0) Jrn Sglw PliJ .stmtfau, ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY- APRIL 19, 1883 The Queen Trent to sea yesterday. The State is due to-niorrovr. Mis A. R, Liise, the celebrated elocutionist, will read at Liberty Hall to-morrow night. The A. B. Field is advertised to leave for Tillamook at G o'clock next Thursday morning. The EUinorc still abides: ?ome of the crew being temporary guests of the Hotel de Tworably. Seventeen liquor dealers have been arrested in Portland for doing business without a license. Thirty miles of railroad on the Oregon extension from Riddle, will be ready for acceptance in a weeks time. Dr. Baker leaves by this morn ing's boat for Portland, to attend the bedside of his brother who is very sick. The funeral of the late Immanuel Johnson took place from Grace church yesterday afternoon, and was largely attended. Ed. D. Curtis & Co. call atten tion to the fact that they have some beautiful goods including carpets, furniture, wall paper, etc. All outside work in the city was yesterday pursued under the disad vantage of a steady rain which poured almost incessantly during the da'. Thos. H. Brents, announces a vacancy in the U. S. Xaval Academy, from Washington Territory. Those applying for examination must be be tween 14 and 18 years of age. The schoooers Kate and Anna and the Ona were lying at anchor at New port last Friday, waiting for a favora ble opportunity to make the passage over the bar. The Miles is still at Gray's harbor. The Central Pacific railroad which has been paying its men at Sacra mento twenty cents an hour for ten hours a day, has cut down the time to eight hours. S1.G0 cents a day is poor wages in California for a man with a family. The following programme is to be rendered at Liberty Hall, to-morrow evening, by Miss A. H. Luse: Too 'late for the train; Poe's Bells; Hunt ing a Mouse; Doom of Claudius and Cynthia; The dead doll; Rock of Ages; Phillip's first babjT; How Rubenstein played the piano. The East Portland Vindicator is giving some of its debtors a send off by advertising its claims against them as being for sale at fifty cents on the dollar. Eren should those parties be able to take with them after death the money that they beat that paper out of, it wouldn't do them any jjood, as it would be sure to melt. The Japanese pheasants that have been turned loose in Clatsop county, and which are said to be doing very well, will be more valuable for their plumage than their flesh. The wife of Consul Denny has presented a lady in wis city, says tno welcome, witn a bonnet made entirely of feathers ta ken from these birds, which embraces all the hues of the rainbow and is "beautiful beyond compare." To a proposition from Umatilla county farmers that if ho would build a road from Pendleton to Blue Moun tain, they would give him 30,000, Mr. Villard, last Tuesday, in Port land, answered that it was not the policy of the company he represented to tako subsidies; their intention was to furnish the cities of the northwest with all needed transportation facili ties at their own cost, and assured the committee he would himself take a look at tho country they represented at once, and that ho would see that the desired line of road was completed in time to move tho season's crop. Lost in the Breakers. Tho life of a Columbia river fisher man is a perilous one, and every year witnesses the make up of a melancholy roll of poor fellows whoso bodies aie swept to the ocean. The first lost this season, started down in boat 2u. 2 of Geo. Hume's cannery, last Tuesday morning and were last seen that after noon. Yesterday morning the boat was found full of water, at band Is land; but no sign of the two who man ed it. The captain's nanio was Otto Anderson, the name of the boat puller we were unable to learn. Blankbooksi Blanltbooks. Station ery, Stationery. Just received, a large stock at Adler's Bookstore. On account of a great re duction in this line I am now prepared to sell 20 per cent lower than old prices. Decorating Suspension Hooks for ornamenting parlors, rooms and offices. Xo house can do without them. Don't spoil your walls. Always haudy. Go and sec them at Adler's Bookstore To all kind friends that did tho last honor to Autrust Gieselmau at his fu neral I tender my best thanks for their sympatliy. J. F. VOSS. The friends of Emanuel Johnson (deceased), take this method of thanking the ladies of the choir of Grace church for the kind assistance rendered by them at the funeral service of deceased. Just received, the latest styles of Birthday Cards, also Wedding Cards, something new, in elegant variety, at Adler's Bookstore. Proper Action. The subject of the Astoria land grant is one in which every citizen cf Astoria feels a personal interest. Our Astoria chamber of commerce has on several occasions voiced public opinion by its actions relative thereto, and it is the opinion of that body that the present visit of Mr. Villard to this coast should be made the oppor tunity of meeting that gentleman relative to this important matter. The following telegram was 6ent from this city last