0) ( Attf mirffirtt Qa Vol. xix. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, April 7, 1883 No. 6. THE NORTHERN PACIFIC. To the inquiry, when will the missing link of the Northern Pacific disappear, Agent Clark says, in the first part of August probably, before that month closes certainly. The gap at present is 280 miles. Track laying is pro gressing from each end. On the westward division two miles per day is going down, on the eastern end a mile and a half. As soon as, the work is a little more advanced greater strides on each end will be made. The switch back around Bozeman tunnel will be ready when the road is, and the tunnel itself will be open in November. Clark said fervently, "I'm through with Chinese, heaven be praised." He has now about 2,000 men at work laying track, building bridg es and surfacing. They left the couutry over which they worked Sahara like in appearance, a per fect desert, without settlement and scarcely a shanty. Where Scan dinavians had worked, on the con trary, little hamlets sprang into existence, and the marks of human habitations were plenty. The Scandinavian wanted a job, and when he got it worked like a Tro jan, while Johnny Chinaman worked for Johnny Chinaman, and the ever present hope of a speedy return with lots of "Melican dollee" to the land of his birth. Clark said Dagos did well enough but the Scandinavian was the best of all foreigners. Gen. Anderson, chief engineer of the Northern Pacific, who is with Clark, affirms all that is said by fcthe latter as to the time of connection, and says settlements are springing up like mushrooms. He is confident that the bulk of the East India trade will come via the Northern Pacific when it is completed. At present ships from the East Indies traveling on what is called the great circle, reach the Pacific coast about in the latitude of Puget Sound, and have to go GOO miles south to market. Another famous name is now added to the remarkable death list of distinguished men furnished by the year 1883. Its earliest hours brought tidings that Gambetta was no more; the death of Chanzy, one of the most illustrious of the French generals, soon followed; presently came that of Prince Charles, the biother of Emperor "William; the following day died Gustave Dore, and three days later Flotow. The next noted name to be added to the catalogue was that of Sir Salar Jung; upon his followed that of Wagner; Lord Selbourne's death occured only last week, and this was succeeded by that of the old Greek states man Coumounduros, and this in turn by that of the Russian Gort schakofF. During the same period many men of national celebrity, and one, at least, of wider fame, havo died on this side of the At lantic. The first to go was Judge Allen, Hawaiian minister to the United States, then followed Sen ator Lot M". Merrill; and then in rapid succession, the sculptor Clark Mills, Dr. Beard, William E. Dodge, Marshall Jewell, the actor Thome, Edwin D. Morgan, George Dawson, Alexander H. Stephens and Peter Cooper. Other names, nearly or quite as well known could be added to this list, which is already long for so small a fraction of the year. A woman was the only passen ger in a Montana stage except her baby, whom she wrapped in her fur clo&k, leaving herself unpro tected from the zero temperature. The driver saw that she was be numbed and would freeze to death unless roused to violent exercise. He dragged her from the coach and left her by the roadside. "Oh my baby!" she cried. The driver cracked his whip. The stage flew -over the snow with the woman running after. The race was -kept up for nearly two miles, when the driver took the mother in -again and wrapped his coat around her. He bad warmed her blood .-and's&ved Tier life. To Protect Timber Against Fire. The following notice is being extensively circulated throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and is of interest to all cencerned: Department of tue Interior, ) General Land Office, Washington, D. C. Mch. 8,1SS3 ) The attention of the public is called to the fact that large quan tities of public timber is annually destroyed by forest fires which, in many cases, originate through the carelessness of hunting, prospect ing and other camping parties; while in some instances they occur through design, I take this meth od of warning all persons that, hereafter, the cause and origin of all forest fires will be closely in vestigated, and where the fire is ascertained to have originated through either carelessness or de sign, the parties implicated will be prosecuted to (fie fall extent oj the lata. Special timber agents are here by directed to proceed against all offenders under the local laws of the state or territory, relating to unlawful setting out of fires, in which the same may occur. The public, generally, are requested to aid the officers of the government in its efforts to check the evil re ferred to, and in the punishment of all offenders. N. C. McFaklaxd, Commissioner. Tho "Way a Swede Sees it. Pervading all classes of the Swedish people and controlling them in their plans and ideas is that strong vein of practical com mon sense which insures a conser vatism