f31 gits SaJItj gssXzxlKvu 4S ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY APRIL 20, 1883 Hcnr Villanl left Portland yes terday for Puget Sound. County Treasurer Heilborn gives notice concerning county orders. Arndt & BoulHng's new steamer will be launched at llainier to-mor- B. F. Stevens it anions; the re tuminc passengers on the State this morning. The State is due this lnorniHg from S. F. Tiie Oregon leaves for S. F., to-morrow. The- old engine house has disap peared, and the hand engine along with other curiosities, ia stored away at the llain street wharf. The Edith took the Canity's place on the capo route yesterday, conse quent upon some slight disarange ment of the latter's machinery. The Escort No. 2. is expected here about the 1st inst. What she will do after she gets hero is a ques tion. There is no towing of any con sequence at present. "Forest green," "telegraph blue," "crushed strawberry,"' mashed goose berry," "shrimp pink," and "friod mush" are among the fashionable tiuts in spring suitings. The Melaniclion and Tarn O'Shan tcr went to sea yesterday. The Indi ana aud C. S. Hulbcrl are reported outside. The Miles arrived in from Gray's harbor yesterday. The boiler in the Portland plan inti null of Y. B. Cantrell exploded last Wednesday afternoon, killing the engineer, W. P. Gheen, and injuring his ton and the owner of tho mill. -The Weekly Astoria is out this morning, full of nows that you can read in no other paper. Buy a copy, and after j'uti have read it through send it to some one you know back east, in whose welfare you are interested. The two men who were supposed to bo drowned from boat No. 2, of Geo. Hurao, have turned up all right. Some of their comrades nn2in& their boat and net brought it up and re ported the drowning of its occupants; not so bad after all. Reports from below are to the effect that thero will bo a light run of salmon in the Sacramento this yoar. There ia no sure thing in reference to salmon one way or the other. The catch here has hardly begun yet; but few canneries care to put much gear in tho water till the run justifies it. Tho Coquiile mill and tug com pany's saw mill at Parkersburg, on Coquiile river, was burned last Satur day, and waB a total loss. The mill was entirely new and well equipped. It stood about a hundred yards' from the cannery of the Coquiile Packing Co., which was incorporated here about a month ago. From Mr. A. Knapp, of Knappa, we learn that Alex. Brownell, who has been cutting cord wood for him since last October, and who left there March 31st to go to Astoria in his skiff, intending to return soon, left Astoria on about April 4th, itend- incr. as he said, to "0 up to the Port age, where he left his skiff and to re turn to Knappa. Ho has not been seen since, and fears are expressed that he is lost, as much stormy and squally weather has prevailed for weeks past. Tho Seattle Herald has indispu table information that within the past thirty days upwards of fifty thousand dollars has bee"n invested in real estate in tho vicinity of Gray's Har qor. A deputation of San Francisco gentlemen in company with Gov. Newell, were inspecting the harbor a few days ago. It looks as though the next boom will bo in that direction. A Michigan mill company have perfected arrangements to erect a large sawmill on the harbor, which will cost a half million when completed. The Gray's Harbor and Olympia railroad will be in actual operation within a year. Already the capital is subscribed and the right of way has been given by the farmers and property-holders in the vicinity of the road. Hotel Arrivals. Shad and Carp . Large numbers of carp and a few shad have been received in Oregon from the Potomac hatcheries, near Washington City, during the past yoar. These fish have been distribu ted over the state in various quanti ties and are generally, as far as heard from, doing well. A gentleman who is largely interested in their distribu tion in Oregon waters says: "Shad are a peculiar fish, with home instincts. Take the little baby fish, scarcely an iuch loug, and put them in the Willamette at this place and they will find their way over the bar of the Columbia aud into the racihc ocean. J hey will return in three years to their home in the Willamette to spawn. They will then weigh two or three pounds. It is a singular thing that these fish can find their way back to the place in which they are first put in the water. A little shad an inch leug may be put into a