C4 gfts Snftrj gstedam ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY.. ...MAT 1, 1883 GOMHERCEAHD TRADE. TORT OF ASTORIA. SAILED 'Queen of the Pacific, fcs. S F April SO VESSELS IN THE RIVER. Chetebroush. Am sp Batrr Morse. Am cp bnpril. Am ip Ulleck. Br bk LocbtrxUn, r Highland Light, Am. ip Corsica, Am sh Saranac. Am bk Reaper, Am sp Indiana, Am i p. VESSELS tt!V THE WA V. From Forelcu Ports, forllie Columbia RlTcr Chasca. Br blc Liverpool March 9 Fiery Cross, Br sp Sidney GleDberrie. Br bk Liverpool Dec 2T Grisedale. Br sp Liverpool llirry Bails. Br bk Bncnos Arres Kapunda, Br sp London April 7 Madras. Br str HoccVong Nairnshire, Br sp Glasgow March 22 Ryevale, Br 814 Liverpool Dec 2 Scottish Tar. Br bk Liverpool. March 14 Shenir. Br bk Newcastle Victoria. Br ss Hongkong ".Vigtonshire. Brbk Bremen March 19 From American Ports. C S Hulbert. Am 1050 X Y Not 2 Carrie Winslow. Am bk N Y March IS Geo. 8 Homer, es N Y Jan 'Z7 Olive S. Southard. Am b, Phila. Feb 12 Red Cros Am sp Jf Y March 12 St. Lucie, sp Now York March 14 Tun. Am 1229 N Y DecJM Western Belle. Am sp 1133 N Y Dec 23 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables ol United Slates Coast Survey High Water. j Loir Water. Date. a.m. r.it. 1 a.m. p.m. 27 2 :a -1 41 10 39 9 55 2S . 3 45 . 5 i 11 23 10 47 29 4 42. 0 311 0 13 11 51 SO "i 49 7 2CI . - - 1 05 1 7 02 8 23J 1 02 2 00 2. 8 17 !) 22! 2 17 2 ."50 8 . ! 31 10 191 3 31 3 59 4 HI 1") 11 O'M 4 .VJ .1 00 . !l .7)...... 11 f2l fi 01 (i 09 i! - - . 0 51 7 02 0 "59 Common CourtciL Kogular meetings second and fourth Tues day (ironings of each month, at 7J4 o'clock i3-Persons desirinc to hare matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular meeting must present tho samo to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday evening prior to the luosdny oa which tue Council hold its regular meetings. Til OS. S. J EV fc.TT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Lodcre No. 40. LO.G.l. Regular "Meeting every Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hull, Aftoria. Mem bers of the Order, in good standing, are inviL t-d to attend. Degrco meeting 1st Monday of tacli month. By order W. C. T. Tomple Lodge, Wo. 7 A. P. A. M. Regular CommunicationE first andrSr third Tuesdays in each month. at7J4 V 'clock. i. li.. at tho Hall in Astoria. Mom bora of tho Order, in good standing, are invited to attend. Br orde: of tho W. M. American lirioii of Honor. Regular meeting . .Woiia Council No. 995, is held on the first and third Saturday ol each month, at 7 o'clock i m. By order of Council Commander. R. V Monteith. Sec'tv. Coltunrjla Rivor Export. SHIPMENTS FOltKtGN. fc ' RECArmJLATlOX JANUARY '83. 291JE78 bus. wheat 300,310 5G,257 bbls flour...... . 257,17(5 Total, 8 cargoe.s... ? ;W3.4SG RKCAriTULrVTION FKIiltUAUV. Wheat, 1G0.90C bus., value . S 179.195 Flour, 29,4tf) bbls., " 141.493 Total, 5 cargoes.. S 323.091 RECAPITULATION, MARCH. Wheat (197.524 bushels) 210.750 Fl0liri.B8.141 bbls) . $344,107 Salmon (200(5 casts)... 13,030 Lumber (500 M ) 6,900 Total (8 cargoes) ....$890,311 APRIL. 9 To Cork jter Lvttcricorlh. From Portland 13.440 bbls flour...... 7SS sks bran ...... Total 11 To Qucaiztmcn per GarnecL: From Portland 11,331 bbls flour IS To Honolulu per Elainorc. Lumber 373.7CC feet Wood, 20 eds .'.................... Masls, s . SC7,245 230 .S07.475 SCSi59 41,s51 CO fi Total. .$44,910 Domestic Exports. The receipt.-? of eeiiain ai tides of Or egon produce, at .Sun Francisco, from .January lt, is?, to April tilth, inclu sive, have been as follow.-.: Flour, )r sks Wheat, ctls Oats, ctls Salmon , bins....... ......... hi bbls 92.231 21.230 31.740 3 139 21,537 34 S.300 C3 pkgs .. Apples, Ripe, bxs Butter. pkgs .............. Potatoes. !ks...... Wool, bales Hides. No Tallow. pkg Beer, bbls Hay, bales quicksilver, flasks Fruit. Dried, pkgs Leal her, pkgs......... Hops, bales Hams, pkgs Cheese, cs Flaxseed, sks Corn, ctls ... Ginned Goods, cs Lard, pkgs 22.082 1.116 13.25G 030 C 23 75 5.535 522 371 o 14 1,310 11 G42 9 ANionn .tlarttPti. KETAIL. Bcttee Extra fancy CO G5 cents a roll. CnEESE.