- iSPSj.";- " ' -v- "v - J" H) abo AifC r MM. gfcs gailil st0iam ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY..-.. MAT 2G. 1883 COHMERGEAND TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. SAILED. LmcWrdisa, Yr Qneenstown Mar 26 rrr t " VXSSSLS IK TEE RIVER. 0 Catfereus&, Am tn CSau6crt,Aa Highland Licht.Ata.ep r,orrica, Amsa Rtw,'Aaigp lstaMaa,Asiept B?erale, Br VESSELS OX THE WAY. o FPMB Frclc Perts. for the CelmtntitB KJvr 'Ctek,;HoBkok rfcitei.gr bk Liverpool March 9 Titer Orots, Br sp Sidney CHMberrie. Bc'bk Livarpeol 0e 21 Grieedale. Br sp Liverpool . TT Bsilex. Br bk Buenos Ayres ErjHwda. Br sp London April 7 K4ru, Br tr Besgkoas STsira&Ira. Br tp Glasforr March 22 SoottUh Tar. Br bMsiverpeol. March 14 &kc4r. Br bk Xewexsila Yleoris, Bra Hongkong Wlgta-whlr. Br bk Bremen March IB Frem A-acrlc&n Ports. jPfrk WlMlow. Am bk N Y March 15 r OKvT S.Seuthar4. Am ah, Phlla. 7eb 12 4 Ores. Am sp J Y March 12 St. Lcie. sp St York March 1 ' TiU. Am 1S9 If Y Oecpt' "Walters Belle. Asa sp 1135 2T YDeoJS ' TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA Tram tables of United States.Coast Surve High Wator. Low Water. Date. x. x. p. m. x. . P.M. 9 42 ..10 17.. .10 55.. Ii.' 0 51." .... 2 00.. 3 14.. . 4 31.. 5 45 -..8 . y 10 n . 0 ... 1 2 a ...4 ...5 Common Council. lUcnI&r meetings second and fourth Tues day Tcfiiaga of each month, at 7J-J o'clock WPersens desiring to have matters acted fijnbr the Council, at any regular meotinjt tt present the same to the Auditor and Clerk en or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds it recalar meetinga. TIIOS.S. JEWt-TT. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Lode Ho. 40. L O. G.I. Rerslar Meetinr cverr TKMinv Frnnr qat 3 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Astoria. Mem ber of the Order, in good standing, are inviL etl to attesd. Degree meeting 1st Monday of ach month. By order W. C. T. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. -. ftecjljsr'ComaunicatioBB first and'sAf Mttfrd'Taesiayt iaaeh month. at 74 V 'cleek, r. it., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in good standing, are urited to attend. By erde: of the W. M. ,- a sViwerican Leg-ion of Honor. JUCHMl nfwtlrtrnl Aitnrll rinnnll v.. iy.r 1. k.rr -- . z.i.z "r,rrT..j--j!":" -v "' bmu kiu Mic urat aim uiiru saturaav 01 each month, at 7 o'clock i m. By order ofCouncil Commander. II. V Montkitil, Scr'ty. rA"Commo'n-sense Remedy. Salicylic A. Ho more Rrieumatism. 2 00 3 401 X 2 44 4 19 ar s a 5 e3 38 4 23 5 51 5 54 C -40 6 47 7 421 1 8 (E. 8 42 1 9 lS.... 9 39 2 10 S3 10 83! J 11 47 11 211 Gout or Neuralgia. immediate Reref Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. . 'm-t V&r utahlishcd and never kivjicn to Xfalttfa single case, acute or chronic. Refer lifktt ffremfnent phyjfrians nnd drugaUU for the standing c Saltcylica. SECRET! THE ONLY D1SSOLVEK OF THE .POISONOUS URIC ACID WHICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF RHEU MATIC AND GOUTY PATIENT. SALICYLICAisknownas a common sense remedy, because It strikes directly at tbe cause of Itueumatism, Gout and Neural f. gia, while so many so-calk'd specifics and apposed panaceas only treat local! v the effects e It has been conceded by eminent scientists M that outward applications, such as rubbliig j trith oils, ointments, liniments, and soothing m- lotions will not eradicate llue dtseasta f which are the result of the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid . SAL1CYLICA works with marvelous - eBecton Illis Tirld :inrt kii wmnvM tlio illcnr. der. It Is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of America and Knropc. . fflgbes-t Medical Academy of Paris reports iifE tiuu iu uiivo uays. nr-TSVfkM'TZi-rkjr-rs - j ' . C iw. 1 W IA.1. tbat SALICYLIC a. is a certain cure for JBheumatism.Coutaud Neuralgia. The most intense pains ai subdued aHiion las-tantly. Give i a trial. Itelief guaraisteed nr inon x ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. o La.Box, 6 Boxes for S5. Sent free by mall on receipt ol inoncr. ASK YOUIt DRUGGIST FOK IT Si 'But 46 not be deluded Into taking imitations ! ' wsbstkates, or sometuinj; recommended as t as good 1" Insist on the genuine with the name of Washburne & Co ob each box which Ls guaranteed chemlcati v pe nader our signature, an indispensable w reaulslte to Insure success in the treatment. T Take no other, or send to us. Washburn it, Co., Proprietors. jaKBrftaytway.cor. EeadeSt., SfEWYOKK -Fr8eieby W.K. DEMENT & Co., and J. E. THOMAS. N'OTIQ OF CHIEF OF POLICE. . g Notice is hereby Kiven that by virtue t "Tvarrant issued bv the auditor and p. clerk of the city of Astoria, Clatsop Am ceunty, state of Oregon, on the iGtli day of May. 1KJCJ, and to me directed coin B&ndi!t me to levy upon and sell as bv law provided, lot numbers in block nuiu 125, in- that portion of said city of Astoria which was laid out and record ed by J. M. jjhively, to satisfy ati assess ment of twenty-tin ee and 50-100 dollars, as declared aiid assessed upon said lot ' 5 by ordinance No. 508 ot said city for , tbe improvement and repair of that por- fee el Cedar street in said city be tween the east side of Salmon street and tbe west end of Cedar street, as provid- a8i,??d directed by ordinance No. 501, of m city, I have levied upon and said -,.. No. 5 and shall proceed to sell the w at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court bouse door of Clatsop countv which ceart house is in said city, on" the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten nctecktnthe forenoon of said day, to ffcfysaid sum of 23.50 and costs of sale. tfThe names of the owners of said Jet as ijsignated by said ordinance No. w "2& -v ?$? W. W. Upton, J. W. Welch, and Mary L Herren. f- C. tV. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. CHiliULLUSSOTOI). REAL ESTATE AND bfAflPfti Commission Brokers. OeUiBraeri rCass aad Cbeaamus streets. wMi JMt Xagws. Agency buslaess transacted. tXaAlr Ja tf Phocf 11CA 'NMimMr, Pncs 36 cents. rjnf a. jenemu w w. AITtiil f BtfMT lyBack! That's a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. M ay be caused by kidney disease, liver com plaint, consumption, cold, nervous debility, &c. ' Whatever the cause, don't neglect it Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has 'yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iron Bitters, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Wm. P. Marshall, of Logans pcit,Indiana,writes: "My wife has for many years been trou bled from pain in her back and general debility incident to her sex. She has taken one bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters, and I can truthfully say that rhc has been so much benefited that she pronounces it the only remedy of many medi cines she has tried." Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown's Iron Bit ters, it has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure vou. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE, AT VANCOUVER. W. T., May 15th, 183. Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with the provisions of tho act of Congress, approved June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tlic sale of timber lauds in the States of Cali fornia. Oregon, Ncv:ida, and In Washington Territory," John E. Furry, of Multnomah cuiity, urcgon. has this dav litcd in this of Jipc his application to purchase the south west H of Section 22. Township 9, 1101 th, of Kange 5 west of the- Willamette Meridian. Ifslimoiiy in the :iuoe case will be taken before the Register and Receiver, at Van couver. Wash. Ter on Monday, the 30th day of July. 1863. Any and all persons having ail verse clalnis to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are herebv required to file their claims in this office within sixty (eo) days frum date hereof. v FRED. W. SPARLING. Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. f AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T.. U May 15, 1RS3. Notice Is herebv given that in compliance with theprovi -ions ot the Act or Congress 'approved June 3. 1878, entitle An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of Cali fornia, Ongon, Nevada, and In Washington ferritory," Kazel Latham, of Multnomali L2.UM'; Oregon, has thb day filed in this office his application to purchase the south east a of section !8. township 9 north, of niyje 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the anove case will be taken before the Register aud Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ter., on Saturday, the 28th day of July. 1683. J Anvaiulal'ipoRtons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv portion thereof, are hereby required to ille their claims in tills office within sixty (GO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. W T., May 15. I6S3. ' Notice is Hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3.1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the stales of Cali fornia, regon, Nevada, and In ashlngton Tenitory.,r Robert Crayioii, of Multnomah County, Oregon, has this day filed In this office his application to purchase the south west of section 10, township a north, of range n west of the Willamette Meridian. Tt-stimonv in the above case will be taken before the Register audEecrivcr at Vancou ver, WasluTer., on Saturday, the 28th ilayof July, 1S33. Any and all persons having adverse claims tp the above described lands, or anv portion thereof, aie hereby required to file their claims 111 this office within lxty too) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. XT. T.. May 13, 1S83. N'nticf i iiereliv r!vn, thot In Anmi.lUn.. with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878, entitled "an act for the sale of timber lands In the states of Call- Terntorj-," Uustav Kojiphn, of Multnomah County, Oregon, lias this day filed In this office his application to purchase the north east i of section 18. township 9 north, of range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be takeh before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ter., on Monday, the 3oth day of July, 1883. 3 Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or anv portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (CO) days from date liereoL FRED. W. SPARLING. Register. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T.t Mayl5,18&. Notice is Hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1873, entitled 'Au act for rhe sale of timber lands in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Vevada, and hi Washington Territory," Mathlas C. Aten.or Multnomah County, Oregon, has this day filed Iu this office his application to purchase the east XA of northwest li and lots 1 and 2 of section 18, township 9 north, of range r west of the Wil lamette Meridian. TesUmony in me above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver. Wa-h. Ter., on Monday, the 30th day of July. 183. Any and all psrsons having adverse claims to the. above described lands or ativ portion thereof, aie hereby required to file their claims In tills office within sixty (Go) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING. Register. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUCS CHEMICALS, TOILET and FAHGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, The Cost of the Indian Service. The Indians are decreasing in number. It is the constant boast of the department charged with their affairs that they are gradu ally, and in several tribes rapidly, adopting the habits of civilized life. For two reasons, therfore, the cost of maintaining the In dians ought to be growing smaller. Experience shows the contrary. The expenditures for this service have nearly doubled in a period of twenty-eight years. It is remark able that the increase in outlay should have begun with what is called the "peace policy" of Gen. Grant, early in 1869. That policy was adopted at the instance of al leged philanthropists, and was in tended by its authors to improve the condition of the Indians. But, as often happens in moral move ments, the agents employed to carry into practice benevolent theories became the instruments of perversion and the benehViaries of organized corruption. The enormous increase in the cost o the Indian service will be seen by comparing the aggregate expenditurps for the fourteen years since 1869 with those for a similar period before Grant and Columbus Delano took charge. Expenditures for Indians from 18C9 to 18S2. : $91 ,213,731 59 Expenditures for Indians from 1855 to 18SS......... 49a3,3 20 Excess tn 14 years. $41,933,323 33 The eyil planted by Grant in 1869 took deep root. Last year the Indian service cost $9,736, 747.40, more than in any other year in the whole history of the government. These figures re quire the attention of the next congress. JV". Y. Sun. An old sea captain says that when he's aboard ship he is never governed by his mate, but when he is at home, he always is. The Great Natural Demand. In order to supply the great natural demand for a remedy of real merit, one capable of cleansing the sj'stem, puri fying the blood, regulating the liver and acting on the. bowels, the California Fig Syrup Company has commenced the manufacture on a Jarge scale of a con centrated Syrup of Figs, and is sending out trial bottles to be given awaj-,sothat it costs nothing to try it and convince yourself of its efficacy. And as cverv family needs a bottle, it is also for safe in 50 cent and SI bottles at W. E. De ment & Cb.'s, Astoria. Hodge, Davl-. & Co., wholesale agent Portland, Oregon. "Whca Ladle are AttractUe. All ladies know their faces arc most attractive when free from pim ples. Parker's Ginger Tonic is popu lar among them becauso it banialies impurities from blood and skin and makes the face glow with health. Digest "Your Food If yon want to be healthy. How can you if vour teeth refuse to do their work? Get them put in order by skil- iui aennsts, ana use suzuudt to keep them right SOZODONT is the best preparation for the teeth. That Hacking Cough can be x quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. AW guarantee it Sold by V. E. Dement. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee, it cures consumption. Sold by W. E. Di menL An attractive, youthful appearance secured by using Parker's Hair Bal sam to all who are getting gray. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure 15 the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment People do not ask any longer what is this OREGON BLOOD PURI FIER, for they know it by its reputa tion as being the beat liver regulator and blood cleanser in existence. PIAKLKEK-'S HAIB B AZSAM. This elegant dressing is preferred by those vrho have ussdit, to any ;susilar article, on ac tcount of its superior cleanliness and purity. 'It contains materials only that are beneficul to the scalp and hair andalnrays RKtortx tbs Youthful Color to Crej or Fatal Hair Porter's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent iadn g of.the hair and to re move dandrunanditchinc. Htscox & Co . N.Y. Me. u4 tl !, at 3W U drop ad rUcin. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Rvterar. If you axe a mechanic or farmer, worn out trlth overwork, era mother run down by family or house. ho!u duties try Pakkkk's Ginger Toxic. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain orsnxlou cares, do not take latoxicatmgstimulants,butuseParker'sGin2erTocic If you hare Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheumx. Ism, Kidney Complain is, cr any disorder of thelungs, Etcmach. bowels, blood or Berves,PASKER's Ginckk Tonic will cure you. ItistheGreatestBloodPurifiex And the But and Sorest Coh& Care Ever Vce. If you are vrastin jr away , Horn age, dissipation or my disease or veakness and require a stimulant take (j .oEwToMCatonce; it v-ill invigorate and build o-i trp font the first dose but will never intoxicate. J t has saved hundreds of Eves; it may save yours. C IUTZ0X ! IWn't til nVfttcUi.Fuln'i ClrrTcBleIi r-jfj of It, toitrrswdU) ipeU la the wor!4,udii tstireir irrritfnrtiirrjsntloritcfcwrtr!cat. Srcitcrdmluta llbcox A O.. N. T. Me. tt 11 ihn, at initrt la drcju CREAT SAVING BITTING D0IXAR SIZE. Its nrh and Iasung fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There ls nething: like It. Insist upon harmg Flokes tom Cologne and look fcr signature of ca rnrr Lottl. Any d-nffirt er dialer la pntitsmy tijt J tm. and ?S oct tk. -API CSU1VR BIT1NO tsc. EKE. ffiSilPk, 1 , ArMbHKB XJWftSfc --tV NE OF THE OLDEST AND HOST REL1ASU REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affectfoa of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND GHEST, including CONSUMPTION. A Wai-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES 1 " It doe not dry tip a cough, and leave tbe caau fceiiad, as is the case- with most preparations, fca bosens it, cleanses the laags and allays irritation Csis rwnovbz the cause -of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles best xS similar name:. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S EALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. rith the signature of" I. BUTTS" oa thewrappet SO Cents and SI. 00 a Bottle Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SON'S, B01 uMitt. Said br dniaasu and dealers ienerali' CENTKAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and .Telly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS, BBTTJER, CHEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. FOUITBY AIO GAME In the season. CIGARS USD TOBACCO. Best ol WINES AND UQUOBS. AH cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case' store. J. KODKKKH. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Qregof BERGMAX C BERJiT RESPSCTFULLY CALL THE ATTKN. tion of the :ablic to the fact that the abovo Market will always bo saypliod with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholcialo and retaiL Special attention civen to anpplj. ns ships. HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL. -WALTER PAEK.S. - PROPRIETOR STAGE MANAGER w Engagement f MISS SUSIE LEE; Senj: and Dance Artkt. MISS .MARY MOULTOX. Character Actress and Eccltatlotiess. MISS FANNIE WALTON", Songstress. BABY WEST. The Child "Wonder. MR. HENRY WEST, Ethiopian Comedian. WALTER PARKS. Comedian. CHAS. BARROWS. Actor. Together with a new . Under the management of PROF. CHARLES R1CKARDS. All the Old Favorites Retained. Open all tho Year Performance Everv Nights-Entire Change of Programme Every Night, Comprising SONCS, DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre ls crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce It to be eaual to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anvbodv wishing to spend a pleasant evening anil see sparkling wit and beaiitv without vul garity, should Improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following well known Artists : Mis FAornt Waltox. Miss Mauv Moulton. Mk. Walter. Parks. Mb. Chas. Barrows. Mr. Hkkbv West. All of which will appear nightly in their dlf, ferent specialties. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. New Stars in Rapid Succession ! ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort GEO. HILLER. NOTICE OF CHIEF OP POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of tho city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the IGtli day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot number 6 in block number 125, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three 50-100 dollars, as declared and assessed upon said lot by ordinance No. 503 of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street a$ pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city, I have levied upon said lot C aud shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said cfty, on the 23d dav of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day to satisfv said sum of S2&50 and costs of sale. The names of the owners of said lot as designated by 6ald ordinance No. 508 are J. N. Dolpn. W.W.Upton, J. W.Welch, and Mary L Herren. C. W.LOUGHERYJi Chief of Police of said City of Aitoria. NOTICE OP CHIEF OP POLICE, Notice is hereby given, that bv virtue of a warrant issued bv the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 10th day of Hay, 1883, and to me directed, com manding mc to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered C, in block numbered 121, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded bv John 3T. Shivelv, to satisfy an assessment of twentv seven dollars, as declared and assessed upon said lot 3, by ordinance number 50S. of said cify for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of CVIar street, as nmvirlml iml itir.-wirrwl w nrf!iii?,nrn number 501, of said city, l'have levied' upon said lot 3, and shall proceed to sell the same at nubile auction to the nighest bidder for cash In hand atthe;v- , . . .' ,. . . , court house door of said Clatsop coun- tce is hereby Given time oy lrtue ty, which court MnlMJ WYLA on the 23d day of June, 18S3, at the nour or ten o clock A. Ai. ot said dav to satisfy said sum of ?27 and costs o'f sale. The nameot tho owner of said lot as designated br said ordinance number 503, is ilergaret McCann. C. W. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of aawl City ot Asto-ia. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF' POLICE. Notice is hereby civen. that bv virtue of a warrant Issued by the auditor and city and recorded by John M. Shively. to satisfy an assessment of thirty lollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4, by ordinance number 503. of said city for the improvement of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Salmon street and the wt end of Cedar street, as provided and directed by ordinance number 501, of aiu city, x nave ievien upon saui ;ot -i, ana snail proceed to sell the same at puouc, auction to tne nigliest imliler for vncll I II lOY1l if f-lwk itrttiff It swifts, ttswtt of said Clatsop counts, which court house is in said cltv, on the 2Jd dav of June, 1SS3. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day to satisfy said .sum of $v$u anil costs 01 sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number ZQ$ is Margaret 3rc Cann. C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OP CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice Ls hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Chitsop county, state of Oregon, on the Kith day of May, 18S3, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered :5, in block numbered 139, in that portion of said cits'of Astoria, which v. as laid out and recorded by John M. Shively. to satisfy an assessment of twentj -three 50-100 dollars, as declared and assessed upon said lot 3, "by ordinance numbered 503, levied upon said lot 3. and hall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the Inchest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on ttie Ski dav of June, 183:;, at tiie hour of ten o clock A. M. ol said day. to satisfy said sum of S2O50 and costs of s-ale. The name of the owner of said lotas desig nated by said ordinance number 503, is J. 31. Shively. C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, stitc of Oregon, on tho Kith day ot May, 1883, and tome diu-cted, com manding me to levy upon and sell, as by law provided, lot nnmbered 2, in block numbered 130, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by J. 31. Shively. to salisf y an assessment of twenty-three 50-100 dol lars as declared and assessed upon said lot 2, b3 ordinance number 503, of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar .street, as pro- viueu aim directed oy ordinance num ber 501, of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot 2, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the "court house door of Clatsop count, which court house is iu said city, on the 23d day of June, 18S3, at the hour ot ten o'clock A. 31. of said dav, to satisfy said sum of S2&50 and costs of sale." The name of the owner of said lot a? desig nated bv said ordinance number 508 i.s J. M. Shively. C. W. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk 'of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 10th dav of 3Iay, 1883. and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as bv law provided, lot numbered 4, in block numbered 112. in that portion of the said city of Astoria, which was laid out aud recorded by John 31. Shively, to satisfy an assessment ot twenty-six dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance number SOS of said city for tne improvement and repair of that por tion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provided and directed by ordinance number r:M, of said city, 1 have levied upon taid lot 4. and shall proceed tosellthc v.,ute at public auction to the highest bidder lor cask 111 Hand, at the court house door of Clatson countv. which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the liour often o'clock A. 31. of said day to satisfy said sum of 52G and costs or sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 503, "is James 3Ie Cann. C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant Issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the IGth day of 3Iay, 1833, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell, as by law provided, lot numbered 1, in block uuraber 14 L, in that portion of said city of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by J. 3L Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-thicc 50-100 as de clared and assessed upon said lot 1, by ordinance number 503, of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provided and di rected by ordinance number 504 of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot num ber 1, and shall proceed to sell the same, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 18S3, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said. day to satisfy said sum of $23.50 and costs of sale. The nama of tho owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 503, is E. E. Gager. C. W. LOCGHERY. Chief of rolice of said Cltv of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby civen. that bv virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 16th day ot May, 1883, and to mo directed, com manding me to levy upon and&ell. as by law provided, lot numbered 2. in block 112, in that portion of the city of Astor ia, wnicii was laid out aud recorded by J. M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three 50-100 dollars, as declar- clerk of the city or Astoria in CiaUop county, state of Oregon,o:i the 10th .lav T, iVrt V " K v ueV . of May, 1833, and to ne directed, com- j -t--uI)f .Salmon stroet and and west mandingme to lew upon and .sell. aJ'l'f eda 1-Stmu v W,IJV'1 W" by law" provided, lot mumVted 4, iU ree;l by ordinance No. :.( of .sudcrty, block numbered 121, in that portion of f Jav$ K-victi upon said lot 2 and snail said citvof Astoria, which was laid out HPWU 1"1: "nr at lblic auc- of said city, for the improvement itiiil :rS. r TJ i ' l V7i repair of that portion of Cedar street iu Lc?s;s ? ft1- Th? nsVmV ,of t!i? said city, between the east ide of Salm- Wr.CL fsaul T tf-1 by snu! 011 streeet and the west end or Cedar orimanccim,nucr"G!Ser. street as provided and directed by ordi- Cn!ef of rolIce 0V . cuv ofAs'ori-i nance number 501 of said city. I have mer ot i oiit.e orsata cm ot Aoru. ed and assessed upon said lot 2, by or dinance number SOS, of said eity. for the improvement and rerrnir of that portion of Cedar street, iu said city between the J east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provided ami u rected by ordinance number 50J. of said city, I have levied upon said lot num bered 2. and shall proceed to ell the same at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash in hand, at the court house door, of said Clatsop countv, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June. 18S3, at the hour of ten o'clock" in the forenoon of snid day, to satisfy the said sum of S23.3) and cost of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by aid ordinance number 506, Ls John jleCann. r.W.LOCGHERV. Chief of Polk-e of said City of Astoria. yittpp -ve niri-pr rvr? dai Tny clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state or Oregon, on the 10' h day of May, 1SS3, and to rue directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by lav. provided lot numbered 2 in block numbered 111, in that por tion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John .W. Shively. to satisfy an assessment ot twentj -three 50-1 00 dollars as declared and aessed upu.n said lot 2 by or dinance No. 503 of said eitv for the im- provement and repair of that portion of tion to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at lis- court house door of Ciatop county, wiiit'li court limine is in said city, on the 2.'M dav of June. 1SS:?, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, to satisfy said sum of -?2:-'0 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated bvsaid ordinance No. 50 is E.B. Gnser. C. W. LOrGHEUY. Chief of Police of .said City of .Ystori . NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE 1 1 fNr,:'3,IAecV.7,,vtnMtl'a5 v v,rtu; f arrant. is, sued by the auditor and l V f ""; c,t Aft Astoria in Clat-jop county, state of Oregon, on the Kith dav of May, 13K?, and to me directed, com manding mo to levy upon and sell :1s bj law provided. lot numbered ::. in block numbered 141. in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-tfiree 50-100 "dol lars, as declared and asseed upon said lot :5. byoidinance No. 508 of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provided and directed by ordinance number 501 of saiu city. 1 have levied upon said lot number 3. and shall proceed to .sell the same at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash iu hand, at the court house door, of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d dav of June. 188.'?, at the, hour of ten o'clock A. M. of NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby civen that by virtue of a warrant issued by tne auditor and clerk of the city or Astoria, Clatsop count , state of Oregon, on the Kith day of 3Iay, 1833, ami, to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided. lot numbered 1, in block numbered 13!, in that portion of the said city of Astoria which was laid out ami recorded by John 3f. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twcnty-thrce50-l00 dol lars as declared and assessed upon said lot 1 by ordinance No. 50S, of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city be tween the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provid ed and directed by ordinance number 504 of said city, I have levied upon said lot numbered 1, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1833, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to satisfy said sum oi S23.50 and costs of sale, the name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance num ber 503, is J. 3L Shivclv. C.'W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police ol said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by irtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Ciatop county, state of Oregou,on the Kith day of May, 1SS3, and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell, as by law provided, lot numbered 4 in block 139, in that portion of the said city of Astoria which was laid out and record ed by John 31. Shively. to satisfy an as sessment of twenty-three 50-100 dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance number 503, of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city be tween the east sideof Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provid ed and directed by ordinance number 501 of said city. I have levied upon said lot numbered 4 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in In ml, at the court house door of said t latsop county, which" court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June. 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock iu the forenoon of said day, to satisfy the sum of S23.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 503. is J. 31. Shivelv. " C.W LOUGnERY, Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria in Clatsop county state of Oregon, on the IGth day of 3Iay, 1833, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon aud sell as bv law provided, lot "numbered 4 in block numbered 113 iu that portion of said citvof Astoria which was laid out and recorded by John 3L Shively, to satisfy an assessment of S34.75 as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance No. 503 of said city for the improve ment and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Salmon street" and the. west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city, I have levied upon said lot 4 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder-for cash In hand, at the court house door, of said county of Clat sop which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June 1883 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day to satisfy said sum of $34.75 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 508 is School District-IS o.S. C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that" by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the IGth dav of 3Iay, 1SS3, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered G in block numbered 140, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John 31. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of $23.50 as declared and assessed upon said lot G by ordinance No.SOS of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinance .no. 004 or said city, 1 nave levied upon said lot G and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said county of Clat sop, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day to satisfy said sum of $23.50 and f Otlil ilm f t'ntii'f' r-nnl r.aa nP CO'I PA costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 503 is S. V. Marsh. C. W. LOrGTIERA. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria. Clatsop countv. state of Oregon, on the IGth day ot Mav. l$&i, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 1 in block numbered 121, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded bv John 31. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of $27.00 as declared and assessed upon said lot 1 by ordinance No. 503 of said city for thu improvement and rejmir of that portion of Cedar frpor. in aiil eltv between the east side of Salmon srree't and the west end of CtAir sf rpe- fl nrnvideil and directed bv ordinance No. 504 ot said city, I have levied upon said lot 1 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said county of Clat sop, which court house is in said city, 011 the 23d dav of June. 