0) gsltc ipaUu stxnSan. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY APRIL 28, 183 Special council meeting to-night. There are 200 prisoners in the state penitentiary. The Kale cD Anna arrived in from Yaquina yesterday. There -was a heavy fall of snow on the Vehalem river last week. E. C. Holden's auction sale will be at eleven o'clock this morning. The Fleetwood laid ever day to have a new propeller put in. Wild steora and inuley cows con tinue to terrify Portland pedestrians. The Seaside house will be put in thorough order for the coming season. H. Villard and party left Port land yesterday for the N. 1. I. Tt. front. Chas. S. Wright is about to build a structure 20x40 on the lot oppo site his residence. MEN" OP UNBOUNDED ACHS. STOM- Kbtes Upon the Accomplished Famine-Breeders of Thisaud Oth er Lands and Ages. Portland's new hotel will occupy a block, will be five stories in height, and will contain 225 rooms. Frank Burton was found dead m his bed in Portland last Thursday morning; chronic alcoholism. Lieut. Williams, with n detach ment of fifteen men of the 21st in fantry, has taken up his quarters at Fort Canbv. H. B. Parker is building a new barge 2-ixlOO. It will be finished tht3 week and will run in tow of the Clara Parhcr. T. W. Walters will preach his farewell sermon in Astoria to-morrow, and will leave for Colfax, W. T., earlv next week. Thero will be service in the Cer mau language in the Baptist church to-morrow at 3 o'clock P. M. All are cordially invited. Rer. A. Kreuter, pastor. Building of all kinds continues; new houses are going up on every side; the present fine weather admits of a good deal being done in the way of outside work. The run of salmon is slightly im proving. Sales aro slow. The only transactions noted during the week were 10,000 cases last Monday, at $L22i on the river. It is thought that by the middle of Juno the K. P. R. B. Co., will sell tickets from Portland through to St. Paul by rail and stago direct. Time, five days; fare $120. Professor Worthington, who died suddenly at The Dalles last Thursday, taught school here in former years, and was held in kindly remembrance by many of his former pupils. Hundreds of thousands of cases of salmon are being annually shipped to feed the bloated aristocrats and effete monarchists of Europe, while the American sovereigns look supinely on and see themselves robbed of their birthright. Oregon City Enterprise. F. B. Elberson while engaged 3'esterday morning in throwing some planks on to a bank above, was struck over the right temple by one of the planks inflicting a severe though not necessarilv dangerous wound. There is an unconfirmed report that work on the Kalama extension is not to go south of Columbia City. At present men and teams are working at a point ten miles this side of Portland on the St. Helens wagon road. A. O. Yates, writing to this city from Keatucca, Tillamook county, says- "A sloop or Echooner was totally wrecked a few days ago at Hay stack rock, one mile from S.md cape, about forty mile3 from Tillamook. Wreckage came ashore on the Little Kestncca beach, five miles below, but nothing has as yet been found to indicate the name of the vessel. No bodies have been recovered. Grego man, 27. The secretar3' of the Fireman's Association of Oregon having received permission from a majority of the members of the board of directors. announces the change of tho date of the next meeting, to be held in that city, from June 15 and 16 to Wednes day and Thursday, June 13 and 14. Salem has already pledged 1000 to wards the prizes and defraying the ex penses of the state firemen's tourna ment, to be held at the same time. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDENT. Adolph Rosenthal!, A E Raleigh, H Bernstein, 1 G Pope, Gustaf Wil son, Portland; Lounza Sawyer, San Francisco; V Cook, Clifton; R Os trand, Fisherton; J Kierman and children, Pillar Rock; J Rusenstein, Oakland Or; C Yarnura, Mrs Rick nian, Miss Mitchell, Knappa. PARKER BOCSK. W D Mendenfeld, S F; Mrs Leacey, Mrs Stanacev, C Harrison, Portland; B D Foster J G Foster, N Foster. Cathlamet; D Lucey, Mishawaka; W F Jackson, Fisherton; Miss Annie Mooney, San Jose. Delightful Ice cream at .Fabre's Owner can have a sack of provisions and sundries by calling at Frank Par ker's store. Xolce cream like Frank Fabre's While America as a country is dem onstrating her ability to feed the world, not a few American citizens aro, unless the contemporary press is fearfully and wonderfully misinform ed, engaged in a heroic attempt to consume the surplus provisions of the continent and starve out the mil lions of Europe. A Chinese resident of Pioche, Xev.. for instauce, has dis- ! tinguished himself by eating a four- and-a-half pound chicken and nine ye3ter- i,i c ..: .. ...i .. .