CM) r llth .! I Sta 1 f.i 1 r r' r r , m gfcs ailij QstoxteUo ASTORIA, OREGON: TVEDNESDAY- M'AT 23, 1SS3 GOMMERCEAND TRADE POBT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Xjeasbtxdiia, Br Qneenstowa May '-'1 "VESSELS IX THE RIVER. CfcMebroucb, Am ip Htrtr MorM. Am sp JjoperUl. Am sp UUeik, Brisk CSHslttrt,Am HIchland Licht.Ani.ip Corsica, Am eh Reaper, Am sp Indians, Am sp, Brerale, Br VESSELS OS TEE WAY. mm Freis Ferelcii Perts. far tbe Colombia RlTcr Jfj$07OelBA, Ueackeak Obsses.Br bk Lirerpool March 9 Piwr Cress, Br sp Sidney Glrabcrrfe, Br bk Liverpool Dec 21 Grisdsls. Br sp Urerpool aarryBallej. Br bk Baenos Arres K&puada, Br sp London April 7 Madras, Br str HonctoBc Xclratbire, Br sp Glasgow March 22 SeeUisb Tar.Br bk Liverpool. March 14 S&a&lr. Br bk Newcastle Victoria, Br S4 Uosckonz WUtoDshira. Br bk Bremen March 19 Frem American FortH. Carrie Wisslew. Am bk K Y March 15 Go. B. Homer, ss V Jan 27 OUrs S. Southard. Am sh, Phil a. Feb 12 Red Cross, Am sp X Y March 12 St Lade, sp New York March li Titan. Am 1229 K Y Dccpo "Western Belle. Am sp 1135 Jf Y Dec 23 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of United States Coast Survey Ilieh Water. Low Water. Date. a. u. P.M. A.M. P. M. 10 i5 ...... 11 07 11 411 .. 4 35 ..5 33 .. C 24 ... 7 12 ... 7 53 4 28 5 11 5 49 G27 7 01 . 0 58! 1 4-' 2 241. 3 0J 3 401 4 191 5 03. .. 8 3l 9 11.. ... 0 42.. ..10 17., ...10 55.. -7 37 , 8 15 . S.5'J .. 9 51 .10 47 Calasabia River z-porti. SinrMETNTS FOREIGN. . EECAP1TULATIOK JANUARY '3. M,678 bus. wheat .. ... S 306,310 86V257 bbls flour.. ....... 257,170 Total, 8 cargoes $ 583.4SG KECArrruiATiox febiutaiiv. "Wheat. 1G0.906 bus., value.. .S 179.19 Flour, 29,490 bbls., " 144,433 Total, 5carcoes. .. S 323.C.U itECArrruLATiox, makch. Wheat Q97.524 bushels) 21C.7.tO 1JL 10 19i 11 22. 38 0 11 23 0 Ed'. 2 1 SO ae '. 2 !H!I1I!I 27 3 29 . ! n ih i'iourcs.i4i uuis).... .. . Salfaoa (3G)G cases).... ,w 4Lumber(500M ) .S3H.107 . 13,030 - G.COO Total (8 cargoes) SRX5.3H RECAPITULATION AI'IUL. Flour, 24,830 bbls xumber, 875 M.r.M......., S13.-...V: .. 4.j00 Total, 3 cargoes .... ....?l80,Wi JIAV. S To Liverpool per Saranac. From Portland 49,242 bus wheat S3),tfM t - 3,525 bbls flour 17.SS1 lcsimlsc . 23 Total .77,002 Common Council. "jJUculax meetings second and fourth Tuc&- Aay vemnsa of each month, at 7& o'clock r Persons desiring to have matters acted aponby tbe Council, atany regular meeting sasst present the same to the Auditor and Clerk: on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday ou which tbo Council holds its rend meeting. TI10S. S. .1 K W HT. Auditor and CI erlr. Jj" - ,A8tria lxxlffe No. 40, L. O. G.I. it4 Regular Meeting every Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Aftorin. M em bers of the Order, in cood ttandinc. arc in it. ed to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday of each month. By order W. C T. Ji S ' - Temple .Lodge, w o. 7A.F.A.LL. F Kecalar Communications first and third Tuesdays in each month, at 74 'eiocK, r. v.. at tbe llall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in good standing, are -, L Urited to attend. By erde: of tho W. M. American Legion of Honor. Regular mecth:p ol Astoria Council No. i)5, it held on the first and "third baturdav of each monUi. at 7 o'clock i. m.. By order of Council Commander. R. V Montbith, Sec'tv. HOME C0MF0KT: After a Ralay Hide n Conntry lhylcixn Tells 1Vhut He Think Afc of Some People. L; , ,I wish to gracious some people would learn '' wkea they need a doctor and when they don't, exclaimed Doctor E , as ho entered his house in a coscy littlo village in tho interior - T the St&to of New York, after a tedious t sight rido of many miles. " I havo been down "aaong tho mountains to sec a man, who the aaeesefiger said, was very sick and not likely f ; to lire 'till morning, unless ho had immediate elp; and found him suffering from a rather sharp attack of colic, which bis family might k&re xeliercd in ten minutes, if they had a train of senso and two or three simple rcmo- diet in the houso. But no : they must remain 1 as irsorant as pigs, and when the least acho or pain takes them, send for a doctor, whether they pay him or not" "Why, Doctor, what kind of simple remo- . ftjde8 as, you call them, do you expect people to keep In the house?" asked his wifo, as she k poured him a oup of hot tea, In this caso," answered tho Doctor, "if tkey had only put a BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER on tho man's stomach, ke Kewld have been all right in an hour, and tared ase a dreary rido," In all ordinary complaints it cures at once. Jill lUsftHip"" are eliminated from tlin svef pin by what nay be roughly called expulsion or xtraeiies. or by a union of tho two processes. Season's Plaster promotes both. It incites tbe torpid organs to act, and sends its healing Saftueaco through tho myriad pores of the rids. All other plasters oblige tho patient to wait. They giro him hopo for to-morrow, Sewss's plaster gives him help to-day. Which k kRer, do you think? Buy tho CAPCINE. a4,kep it ia the house. Price 25 cents, SSibary & Johnson, Pharmaceutical Cbetn ifttoXew York, f AR MARKET. IWHKBKY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FVegetatoles, FW TS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, fiJU3JJtrcet, Astoria, Oc 0h5MyBack! That's a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com plaint, consumption, cold, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quicldy and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iron Bitters, and it docs this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Vm. P. Marshall, of Logans port, Indiana.writes: "My wife has for many years been trou bled from pain in her back and general debility incident to her sex. She has taken one bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters, and I can truthfully say that she has been so much benefited that she pronounces it the only remedy of many medi cines she lias tried." Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown's Iron Bit ters. It has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure vou. A Common-sense Remedy. Salicylic A. No more Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Fire year cfalUhal and never Jnwum to fail in a hinylc case, acute or chronic. Refer to all prominent physicians and drvgrfUts for the standing of Saltcyllca. TUE ON IA' DISSOLVE li OF THE POISONOUS TJKIC ACID WHICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF RHEU MATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALICYLlCAisknownas :i common sense leniedy, because it strikt-s directly at the cause of Rliemiialiin, C,nt and Ncural uia. while so liiaiiv .so-called snwlflcs and supposed panaceas onlv treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists : that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointments liniments, ami soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which are the result of the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid "SALICYLICA works with marvelous ofleet on this acid and so removes the disor der. It is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of America and Uurope. Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 05 per cent cures in three days. that SALICYLIC a. is r. certain cure for Rheumatism. Coutaud Neuralgia. The most intense jmins :uc subdued almost iustanth. Give i a trial. Relief guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. S I a Box. 6 Boxes f or S5. Sent free h mail on receipt ol niouev. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT But do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just as good !" Insist on the genuine with the name of .Washburne & Co on each box which is guaranteed chemically imre under our signature, an indispensable ieouisltc to insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to ns. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. S Broadway, cor. ReadeSt., NEW YORK Tor Sale by W. E. DEMENT & Co.. and J. E. THOMAS. Swa.uxrT BE.ajR'xr's HOSPITAL, ASTOKIA, OKEGl mms iNbTrruTioN, under care of JL the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready foi the reception of patients. Irivate rooms for the accommodation o' any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houi.s, day or night No phy.stcian has exclusive right, even patient is free to and has the privilege ol employing any physician they prefer. United Stat cm 31arlne Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at thisllos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob- tallied for United States Marines at the Cus tout House. SlSTKItS OK CllAKIT NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the ICth day of May, 1883, and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot number 5 In block num 125, in that portion of said city of Astoria which was laid out and record ed by J. M. Shively, to satisfy an assess ment of twenty-three and 50-100 dollars, as declared and assessed upon said lot ." by ordinance No. 503 ot said city for the improvement and repair of that por tion of Cedar street in said city be tween the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provid ed and directed by ordinance No. 504, of said city, I have levied upon and said lot No. 5 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash m hand at the court house door of Clatsop county which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to satisfy said sum of S23.50 and costs of sale. The names of the owners of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 508 are J. N. Dolph, W. W. Upton, J. W. Welch, aud Nancy Welch. C. W. LOUGHEUY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. B0Z0BTH & JOHNS. Real Estate Dealers. A general agency business transacted Have Columbia City, Alderbrook, Astoria aid Seaside property for sale. A Large Turtle. Captain Augustus G-. Hall and the crew of the schooner Anna X. Sail vouch for the follewing: On March 30th, while on the Grand Bank, in latitude 40 deg. 10 min., longitude 33 deg., they discovered an immense live trunk turtle, which was at first thought to be a vessel bottom up. The schooner passed within twenty-five feet of the monster, and those on board had ample opportunity to esti mate its dimensions by a compari son with the length of the schoon er. The turtle was at least 40 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 30 leet from the apex of the back to the bottom of the under shell. The flippers were 20 feet long. It was not deemed advisable to attempt its capture. The new steamer Oregon, of the Guion line, is built on the same plan, though much larger, than tbe Alaska, and when completed, will be the monarch of the oct-uu. She will have engines of 13,000 horse power, or 3,000 more than those of the Great Eastern; 2,700 tons of .steam will pass through her engines diily, and her coal consumption will be about 300 tons per da3 Her screw will be 24 feet in diameter, with a pitch of 40 feet. It is believed she will easily make 20 miles per hour and consequently will considera bly shorten the fastest time e'ver yet made across the big pond. A traveler in the Holy Land noticed a woman, heavily laden with domestic utensils, toiling up a high hill, while her husband rode by her side on a donkey com paratively free from burdens. The traveler stepped up, moved by pit for the poor woman, and asked the man why he didn't re lieve her and put some of the im plements on the donkey's back. The man coolly informed him that he didn't- have to pay anything' for a wife, while a donkey cost him twenty, francs. People needn't go to the Holy Land for such pic tures. They are to be seen in Utah $very da'. The rush for timber lands has abated. It began in King coun ty, extended then to Snohomish, then to Whatcom, and finally passed over to Jefferson and Clallam, from which it extended into Kitsap and Mason, and last into Chehalis. A lnrge proportion of the desirable lands have been taken. Hence the abatement. Post-Inlclligencer. HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL. - - - PROPRIETOR WALTER PARKS, - STAGE MANAGER Engagement of MISS SUSIE LEE, Song and Danco Artist. 