The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 11, 1883, Image 3

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'lx )mlQ steistik
FRIDAY .. 31AY 11, 1SS3
Ice cream.
Straw hats.
Oreqon 13 duo from San
Francisco this morning.
W. Y. Ward, the genial post
master at Ilwaco was in the city yes
terday. The Saranac sailed for Liverpool
yesterday with S77, 000 worth of wheat
and dour.
"Good beefsteak is three cents a
pound in Texas." That Texas all
right where we live.
The schooner Trustee sailed from
Sboalwatcr bay yesterday, lumber
laden for San Francisco.
J. L. Stout is in the city and
says he is getting his house ready
for the accommodation
of seashore
The firo alarm at 4:30 yesterday
afternoon was caused by a burning
flue corner Benton and Concomly.
No damage.
The "boom" has reached the
state penitentiary. That useful insti
tution has now 200 inmates, and
twenty-two additional cells are being
put in.
The Gen. Milct will leave Gray's
dook for Tillamook at C o'clock this
morning. The A. li. Field goc to
the same port, from Main street
wharf to-morrow morning.
Three minutes and twenty sec
onds from the time the bell tapped
yesterday afternoon till a stream of
water was on the roof of the building
whore the Gro alarm originated.
Quick work.
What lie Knows About Bars.
The Seattle Herald quotes incor
rectly from The Astouia-, and calls
its item "pungent." Its attempt to
substitute falsehood for wit illustrates
the mendacious character of that
ephemoral aheot.
The "Washington Packing Co. is
building a cannery on the Chehalis
opposite the Cosmopolis mill, and will
begin operation about the 1st prox.
Messrs. Gibson, Benn, and one or two
Astoria parties constitute the com
pany. A petition is being circulated
asking the governor to pardon Wm.
DeLashmutt who was sent to the
penitentiary from this county last
January for an alleged attempt to
shanghai a gentleman of leisure named
Jas. Cannon.
Fifteen schooners are engaged in
the seal fishery off Cape Flattery.
The largest catch of the season was
made by & schooner which took out
thirty Indians and fifteen canoes, and
in a two day's cruise captured 125
seals. Another with ten canoei,
in the samo time, captured 100 seals.
So far, Rescue No. 2, i3 the only
company which proposes to send a
team to Salem. There will bo a spec
ial meet of l's to-morrow night, and
Alert H. & L. will have a meeting
next Monday night. Our d jpartraent,
confessedly the best volunteor fire de
partment north of San Francisco,
ought to be well represented at Salem
next month. The troublo is every one
is so busy.
The Union thinks that Walla
Walla has done nothing that should
cause Yillard to "be down on" that
burg, yet fears that in some way it has
incurred the ill will of the great mag
nate. It can't be that he would al
low any petty considerations of that
kind to affect him. Ho looks at
everything iu a "business" point of
view, you know, 3Ir. Union. For he
himself has said it, and 'tis greatly to
his credit.
The ertertainmont at Liberty
Hall-4-his evanhig deserves a full house
no less for its intriimc worth than
tho purpose for which it is given. The
several parts have been carefully
studied and rehearsed. Among those
taking part, may be mentioned the
blisses Flavel, Misses Worsley, Wil
son, Allen, Dickinson, and others.
Prof. A. L. Francis, Messrs. Mcintosh
and Neff with others will also take
part in furnishing instrumental music.
Lieut. Healy of the revenue ma
rine, and Major Blakeney of the life
saving service in their report to the
secretary of tho treasury concerning
the wreck of the Tacoma, have rec
ommended that John Bergtn&n, of
Astoria, the hero of the surf on the oc
casion of the wreck, and his crew, re
ceive some token of merit from the
government, and they recommend
that they be awarded tho gold medal
of the service. Ho certainly deserves
some recognition of his gallantry.
In the trial of Anderson, for the
murder of Archie Clark, in Portland,
a sister from St. "Vincent's hospital
last Wednesday gave as testimony
the dying statement of Archie
Clarke to tho effect that he
alone was responsible for what had
happened; that he did not blame
Anderson, and fully forgave him.
She added that Clarke received the
sacrament before dying. Two of the
fellow-patients of Clarke in the hos
pital at that time testified in corrobo
boration of the sister'ajstatements.