-,. I 'lulus ui iitc ai luiu iiicai. ah -a.mci- ican of African descent at Brunswiek, Ga., who had previously eaten eight een shad at one meal, with bread in proportion, was backed not long ago to eat at a sitting twenty loavos of bread and a dollar's worth of fat ba con, and had made away with nine of the loave3 and half of the meat when the bystanders interfered. Henry Edgerton, of Pearskils, L. I., is de scribed as ha7ing ealen in an hour and a half thirty-seven hard-boiled eggs and two mince pies, the repast being "washed down" the locution is eminently proper when such a meal is in question, but nowhere else, as it makes one think of a sink with half a gallon of ale. At Yandcrbilt Land ing, S. 1., a tramp, to whom an un suspicious philanthropist had given an unlimited order upon a restaurant for the assuaging of his appetite, devour ed one plate each of mutton stew, roast veal, corned beef with cabbage, and roast lamb, two plates of salmon, a plate of tomatoes, ajlobster-salad, an applo pie and four hard-boiled eggs, "topping off" with three bottles of Scotch ale and a cigar. James O'Don nell, of Madison, Iud., after eating a quail a day for a month and then doubling his ration, applied himself seriously to such feasts of digestion as the eating of two dozen goose-egs in fifteen minutes, of agoo3C weighing eleven and a half pounds, of five cans of sardines in ten minutes and of three dozen oysters rolled in brown sugar. The late Peter Ellison, of Waterford, X. Y. state, was a more accomplished performer in a much more legitimate field. He ate at one meal a twenty-onc-pound turkey, with dressing and bread, and wai named to devouer a bird weighing twenty-three pounds, but his opponent preferred to pay forfeit. In a match at Snediker's Long Island resort, the competttor to take tho stakes who could eat the most broiled spring chicken, this great man was hailed the victor with a score of 32 half-chickens, equal to 1G fowls. Mr. Ellison was not the only great cater in Xew York. Tho late Alexander Grant, of Kingston, 2s. Y., never cared for a beefsteak that weighed less than five pounds, and when he dined demanded half a peck of potatoes, a whole cibbage, a big pie and a large pudding for his own exclusive ealing,his.allowance being 20 pounds of solids and a gallon of coffee or milk. Squire Carey, of Wallkill, is credited with eating at one repast 400 clams and at another half a barrel of shell oysters and thinks nothing of eat ing half a gallon of raw oysters, with crackers to match; his friends, who know that his stomach is in tho right place, will back him to assimilate six quarts of these bivalves. Romulus Lawson, of Allensville, X. C, is an other famine-breeder of eminence, who devours at one meal a three-eighths of a mutton one and a half quarters! two half-grown chickons, a pound of bacon, five herrings, a ioaf of corn bread, eighteen biscuits and a pound of candy. Joshu Joynes, of Acco mac Co., Ya., is a man of a stomach almost as unbounded, who has, in an hour and a half, disposed of a 'goose, a chicken, fifteen pounds of pork, twelve links of a Bologna sausage, a peck of sweet potatoes, a dozen bis cuitc, a mince pie and six cups of strong coffee. For rivals to these performers it is necessary to go back to the beginning of the century in England. Tho $Sporting Magazine re corps that a wig-maker of Wantwick ate in the space of an hour three pounds of beefsteak, nearly a pound of bacon, ten boiled egqs, a large quantity of potatoes and a four-penny loaf, drinkiug two gallons of ale and porter during tho repast and seven large glasses of brandy and water. He was prepared to repeat the per formance with the addftion of a wig box full of pudding. A London cur rier, wlioae name lias not ueen pre served, made away in two hours with three gills of lamp-oil, twenty raw eggs with the sholls, a shilling's worth of strong ale and a penny loaf soakea in train-oil. Sporting annals tell that Lord Barrymore, fired to emulation bj' the account of a yokel who ate a cabbage, a pound of salt and a cabbage-net at a sitting, wagered that he would produce a man who would de vour a live cat, but it is not recorded whether the match came off. Accord ing to Fuller's "Worthies," Nicholas Wood, of Harrison, in Kent, ate such