m lx.c gailB gssXaxlffiio ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY APRIL G, 18S3 T. S. Jowctt gives notice concern ing internal revenue licenses. Tho land grant of the 0. & C. R. R. Co., extends to tho California line The Garnock came down yester day evening, and will probably croBS out to-day. The county court audited some bills, and adjourned yesterday ro tho first Monday in May. The Portland city council has fixed the amount to be charged for liquor license in that city at S500 per annum. Regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A., at their rooms at half-past seven this evoning. A fnll attendance is re quested. A fire alarm at tho lower end of Main street, at six o'clock yesterday evening brought out tho department. No damage. The officers of tho projected Se attle & Gray's Harbor R. R. Co., are considering the question of a branch line to Baker's bay. E. C. Holden advertises his regular Saturday auction sale to morrow morniug. This time it is a bankrupt stock of clothing. A new steamer called Lncca Ma son has just been completed on Lewis river, W. T., to handle the expanding trade of that fertile region. The llwaco Steam Navigation company's steamship Gen. Miles, Capt. Whitcomb commander, leaes at G -this morning for Gray's harbor. Reports come from California that great preparations are being made for work this side of Redding, and soon several thousand men will be laboring there. In 1882 Washington produced S,192 bales of hops weighing 180 pounds each, and Oregon 3,791 bales. This yield will probably be double tho present year. According to the Walla Walla Democrat, Mrs. Margaret McGeary, during the past month, filed her dec laration of intention of becoming a citizen of the United States. The Walla Walla put 300 tons of coal in the 0. R. & N. Go's new bun ker yesterday. The company adver tises its rates which are a considerable modification on former prices. Officers of tho Yaquina Bay rail road state that six thousand tons of steel rails and two locomotives aro at San Francisco awaiting transportation, and that active work will soon be begun. One hundred and twenty-five thousand feet of lumber is daily cut by Clatsop county saw mills and yet there is no chancs for getting lumbpr for building unless by waiting, such is the demand. A prominent boat builder esti malcs that thero aro 300 new boats built in Astoria this season. At $210 apiece, this one item represents a good deal that is paid out here in iown to Astoria mechanics. Tho Oregon arrives in to-day from San Francisco, with passengers and freight for Astoria. The Queen sails from here to-day. The State of California leavs S. F. to-day and is due here Sunday morning. In the polico conrt yesterday four plain drunks put up the usual admis sion fee, and Chas. Herbert, for the crime of kicking a man in tho face and otherwise demonstrating his brutality, was cinched $100 worth. Mr. Jas. O. Spencer, of Clifton, informs us that yesterday morning a Greek fisherman named Peter George, slipped overboard while working on his scow at that place and was drowned. The body has not been recovered yet. Whatever corner you go to in tho city, (or if you prefer take your stand in tho middle of the block, should there be a vacant lot) and you will find that some one is building or get ting ready to build. The worst of it is that the houses are all rented be fore the roof is on. Bishop Owens has bought 144 acres on the weather beach from L. A. Loomis. It is the intention to have a conference and camp meeting there this season, and mako it a permanent feature every summer hereafter. Buildings will be erected and accoro. modations provided for those who at tend. Several ladies connected with the various churches of the city convened in the Y. M. C. A. hall yesterday af ternoon and resolved upon giving some kind of a public entertainment .t Liberty Hall on next Tuesday even ing, proceeds to be devoted to the pay ment of a debt incurred by the associ ation in procuring now chairs, for the hall. The programme for the occasion has not yet been decided on, but is in the hands of those who are thoroughly competent to arrange an entertainment which will be sure t give pleasure to all who may attend. Fishermen's Boatlocks by the hun dreds, low down, at Carl Adler's. Spe cial reaucuou to cannerymeu. The Occidental Last evening Occidental hall was thrown open for the first time, and despite the fact that tho delay in pro curing seats and scenery occasioned a good deal of trouble