The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, April 25, 1883, Image 3

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g)i Spailtj storxan.
There are a great many unem
ployed men in Portland.
The fine weather yesterday
aroused thoughts of straw hats and
summer suiting.
The old custom house is fast
disappearing. The Chensmus street
aide louks like the ruins of a fire.
The Lombardin began discharg
ing yesterday. Of the 12.992 boxes
of tin, 11,210 come of at this port.
A boiler explosion in Smith's
Portland saw mill last Monday
scared a great many
hurt no one.
and fortunately
An explosion in a Portland
dentist's office last Sunday ,injured the
dentist and his assistant. What is
the world coming to?
The American ship Indiana, of
Bath, Me., 1488 tons, Morrison
master, 156 days from Philadelphia,
arrived in j'estcrday afternoon.
Capt. Lutjens, of tho Kate ct
Anna, bought the wrecked schooner
Phoebe Fay at auction at Yaquina
last Saturday, with 25 31 feet lumber,
for S220.
The Shoalwater Bay Transporta
tion Co.,will build a wharf at North
Cove this season, piling out 200 feet
feet, and ono at Peterson's Point pil
ing out 1000 feet.
Mr. Villard told the New Taco
ma people that with all Portland's
wealth, yet that city hadn't enter
prise enough to build a suitable hotel,
so he hnd to do it.
The sixty-fourth annivorsary of
the founding of the I. 0. O. F.f will
be celebrated in Portland by a concert
and ball to-morrow evening, to which
an invitation is acknowledged.
A fire in the steamer Welcome,
plying between Port Townsend and
Seattle, last Monday, was only sub
dued by the most earnest efforts of
those on board. Damage triflm".
Judge Lorenzo Sawyer is in Port
land. The U. S. circuit court opened
3'esterday. There is a large amount
of business to come before the court
and it is probable Judge Sawyer will
be there several weeks.
Under the auspices of the Port
land board of trade, a meeting of citi
zens and taxpayers of that city, will
be held in that city this morning.
Henry Villard will be present and
give his views upon public matters of
local interest.
Olaf Peterson, a well-known resi
dent of upper Astoria, died yesterday
morning. He -was a stockholder in the
Occident Packing Co., aged about 50
years. He will be buried from tho
Methodist church at two o'clock to
morrow afternoon.
Tho new steamer Tom Morris,
built at Harrier by Johnson Bros, for
Arndt & Boelhng, is at the foot of
Cass street, She is 55 feet long, 14
feet breadth of beam, and registers
19.G6 tons. She will make her trial
trip next Saturday, and then is ready
for business.
A perusal of Mr. Villard's !New
Tacoma and Seattle speeches confirms
one in the belief that that gentleman
possesses in an eminent degree the
pleasing faculty of being able to say
just what his auditors want to hear
without committing himself to any
definite policy. The only instance we
recall in which he departed from this
pleasant practice was when he told
his Portland hearers in October, '81,
that they could build warehouses over
on the Sound.
Steamboat Builders.
A good example of -what steady in
dustry and goaheadativeness can do is
exhibited in the case of the Johnston
Bros., of Ranier, who are now engag
ed in building steamboats on the Col
umbia river. They are constantly at
work and are turning out some good
specimens of water craft; tho Lilian
which daily plies between here and
Knappton was built by them, also the
Tom Morris, just finished, and others.
They hare contracted for the building
of a 10,000 propeller on which work
will be begun at once. It is for
Woods & 3Ioore, and will run on
Shoalwater bay the coming season. It
will be eighty feet long, fourteen feet
breadth of beam, and five feet depth
of hold, with proportionate displace
ment. The engines which will be
built in Pittsburg, Penn., will be of
tho compound balance type. The
Johnston Bros, will have the construc
tion of the woodwork throughout and
guarantee the owners a steamer that
will run fifteen miles an hour. They
are an enterprising firm and deserve
the success that assuredly awaits
A competent dressmaker.
MRS. T. S.
A. J. Cloutrxe has removed his Har
ness Shop to the building on the road
way formerly occupied by (John's boot
and shoe store.
Satins, all shades, at 50 cents, at
Sheriff 0'Xeils Bankrupt Store.