of conduct and action that proves of singular benefit to them in their daily dealings with men. If one knows a good thing they are all sure to know it sooner or later. These were our impressions while persuing a few lines from Mr. B. C. Sandberg, of Ogden, Weber county, Utah, wherein he says: I have used St. Jacobs Oi and I wish to tell my countrymen that it is the very best remedy I have ever tried for rheumatism. It is with pleasure that "ve also present the name of a well-known citizen who can speak intelligently concernicg thcGreatGermanKeme dy. Everybody living on the South side knows Mr. J. D. L. Harvey, a gentleman who has been a resi dent of Chicago for twenty years. His establishment, "the Palace market," Nos. 10, 100, 10S Twenty-second street, is probably the finest of its kind in the city, and numbers among its customers most of the aristocratic families of that section of Chicago. Mr. Harvey expressed himself upon the "oil subject" as follews: "I have spent over 2,000 to cure my wife of rheumatism. Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil accomplished what all the medical treatment failed to Drinjr about, l resara it as a greater discovery than electricity. It is a boon to the human race, and I am glad to have this op portunity of testifying to its re markable efficiency. I cannot speak too highly of it, and would be recreant to my duty to those afflicted did I not lift my voice in its praise." To render tho writing perfectly legiblo on all books, records, parchments, etc., tho following process will prove valuable: First moisten the paper or parch ment with water, then pass over the written lines a brush which has been dipped 3into a solution of sulphide of ammonia. The writ ing will appear quite dark in color, and this color, in the case of parch ment, it will preserve. On paper, however, the color gradually fades away, but it may be restored at pleasure by the application of the sulphide. The explanation of the action of this substance is very simple: the iron which enters into the composition of the ink is trans formed by the reaction into the black sulphide. Freeman, the escaped mulatto convict from Seatco, returned to his old home near Kalama, and was carried back to prison by his father, who refused tho $50 re ward, declaring: "No sah; I takes no blood money!" A printer's towel fell out of third story window in a New Jersey town the ether day, and racked a paving stone. The crash was beard two blocks away, Very elaborate preparations are making for the coronation of the Czar. Many hundred horses are being transferred from the impe-j rial stables at St. Petersburg to I Moscow to be used in the grand 1 pageant. Forty stable carriages' are -to be in line on that occasion.! Some of these are historic vehicles j and many of them are ancient. Among them is the magnificent' gilded carriage which was present ed to the Empress Elizabeth of Russia by Frederick the Great in 174G. Among the horses appoint ed to draw these carriages are fifty-nine imported from Hanover expressly for this purpose. Mos cow is alrea-ly preparing to enter tain royally the numerous guests. None of the persons invited by thej monarch are to be lodged in hotels; the houses of the notables, the no bilit' and the dignitaries of the church are open to them. The entertainment will he no cheap af fair. Fifteen thousand roubles are to be expended on ball-room decorations, and altogether one fete to be had at the charge of the nobility of the ancient capital is likely to costnot less than 100,000 roubles, or $80,000. "White, sunny picturesque," writes a Mexican correspondent, "the ancient city of Chihuahua is worth a long journey to see and study, especially in the dawn of the strange and new reawakening that treads just now on the fleeting heels of time. What a study for a painter was the church plaza when 1 looked upon it in the earlier hours of the dar, framed against the dark lines of distant Sierras, so brown and gray in color and tone and arched over by the mar velous blue sky. The wonderful purity of the air touches the lungs as fine wine spurs the blood and stimulates the nerves. To breathe in it is quaffing of unbottled ozone, and makes the sluggish veins of autumn age burn and thrill with the fire of spring days." A Bridgeport, Conn., man has inside of a week forced blossoms on a branch cut from a cherry tree. He kept it in water and mixed with, the water the first day five grains oi nitrate of soda and increased the dose one grain every day, giving all the sunlight possi ble. Before long the buds began to swell and finally burst, continu ing in their growth until bunches of blossoms appeared. He declares that he will have full developed cherries in two or three weeks. A kite was made near Roches ter, N. Y., recently of lumber two inches wide by half an inch in thickness. It was covered with Manila paper and the surface con tained nearly 250 square feet. The string by which the kite was flown was of three-eight-inch rope and 5,000 feet in length. It shot into the air like a balloon,and after floating a mile high for two hours was brought down by means of a pulley and team. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity. strength and whtHesomeneas. More economical man me ordinary Kinds, ana cannot be sold in comnetltlon with the mul titude of low test short welsht, alum or pnospnate powders, soiaoniyin can, liov acBakixg Powdek Co., iog Wall-st. N. Y. BOZORTH & JOHNS. Real Estate Dealers. A ceneral aeencv business tranarted Have Columbia City. Alderbrook, Astoria lau ocasHic inuperi.v jura&ie. I I H H6 r " H B 53 JTOIfc EHEUI Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, a urns ana Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headacho, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil u safe, aurCf simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the coraparatlvelj trifling outlay or 50 Cents, and ercry one inher ing with ria can hare cheap and podtlTe proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven L&ngnagK. GOLD BY ALLDBUGGISTS AHDBEALIEB IN HEDI0IHE. A. VOGKLER &, CO,, ZalUmcre, iTit. 77. . A. During the year 1SS2, the Chi cago and Northwestern railway company transported 29,U4S emi grants into central Dakota. Emi grant movables to the amount of 138,340 tons also passed over the line for central Dakota. Estimat ing the number of emigrants per car at forty, the Northwestern carried 7-9 carloads, an average of abouttwo carloads per day. Some prospectors went over to Gray's river not long since, after being exposed'to the scarlet fever, and gave the disease to several families. As no doctor could be be procured in time tho result was six or seven deaths in the families where the prospectors stayed. Great indignation exists in that neighborhood in consequence. Hellroaring Creek is the eupho nious name of the noisiest Iribu tary of the Upper Yellowstone. Its location is within the bounda ries of the National Park, and it tumbles from the rocky declivities into the river above the third canyon. MOTHERS. READ. Gents: About nine ynrs ngo I Iind a child two years old and almost dead. The doctor I had attending her could not tell wlu.t ailed her. 1 asked him If he did not think It was worms. lie said no. How ever, this did not satisfy me, as I f t ion vinced in ray own mind that Mu h-.d. I obtained a bottle of 1U. C. McI.Aj;S CKLKBRATrDVKUMlFUGrenuinej. I gave her a teaspoonfnl in the lunriiins and another atnight,nfterwhich she irccd seventy-two worms and was a well child. Since then I have never been without It lu my family. The health of my cli'Mren remained o good that I had neglected watching their actions until about thrru weeks ago, when two of them presented the same hlckly appearance that Fanny did nine years ago. So I thought it jm:-a be worms, arid went to "work at on o with a bottle of IK. C. McIVXirs YIMSMI FUGK between four of my children, thtdr ages being as follews: Alice, h yenrs; t har lcy,4years; Emma, G years; John.Uycnrs Now comes the result: Alice and Emma cameoutallrlght,but Charley vi&.cd forty five and Jonnuy about Msty worms. The result was so gratifying that I a-pcnl two days in showing tho wonderful cfltvt of Jrour Vermifuge around I'tica, and now nivc tho worms on exhibition in my ore. Yours truly, JOHN PIPER. The genuine IU. C jrelANE'S VER MlFt'GU is manufactured only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ioar the signatures of C. MeLnno and Fleming llros. It Is never made In St. Louis or Wheeling. Il sure you get the genuine Price, 25 cents n bottle. FLEMDIG BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. King of the Blood Is not a "cure all," It is a blood-punfler and tonic. Impurity of the blood poisons the sys tem, deranges tue circulation, and thus in duces imuiv disorders, known by different names to dlstiugubh them according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity or Itlood. Such are Dirrton, JlillimumaM, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Kernm Dis order. Headache, Backache, General iVeah now. Heart Disease, Dmitsy. Kidr.cu Duscate, Pile, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrnftda, Skin Disorders, PimplCA. Ulcer. SuxWuu, dc Ac. Kins of the Blood prevents and cures these by attacking the cawc. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and physicians agree in calling it "the most genuine and efllclent preparation for the puntose." Sold by Drug gists, SI per bottle. Sep testimonials, direc tions, &c. In pamphlet, TreatLse on Diseases oi the lllood." wrapped around each bottle. D. RANSOM. SON Si Co., Props Ruflalo. N. Y. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. . Dement ATKW zt. jou:;so. A. IS. JOHNSON & Co., Dealers In CROCKERY & CLASS WARE. Also "Wholesale Dealers In Pnintq. Oils, Yarnislics, Glass, rutty. Artists' Oil and "Water Colors, Paint and Kalso- xuine Hrtislics. Constantly on hand a full and choice stock of Staple and Fancv Groceries Only tho 3st lu-nt. Our stock r Crockery and. Glass Ware It the littrsest and most Complete Stock over opened In Astoria. Consisting of Tea and Dinner Sot's, Toilet Sets. Glass Fruit, and W-iter Sets. liar Fixtures. Ale Miiw. Ponio. Rustic Bottles Goblets, Tum bler !."! onado Cure, &c . He. Everything sold at Lowest Living Kates. Quality Guaranteed. An Examination will more than repay you. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTOJITA, - - - OREGOX Carrv in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, LOEB & CO., JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. rST"AH goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House. Astoria. Oregon. MAGNUS G. (1R0SBT, Dealer in HAfiBf ill, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLU MBERS AXD STEAM FITTER0 Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIH AND COPPER, CaBH8ry'anfl MsliermBiis Supplies StGves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with reatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. Alarge assortment ofi SCALE? Constantly on hand CROPKERY! CROCKERY Just received at A. M. JOHNSON & CO'S Another largo shipment of ros&ei?y, Consisting of Dinner and Tea Sets, Class Sets, Water Sets. Toilet Sets, Bar Glasses and Bottles or all kind's. Cigar Lighters, Tabic Cutlery, Plain and IMatcd Cantors, Ornamental Hand Lamps, ratent Sell-extinguishing Immp Baruen, Latlastcc Lamp Chimneys, all hlzrs, Lamp Itcduccrs, LampSfcades. paper and porcelain and lllatuiaators, Bean Pots and Flower Pots, Stone Jars, nil Sizes. CROCKERY Of all kinds and. descriptions. It will pay you to call and examine. The largest stock of CROCKERY in town. HANSEN BROS. HA YE RE MO YEB ! From their old quarters to their . NEW SHOP AND FACTORY NEAR KINNEY'S CAN NERY. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP T QUICK. BY GEORGE I.OVETT, Main SIrect, opposite N. Loeb's. Improvement of Chehalis River,W.T. U. S Exgix EEi? Office, Portlad. Oregon, March 24th. 1S83. TJKOPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED TIV- JL til 11 A.M., April 2Uh. 18S3,for reruovlnff uiiiiunu suai;3iruin uxe cjiaunei oi me uno halls River, "VY. T. Specifications, required forms of bids and nece?ry Information will be furnished on application CHAS. F.POWELL, -uCt. Captain of Engineers. CLEAR THE TKACK! FOR .D.Kant Who Is Coming Before the Public As usual, with a I TKEMENBOTJS Mon's Wearing Apparel. SEaisi37ii:iiiaai3x::3aiiazxi2asi3CB3:iiassaEaa:ass5si2aB:isiiuiiiini Without a doubt he will be "The Boss" IN Men's, Youths, Boys' Clothing. "THE BOSS" IN Gents Furnishing Goods, Gum Boots, BLANKET SHIRTS. AND Flannel Wear. iiiiijiiiiiiiiizsasiiiiiEaaiiiiiiiiiiastiziississiiiiasiEaiiaaaiiiiaaiaiii I THE BOSS TAILOK, 3 "With an I Immense Stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds. THREE FACTS TO THT PUBLIC. g lie will make you Prices Lower than any other hou9e in the 41 S a s city. You can pick from the Largest Variety of goods in this city. He will give you better value for your money than any other S store in this citv. WILLIAM HOWE DEALER IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds o! OAK LUMBER, GLASS, Boat Material, Etc. SSilisP j Boats of all Sinds Made to Order. I i ! r3T"0rdere from a distance promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases S. AENDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH aun pyysgauattJ -tfs AND tiNpiSiV Boiler Shop -- All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Baicrox Stbbkt, Nkab Parker Hodse, ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAP ail MAINE ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OASTIISTOS , Of all Descriptions made to Order mt Short Notice. A. D.Wass. Prosedent. J. G. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Joicr Fox.Suporlntendent. Notice to Settle. BEING DESIROUS OF CLOSING UP Ac counts all parties indebted to D. K."Var bex will pleaso call at an early date and settle. utf $3m& -rrmMm?mmw?'"xz v frjrv SIWUviftS? "The Boss." I SPRING STOCK! OF "The Boss" H IN 3 Pine Neckwear, m Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, "White and Colored. mTHE BOSS" IN O Boots, Shoes and Slippers rr "THE BOSS" 0) I j uaps, iatraw, ana reic HATS In Fine Styles. Don't fail to call on "THE BOSS" M. D. KANT. TURNING AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. BUSINESS CAEDS. TP C. 1IOI-.DEX, 'OTAEY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. Q.SLO F. PARKEK, SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, and. City or Astoria Office :-Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. TjT . WIXTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. aa-Ofilce In rythian Building. Rooms 11, 12 ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. TAX TUTTIiE, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and S. Pythian Build ing. Residence Over J. E. Thomas' Drug Store. "CI P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms In Allen's building up stairs, comer of Cass and Sqemocqhe strets. X Q.A.BOWIiBY, ATTORNEY AT LA"W, Chenamus Street, - -ASTORIA, OREGON GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. IA5I AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING well known and commodious steamship lines, STATE LINE. RED STAR. WHITE STAR. HAMBURG-AMERICAN, DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For full Information 33 to rates of fare, saillnK days, etc, apply to I. W. CASE. A Xasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloli's Catarrh .Remedy. Price DO cents. Sold by W.E. Dement.