meals a3 a whole hog, with three pecks of damsons, eighteen j'ards of black pudding, eighty-four rabbits, thirty dozen pigeons and a raw sheep, to say nothing of the dinner prpvided for thirty men. "Two loins of mut ton and oue loin of veal," it is said, "wero but as three sprats unto him." Roscoe Dixon tells of two men ''One-armed Brown," an Indian agent, and a drayman named Camp, who came into his place in Portland, several years ago; tho latter Roscoe declares ate twenty-nine plates of oys ters 32 on a plate drank lager beer ad lib., and devoured crackers and pickles, only ceasing to eat because his one-armed friend declined to pay for witnessing any further continuance of the gastronomic feat. A promi nent canncryinau of this city says that he saw a man cat thirty-five fish-balls at the Occident, the other day, but all stories of prowess in the eating line must yield to Phazn of glutton- REVOLUTION! A complete Revolution has been inaugurated in the Prices of Gooods since the advent of Sheriff O'lTeil-'s Bankrupt Store. "We sell goods at their Heal Value. We charge no fancy prices ous memory, ;ho, it is alleged, ate a j such as the people of Astoria have, had i.nposed upon then before our Bheep, two pigs and eighty loaves of bread at one time and drank, with the mes3, eight quarts of wine. arrival. Thirty Cents worth oflTemperance Lecture. Ten years ago says the Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Simi, Se leucus Garfielde left congress and be came a professional gambler; lost night he died in a little room over a cigar shop. The story of Garfielde's life is that of a man who surrendered absolutely to the temptations of Wash ington. He wa3 born sixty-one years ago in Vermont, went to Kentucky when he was a boy, was graduated from Augusta Collego in that state, and began his active life as a lawyer. When he was thirty years old he was a member of the Kentucky legislature, and a year later he was commissioned to codify the laws of the State. In 18G0 he was receiver of public moneys for Washington Territory, and in 18G9, after serving three years as surveyor-general, he came to congress as delegate. He was hero four years and when his congressional career was over he was a moral wreck. He had lo3t his ambition, and was as dissolute a gambler as lived in tho District of Columbia. Cards had come to be the passion of his life. It is said that he left Kentucky and wandered off into Washington Terri tory, because he saw his doom if he remained among the genial poker players of his adopted state. He fought against what he feared would become his ruling passion, even to the extent of giving up what promised to be an exceptionally bright future, but his surroundings in Washington finally overcame him completely. His fellow congressmen ruined him, and ho lived for the rest of his days on the vices of public men. No life in Wash ington was lower than his. The men and women who were his companions wero of the very lowest stratum. For years the man who had once promised to be one of tho cleverest public men uf Kentucky had not a single intimate associate who did not belong to the dangerous element 'of society. Ho was always, however, a leader among the people with whom he lived. Although we have Xott oralizeci tlx IVEo2?ol3.a,jCLts, We foe! eonniltHit that we have BENEFITTED THE GENERAL PUBLIC. We have practical proof in that respect by our receipts which were a hundred per cent. Better than Our Utmost Expectations. Now Shapes and Styles in MILLINERY Bargains in DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Domestics, Gents' and Soys' Clothing, and Furnishing Goods, Cloaks, Dresses, and Dolmans, at Sheriff 0' Neil's Bankrupt Store, ISAACS & STTMMEEriELD. Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 1883. IXL 1883. STORE. Steamer Days. Following is a resume of sailing dates for oceau steamers for April and May, steamers leaving Astoria aud San Francisco every threo days: FKOil ASTOKIA Arnil Queen.....!uonday 30 .May Oregon ...Thursday 3 State Sunday ColnmbiaWcdnesd&r Queens-Saturday 12 Orejron Tuesday 15 stale a-nuay I? coiutnDiaMoniiay ui Queen... .Thursday 24 oreson...