3IISS MARY MOULTON, Character Actress and Recltationess. MISS FANNIE WALTON, Songstress. BABY WEST, The Child Wonder. MR. HENRY WEST, Ethiopian Comedian. . WALTER PARKS, Comedian. CIIAS. BARROWS. Actor. Together with a new Under the management of PROF. CHARLES RICHARDS. AH the Old Favorites Retained. Open all the Year Performance Every Night Entire Change of Programme Every Night, Comprising SONCS. DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre Is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce It to be equal to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can noi ue exceuea. Anybody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following well known Artists : Miss Fastoik Walton. Miss Mary Mouxton, Mn. Walteu Pakks. Mr. Ciias. Barrows. Mr. IIexkv West. All of which will appear nightly In their dlf, ferent specialties. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. New Stan in Rapid Snccouion ! 30DAY5' BEFORE - AND -AFTE Elestrl; ArrVtriTM k mt'. o 3D Cjji' Trfil, TQMENONLY,YQUNGORuLD, XfTHO ore suffering from Nervous Deeil V Y itt. Lost VrrujTT, Liac or Kesve roECC AMD Vioob, Wistisq Wejuctessxs, and tdl those diseases of a PersosU. Xatbre re sulting from Asuszs and Other Cause. Speedy relief and complete restoration of Health, Vigor aad Mashood Gcarxxtekj. The grandest discovery of the Nlnetnth Century. Send at onco for lllaBtrated Paw pbletfree. Addraas YILUIO 1ELT M.( MARSHALL, MICH. it i f t mi bE-AND - AHZFU iiiticura &fflSm$fflGU?ES THE CUTICURA TREATMENT, for the euro ot Skin. Scalp, and Blood Dbeasci. consists in tho internal use of Cuticuka. Re solvent, the new blood purifier, and tho ex ternal use of Cuticuea, and Cctictcv Soap, tho great skin cures. SALT RHEUM. Will McDonald, 2542, Dearborn St. Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a euro of Salt Rheum on head neck, face, arm?, and legs for scven ir.nn tmh! not ablo to walk excent on bands and knees for ono year; not able to help him self for eight years; tried hundreds of reme dies: doctors procounced nis case nopeicss ; permanently cured by Citticcra Rfsolvext (blood purifier internally, and Ccticukv and CcTicrn.v Soap (the great skin cures) ex ternally. PSORIASIS. II, E, Carpenter. Ei., Henderson, N. Y cured cf Psoriasis, or Leprosy oftwenty years ..i.J!n.1iT.t)in rrrrirrtn i Ppcnrrrrr fhlrwirl purifierj internally, ana lamcuBA anu tirTi-iiui ccba Soap (the great skin cure) externally, Tho most wonderful case on record. Cure cer tified to before a justice of the peace and prom inent citizens. All affiicted with itching and scaly diseases should send to us for this testi monial in full. SKIN DISEASE. F, II. Drake, Esq. Detroit, Mich, suffered beyond all description from a slcin diseaso which appeared on his hnntb. head, and face, and nearly destroyed his eyes. Tho most careful doctoring failed to help him. and alter all had failed he used tho Ccticcra Resolv ent (blood purifier) internally, and Ccticcra and Ccticcra Soap (tho sreatskincuresox tcrnallv, and wa cured, and has remained perfectly well to this day. SKIN HUMORS. Mn,S, E, Whipple, Do:atur. Mich, writes that her face, head, and some parts of her body were almost raw. Head covered with scabs and sores; suffered fearfully and tried everything. Permanently cured ty Ccticcra Risolvest (blood purifier) and Ccticcra and Ccticcea Soap (tho great skin cures. Cutirnra ItemeiliCN aro for sale by all druggist. Price of Ccticcra, small boxes, fiOc, largo 'boxes, SI Ccticcra Resolvent. SI per bottle. Ccticcra boAi2jc, Ccticcra Soap, 1c Totter Jrur and Chemical Co. .Boston. T3? A "TTTVXr For Rough, Chapped or ijHl2i.UJ.X Greasy Skin. Blackheads, Pimple3, Skin Blemishes, and Infantile Hu mors, uso Ccticcra Soap, an exuuisite Skis Bkaotifikr, and Toilet Bath, and Nursery , Sanative. i CATARR COMPLETE TREATMEMT $1 A sinulo doso of Sanford's KndJcal Cure instantly relieves the most violent Snoozing or HeadCold. Clears the II nd as by marie, stops watery discharges from the No?o and Eyes, prevents Hinging Noises in the Head, curc3 Nervous Hcidoche. und Subdues Chills and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of foul mucus, re stores tho senso of smell, taste, and hearing when afTccted. frees tho head, throat, and bronchial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purifies tho breath, stops tho cough and arrests tho progress of Catarrh towards Con sumption, One bottlo Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package, of all druggists for $1, Ask for S.x roRD's Radical ci'nr. Potter Drco asd Chf.u, Co,, Boston, ,jCft I fKffb Vor tho relief and proven-'QUl-i-!ltO? tion, Ibc Instant It Is nn- V'" i ll piiru.oi v 1 IK ralgia. Sciatica, Coughs OT'r HI A CTCYW with a IoroiilIaslcrJand Vitalizes and Enrlche the UlootI, .nci up tho System, alRLc-s zliv Wstlz Strong, Build? up tho Broken- down, Jnvljroralcv tJ;. Ira!n, nml CURES- Dyspepsia, Hcrvous Affections, Gei eral Bstility, JTearalgia, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, dropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Eemittent Fever, and ILL DISEASES ORIGINATING IM A P.A0 STAH OF THE BLOOD, 03 ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. Supplies the Uocd with its Vitnl Principle, o Llfti Uleuient, JUON. wfi:ts Slrrngth Vlfforan.t New I.lfo inta all p-rtscf t'-.c tttex BEINC I REE FltOM AICOIU)! i. cictz ing effects Jte not followed ly crrsr; o---. . ? rc a, but fcre permanent. SETH W I'OWuT&?OX", Tr victor.', C Jarrison vmuc. Us:t2. Soli by ail I -wglsis ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. 