Ed. Asteriak:
1 whacked four yoke of cattle across
the plains in 1818. Tho Columbia
and Willamette rivors when I came
here had but three formidable bars,
Hogs Back, St. Helens and Swan
Island. The Columbia bar was not
for the class of vessels that came into
tho Columbia considered a dangerous
one. Plenty of vessels entered the
mouth of the Columbia carrying three
to ten hundred tons, sailed in by their
captain without pilot or previously
having been in the Columbia river
with some old chart made in 1780 or
1780. The government has not spent
one cent yet on the bar for its im
provement, only buoyed it out so that
vessels could see that the channel was
about two miles wide which would
make lots of room. The Columbia
river bar, to day is just as good as it
has been for 80 years, it is one of the
best natural entrances in the world,
has lost the fewest vessels for 25 years
past according to number of vessels
entering. Never has lost one vessel
yet, except through carelessness.
Large ocean steamers have crossed
that bar for 30 years and not one has
been lost for 20 years except the
Great Republic, and that was lost on
Sand Island and not on tho Columbia
bar. Inside the bar the ship Nivibus
was lost by bumping on the bar on
neap tide and half tide. Take such
old and experienced pilots as aw on
the Columbia bar and whero are tho
I great dangers to shipping in the Co
lumbia, especially with such tug3 as
the Brenham, Columbia, Astoria and
Pioneer. Now, if Portland was down
at Astoria and Astoria was up to
Portland you would hear no more
about the Columbia bar, but you
would hear all about the seven bars
abovo Astoria to Portland. Tho truth
is, the Columbia and Willamette
rivers have been shoaling rapidly for
twenty years, and as the country
settles more rapidly, just so m the
last three or four years has the river
shoaled rapidly, bo that at tho present
time it is almost impossible . only
iu a freshet iu the river, to let a ves
sel to Portland with any load in her
at all. The dredging was begun in
the Willamette in the direct interest
of Portland fifteen years ago and has
cost the government perhaps more
than half a million, and to-day the
rivers are worse than they were twenty
years ago. What little is possible to
do aouo 07 areagma m low water is
more than lost in the next freshet.
The Willamette has annually from two
to five heavy freshets in the winter
caused by heavy snows in ihe Cascade
and Coast mountains. The Columbia
river has one regular annual freshet
which begins some time in April or
May and lasts until about the first of
August, which is caused by snow melt
ing in the Rocky mountains along the
heads of tho Columbia river. The
Columbia river somtunes has winter
freshets but they are not usual or of
ten. As the country becomes more
cultivated, tho silt that these floods
bring down under the action of art
were never tho same as iu nature.
Now it aeems that all scientific and
sensible men know that the Willam
ette and Columbia rivers cannot be
maintained a3 deep water channels.
It is not in tho power of figures by the
most skilled engincor to tell how
many cubic yards of logs, brush,
slabs, saw dust, garbage, sand, and
clay that will haro to bo dug out of
these rivers in the next ten years to
maintain an average 1G feet of water
to Portland. Portland may boast of
her wealth all she likes but I know
that her main wealth is land. It is
not ships, railroads, nor coin. What
is her brick and mortar worth when
the commerce of the country passes
right through the city at night time,
on a freight train, in bulk, to deep wa
ter. Portland piled all this brick and
mortar up with her eyes open to the
condition of the Willamette and Co
lumbia rivors; knowing that the gov
ernment would not follow up a useless
waste of money; knowing that she
could not do what the government
would not do. The Columbia and
Willamette rivers are among the finest
rivers in the world for vessels draw
ing from three to twelve feet of water
and arc capable of carying the trade
of the world without costing the gov
ernment or Portland scarcely one
dollar except at the falls or rapids.
Tho bars on tho Columbia and
Willamette rivers to proper vessels for
the business of the country are scarce
ly noticeable. The mouth of the Co
lumbia should bo improved by the
government. She takes customs from
us that belong to us in the improve
ment of the bar as well as the Cas
cades and Dalles.
The lunatic that thinks the month
of tho Columbia is liko tho Mississippi
at Galveston is simply foolish and it is
useless to use argument in such a
case. Anyono that thinks you can
dig up the mud on Swan Island bar,
or any other bar and dump it in the
river immediately below and thinks
he is rid of it, ought to bo yoked along
side of Jesse Applegate's calf and
trotted up and down First street in
Portland noxt fourth of July from 9
o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock
in the afternoon, and then taken out
of tlie yoke and put in a poor stable,
in a dirty stall, not rubbed down, and
his mane shaved and put on Columbia
Slough hay, with wheat chopped from
the lot lost in Portland's warehouses
throe winters ago, and keep him in
that stable till the Columbia back
water get3 off the streets and out of
the cellars in Portland.
Bull Whacker No. 2.
