rWK-Bgnpw: rx rm 7PQlnB W gits gaftxj ta&ro. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY APRIL 28, 1883 COMMERGEAHD TRADE. PORT OP ASTORIA. SAILED. Columbia, m. 2721 tons.BolIes. S F April 27 VESSELS jy THE RIVZlt. 0 Cheiabroagh, Am p ' Hxttt MeHe.'Anx p . XKprU.'Aaii sp IClloek, Br bk Loab&rdls, Yi Highland Light, Am. cp Corsica, Am sh Saractc Am bk Reaper, Am ep Indiana, Am ip. VESSELS OX THE WA Y. FroKi JToreljrii Ports, for the Columbia River Chiica. Br bk .Liverpool March 9 Fiery Cross, Br sp Sidney Glenberrie, Br bk Liverpool Dec 27 GrUedale. Brsp Liverpool Harry Bailey. Br bk Buesos Avres ILapundn, Br sp London April T 15 adraa, Br sir Honzkons Nairnshire, Br sp Glasgow March 21 Kyorale, Br 8M Liverpool Dec -Scottish Tar. Br bk Liverpool, March 14 Shcnir. Br bk Newcastle Victoria, Br ss Hongkong Wictonshire. Br bk Bremen March 19 From American Ports. O S Hulberi. Am 1030 X Y Nov 2 Carrie Window, Am bk N Y March 15 Geo. S. Homer, ss Y Jan 27 Olivo S. Sonthard. Am sh, Phila. Teh 12 Ked Cross, Am ep JT Y March 12 St. Lucie, sp Now York March 11 Titan. Am 1229 X Y DecpO Western Belle. Am f p 1153 X Y Dec 23 TIDE TABLE POR ASTORIA From tables of United States Coast Survey High Water. j Low Water. Date. a. a. p. m. I a. m. r. m. 27 2 ." 1 41! 10 .TO 9 5G 23 il 45 5 30 11 2.1 10 47 23 4 42 0 311 0 IS 11 51 SO 5 4D 7 il - - 1 05 1 7 02 . 8 SI 1 02 2 00 llMi S 17 221 2 17 2 :.?: a .11 10 19! X .11 3 .VJ 4 10 43 11 ftl 4 50 i 00 .1 U 50 11 521 f. 01 0 09 0 - - 0 51 J 7 02 59 Common CounciL Regular meetings Eocond and fourth Tues day evenings ol each month, at Ji o ciock B3"Pcrsons desirinj: to have matters acted uion by the Council, at any regular meeting must present mo samo to mo Auuitor ana Clerk on or boforo tho Friday eveninp prior to tho Tuosday on which tho Council holds its regular meeting?. Til OS. S. J LV h'JT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Lodge Ko. 40. L O. G.I. Rcjwlar MectinK every Tucfday Eveninc at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Aftoria. Mem bers of tho Order, in good f tandinp. are invit ed to attend. Degree incctini; 1st Monday of each month. By older W. C. T. Temple Lioctgre. Wo. 7A.F. A.M. Regular Communications fint nndry' third Tuesdays in each month, ntTJi V o'clock, r. ., at the Hull in Astoria. Members of the Order, in cood standing, are invited to attend, Br erde: of tho V, . 31. American Legion of Honor. Regular meeting u AMoria Council No. 995, is held on the first and third Saturday of each month, at 7 o'clock r. zi. illy order of Council Commander. It. V MOXTKITH. Sec'tv. ColuxubiA Rlrfir xport&. sinraiENTs foiirigx. IIUCArXTUXATIOX .TAXXWKV 'SI. 291.87$ bus. wheat $ 306,310 50,257 bbls flour. ... 257,170 Total, 8 cargoes . J .i-.M.4cG KECAMTULATIOX FKWtUAllY. Wheat, 1C0.S0G bus., value S 179.19s Flour, 29,4t0 bbK, " ..... 144.4KJ Total, 5 cargoes $323.C91 ItnCAPITULATIOX, MAUCH. Wheat O07J524 bushels). 21G.7T.0 Flourt.C8.141 bids) S3I4.107 Salmon (2fiu0 cases) 13,030 Lumber (500 M ) 0,900 Total (8. cargoes) SS96.311 ATItll-. 9 To Cork per Luttoncorih. 'From Portland 13.440 Mils flour. $C7,245 TSSsksbran 230 Total SC7.I75 11 To Quccnlnini per Qarnoc;. From Portland 11.3S1 bbls flour .....fi8,280 1? To Honolulu jycr Ehitiore. Lumber :f73.7CC feet 4 1,851 Wood, 20 eds ... oi Masts, x r "Total. . ?,fllG ANtorin Jt:url(i'i. KirrAiu Butter Extra fancy 00 05 rcnU a roll. CHP.125IC-1S&20C DniF.D FJturrs. L!ackberrie!j25c: I'ranea Cala. llir; Peeled l'caches SiljSle Suoau. Cube, 14 ; cruFbod, 14c; fino crushed, 14c; extra powd. 14jc; dry cran. 13Kc: extra gran. 13e. G. C. 12Hc Ecos. 30cts doz. 0ats.