yet the audito rium presented a creditable appear ance. Tho building is spacious and the voices of tho performers on the stage have plenty of room for reso nance in the rafters above. Tho scenery is pretty and was warmly praised. The stage was set last evening with a parlorscene. Tho minstrels were greeted with a good house and gave a fair performance, which will be re peated this evening with su alleged change of programme. Death of a Pioneer. A Victoria B. C. dispatch says John Muir, one of the earliest pio neers of that country, died on the 3rd inst., at Sooke. He went there in 1819, and for many years was an employe of tho Hudson Bay company. He opened the first coal mine in the country and was in many ways a re markable man. He was a native of Ayer, Scotland, aged 81 years, aud leaves behind him grand and great grand-children. 3frs. Dr. Trenchard, and old and respected resident of As toria, h a daughter of the venerable gentleman who was here when this was a wilderness years and years ago. New Arrangement. We are authentically informed that tho Wide West goes on tho route be tween here and Portland, commenc ing to-morrow morning. She leaves Portland at fivo o'clock, calculates to arrive hero at noon; and leaving here at one r. .v. to get back to Portland at nine o'clock, She will run on Sun days, laying ofFMondays, and will stop only at St. Helens, Kahuna, Oak Point, Cathlamet and Brookfield. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDENT. J Anderson, Ft Canby; J Esmond, Montesano; J G McBride, S F; Mrs Irving, Mrs Kent, Cathlamet; J M Pike, J F; L P Slack, OysterTille; J P Howe, A Scott, L Bodecker, C Ross, Jubilee Minstrels; A Stephenson, Portland; W V Johnson, RoseburgjT Hntchmcs. Knappton, W W Wherry, Clatsop; T H Foss, John Days; J P Howe, M A Scott, W Moss, Jubilee Minstrels: A T Laurie, R Trescott, Anoka; G T Myers; Fisherton; E Dawson, S F; Mrs AKnapp & Daugh ter, J W Crow, Knappa; W H Dar land, Clatsop; S C Bermer, West port. rAHKEP. HOUSE. T F Niel, W Davis, C Berke, J H Deforce, City; N Raymond, C Ray mond, Ainsworth; H C Hall. J Trimd land, S F; W Reinhart, W A Thomp son, F S Ingalls, Mrs Douglass, P Moller, H A Spayth, Portland; S D Potts, Vancouver; F Fitflar wife & child, Ft Stevens; H C Abrams, C C Martin, Findlay; WV Johnson, Rose burg; P Jennini & wife, Cathlamet; Q Persting, Bourbon, Ind; C B Neyer, Texas; J S Courtney, Knappton; F W Smith, Deep River; Kentucky Jubilee Troupe, By agreement of all the mill men on tho Sound a uniform schedule of retail rates for lumber has been adopted; the charge per thousand feet being the same at Tacoma, there, Port Townsend, Utsalady or wherever else tho buyer gives his order. Prices range from $12.50 to $15, SIC, $18 and $20, according to quality. Tho Shoalwater Bay Transporta tion company will soon begin a now steamer to-ply on tho waters of Gray's harbor and tho Chehalis. It will be a stern wheeler, will be built at Astoria, will cost about $10,000. and will be begun about the 1st prox. The in creasing business of this company calls for additional facilities, and this is meant to supply present need?. Commencing on the 14th inst. the Shoalwater Bay Transportation company's steamers will carry mail to Montesauo and Olympia once a week, taking on extra Saturday mail. The mail and passengers that leave Asto ria by this route get to Montesauo tho following day, and go through to Olympia in sixty hours. This line helps Astoria, and Astorians should throw all their influence in its favor. The military telegraph lino be tween here and Fort Stevens will soon bo in working order, when instanta neous communication may be had rel ative to that water front property bonded in that vicinity. J. N. Grif fin, will be tho Astoria operator he has a nicely fitted up office in tho Pythian building. Jas. McDonagh will be the operator at Fort StevenB. A branch line runs to Clatsop, and will be in charge of a son of Judge McGuiro. The Grant County ITcics advises people not to undertake farming in that region, because, as it sarcasti cally remarks, it ie claimed that thero is no market, and that hay will only onng s-u per ton, ana wheat $ss per Dusnei, oats ana oaney .to cts. per pound, hams and bacon 25 and 23 cts. (much of which is brought from California "because there is no market"), butter from 50 to G2i cts., cheese 25 cts. and vegetables 2 cts. Verily the farmer must starve, and the thousands of fertile acres the govern ment is willing to give awa' remain with their virgin soil