O) glxs !& Qstoxxtoxa ASTORIA, OEEGON: SATURDAY APRIL 14, 18.-3 The Queen of the Pacific is due from San Francisco this morning with 181 cabin paxsengers. Eighteen years ago to-day Abra ham Lincoln was Bhot by John Wilkes Booth, at Ford's theater in Washing ton City. The New York Novelty store must move 3Iaj' 1st, and they prefer selling the goods at a BacriGce to mov ing them. See adv. Word cornea from Shoalwater bay thai a fishing boat drifted in on the beach bottom upward last Tues day. No identification. Prof. A. L. Francis, the well known piano tuner and musician, writes us from Victoria that he. will be here about the 25th msL It is thought that the collier Umatilla will be fitted up to accom modate passengers northward from San Francisco and help take the strain off the other reaiels belonging to the company. The Enrelta yeaterda' morning discharged the first consignment of pipe for the Columbia Waterworks; the Umatilla which is expected in to morrow has some more of tho 'same kind of iron. Attention is directed to the ad vertisement of the auction sale that takes place at E. C. Holden's at half past ten o'clock this morning. There will be some fine furniture, etc., offered for sale. The stealer Gen. Miles, which is owned by the llwaco Steam Naviga tion company, whose headquarters are at llwaco, W. T., is still in Gray's Harbor. Upon her return she will leave for Tillamook. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Prom April 3 to April 13,1883. D. E. and H. P. Pase to Colum bus Brown, lot 1, blk 11, McCluro'a AsTw&a; $2,500. State of Oregon to W. H. Burrage, N W i sec 30, T S N, R 7 V, 1G0 acres; $320. State of Oregon to C. W. Burrage, G33 acres T 8 N, R 8 W $12.CG. S. G., S. E. and F Ingalls to C. W. Fulton, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 79, Mc Cluro'a Astoria, $300. W. B. Headington to F. H. Ward, E i N E , und lots 1 and 2, sec 36, T8N, R 11 W; $1,100. C. Baltes to G T Davis, lot 7, blk 38, McClure's Astoria; SCO. L. C. Kinney to J. O. Bozorth, lot 1, blk 30, McChire'a Asteria: $500 A. P. and C. J. Beardaley to F. T. Jordan, lot 8, blk. 94, lot 1, blk 107, MeOInre'a Astoria, $175. F. T. and Mrs. F. T. Jordan to A. F. Johns, lot 8, blk 94, McClure's Astoria; $500. F. T. and Mra. F. T. Jordan to A. J. Megler, lot 1. blk 107, McClure's Astoria; $100. A. H. Stone to C. W. Burrage, J. A. H. Steel ami T. L. Eliot, N W S W $ sec 15, T 8 N, R 7 W; $G00. The Salmon Fleet Word comes from the Magnet that she ran into a log in one of the sloughs that head into Young's river and sank. The man that found her tied her tight, so she couldn't get away and now has a little claim for salvage. The Army & Navy Journal hints that Capt. John C. White, 1st Artil lery, may son bo retired, in which case 1st Lt. G. R. Shaw, of that regi ment, would bo promoted Captain. Capt. White went before a retiring board for examination some time ago, but the matter is as yet indefinite. From. Mr. Rob'L Carruthors who recently returned from a trip to Shoalwater bay, we learn that the oyster beds are giving evidence of re cuperating and that the damago oc casioned by the cold weather last winter is not so much as was at first feared, a fact which it is a pleasure to chronicle. Tho editor of the Seattle Herald in writing up an account of a supper he attended a few nights ago, says that "the viands consisted of Dry Mum French claret, and Hensey brandy." This is even worse than poor old Jack Falstaff who was willing that there should be one pennyworth of bread to "such a monstrous deal of sack." Now that the white sailed ships that spread theirj wings and fly to sea have for a season ceased to lino our docks, the more numeroui salmon fleet dot the blue waters of our nob'c river. Already the surface of the water is covered with dancing boats each man ed by a sturdy crew. In attendance on these is a smaller fleet of busy steam crafts, mostly Astoria built and owned. This season we have the A. Ji. Field, for Badollet & Co.; the Edith tending to ihe boats of J. G. Megler of Brookfield; the Argonaut which looks out for the boats of J. YY & V. Cook, of Clifton, and other steamers hourly arriving and going. The latest addition is tho Mountaineer, lying at Flavels dock. She is a trim little craft built on about the same model as tho Argonaut but smaller. She is about 75 feet long, and 1-i feet breadth of beam, and registers 24.88 tons. She was built at llwaco by Herbert Pcttit, had her machinery put in at Portland, and