Tuesday: Astoria, Aynl 17, 1883. Hekry Villabd, Esq., Peetlaxd: . I am instructed respectfully to inquire if, before you return east, you will meet a committee from the Astoria chamber of commerce, either here or at Portland, to discuss the subject of the Astoria land grant. E. C. Holden, Soct. y Astoria Chamber of Commerce. The following is Mr. Villard's reply: Portland, April 17, 1883. E. C. Holdek, Sechbtauy Astoria Chamber of Cemmerce: I will be very happy to meet a com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce here, but am obliged to postpone the meeting till next week as I shall be absent on Puget Sound meantime; I will suggest the day later. Very Truly, H. Villard. The chamber will accordingly ap point a committee to confer with Mr. Villard, whose position as head of the great railway system of tho northwest places valuo upon his viens and ac tions relative to a matter that has such intimate connection with our welfare. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDENT. It Hoyt, J McCraken, L Riechel, P If Warren, Portland; J F McCraken; H Holt, Honolulu; C AMcGuire and wife, Skipanon; J Harkley & daugh ter, Brookfield; Thos H Foss, John Days. TARKUU HOUSK. G P Brower, C R Hunt, Chadwell; N Sutton, C W Cooke, Portland; Jno Rickemell, C S Carruthers, D W Catterlin, C S Smith, F Davidson, Geo X Ren, H F Lund, City; J L Moore, J L Morgan, Westport; B A Seaborg, Ilwaco; Mrs F Malot, Port land; P C Warren, Skipanon; H A Mathews, str Quickstep. List of Lottcrs Remaining uncalled for in tho Post office at Astoria, Oregon, April 19th, 1883. Cousins, D 1 1 Mnrcovicli. Boco Clint, C H rederscn. P Congdon.Freil Puavola,L Cullins, John Saukkanen .Jolinn Dolva, Johan Taen, Adam Harker, Alfred Wolma, C llukala, Johan Persons calling for theso letters must give tho date they aro advertised. W. Chaxcb, P. M. Steamer Days. Following is a resume of sailing dates for ocean steamers for April and May, steamers leaving Astoria and San Francisco every three days: ritOM ASTORIA I April Queen-Wednesday 18 Oregon ..Saturday 21 State Tuesday 24 Columbia Friday 27 FROM SAX FRANCISCO at 10 A. m. April State. Wednesday 13 Columbia Saturday 21 Queen Tuesday 24 Oregon Fnuaj 27 State Mondav 30 ilay Quceu....Moiiday 30 Aia Oreson..Thursday 3 ColumbiaThursday 3 btatc bunciay c ColumbiaAVcdnewJay 8 Queen .bunuay 0 OregonWedncsday 9 Queen Saturday 12 Maic baiuraay n Columbia-Tuesday 15 Queen- Friday 18 Oregon luesaav is SUitc Friday 18 uommDiaMonnay 21 Queen.... Thursday 24 Oregon Monday 21 State .Thursday 24 uregon .auunay ColumbiaSunday 27 State Wednesday 30jQuecn-Wednesday 30 If you experience bad taste in tho mouth, sallowncss or yellow color of the skin, feel stupid and drowsy, ap petite unsteady' frequent headache or dizziness, yon are "bilious," and no thing will arouse your liver to action and strengthen up your system equal to Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis covery." By druggists. The State of California -which left San Francisco yesterday brings a large consignment of books and stationery lor B. F. Stevens & Co. Ladies and others contemplating the purchase of .somc- tmng reany line snouiu wait and sec the choice and fashionable styles that win be displayed in a lew days. SniLOii's CriiE will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Deniont. An Old Man's Belief Have used Parker's Ginger Tonic for my bad cough and hemmorrhage I had twenty-five years. 1 feel like an other man since I used it. I am GO years past. Believe it sure to cure younger persons. A. Orner, High spire, Pa. When you feel out of sorts, have the blues, melancholy, etc, it must be indigestion that ails you. Brown's Iron Bitters cures it. r. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria- for me lamous Lorrow shoes. Go to the O. K. Lodging House corner West-IUh and Water streets. Where so fast mv friend ? Whv to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast "Jeff," of the Variety Chop House, is now ready to manufacture Ice Cream to order in any quantity for Balls. Socia bles. Private Houses, etc, and having the bestfacilities of any place in town guarantees to give satisfaction. Ice constantly on hand and for sale. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best ot wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and sec Camp bell. Tho finest pan roast in the city. Y here, on where :' At rranir Jt aores. Rheumatic, dyspeptic, atonic ancemtc, paralytic poor wretched person, tho OREGON BLOOD PU RIFIER cures such cases and sick ness. Indeed"liighly recommended by a vigorous body. Important Xotice lo FIs hcran and Others. Jeff, of the Variety Chop House, will give you the BEST 25-cent meal in town for cash. Board by the week S3, in ad vance. Meals at any hour, day or night. ZVotice. Dinner at JEFF'S Variety Chop J louse everv dav at o o'clock. The best 25 cent meal in town; seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, puuuing, etc a glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who have tried him sav Jeff is the "BOSS."' Kilrons Oxitlo Gas. Painlivss retraction of teeth at Dr. LaForce's dental rooms oyer 1 Case" ktore. W. Xcw Rich Blood. The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. Hope fur UrunkHnN. My husband had drunken habits he could not overcome until Parker's Ginger Tonic took away his thirat for stimulants, restored his energy of mind and gave him strencth to at tend to business. Cincinnati Lady. Frank Fulres Oyster and Chop House. Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or Shoahvater bay oysters cooked in any style, or an early breakfast before going aboard the boat, should call and see him. Frc.h Eastern and Shoahvater bay oysters received by every iteamer. Popular Everywhere. Every family should have a bottle of Svrup of Figs constantly on hand. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effect make it popular everywhere, and the results an better -health and fewer doctor's bills. It may be taken by old and young by men and women, under any and all circumstances. For sale by W. E. De ment & Co. agents for Astoria. Hodge. Davis & Co.. Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. Glk.vn'.s Sui.piiui: Soap purifies the skin. 'Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye,' so cts. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. See Advertisement. A Xasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Jtemedy Price ZO cents. Sold by W. E. Dement For dressing the hair, and beautify ing it when gray, nothing is so satis factory as Parker's Hair Balsam. "Jeff,' the enterprising proprietor of the Variety Chop House, is doing a rushing business, lie has just complet ed the best ice house north of San 1 ran cisco, and intends selling ice and ice cream as soon as his apparatus arrives from Chicago. List, maiden, though you're keen of wit, And though of many charms possessed, You'll never, make a hit Unless with pearly teeth you're blest. Unless upon your toilet stand, Your SOZODOXS's kept close to hand. ' Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and jung complaints. 30 cents and.'Sl a bot tle All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Cerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W. Conn's druc store, opposite Ociden betel, Astoria. Hale's Hoxey of UoitKirotrxn ani Tah will arrest every ailment of the throat and chest Pike's Toothache Drops euro in one minute. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOctsSOctsandSl. Sold by W.E. De ment. Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure For salo by W. ji. uemonu For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed Guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails lo curu. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Catarrh Bemetly a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Domont CI1UKCII D1KECTORY. Grace Church Holy communion first Sunday of every month. Sunday services at 11 a. m., and 7 p. si. Wednes day evening service at 7 o'clock. Itev. M. D. Wilson, Hector. First Presbyterian Church Ser vices at 11 a. 31. and 7 p. 31. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7 o'clock. Itev. J. V. Milligan, Pastor. Congregational Church Services at 11 a. sr. and 7 p. sr. Kcv. J. W. Wal ters, Pastor. Homax Catholic Church Services atlO :90 a.m. Kev. L. Dielman, Pastor M. E. Church Services at 11 a. sr. and 7 p. 31. Lecture and Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. si. Bev. W. T. Chapman. Pastor. Baptist Church. Services every other Sunday. Sunday School at 2 p. si. Itev. Winfield Scott D. D. pastoral supply. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION ! Hereafter all our Pure Coffees will be put up under our own private label NONE GENUIHE Unless bought of A. 3L JOHNSON & CO. N. B. All goods bearing our label are guaranteed to be strictly Pure and of Best quality, and are sofd by no other House. Notice. mHE ASTORIA. GAS LIGHT Co.. OX OK JL about May lit, 1883. will fumWi Gas to consumers at the following rates : Up to 5 M icci icr Hiou in, at me raws 01 s-i3 per ll cubtc Icet. From 5 21 to 10 M feet per month at the rate of $45 per 1M feet, less 10 per ceut. rebate. Over 10 M lcet per month, and to all manufacturers who use gas for heat ing or mechanical purposes, at the rate of $1.25 per 1M feet, less 20 per cent, rebate. All bills will be payable monthly unless spe cial contracts are made. CHAS. S.TVRIGHT, President. C. H. PAGE. Sect'y. Astoria, Oregon,, April 14th, 1833. tf Es"HKjjKi;Sp" II A HHC! Trimmed on . the shortest notice by a I l.il I hJ Competent Milliner. REDUCTIONS IK EVERY LINE. Bargains in Dress Goods. Fancy Goods. Domestics, Gents' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ! .AT Sheriff O'ffei's Bankrupt Store, ISAACS & STLMMERFIELD. Corner Concnmly and Main Streets, FIRST GRAND j Clearance SALE! AT EMFIB.E STOEE PRIOR TO STOCK TAKING. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line of Dress Goods, Silks. Velvets, Plushes, Cashmeres and Armurcs. Laces. Hosiery, Corsets, Cloaks, Dolmans, Etc., etc. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FLANNEL COMFORTERS. Blankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. Prael Brothers. ASTORIA SAIL LOFT. A. hi. JOHNSON & CO., PROPR'S. HAVING CONSIDERABLY INCREASED our facilities forincctint; the demand of increase in boats this year we would re spectfully call the attention of CANNERY MEN And all others needing .sail?, to thfc fact. Prices Same as Last Year, WORK STILL BETTER. Drilling: and Best Quality of Rope on Hand. Our Work has Giren Satisfaction for Eight Years, And shall be made to do so while we are In tho business. FOR SALE ! I offer for sale my ranch near Skipa non in this Comity ; it consists of 160 ACRES, Eighty Acres improved, -milt good dwelling House; Two Barns, Out Houi.es, etc.; A Fine Orchard. Everything is well improved and in good condition. A large assortment of Farming Implements, Three l'asscnger Coaches-. One Buggy, IVine Head Horse. Cattle, Hogs. Etc. This affords a rare chance for a man to get a good home in the oldest settled section in the state. Terms favorable to one meaning busi ness. C. A. ItXAGIiIKE: BOZOBTH & JOHNS. - Real Estate Dealers. A. general agency business transacted Have Colombia City. Alderbrook. Astoria asd Seaside property for sale. JUST BECEIYED ! An immense shipment of AST) TRIMMINGS! Of the latest shades and styles. We guarantee to sell our XKEillinery 25 per cent, Cheaper Than any other store this side of the Rocky Mountains. ASTORIA, OREGON THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK -OF- Books and Stationery, Yankee Notions, Toys, etc. V ORGANS, Watches. Clocks, Jawelry, AM) SILVERWARE. Baby Carriages, Velocipedes and Pancy Goods of all Descriptions at Prices that Defy Competition, at CARL ADLER'S. Remember that on accountof enforcement of my premises, I have reduced tho price of everjinin; to mane room. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMiTHING, At Capr. Rogers old stand, come? of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Caunery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good -work guaranteed. GREAT SACRIFICE ! OF BOOTS AND SHOES ! For 20 Hays On account of removal I will sell my larce and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes amounting to over $6,000 At cost for the next 0 days. All those needing anything; in the line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's or Children's Boots and Shoes wdl find It greatly to their Interest to give me a call, for I will positively sell ray goods at cost rather than to be to tho trouble of moving them to my new placo of business. I.J.ARVOLD: REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! GREAT SLAUGHTER OF GOODS ! New Yorfs KTovelty Store Has to Move on the 1st of May, Aud in order to save tho breakage and damage in moving good3 we will sell our entire stock Consisting of Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Jewelry, and Silver "Ware, Clocks, Watches, And all the Brlc-a-Brac in our Store at San Frandlsoo "WTiolesale 3?oS For the Balance of this Month only. Come one and all. and convince yourselves that we mean business. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Cor. Chenamus, 0. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 1883. I X L STORE. Spring and. Summer Opening of New Goods Mr. 0. H. Cooper takes pleasure- in informing the public that his importations of Spring and Summer Goods are now complete, and the general OPENING OAY WILL TAKE PLACE OK Thursday, April 5th. 4? All are invited, and we will deem it a pleasure to show goods without any- im portunity to purchase. the: i xl, THE Z.EULSZSTC Dry Goods Clothing House OF JLSTOBXS.. OCCIDENT STORE. The Most Complete Stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Merino and Flannel Underwear! White, and French Percale Shirts! English and Domestic Hosiery! Zaatest XTovelties in Everybody's tastes can be suited. Everybody's wants can be supplied. D.A. Th.e Leading TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER IT pays TO TRATYR1 TtTPPTT AfkM J .LIbAlyU Y! 11 1U.1U . WHO? FRANK ELBEESON, Seasifle Baiery & ConfectionGry- VVJdLX ? Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candles etc., furnished for "Weddinz parties, on short notice, nd guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite ii. IV. JInme'H. L. K G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer In Cljcnr and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, PlaylBS Cards. Cutlery, Sta tionery. Etc. The largest and finest stock of MEER SCHAUM ahd AilBEK GOODS in the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the country, Theo.BRACKER, Manager. Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. 1 Bj? v. 1883, STeckwear, etc, eto. and GENTS FURNISHER. L w OASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND KB- I TAIL DEALER IN GfiHEBAL MERCHANDISE ''orner Cncuamus and Cass streets. AdTORIA. - - - OREGON North Pacific Furniture Emporium. 5eo. A. ricasancc, - - Prp'r. Cor. 5th and Alder Sts. - - Portland, Or. Straw Beds, per doz. - - S10. Spring Beds, each, - $5. to $15. Lounges, In Raw Silk, Carpet, and other coyerinz. From $10. to SI 5. Samples of cover and particulars by mall if dcired. i and Main Streets, SfL, I