-S2 23 2 49 per cwt- PoTATons. 21 75 per cwL Flock. Superfine $o CO; Extra CC ; Corn Mcal'V cwt. SS 50; BuckKheat cwt (dOa FRKsn Mkats. Choice cuU. Lamb. 15c: Boef 1220: Pork 15: Mutton 12S14. By the carcass 10c M rats. Breakfast bacon le"c per R; sides 15517c: hams 175(a20c: shoulders iJ(?14Ic; smoked beef 1531Cjc: corned beef CI 03 12 &: corned pork 12c 3 . Laeij. In tins and caddies 1S(S20cV-2'. Honey. In frames 40a : in glass 50c Mill Feed. Bran S23 00 ti ton; cfaop Teed $35; Shorts $3-5 00 ; Hay $20S 525(5 ton:middlines $40. Chop barley, 537.50 Domestic Exports. The receipts of certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1st, 1S83, to April 18th, inclu sive, have been as follews: Flour, qr sks....... . I2w81 Wheat, ctls ..... '2lfi3J Oats, ctls . 31,749 Salmon, bbls................ ... an hf bbls 139 cs 21,147 pkgs ...... S4 Apples, Jtlpe, bxs . 8,290 Huttcr. pkgs fin Potatoes, sks 12.082 Wool, bales . 028 Hides. No -. 13,101 Tallow. pkg . ... 030 Reef, bbls......... c Hay, bales . 23 Quicksilver. llaks . 75 Fruit, Dried, pkgs T..4S3 Leather, pkgs .. 481 Hops, bales 371 Hams, pkgs 2 Cheese, cs. . 14 Flaxseed, .sks 1,310 Corn, ctls 11 Canned Goods, cs .... . C12 Lard, pkgs . u Notice. A MEETING OF THE TAXPAYERS OF rchool District No.l, Clatsop county. Oreeon, Ls hereby called for Monday. April 30, 1S83, at 7 -.30 p. m.. at thc school House on Main street for the purpose of levying a tax for the maintenance of the public schools in .said district, and to defray the expense of erecting a new school buddiuc, if thought necessary, also to consider other matters iu connection with said proposed building, and such other business as may come before thc Bteetlng. By order of the Board. J.O.BOZORTH. Clerk School Dist.A'0. 1, K now That Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the worst cast of dyspepsia Will insurea hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a newdease of; life Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves,enriches theblood. Overcomes weakness, wak fulness, and lack c fencri, Keeps off all chills, feverr.. and other malarial poisoi Will infuse with new !& the weakest invalid. 37 Walker St., Baltimore, Dec sSSt. For six years I have been a great sufferer from Blood Disease, 1" -pepsla.andConstipation.atnibccaii.c so debilitated that I could not anythinc on my stomach, in ta life had almost become a bur.u. Finally, -when hope hadahno-t r?t me, ny husband seeing Kboh. -Iron Bitters advertised in t: faper, induced me to give it a f. am now taking the third bn and have not felt so well it : years as J do at the present, time, llri L. F. Cirirrxx Brown's Iron Bitter: will have a better tonic erTect upon any one whe needs "bracing up," thai any modicine made. A Common-sense Remedy. SalicylicA No more Rheumatism, ! Cout or Neuralgia. men are Uncle Sam's letter car immediate Relief Warranted, riers who are liable to contract Permanent Cure Guaranteed. ! rheumatism because of the con- ,,,.. , , . . . , . j stant exposure to which thev are Five year cta Wished and never Invncn to , . r. ... , faRfnasfnfflccacacafcorcTironfc. Refer subjected. Calling at the post lo all prominent physician and druggM fur I office the reporter had a pleasant the landing cjSallcvltca. ', conversation with Mr. J. H. Mat- JSIESOIIELIEST'Z ! THE ONLY DISSOLVEK OF THE POISONOUS UKIC ACID "WHICH liXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF 11HEU MATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS.' SALtCYI IfiA Isknnwn as :t cnnniinn sense lemedy, because it strikes directly at j tne cause ot ituetunansm, uout ana neural gia, while so many so-called specifics and Mipposed panaceas only treat locallv the etlects. 