unturned. Cannerymen will do well to exam ine Carl Adler's full stock of books and stationery. Every thing you need you will find there at lowest prices. Plenty of Room. On the last steamer came the usual installment of inquiring letters from people living iu the eastern and Mississippi valley states, bHt who con template coming out hero. Some of them, from tho way they write would do well, others would not. One young man who writes from West Virginia says he wants to make a homo and amount to something. Another in Jacksonville, 111., wants to know what clerk's wages are. For the first kind there is plenty of room; tho man who wants to come out here and drop into a soft job had better stay where he is. A man who conies here to wurk and make a home will find plenty to do, if he be not fastidious, and show a willingness to pitch in, but he mnsn't be -afraid of getting his hands dirty; he can go aa cook to a logging camp and get $50 a month and his grub, or if he can stand the work, as a chopper at $80 or $90 a month, or if he has tho knowledge, as a teamster at $10') or $125 a month. Ho can de velop his chest and appetite and by keeping a sharp lookout can get 1G0 acres of timber land for $450 or $500 that will bo worth $20,000 in three year's time. If he bo a mechanic he will havo no difficulty in getting plenty of work in tho first town he strikes. Astoria can furnish employ ment to-day to overy one here and plenty more who are willing to earn money and buy what they need w ith it. If the young man from West Virginia is single, wo should advise him to get his traps together and 6tart at once. If he is married, or has anyone depending on him for support, let him go slow, aud not think of coming to Oregon unless ho has some ready money to support him for some time after getting here. If he has nothing but his labor tn sell ho will find a ready market, but should he be able to look around a little, if he has money to invest, no section of fers superior inducements than the northwest of '83. But after all, it depends upon himself. Wherever he goes he will take himself along; if he is willing and persistent, if he wants to work aud doesn't got tired too soon, he will do well and mako money; if he is temperate and saving he will accumulate coin, and we will elect him Mayor or Councilman in 1888, and if he has any special gift or talent wheth er of nature or education he can use it to good advantage, and amount to something out here. But if he lives by his wits he must have sharp tools and even then will be likely to run against the police fo-ce. There is room for the young man from West Virginia unless he be one of the kind who thinks the world owes him a living. If that be his motto let him get the community where he now is to cancel the debt. Young and middle-aged men, suf fering from nervous debility and kindred affections, as loss of memory and hypochondria, should inclose three stamps for Part VII of World's Dis pensary Dime Series of pamphlets. Address Woizld's Dispexsahy Mkdi cjll Association, Buffalo N. Y. Success. The sale of Syrun of Fies is sim ffl immense. Everyone is takincit, and all admit that it is the best medicine ever used. Children cry for it ou account of its pleasant taste, and grown up eople who have used it once never take any thing else. Unlike other remedies for biliousness and constipation it never loses its power to act, and it always leaves the organs on which it acts stronger than before. Besides one feels fresh and bright and realizes that it is Nature's own true laxative. W. E. De ment & Co., are agents for Astoria. Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. IVotlcc. Dinner House every day at 5 o'clock. The best 25 cent meal in town; seven kinds of meats, vegetables, inc. nuddinc. etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who have tried him sav Jeff is the "BOSS." 3few Rich Blood. The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. Franlf FalrcH Oyster and Chop House. Those wibhlnganiceplateof Eastern or Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any style, or an early breakfast before going aboard tne boat, should call and see him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater bay oysters received by every steamer. Call at the Occident Store and in spect Mcintosh's stock of spring suit infjs. If not? Why not? Use tho Great OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER, an eppetizer, liver-regulator, and a sure auro for your impure blood. It makes the skin