Fayal hats for 23 cents, at Sheriff
Something for Astorians to Think
The salmon run during this week
has improved some, and the proba
bilities are that by the first week in
May the fish will come in well. Of
the 1,000 boats or more on the river
there are about 800 oat catching.
Some of the canneries have not begun
to do anything yet in the way of
packing; in a vreek'a time tho number
of boats in the water will be largely
increased, The attempted unity of;
action in relation to tying up some of
the bt-ats, which was broached some
time ago, while not agreed to is virtu
ally the rule now, thongh from entire
ly different reasons from those
advanced by the men who favored the
measure at the time. It is nat likely
that at any time this season the full
number of boats that could be utilized
will be in the water. One thing can
be set down as certain that there
will no new canneries be built on the
river for an indefinite time. The
general feeling is that "the business
is overdone," and the continued loir
prices on the river, the increased coat
of the raw material, the scant sales
not over 85,000 cases of this season's
pack, make altogether a dubious out
look for the season of '83. Tke fact
that the expensive plant which repre
sents so much dead capital for eight
months in the year, requires aoin.3 ef
fort to make expenses during the sea
son is tho single fact that impels some
of the canuerynien to attempt busi
ness this year at all. With' salmon
$L20 f. o. b.; from seventy-five cents
to ono dollar offering for fish; sixteen
or eighteen hundred boats in the river,
and conflicting circumstances arising
in regard to a favorable market, the
probability of a profitable season, for
those whoso capital is invested in tho
business is very slight.
A visit to eighteen canneries yes
terday showed a fair amount of work
going on. Taking ono cannery with
another, the nverogo to the boat is
about seven fish. To state the "aver
age" daily catch of a fish boat does
not give auy idea of what is caught,
resterdaj', in looking over the fish
lists courteously showed us by differ
ent gentlemen, it ran somewhat this
way, G-19-247 138 2-0-8
3-723-3-142179-0- -5.
Here are 190 fish caught by 20
boats, a day's work for that cannery,
but the next day mighi. show but half
that number. A comparison with tal
lies of former 3ears shows tho con
trast. Fishermen are not at all anxi
ous to see an influx from below, tho
reason for which is obvious. It would
mean for them even harder work than
at present without any corresponding
Were ten Astorians asked -"what is
the chief dependence of your city;
what is the main factor in its pros
perity?" nine of them would answer
"The salmon fisheries.'" And they
would bo right. Whatever Astoria is
"going to bo" is quite a different af
fair. What she is now, and for some
littlo time to come depends upon the
fisheries. The si y a h fu
ture can take care of iteelf. The pre
sent and immediately prospectivo is
not being taken care of by those
who3e direct interest it is to foster and
perpetuate tho supply. Five thou
sand dollars for corner lots is all very
well, but if the bottom drops out of
the salmon canning business, real es
tato will tumble too. It has been
iterated and reiterated in this paper
that the salmon run in tho Columbia
will dwindle and finally decrease un
less kept up by propagation. very
journal in the northwest has endorsed
these views by republication and edit
orial comment; numerous instances
have been cited whore rivers wero cx
hausted,but as yet no active measurces
have been taken- on the part of thoe
whose business it is to do so. There is
no philanthropy -about this thing; no
sentiment; no "helping" anyone. It's
a square business proposition. Tako
the Columbia river from Sand Island
to Tongue Point. Is there any area,
be it of land or water, on this oarth,
that yields more to the square inch
every year in results which are repre
sented in twenty dollar pieces than
that little bit of water? Is there any
other area of equal extent out of
which 2,500,000 is annually lifted?
It is like a mine unfortunately too
much like a mine, for the cases are
parallel. You take the ere out of the
mine without replacing it and eventu
ally tho bonanza becomes a borrasca
nature, m the case of the fish does
her best to replenish, but they are
being caught faster than they return
and the result will be well, -what do
you think?
There is no theory about this mat
ter; it has been demonstrated in other
lands and waters over and over again
that the ending of such action as our
cannerymen adopt means eternal
draining of the fish. It is likewise a
matter that rises abovo and beyond
tho personal spito of individuals or the
business competition of different
establishments. Under sunny skies
and in peaceful waters passengers
may quarrel in the cabin, but when
the ship springs a leak they must
pocket resentment, and together man
tho pumps, or together perish.