will, during tho fishing season run to tho Cape and back in the employ of John A. Devlin & Co. Tho first trip will be made on Monday. ASTORIA'S 1 STEADY GROWTH Kew Houses and More Business. Birthday Farty. Th Wide West has been tempo rarily removed for the accommodation of Mr. Yillard who arrives on the Qneen of ihe Pacific to-day, and who, upon arriving at Astoria, will take the former boat en route to Kalama and tho Sound. The Mountain Queen takes the place of the Wide West, and the Bonita goes on in place of the former boat. A merry party assembled last even ing the occasion being tho celebration of Herman Prael's twenty-first birth day. Among tli03e who were present may bo mentiened: Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Mcintosh, Mis ses Allie Gibson, Clara Strang, Daisie Payne, Dora Badollct, Winnie Crang, Marion Trenchard, Maude Hobson, Lottie Goodall, Jennie Crang, O. Elliott, Nellie Carnahan, Laura Worsley, Kate Davidson, Fannie Dickinson, Ellen Brycc, Laura Heil- born, Olgie Heilborn, Josie Bryce, Ettie Hobson, Ella Anderson, Mes srs. H. C. Thompson, W. L. Robb, Jas. Thompson, Otto Heilborn, G Richardson, Thos. Crang, Geo. P. Wheeler, F. W. Newell, Jas. David son, W. L. Garretson, L. A. Allen, AlBie Fox, Win. Sherman, H. G. Van Dusen, B VanDusen, R. Prael, Jno. Bryce, W. E. Warren, Scott Bozorth and F. Pracl. About 9:30 dxneing begun, and at eleven refreshments were served. Mr. Pracl was tho re cipient of many hearty congratulations upon his advent into manhood, and after many kindly good-uighta, the company separated. A Knapptou man troubled with insomnia was told that he would be cured by going to bed, closing his eyes and picturing in his mind a flock of sheep jumping a fence one at a time. This experiment nearly made him in sane. "I jumped about 2,000 over the fence," he says, "and there were aVout 1,000,000 left. Sleep! I'd given $1,000 not to see those sheep jump that fence. I could have gone to sleep right awaT but for th 2,000, 000 stupid, white-faced sheep stand ing waiting like a lot of fools for me to jump 'em over the fence. Jump 'em, did I say? I had to boost 'em. driv'cm, hoist every one of those 6,000,000 sheep over that pasture fence, and when T turned and looked back there wero 13,000,000 sheep, stupid, black-faced, white, woolly imps waiting there, each saying, Me too; my turn next.' " Arm Amputated. Tho steamer Eureka arrived in yes terday from San Francisco with freight for the Columbia river and points to the north. She left San Fr&ncisco last Monday. When 24 hours out one of the oilers in the engine room named B. A. Hurlburt, met with a dreadful accident, having his left arm caught in the machinery, one of the engine valves sheering laterally across and severing the limb just below the el bow. The stump was bandagod up and attended to as wall as possible. Upon the arrival of the boat at this port the injured man was conveyed to St Mary's Hospital where the arm was properly amputated, and dressed. Last evening the patient was resting easily. Draw back entries, bills of lading, and legal blauks on hand or printed to order at lowest prices at The AsToniAX job office. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDBXT. JO Chown, H M Wcstervelt & wife. J D Shaw. A F Wobb. Portland T J Harris, G E Johnson, Lafayette; Capt K Olney, Seattle; NY E Wen gant, Washington; Jno Kiernan, Pillar Rock; J Walsh, Seaside; Jno. Thomas, Clatsop; Geo T Myers, Fisherton; O B Wirt, Clatsop. Building seems to bo the principal thing going on. Every where are piles of lumber and busy workers. The aew building on the lot this side of Ike Fosters will soon bo completed. On the other side of the street three new buildings havw lately been erect ed, and. of course found immediate i occupancy. Farther up the lumber is being got out for a two story struc ture that J. W. Hume is goiug to put up opposite Barth & Meyers. Com ing west we find Genevieve street completed from Chenamus to Squt- J moqua, fifty feet wide, giving E. It. Hawes and A VuuDnscn all tlh? ad- J vantages that a corner location confers, j Sidewalks are being laid, and it is ihe J intention t continue the a:ret Sr, blocks to tie uuth, which will in iJe the demolition f the shed under! which the old hand engine finds shel ter. The bell tower too must gi; it removal to the quarters assigned to it in the rear of the city hall will deter mine the time when Capt. FJavel will build substantial structures on its present site. On the