-lB&20c Dried Fkuits. B'.ackborries25c: Prunes Cala. ll15c; Peeled Peaches 25S33c. Sugaiu Cube, 11; crushed, 14c; fine crushed, 14c; extra powd. 14jc; dry gran. 13Jc: ei.tra gran. 13Mc, G. a 12Kc Eggs. SO els 3 dot. Oats. S2 25 40por cwL Potatoks. SI 75 per cwt Flour. Superfine S3 50; Extra SO 50; Corn Meal V cw. $3 50; Buckwheat l cwt $3 00. Fresh Meats. Choico cuts. Lamb. 15c; Beefl2(20: Pork 15; Mutton 1214. By the careass 10c Meats. Breakfast bacon 18c per tt; aides 15317c; hams 17420c; shoulders H3l41o; smoked beof lSSlGJic; corned beef r.l012 ti J; comed pork 12c ? H. LAKn. In tins and caddies 18a20c 13 tt. HoxEr. In frames 40c; in class 50c Mill Fkkd. Bran 23 00 ton; chop feod $35& ; Shoita ?33 C0 ; ilay $20 S25P tonimiddlinss S40. Chop bnrloy, $37.50 Fine and Coarse Liverpool SALT. Tlu Plate, lllork Tin, Caustic Sada, For sale er "Warehouse at Portland or Astoria by BALFOUR, GUTBLKIE &CO. dtf Fertlasd, Or. STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, in the often heard expression, " Oh ! 1 wish 1 had the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 501 N. Fremont St., Baltimore During the war I was in jured in the stomachby a piece of a shell, and have suffered fromiteversince. About four years ago it brought on paraly sis, which kept me in bed six months, and the best doctors in the city said I could not Ave. I suffered fearfully from indigestion, and for over two years could not eat solid food and for a large portion of the time was unabl e to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters and now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. Decker. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. A Common-sense Remedy. Salic ylicA No more Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Five yearn cslabltehed and never Jniorcn lo fall in a single case, acute or chronic. Refer to all prominent physicians and drvggil (or the standing of Sallcyllca. SSOH.EIT ! THE ONLY DISSOLVES OP TUE POISONOUS URIC ACID "WHICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OFEHEU MATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALICYLICA iskntiwn as a common sense remedy, because It strikes directly at the cause of Rheumatism. Gout and Neural gia, while so many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists Hint outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointments, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which are the result of the poisoning or the blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA works with marvelous euect on tuts acm ana so removes the dfsor- der. It is now exclusively used by all ecle brated physicians of America and Ktiropc. uigursiiueuicai Acauemy 01 rarts 95 per cent cures in threo days. reports that SALICYLICA. is a certain cure for Rheumatism. Ccutand Neuralgia. Hie most intense pains are subdued almost iustantly. Give P a trial. Itelief guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. S I a Box... 6 Boxes for S5. Sent free by mail on receipt of monev. ASK YOUR DP.UGGIST FOtt IT But do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just as good 1" Insist on the genuine with the name of Washburne & Co on each box which is guaranteed clieinicany pure under our signature, an indispensable requisite to insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. 2 87 Broadway, cor. KeadeSL, NEWYOItK For Sale by W. E. DEMENT & Co., and J. K. THOMAS. 8snoH ieino on Aq pjos axe pire 'AijfBiil) sag jo pxre ainj AnajIS oq en poajniut!n3 ojtj joquj ano Sutatjoq spooS ry -jj - 00 ? KOStfHOr 'K T jo jqSnoq sraiun HKinNHD BHOH uAio mo lopnn dn ?nd 9q njAi S98jjoo eraa: JllO Ife 1968182 i NOIN3Fi.V 00107X11313 River Canneries. Adair. S. D.i Co. AatoriA. Astoria Pckise Co., Kinney. AnKlo-Americanl'AckincCo... Badollet&Uo " Booth. A. 4 Uo ColcmoU CanninK Co Cutting Packinc Co. " Derlin. John A. A Co nimorc, Sam Fishermen's Packing Co...... llanthoro & Co.... - llnme. Wm - Hume. Geo. W. - Occident Packing Co Pacific Union Packing Co Scandinavian Packing Co Seaside Packing Co White Star Packing Co..... O. Timmins fc Co. . . . . UnionPacking Co West Coast Pecking Co Williams James & Co Tliomes & Knonles Washington Packing Co Point Adams backing Co