&unnay FROM SAX FRANCISCO AT 10 A. 31. April SUite Monday 30 Alay ColumbiaThursday 3 Queen Sunday OrrgonWi'dncsday a State Saturday 12 Columbia-Tuesday 15 Queen- Friday 18 Oregon Monday 21 State .Thursday 24 Columbia Sunday 2T State Wednesday 30QueerL."Veduela7 30 Wanted. A competent dressmaker. Apply to MRS.T.S..lEVfcTT. IVeir Iticli Blood. The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. A CARD. CItnugc otnVatne. On and after this date SJcfTs Variety Chop House" will be called simply "JKrl'TJ' UI1U1 llUUMi. Notice. Bemember that hereafter you will find Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds at A. M. JOHNSON & CO5. ZVoticc. Dinner at 'JEFFS" CHOP HOUSE every day at f o'clock. The hest 25 cent meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pic, pudding, etc. A glass of S. F. ISeer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say JeiT is the "BOSS." Important .Notice to Fishermen anil Other. MEFF," of the CHOP H.OUSE. will give you the BEST 2."-cent meal in town for cash. Board by the week So, in ad vance. Meals at any hour, day or night. Hope for Jrnnkarils. My husband had drunken habits he could uot overcome until Parker's Ginger Tonic took away hi3 thirst for stimulants, restored his energy of mind and gave him strength to at tend to business. Cincinnati Lady. Alaska Indiana . With the exception of the Indians of Cape Hope and Cape Prince of Wales, the natives along the whole coast are peaceable. Indeed, they seem to have no weapons suitable for war, all their implements being for the chase or the preparation of food and clothing. It hs been noticed that the natives, both on the Ameri can and Asiatic coast, have no relig ious ideas and no conception of a God. Darwin found the same state of mind among the Patagonians, and recently other absolutely Godless races have been found. Among the Alaska Indiani there is no idea of future life or future punishment. Their idea of retribution is confined to retribution in ;his world provided tho injured party is strong enough or has friends enough to inflict retribution. If the party committing, say, a murder, has friends enough to protect hiin against the friends of the murdered man, ho feels happy for ho is not troubled by conscience. Thero is no pre tense of government among them, and tho person who is at tho head of the tribe expresses little or no authority. He is merely respected as the richest man, having accumulated a few more plugs of tobacco and a few more cant. of rum than any other oth er person. But he dare not take a chew of tobacco or go on a quiet spree with his liquor. Ho hoards it up in his tent, gloats over it, smells of the rum and congratulates himself that he is rich. But should another man by a stroke of fortuno obtain a greater store of goods than he has got, ho would have to step down and out, and. would probably celebrate his fall by a grand blow-out in which navy plug and watered alcohol would causo him to forget his sorrows. Bulletin. Removal.. A. J. Clqltrie has removed Ins Har ness Shop to the building on the road- ami shoe store. Nitrous Oxide Has. Painless extraction of teeth at Dr. LaForce's dental rooms over 1. W. Case's store. Fran It rnbre'.s Oyster and Chop Iloiisc. Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or .Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any style, or an early breakfast lteforr. going aboard the boat, should call aud see him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater bay oysters received by every steamer. An Old Man's Belief Have used Parker's Ginger Tonic for my bad cough and hemmorrhage I h-'l twenty-five j'ears. 1 feel like an other man since I used it. I am GG years past. Believe it sure to cure younger persons. A. Orner, Hiqh spire, Pa. Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" little liver pills (sugar-coated) purify the blood, speedily correct all disorders of the liver, stomach, and bowells. By druggists. The finest selection of Jewelry ever seen in Astoria is bow on exhibition at Gcsta.v Hansen's. If you contemplate a purchase you will find styles and prices to snit.you at the Leading Jewel ry House of Astoria. Luck. Is a word which should have no place in any vocabulary. A man must have ability to succeed, and a medical prepa ration, merit. There is no luck about SOZODOXT, It was sure to succeed from the first, because it was good, and did all that was claimed for it. The following Operas just received at Carl Adler's Music Stere: Olivette. Madame Favart. Claude Du val, Iolanthe, Manola, La Mascotte. Pa tience. Pirates of Penzance, Merry War, Barber de Seville, Day and Night, Boc- cacio, Parsifal, Lucia ue Jjammcrnioor. Also a large assortment ot latest in strumental Music and Songs and Dances. Laugh and Grow Pat Oue is not apt to laugh and grow fat if he is not fei'ling well. The legions who, from habitual constipation, suffer cnntantly from