river, go down to the ocean, stay tho allotted time there, and will then return to the spot where he was first deposited. Shad and carp are haudled in a peculiar yet very careful manner. We usually handle them in' a can holding ten or fifteen gallons each. In a ten-gallon can we will carry FIFTEEN On TWENTY Thousand fish. The little fellows are an immense amount of trouble, and it takes two men to manage them. The water has to ba changed every two or three hours. Por instance, we take a ten gallon can of water, in which we have, say, fifteen or twenty thousand little shad from three-quarters to an inch in length. When we want to change the water, which must bo done every two or three hours, we put a funnel shaped affair into the can, at the end of which funnel 13 a sieve through which tho fish cannot go. Tho water runs int the funnel through the sieve, and with a little piece of rubber hose w e then syphon tho wtor into a bjeket. That is, wo don't take quito all of it cmt. We then take tho bucket of water that has been drawn off and remove three large dippers of it. In place of that three dippers of water we put three dippers of ice water. They have to have ice water. Then with the dipper we dip up the water aud pour it back into tho bucket not in tho can ladle it as you do cano juice at a syrup mill. That oxygenizes the water. When that 13 thoroughly done we return the water to tho C311 and the fish have another rest for two or three hours. THE HATCHERIES. It is quito interesting to seo the shad hatcheries at Washington. All the shad that are hatched in Wash ington are hatched from eggs taken from the female shad caught in the Potomic river. An ordinary female fish will drop twenty thousand eggs, some more and some less. That is about tho average. A fish has to be "ripe" before Bhe is ready for the eggs to bo taken from her. An expert can easily tell when she is ripe. He takes her in his hands, with the back down and gently presses the eggs out into a smooth; polished pan, to which is add ed a small quantity of water. Then tho milt is taken from tho male fi3h and dropped into tho water, when the eggs, which before were perfectly clear, become gray and opaque after impregnation. Thoy are then pnt in to glass jars; or largo cones, through which thero is a continual supply of water passing, and tho eggs are kept in continual motion until the young fish are hatched out, which usually re quires about four days. They are im mediately put into cans and are then shipped to the different parts of the country. Eighty or eighty-five per cent, of the eggs taken from tho fe male fish hatch. Really more are hatched out of a given number by the artificial process than by the natural method. It is interesting to watch egga just before they hatch. First you see a little speck, then the eyes, then tho tail bpgins to wigtjle, then tho little fish comes out with a sack on the end of his chin, a very small sack in reality, but a very large sack for such a little fish. That sack is called his umbilical sack from which ho feeds uutil he is able to get his living from tho water. Ho is much more trouble some than tho young carp. They are raised in ponds and are the hardiest domesticated fish I suppose that are in existence." E. V. Vindicator. Lime-Kiln Club Philosophy. "Am Judge Perfection Smith in do hall this eveninl" asked the President as he laid aside his gavel and looked around him. "Yes, sah," answered a voice full of fishbones and shingle-nails shaken up together. "Please ambulate dis way." The Judge ambulated. He came up confident aiid smiling, expecting to receive a gold medal for inventing a mosquito-bar, which also catches rats. "Judge Smith," said the President ! in a solemn voice, "dar am a few lit tle things I desiah to spoke to yon about. Yon war' at de pos'ofliK de , odder d.tr to rent r box at 2.50 per quarter. All de mail dat you receive 1 in six months wouldn't light a kero- J sene lamp. Den why dis attempt to1 frow on style an' heap on agony?"' "I--I didn't rent one, sah," replied the culprit in a weak voice. ! "A few days ago"' continued the t President. "I oberheard you trottin out a Presidental candidate for 1834. Yon had your biggest voice, an" you was flmgin' your arms about, an' one would have thought you kuowed all about it. Judge Smith, you will havo no mo' to do wid de making of de nex' President of de United States dan one grain of sand will havo in makin' up de great Sahary desert," "No, sah dat's