".- ,''-" .rVJvJI'JllUll' .j ' Vol.xix. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Siorning, May 22, 1883 No. 45f fflliflrflU ABOUT COLONIES. A noticeable feature of the migration this spring to the north west, is the numerous colonics that have gone out in a body or are now organizing to move the present month. There are man' advantages in this mode of going to a new country. The members of a colony are usually old ac quaintances from the same neigh borhood, who have tins of friend ship and. local customs and tra ditions to bind them together, so that to some extent they transfer their former social conditions to their new home, and the sense of newness and strangeness which sometimes oppresses the emigrant is a great deal modified. The women, especially, are happier for not being obliged to make an en tirely fresh circle of acquaintances. Then there is a practical co-operation among the men at the outset in helping each other and exchange kindly acts of neighborly assist ance. Besides, m the matter of freight and passenger rates on the railroads, a numerous colony going west in a body can usually get concessions which work to the ad vantage of all. It should be understood, how ever, by people who mean to join colony associations, that they open no royal road to ease and compe tency in the west, and that their members are not going to be re lieved from the practice of the same industry, energy and pru dence which alone enable the individual settler to prosper. The colony is not going to work for them, or think for them, or save for them. "We remember & New York colony which soon af ter the war, bought an estate in western North Carolina, upon which was a hotel and a warm spring. Many of the members spent their time in bathing in the spring and sitting in the shade on the hotel piazza. At last the in dustrious grew weary of working for the lazy, and the association broke up disastrously. At Rugby, Tennessee, more recently, the Eng lish colony passed through dis couraging experiences until the idle colonists, who seemed to think life "all beer and skittles," were weeded out and their places filled with workers. Idle, incompetent people who may think that, by fastening themselves to a colony, they can somehow drift along with the rest, had better give up the notion. In old communities such people manage to live by the good natured tolerance and assistance of society, but in the west, where earnest labor is the Que tlnng needed to develop the resources of nature, they are detected at once atid have a hard time of it. The constitutional shirks, and the dreamy, amiable ne'er-do-wells, had better stay where they are. The same can also be said of the reformer who thinks he has a call to elevate society, and whose ar dor is usually fired by the project of a colony casting off the restraints of old industrial and social condi tions, and going out upon virgin soil. People in the new west are much too busy with the material problems right around them to care much for theories, philoso phies or new religions. What they want to know about a new comer is not whether he can talk eloquently about the dignity of la bor, but whether he can build a house or drive a breaking-team; not whether he has aspirations for the higher life, but whether he pays his way and is going to make one more industrious, capable worker in a new community. Colonics, such as we speak of, attempt no common ownership of land or regulation of labor such attempts, unless inspired by some peculiar religious spirit, have al ways failed, but are only associa tions of families to buy a home stead land in the same vicinity, secure the advantages of schools, a post-office and a well-settled Beighborhood at once, and render maUal service to each other, such m good neighbors everywhere Crook's "Whereabouts. El Paso, ' May 20.