south side of the street Hiram Brown b putting up a frame building to be occupied by I. J. Arvold as a bout and shoe store. Just west of Jackins & Parks, W. B. Head ington is putting the finishing touches to a building, tho property of I. W. Case. This is built in a man ner which seems to us is worthy of ob servance wherever practicable. Th building is put up in tho middle of tho lot, leaving sufficient space on each side to admit of a team being driven around the promises. Should a fire break out in the vicinity tho convenience of having a place to sta tion an engine constitutes no sm ill part of tho desirability attached to having plenty of room. This building Hill bo occupied by Mrs. E. S. War ren as a millinery establishment. On tho corner the Odd Fellows' building is in process of completion. It was thought the hall would be finishod by April 2Gth, and that that date, the G4th anniversary of tho founding of the order would be made the occasion of a grand dedicatory ceremony on the part of Beaver Lodge No. 35, but as it was found, impracticable to complete tho rooms in the stylo intended by that time, tho idea was abandoned. Messrs. Case and Megler were in Portland a few days ago to see about procuring suitable furnituro and Capt. Reed went up yesterday afternoon on tlm same errand. The trustees have bids from Astoria, Portland and San Francisco, the furnituro is to cost about $3,000 to bo built with direct reference to tho use for which it is in tended, and will bo of the best materi al and workmanship. The lower floors have been let with the exception of tho premises on Cass street which is still in abeyance. The second story front suite has been rented by Dr. La Force, the other suites will probably be occupied by officer and for private families. Suprenant & Ferguson have found time enough from their other work to put up a building south of the Odd Fellows', which will, wo believe, be divided into three suites of rooms and used for office purposes. This brings us up to Jefferson street. On the corner of Main, L. Hartwig is putting up a threo story building 25x40 for E. C. Holdcn, and further up A. Mont gomery is about to put up a dwelling house. At the Parker House men are busy patting on an addition which will place the whole under one roof and add additional accommodation to that popular hotel. Opposite the post office and on Coucomly street below, are other buildings going up which are already engaged at prices which render their construction profitable. The late substantial improvements on Chenamus street are being sup plemented by some street repairs in front of the Occidcut which were badly needed. The other buildings of which men tion has been previously mado are fast approaching completion. A good many new ones are completed. Among others, Capt. J. D. Merryuian is about to build a substantial dwelling house on his property. JUST RECEIVED ! aii iuimenM shipment of .O..H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. AXD TRIMMINGS 1 Of tut' latest shades and styles. WV guarantee to sell out 25 per cent, Cheaper J'han anv other store this side of tin- itockv Mountains. HATS Trimmed on the shortest notice Competent Milliner. by EEDTTCTIONS Itf EVEEY LINE. Bargains in Dress Goods. Fancy Goods. Domestics, Gents' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ! AT Sheriff QNeis Bankrupt StQ?e3 ISAACS & STTMMERFIELD. Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON Notice. GREAT SACRIFICE! DinnPr at JEFF'S Variety Chop -House every day at 3 o'clock. The best , 25 cent meal in town; seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A ! glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or ! coffee included. AH who have tried ' him say J eff is the "UOSS." OF BOOTS AND SHOES For 20 Days V i $ "' 1888. IXL 1883. STORE. ring nmmer Opening of flew Goods Mr. C. EL Cooper takes pleasure in informing the public that his importations of Spring and Summer Goods are now complete, and the general . OPENING DAY WILL TAKE PLACE 01 Thursday, April 5th. All are invited, and we will deem it a pleasure to show goods without any im portunity to purchase. On accouut of removal I will sell my large and well selected stock of Hoots and Shoes amounting to over $6,000 At rot for the next 20 days. Hope Tor Drunkard. Jly husband had drunken habits ho J could not overcome until Parker's Ginger Touic took away his thirst for I stimulants, restored his enemy of! mind and gave him strength to at-, A1,th0M