smooth, soft and fresh; the eyes bright and sparkling; the bra n clear; the cheeks plump and rosy; the breath pure and sweet, and good cir culation promotes vigor to the whole system. ABk your druggist for it. Price $L00. Cold boiled ham, brown bread and Boston baked beans at "JeiTb" Variety Chop House every night, near Stephans Theatre sign of tho red and preen light Open all night Furnished rooms to rent at ifrs. P. J.Goodman's, corner Concomloy and Madieon streets. Two splendid front rooms, suitable for gentlemen only, or for office use. Apply to Alex. Campbell at Gem .Saloon Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street has jiut received the latest and most fashionable style of cents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be fouud at J. "V7. Conn's drng store, opposite Occident hotel. PE11IG! The Millinery Season a SHERIFF immense Rerfuations in Every Bargains in Dress Goods, E'ancy Goods, Domestics, Cloaks and Dolmans, Gents' and Boys' Clothing and Fur nishing Goods. NEW GOODS ON OUR TWENTY-FIVE GENT TABLES. ' As a tribute to the Spring Opening- we are requested by Sheriff O'Neil to present every purchaser with a Handsome Plaque of the Latest Designs by Celebrated Artists. Children coming with their parents will also be presented with a handsome CELULOID KING -AT- Sheriff Q'NeiVs Bankrupt Store, ISAACS & STJMMERFEELI). Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON NHrouH Oxide Gas, Painless extraction of LaForce's dental rooms Case'i store. teeth over 1. W.i For the r.ntlic8. Mrs. Warren has received the first in voice of Litt's Dresses and Dolmans. Ladies will please call and examine them. Orders taken for dresses subject to approval. Samples to be examined, etc. Furnished Kooms to Rent At Mrs. Denny Curran's. On Cass street near Congregational church. Now Jeff of the Variety Chop House starts with a new scale of prices. One kind of meat, fish or eggs with side dishes, bread, butter, hot cakes, pie, tea. coffee, &c 25 cents. Anything extra will be charged for. Ro.ml by the week 5 In advance. It. h. Jkffkv. Proprietor. When your wife's health is bad and your baby keeps you awake, go and buy one of those handsome willow-horiv can iages for a mere song, at Carl Ad ler's. , All the patent medicines advertised in this-paper, together with the choicest ' perfumery, and toilet articles, ete-can be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. ".Jeff," the enterprising proprietor j of the Variety Chop House, is doing a ! rushing business. He has jim complct-! ed the nest ice house north of San Fran- cisco, and intends selling ice aud ire cream as soon as his apparatus arrives from Chicago. More universally recommended than any proprietary medicine made. A ....... .s .i:ui : t t. t eiic aim iuiiuuiu mini;, uniwii a iron Bitter. Before you are got sick and b; an in valid, use OREGON BLOOD PURI FIER. For dressing the hair, and beautify ing it when gray, nothing is so satis factory as Parker's Hair Balsam. For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizcr. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. K. Dement. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc fnmpn lets free to any address. Seth W.FowIr &Sonc Boston. For the genuine J. 11. Cutter old Bourbonaud the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. There are bright buds of April and blos soms of May, But they're not half sosueetas the breath of the maid That with SOZODOXT brushes her! teeth every day Till like pearls through her beautiful lips thev're displayed. O SOZODOJST ! what an enchantment is thine That gives teeth like the sun. and gives lips red as wine. Whv will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give'immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by W.K De ment Suilou's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. OU1U UJ It . MVlUKlll. Arovou made miserable by Indi- cestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin 1 Shiloh's Vital izcr is a positive cure. For sale by "W. E. Dement "llackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement Steamer Days. Following is a resume of sailing dates for ocean steamers for April and May, steamers leaving Astoria and San Francisco every three days: KB051 ASTORIA 1 FHOM SAX FltANCISCO April at 10 a. at. April Columbia-Tuesday 3 Queen ..Friday 0 Oregon Monday o State Thursday 12 Columbia Sundav 15 Oregon Tuesday 3 State Friday C Columbia-Muuday 9 oueen inursaay rz Oregon Sunday 15 State."Vednc.Mlay is QucenWedneday 