i.j.Jj. racking co Aberdeen Packing Co... Koreka Packing Co...... Uapgood&Co KsaDBtoa Packinr Co.. .Ilwaco, W. T. ,.Knreka.W. T. .Waterford.W.T. .Knappton. W.T. Hume.Wsi Eagle Cliff W.T. Metier, j. l. c uo ..uruokneia, w.t. Mrew, Geo. T. Fisherton. W.T. Ocean Canning Co Bar View, W, T. uregua rxc uo, o vi vuooK,.unuon i'liiar hock l'ks co, Pillar Bock.'tt'.T. Oaisn, Jarae west. Jean ..Quinn'fl ...HHgry Harbor, WT ...Catalaset. W.T,, ...OatcaM. TVaiTon A Co. F. "VTarren & Co. , M.. A Model f Confession. Several years ago, in a "Western town, a young lawyer, a member of a large church, got drunk. The brethren said he must confess. He demurred. He knew the mem bers to be good people, but they had their little faults, such as driving sharp bargains, screwing the laborer down to low wages, loaning money at illegal rates, misrepresenting articles they had for sale, etc. But ther were good people, and pressed the lawyer to come before tho meeting and own up his sin to have taken a glass too much, for they were temper ance people and abhorred intem perance. The sinner went to con fession, found a large gathering of brethren and sisters, whose bowed heads rose and whose eyes glist ened with pure delight as the lawyer becran his confessien: "I confess," he said, "that 1 never took ten per cent for money." On that confession down went a brother's head with a groan, "I never turned a poor man from my door who needed food and shelter." Down went another. "I confess 1 never sold a skitn railk cheese for a new one," whereupon a woman shrieked for mercy. "I confess that I have not been Pharisaical and self-righteous, and have not sought to injure or persecute those who have not hap pened to agree with me," when down dropped numerous heads. "I confess that I never played the hypocrite, and do not lie, and havp not used religion as a cloak," when down went several other heads, and aniens: them the heads of every one who was so anxious that he should confess. "But," con cluded the sinner, "I have been drunk, and am very sorry for it," whereupon the meeting quickly dispersed. Among others referred to in a re cent issue of the Norristown (Pa.) Herald were the following cases of special interest. They are their own commentary. Mr. Samuel C. Nyce resides at 40S Marshall St., and holds the responsible position of journal clerk in the renusyiva nia Legislature, at Harnsburg. While Mr. N'ce and family were in the country recently, bis boy, aged three years, fell and broke his limb. He recovered, but a very troublesome stiffness set in and he could scarcely use the leg. The injured limb was rubbed sev eral times with St. Jacobs Oil, and the stiffness was so much reduced that the boy was able to use his leg freely. Dr. Knipe said that it was the use of St. Jacobs Oil that cured the stiffness. Mr. Nyce himself used the Great German Remedy for toothache with good effect, and also for a sprain and pains of rheumatic nature, and al ways with good effect. Mrs. Nyce also says she thinks the Oil is a splendid thing, and she always keeps it on hand. For the Ladies. Ladies sufferitiR from sick lioadaches. neuralgia, colds, fevers, indigestion and habitual constipation will find Syrup of Figs as effective in affording relief as it is pleasant to the taste. It acts thor oughly, yet gently, a very small quanti ty Miflicms to remove ail impurities from the system and make one feel hap pier and brighter. Large bottles for sale and trial bottles free at W. E. De ment & Co.'s, Astoria. Hodjre. Davis fc Co.. Wholesale , Agents, Portland, Oregon. When Ladies arc Attractive. All ladies know their faces are most attractive when free from pim ples. Parker's Ginger Tonic is popu lar among them because it banishes impurities from blood and skin and makes the face clow with health. Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry aiways at hand. It cures couglts, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and jung complaints. 