The Odd Fellows Orphans' Home
The Portland committee having in
charge the preparations for the com
ing laying of the corner stone for the
Odd, Fellows Orphans' Home, noxt
Tuesday, have arranged the following
programme. Grand parade, to be
participated in by the grand lodge and
grand encampment of Washington
Territory, and the several subordi
nate lodges and encampments. The
members will meet at Odd Fellows'
temple, in Portland, at 8:30 a. m.,
and the grand bodies at the Masonic
temple. The procession will move at
9 o'clock. The Odd Fellows will ap
pear in full regalia, with bands of
music The train will leave
East Portland at 11.30. There
will be music and lunch until 1
r. m., when the ceremonies of laying
the corner-stone will commence by
the grand lodge of Oregon, assisted by
the grand lodge of Washington. J.
N. Dolph, P. G. Master, will deliver
the oration. After the ceremonies,
tho remainder of the time will be
spent ia all kinds of innocent amuse
mentmusic, dancing, croquet, etc.,
until 5 p. at. when the train will re
turn. R. Alexander, grand marshal
of the grand lodge will have charge of
the procession, with D. E. Buchanan
chief assistant. The following is the
reception committee board of trus
tees: Dr. G. H. Chance chairman;
J. A.Boyor, M. W. G. 3L; E. L.
Briston, P. G. M. ; J. T. Apperson,
P. G. M.; J. N. Dolph, P. G. M.;
John Ken worthy, P. G. M.; A. N.
Gamble, P. G.
Beaver Lodge No. 35, of this city
has been extended a cordial invitation.
Four Fish-Books.
"How are salmon running?" "Thir
teen boats, fifty-four fish." "Twenty-three
boats; seventy-nine fish."
"Ten boats; ninety-four fish." "Sev
enteen boats; eighty-nine fish." Five
to the boat.
A complete Revolution has
Gooods since the advent of
been inauirurated in the Prices of
Sheriff O'ETeirs Bankrupt Store.
We sell goods at their Real Value. We charge no fancy prices
such as the people of Astoria have had imposad upon them before our
Although we have
Dem orallzed. tlie 3Iox-ol3.ii.ts,
We feel confident that we have
Wo have practical proof in that respect by our raceipts which were
a hundred per cent.
Better than Our Utmost Expectations.
New Shapes and Styles in MILLINERY
Domestics, Gents' and Boys1 Clothing, and Furnishing Goods,
Cloaks, Dresses, and Dolmans, at
Sheriff O'NeiFs Bankrupt Store,
Corner Concomly and MninrStrcets, - ASTORIA, OREGON
- tot? 1 v i
The Leading' Dry Goods
Clothing House of Astoria,
I have just received a large consignment of Lace Curtains, and
Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an inspec
tion from intending purchasers, confldent that for rarity and Low Prices
Silks and Dress Goods,
We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of the most
elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City,
All Silk Rhadames, Drap D'Almas
All Silk Poulards, "Wool Snrrahs,
All Silk Ottomans, Satin Soleils,
Etc., Etc.
Those wishincanicenlateof Eastern or
Shoahvater bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early breakfast before going
auoaru me uoar, snouki call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Sboalwater
bay oysters received by every steamer.
L. Samuels, proprietor of the West
Shore, with a corps of assistants, is in
the city. It is hi3 intention to issne a
special edition iu Juno with illustra
tions of our city, and has come down
for the purpose of taking views of tho
place, the most prominent buildings,
points of interest, etc The West
Shore is in tho ninth year of its pub
lication; its literary merit and the
character of its illustrations render it
superior to any publication of its kind
in tho Union, it is of great a m ex
plaining and portraying what kind of a
country we have, and deierves the
most liberal patronage.
Among the immigrant passengers
by the Queen of the Pacific, on Tues
day evening, was one of uutnual
interest. Tho instance remarked was
that of a little boy, about 12
years of age, who had come direct
from Denmark on a through ticket
purchased in this city. The wonder
ful facilities for strangers traveling in
America can be readily appreciated
wncn 11 is stated that tins cniiu 15
unable to speak a word of nglish,
and is on his way to Tho Dalles, alone,
and in care of no older party. A lit
tle girl from Sweden, en route to
Lewiston, Idaho, was also a through
passenger from Gothenburg. Neves
Hotel Arrivals.
Catching Salmon on the Sacramento. FranhFabrc's Oyster nndCIiop
xnere are ompioyea in uie saimou
fisheries between San Francisco and
Sacramento about 800 boats. Each
boat as hero is manned by two fisher
men; there are 1G00 men employed in
catching salmon between tho two
points named, or in a distance of 120
miles. There aro 250 boats in the
Straits of Carquinez and Yallejo hay.