51 The best of Liquors and Clsars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HILLEU. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, in ClaLsop county, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot number 6 in block number 125, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three 50-100 dollars, as declared and assessed upon said lot by ordinance No. 503 of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed bj' ordinance No. 504 of said city, I have levied upon said lot C aud shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said daj to satisfy said sum of S2&50 and costs of sale. The names of the owners of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 503 are J. N. Dolph, W. W. Upton, J. W. Welch, and Nancv Welch. C. W.LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. .v yy". colds. caknacK'&tomacn j manding me to levy upon and sell, as by -fc-ff Sf.?.nc,1 "e,sflul,0"n'J,B,,Ps'iiaw provided, Iotnnmbered 2, :n biocK 5Slm&v(m' nuniuered iaif in that portion of said 7ffrRidvoiiinViMiistrn.ianr.irr- recorded by, to satisfy an v-7w irir Rntterv combined assessment of twenty-three ."iU-100 dol- NOTICE OP CHIEF OF POLICE, Xotice is hereby Riven, that by virtne of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the ltlth day of May. 1S83, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot. numbered 3, in block numbered 121, in that portiou of said city of Astoria, which was laid out anrt recorded by John M. Shively. to satisfv an assessment of twenty seven dollars, as declared and assessed upon said lot :&, bv ordinance number 50S. of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street between the east side of Salmon street and the'west end of Cedar trept. as provided and directed by ordinance number 504. of aid citj. 1 have levied upon said lot .", and shall proceed t. sell the same at public auction to the . nignest uiuuer ior casxi in naim ai me i tnnt-f lmifn rrtv ft coiil PIitCAn mnn' ty, which, court house is in said county on the 2od day of June, 18S3. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said dav V.UUI V XlUOVi YJJl I'L I1U VKtl'T'i'j' Wtllt to satisfy said sum or 27 and costs of sale. The nameot the owner ofsiid ;is uesijjiiiucu u$ uiu wuiimncc I number f.05, is Margaret McCanu. C. W. I.O"c;ilKKV. Chief of Police of aul Clt ol A:o la. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued b tho auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the lth ilaj of ila'y, 1SS.T, and to me directed, com manding me. to levy upon and sell, ns by law provided, lot numbered 4, in block numbered 121, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of thirty ioilnrs as declared and assessed upon aid lot 4. bv ordinance nunibcr40$, of said city for the improvement of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Salmon street and the wet end of Cedar street, as provided and directed by ordinance number f)0i. of said city, I have levied uiu said Sot 4, and shall irroceed to sell the same t public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door, of said Clatsop count, which court house is in said city, on the 'J.M uay ot June, lSS. at the hour ot ten o'clock A. M. of saui day to satisfy said sum of 30 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number oOS is Margaret Me Cann. C. W. I.Ol'GMKRV. Chief of Police of said C;tv of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. 1 Notice is hereby given that by virtue 'r 4o-oit tcrutwl lit tlw Mtwlifiif -i ml I ; clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop i county, state, ot uregon. on tne iniu uay of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered .", in diock nuniuered 131), in that portion of said citvof Astoria, which v. as laid out.aud recorded by Jolul M. Shivi ly. to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three r,o-ioo 'dollars, as declared and assessed upon 1 said lot 3, by ordinance numbered .'Ox. , of said city, for the improvement and repair ot Mat portion of cedar street m said city, between the east ide of Salm on streeet and the wvst end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordi nance number 01 of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot 3. and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hind at the court house door of said Cintsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1W3, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. to satisfy said sum of S23J0and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said Iotas desig nated by said ordinance number .".08, is J. M. Shively. C.W.I.OrG!IEKY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Cintsop countv. state of Oregon, on the l;th day lot May, 1SS3, and to me directed, com- lars as deelaretl anil a.sed upon sahl lot 2, by ordinance number fiOS, ot saul eity, for the improvement and rejair of that portion of Cedar street in Mud city between the cast side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as pro vided and directed by ordinance num ber CO!, of said city, 1 ha e levied upon said lot ', and shall proceed to cll the same at public auction to the hi.qhust bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court hoiwc is in saul city, on the2:M lay of June, 18S3, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.of sniti day, to satisfy muiI sum of S23JX) and costs of sale. The name of the owner of iid lot a. desig nated bv said ordinance number r0.S is .I.3I.Stiivcly. C.W.I.OLGIIEK1. Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CniEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 1S83, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as in law provided, lot numbered 4. in block numbered 112. in that portion or the said eity of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-six dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance number 503 of said city for the improvement antl repair of that ior tion of Cedarstrcet in said city, between the east side of Salmon street am! the west end of Cellar street, as proi.I,-d and directed by ordinance number ."34, of said city, 1 have levied upon till lot 4. and shall proceed to sell the - one at public auction to the highest bidder for cash 111 hand, at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June. 1883, at the Hour often o'clock A. M. of said day to satisfy said sum of -526 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 50S, is James Mc Cann. C. W. LOUGHEUY, Chief of Police of said citv of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued bj- the auditor and clerk of the citj' of Astoria, in Clatsop countj', state of Oregon, on the 16th day of Maj', 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell, as bj' law provided, lot numbered 1, in block uuuibcr 141, in that portion of said city of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twcnty-thiee 50-ltK) as de clared and assessed upon said lot 1, b' ordinance number 508. of said citj', for the. improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provided and di rected by ordinance number 504 of said citj', 1 have levied upon said lot num ber 1, and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the court Iiouse door of Clatsop countj', which court house is in said citj, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of saidjlay to satisfv said sum of S23.50 and costs of sale. The nams of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 50S, is E. li. Gager. b C.Y.'. LOUGHEUY. Chief of Tollcc of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is herebj- given, that bj' virtue of a warrant issued by tho auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in ClaLsop countv, state of Oregon, on the 10th day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell, as by law provided, lot numbered 2, in block 112, in that portion of the citj' of Astor ia, which was laid out aud recorded by j. ja. oinveij, lusiuiMj an assessment. of twenty-three 50-100 dollars, as declar- ed and assessed upon said lot2,bj- or dinance number 20, of said city, forth improvement and repair of that portin of Cedar street, in said city between the east side of Salmon .street and the wet end of Cedar street, as provided and di rected bv ordinance uumLer 501. of a.aid citv, I have levied upon said lot num bered 2. and shall proceed to :ell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for ensh in hand, at the court houe door, of said Clatsop county, which court is in said city, on the 2:kl dav of June, 1&, at the hour of ten o'clock" in the forenoon of said day, to satisfv the said suur of J2:-".o and ests of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number r0.s. is John MeCann. r.u.i.OLT.HHRV. Chief of YvAw e of sahl C:ty of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice fa hereby given that bv virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and clerk of the eitv of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the lBrh day j ot .day. 1S53, and 10 me utreeteu, com manding me to levy upon and sell as bv law provided, lot numbered 1 in bfock numbered 141, in thai poi tion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Snivel v. to satisfv an assessment ot twenty-three 50-l(ib dollar? as declared and assessed wn said lot 2 by or dinance No. SOS of said city for the im-J provement and repair ol that portion ot Cedar street !u said city between the east side of Salmon street and and west end of Cedar street as provided and di rected by ordinance. No. 501 of said city. I have Ie ietl upon said lot 1 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court houe door of CUNop county, which court house is in said city, en the 23d dav of June. !?. at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. of. said dny, to satisfy said sum of -S23.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. ras is E. B.'Gager. C. W. I.OI-'GIIEKY. Chief of Police of said City of Aslori . NOTICE OF CIT.IEF OP POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtu of a warrant issued by the atuHtoiv.ind clerk of the eity of Astoria, in Clafcop county, stare of Oregon, on the Kith day of May, 188:;. and to nie directed, eom mandinfr me to levy uihhi and sell as b law provided, lot mannered .". itt bbwtc numbereil 141, in that iortim of .said city or Astoria, which laid out ami recorded bv .1. ?,r. Shi wly. to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three 5O-10O dol lars, as declared and assessed upon said lot :?. by ordinance So. .10S of said citj-, for the 'improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street 1m tween tbe east bide of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar strett. as provided and directed by ordinance number ."301 of said city. 1 have levied upon .-aid lot number 3, and shall proceed to sell the same at pub lic auction to the higher bidder for eah in hand, at the eotttt house door, of Clatsop county, which court house is in siid eitv. on "tbe "d day of .Iiuie. 