0) 2!Ixe gHtilg Qslaxinvu ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY. .MAT 11, 18S3 Pointers. It is said that the late A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, loaned mon ey to 120 young men to enable them to get an education. Most of the mon3T was repaid. The ground upon which Cin cinnati stands was purchased by J. C. Symes about ninety years ago for 67 cents an acre. He has not lived to take advantage of the rise. The Beaconsfield administration paid off $90,800,000 of the national debt of Great Britain. The Glad stone administration has paid off $102,500,000, and hopes this year to pay off $40,000,000 more. Old-fashioned flint lock shot guns are still made at Birming ham, England, for use in remote places, whore, should the ammu nition for patent guns give out, the hunter would be helpless. Bishop Riley, Episcopal bishop of Mexico, has never received any salary, and has given about 150, 000 during the last ten or twelve years to the Christian work under his care. He has exhausted a pri vate fortune. Centennials in order are the signing at Paris of definite articles of Peace between England,France, Spain and the United States, on September 3, 17S3, and the evacu ation of New York, November 25, 1783. The latter occasion will be celebrated on Monda7, November 2Gtti. The Boston Herald thinks that the Democrats in the next congress have three courses open to them: They can, do nothing, and bring disaster to the country; they can do the wrong thing, and bring de feat to themselves; or they can do the right thing, and benefit the country and themselves. Superintendent "Warner, of the Allegheny, Pa., workhouse says: "Prison labor is not worth over 40 cents a day. When a skilled workman can be had for $2 a day I should prefer the latter. Men who go to prison are usually those who have cultivated all their life & natural distaste for work. The Chinese have some queer medicines, as this, for instance, known as the five poisens: Dried snakes, pulverized, 1 oz.; wasps and their nests, 4- oz.; centipedes, 3 oz.; scorpions, G oz., and toads, 10 oz. These choice ingredients are ground into powder, mixed up with honey and made into pills. Nihilism in Russia is responsi ble for a new element in politics the explosive element an ele ment that would strike down and destroy all that stands in the pathway of its unholy ambi tion. Communism is but another name for robbery. It would reap where it had not sown. It would enjoy the fruits of tho sweat and toil of others without rendering a just equivalent. In the old North Providence graveyard there sro several neat gravestones with tho names and the dates of births of several aged persons, but no date of death. The Providence Journal thus explains this curious circumstance: "It is becoming quite customary now among old folks to provide and set up their gravestones in advance in this way, instead of leaving the duty of erecting a tombstone to their administrators or heirs, and it must be acknowledged that there is no lack of reason for this want of confidence in the affec tion and regard of relatives." The editor of the London Sportsman, who recently visited this country, seems to have ac commodated himself to the ways of the republic with remarkable sweetness and content, as tho fol lowing extract from an interview with him on his return to London sufficiently demenstrates: "Did you make many speeches when you were in America?" they asked him. "Yes," was the reply. "I was frequently called upon to re spond." "And what did you say for the most part?" "Thank you. I don't mind if I do." The San Francisco Post coun ters on Johnny Bull's blushing proboscis in the following neat manner: "The London Times in sists on speaking of the American Dynamite part'. "We have here tofore informed our London con temporary that there is no such thing as the American Dj'namite party on this side of the Atlantic. But if there were such a party, would it be more than just retalia tion for the English Confederate Cruiser and Blockade Runner party that existed in England dur ing the American war of the re bellion?" A young man at Glasgow, la., was taken in and done for the other day by a new trick. He laid a wager with a stranger that the latter would not woo, win and marry a young lady whom, with his companion he had seen arrive at the hotel where ho was living. The latter