needing anvthing in the lino or tend to business. Cincinnati Jj-idy. : Ladles' and Gentlemen's or Children's Boots ana anocs win nnti u greatly to tneinnterost : to give me a call. Tor 1 will positively sell my To ti- TJV.1- fni o9 Soods at cost Hither than to be to the trouble There can be no argument as to the qualities essential to a perfect remedy for the ills arlsins from a disordered or inactive condition of the liver, stomach ! and bowels. Everyone will admit that ;; it should be perfectly safe lor out ami young of both sexes, at any and all times"; that it should bo acceptable both to the taste and the stomach; that it should never fail to act promptly and thoroughly, yet painlessly, and it should give strength to those organs. It is now well known that Syrup of Figs pos sesses those qualities in a pre-eminent degree. W. E. Dement is agent for Astoria. Hodge. Davis & Co.. Wholesale. Agents, Portland, Oregon. AgffiSV I. J. ARVOLD. LEATHERS BROS. BOAT BUILD BS, Up Stairs Over Arndt & Ferchcn's Shop. Call and examine the work we are doing and bee the wood wc are using, before mak ing a trade elsewhere. FIRST-CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. IVilrous Oxiilc Giw. Painless extraction of teeth at LaForccs dental rooms over 1. Case's store. Dr. V. Nevr Kicli Blood. FISHERMEN ATTENTION ! Boats for Sale. AXY ONE WANTING FIRST-CLASS fishing boats can have one or more at short notice by applying to I IjKATUEUm BROS. Over Arndt & Ferehen's Machine Shop. I All kinds of boat repairing i promptly attended to. The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. Dvsnensia. heart. burn nausea, m digestion, etc, are always relieved by j Brown a Iron .Bitters. j Shlloh's Vital izer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and nil svmptonis of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. .Sold by W. E. Dement. For dressing the hair, and beautify ing it when gray, nothing is so satis factory as Parker's Hair Balsam. Cold boiled ham. brown bread and Boston baked beans at "JeffV Variety Chop House every night, near Stephans Theatre sign of tho red and green light. Open all night. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. Dement. ! Millinery, Spring Stock. 1 -?1 ritS. MALCOLM HAS JUST RECEIVED JLyA a splendid new stock of HlKIXG MILLINERY, Which she Is seliinc at Prices so low that la dies will Und it to their interest to give her a call oeiorc going eisewiiere. A large assort ment of HAIR GOODS At reasonable prices. dtf "G. A. STINSON & CO., ' BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Ca3S and Court Streets. T H XS I X I? TEE ZiK&DZSTG Dry Goods 3 Clothing House of 2.sto:bx&. OCCIDENT STORE. Spring Stock of LOT mih! Just received a full stock of the Finest ait most reliable Men's Youths' anil Boys' Clotting. Best Goods a Lowest Prices ! D. A. McINTOSH, The Leading TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER and GENTS FURNISHER. Shin and Cannery work. Wagons made and repaired. Good guaranteed. Florseshoelne. work Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. Sec Advertisement. North Pacific Furniture Emporium. Cieo. A.ricasnncc, - - Prop'r. Cor. oth and Alder Sts. P. J. Goodman, on Cheuamus street has just received the latest and most fashionable style of Rents and ladies ! Straw Beds, per Q0Z. boots, shoes, etc. Agent iu Astoria fur j q. Bd h the famous Morrow shoes. opnng oeus, eacn, - Portland, Or. rxcrEB iioush. J Coshen, W F Smith, Nienbera, P Hendricks, llwaco; W J Smith, Hood River; A Fralay, J Barker, Y Kellgress, N Nygrest, J Pickemell, W Powers, H Hughes, J F Hixson, J Smith, C W Carruthers, G Christie, T R Coon, G E Burrows, D Gurae, E Houghton, City; B Attuhul, G Van Langeo, O Clark, N A Spayth, Mur ray & wife, Portland; lliss K Bunn, Salem; A Houghton, Seaside; T Lee, Lebanon; A Wahlers, Portland. BITLE4 OF TUB SKA. 3Iusical. I have the agency of the Beatty Or gans and Pianos, and will sell the same very low for cash, or on time with the proper security. Persons desiring to put chase an organ for either church or family use will find it to their interest to call at my residence and ascertain prices. Five years guarantee eivenif desired. L ii.uaix. New styles CarlAdlers. of lby carriages at For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbonand the best ot wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite tho bell tower, and see Camp bell. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden hctel, Astoria. done : blankets and woolen goods nice Iv cleaned, at Sirs. Ellen Farrells, near Kinney's Cannery, left hand side of the street Apropos of the recent marine collis ions, the following clever versification of marine regulations is quetable: Steamers meeting fair on end, Three lights open, masts in one. In such a case have naught to fear. Each ports her helm and passes clear. It on your starboard bow or beam, A steamer's red port light should gleam,. Be prompt to act without delay, Yours is the ship that must give way. To every vessel under sail. A steamer gives way, without fail, Unless a case comes into view, Of a sailing ship o'crtaking you. "When on your port bow you sight A crossing steamer's starboard light, iie cautious now you go ahead, While her green light shows to vour red. When you are approaching to, A ship that should keep clear of vou, This rule then conies into force," That you are bound to hold vour course. If in a special case jou see, That you can save a casualty. Then bytheserules you arc not bound, But exercise a judgment sound. It is not by these rules advised, To part from customs recognized, ilind the lights, bright green and red, The land, the log, lookout and lead. Fishermen's Boat Clocks by the him-; dreds, low down, atuari Adiers. spe cial reduction to cannerymen. Go to the O. K. Lodging Houc corner West-yth and Water streets. Where so fast my friend? Why to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast. The finest pan roast in the city. Where, oh where? At Frank Fabres. Cannerymen will do well hi exam ine Carl Adler's full stock of books and stationery. Everything you need you will find there at lowest prices. When the scalp is annoyed with dandruff, Glenn's Sitlpiiuk Soap will be found infallible. Hill's HaikDyk, black or brown, .10 cts. Now Jeff of the Variety Chop House starts with a new scale of prices. One kind of meat, fish or eggs with side dishes, bread, butter, hot cakes, pic, tea, coffee, &c, -J5 cents. Anything extra will be charged for. Board by the week S5 in advance. K. L. .iKFFr.Y, Proprietor. - - S10. $5. toS15. Lounges. In Kaw Silk, Carper, and other eoverinir. From $10. to $15. Samples of cover and particulars by mall II desired. Important ! ! Rend Carefully II! Hereafter all our Pure Coffees will be put up under our own private label NONE GENUINE Unless bought of A. M. JOHNSON & CO. N. B. All goods bearing our label are guaranteed to be strictly ( Pure and of Best quality, and are sold by no other House. For Sale. milE WHOLE OR HALF INTEREST IX JL a goodnaying restaurant just opened in this citv. TitLs Is a good chance for the right man. For particulars inquire at this oulcc. lw Furnished Rooms to Let. T MRS. GEO. lflLLER'S, NEXT TO X. w feston Hotel. tf I. W. CASE, LMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND HH TAIL DEALER IN GESERAL MERCHAMSE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA .... OREGON HARNESS SHOP. A J. CLOUTRIK ANNOUNCES TO THE citizens ot Astoria that on the 24th Inst., he will open a HAKXESS AND SADDLE 8IIOP BELOW TUB PAKKER HOCSE, Where a full supply twill be found. Re pairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Yoar Patronage Solicited. IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH ME ! "WHO? ERANK ELBERSON, SeasifleBaierj & Confectionery. Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. parties, on short notice', and guaranteed to i give perfect satisfaction. ' Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite ii. TV. Hume's. Avcrill's mixed paints, the host in use, for sale at J. "W. Conius drujj store, opposite Occident Hotel. If you aro bilious, take Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Pargativo Pellets." the or iginal "Little Liver Pills." Of all druggists. Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and mug complaints. 50 cents andj$l a bot tle. That Hacking Cough can ho so by smions Sold by "W.E. Dement. guarantee It REMOVAL I REMOVAL I GBEAT SLAUGHTER OF GOODS ! New York Novelty Store Has to Move on the 1 st of May, And in order to save tho breakage and damage in moving goods we will sell our entire stock Consisting of Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, Clocks, Watches, And all the Brlc-a-Brac in our Store at San ZForetixolsoo W JfcioXesstl Prices For the Balance of this Month only. Come one and all, and convince yourselves that we mean business. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Cor. Chenamus, and Main Streets.