1 1 has been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointment, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which are the result of thc poisoning of thc blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA works with marvelous eflecton this acid and so removes the lbor der. It, is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of America and Europe. Highest Medical Academy of Paris rejwrts 95 per cent cures iu three days. that SALICYLICA. is a certain cure for Rheumatism. Coutand Neuralgia. riie most intense pains ate subdued almost instantly. Give it a trial, llellef guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. $ I a Box. 6 Boxes for S5. Sent free by m:dl on receipt ol money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. Rut do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just as good !" Insist on the genuine with the name of Washburno & Co pure under our signature, an Indispensable not fiuwg a"iT relief from thc treat reoulsite to insure success in thc treatment. ineut of uur best physicians, I tried Take no other, orwnd to ius. ,., , Wnnder'a Oregon Blmid Purifier. One II03IIUUI IIC Ob SJ., ' .WJiimun. 2 K7 Broadway, cor. ReadeSt., NEW YORK For Sale by W. E. DEMENT & Co., and J. E. THOJLAS. A. V. Allen, (SUCCESSOR TO PAGE & ALIEN.) Wholesale and rot&il dealer' In Ffarfffaif, Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigirs asiiOH Jaqio on Aq pjos exe pire 'yiBnrj isag: jo pire oinj AnojliB oq oj poajntucnS oje oirs jno Sutjtiaq spooS y g vj 00 K0SxH0r 'K T jo )qSnoq siaiufl 3HinN39H0N uavo mo .xepnii dn qnd oq niAi soojjoq o.inj mo Ye aoyeoioH 2 NOUN3J.XV saajaaraas-noH- San Francisco has been regarded as an unusually healthy city, but this is the way the Chronicle speaks of its present conditien: "With a few principal thorough fares excepted, the streets of this city would bo a disgrace to any American town of 50,000 inhabi tants. Many of them were paved years ago with planking, miles of which have run to decay, leaving uijly and dangerous gaps at every hundred yards. The malaria emitted from these rotten pave ments breeds disease, and at night it is as dangerous to drive over them as it would be to ascend Mount Diablo or the Geiger grade, and the peril is increased by the j total darkness which a mean ccon- j j omy has caused by shutting off the lights. If any city naturally less j salubrious than this had a system j of sewers as worthless as ours a plague would certainly ensue. And even here, with the regular monsoons to assist in purifying the corrupted atmosphere, the weekly death report shows that the death rates of San Francisco from these i J causes is higher than that of any ! city of the first or second class in l the United States." The average i weekly death rate, according to the Chronicle has been 100 to 124 j in a population of 20,000. "This j fehows." says that journal, "that San Francisco is not a healthy place to live in mor even to visit." The fact is not generally known that the first presidential ticket for ISSi has already beesi placed in the field. It has been nominat ed by the National Christian Asso ciation for the suppression of se cret societies, and bears the names of the Rev. Jonathan W. Blanch ard and Mr. John C. Conant. This is a good time for people to be made acquainted with the fact that these gentlemen are in the field, for the chances arc they won't be aware of it next vcar. A :!,.. i. i.:., . c tern, one of the most popular and clever letter-carriers in Indianap olis. Mr.ilattern said that, while m thc ann-v durIncT the civil