introduced himself to the damsel, she smiled upon his suit, a minister was called in and they were married within an hour. The wager of no inconsiderable amount was handed over to the bridegroom, who left "with his bride the following day. It was afterwards discovered that the couple had long been man and wife, and that they had been trav eling about playing the same trick at various hotels. The Boston Transcript is of the opinion that the opponents of revenue reduction will not be able to deceive the people with a juggle of words. They argue and disclaim free trade, and character ize as freetraders all who have the tariff revised, though the' know that the necessities of the govern ment will prevent free trade from becoming a practical question for many years to come. Free trade is one question and tariff reduc tion quite another. The former is not now favored by anybody, al though it is firmly believed in as the true principle of gov ernment by a largo and in creasing number of the most enlightened citizens. But tariff reduction is demanded by all who believe that the government is now collecting $100,000,000 more than should or need be expended, and that the taxes to be first abated are those which weigh upon the necessities of the people. Tax reduction is a necessity, and tax reduction means tariff reduction. Not free trade, but freer trade and lower taxes. A Connecticut liquor law be gan with these werds: "Every person who shall sell liquor to a minor." This law was repealefl, and a new one enacted beginning with the words, "Every licensed person who shall sell liquor to n minor." The result is that bar keepers can sell liquor with impu nity, because they are not licensed, while the proprietors of saloons escape punishment by denying that they were aware of such sales by their employes to persons un der age. It is suggested that the word "licensed" was inserted in the new law to make it inopera tive. At next year's presidential election, it is considered probable that there will be over 10,000,000 votes cast; which would be about two-thirds of tho number of men in the country. NEW TO-DAY Lost. STRAYED AWAY TWO WEEKS AGO A hlack and white spotted Cow. Black head and black line down her back. Tips of botli horns sawed off. Had on large iron bell vi lien lost. Must have calf by this time. Any information leading to her recovery lelt at Uie undersigned address will be liber ally rewarded. ANDREW ANENT. May 10, 'S3.-tf I. X. L. Vkg. Co. Lost. IN SOUTH CHANNEL, MAY 8TH. ABOUT 250 fathoms 41 me&h, Barbour's 40, 12-ply. new web and lines, marked O. P. Co. The finder will be suitably rewarded by return ing the same to the ll-3t OCCIDENT PKG. CO. Net Found. IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE YESTERDAY morning a large net. new : corks maiked A. IL, or .1. IL Owner can have it by ap alying to J. It. Goulter, Uwaco, NV. T. U-ct L.A.LOOM1S. Lost. YESTERDAY MORNING, ABOUT 100 fathoms net, 46 mesh, 12-pls', A. n. on corks, l buoy with 3 lines thereon. Finder will please leave it at office of "White Star Packing Co., and be rewarded. 8-.5t - Lost. ON PEACOCK SPIT ON MAY SEVENTH, 150 fathoms 41 mesh net. Barbour's -so. 12 ply, marked O.CCo. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to Ocean Canulng Co.. racks at Knappton. 8-3t Net Found. ON THE MORNING OF THE 8th. ON Clatsop Spit, about 300 fathoms of net, no marks. The owner can have the same by applying to James Williams, at Tanzv Point. Net Found. On Chinook srrr.oN dry snag, 20 fathoms old web, 45 mesh In lines. No mark: wood buoy and sinker attached. Owner can have the same on applying to Union Packing Company and paying ex penses, jo-3t Notice. OSALS OEALED PROFOSALS WILL BE RE- O celved by the County Clerk, at his office av. May 19th, 18S3, for cas fitting for the Court House, and county .tail. For particulars enquire of the Clerk. The right & reserved to reject any bids. By order of the Countv Court. It. R. SPEDDEN, Clerk. Astoria, May 10, i$S3. d-td "ENLISTED FOR THE WAR" on "WOMAN'S WIT" BVTIIE Home Dramatic Association, At Occidental Hall. Tuesday and Wednesday Evcnlncs, May 15th and IClfa. The Entertainment to conclude with the fearfullv funny Farce, " The Yankee Poddlor. " 3Iusic between Scenes. Admission. Reserved Scats. - - 75c G alien,'. - - 0c Children, half price. . , . Tickets can be procured at City Book Store. Notice of