C3 35 'lte nalvj .storlau. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY APRIL 3, 18S3 H. Y. Bloom of the Orcgonian is in the city. The Clatsop Milliij Co., advertise the fact that they are in business. Tho Melancthon is finishing un loading at Thomos & Knowlcs can nery. We arc informed that a family named Bullard, on the Willapa, are afflicted with the smallpox. We notico in our rounds that Capt. B. F. Packard is once more behind the counter at Tan Dusen's. 3Ir. Hollburg, assistant light keeper at the capo has resigned; it is thought Brenner, of the life crew will succeed hirn. The seats for the Occidental ar rived on yesterday's steamer. There will be no skating this evening, as the chairs are to be put up. Major Blakeney arrived here yes terday on the Queen. He paid off the life crew at the cape, which closes it's work for the inactive season. Business men report times moder ately good, with prospects for im provement. Money will be plentier toward the middle of the month. Regular communication of Tem ple Lodge l?o. 7. F. and A. M., at jtfasonic Hall this evening. Sojourn ing Masons in good standing invited to attend. A shower of lizards at Pickhandle gulch, near Candelana, Nevada, on the 20th ult., astonished the inhabi tants almost as much as that shower of worms last Friday astonished early rising Astorians. Frank N. Getchell, who was superintendent of the cooking de partment at Humes cannery last season, leaves this morning for Parkersburg, Coos Co., to take charge of the Coqmlle cannery at that place. Part of Hallet's grand army of construction has reached Portland and have already paralyzed tho urban dwellers by their facility for making out-door life vociferous. If there was a paper at Columbia City this summer tho criminal column would be well filled. The new arrangement in refer ence to the arrival and departure of ocean steamships to and from this port wont into effect yesterday; tho Queen of tho Paci5c arrived in to-day the Columbia goes out. Tho dates for this month and May will be found in another column. We have received a copy of the Sunday edition of the'Brooklyn Eagle, which whoops about its wonderful size and enterprise. We see nothing wonderful in it. The San Francisco Sunday CJironicle is a better japer every week, and San Francisco hasn't half the people that Brooklyn has. Tho papers published on this coast exhibit more enterprise right straight along, and are better patronized than in any other part of tho globe. Yesterday morning salmon fish ing on the Columbia for the season of 83 began, and seldom has there been better results for tho first haul than that exhibited by the fishermen. Twenty and twenty-five to a boat was not uncommon, rind several caught twice that number. Tho highest we heard of authentically was tho score of Peter Johns of the Columbia Can ning company, who came rolling in on tho morning tide with eighty-five of the prettiest salmon that ever flopped a farewell fin to tho foaming ocean. The Grocers' Gazet fe,London,in its issue of March 10th, says of the saml on market: Several parcels of lale importation Frazer and Skeena river fish havo been disposed of, holders having shown more disposition to meet the views of buyers, and consid ering the satisfactory quality of recent arrivals, there is a fair prospect of the whole catch going into consumption at the present prices, provided the quali ty of later shipments turn out as good as tho present. Prices for Columbia river are maintained, without any thing of note passing. A little past 10 o'clock yesterday morning says the Standard, as the Lurline was coming up to the Morri son street dock she collided with the Westport, which was lying at the dock, and crushed one of the latter's aide wheels. Both the Fleetwood ard the Westport wore lying at the dock &t the time, and the Fleetwood swung out into the stream to allow the Lur line to land between them, when by some means the Lurline's bow veered round and struck the Westport. As the Westport's guards were down, there was nothing to save tho wheel. While the Lurline was passing the railroad, ferry a few minutes before, she was signaled to pass astern, bu t, for soino reason, failed to respond or take notice, and passed directly in front, escaping a collision by only a few feet. The Westport arrived down all right yesterday afternoon. Tho Box Sheet for the Kentucky Jubilee Minstrels will be open this wornlne at 10 o'clock, at Strauss' New York Novelty Store. Secure seats at ee. California Crops. The situation as