There are nine canneries along the
river and Suisun bay, and several in
SanFrancisco,employing,on an average
from sixty to eighty men to each
establishment. There are abbut 2o00
men employed in taking salmon and
canning them. Tho cost ot a fishing
outfit thero ranges from $450 to $S00.
A suitablo boat can be purchased for
an average price of $2G0; those used
lower down will average about 8300
N Humphries, Eugene City; L
Samnel, W Branch, W Hillis. G Nop
per, Portland; W S Grinsfelder, J il
Shively, S F; J G Megler & wife,
BrookGuld; L A Loomis, Ilwaco; Geo
T Myers, Fisherton; D P Thompson,
H Smith, Hoquiam; H GHurlburtj
City; A Wahlers, C Harriman, W
Leinnion, G C Garfield, O Clark, -G
VonLangen, Portland; Miss V Fish,
Salem; A Loger, A Underwood, C
Clark, Ft Canby; X C Howerton, Il
waco; V B, Lyman, Skamokawa.
The average daily catch varies ac
cording to the season. Last season,
th i salmon ascended in such numer
ous quantities that the fishermen
could have caught each day per boat,
for a period of six weeks, over 100
fish. But the markets were glutted,
and as it was impossible to dispose of
that number, they contented them
selves with catching merely enough to
supply the demand. This season the
average daily catch per boat doe3 not
exceed 20 fish, and the supply is nut
sufficient to keep tho canneries run
ning at their full capacities. The
price of course varies according to tho
supply and demand. Last year the
canneries paid from 40 to C5 cents a
piece for fish. This year they agreed
to pay 50 cents, but the Colliusvillo
cannery raised to 70 cents, and now
the Benicia cannery offers $1.00. A
number of boats fish bolow Mare Is
land, but the fishing there is difficult,
owing to the ronghness of the water.
Yallejo bay is found to contain many
bsh and within tu last two years, a
place above Yallejo, on Napa river
commencing at what is known as
Slaughter House Poiut, his become
quite a favorite fishing ground. Tho
grounds up the Sacramento river are
also extensive, and thousands of
salmon are caught there during the
every day at 5 o'clock. The best 25 cent
meal in town ; soup, Gsh, seven kinds of
meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A
glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. All who have tried
him say Jeff is the "BOSS."
Nitrous Oxide Gas.
Painless extraction of teeth at Dr.
LaForcc's dental rooms over 1. Y.
Case's store.
Change ofNainc.
On and after this dato "Jeff's Variety
Chop I rouse'' will be called simply
IVeir Iticli Blood.
The use of Oregon Blood Purifier.
Take IVotice.
After the first of January, 1884, Mr.
II. B. Littwill enter into manufacturing
Dolmans. Sacks and Drasses. Mrs. Lift
will manage the custom dress making.
Merchants who will give me a trial no
doubt will find my goods lower and bet
ter finished than S. F. goods.
II. B. Litt.
Vim Boots and Shoes
Of the bet make ami guaranteed quali
ty at P. J. Goodman's. X othing sold
but what can be recommended as being
a good article. Ladies and children's
shoes a specialty. New goods constant
ly arriving.
Important Notice to Fishermen
ami Other.
"JEFF, of the CHOP HOUSE, will
civc vou the BEST 2T-cent meal in town
for cash. Board by the week $5, in ad
vance. Jieais at any nour, uay or nigiir.
"We aro now showing the Largest and most Elegant Line of La
dies' Cloaks and Wraps ever brought to this City.
Black Dolmans,
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp.
Black Silk Dolmans,
Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and Gimp.
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans,
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe.
Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters.
Shetland Shawls,
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,
All Sizes and Colors.
"We are showing, without doubt, the largest, and most complete
stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys' Clothing ever brought to Astoria
Largest "Stock,
Finest Goods.
Lowest Prices in Astoria,
New Goods !
If ew Patterns !
Dress Sxiits.
Baisiness JSxiJL'ts,
XjlgiLL-t Sti-mmer SiaJLts.
StylestoSuirAlI. Quality to Suit All. Prices to Suit All. A full Stock of
A complete line of GEXTS' FUKXISKIXG GOODS. Fine Summer Under
wear. Hosiery. French Tercalc Shirts. Scarfs, Ties, Silk, and Linen Handkerchiefs,
Etc., etc. Trunks anil Satchels.
Th.e Leading
. j - m
Steamer Days.