Co-partnership. mnrc rvnEHSION'ED HAVE THIS DAY A entered Into a partnership under the Ann name and stvle of Jordan &Bo2orth for the transaction of a general crockery anq iin!3mir htiine in Astona. uresKHi. anu respectfully solicit the patronage of the pub lic. T. 1. OUItlSA... SCOTT BOZORTIL ANNOUNCEMENT ! Wo beg learn to announco that we will, on or about June Cth next, open a complete stock of Croctej ail Glassware And all goods pertaining to that lino at their NEW STORE, Cor. taaras 1 GbibtIbtb Sts. rarties contemplating purchasing any thing in that line will consult their own in terest by waiting till our goods arrive. We paj cash for our goods and and will be able to sell as cheap as any house in Oregon Portland not excepted. JORDAN & B0Z0RTH. Bids T7"ILL BE RECEIVED BY THE CNDER T T signed, until Saturday noon. May 19th, for filling with earth the basement or the Odd Fellows Hall. Filling to be brought up within seven feet of under side of joists, and smoothed level. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. J.HAHN. .1. Q. A. BOWLBY. F. CREED, uoinmuicc. Astoria, May 8, 1883. d-td To AH Farrners or Grangers of Clatsop County. TOU ARE INVITED AND REQUESTED to meet with your wives and families at the Granger Hall, on Youngs River, on Sat urday, May 15th, at two r. m.. to listen to ad dress of tne Oregon State Lecturer, to be given on that occasion, and if thought ad visable, organize the Clatsop Granges. tf TIN PLATES. First grade Brand, "Pelenna," FOR SALE BY MEYER. WILSON & CO., Portland, or CAPTAIN GEORGE FI.A VEL, Astoria. c-lwk FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer .A.. IB. ItPXjHXjID. BARRAGE, - Master. Will leave for TILLAMOOK SATURDAY. Slay 12tli. TTIOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU- JJ lars apply to .1. G. HUSTLER. Main street NVharf, Astoria : ALLEN & LEWIS. Portland ; J. L. STORY, TiUamook. FOR TILLAMOOK. milE STEAMER GEN. MILES. OF THE X I.S. N'.Co., will sail from Gray's Dock, for TILLAMOOK On FRIDAY, 31ay 11, at C A. 31. J. n. D.GRAY, Afjcnt. Pioneer Annual Meeting. E ANNFAL MEETING OF THE neer and Historical Society of the Ore- uon of 1792. atiII be held at the rooms of Rescue Engine Co. No. 2, in Astoria. Oregon, onthellthdayof May. 1833, at 2 r. m., to transact its annual business, listen to reports of officers, and addresses from honorary and corrcspoiHMnE members, and volunteer ad dresses from friends of the organization. A special and general invitation is cordi ally extended to all to be present, as per constitution provided. E. C. IIOLDEN, Secretary. Notice. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF flce of the Clerk of Sctiool District No. l, Clatsop county, Oregon, until Tuesday, May 15, 1883. at noon, for bonds of said district, amounting to $25,000. Said bonds will be in denominations of one thousand dollars each, to run for ten years, interest thereon to be paid annually upon presentation of interest coupon. Not less than $3,009 to be taken by any one person. Bidders will please direct communications to the undersigned, stating amount bid for. terms, rate, &c. By order of the directors. J. O. BOZORTIL Clerk of School DIst. No. 1, Clatsop Co., Or. Sdtd County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY Treasury to pay all County Orders pre sented prior to August 31, 1S32. All such or ders will cease to draw interest after this d3te. CHAS. HEILBORN, April 20, 1683. Treas. Clatsop Co, ASTORIA MARB LE UCEhS. DAVID KEL3IA.X, - - Proprietor, Manufacturer ot American and Italian marble monuments and head stones. Ceme tery lots enclosed with curbing, walls and coping or stone posts and Iron railing. Prices and designs furnished to persons at a dis tance. Satisfaction guaranteed. Slate can seamers for cannery use. ASTORIA. OREGOX. Ice Delivered to Order. FRANK FABRE ISPREPABEDTO DELIVER THE BEST quality of Ice at 2V, cents per pound, in quantities irom ten pounds up. to Hotels, aaioons. uestauranis, or amines, leaving their orders with him. Large quantities of ce constantly on nana BANKIHB ANDJHSUBANCL S. VST. CEj3.SE:. BROKER, BANKER INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. il. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. 15.. Hue Mntnal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. UODOHTOK CHAS. R. Stout... Gko. L. STOitr.. .l'n-Mcnt ,...... Secretary ...A2;ent for 0"v?m Capital paid up in U. S. goltij coin .. ............. Sw) Uw do I. "IV. C.18S:, Asent. Chtn&mus street. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COALSIERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES, Roiiresentine a capital of 07.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Aucnt, MPOEZ Finest stock of goods in iho Pit v. Books, Stationery, Papotrie, Toys, Games, -AND- Endless Novelties. BOOKS ! All the Standard Authors. In this as in every other branch of my business I lead. MUSICAL ISTRBIffiTS ! Of guaranteed quality. Clocks and "Watelies, Gold and Silver Ware. Bsiby- Carriages. Velocipedes, And every description of AT Carl Acller's Emporium. FIRST GRAND SALE! AT PRiOR TO STOCK TAXING. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line of Dress Goods, Silks, Volvute, Plnshes, Cashmeres and Armnres. Laces. Hosiery, Corsets, Cloaks, Dolmans. Etc.. etc. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FLANNEL COMFORTERS, Blankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. Prael Brothers, THE LATEST STYLES WALL 'PAPER AT B. B. FRANKUN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. JSyMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will ue tounu convenient to my patrons. EMPLOYMENT FOE ALL TWENTY DOLLARS per Day. The Original Italian Oil Painting.; Pro?. J. 0. HURPHEY, OF SALEM, IS NOW IN THIS CITY, and has a suite of rooms over Carl Ail lert Bookstore, where he will Rive lessons in the art, guaranteclnp perfection, at $2. oo for full instructions, or in clubs of 3, -1, or 5, at one dollar each. Ho Money Required In Advance. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at my rooms and seo samples. Koom No. 7. noun from 8 a. x. to 7 r. x. If ATTJRE'S KEMEDT. Liver, Kidney, and Skin Diseases.,! Malaria. D.yspepsia, Biliousness. Pains in the Back and Loins, Piinp!es and Blotches ca the Skin, Whether Hereditary. OrCusr lh Wiv.'u ri,',"t1 Can Only be Cured by the Use of Largest Sale and nlost Satisfaction Of anv Medirm. i-n the Coast. Sold b all Drugsols aii'l Medicine Dealers, SI.GO per ;:ole , for $3,00. HILL'S nRIBTIES. GEO. HILL. --- PROPRIETOR "NVAI.TF.lt PARKS, - STAGE MANAtiEK Engagement of an entire 7iUV TROUPE MISS HELENA RICHMAN. The German Nightingale. fViiSS SUSIE LEE, Sons and Dance Artist. MISS MINNIE WILLIAMS. Serio-comic Queen. MISS KITTY FRANKLIN, Soubrct te. Also 3IR. GEO. HENDERSON, Ethiopian Comedian. Together with a new Under the management of PROF. CHARLES RICHARDS. All the Old Favorites Retained. Open all the Year Performance Every Night Entire Change of Programme Every Night, Comprising SONCS, DANCES AMD ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre Is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be eitisl to any given elsewhere. Mr. HIM as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybody wishing to sKud a pleasant evening and see rkllnK wit ami beauty without vul garity, should improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following wcll- " known Artists : Miss Fanik Waivtox. MISS ilAMlK GOOMUCIT. MR. Waltkk I'akks. Mk. Cuas. F.ATtlJOWS. 51 J J. wm, MOIITOU. All of which will appear nightly in their dif. fcrent siccialtles. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at 8 ; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private hoses on Cbena mus street. Ncvr Stars in Rapid Succession ! -ASK FOR- TTnion India Subber Go's Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE Or TJIITA.TIONS I Be sure the Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM SPRIXGS on the foot and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with RUBBER .-liVI ASBESTOS Joles wlr.ch will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING? BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. j:. ii. l'iiASE. .i r. Agents, S. M. EUNYON, ) San Eranciseo. GBABD CLEAMCE SALE! to m?ke room for more Hardware ail Ship CMery A. VAN DUSEK & CO. Will sell ht cost tlieir entire Mock of HATS AND GAPS! A2JII BOOTS AND SHOES. Tlie.se goods must be ilfeposcil of as we are soon to recehe another la.;-elot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And must have room to store it. 7 Drugs and Chemicals J. E. T i. A DPaiGGIST Jk 9 Pharmacist, AST0R!A.o Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. Hardware d Slip Chandlery. A. VAN DUSEN & CO.