so, sah." "Let dis be a warnin' to you, sah. From dis time on you havo no candi date; doan' want one, an' take no in teres' in polyticks beyond what can be 'spected of cbery citizen. If any man axes you to toll him who am to bo de next Presidenl doan' you do it. Keep that information locked tight in your busurn. An' a day or two ago you denounced yourself as an advocate of a tariff. Judge Smith, do you know what a tariff is?" "N not zactly, sah, but I was gwine to read up on it." "Exactly; an' porhap3 you'd bettor read np on how to keop your mouf shct on what you doan' know an' what doan't affeck you! You am a pnrty lookiu' advocate; you am! While your wife needs shoes an' de chucn want clothes you walk aroun de market nid yer old white obercoat on to tell do world dat you doan' be lieve in dis or dat, or dat you am wedded to dis theory or opposed to dat one!" "I'ze sorry, sah. bizness right off." "See dat you do. right onless a man behind on his rent. Doctrines am all right when a family ain't shiberin' wid cold. Individual opinions count fur nuffin' when de individual can't rais cash 'uuf to get a patch on his boot. Go an' sot down, Judge Smith, an' doan lose a minit in star tin' on de road to reform." Free Press. I'll drap de hull Theories am all am two months Firemen's Tournament. JUST RECEIVED ! An immense shipment of AXD TRIMMINGS! Of the latest shades ami styles. We guarantee to sell our IKEillinery 25 per cent, Cheaper Than any other store this side of the Rockv Mountains. C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. HATS Trimmed on the shortest notice Competent Milliner. by REDUCTIONS IN EVERY LINE. Bargains in Dress Goods, Fancy Goods. Domestics. Gents' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ! -xVT- Sheriff Q'NeiUs Bankrupt Store, ISAACS & SITMMERFIELD. Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON Nitrous Oxirfc Gas. Painletoj extraction of teeth at Dr.i LaForccs dental rooms over I. W.I Case'i store. New ISiclt Blood. The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. FrnuU Falre'M Oyster and Chop House. The members of the committees ap pointed by the fire companies of this city to mate arrangements for tho forthcoming State Firemen's Tourna ment, to be held in this city, met in tho hall of Capital Engine company No. 1 last evening, to mate prelimi nary arrangements for the same. Hon. J. G. Wright was elected president and C. A. Gray secretary. F. E. Hodgkin secretory of the State Fire men's Association of Oregon, being present, was invited to participate in tho meeting, and stated briefly the object of the meeting, defining its du ties, etc On motion A. B. Croas man, Jas. Minto, and A. E. Strang were appointed a committee on fi nance, and Goo. H. Burnett, Owen Hatton, and C. A. Gray, a committee on transportation. The Ladies' Coffee Club of this city were upon motion cordially invited to aid the committee in entertaining our guests on that oc casion. Tho secretary of the Stato Firemen's Association wa3 upon mo tfon requested to secure if possible tho consent of the Board of Directors to change the date of the meeting from Juno 15th andlGth to Juuo 13th and 14th, thus enabling visiting fire men to attend the Pioneers' Reunion, which meets hero on the 15th of June. Adjourned to moet at tho call of the President. Salem Statesman ISth. Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or Shoalwntcr bay oysters cooked in any style, or an early breakfast before going aboard the boat, should call and see him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater bay oysters received by even- steamer. Popular Everywhere. Every family should have a bottle of Syrup of Figs constantly on hand. Its pleasant taste and benehcial effect make it popular everywhere, and the results aru better iioaitn aim fewer uoctors bills. It may be taken by old and younc by men anu women, under any and all circumstances. For sale by V. E. De ment fc Co. agents for Astoria. Hodge. Davis & Co- Whole-ale Agents, Portland, Oregon. An Old Man's Belief Havo used Parker's Ginger Tonic for my bad cough and hemn'orrhage I had twenty-five years. 1 feel like au other man since I used it. I am GO years past, lielieve it sure to cure younger persons. A. Onur, High spire, Pa. When you feel out of sorts, have the blues, melancholy, etc., it must be indigestion that ails yon. Brown's Iron Bitters cures it. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK -OF- Books and Stationery, - Yankee Notions, Toys, etc. PIAWOS ci) """nl OXLG-A.KTS, Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, -AXD- SILVERWARE. P. J. Goodman, on Clicnamus lrett has just received the latest am! most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. OCCIDENT. G W Jents, Bk Elsiuore; J G Meg ler & wife, Brookfield; A F Meigs & wife, J P Watson, S F; D P Thomp son, Miss Parks, H Hewctt, C A Cat ton, KSeelig, Portland; H M Holt, Honolulu; C B Wood, Neah Bay; D Blanchard, Rainier; C B Allen, Ft Canby. r-LREER. BOUSE. Ollio Clark, A Richard, City; Geo Von Langee, E Gandron, A Wah lers, M J Redding, S E Johnson, J H Beardon.Dan Wahlers, J Ranch, E E Blackwood, B H Rogers, Portland; H Lowell, N Olcen, Skamokawa; E X Chcadlc, Hoquium; If McClellan, City; Capt Thos Doig, tug Pioneer; F Albright, South Bend. ENJOY YOUR LIFE " Is good philosophy, but to do so yon must have health. If bilious and con stipated, or blood is out of order, ueo Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pel lets," which are mild, yet certain in their operation. Of all druggists. Bl&mkbookst Blankbooks. Station ery, Stationery. Just received, a large stock at Adler's Bookstore. On account of a great re duction in this line I am now prepared to sell 20 per cent, lower than old prices. Just received, the latest styles of Birthday Cards, also Weddinsr Cards. something new, in elegant variety, at Adler's Bookstore. The State of California which ar rives here to-day brings a large consignment of books and stationery tor B. F. Stevens & Co. Ladies and others contemplating the purchase of some thing really fine should wait and see the choice and fashionable styles that will be displayed. Go to the O. K. Lodging House corner Wcst-Dth and Water streets. Where so fast my friend? Why to Frank Fabres for a pan roast. Important Xotfcc to Fishermen hu a Others. Jeff, of the Variety Chop House, will give you the BEST 25-cent meal in town for cash. Board by the week S3, in ad vance. Meals at any hour, day or night Notice. For the genuine .1. 11. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the (Jem opposite tho hell tower, and sw Oami bell. Li-?, maiden, though you're keen of wit. And though of many charms possessed. You'll never, make a hit Unliss with pearly teeth you're blest. Unless upon your toilet stand. Your SOZODONS's kept clo.-e to hand. .All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumcry, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drue store, opposito OcMuVn hciel, Astoria. Bale's Hoxev ok Uokkiiound and Tak will arrest every ailment of the throat and chest. Pike's Toothache I)koi cur' in one minute. The Peruvian syrup nas cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to anyauuress. beta w . how it &Son' Boston. Shiloh's Cuius will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Ilcmedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement Baby Carriages, Velocipedes and Taney Goods of all Descriptions at Prices that Defy Competition, at CAUL ADLER'S. Kemember that on account of enlargement of my premises, I have reduced the price of ewrjtmng to muKe room. GREAT SACRIFICE! OF BOOTS AND SHOES For 20 Bays 1883. 1 A li 1883. STORE. Spring and. Summer Opening of New Goods Mr. 0. H. Cooper takes pleasure in informing the public that his importations of Spring and Summer Goods are now complete, and the general OPENING DAY WILL TAKE PLACE ON Thursday, April 5th. All are invited, and we will deem it a pleasure to show goods without any im portunity to purchase. THE I X Li, TEE LEADING Dry Goods Clothing House OF JLSTOBX&. OCCIDENT STORE. The Host Complete Stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Merino and Flannel Underwear! "WTiite, and French Percale Shirts! English and Domestic Hosiery! Latest XTo-sreltiss in STeckwear, etc., etc. Everybody's tastes ean be suited. Everybody's wants can be supplied. D. A. McINTOSH, I Th.e Leading I TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER and GENTS FURNISHER. 