"What are you going to do about
it?" It seems to bo a case of "what is
everybody's business is nobody's busi
ness." "The State ought to do it;"
"The National government ought to
do it;" "The caunerymen ought to do
it;" "Washington Territory ought to
join with Oregon in doing something;"
while some say little, but think "after
mo the deluge," and go right on catch
ing all they can and canning all they
Our Astoria chamber of commerce
made an effort last winter to have the
national government take hold of tho
matter. Considerable correspondence
back and forth amounted to just this:
Prof. Baird refused to have anything to i
do with it. Seth Green would take i
hold of it and start it if he could be
shown there was any money in it.
The state seems to think that in
passing laws (which are never enforced)
she does her duty, and so the thing
whittles down tp this, that the can
nerymen have their choice, .either
start a hatchery or lose the busi
ness. And now appears the ridiculous
part of it. The whole thing needn't
cost over S7,000, and after the first
year half that amount would run it.
Lens than one cent per case would keep
it going. If it took 100,000 to start
and $25,000 a year to run it there
might be a natural hesitation about
going into the project, but the cost is
so insignificant, tho result so enduring,
and the neglect so fatal that it would
seem a suggestion were sufficient.
In this plain-spoken little article
there has been no attempt to enlarge
apon the "duty" owed to the state, or
the people living on tho Columbia
river, or posterity, or anything of that
sort It is represented as a simple
matter of dollars aud cents. Its im
portance cannot bo over estimated,
and its further delay is an injustice.
The N. P. R. R. Terminus.
I expect to corao across the conti
nent on a Northern Pacific through
train the latter part of August. Wo
hope to connect the track tho first
week of August somewhero between
Helena and Missoula, probably at
this end of tho great tunnel. The
grading is completed, and tho main
line is practically finished. Tho bridge
work is nearly done. The rails and
tics aro on the ground and ready to
be placed on the grade. Substantial
ly, the work that yet remains to be
done is trifling with the exception of
a few hundred feet of excavation in
the 3 full an tunnel. You may, there
fore, confidently look forward to tho
consummation of tho great work upon
which your prosperity so much de
pends and upon which I believo all
your hopes for the future are based.
About the time of ray accession to tho
presidency of the Northern Pacific
railroad company sumo of your people
here, owing to unfounded newspaper
statements which were given a large
circulation at the time, supposed that
I would do something to tako away
from Tacoma the privilege of being tho
terminus of tho Northern Pacific rail
road on Pugct Sound. Some of you
who heard my remarks about a year
and a half ago will remember that I
told you at that time that no action
of that kind was contemplated by me,
and no such action would be taken.
I repeat that assurance to-day, al
though it is hardly necessary, for you
know that the company has expended
a great deal of money within the
linujs of your town, and this expendi
ture has reference solely to the fact
that Tacoma is the terminus of the
Northern Pacific railroad. Applause.
In fact wo had no choice in the matter,
tho obligations of tho charter impos
ing upon the corporation the duty of
treating Tacoma as the terminus of
tho Northern Pacific transcontinental
line. From Henry VillaroVs speech at
Jvieu; Tacoma.
Hotel Arrivals.
R Hogby, V Cook, II Zan, C L
Silverman, Portland; J G Megler &
wife, J P Brennam, Brookfield; U B
Scott, Fleetwood. J G Grocn, Skipa
non, Capt. Morrison, Ship Indiana;
P R Coggeahall, Eureka; L A Loomis,
A Y Grubb, Jas Rickernell, F 31
Blumm, City; P Bower, Santa Cruz;
J P Green & family. Bertloville;
Mrs C Walter & children, Perrydalc;
J S Courtney, Skanokawa; M Emele,
CL Silverman, Portland.
Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" little liver
pills (sugar-coated) purify the blood,
speedily correct all disorders of tho
liver, stomach, and bowells. By
Chanrc of Name.
On and after this date "Jeff's Variety
Chop House' will be called simply
BlanJiboolis. Blankbooks. Station
ery, Stationery.
Just received, a large stock at Adler's
Bookstore. On account of a great re
duction in this line I am now prepared
to sellltt per cent lower than old prices.
