTC0 83 22.403 3.177 16.531 030 9 23 75 6.233 COS 454 O 14 1,310 11 G a ZVotice. Dinner at -JEFFS" CHOP HOUSE every day at 5 o'clock. The best 2.". cent meal in town; soup, hsu, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, nudtlinsr. etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who hnvi tripd him say Jeff is the BOSS." When ladles are Attractive. All Indies know their fact-a ait most attractive when free from pim ples. Parkers Ginger Tonic is popu lar among them because it banishes impurities from blood and skin and makes the face glow with health. Important Notice to Flifcprnien and Others. "JEFF. of the CHOP HOUSE, will give you the BEST 25-cent meal in town lorcasn. Uoard by the week 5, m ad vance. Meals at auy hour, day or night. Syrup of Pigs Is the beat and most pleasant of purga tives. It cleanses the system, purifies the blood, cures biliousness and consti pation, dyspepsia, headaches, colds, f vers. etc Our enterprisiutr druggists, W. E. Dement & Co., are selling it rap- luiy, aim u gives sausiasuou 10 every one. Hodge, Dais & Co., wholesale agents, Portland, Or. AH the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Ccrfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's druc store, opposite Ociden hctel, Astoria. Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital izeris aposithe cure. For sale by W. E. DeinenL The finest selection of Jewelry ever seen in Astoria is now on exhibition at Gustav Hansen's. If you contemplate a purchase you will find styles and prices to suit you at the Leading Jewel ry House of Astoria. The Hev. Geo. H. Tha'ivr. or Hour bon, lnd., sa3's: Both myself ami wife owe our lives toSmi.oifs'CoxsuMPTio.v Cuke." Sold by W. E. Dement. Old Scrofulous Sores and Bad Ulcers removed by the OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. Young maiden if jon'd boost those charms That win it lover to one's arms, Aud that may never let him jio. 'Twill be through SOZODONT who' powers Gives to the breath the balm of llowers. And leaves the teeth as white as snow. Indications of consumption are al layed by HALE 3 HONEY OK llOUE HOUND AND TAR. Pike's Toothache Dnors cure in one minute. "JEFF," of the CHOP HOUSE is now ready to manufacture Ice Cream to order in any quantity for Balls. Socia bles. Private "Houses, etc and having the bestfacilities of any place in town guarantees to give -satisfaction. Ice constantly on hand and for sale. Fot Dyspepsia andLivcr Complaint, you have a printed jiuaranteeon every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. An attractive, youthful appearance secured by using Parker's Hair Bal sam to all who are gettiing gray, The Peruvian syrup lias cured thou sands who were sutfenng from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc Pamph lets free to any address. Seth W.Fowlf & Sou "Boston. Forced Mkssi:s. Isaacs & Co.: Raise all the cash you can as speedily as possible, on receipt of which will send those goods you ordered. (Signed) SHERIFF O'NELL. In accordance with the above request we intend to. slaughter goods for the next ten days. EVERYTHING BELOW COST !. . Now is your Time to Secure Bargains. Look at trie Price List. Dress Goods from- Ginghams from Calicoes from Muslins from Flannels from Table Linens from ". . Linen Napkins H Ladies Hoso Collars and Cuffs Embroideries Walking Sacques from Ladies Trimmed Hats Boys' Suits from Gents' full Suits from Socks from Reductions in every line. This is a bona fide sale, no buncombe. Our bargains must be seen to be appre ciated. Every article marked in plain figures at Sheriff O'Neil'a Bankrupt Store, Corner Concomly and Main Streets, Dcscr eclly Popular. Unless it had great merit Parker's Ginger Tonic" could not be so popular. Its sale has spread remarkably every where, because invalids find it gives them new life and vigor when other medicines fail entirely. Oiio Farmer. T, Frederick Buegg, of Mnltnomah Co., State of Oregon, certify herewith that Win. Plunder's Oregon Blood PuriGer has entirely cured mo of a skin disease, produced by poison oak. Although I had applied to several physicians for rtlief, none of these gents could do me any good, and I herewith recommend the Oregon Blood Purifier to all suffering such skin disease. Signed, F.RUEGG. "llacknietack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 00 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Vigor, strength and health all found in one bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price ."i0 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement Weak muscles and nerves, slnggish neK3 of thought and inactivity, cured by Brawn's Iron Bitters. Chills, fever, acue and weakness are cured by Colpex's Liquid Beek Tox ic. Afkfor Coldcn's, of druggists. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. Seo Advertisement. SOLID GOLD JEELET, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. J3T"A11 fcwds warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. ELEADQUAKTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria J'Oveltiesofall Kinds Fruit-sltoth Foreljrn and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Ilrand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 K &XD0CK HANSEN BROS. EA YE BJSMO YED I From their old quarters to their NEW SHOP AND KACTOKY KEAK KINNEY'S CAN NKKY. City Auditor's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Assessment Roll of the City of As toria, in Clatsop county. Oregon, as returned bvthe City Assessor, for the 5 ear 18S3, Is now on file In the office of the Auditor and Clerk of said city, where it will remain open for inspection until the 1st day of June, 1853. All applications for corrections or revision"! of the same must be filed with the Andltor and Clerk, prior to said first day of June, 1SS3, T.S.JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria. May ICtli. 