18S3,at the'hourof ten o'clock A. M. of said day, to satisfy said sum of S2:tjj0 and costs of sale." The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number 0S, is E. 13. Guger. C. LOUGIIhKY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria, NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor ami clerk of tin? city ot Atoria, Clatnop count , state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 18815. and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided. lot numbered 1, in block numbered 1.), in that portion of the said cily of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three 50-100 dol lars as declared and asscs-cd upon said lot 1 by ordinance No. 50s, of said city, for the improvement and repair of that , portion of Cedar street in said city be-i tween the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as orovid- cd aud directed by ordinance number 501 of said eitv. I have levied upon said lot numbered 1, and shall proceed to sell l the same at nubile auction to the high-1 est bidder for cash in hand, at the court I house door of said Clatsop county, j which court house is in said eity. on the 23d dav of June. lSS3.tit the hour of , ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. to satisfy said sum oi $23.50 and costs of sale, the name of the owner of said lot as designated by saiA ordinance num ler 5a is J. M. Shi veTv. C.V. LOUGHEUY. Chief of Police ot said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OV POLICE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the citj' of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state ol Oregon. on the 16th day of MaV, is:, and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell, as by law provided, lot nuniuered 4 111 block 139. in that portion of the said citj' of Astoria which was ikiu out ami leruiu- for the improvement and repair of that oortion of Cedar street in said eity be tween the cast side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street, as provid ed and directed bj' ordinance numlier 501 of said citj', 1 have levied upon said lot numbered 4 and shall pro?eed to sell the same at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in linud, at the court house door of said (. latsop count j-, which court house is. in said citj-. on the 23d day of June, 1833. at the hour of U'n o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to satisfy the sum of $23.50 and easts of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance number .".OS, is J. M. Shively. C.W LOUGHEUY. Chief of Police 01 said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria in ClaL-op county state of Oregon, on the 16th day of Ma j', 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon anil bell as by law nrovitled. lot numbered 4 in block numbered 113 in that portion of said citv of Astoria winch was jam out ami recorded by John M. Shivelj', to satisfj an assessinent of ?:n.75 as declared and assessed upon said lot 1 by ordinance No. 5ttS of said citj for the improve ment and repair of that portion ot ceuar strcel in said citj', between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city, 1 have levied non said lot 4 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door, of said county of Clat sop which court house is in said citv, on the 23d day of June 1883 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said daj' to satisfy said sum ot $34.75 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of saul lot as, designated bj said ordinance No. 503 is School District No. 8. C W. LOUGHEUY, Chief of Police ol said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is herebj given that bj- virtue of a warrant issued bj- the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, Clatsop countj-, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of Maj-, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levj upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 6 in block numbered 140, in that portion of said citj of Astoria, which was laid out and Kccorded bj John M. Shivelj-, to satisfy an assessment of $23.50 as declared anil assessed upon said lot 6 by ordinance No. 50S of said eitj'for the improvement and repair of that portion . of Cedar street in said eity between the cast side of Salmon street and the west end of Cellar street as provided and directed bj ordinance No. 501 of said citj-, 1 have levied upon said lot G and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door 01" said county of Clat sop, which court house is in said city, on the 23d dav of June, 1833, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said ed bv John M. Shively. to satisfy an as-! ot said lot, as designated by said ordi eessment of twenty-three 50-100 dollars I "' ' 3rvJTe JAT-ni,,,P as declared and assessed upon said lot 1 ,.,, ,. L; " ,L,v.l'"i1f'1r1i bv ordinance number 508. of said citv, " f Police of said city of Astoria. I day to satisfy said sum of 323.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. .TOs is S. P. Marsh. C. W. l.OUGHEKY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the eity of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the U".th day of May. 1C. and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law pro fried, lot numbered 1 in blocfc nuniuered 121, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of 27.00 as declared and assessed upon said lot 1 by ordinance No. ."4 of -aid eity for the improvement and repair of tliat portion of Cedar street in said clt)' between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinance No. ZOi ot said city, I have levied unon said lot 1 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash" in hand, at the court iioustf door ol said county ot uiat- sop. winch court house is in said city, on the 23d day of J une. 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day to satisfy said sum of $27.00 and costs of "sale. The name of owner of said lot as designated by ordinance No, 503 is Dean Bianchard. C. V. I.OCGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued bv the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop countv. state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May. 1S3. and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and seil as by law provided, lot numbered 2 in block numbered 121, in that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by .John 31. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-seven dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 2 bv ordinance So. 508 of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said eity between the east side of Salmon street and west end of Cedar street sis provided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city, I have, levied upon said lot 2 and shall proceed tneli the same at puplic auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court Iiouse is in said city, ort the 2&1 day of June. iSftt. at the hour of ten o'clock a. 3i. of said day, to satisfy said sum of $27.00 and costs of sale. The name of the "owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 50S is John iicCann. ('. W. l.OCGIIERV. Cluef rf Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CniEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor ami Cterk of the city of Astoria, county of ' Clatsop, slate of Oregon, on the 16th day j of May. 1883, ami to me directed, com manding me to K'vy upon and sell as hy lav.' provided, lot numbered : in bloek 1I2: in that portion of said eity of As toria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assess ment of S2X.50 as declared and assessed uton aid lot 3 by ordinance No. 503 of said city for the" improvement and re pair of that .portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Sal mon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by or dinance No. 501 of said eity, I have lev ied upon said lot ."and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest miktfr, for cash m hand, at the court house door of said county, wllich court house i in said eity, on the 23d day of June. 1SS,", at the hour of ten o'clock a. 3t.. of said day to satisfy said sum of $23.50 and costs of sale. The name of the ov"ner of said lot as desig nated by said ordinance No. 50S is James MeCann. C. W. LOUGHEUY, Chief of l'oiiee of said City of Astoria. vnTrr'F m? rmw m? vnnnv NOTICE Ol- GIIIE OF POLICE, Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Cle- k oC the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 26th day of May, 1S83. and to me directed commanding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 6. in block numbered 13S, in that portion of the city of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of tw enty-three and 50-100 dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 6 by ordinance No. 50S of said eity, for the improvement and repair of that portiou of Cedar streetinsaid city, jbetwuen theeast side of Salmon street ami me wt-st enu 01 icuar aircei. as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said citj, I have levied upon said lot (5 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of Clatsop countv, which court house is in said citj. on tlic 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock a. it. of said day to satisfy said sum of S23.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is herebj' given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the citj' 01 Astoria, ciatsop county, state of Oregon, on the 16th day .f May, iss.;. and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot iinmbered 3 in block nuniuered 113 in that portion of said city of Astoria as laid out and recorded bj' John jM. Shively, to satisfy an assess ment of Thirty-four 75-100 dollars as de clared and assessed upon said lot 3 bj' ordinance 508 of said citj for the im provement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said eity between the east side of Siilmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and di rected by ordinance 501 of said city, 1 have levied upon said lot 3 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said countv of Clatsop, which court house is, in safd citv. on the 23d day of June 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the lorenoon ot said daj, to satisty saul sum of 568)0 and costs of sale. The owner of said lot as designated by said ordi nance No, 508 is School District No. 8. C. W. LOUGHEUY. Chief of Police of said citj of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued bj-the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria in Clatsop countj. state of Oregon, on the 10th day of May, 1883, and commanding me to levj- upon and sell as bj- law provided, lot numbered 3 in block numbered 117 hi that portion of the city of Astoria as laid out vnd recorded by John M. Shive ly, to satisfj- an assessment of eightj--si: 50-100 dollars as declared and as sessed upon said lot 3 by ordinance No. 508 of said citj' for the "improvement of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said citj', I have levied upon said lot 3 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said Clatsop county which court house is in said citj, on the 23d day of June, 1S83, at the hour of ten o'clock A..31. of said day to satisfj- said sum of SS6.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 508 is G. W. Hume. , CW.LOUGHEItl, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is herebv given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of rhe citv of Astoria, in Clatsop countj, state of Oregon, on the loth day of May, 1883, and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell as by Iaw provided, lot numbered L in block numbered 117 in that portion of said citv of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy nn assessment of elglltj'-six 50-100 dol lars as declared and assessed npon said I lot 1 bv ordinance No. 503 of said city for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city be tween the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said cily I have levied upon said lot 1 and shall proceed to sell thesarae atpub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash m hand at the