- llKAr.EKSIX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Kemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing' Machines, Paints and Oils. Groceries, ote, i iihia;Bmti5tniaigfti . ni i nkiii 'riTt-f -i -- faa,r . v f1 iSftHMTPFUNnFR'SSEi 5JM A o ii CITY BOO We have to-day Implied opeiiins and putting in order the Imisis Stools of floods Bought in San Francisco by 13. F. STEVENS. C. r. MOFF1T will be found behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good nnd reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. 5. F. STEVENS & CO. jgh &: &3 in jsrccnSdOR TO JACKHs'S & MONTGOMERY.) B?-3 PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CILEAAiJirs STKRF.T, Xext to C. I. Parker's Store. sojwSw - E NEW MODEL A PULI STOCK AIRWAYS ON HAND -grs IE3.. jE.j&. w -, Two doors east of Occident Hotel, CHAS. HEiLBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Windov; Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN DEALBR IN W55f FURNITURE S5 BEDDING. :cr:ur 2Ja:u and Sincmoqna Streets. Astoria, Oresoa. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETG A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. A3TX KZsiTiS F FUIWITUUE REPAIISED ASD VARNISHED. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. C5""A11 goods warrantedasroprcscnted GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. YOTJB PATEOHAGE. Is most resjtectfully solicited for tho Anti CliiK (steal) Laoirj, Commencing MONDAY, April 0, ISS3. This Laundry will be run without China help if it never makes a cent. N. 15. On account of all the machinery not beine finished, we will not be ablo to take family work before the first of May. wm. Mccormick. Proprietor. iLIVE YOU mi OUR SPLEfSBiD STOCK e::sss2i3:xa: :s3s:s23xis:saas OF :3:3:::isi:;sst : CARPETS, j UPHOLSTERY, WALL PAPER, : I AND HfMVCht Style in Furniture? SD- D. CURT2S & CO. (M. AY. Callick's Old Stand.) Have some elegant designs In the above mentioned goods v.hich they will be pleased to show the public. Everything new and tasteful. & LEVAKE, PRACTICAL PLTJMBEBS, Gay and Steam .Fitters. Have constantly on hand a general assort ment of goods In our line. Jobbing prompt ly attended to. Estimates given. N. B.Wa guarantee our work. Shop nearly oppesiteO. JR. & N. Co'- dock. TORE. :ELfgm e3i,5wy Uda. jf a DEALER K Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best in the market. Ptnmbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. oHSQon RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E, E. HAWE9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, TOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. HAWES is also agent for the Mi pteM CooMi StOYe And other first-class stoves. Furnaco Work, Steam Pit tinSs. etc., a specialty ASTORIA, OREGON. J. EL D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KI2TBS OJP FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms, tfoot of Becton street. Astoriat Oregon. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. X.ORYEA BROS. Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fitters. JoLbing Promptly Attended to- A Full Supply ot- GAS FIXTURES, COCIvSolEAil PIT- TINGS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. Cannery, and Steamboat Work a Specialty. Chenamus street, opposite Dement's Drus Store, Aitoria, Oregon. Leinenweber & Co., C. r.EIXEXWEBEK. XI. BKOWJT. ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTORIA, OREGON, TAM1BS AM CDMBES, Manufacturers and Importers of A LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. cjrllighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Xoticc of Application to Purchase Timber lands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T,. April 9tb,lSS3. Notice Is hereby given that in compllanco with the provisions of tho Act of Congress annroved June 3. 1878. entitled 'An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California. Orecon. Nevada, and InWash- ingtan '1 crritory," John Anderson, of Pacific I county, wasn. J.er. nas mis aay men in wis t office Ills application to purchase the North East K of Section 2tf, Township 10 North of Kange a west, or tne wiuamette iuenaian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before tho Clerk of the District Court, at Oystorvllle, Wash. Ter., on Monday, the ISth day of June, 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (60) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, dll cods Register. i