The finest pan roast in the city.
tV here, oh where ? At Frank Fab res.
Just received, the latest styles of
Birthday Cards, also "Wedding Cards,
something new, in elegant variety, at
Adler's Bookstore.
Trimmed hats for Si. at Sheriff
O'Xeil's Bankrupt Store.
Langtry plaids 75 cents, at Sheriff
u: eu s iianimipt store.
A complete Revolution lias
Gooods since the advent of
Sheriff O'lTeiTs
We sell goods at their Real Value.
sucn as trie people ol Astoria have
Although we have
"We feel confident that we have
We have practical proof in that r.-spect by our receipts which were
a hundred per cent.
Better than Our Utmost Expectations.
Now Shapes and Styles in MILLINERY
Domestics, Gents1 and Boys' Clothing, and Furnishing Goods,
Cloaks, Dresses, and Dolmans, at
Sheriff Q'NeH's Bankrupt Store,
Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON
Frank: FaTbre'H Oyster aud Chop
Those wishing a nice plate of East em or
Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early breakfast before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
bay oysters received by every steamer.
every day at n o'clock. The best 2.i cent I
meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of i
meats, vegeuiDies, pie, piuiuint eic. ..-v
glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. AH who have tried
him say Jeff is the BOSS.'
Laugh and Grow Pat.
One is not apt to laugh and grow fat
if he is not feeling well. The legions
who, from habitual constipation, suffer
constantly from headaches, torpidity of
the liver, dullness, feverishncss, sour
stomach, etc can be persuaded to laugh
only after they have taken a few doses
of Syrup of Firs. Try it and see. For
sale by W. E. Dement fc Co.. Astoria.
Hodge. Davis & Co Wholesale
Agents, Portland, Oregon.
is now .ready to manufacture Ice Cream
to order in any quantity for Balls. Socia
bles. Private "Houses, etc., and having
the bestfacilities of any place in town
guarantees to give satisfaction. lc
constantly on hand and for sale.
Shilolfs Cough and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. II De
ment Physicians attest: "Colwkx's Li-
8uii Beef Is particularly useful in
iptherla, Fever, and every depressing
Beautiful skin, and fair complect ion
robust health, and powers of endur
ance follow the use of Brown's Iron
Steamer Days.
Following i3 a resume of sailing
dales for ocean -steamers for April and
May, steamers leaving Astoria and
San Francisco tvery three days:
April" at 10 A. 31. April
Columbia Friday 2;Oregon Kndaj 27
Queen Moudav 30State Monday so
.May .May
Oreson.Thursday 3
State Sunday C
ColumblaThursday 3
Queen Sunday o
CoIambiaWcdaesdfir 9
Orreou Wednesday
Queen Saturday 12
State Saturday 12
CoIumuIa-TiieMlay 1"
Queen- Friday 18
uregon mesuay is
Ktatc britlay 18
ColumbiaMonday i
Oretion..... .Monday 21
Queen... .Thursday 24
State .Thursday 21
Oregon Sunday
State Wednesday 30Queen-"Wednesday 30
For 20 Iays
On account of removal I will xell iny large
and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes
amounting to over
At cost for the next 20 days.
All those needing anything In the lino ot
Ladies' and Gentlemen's or Children's Hoots
and Shoes will find U greatly to then-interest
to give me a call. lor f will positively sell my
goods at cost rather than to be to the trouble
of moving them to mj new place of buslnev?.
"We will take orders for lumber from 100
to 600 M.. at the mill or delivered.
We also manufacture lath and shingles of
ai quauiy.
Flooring a Specialty.
Address all orders
S. C, BcxxElt, Supt
Real Estate Dealers.
A general agency business transacted
Hare Colombia City. Alderbrook, Astoria
asd Seaside property for sale.
inaugurated in the Price of
Bankrupt Store.
We charge no fancy prices
U - i - i iinpo39dupoa tnem Detora our
. . t J
If itrou Oxide Gas.
Painless extraction of teeth at Dr.
LForce dental rooms over 1. v
Caso's store.
Importune A'oticc to Fishermen
aud Others.