Following is a resume of sailing
dates for ocean steamers for Slay,
steamers leaving Astoria aud San
Francisco every three days:
Queen -Saturday 12
Oregon. Tuesday 15
SUite Friday 18
u01u1nDia.M011.1ay 21
yucen.... luutsuay "z
Oregon Sunday 27
at 10 a.m. May
State Saturday Yl
Columbia-Tuesday 15
Queen-.... ..Friday IS
Oregon Monday 21
State .Thursday 24
Columbia Sunday 27
Stale. Wednesday SQiQueeiuWednesday 30
Attention TSo. 1.
Special meeting Saturday evening,
3Iay 12th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of
selecting a team to represent this Co. at
the forthcoming State Tournament at
Salem, also to elect delegates to the
same, Every member Is requested to be
present By order
W. W. Parker, Pres't.
ii. E. Selig, Sec'y.
a. i. or n.
There will be a special meeting of
Council No. 995, A. L. of IL, on Saturday-,
the 12th inst,at7:30P.M. A. full
attendance is essential.
By order of C. C.
, It Y. 31oxTEiTir, Sec.
Go to the O. K. Lodging House
corner West-yth and Water streets.
R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, S.
Y. : I was attacked with congestion of
the lungs, soreness over the liver, se
vero pain in tho joints, a burning fe
ver, and general giving away of the
whole system. Failing to find relief
in remedies prescribed, I tried your
"Golden Medical ihscovery. It et
fected my entire cure. Your medL
cines have only to bo used to 00 ap
preciated. If every family would give
them a trial, nine-tenths of thu doc
tors would, like Othello, find their
occupation gone. Yours truly,
l. b. McMillan, m. d.,
Breesport, N. Y.
The finest pan roast in the city.
W here, oh where v At ranK t aores.
The finest selectioji of Jewelry ever
seen in Astoria is now on exhibition at
Gustav Hansen's. If you contemplate
a purchase you will find styles and
prices to suit you at the Leading Jewel
ry i louse 01 Astoria.
Care-worn persons, students, weak,
and over-worked mothers will find in
Brown's Iron Bitters a complete tonic
which gives strength and tone to the
whole system.
Foster's Emporium.
Most Complete Stock in Astoria
JV ovelties of all Kinds
Frnlta Both Forclsm and Domestic
Wines and Liquors
Of Superior Brand.
SeasifleBatery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candies etc, furnished for Wedding
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite ii. W. Hume's.
L. K. G-. SMITH,
Importer and wholesale dealer iu
Clears and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles,
Plajlas Cards Cutlery, Sta
tionery. Etc.
The largest and finest stock of MEER
SCHATOIahd -AMBER GOODS in the city.
Particular attention paid to orders from
the country, ,
TnEO.BRACKER, Manager.
Chenamns Street, Astoria. Oregon.
Corner Chenamus and Cass street.
North Pacific
Furniture Emporium.
- Prep'r.
Portland, Or.
Geo-. A. Plcasancc,
Cor. 5th and Alder Sts. -
Straw Beds, per doz. - - 510.
Spring Beds, each, - $5. to 515.
In Raw Silk, Carpet, and other coyerinsr.
From $10. to 515.
Samples of cover and particulars hy mall
if desired.
iy room
M. Johnson's building. Inquire at the
store of A. 21. Johssox & Co.
Delicious Ice Cream at Frank Fa
bre's. Where so fast my friend? Why to
FrankFabre'sforapan roast
Tho art to preserve the health has
finally been made very easy in its ap
plication. Use Pfunder's Oregon
Blood Purifier; give it to your frionds
and see its charming action.
F. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria fur
the famous Morrow shoes.
All the rjatentmcdicinc3 advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
conns urug store, opposite ui-mni
hctel, Astoria.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at tnc iiem
opposite the bell tower, and sec Camp
bell. "JEFF," of the CHOP HOUSE
is now ready to manufacture Ice Cream
to order in anv quantity for Balls. Socia
bles, Private "Houses, etc and" having
the bestfacilities of any place in town
euarantees to give satisfaction. Jce
constantly on baud and for sale.
New York Novelty Store
Has removed one block below, from their former location on Main street,
next door to N. Loeb's Clothing Store, where we keep
Latest Novelties of all Descriptions,
Jewelry, Watches.
Which we will SELL AT COST, as we have no room to store them.
Come and See TT3.
We treat our Customers all alike, and will not misrepresent our Goods.
NEW YORK NOVtELTY STOEE, Main Street, Astoria, Or.