50 cents and,Sl a bot tle. The Ucv. Geo. II. Thayer, of Uour bon, Ind.. says: "Both myself and wife oweour lives toSnu.oifs Consumption CuitK." Sold by W. E. Dement. To strengthen and build up tho system, a trial will convince yon that Brown's Iron Bitters is the best med icine made. Restlessness at night; nervous twitching; nightmaro, etc., givo way to peaceful slumber, tired nature's Bweet restorer, by using Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier, the Vegetable Sedative and Tonic. A great success is Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Try a bottle of it; it will place you in tho position desired by every one good health. Ladies who possess the finest com dlexions arc among the patrons of Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Hill's Hair Dye, black or brown, 50 ceuts. Are you made miserable bv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, "Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital tzcr is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement hy will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10cts50ctsand$l. Sold bv W.E. De ment. " Dyspeptic and Nervous people, "out of sorts;' Colden's Liquid Bekf will cure. AsJ:forColdcn take no other. Of druggists generally. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitallzer. It never fails to cure. Sold by "W. . Dement Brace up the whole system with King ot.the Blood. See Advertisement NE OF THE OLDEST AND HOST BEUABLl REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CUHE OF Congns, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroat, Bronchitis, j Influenza, Asthma, j Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tue ! nr THROAT, LUNGS AND 8HEST, Including i COMSUMPTI tP&. I A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It docs set dry up a cough, sad lexve the c-um fcchbd, as is the case vi'Ji most prepratioas, ba boscss it, dcanjes the luass and allays irritation thus rKnovinR the causs-cf consplaint." DO "OT BE DIXIVED by snides hut c similar Eases. Be sure you get D3. WlSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHESHY, viih tLe signature of " I. BUTTS " oa tKs wrapper 50 Cents and 81.00 a Bottle. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Bo ea,Mass. EsIdhvtlnicMs and dealers gen tra5' layrav-M.u - iMLiXdiS!&vi , vjoaaf 1 pai?:ki:.k HATK BAXSAM. :Jrg Tius elTintc!rcinjj . r """ J by ttwc a v,. .. i -...;-: it, ta any 'SiMs -f Si. jc, on sc Icou t ol its sjPCTinr c!car.n.,,'snI ;-iHtv. ft ' . c mif-.h cal"tliaicrelertfidal to the sra!; and hIr Restores iha Ycclhfal Cab: to Crcy cr Fsdsd Hair Porter's Hatr Ealiara ia fin'' 4 .r.nc I awi is w arrantcJ ta pm r .1 IjL In - I ' "-'! to re- rj'n-cdandrulTauud.u-fc. II t.:C J , 2..V. JA-. tifcl (I t'ufi, at ialnt In drrt ar J irJlrf. v .-jyv-ii .-JU-"-'.-.' ; uiYyi A Scptrlaiivs Health r.ad Slrsnglh Rcstcrsr. If j ,ii arc a roechacic or D-iut, xrrm oet riih crerwork. cr a mother nm d w -i ly f.-sitly cr houic J.c'J duties try Parker's G.Mi. 1 1 mc. If yoa sre a lawyer, jiim. tcr or buMaejs nan ex Iiatutrd by mental strain oranMo-sscaresdo not take i&toxicaangsiis)uIarit5,butuss Parker's Ginger Temi; Ifvoalave CensunrptJon, Dyspepsia, Kheursa Ism, kidney CorapbintSjCrarycKOfdcroftijclungs, r tomacb. boa ek, blood cr ncr es. I'.i. kbr's Gingfr Tnctc will cure ycu. ItistheGrcatsnElocd Purifier zi UiB Best and Surest Cccgh Cure Ever Used. If von sre Trastinji away frvrargc, dissipaticn cr cay : or t cakness and rwfai c a stimulant take tl " c es Tonic st ence ; it riil in nz rate andbo3d jiri up front the first dose but will never intoxicate. J thai saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. O ITtOX I Krfiiw all fi!brtitst.ParlrT's Gatm'Torte U c-"- Mft!'et'trraeJilsaUlatlm'H'i.aikttjil7 iirftf. jnr-jttOTicf riojralotw. SnrfA.rc ratartc r r.z..T saving i nriNG ix-iiAa sia, Itsn h and lasttrT fraCTance has made tlis de'ijufal perfurae esceedinj;ly poptdar. Tfcero Is nothing like It. Insist upon lataj; rLCSKS tom CoLoctiEacdlck for signature of J6ooz 9- Cx . n trtrj lU!c. 'rerTt-t o- i caa Mfy'T yf. '. J - i " t tU" !.": .F. -' . U'w; J BITTERS !, Wilmcrding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE ! CORK AND LEAD LINES, SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand, HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 3Iarket Street, San Francisco. Solo Agents for the Pacific Coast. FOARD & STOKES, FX17E GROCERIES AND- PROVISIONS. ANCHOES, ROPE AND C0HDAGE. HARNESS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. A Full Line of House Fnrnisliing Goods. o AT THE . R. Vfc, X. DOCK. v ,&& '?!