war, he sprained one ol Ins ankles, j which was always worse in the! spring durino- the period of thc ! rapid chances in the weather. He did not find much relief from the several remedies he applied. But two years ago he hit upon St. Ja- j cobs Oil, and experienced wonder- ful relief from its use. Several applications of the Great German ' Kemedy relieved him entirely. The reporter talked with others amoiiL' the letter-carriers and found that the Great German! Remedy was popular in thc post office. They use it for sore feet, rheumatism, etc., and praise it highly Indianapolis (Tntl.)Neics. No Moke Sick AEAnAcun. For persons of delicate health and nerv ousness; near what an eminent lady lecturer says: "Having Miliered from I nervous headache for some time, and do3e of this r inarkable remedy jjae immediate relief, and a few hottlea of the same cured mo so far. I can recommend it, specially to ladtcs suf fering similarly. Beautiful skin, and fair com plection robust health, and powers of endur ance follow thc use of Brown's Iron Bitters. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement. Cohunbia River Canneries. Adair, S. D Jt Co Astoria. AEtonaPacLins Vo Kinnej. -Anslo-Americanl'ackiiijrC'o. HadolIetiUo Hooth, A. JfcCo. Colombia Canning Co CnttiDR Packing Co. Devlin. John A, A Co Klmore, Sam Visnenncn'n PacLing Co llanthom t Co Hume. Wra Hume. Geo. V. " ' Occident Pecking Co "" " PacUtc Union Packing Col. ...'. Scandinavian Packing Co. ..." - Seaside Packing Co White Star Packing Co.... t'. Timmins 4 Co .. UnionPacking Co " Wt Coast Packing Co..'.'.'.'" Williatns James i Co.... " Thomea A Kno-nles .' "" Washington Packing Co. I'.'.'" Point Adams backing Co... I" I. X. L. Packing Co.. Aberdeen Packing Co lliraco. W. T. Knreka PackiDg Co KurekiuW. T. HapgoodA Co Waterford.W.T. Knappton Packing Co Knappton. W.T. Hume. Win.... Eale Cliff W.T. Megler.J.G.A Co KrockBeld. W. T. Mjers. Geo. T... Fwherton. W.T. Occnn Canning Co Har View, W. T. Oregon Pkg Co. J W& VCook..Clif ton PiRar Rock Pks Co Pillar Rock.W.T. Qainn, Jamea,..... .Quinn's West. John.. Hugir Harbor, WT Warren A Co. P. M Caihlamet. W.T. Warren 4 Co. Cascades. CLATSOP MILL COMPANY Successor or HU.ME SAW MILL. GEO. "YV MANUFACTURERS DEALERS IX LUMBER, SALMON BOXES, TRAYS, ET0. Office and Mill COHNER OF WEST 9TH AND WATER ST6 m OF THE OLDEST AND K0ST REUAEU REMEDIES IK THE W0HLO FOR THE CURE OF Conglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroat, Bronchitis, I Influenza, Asthxna, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Evary affection or tho THROAT, LUGS AND CHEST, Including A YEIL-KKOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: "it dies not dry up a couza. and !ea-e tl raj bosens it, cleanses the lungs asd allays irritation j &us reaoviar the cause -of complaiat.1 IJO NOT BE DECEIVED by srtiJes hat ng sisiHar naaes. Besureyoactt DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, IA iiiz sinstare of " L BUTTS "onAcn nppet HO Cents and Bl.d) .1 Dottle. rrepared by SETH W. TOWLE &. SON'S, Ho i a-Mass. Sold Wdntwddenlers cenrr. t&i -cai rKxrj-' of!iruut,ei.'rc:xsi W.&&r rrr.-! Restores the Youthful Color ta Crcy cr Fc&d Kslr Pjiker's HsIrBaJiact is Le-' and is j warracted to pment Hrg o. t' . . i- iaJ f re- rr. jrc dandruff andliclun-. H:Sv.ixcCj . X.V. i U . aaJ $ I lb.., t d!'l la int s& Del.: jr. J 1 WTZ??ls,(Sk tQ I 3.-P51 1 8 W rl S I ft Sipcr!aliv2 Health end SSrsfigt-i nclcrer. ! If y.-u tre a nerhanic cr fcrr-er, Mora out rita c-xfVK.orarnjiherrnnnbyfM:lyorh3ss.; h.'lc.UcstryPACasGi:-'...