---The an nouncement of Crook's arrival at Barispa, Sonora, on the 5th, and the indicated line of his subse quent march, localizes the Mexi can military at Paso del Norte, the present position. It is evident he had placed his main body of cavalry and supplies at Alamatura, a point on the Janos road, in Mex ico, and he is believed to be over twenty miles below the line. He has about thirty day supplies on a pack train of forty mules. The point toward which Crook was heading, after leaving Barispa, is about 120 miles south, in Sonora, close to the Chihuahua line. It is on the southerly limit of the hos tile range in Mexico. From Sag ushie canyon, where the Mexicans under Tories whipped Juh's band, May 3d, trails go through the mountains and across to Chihua hua. Wasn't That a Mean Trick?" "Yes, I did murder the bo' and threw him in the river. I killed him for $5.05 and two plugs of to bacco. Gentlemen, wasn't that a mean trick, to kill a little boy for two ulufrs of tobacco? Yes, it 4 C3 was. Everybody says 'yes.'" That was what George Ware, col ored, s.iid, when the people of Florence took him out on Satur day to lynch him. After his speech he was pinioned, a cloth tied over his face and the rope ad justed about his neck, he assisting to some extent in getting it prop erly arranged by moving his head. When all was ready a brother of the murdered boy (Bethune) was called forward to remove the bar rel, on which the prisoner was standing, from under him, which he did, leaving "Ware, the slayer of his brother, suspended in mid air Chattanooga Times. The future supply of gold, oven for coinago purposes, is beginning to be one of more than common interest. Ancient history is re splendent with the prodigal dis play of gold by the barbaric peo ple of the Orient. Arabia, Egypt, and Africa, according to this same authority, were prolific in their production of this precious metal. Pliny states that Cyrus returned from his conquest with thirty-four thousand pounds of gold (about $10,000,000.) Alexander the Great brought $100,000,000 in gold from Persia. But at the present time these great fields, so renowned in history, are barren so far as the production of gold is concerned, and it is evident that Europe can be no longer depended upon to perform any appreciable part in furnishing a supply of gold to meet the demands of the future. Even in this country the statistics of production show a constant and marked decline in gold, although the field is largely extended and j mining is more thoroughly prose cuted than ever before. The oldest tree in the world, so far as any one knows is the Bo tree, of the sacred city of Amara poora, in Burmah. It was planted 28S B. C, and is therefore now 2,170 years old. Sir James Emer son Tennent gives reasons for be lieving that the tree is really of this wonderful age, and refers to historic documents in which it is mentioned at different dates, as 182 A. D. 233 A. D., and so on to the present day. "To it," says Sir James, "kings have even dedi cated their dominions, in testimo ny of a belief that it is a branch of the identical fig tree under which Buddha reclined at Urumelaya when he uuderwent his apotheosis." Its leaves are carried away as streamers by pilgrims, but it is too sacred to touch with a knife, and therefore they are only gathered when they fall. The king oak in "Windsor Forest, England is 1,000 vears old. When Ladles arc Attracts e. All ladies know their faces are most attractive when free from pim ples. Parker's Ginger Tonic is popu lar among them becauso "it banishes impurities from blood and. &in and makes the face glow' with health. Tho Bible Revision Failure. They are selling editions of the revised new testament now for whatever it will bring in ounces and pounds in New York. It was a stupendous failure. No one would read it: no one would .buy it. Booksellers have had enor mous loads of it that they cannot carry, and, as it -was not worth a cent in the market, it was sold as old paper to be turned into the vats in the paper mills and soaked into pulp. A fair edition was sold when the book was first issued, to people who were anxious for curi osity sake to look at it, but as soon as their curiosity was gratified, the sale stopped short, and it has nev er started up again. Half a dozen schemes have been tried by the book publishers to get rid of their .useless stock, and a great many have waited patiently in the hope that some genuine interest would be manifested by bible readers in the new version; bat they have all been