$& h-2& WiSiV4! f.ri& wStSli 1? AKKEffi & lllpj I! HOTELS AND RESTAUKASTS. PARKER HOUSE, IT. E. PAItltKK. Prop.. ASTORIA, - - - OPvEGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL V.ODEKX IMPROVEMENTS. HOT A3T! COI.T U.1TIIS. Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa loon stocked with Fine liquors. S&-FP.KE COACH TO THE IIOCSE.-Su THE OCCIDENT HOTEL I First-class in every respect; Projirlctors. Astoria, Oregon. IT IS A FACT THAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomly Street is the Best in Town. -THAT-EI lists Alwtijs on IlnucI F1JKSII yhoa! VTalcr Hay and Ktsst- -TIIAT- 'JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. TIIAT- Sle lti Iircit iTojii-lctor or the "Aurora Hotfl" in Knnpi!on xrM'ii .'-:sr. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ROSCOPS FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, p ciiEXAMUs STirrcirr. astouia. mill! UNDEItSICNKD IS I'LEAKED TO JL aniKHince to tJie public that he lias op ened a .FSKriT C'liASr And furnishes la first-class stylo OYSTKKS, HOT COFFF.K TIL, CTC AT TIIK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHENAMUS STItEET. Please give mo a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND SIGHT. Meals 2." cents ami upwards. A. X.EKOSSE &. I. WXIiBKOST, Proprietors. M.II.V STKEKT, ----- ASTOKIA. CENTRAL HOTEL. CIIAS. WALLMAN. - - - Proprietor. T HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THIS POP 2. ular Hotel and can guarantee satisfaction TO ALL Permanent and Transient Boarders The choicest brands of Wines. Liquors, and Cigars, at the Rar. Opposite O. R. &N. Dock, Astoria. Oregon fTEIttLAiaA BEER HALL vJ A'I BOTTLE JSKER DEPOT. UKE.UUC3 Stseet. Astowa, The Uetit of Lager S Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celebrates Columbia Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. wSNo cheap San Francbco Reersold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor Brewery Beer Saloon, The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every' Day from 10 to 12 A.M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HILLER. FOR SEE ! I offer for sale my ranch near Skipa 11011 in this County; it consists of 160 ACRES, Eighty Acres improved, vritli gootl dwelling House; Tvro Barns, Out Houses, etc.: A Fine Orchard. Everything is well improved antl in good condition. A large assortment of Farming; Implements, Three X'asscnger Coaches. One Bujrgy, UTinc Head Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. This affords a rare chance for a man to get a good home in the oldest settled section in the state. Terms favorable to one meaning busi ness. c. a. niAGinm;: LEATHERS BROS. BOAT 15 IT I X, I) ERS. Up Stairs Over Arndt & Fcrchcn'is Shop. Call and examine the work we ar doing and see the wood we are using, before mak ing a trade elsewhere. FntST-CLASS WORK A SPECLlLTY. County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN TUE COUNTY Treasury to pay all County Orders pre sented prior to August 31, 1852. All such or ders will cease to draw interest after tlds date. CHAS.JE1EILBORN.- April 20, 1S33. Treas. Clatsop Co. TKr SHIPPING KOTTCES. Goiumbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLA?aD. (FAST T15IK TIip popular steattwr FLEETY.OOD, vnilch Inn SioeR reattctl for the comfort ol IKissenecrs will leave WiLon ami lishers Uock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 I AM, arriving at Portland at 1 P. hi. ltctttmin lmi Portland every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A. AI, j Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Tortland at 9 o'clock Snmlay 3&ornintr. Passengers bv this route connect at Kalama for Sound poits. U. B. SCOTT, President. Astoria and Portland. JHlfestr. WSSTPORT, F.1I SIIF.I'MA.V, --- JIASTER "Will ivsk regular trips to Portland and Astoria. Iea Injr BurnclPs dock, foot of dor rlMin tPt, Portland, at C A.st. Saturdavs. Ami ill leave "Wilson & Flsher'H dock, Astoria, at G a. si. Thursdays. SPrreieht entiled at reasonable rates. Steamer . T RELIC." toffl WILL MAKE TRIPS AS FOLLOWS : To YOUNGSRIVER, .Mondays, WediiPStUtys .TOI1N DAYS RIYER, Tuesdays, Fridays, LEWIS and CLARKE, Thursdays and Saturdavs. Will leave Y.'ilson & Fishers wharf at i) o'rlock sharp, eact. morning. LEWIS G. IfAAYEX, Master. RE&ULAR STEAM PACHT. "Daisy," and Barge. Yill leave Astoria, from Gra3's Dock, For Olney, and Head of Youiiks River, On Tuesdays. ami Frliis j s, at S. 1.31. Returning same day. For Landings on Lewis & Clark's River, On Wednesdays, at 8 A. 3I Returning same day. For Fonners Camp. On Fridays, at 5 i ji., laving over night at thu Camp, will leave for Astoria, on Sat urday, at s A. 31. : Returning will leave Astoria, at S r. 3:. OxTFor Freight or Passage, apply on board, or at Gray's Dock, where Freight will be re ceived and stored, if necessary". J. II. D. GRAY'. MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly en naud. such as Csumcd Fruits ami Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, ECS. BJTTKIS. CI5EF.SE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FItill. POirtTRY ANI GAJfTK In tao season. C543AI&S AWI TOBACCO. Best or wianss a?i rjHiVOBS. All cheap fer CASH. Goods sold on coin mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS.. BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, OJIEXAXrs Street, Astoria, Os Washington Harket5 Main Stfreet, - - Astoria Oregon BERGHIAX cD JiEIiRT EESPSCTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to tho fact that the abova Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VAELETY BEST QUALITY op FRESH AMD CURED MEATS I Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention riven to suppl) nc shies. ASTORIA SAIL LOFT. A. M. JOHNSON & CO., PROPR'S. TTAVING CONSIDERABLY INCREASED -JL our facilities for meetim; the demand of increase in boats this year we would re spectfully call the attention or CANNERY MEN And all others needins sails, to this fact. Prices Same as Last Year, WORK STILL BETTER. Drilling and Best Quality of Rope on Hand. Our Work has Given Satisfaction for Eight Years, And shall bo made to do so while wo are in the business. Xotice of Application to Inrcliase Timber Xands. LAND OFFIf'E AT VANCOUVER, W. T April 9th, 1SKJ. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with theprovisions of the Act of Congress approved June.!. 1878. entitled "An act lor 'An act for the sale of 'limber Lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and In Wash- ingtan j erntory, Joint Anderson, 01 raciuc county. Wash. Tor. has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the North East K ot Section 2a, Township 10 North of Range 9 West, of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Clerk el tho District Court, at Oysterville, Wash. Ten. on Monday, the icthilayofJunc, 1S85. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims In this office "ulthlu sixty (eo. days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, dll COds Register. TEANSPGRTATTON LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPACTS". o cExoivisioar . On and after April 1st, 1883. Ocean Steamers will sail from San Fran cLsco and Portland every three days. Leaving Spear St. wharf San Francisco, at 10 :00 A. M., and Ainsworth Dock, Portland, at Slidnight, Tlirotisli TicIwctH sold to all princlpa cities in the United States, Canada and Enrope. River and Rail Division. On and After March I8f 1883. RAIL DIVISION. Trains leave Portland for Eastern points, -at 7 :20 A. M. Sundays excepted. RIYEtt DITI3IO.Y (SUddle Colombia).' Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 KIO A. M. ALSO: Leave Port-1 land for Mon Tu. We. Thu. Fri. Sat. Astoria andl lower Co. I lnmbia....lSAM 6 AM SAM 6 AM SAM 6 AM uajton, Ur.JIAMj Comllia"! GAM am; AM 16 AM Vietoria.BCfiAM ! SAM PAM Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. m. dally ex cept Sunday. Astoria to Portland. fast r.rcfK. Steamer Wide West will leave Astoria for Portland, IP. 33. Returning, leaves Portland for Astoria, 3 A. 31., daily, Wednesdays excepted. t P?1I,I5aJ? S1?.06 Cara running between Port land. A alia V alia and Dajton. JOHN MUTR, nn, Superintendent ot Traffic C. II. PRESCOTT, Manager. ilwaco Steam Navigation Go "WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Ilwaco, Connecting by Stages for Oysterville and Olympia. fj; Until farther notico tho Ilwaco 2ta&&ee Steam Navigation Co's Bteamers (JEX. MILES, orGEX. CANBT Will leave Astona On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llvracs ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturd eye. Tho steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as -formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens-............... " " Canby and Ilwaco., .....50cts $1 00 Bsrllwaco freight, by the ton, In lots ol one ton or over, $2 00 per ton. 83"For Tickets, Towage or Charter apph at tho office of tho Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H.D. GRAY. Ant. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after Sept. 24, 18S2, trains will ran follows, UA1L1" (Except Sundays. EASTSIDE DrVISIOS. Beiuecn TORTLA.YD and RIDDLE'S. UAII. TEAUt LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. 7:30 A. sr.lRiddle's 8:30r. v Riddle's ..3:30 A. jr.IPortland 4:25p. x ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland -1:00 P. M.l Lebanon. 0.20 P. M Lebanon. 4:15 A. M.Portland.10:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. . LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .. 0:15 a. ir.Junchon GrOOr.u Junction 6:30a. M.lRiddle's 5:10p.m Riddle's G:00 a. m.I Junction.. 5:00p. m Junction 5:45 a. m. Portland 5:2o p. it TTiRnmrrnn and California Railroad 1 err makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastside Division. WESTSIDE DIVISION. Between Portland and Corvallls. MAIT. TaACt LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis 3:00 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. M.Portland 3) P. M CIoso connections made at Riddle's with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. ..... CSTickets for sale at all tho principal points in California and tho East, at Company'! Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storaga will bo char"l on freight remain ing atCompanys Warehouse over 24 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment aftor 5 o'clock P. M. on eithor the East or Wostside Division. J. BRANDT, Gen'l Sap't E. P. ROGERS. , G on'l Freight and Passenger Agent R. KOEIILER, Vice President and Manager Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SOM3IER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at X'ort Stevens, Fort Canby, Ilwaco, Xorth. Beach, Oysterville, Xorth Cove, Petersons Point, Ho qnlum, Montesano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES, l Strs. or GEN. CANBY, On Columbia River. GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. " MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting ".vlth Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. M. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip In 60 hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same day3. HOSPITAL, ASTOEIA, - - - OBEGOH THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of . any desiring them. , Patients admitted at all horns, day or night. No physician lias exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States 2Iarino Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Freocaie pud attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob alned for United States Marines at.the Cus tom House. SlSTEES OF CHABTTT Notice. A S A REPORT HAS BEEN CIRCULATED Hk. among tho fishermen on the Columbia river, that the undersigned has appropriated and used several hundred fathoms new web with lines, and floats, together with other effects, the property of others ; as this re port circulated through deviltry and jeal ousy by evil-minded men, and endangers my life in the pursuit ol my legitimate business, I hereby announce that a liberal reward will be given to anyone who can reveal, and with legal evidence prove.the originator o said report, that he may receive due punish ment for defamation of character. P.O.NOHLING, Fisherman. Astoria, April sith, 15S3. lwk; - J' ' 4 i. . w-