court house door of said Clatsop County which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, lSS.",at the hour of ten o'clock satisfy said sum of $So50 and costs of sale. "The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 508 is G. W. Ilume. C."v7.L0TJGHERY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop countv, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 1833, and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided lot numbered 2 in block numbered 117 in that rjortion of said citv of Astoria which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of-eighty-six 50-100 dol lars as declared and assessed upon said lot 2 by ordinance No 508 of said eity for the improvement and repair ol that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city 1 have levied upon said lot 2 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door of said Clatsop county which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June.l8vS3, at the hour of ten o'clock A. 3t. of said day to satisfv said sum of $86. 50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 503 is G. w. Hume. C.W.LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is herebj- given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the Citj- of Astoria, in Clatsop county State of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 1883, and to me directed com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 5, in block numbered 139, in that portion of said citj- of Astoria which was laid out and recorded bj John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of twentj'-three 50-100 dollars, as declared and assessed npon said lot 5 for the improvement and re pair of that portion of Cedar street in said city, between the east side of Sal mon street and tho west end of Cedar street as provided and directed by ordi nance No. 504 of said city I have levied upon said lot 5. and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand at the court house door, of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day to satisf j said sum of S23.50 and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot as desig nated bj said ordinance No. 508 is J. M. Shivelj-. C. W.LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of said city of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop countj, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 6 in block numbered 121, in that portion of said citj of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Shivelj, to satisfy an assessment of forty-seven dol lars as declared and assessed npon said lot 6 by ordinance No. 508 of said citj', for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said city, 1 havo levied upon said lot 6 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock said daj, to satisfy said sum of forty seven dollars and costs of sale Tho name of the owner of said lot 6 as desig nated bv said ordinance No. 503 is James Taylor." C. W.LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is herebj- given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria, in Clatsop countj, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of Maj-, 18S3, and to me directed, com manding me to levj upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 5 in block number. 121, m that portion of said city of Astoria, which was laid out and re corded bj John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of forty-seven (S47.00) dollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 5 bj ordinance No. 503 of said citj', for the improvement and repair of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said citj, I have levied upon said lot 5 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of said Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d day of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock A. 31. of said daj- to satisfy said sum of forty-seven dollars and costs of sale. The name of the owner of said lot 5 as designated by said ordinance No. 508 Is James Tavlor. C. W. LOUGHEUY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. NOTICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Notice is herebj- given that by virtue of a warrant issued bj" the auditor and clerk of the citj of Astoria, in Clatsop countj-, state of Oregon, on the 16th day of May, 1883, and to me directed, com manding me to levj- upon and sell as by law provided, lot number four in block number .125, in that portion of said citv of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded bv J. M. Shivelj-, to satisfy an assessment of twenty-three 50-100 Hollars as declared and assessed upon said lot 4 by ordinance No. 508 of said city for the improvement and repar of that portion of Cedar street in said city between the east side of Salmon street and the west end of Cedar street as pro vided and directed by ordinance No. 504 of said cityj have levied upon said lot number 4 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the" highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the court house door of Clatsop county, which court house is in said city, on the 23d dav of June, 1883, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day to satisfy said sum of $23.50 and costs of sale. The names of the owners of said Iotas designated by said ordinance No. ' SOS are J. N. DoIph,W. W. Upton, J. W Welch, and Nancy Welch. C. W.LOUGHERY. Chief of Police of said City of Astoria. GEIOIANIA BEER HALL AKD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CHFVAMC3 Stbekt. ASTOBIA. The Best of Lager 5 Cts, a Glass Orders for the ia Brewery Left at this placo will be promptly attend ed to. ZSTXo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at thts place WM. BOCK, Proprietor. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron; chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.