grievously left. Tho book is commercially good for pulp and nothing more. One of the most painful phases of Washington life, according to a correspondent, 's the presence of "old battered wrecks that the waves and winds of politics have cast ashore from time to time." Forced out of public life, these "ne'er do weels" settle in Wash ington and drift from bad to worse. Ex-senators, ex-cabinet officers, ex-generals, are seen "so seedy and dilapidated that they will cross the street rather than see an old friend." so poor and helpless that they are often hungry, with out a cent to buy food." In spite of tho pathos of the fact, one can not help but feeling that men who are capable of such degradation are better out of office than in. Absolutely Pure. This ponder never varies. A man el of purity, strength and wlulebomencis. Mora economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the nml- titudc of low test snort weight, alum or puospnaie powders. &ofaoniyui cans, roy al Baking Powder Co., lOG Wall-.st. N. Y. NEVILLE & CO. Pacific Net and Twine Go. Sax Francisco, April nth, 1883. Dear Sirs; For general convenience, we have sent a supply of Xo. 30, 12- ply Genuine Scotch Salmon IVet Twine, to the care of A. il. JOHNSON & CO., Astoria, which will be sold at low enough figures to make it an object for all net menders to use it for repairs, In place of the more costly No. 40, 12 Pl.v. Fishermen who have heretofoie nsed this grade of twine for repairs, claim that the durability of the patch is equal to the balance of the net, after the latter has had a few weeks use. We think it will be money in your pocket to try it. For prices and samples apply to A. M. JOHNSON & CO., Astoria. Seville & Co. Sole Agents, l . Fr-mcLsco 31 and 33 California St. f Ban l raaclsco- Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Astoria propose to order the improvement of Main street in that portion of the city of Astoria which was laiu out ana re cnrdKtl hv John ifcClure. from the Muth sideofAstor street to the south side of 8th street by grading the same to its lull width to the established grade as established by ordinance No. 72 of the city of Astoria, and by planking the same 24 fcetrwide in the center of said Ktreut and unless a remonstrance sinned by the owners of two-thirds of the prop erty lroniWK on saiu. puiuuii uj. smu street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final pub lication of this notice, viz.: Monday. June 4, 1883, the Common Council wfll ordersaid improvements to be made. By order of tho Common Council. T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk Astoria, iiY 13, 1883. IPS Jllll THESREAT esi fore" FOIft m y Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Hoadacho, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains vend Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. J com Oil. as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Kenedy. A trial entail bat tlie conparatlTtly trifling outlay of 50 Cent, and ererj sne mffer Ing with pain can baro cheap aai pbeitlTO proof of iti claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLDBYALLDBUGGIBTSANDDEALISS Iff HEDIOIKE. A. VOGELER &.CO., Balthnore, SSA, T7. S A. From a number of fanners we learn that the fruit cn,p of Lane county has been seriously injured by the cold rains of last April. The plum crop will not yield over one-fifth of a crop; oherri es about one-half, pears one half, and the apple crop about one-half. We are sorry that the fruit crop of Oregon should fail at this time, as this interest is just becoming one of the most important of our state, but we are satisfied that the loss will only prove a drawback for the present year. Eugene Guard. A LETTER P1 GERMANY. .-a i . J-.S, January 0, $2. Vry eMccmod Fir.: The praise your Liver PUN linvc called forth here Is wonderful. After taking ono nrul n. half boxes of your genuine IJR. C. McLANK'S LIVEIl PILLS, I liao en tirely recovered from myfourycars'-ulTw-liiK. All who k-vovr me wonder how I, who, for so many years, had no npj.etiio, and could not sleep for lincknehe. -t!U-h in my bide, and Reneral stninncl: com plnlnts, could hnve recovered. An old lady In our city, who h:i. . iored for many years from Kidney diso .o :nd the doctors had given her up, toi.k i of your Pills, and sot more relief tlnu -lw has from all the doctors. Yorr- m' . J. VON DhU l:iUJ. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never suar-coatcd. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid. with the impressien: JlcLauc's Lhcr 1MI. The genuine McLANE'.S LZVKK PILLS bear tho signature of C. 3IeLniip and riomin-Bros. on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Ilt. C. McLANE'S LIYElt PILLS, prepared bv Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, P.i.. He mirkct being full of imitations of d.e name McLnne, spelled differently, but of same pronunciation. If your storekeeper does not hne the cenuino DR. C. 31 CLANK'S C'KLK liRATKD LIVKIt FILLS, Fc.nd u ar, cents, and we will send you a box by mail, and a set of our advertising cards. FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh. Pa. King of tlie Blood Is not a "cure alt." It Is a blood-purifier and tonic. Impurity of the blood poisons thes2 tem, deranges the circulation, and lhu In duces mauy disorders, known by different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity or Itiood. Such are Dyxpcjma, HlUlousnet-f, Liver Complaint, Con$tipatirm, icrniM Dis orders. Headache, Backache, General Weah navs. Heart Dlcae,Droiwj. Kldiicv DVie, Piles, RheumatUm, Catarrh, Scmhda, Skin Disorder, Pimple. Ulcer. 6trcl(ii7". Ae.. Sx. Kins of the Itiood prevents and cures these by attacking tlie caiue. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and pli slciau-s agree in calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for tlie purpose" Sold by Dn.g glsts, SI per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, Lc, in pamphlet, 'Trcatlae on I)lscas ot th Blood." wrapped around each boitle. D. RANSOM, SON & Co.. Props Buffalo. N. Y. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS. ASTOP.LV, - - - OREGON Carry jn Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET .and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, SOZOETH & JOHNS. Real Estate Dealers. A general agency business transacted Have Columbia City. Alderbrook, Astoria and Seaside property for sale. mm SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) "Tit ;w.ulsr steamer FLEETWOOD, IS i-! h ih boon refitted for the comfort of va-M:jier will leave "Wilson and FNlier's dock every Vnvdoy, Y.'ednesday and Friday at 6 ' ff. n: riving at Portland at 1 P. M. V rrl::'.: leave rortland every ' Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A. M. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. Ati wNiiwotMl trip will b made cm Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland at 9 o'clock Sunday 3Iorningr. rns-eagprs by thb routs connect at Kalama for Snrml ports, u.u. buaa. President Astoria and Portland. Str. WEbTFOKl i F. II SHERMAN. - - - MASTER. Will mak remdar trlns to Portland and Astoria. Ie.r ing Burnett's dock, foot of Mor rison Mrei't, Portland, at c a.m. Saturdays. And will leave "Wilson Fisher's dock, Astona. at c a. m. Tliursdas. Esy Freight carried at reasonable rates. Steamer " RELIC." t WILL MAKE TRIPS AS To YOUNGSRIVER, Mondays, Wednesdays JOHN DAYS RIVER, Tuesdajs, Fridays, LEWIs and CLARKE, Thursdays and Saturdays. Will leave Wilson & Tlshers wharf at O o'elooli sharp, each morning. LEWIS G. flAAVEN, Master. REGULAR STEAM PACKET. "Daisy" and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Graj-'s Dock, For Olney, and Head of Youngs Klver, On TufMnH. smil Friday, at 8 A. 31. lieturainx same day. For Landings on Lents & Clark's Rlrer, On Urdnrdn)s, ntH A. 31., l.'ctuniingsame day. For Fonner's Camp. On I'rldaj.s. nt 5 p. 31., la) lng over night at the Camp, t1U leave for Astoria, on Sat urday, at x A. 31.: Returning will leave Astoria, at 3 V. 31. iWFor Frefcht or Passage, apply on hoard, or at Gray's Dock, liere Freight will be re ceived and stored, if necessary. J. H. D. GRA.Y. A.M. JOHSON. C. H. STICKKLS. A. M. JOHNSON & Co., Dealers In CROCKERY &. CLASS WARE. AUo Wholesale Dealers in Paint.H. Oils. Ynruihlics, Glass, ruttj-. Artiste OH and Water Colors, Vaitit and Kalso- mine Brushes. Constantly on hand