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in tiie forenoon of said day to satisfy said sum of $27.00 and costs or sale. The name of owner of said lot as designated by ordinance No, 503 i.s Dean Blanchard. C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said Cltv of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given tha by virtue of a warrant Ksued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop countv, state of Oregon, on the IGth day of 3Iay. ISs:;, and to mc directed, com manding me to lev upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 2 in block numbered 121, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John 31. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-seven dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 2 by ordinance No. 503 of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedur street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and we-t end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinance No. 501 of said city. I have levied upon said lot 2 and shall proceed to -ell the same at puplie auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand. at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June. 18S3. at the hour of ten o'clock A. m. of said day, to satisfy, said sum of $27.00 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 503 is John 3IcCann. C.W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said Cty of Aston .1. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice i.s hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor aud Clerk of the. city of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state ot Oregon, on the IGth day of 3Iay, 1833, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as bv law provided. lot numbered 3 in block 112. tn that portion of said city of As toria, which was laid out and recorded by John 3L Shively, to satisfy an assess ment of $23J"0 as declared and assessed upon said lot 3 by ordinance No. 508 of said city for the improvement and re pair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Sal mon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by or dinance No. 501 of said city. I have lev ied upon said lot 3 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash iu hand, at the court house door of said county, which court house is in said city, on" the 23d day of June. 1SS3. at the hour of ten o'clock a. 51.. of said day to satisfy said sum of $23.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as desig nated by &nid ordinance No. 508 is James 3IcCann. C.W. LOUGnERY. Chief of Tolice of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OP POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clck of the citvof Astoria, in Clatsop county, state or Oregon, on the IGth day of 3fay, 18S3, and to me directed commanding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered G, in blck numbered 131), in that portion of the city of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by J. 31. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three and 50-100 dollars as declared ami assessed upon said lot G by ordinance No. SOS of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the cast side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said cit, I have levied upon said lot G and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of Ciatsop count, which court house is in snid cit. 011 the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. of said day to satisfy said sum of S23.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordi nance .'0s is J. 3L Shively. C. W. LOUGnERY. Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, Clatsop count , state of Oregon, on the 16th day of 3Iay, 1883. and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided.Jot numbered 3 in block numbered 113 in that portion of said city of Asloriaas laid out and recorded by John 3L Shively. to satisfy an assess ment of Thirty-four 75-100 dollars as de clared and assessed upon said lot 3 by ordinance 503 of said city for the im provement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east 5ide of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and di rected by ordinance 501 of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot 3 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said county of Clatsop, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June 1S33, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to satisfy saidsura of $09.50 and costs of sale. The owner of said lot as designated by said ordi nance No, 503 is School District No. S. 0. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OP CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the IGth day of 3Iay, 1883, and commanding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 3 in block numbered 117 in that portion of the city of Astoria as laid out ond recorded by John3I.Shivc ly, to satisfy an as3essment of eighty six 50-100 dollars as declared and as sessed upon said lot 3 by ordinance No. SOS of said city for the improvement of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city, I have levied upon said lot 3 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said Clatsop county which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock A. m. of said day to satisfy said sum of SSG.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 508 is G. W. Hume. C. W. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of rhe city of Astoria, in Clatsop count, state of Oregon, on tho loth day of 3Iay, 1883, and to me directed com manding mc to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered E in block numbered 117 in that portion of said city of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of eighty-six 50-100 dol lars as declared and assessed upon said lot 1 by ordinance No. 508 of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city be tween the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city I have levied upon said lot 1 and shall proceed to sell the same at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said Clatsop County which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, lSS3,at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. to satisfy said sum of $8GJ50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. ' SOS is G. W. Hume. C. W. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OP POLICE. Notice is hereby civen that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerK of the city or Astoria, in CIat3op of May, 1883, and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided lot numbered 2 in block numbered 117 in that portion of said city of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of eighty-six 50-100 dol lars as declared and assessed upon said lot 2 by ordinance No 508 of said city for the Improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Salmon street and tne west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city 1 have levied upon said lot 2 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said Clatsop county which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June. 1833, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day to satisfy said stun of $86. 50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 508 is G. W. Hume. C.W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said city ot Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the City of Astoria, in Clatsop county State of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 1883, and to me directed com manding ine to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 5, in block numbered 139, in that portion of said cit of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by John 31. Shively. to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three 50-100 dollars, as declared and assessed npon said lot 5 for the improvement and re pair of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Sal mon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordi nance No. 504 of said city I have levied upon said lot 5, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand at the court house door, of Clatsop county, which, court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day to satisfy said sum of $23.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as desig nated by said ordinance No. 508 is J. M. Shivelv. C.W. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 6 in block numbered 121, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of forty-seven dol lars as declared and assessed upon said lot G by ordinance No. 508 of said city, for the improvement and repair o that portion- of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot G and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June. 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m.oI said day, to satisfy said sum of forty seven dollars and costs of sale. The name of tne owner of said lot 6 as desig nated by said ordinance No. 508 is James Tavlor. C.W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OP CHIEF OP POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of 3Iay, 1S83, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 5 in block number 121, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and re corded by John 31. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of forty-seven ($47.00) dollars as declared and assessed upon said lots by ordinance No. 508 of said city, for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between tho east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city, I have levied upon said lot 5 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house i.s in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock A. .vr. of said day to satisfy said sum of forty-seven dollars and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot 5 as designated by said ordinance No. 508 is James Taylor. C.W. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county? state ot Oregon, on the lfith day of 31ay, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot number four in block, number 125, in that portion of said citv of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by J. 3L Shively. to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three 50-100 dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance No. 508 of said city for the improvement and repar of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said cityj have levied upon said lot number 4 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d dav of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock, in the forenoon of said day to satisfy said sum of S23J30 and costs of sale. The names of the owners of said lot as desicnated by said ordinance No. 503 are J. N. Dolph.W. W. Upton, J. W" Welch, and 3inry I. Herren. C. W. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T., Slay 16. 1833. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the ct of Congress approved June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory" Henry Obner, of Multnomah County. Oregon, lias this day filed in this office ins application to purchase the east $4 of southwest H, and lots 3 and 4 of section 18, township 9 notrh, of range 5 west of the Wil lamette Meridian. Testimony In tho above case will be taken before the Register and Receiver at Vancou ver, Wash. Ter., on Saturday, the 28th day of July, 1833. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (60) days frora date hereof. s FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. - .-. " jr2 " " v ' I-' s : .f