18 Oregon Saturday 2l! Stite Tuesday V4 Columbia Friday 27 Columbia baturaay 21 Queen Tuesday 24 Oregon tnuaj 2 State Monday so Queen Monday 30 .aiay Orcson .Thursday 3 State Sunday c May ColuinbiaThursday 3 Queen Sunday 0 ColtmbU Wednesday oregouweunesuay s State Saturday 12 Columbia-Tuesday 15 Queen ..Friday is Oregon Monday 21 State .Thursday 21 Oueen Saturday 12 Oregon. Tuesday 15 State rauay 18 Columula.Mnnnay ill Oueen..Tlmrsdav 24 OregonSunday 27 States Wednesday 30 Columbia Sunday 27 wueen-tteanesaay 90 OKTEILS Lint. atDr.iFOARD & STOKES, FINE PROCERUS S -AXD- PROVISIONS. ANCHORS. ROPE CORDAGE. AND HARNESS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. A Full Line of House Furnishing; Goods. -o- AT THE O. JJ. . X. DOCK. FOR SALE 1 offer for sale my ranch near Skipa- nnn in this Ceunty: it consists of , , . IDU AUKtb, is? h3' Acre improved, with good dwelling Heuse: Two Barn., Out Houses, etc.; A Finn Orchard. Everything is well improved and in good condition. A large assortment of Farming implement, i Three .Passenger Conches. One Kuggj-j IVIne Head Horses, Cattle, Hojrs, Htc. This affords a rare chance for a man to get a good home in the oldest settled section in the state. Terms favorable to one meaning busi ness C.A.MAGIJIRE HAENESS SHOP. A J. CLOUTUIE ANNOUNCES TO THE . citizens of Astoria that on the 24th inst, he will open a HARNESS AXD SADDLC SHOP IIRLOW THE TAKKER HOUSE. Where a full sunnlv Swill be found. Ro- pairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Yonr Patronaso Solicited. Dressmaking. Plain and Fancy Sewing, Suits mado in tho tost Stylo and Guaranteed to Pit Mrs. T. S. Jeiuett.' KOOMS OVER MRS. E. S. WARREN'S.l ASTORIA MARBLE WORKS. UATID KI2L.1I JlX, - - Proprietor, Manufacturer ot American and Italian marble monuments aud head stones. Ceme tery lots enclosed with curbinir. walls and conlniror stone nosts and iron railinsr. Prices and uesigns furnished to persons at a dis tance. J-aitsiacuon guaranteed, biate can seamers for cannery ujo. ASTOltIA, OREGON The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour hon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toSmr.on's Consumption CunK." Sold by W. E. Dement. CD p m New Torh Novelty Store, WITH THE LATEST NOVELTIES; RRIC-A-BRAC, CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. OIL PAINTINGS And a thousand other things too numerous to mention. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Cor. Chenamus, and Main Streets, O. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 1883. 1 A. JL Spring and Summer Opening of New Goods Mr. C. H. Cooper takes pleasure in informing the public that his importations of Spring and Summer Goods are now complete, and the general OPENING 0AY WILL TAKE PLACE ON Thursday, April 5th. All are invited, and we will deem it a pleasure to show goods without any im portunity to purchase. THIS IXL, THE ZiEADESTC Dry Goods Clothing' House OF ASTORIA. I OCCIDENT STORE. I DRESS UP ! X B&7S ITOW OPENED THE LABmBV STBCK OF SPRING SUITINGS EVER BROUGHT TO THE CITY. Comprising the Bluest Cassimcres, Beavers, Scotch Tweeds, Etc. SUITS MADE TO ORDER AT REASONABLE PRICES, I FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. I x. j9l.. -Mcintosh, 1 TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER and GENTS FURNISHER. 1 Important ! ! Read Garefally! 1 1 Hereafter all our Pure Coffees will be put up under our own private label NONE GENUINE Unless bought of A. M. JOHNSON & CO. N. B. All goods bearing our label are guaranteed to be strictly Pure and of Best quality, and are sold by no other House. To AH Whom It May Concern. O AND AFTER THIS DATE THE Longshoremen of Astoria, in the event of any vessel loading or discharging at any Eolnt on the Columbia river from walkers iland to the mouth of tho Columbia river bar shall not helD to load or discharce said vessel or vessels unless Astoria Longshore- j men are empioyeu. uyoruer 01 uiepresi dent, P.HOGE, PHIL. CAEROLL, Sec'ty. Astoria, Oregon. Mar. 20th. 1833, tl 1m Wanted. A DISHWASHER AND A CHAMBER jHL maid. Good, waes glren Weston Hotel. Apply at tf I GRAND OPENING! OF THE 1883. STORE. A. . Allen, (SUCCESSOR. TO PAGE & AIXEN.) Wholesale and retail dealer tu 3 i!S iSWKtS & ProvlaloB99 Crsektry. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiqjorsJobaccoXigars I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GEffiEAL MCEAH romer Chenamus add Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON :i -s.t.iit. & "V, .at. -jfsi fc.3ife.v X i&e , &