1 Dinner at JEFF'S Variety Chop House every day at 5 o'clock. The best 25 cent meal in town; seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jeff is the 'BOSS." ".Jeff,' the enterprising of the Variety Chop House, is i)rie(or oinga let- rushing business, lie has just compl ed the best ice house north of San Frs cisco, and intends selling ice and ice cream as soon as his apparatus arrives from Chicago. The finest pan roast in the city. W here, oh where ? At Frank Fabres. Decorating Suspension Hooks for ornamenting parlors, rooms and offices. No house can do without them. Don't spoil your walls. Always haudy. Go and see them at Adlers Bookstore. "Uackmetack," a lastmj ja'nt perfume. Price 25 anc (old by W. E. Dement. and fra W cents. Rheumatic, dyspeptic, atonic anccmic, paralytic poor wretched person, the OREGON BLOOD PU RIFIER cures such cases and sick ness. Indeed highly recommended by a vigorous body. "Jeff," of the Variety Chon House. is now ready to manufacture Ice Cream to order in any quantity for Balls, Socia bles. Private nouses, ota, and having the bestfacilities of anv place in "town guarantees to give satisfaction. Ice constantly on hand and for sale. Are your bowels constipated? Try tho OREGON BLOOD PORIFIER. For dressing the hair, and beautify ing it when gray, nothing is so satis factory as Parker's Ilair Balsam. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, von have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizcr. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement- Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a Canker Mouth. posi and tivc cure for Catarrh. Dintliena Sold by W.E. Dement, Whv will 3'ou cough when Shiloh's Cure wfll civo immediate relief. Price lOctsSOctsandSl. Sold by W.E. De ment. Steamer Days. Following is a resume of sailiug dates for ocean steamers for April and Mav. steamers leaving Astoria and San Francisco every three days: On account of removal I will sell my large and well .selected stock of Boots and Shoes amount in;; to over $6,000 At cost for the next 20 days. All thoe needing am thine in the line ol Ladles' and Gentlemen's or Children's Boots and Show will find it greatly to their Interest to jnve me a call, for 1 will wosltively sell my goods at cost rather than to be to the trouble oi innvinifiiirin iom new place oi ousiness. I..T.ARXOLD. Stockholders' Meeting. TUK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Astoria Iron Works, of Astoria, Clatsop Co., Oregon, will be held at the offlee of the secretary on Thursday, Anril 2fith. 1S53. at seven oclock i M.. for tho nurnoseof electing directors for the ensuinc year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Bv order of the Board of Directors. J. G HUSTLER, Secretary. Astoria, Oregon. April 14. 1833, dtd IT PAYS TO TRADE ITH ME ! WHO? FRANK ELBEKS0N, SeasideBaiery & ConTectionery. W JdLTT? Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candies etc., furnlshedfor Wedding parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite H. W. Hume's I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RS TAIL DEALER IN GEMAL MERCHAMSE ''orner Uhen&mus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON North Pacific Furniture Emporium. Prep'r. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer hi Clsars ami Tobaccos, Smokers' Article, Plajlnc Cards, Cattery, Sta tionery, Etr. The largest and finest stock of MEER SCHAUM and A3IBER GOODS in the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the country, ,, Thko.BRACKER, Manager. Chenaraus Street, Astoria. Oregon. Geo. A. Plcasance, - Cor. 5th and Alder Sts. - Portland, Or. Straw Beds, per doz. - - 510. Spring Beds, each, - $5. to 515. Lounges, In Raw Silk, Carpet, and other coyerine. From $10. to 515. Sampler of cover and particulars by mall if desired. FKOM ASTORIA April Orcron Saturday 21 State Tuesday 24 Columbia rouay s Oueen Monday 30 . ttayj Oresoninursaay 3 State Sunday 6 ColanibiaWcdnesdaT 9 Qucen.SaturdaY 12 OregomTuesday J5 State triuay is Columbla-lioniiay 21 Queem... Thursday 24 Oreeon Sunday 27 State Wednesday 30iQueea."Vednesday 30 FKOM SAX Fit AXC1SCO j at 10 A. m. April 1 Columbia Saturday 21 J Queen. Tuesday 24' Oregon...... Fridaj 27, State Monday 30 May 1 ColumblaThuisday 3 0.ueen..Z-.aunaay Oregon weuncsuay State Saturday 121 Columbi.iTuesday 15 j Queen- .. ..Friday is. Oregon Monday 21 State .Thursday 24 coiumDuiMinaay 'a REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! GEEAT SLAUGHTER OF GOODS ! New York Novelty Store Has to Move on the 1 st of May, And In order to save the breakage and damage in moving goods we will sell our entire stock Consisting of Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, Clocks, "Watches, And all the Brlc-a-Brac In our Store at lxl Francisco W Jiolesale HPxMcoS For the Balance of this Month only. Come one and all, and convince yourselves that we mean business. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Cor. Chenamus,and Main Streets,