-K 1 : c. J 1 f j c u ere a In wyer, -,jj!nLtcr cr I u:oes rcan ex-1 Acsi.doBottake . luJoxic-tuigstinJuIaRts.butttserijlcrsGinBerloiBcl If you have Cocwiieir-tion, DyweiAb, ltheaina- lon. Kidney CouipLtmis, or?nydt-urderoftbeliiag itrmach. bowels, blood or nen'rr.lV? kek's Ginces 'lOMCwfllcuicyou. ItistbeGrcateitIifcodPun5er ftaJ tits Best and Surest Sccsh Care Ey2r Usea. If tw are waiting away fromrgs; dissipatioa cr rry ci--ne or weakness ar.drejuite astiaiuhnttaks G.:-4--r Tonic s.t ence : it will irfvcorate nndbulkl x--: . from ibe first dose but will n;er intoxicated WATia? ySb. T .- e" - l dres-ir.r , j&s- . - - crcg i ;'' tle i I ;e frBr-? -JV'-K w!k- ''' ' "'J"-toaDy I i Hotel" In Kniuipton rv.-n iWi.UdVX: i OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. It!. '. aved hundreds of Eves; it nay save years. i ,. , , , cAtTio:;!RfeJi3viurSri.r'chrTicub!iop house ana nestaurant; cti. .Jf tkllrrfiaIJsUlalLiKJ.tiilJi:y ttx- t t -' ivnvmTirr )Usii -,;i. Y. tr"-d&tlj',3td.snfcic N. Y. t-V. A-1 Lift aii2.r,fcil'-;-n. ' Gr. t s'Aixo Tnrrsc tx-iiar sue. It t h zd lasu.2 frKra:ice la mads this deli;fcrjl perftcae cACeediasly popular. Thcra isothinlikeit. InrlstupoahsuifirLoaES tok Ccloc:.x and lock for sipsiiuic cf ?6so6 VCx cox o3 rrtr- trt!e. A-r t-ajr:-t Kii 'a prf jsuoy "O TJi "O TTTTT A TT JL -ELi JCu LJ V -LxL JJS BITTERS ! ; ; r: Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. FOR SALE I offer for sale my ranch near Skipa non in this County; it consists of 160 ACRES, Klghly Acres improved, iritli Rootl dwelling House;, Two Barns, Out Houses, etc.? A Fine Orcliurd. Everything is well improved and in good condition. A large assortment of Farming? Implements, Three l'nssciifjcr Coaches. One Bugrgry, Nine Head Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. This affords a rare chance for a man to get a good home in the oldest settled section in the state. Terms favorable to one meaning busi ness. C. A. niAGS'IKE H. jB- A 33L 3S IS S DEALKR IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Order, Graying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. ' DEAIEB IX WINES, LIQUORS AND2CIGARS. FIRST C&AS tmra !.. lI'J'JtAir'jAiil'XViiiSaS'3 t pfB 5 I 'Mm i I; ii i iv m ' 7,S i .'u vusi son' I i' i - - i i HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ! SHIPPING NOTICES. j TRANSPORTATION LINES. PARKER HOUSE, H. 15. PABKEi:. Pro;.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMPROVEJIENTS. HOT AJ3TD CGD BATZIS. Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa- laon stocked Ufitb F,na uwors' aSB-FBEE COACn TO THE IIOUSE.-Jtv THE OCCIDENT HOTEL First-class in every respect. ; Proprietors- Astoria, Oregon. IT IS A FACT -THAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ox Concomly Street is the Town. THAT-- , , VT . ' K ,::JS Iwaj'.S M Ilttml J?2SES5I SIiouI Water Ila- asid T.aii- cm yH(crsr. -TIJAT- JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER.; ..T,n. -Tll.Vl . ba. Lpfit i'ronrlctor f the "Aurora i mr- ', R0SC0PS FIRS! CLASS Ovjsfer Saloon. C1IKXAJJUS STREET. ASTORIA. nnilE UNDER5IKNKD IS PLEASED TO - annwinre to ine ihkhic tuai lie iias j- MStT 2AS Ald f "rnfelies ill ttrst-ClftSR stylu OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE TEA. ETC t TliR Ladies' and Gent's Oyster SaloGn. ' CIIEXAMUS STREET. Piease give me a call. ROSCOE D1XOX, Proprietor COSMOPOLITAN . jieais So ccnis ana tipwartts. A. LSBdSSK &. Ii. IVIIjSSROX, I'mprletont. i32AI.V STUEET. ASTORSA. rERriuVNLA BEER HALL VJf AXD . BOTTLE BEEP. DEPOT. CHCiiiius S-ancr. Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cis. a Glats Orders for tho Cele'oratefl Columbia Brewery ISSSESEt Left at this place will bo promptly attend ed to. SsyNb cheap Sim Francisco fleer sold at this place W.M. BOCK. Proprietor. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A ilocrvedly popular place ol social resort. GEO. IIILLER. Xoticrof Application, to X'urclinse Timber Landw. j T AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W. T.. JU Ajirll 9th, 1S33. Notice Is hereby given tliat in compliance with the nrovlslons of tho Act of Comrress approved June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of 'JImber Lands In the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and inWash .ngtan J emtorv," John Anderson, of Pacific county. Wash. Ter. has this day filed In this ofllce his application to purchase the North Last Y, ot Section 2U, Township 10 North of liange 9 West, of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony In the above case will he taken before the Clerk or the District Court, at Oysterville, Wash Ter., on Monday, the ISth day of June, 1SS3. Any and all persons having adverse claim1; to the above described lands, or any portion theteof, are hereby required to file their claims In this ofllce within sixty (C0. days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, dll COds Register. Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria propose to establish the grade of Cass street in thc City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John AlcCIure, and ex tended bv Cyras Olney, as follows, viz; At its intersection with Chena- mus street 18 feet At its intersection with Squemo- qua street 19 u At its intersection with Jefferson street 20 ! At its intersection with Astor St. 34 " above the base of grades, and unless a j remonstrance signed ny tne owners or. two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with Ihe Auditor and Cleric within ten days of the final publication of this notice, viz: Wednesday. May, flth, trie Common Council will p'.blish said grade. I5y order of U.c Common Council. T. S. JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, April ISth. 18S3. lot HEADQTJASTESS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria .A ovelties of all Kinds Fruits IJo th X'orelsn and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &NU0CK i Croup, Whooping Cough and Eronr chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by WtE. Dement. . i j Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. FAST TTME.) The Kputar steamer FLEETWOOD, " WWcit has been refitted for the comfort of pacseemrers will leave Wilson and Fisher's dock every ti', Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P. ft!. Returning leaves Tortland every Tuesdays and Thursdays at G A. M. Arriutng at Astoria at 1 P. M. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland at 9 o'clock ' Sunday niormnjr. 1 Passengers bv this route connect at Kalama ! for Sound ports. U. I). SCOT!', . President. Astoria and Portland. - . m aMK mmmm. . m -a -iibtr. WtiS I fUK 1 , l F.H SIIEHMA.V, - - JIASTEP. Win make regular trips to Portland and Astotla. leaving BurneH's dock, foot ot Mor I rbeu .strict, I'ortlHud. at C a.m. Saturdays. Pact In ' Anl w'l leave Wilson & Fisher's dock. Debt in As:nn. at 0 a. m. Thursdays. affreight carried :tt reasonable rates. Steamer " RELIC' WILL MAKE TPJIS AS FOLLOWS : ia. 1 To YOUXGSBIVEn.Mondays, Wednesdays ' .lOIIX DAYS RTVPTC Tneslnv: Vrii1ar LEWIS and CL,m:KE, Thursdays and Saturdays. ,,.,, 1,.,..TO.I. - ...!. ... o'clock sham, each niortiintr. LEWIS G. IIAAVEN, Master IRIEuM STEAM PACKET. j "Daisy " and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, I For Olney, and Head of Younes River, ' On Tnwulajs. :iat Frltlajs, at S A. SI. iiciurmng same nay. For Lsmdings on Lewis & Clark's River. On Wcilncsdays, at 8 A. 31., ! Returning same Iav. rnr runners camp. On FrMaj.s. at 5 5. 