18S3. Can-Filling Machine. IN ADDITION TO WHAT HAS ALREADY bren said In favor of the Can-Filling Ma chine, patented bv Mr. Jensen, and built by the Astoria Iron Works, I can say that it u the crcatest labor-saving machine that has yet Been Invented for packing salmon. Last Friday our machine, running at moderate speed, filled -ill cases in ten hours, and Sat urday it filled 320 cases In seven hours. I am confident it will fill 500 cases per day and do it better than can be done by nand J FISHERMEN'S FKG. CO., Ter F. C. Reed, Manager. Sale ! Nkw York May 19th. $1 . 1, 5 . 5 cts. per yd upwards g cc (c cc 4. (l Cl 5 (( u u 8 " " " 20 " " 50 " per doz " 5 " per pair " 10 " per set " 2 per yd. " 00 " 50 " - " .50 " 00 5" " per pair " M. ISAACS, Consignee. ASTORIA, OREGON. 0 Tt 5 f 01 i J 1 1 5 0 g 1 I " 2 I an HAVE YOU SEEN -tIIIIllIllIlIIlIIIIIIUIlS3lHlIB121I33SI OUR SPLENDID STOCK iiuanniiitiniisiuiiuiauEiiiiuiisiais! OF J CARPETS, j j UPHOLSTERY, j j WALL PAPER, 1 1 : flMniiiiaiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiii AND ZYcwcftt Styles in Furniture? ED. D. CURTIS & CO. (M. "vT. Galllck'a Old Stand.) Haye some elegant designs in the abote mentioned goods which they will be pleased to show the public Everything new and tasteful. WE New Has removed one block below, from their former location on Main street, next door to N. Loeb's Clothing Store, where we keep Latest Novelties of all Descriptions, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, LATEST PAPERS, and PERIODICALS Jewelry, Watches. 33 u3u 3B 3T B XT Gr G-1 3EJ S Which we will SELL AT COST, as we have no room to store them. Come and Seo TTs. . We treat our Customers all alike, and will not misrepresent our Goods. NEW YOBK NOVELTY STOBE, Main Street, Astoriat Or. 0. B. COOPER, GEKEBAL MEECHANDISB. IIIIIXL The Leading Dry Goods CIofMiig House of Astoria, LACE CTJS.TJLHTS, I have just received a large consignment of Lace Curtains, and. Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an inspec tion from intending purchasers, confident that for rarity and Low Priota NO SUCH VALUE HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED IN ASTORIA. SiUss and Dress Goods, "We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of the most, elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City, AT REMARKABLE LOW PRICES. All Silk Hhadames, Drap D'Almas All Silk Poulards, Wool Surralii, All Silk Ottomans, Satin Soleila Etc., Etc CX.O.&ZS, "We are now showing the Largest and moat Elegant Linja of La dies' Cloaks and "Wraps ever brought to this Citj. Black Dolmans, . . Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp. Black Silk Dolmans,- . 0 ! Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and Gimp. Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans, Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe. Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters. Shetland Shawls, Evening Shawls, Wool Shawls, ' All Sizes and Colors. CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS DKFARTMIX? AYe are showing, without doubt, the largest, and most complete, stock of Glens', Youths', and Boys' Clothing ever brought to Astoria AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. largest Stock, Finest Goods. and lowest Prices in Astoria, O. H. COOPER, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING, ASTORIA. OCCIDENT STOEE. New Goods! FINE CLOTHING, Dress Suits, BtllsI in ess Sixlts, XiislL't Sn-mmer ztu StjlPstoSuit All. Quality to Sulc All. Prices to Suit All. A. fall Stoak f jpdrluktcs- h:ats. A complete line of GENTS' FUJKNISHIXG GOODS . Floe Stunaer XSx&mr wear. Hosierj. French Tercale Shirts. Scarfs, Ties, Silk, and Linen HandkercWrti Etc., etc. Trunks and Satchels. D. A. MelNTOSH, The ILeadiag - TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH ME! . WHO? PRANK ELBERSON, SeasMe Bakery & Confectionery. Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candies etc., furnished for Wedding parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite H. W. Jlnme's. L. K G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer in L'lsnrs nmi Tobaccos, Smokers' Article, I'lajins itrdH, Cutlery, Ma lionerj. Ltc. The largest and finest stock or MEER SCHAUM and AMBER GOODS in the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the countrv. Tiiko.BRACKER, Manaser. Chcnamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. LEAD BUT NEVER FOLLOW ! Yorls Novelty Store New Patterns ! IN and GENTS FURNISHER. I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLBSALIAHD TAIL D5ALSB IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamns and Cm streML. ASTORIA. ---- OXXOOV LEATHERS BROS. BOAT BITIX.DEXS, VpStalra Over ArHdt A Ferebea's . Call and examine the work -we are dsiag and see the wood we are usIhj, before atak ing a trade elsewhere. FIRST-CLASS WORK A SPBCIALTY. ASTORIA MARBLE WORKS. DAVID KEIiMAV, - - Frrlt. Manufacturer ot Ameriaan and Italiam marble monuments and head stonw. Ceme tery lots enclosed with curbing, wab aad coping or stone posts and Iron railing. Tnm and designs furnished to persons at a dis tance, batlsfaction guaranteed. Slate a seamen for cannery use. ASTORIA. BX69X at )T , i 1C ,"