a full and choice stock ofStadfcaud Fancy Groceries Only tlio Bostpt. Our stock of Crockery and Glaus U'are is the Larcrest and most Complete Stock ever opened in Astoria. Consisting of Tea and Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets. Glass, Fruit, and Water Sets. Bar Fixtures. Ale Mugs. Ponies, ltustic Bottles Goblets, Tum blers Lemonade Cups, &c , X.c. Every thing sold at Low est Living Rates. ifcuality Guaranteed. An Examination will more than repay you. LOEB & CO., JOBBKKS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. EyAll goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. MAGNUS C. CfiOSBY, Dealer in HAM ABE, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTER0 Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, CaineryaDOlteMsSDilies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment ofj SCALE? Constantly cq hand TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPAXY. OCEA.Y DIVISION. On and after April 1st, 1883. Ocean Steamers will sail from San Fran cisco and Portland eerv three days. Leaving Spear St. wharf San Francisco, at 10 :00 A. M.. and AInsworth Dock. Portland, at aiidnight. Through Ticket sold to all principa cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and After March 18, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. 1 rains leave Portland for Eastern points, at 7 :20 A. M. Sundays excepted. EIVKK imiSIOX (Middle Colmnbia). Boats Ieavo Portland for Dalles at 7 :00 A. M. alse: Astoria andl lower Co-1 lnmbii....lS AM 6 AM 6 AM IS AM SAM 7 AM GAM Uarton. Or 17 AM ,' I, AM ,' S?"S,:Hgam ! !am VictornJicisAMl U AMJ !AM Lesres Astoria for Portland at 6 a. m. diilj- ei ctpt Sunday. Astoria to Portland. FAST LIXK. Steamer Wide IVetit will leave Astoria for Portland. IP. 31 . Rcturninp:, leaves Portland; for Astoria, S A. 31., dally, Wednesdays excepted. Pullman Pa ice Can running between Port land. Walla Walla and Uarton. JOHN 3UUIR. Superintendent of Traffic C. H. PKESCOTT. Managei. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Ilwaco, Connecting by Stages for Oysterville and Olympia. Until farther notice the Ilwaoo Steam Navigation Co's steamers GEN". MILES, onGEtf. CAiBY Will leave Astona On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Fart Stevens, Fort Canby, and llYtaro OX Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saiurd ci i . The steamer will leave Astona at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strlcUrto schedule time. Fare to Fort Steve -Wet $1 00 " " Canby and Ilwacn SB-llwaco freight, by the ton, in lot3 ol one ton or over, $2 oo per ton. aarFor Tickets. Towage or Charter appl at the office of the Company, Gray' wharf. foot of Benton street. J. U.D.GRAY. Airent Oregon & California R.R Cc On an after Sept. 21, 1SS2. trains will run follows, DAILY (Except Sundays). KASTSItlK DIVISION. Between POITTXAM) and BI!lLi. Ui.II. THAW LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30A. u.lRiddle's 8.30 r. m Riddla's 3:30 a. u. Portland 4:25 p. m ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.PortIand10:05A.Sl FREIGHT TRA1N8. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 a. .Jnnetion ...6:0Jr.n Junction 6:3Ja. u.lRiddlo'a 5:10i. ji Riddle's....6:00 a. M.l Junction 5:00 p. ii Junction ...-3:45 a. m. Portland.. ..5:25 p. u The Oregon and California Railroad b ern makes connection with all KegularTrains oc Eastside Division. WE8T31DE DITIBIOX. Between Portliind and Corvnllia MAIL TEAI5 LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. Jl.lCorvallis 3.-00 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. M.ll'ortland 3:20 P. M Close connections made at Kiddle's with tho Stages of the Oregon and CalifornU State Company. . Tickets for sale at all the principal poinb in California and tho East, at Company' Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bo char"4 on freight remain ing at Companys Warehouse over '1 hours. Freight will not be received for shipmen. after 5 o'clock P. M. on cither tho East or West aide Division. . J. BRANDT, (Jen'l SuiVt- E. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent R. KOEHLER. Vice President and Managei Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens. Frt C'aby, Ilwaco. North. Beacfc.OyBtenrllle. Xorth Cove, Petersons 1'olnt. Ho- qalcm, JHon t etmno, And all points onShoalwater Bay, and Graj Harbor. GEN. MILES, l Strs. . or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY, GEN. GARFIELD " MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. M. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia lor Astoria on samo days. HANSEN BROS. Ed YE REMO YED I From their old quarters to their new 'shop AND FACTORY NEAP. KINNEY'S CANNERY; WILLIAM HOWE -DEALER Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. OAK LUMBER, ig9HBL ; " zivzmMrm GLASS, Boat Material, Etc. Hs I Boats of all Kinds 2Aa.de to Order. ; JS'-Orders from a distance promptly attended T S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, A2TD STEAMBOAT WOBK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Betox Street, Nsae Paiikkr House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAMMIMGTIES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. "Wass, Presedent. J. G. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. John Fox, Superintendent. A. V. Allen, (SUCCESSOR TO PAGE & ALLEN.) Wholesale and retail dealer In F?QYi8lB8B Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LfquorsJobacco.Gigars Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALKKS IH Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROCGIIT AND CUT GALVANIZED s x 3s: e: 3 IV'alls. Copper Wails and Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. FJLOUR ASI 9I1XX. TEEIK Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Street ASTORIA, OREGON. LOOK HERE ! We respectfully Inform-the public that we will always keep on hand the oest quality of Presh. and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries, Frealr Fruits, "Vegetables, Crockery and Glass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup plied on liberal terms. A share of the public patronage is respect fully solicited, dtf , WARREN & THOMPSON. s4 w jS" IK .-I3 5 Bracket Wo;rJc "2$ A SPXCIALTJc - it acut to, and satisfaction gnaraatte haJlfe9 KJ-r-'-'-'-'-.'-'-CU-HJ JiW JL. BUSINESS OAXDS. oi Tg C. HOLDM, ' "4 NOTASY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSIOIT" AXJt IJT SURANCE AGIST. - . o .EliO F. FAK1KK. 8URVZY0R OF x Clatsop Caaty,aa4Citr,? JLtrtjrS Office : Chenamus street, Y. H. C. A..ka Room No. 8. Attorney and Counatr atLamu JO-Offlce in Pythian Building. Emm U.13 ASTORIA, - - - - , OJttGON. TAX TUTTIiK, X. I. PHYSICIAN AND STTRGEOH OmcE Rooms 1, 3, and j.Tythlaa Build ing. -, - Residenck Over J. E. Thomsa Drac Store. ( '" Tjl P. MICKS, IELNTI8T,V ASTORIA, - - - ..OXEGOBt Rooms In ADai's buildlnp.ap sUJi79ern of Cass and Sqemocqhe stret ft. X Q.ABOWBY, . ATTORNEY AT XAW. . Chenamus Street, - - ASTORIA, OR1GOX J J. JOXES, ? STAIR BUTLlEf Shin and Steamboat - Joimtr PTTiCI TT TtfTTTTllfOniMi unao.fl. lxiiiinJiotm REAL ESTATE AND - General CsmmissPon' Iftkri. Office on Squeraaqua street, oppeeitrAiTO RiAf Office. A General Agency business transacted. MISSLINEKERi' FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER. Suits made in the Latest Style, anoa-feort-est notice ; also Fainted Flowers on tkBr -Ladles are Invited to call and s pies of this fine work. PRICES KEAS9XAJIIJL' GENERAL STEAMSHIP ACEMCY. Bills of Exchange on juiy Part oi Europe. I AM AGENT FOB TIB .FOLLOWING well known and comznodlour ttnfiilifn linea, STATE LINE, RED STAB, WHITE STAX. HAMBURG-AJOaiCAK, DOMINION EINX, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINB. Prepaid tickets to or fros aay :B)iMpa port. For full information teTate ar-Jftra, sailing days, etc, app's to ; LWOASB. CLATSOP im COMPANY 5 SBeeeiMM T GEO. W. HUME SAM MILL. MANUFAGTURERS'i DEALERS -IN LUMBER, SALMON BOXES, 1RAY8, ETC. Office and Miljk CORNER OF WEST 9TH XXD VTATZR TS FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE WESTPOET MILL COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PROPOSE TO remain. We will take ordert foe leosfeer .torn ! to 500 M.. at the mill or dellrered. We also manufacture latk m4 sMaatoc f Al quality. ""J Flooring a Specialty:' Addr air orders " v wxstpobt.mili; CO. 8.BMnirar,pr r - msm . Art " - Kmmr