"JEFF," of the CHOP HOUSE, will
cive you the BEST 25-cent meal in town
for cash. Board by the week S5, in ad
vance. .Meals at any hour, day or night.
IV'ctr Iiicli Blood.
The use of Oregon Blood Purifier.
-I. J. Goodman, on Chenamu3 street
jut received tne latest and most
fashionable stvle of cents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Acent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
For dressing tho hair, and beautify
ing it when gray, nothing is bo satis
factory as Parker's Hair Balsam.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best ot wines, liquors
md San Fnairiseo beer, call at the Gem
opjwsuV the bell tower, and see Camp
Puny, wtiak, and sickly children,
need Brown's Iron Bitters. It will
strengthen aud invigorate them.
A reliable means of eradicating lo
cal disease of the skin, viz.: Glexn's
.Sri.rmin So.i.
II ill's Haih and Whisker Dye.
50 els.
Beware of fuver and ague this coming
Summer, by the use of a few bottles
of Oregon Blood Purifier, this Spring.
Sleepless Nights, made miserable
by that terrible couch. Shilolfs Cure is
the remedy tor you. Sold by W. E. De
Averill's mixed paints, the host In
use. for sale at J. W. Conn,s drug store,
opposite Occident Hotel.
Have Vistar3 balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It eurcs coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
ping complaints, r0 cents and,Sl a bot
tle. Croun. Whoonine Couch and Bronr
immediately relieved by billions
Sold by W. E. Dement.
Decorating Suspension Hooks for
ornamenting parlors, rooms and offices.
No house can do without them. Don't
spoil your walls. Always haudy. Go
and see them at Adler's Bookstore.
Co to the O. K. Lodging House
corner West-tub and Water streets.
Where so fast my friend? Why to
Frank Fabre's for a pan roast.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Prli-e 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. Ji. Dement.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement.
For lame Back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Stockholders' Meeting.
X. stockholders of the Astoria Iron Works,
of Astoria, Clatsop Co.. Oregon, will be held
at the ofllce of the secretary on Thursday,
April 2cth. 1SS3, at seven oclock r. m., for the
mimoseof electing directors for the ensuintr
car, and for the transaction of such other
business as may come beiorc the meeting,
By order or the Board of Directors.
J. G HUSTLER. Secretary.
Astoria, Oregon. April 14. 1833, dtd
N&w Yorfe Novelty Store
Has to Move on the 1st of May,
And In order to save the breakage and damage In moving goods we will "ell our entire stock
Consisting of
Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Jewelry, and Silver "Ware, Clocks,
And all the Brlc-a-Brac In our Store at
S02L Pranolsoo W iiolesale 3E2?ioS
For the Balance of this Month only.
Come one and all, and convince yourselves that we mean business.
NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Cor. Chenamus, and Main Streets,
Opening of New Goods
Mr. C. H. Cooper takes pleasure in
informing the public tliat Ms importations
of Spring and Summer Goods are now
complete, and the general
Thursday, April 5th.
All are invited, and we will deem it
a pleasure to show goods without any im
portunity to purchase.
Dry Goods Clothing House
of .asTOBxa..
The Largest Assortment of
ETer Shown In Astoria, All the Leading aud Standard Stylo in Soft. Stiff, and Flexible
The Most Complete Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods
Foreign and American.
Summer Suitings. Fine Clothing,
The heading
SeasideBatery & Confectionery.
W JzL'X ?
Because my Goods are the Best,
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candles etc., furnished for "Wedding
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite ii. IV. HnmeV.
Importer and wholesale dealer iu
i'lzara and Tobaccos, SmokerV Articles,
Plajlns Cards. Catlery, Sta
tionery. Etc.
The largest and finest stock of MEER
SCHAUM and AMBER GOODS In the city.
Particular attention paid to orders from
the country,
Tiiko.BRACKER, Manager.
Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon.
Corner Chenamus and Cass streets.
North Pacific
Furniture Emporium.
CSoo. A.ricasnncc, - - Prop'r.
Cor. 5th and Alder Sts. - - Portland, Or.
Straw Beds, per doz. - - 510.
Spring Beds, each, - $5. io $15.
In Raw Silk, Carpet, and other coyerine.
From $10. to 515.
Samples of cover and particulars by mail
if desired.