headaches, torpidity of the liver, dullness, feverishness, sour stomach, etc- can be persuaded to laugh only after they have taken a few doses of Syrup of Figs. Try It and see. For sale by W. K. Dement & Co., Astoria. Hodge. Jiavis fc Co- Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. The finest pan roast in the city. Where, oh where? At Frank Fabres. Trimmed hats for SI, at Sheriff O'NimPs Bankrupt Store. For dressing the hair, and beautify ing it when gray, nothing is so satis factory as Parker s Hair Balsam. Beware of fever and ague this coming Summer, by the use of a few bottles of Oregon Blood Purifier, this Spring. Go to the O. K. Lodging House corner West-iuh and Water streets. Spring and Summer Opening of New Goods Mr. C. H. Cooper takes pleasure in informing the public that his importations of Spring and Summer Groocls are now complete, and the general OPENING DAY WILL TAKE PLACE OK Thursday, April 5th. All are invited, and we will deem it a pleasure to show goods without any im portunity to purchase. THE IXL, THE X.EJ5.E2KG Dry Goods Clothing House OF .&STOSX.B,. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc Pamph lets free to any address. Seth W. Fowl &Sod Boston. I3race up the whole system with King of the Blood. Sco Advertisement. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at .J. Conn's drug store. he tel. Astoria. opposite Octdpn Fayal hats for 25 cents, at Sheriff O'Xeil's Bankrupt Store. Satins, all shades, at 50 cents, at Sheriff O'Xeil's Bankrupt Store. Langtry plaids 75 cents, at Sheriff O'NeiPs Bankrupt Store. Where so fast my friend? Why to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus btreet has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Ttem edy. PrleeO cents Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. K. De ment. Physicians attest: "Colukx's Li quid jjeef is particularly useful m Diptheria, Fever, and every deurcssing aisease." Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DKA7.KKS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUOnT .AT) CUT GALVANIZED SPIKES, rVail.H. Copper IVnil.s and Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, VLOl'R AM) mill. FEED. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Street ASTORIA, OREGON. BOZOETH & JOHNS. Real Estate Dealers. OCCIDENT STOKE. Iiim hiihimujhii in iiiii i.mmn The Largest Assortment of Ever Shown In Astoria, All the Leading an-1 St uidard Styles In Soft. Stiff, and Flexible The Most Complete Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods Foreign and American. Summer Suitings. Fine Clothing. D. A. McINTOSH, The Leading TAILOR, CLOTHIER, PIATTER and GENTS FURNISHER. A general agency business transacted Have Colum bfa City, Alderbrook, Astoria and Seaside property for sale. IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH ME ! "WHO? FRANK ELBERSON, SeasifteBalcery & Confectionery. Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candies etc., furnished for Wedding parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite ii. IV. Hume's. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer lit Clears nntl Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, Plajlaz Cards, Cutlery, Sta tionery. Etc The largest and finest stock of 5IEER SCHAUMahd AMBER GOODS in the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the country, Theo.BRACKER, Manager. Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ''orner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA .--- OREGON North Pacific Furniture Emporium. Geo. A. Plca.sunce, - - Prep'r. Cor. 5th and Alder Sts. - - Portland, Or. Straw Beds, per doz. - - 510. Spring Beds, each, - $5. to $15. Lounges, In Raw Silk, Carpet, and other coyerine, From $10. to SI 5. Samples of cover and particulars by mail if desired. A reliable means of eradicating lo cal disease of the skin, viz.: Gluxn's .StTLPniTB So.vr. Hill's Haib axd Wiuskeb Dye. SOcts. . " i TTmvrm7 at, T?TnivrrT7 at, AV.kJATX V 1 1 m m m XV, VI ft wJfc. V w 1 mm GREAT SLAUGHTER OF GOODS ! ISTew Yorli; Novelty Store Has to Move on the 1st of May, And in order to save the breakage and damage in moving goods we will sell our entire stock Consisting of Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Jewelry, and Silver "Ware, Clocks, Watches, And' all theBrlc-a-Brac in our Store at gtfm UF'arsaa.oijsoo w nolesale Prices For the Balance of this Month only. Come one and all, and convince yourselves that we mean business. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Cor. Chenamus.. and Main Streets.