5J., laying overnight i at the Camp, will leave for Astoria, on Sat urday, at s a. 31.: Iteturning will leave Astoria, at :: E'.jJ. 3For Freight or Passage, apply on hoard, or at Gray's Dock, where Freight will be re ceived ami stored, if necessary. J. II. D.GRAY. 3rAT.KETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS, SBTTEB, CHJKESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISJS. POUI.TSY A3fl OAIir. In the season. CIGARS JLSD TOUxtCCO. Best oF WESES AIVJ I.TQUOKS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. RODGEES. STAR MARKET. WHEPJRY & C0MPAKY, Fresli and Cured Meats, Vegetatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CUEXAIirUS Salrcct. Astoria, Off WasMngton Uarket, ! Main Street, 1 1 " trt I ri7i - Astoria Oregon HEIIGJIAX cC- JlEllltY T BSP20TFULLY CALL THE ATTEN Sj tion of the public to tho fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to suppb n: fhiDS. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OBEGOS mniS INSTITUTION. LNDEK CARE OF JL the Sisters of Charity, is now ready foi the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis, day or night. No physician has exclusive- riglit, every patient w free to and has the privilege ot employing any physician they prefer. United States marine Seamen who payllospital Due3, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob aincd for Inlted States Marines at the Cus tom House. SlSTKES OK CHASITT ASTORIA SAIL LOFT. A. M. JOHNSON & CO., PROPR'S. jnr ang considei:ably increased ,-i-A. our facilities for meeting the demand of increase m boats tins year we would re spectfully call the attention of CANNERY MEM And all others needing sails, to this fact. - Prices Same as Last Year, W0R& STILL BETTER. Drilling and Best Quality of Roper on Hand. Our Work lias Given Satisfaction for Eight Years, 'And shall bo made to do so while wo are in tho business. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPACTS". O CEAX DIVISION. On and after April 1st, 1883. Ocean Steamers will sail from San Fran cisco and Portland evenr lurce days. Leaving Spear St. wharf San Francisco, at lo :00 A. Jl., and AInsworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, Tlironjrli TIcfcetM sold to all principa cities ia the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and After March 18, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. Trains leave Portland for Eastern points, at 7 :20 A. 3f. Sundays excepted. RIVER DIVISION (Middle Colmnbla). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 -.00 A. M. alse: Leave Port land for iron I Tu. I We. Thu Fri. I Sat. Atorii end I L ! I lower Co-I I I lumbia....lfiAM SAM RAM SAM Dayton. Or.." AM,1 7AM SAM 6 AM AM corvT,ii;::HAM... Vlctoria.BC!fiAM... baicm .... - ,,, I . ... 1 IO VliU Is am! AM LP3TP4 AatnriA frif Pnrflnnrt mt K n in rf it aw. cept Sunday: ' Astoria to Portland. FAST T.IXE. Steamer Wide West will leave Astoria for Portland. IP. 31. Returning, leaves Portland for Astoria, 3 a. 31., daily, Wednesdays excepted. Pnllmaa Palace Cars rnnninjr between Port land. Walla AValla and Darton. JOHN MUIR, Superintendent of Traffic C. II. FRESCOTT. Manager. liwaco Steam Navigation Go THNTElfsCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Uvyaco, Connecting by Stages' for Oysterville and Olympia. j2'a. Until further notice the liwaco itaica. Steam Xavi?ationCo'3 steamers GEN. MILES, or. GEN. CANBY Will Ieavo Astoria On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Fort Stevens, Fort Cnnby, and lliraco OS Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturd cys. The steamer will Ieavo Astotla ato a.m. as formerly, npt being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevena..... ............jsocts ' " Canby and Uwaco.......Sl 00 B3"llwaco freight, by the ton, In lots ol one ton or over, S2 oo per ton. exwFor Tickets, Towago or Charter applr at the office of tho Company, Gray'j wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H.D. GRAY. Asent. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an aftor Sept. 21, 18S2. trains will run follows, DAILiT (Except Sundays), eastside Drnaiow. Ketween rORTLAAD and REDDLE'S. MAD, TRACT LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. 7:30 A. K.RiddIe's 8:30p. u Riddle'? 3:30 A. m. Portland 4:23 r. M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.PortIand...lO:05A.W FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15a. m. Junction Junction 6:3') a. n.lRiddle's . 5:10p.m Riddle's.... G:00 a. ji.I Junction 5:O0p. m Junction . 5:15 a. v. Portland 5:25 p. Tho Oregon and California Railroad lerr?.. makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastside Division. WESTStDB ntvistos. Between Portland and Corvallls. MAIT. TKAIS LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis ..J?:00 P. M Corvallis S:30 A. M.jPortland 30 P. M Close connections made at Riddle's with tho Stages of the Oregon and California Stase Company. . etf-Tickcta for sale at all tho principal points in California and the East, at Company's OSce. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bo chard on freight remain- int. ntrtamnnnva AVftrohoiHO OVOr 21 hOUTS. Freight will not be received for shipment after 6 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or West sido Division. J. BRANDT, Gen'I Sup't E. P. ROGERS, , A Gen'l Freisht and Passenger Acent. R. KOEnLER, VIco Presidont and Manager Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Ca'noy, liwaco, Xortlt Beach, Oysterville, Worth Cove, X'etersons Point, Ho qalum, Jlontcsano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES, l Sirs. or On Columbia RiYer. GEN. CANBY, GEN". GARFIELD " MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano thc day after leaving Astoria through trip In 60 hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. Street Improvement Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria pro pose to order the improvement of that portion of Genevieve street between the north side of Chenamus street and the south side of Seventh street all in the Citv of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClurc and extended by Cy rus Olney, in Clatsop county, Oregon, by piling, capping, and planking the same to its full width from said north side of Chenamus street to the south side ot Astor street, and by grading and filling the same to its full width from said south side of Astor street to said south side of said Seventh street, thc said Genevieve street to be improved to the grade for which notice is now being given by publication in The Daily Astorian, of said city of Asteria: also by building sidewalks on both sides of said street, eight feet wide from said Chenamus street to said Court street in said city. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the prop erty fronting on said, portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk of said city within ten days of the final publication of this notice, viz. May 9th, 1883, the Common Council of said City of Astoria, will order said im provements to be made, By order of the Common Council. T.S. JEWETT, Auditor and' Clerk, Ajtoria, Orson, April 18th. 188?. lOt