regards crop pros pects in California, is thus described by the Monterey Demecrat: "It is a comfort to know should the worst come, and the season turn out abso lutely dry, that there will be in this state no famine prices for food sup plies. There is fully a years stock of wheat on hand, and were there not, it is easy to replenish it from the wheat fields cf the northwestern states. Of barley it is estimated there is enough to last through next seeding season. It is also true that the state is in better condition to en dure the extremity of a dry season than in any previous year. As to for age for animals the outlook is not so consoling. It is now certain that tho wild grasses are short, and there would be difficulty about water. Of course hay can be imported. A very little rain, however, would suffice to pnt the grain crops in condition to be cut for hay. We can stand a drouth, without positive suffering, its most disagreeable feature being tho forced inaction to which it would reduce mo3t of our population." Serious Accident Last Saturday evening N. W. Over ton, who was employed at Ross's logging camp abovo Knappa, was cleaning his rifle intending to start out hunting the following morning, and while bending over it threw the chamber free, ouo of the cartridges in some mysterious way exploded. The charge went Btraight on, but the powder blew up in his face seriously burning him and injuriug his eyes. He was brought to tho city 3'esterday for medical treatment. Columbia river salmon sells for $LG2i a case in St. Louis, Mo. Jos. Hume, presidcnt.of the Knapp ton Packing company, gives notice to outside fishermen which will be read with considerable interest. The Ona was in Bakers bay yes terday, and the Kate & Anna was outs'de swingmg toward Tillamook. The Mississippi wont to sea at 6:45 Sunday mornimi. The Chinese don't propose to be outdone by tho Melican man, and are building a new theater opposite Liberty Hall. Property in tho vicin ity will undoubtedly advance in value. Mr. Isaac Bergman yesterday re ceived tho sad intelligence of the death cf his mother, Mrs. Hymau Bergman. The deceased ladv was a resident of-Nuremberg, Germany, and was in the G9t.li year of her age. The authorities of Corvallis havo passed an ordinance prohibiting tho sa'e of target-guns, air-guns, or fire arms of any kind to minors under 1G ana make it a misdemeanor lor any minor to be found with any weapons in his possession. Tho Melbourne Journal 0 Com merce of late date says: In American salmon there has been a good inquiry, about 450 cases having been taken up at 9s Gd to 9s 9d for the best brands, outside brands at auction being run off at about 8s Gd. Thirty-pound salmon wore plenty in tho markets yesterday and found ready purchase. No liner flavored fish swims than the Columbia river salmon. Sturgeon is also offered for sale but though fair to look upon and juicy on tho iron, it hath not that de 1 icious savor possessed by the tooth some samlet. Ever since salmon began to be shipped from the Columbia, Win. Hume, of Eagle Cliff, the pioneer in the business, has always had the honor of shipping the first pack of the season. It has got to be a regular thing, and in accordance with his usual custom he sends out on the Columbia this morning a choice 120 cases, the first of the pack of '83. From tho San Francisco Chronicle of the 31st ult, wo learn that William Depeyster Stagg died at New York on Wednesday in his niuelieth year. In 1811, Stagg went with others, in the employ of John Jacob Astor, on jx voyage to tho Pacific coast in search of furs, and was detained there by British cruisers during th 0 year 1812. He was ono of the party which founded this city, and at the time of his death William must havo been pretty well stricken in years. Fishermen's Boatlocks bv the hun dreds, low down, at Carl Adler's. Spe cial reduction to cannerymen. Boston brown bread, New York cream pies. Astoria jelly pics, and all kinds of cake, too numerous to mention, at F. B. Elberson's Seaside Bakery to- ua. A-rei'iins lur ouuuuy uinnor. Cannerymen will do well to exam ine Carl Adler's full stock of books and stationery. Every thing you need you will find there at lowest prices. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. Two splendid front rooms, suitable for gentlemen only, or for office use. Apply to Alex. Campbell at-Gem Saloon P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. Cold boiled ham, brown bread and Boston baked beans at "JefFs" Variety Chop House every ni jjht, near Stephans Theatre sign of tho red and green light Open all night. Furnished rooms to rent at 2irs. P. J Goodman's, comer Concomloy and Madison streets. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDENT. E F Gillette, C L Gillette, J B Herring, St Paul. Minn.; P E De Mill, Detroit; R P Shaw, Ft Stevens; Capt A D Wass, Str Queen of tho Pa cific; J West, West Port; T Goodwin, Clatsop; T H Foss, John Days; J Strang, Portland; WEE Princely & wife, A Tacnbcrg S F; J E Lombard, J E Evans. G T Davis, Portland; J F Lawrence, Knapptnn; F W Smith, Deep River; J A Wheadon, Nasel, WT. PARKER HOUSE. T Dois, C Latham, A C Barnatu City;K Johnson, H Mills GReid, S F;B A Seaborg, N. Howerton, II waco; F Jenkins and wife. E P Jenk ins and wife, Kansas; H W Bloom, C Harriman, Portland; J Brownell, Knappton; S Moses, Skaraockwa; T S In calls Naselle; D Overton, A F Cotter, C J B Spear, Jr., Knappa. Meteorological Register. The following is an extract from the meteorological register of Fort Canby, W. T., for the month of March 1883: Average temperature, 47.CG. Maximum temperature, 70.00, on the 9th. Minimum temperature, 34.00, dur ing night, from 18th to 19th. Average cloudiness, -i 4-5 Number of days on which rain, fell, 11. Rainfall 4 in. 22 c c William S. Block. Attention Longshoremen. A special meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, at seven o'clock for the nomination of officers. You aro particularly requested to be present A. 3f ALTMAN, P. IIOGE, Sec Pros. Ufevr Iticli Blood. The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. Bearer T.odgc Xo. 33, I. O. O. F. Will elest representatives to the Grand Lodge Thursday evening April 7th. A full attendance is desirable. By order X. G. Franlt Fab re s Oyster and Chop House. Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any style, or an early breakfast before going aboard the boat, should call and see him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater bay oysters received by every steainer. Nitrous Oxide Gas. Painless extraction of teeth at Dr. LaForcc's dentil rooms over 1. W. Case's store. Young and middle-aged men, suf fering from nervous debility and kindred affections, as loss of memory and hypochondria, should inclose three stamps for Part YII of World's Dis pensary Dime Series of pamphlets Address World's Dispeksary Medi cal Association, Buffalo N. Y. Now Jeff of the Variety Chop House starts with a new scale of prices. One kind of meat, fish or eggs with side dishes, bread, butler, hot cakes, pie, tea. coffee, &c, 25 cents. Anything extra will be charged for. Roard by the "week $5 In advance. 11. L. Jeffry, Proprietor. When your wife's health is bad and your baby keeps you awake, go and buy one of those handsome willow-body carriages for a mere song, at Carl A ti ler's. Art you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Yital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. K. Dement. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. See Advertisement On and after April 1st Single meals at Palace Variety Chop House will be thirty-five cents or three meal tickets for one dollar. The table will always be supplied with the best the market auorus T. Cross & C. Hexry, Proprietors. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOcts-COctsandSl. Sold by W. E. De ment All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etccan be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident betel, Astoria. Call at the Occident Store and in spect Mcintosh's stock of spring suit ings. "Jeny. the enterprising proprietor or the variety i;non House, is doing a rushing business. He has just com g business, lie lias lust complet ed the best ice House north or ban Fran Cisco, and intends selling ice and ice cream as soon as his apparatus arrives from Chicago. More universally recommended than an' proprietary medicine made. A sure and reliable tonic, Brown's Iron Bitters. SniLOH's Cuke will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement Before you arc got sick and b$ an in valid, use OREGON BLOOD PURI FIER. Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures couglis, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and mng complaints. 50 cents andjSl a bot tle. There arc bright buds of April and blos soms of May, But they're not half so sweet as the breath of the maid That with SOZODONT brushes her teeth every day Till like pearls through her beautiful lips they're displaved. O SOZODONT! what an enchantment is thine That gives teeth like the sun, and gives lips red as wine. For i he ntlicN. Mrs. Warren has received the first in voice of Lilt's Dresses and Dolmans. Ladies will please call and examine them. Orders taken for dresses subject to approval. Samples to be examined, etc. FarnLsIicil Rooms to Kent At Mrs. Dennv Curran's. On Cass street near Congregational church. Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy a ly a Dost- tive cure e for Catarrh, Diptheria and Mouth. i?old by W.E. Dement Canker For the genuine J. IL Culler old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquora and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp- ben. OPENING ! of The Millinery Season at Immense Reductions in Every Bargains in Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Domestics, Cloaks and Dolmans, Gents7 and Boys' Clothing and Fur- nisliino- Goods. HEW MODS ON OUR TWENTY-FIVE CENT TABLES. As a tribute to the Spring Opening we arp requested by Sheriff O'Neil to present every purchaser with a Handsome Plaque of the Latest Designs by Celebrated Artists. Children corning with their parents will also be presented with a handsome CELULOID RING AT ' Sheriff O'NeiVs Bankrupt Store, ISAACS & SU350EERFIELD. Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON "Wlirjrins" GTcat Storm. It seems as though the great storm predicted by Wiggins, is going to strike Astoria. During the last week, at least seventeen young, good-looking, mar riageable men have been at A. M. John son's Crockery Store, inspecting their stock and pricing crockery, with a view of getting ready for housekeeping. If a storm is not in transit towards Astoria, a squall is, at least, and the young ladies had better be prepared for it If they will call at our store during the week, our gentlemanly clerk will take pleas ure in showing them the nico sets of dishes, etc, that their young men have already picked out Of course we don't want you to give us away, as wc have promised the young men not to let you into the secret; but of course you will want to see what kind of crockery you are going to use, and as it is all here we would like to have you inspect it Sev enteen honeymoons aro going to be crowded into this year it seems. How they are going to do it is a question, but they'll do it no doubt. A. M. Jorrxsox &Co.'rf Great Crockery Store- Success. The sale of Syrup of Pics is simply immense. Everyone is taking it. and all admit that it is the best medicine ever used. Children cry for it ou account of its pleasant taste, and grown up people wno nave useu it once never uiKe any thing else. Unlike other remedies for biliousness and constipation it never loses its power to act, and it always leaves the organs on which it acts stronger thau before. Besides one feels fresh and bright and realizes that it is Nature's own true laxative. W. E. De menti Co., are agents for Astoria. Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. AHTOKIA l'IKR IKPAItT3lKXT W. J. BARKY Chief Engineer F. P. HICKS lt Asst. Engineer J. G. CHARTERS.. .2d Asst. Jfciguteer BOARD OF DELEGATES.-Regularmeet-ing fourth Monday in each month, at 7:30 r. St., at hall of Astoria Engine Company No. l. Officrus. C. J. Trenchard. President ; A. A. Cleveland. Secretary ; !". L. Parker. Treasurer. Dp.lkoatks.-L. IL. ScHk. C. J.Treiichard. Chas. Stickles, or AtorIa Engine Co. No. 1 ; Win. McGormic, F. I.. Parker. H. 1 Prael, titKescae Engine Co. No. 2: Ed.D. Curtis. F. J. Tavror. A. W. Bcrrv. or Alert I look and Ladder Co. No. 1. ASTIMTA EXG1XE COMPANY Xo. 1-. Kcgularv meeting lint iioiulay in each month. Officers. AV. "W. Parker. President ; 1. E. Sellg, 5cretary; Win. Hock. Treasurer; S. G. Insalls, Fereman: Chas. Wallnian, 1st Asst. Foreman ; Henry Miller. 2d Ast. Fore man. RESCUE EXGIXE COMPANY No. ?. ilcgular meeting first Monday In each month. Officers. C. W. Fulton. President ;lt. F. Prael. Secretary; J. 1). Merryman, Ass't Secretary : F. I Parker. Treasurer : O. P. Graham. Foreman ; II. 1. Prael. 1st Ast. Foreman ; A. McKenzIe, 2d As.-t. Foreman. ALERT HOOK AND LADDER Co. No. 1. Kegular meeting second Monday in each month. Officehs. J. O. Bozorth. President ; C. Brown, Secretary : J. Tuttlc. Treasurer ; F. B. Elbersou. Foreman : F. W. Ferguon. 1st Asst. Foreman ; J. AV. Ferclien, 2d Asst. Foreman. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in'Astoria JY ovelties of all Kinds Fruits Both. Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors OI Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, ORi'X DOCK Leinenweber & Co., C LKIXENWEHEK. t. MCOWX. ESTABLISHED 18G5. ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMES m CDBBRIES, Manufacturers and Importers of . A LI. KINDS OF i:E.A.T:m::E3:o. AND FINDINGS WholesAle Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. avHlgbest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Line. Steamer Days. Following is a resume of sailing date3 for ocean steamers for April and May, steamers leaving Astoria and San Francisco every three days: FIJOM ASTOKIA 1 F0M SAX FRA CISCO April at 10 a.m. April Columbia- Tuesday 3 Orezon Tuesday 3 Queen trlday G Oregon Monday 9 State Thursday 12 ColiimbinSu!iday 13 (ueen Wednesday 18 Oregon Satunlav 21 State Tuesday W State Friday 6 ColumblaMondav 9 Queeniiiursday 12 Oregon Sunday 15 StateWednesday IS uoiuniDiaaaturnay 21 Queen. luesday 24 OreKon.Fndaj 27 State Monday 30 Mav Columbia Friday 27 Queen Monday 30 .May I Oreson.Thursdy :i State Sunday c ColumblaTliursday 3 Queen- sunuay u i Colombian ednesday 9 oregonweanesday 9 State Saturday 12 Columbia-Tuesday 15 Queen Saturday 12 Oregon Tuesday 15 suite triday 18 Queen- .Friday 13 Oregon Monday 21 uoiumuta-.Mnn!ay 21 Queen, i nunulu) State .Thursday 21 Oregon Sunday uouimmabunuay ! State Wednesday 30Queen-Wednesday 30 flUISCJI OIKECTOKY. (i:ack Cirrncu Holy communion first Sunday of every month. Sunday services at 1 1 a. m., and 7 r. m. "Wednes day evening service at 7 o'clock. Rev. S. D. Wilson, Rector. FinsT PnEsiiYTr.in.vx Cnuncii Ser vices at 11 A. m. and 7 P. M. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7 o'clock. Itcv. J. V. Milligan, Pastor. Co.m:i:R.VTioNAi.CiiuRcn Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. J. W. Wal ters Pastor. Rojiax Catholic Ciiut.ch Services at 1050 a. si. Hev. I- Dielman, Pastor 31. E. Ciirncii Services at 11 A. m. and 7 i. jr. Lecture and Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 i m. Rev. W. T. Chapman. Pator. Baptist Chitucii. Services every other Mindav. Sunday School at 2 p. 3i. Rev. Winueld Scott D. D. pastoral supply. North Pacific Furniture Emporium. Seo. .4. Ficusnnec, Cor. 5th and Alder Sts. - - - Frop'r. - Portland, Or. Straw Beds, per doz. - - S10. Spring Beds. each.. - $5. to S15. Lounges, In llaw Silk, Carpet, and other coyerlne, From $10. to 515. Samples of cover and particulars by mall, f desired. Millinery, Spring Stock. MRS. 3IALCO LM II AS JUST RECEIVED a splenaid new Mock of SPRING MIILINERY. "Which she Is selling at prices so low that la dles will find it to their interest to gre her a call before coins elsewhere. A large assort ment of HAIR GOODS At reasonable prices. dtf. HAHNESS SHOP. A J. CLOUTRIF. ANNOUNCES TO THE . citizens of Astoria that on the 24th inst., he will open a lIAItXIISS AND SADDIiE SHOP BELOW THE PAKKEU nOUSE, Where a full supply iwlll be fonnd. Re pairing of alt kiftds promptly attended to. Yonr Patrounso Solicited. Dressmaking, and Fancy Sewing, Plain Suits niado in the licet Style and Guaranteed to Pit. Mrs. T. S. Jeivetb. ROOMS OVER MRS. E.'S. WARREN'S.! New Yorls Novelty Store, WITH THE LATEST NOVELTIES; BRIC-A-BRAC, GLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, OIL PAINTINGS And a thousand other thlnss too numerous to mention. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Cor. Chenamus, and Main Streets, 0. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. i 1883. I VI Spring and. Summer Opening of New Goods Mr. 0. H. Cooper takes pleasure in informing the public that his importations of Spring and Summer G-oods are now complete, and the general OPENING 0AY WILL TAKE PLACE OK Thursday, April 5th. All are invited, and we will deem it a pleasure to show goods without any im portunity to purchase. THE IXL? THE LEA3DI1TG Dry Goods I Clothing' House OF .&.STOHX&.. I OCCIDENT STORE. I HAVE 1TO W OFE2TED THE LMGEST 8T0GK OF SPRING SUITINGS EVER BROUGHT TO THE CITY. Comprising the Finest Cassimeres, Beavers, Scotch Tweeds, Etc. SUITS MADE TO ORDER AT REASONABLE PRICES, I FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. I TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER Important ! ! Bend GareFally III Hereafter all our Pure Coffees will bef put up under our own private label HONE GENUINE Unless bought of JOHNSON A. M. & CO. N. B. All goods bearing our label are guaranteed to be strictly Pure and of Best quality, and are sold by no other House. Interna! Revenue Licenses Notice. TTL ANKS FOR APPLICATIONS FOR Li quor. Cigar and Tobacco Licenses can in future be procured in this city at the of e of Mr. E. C. Holdek, Notary Public, wk. F.C.N0KRIS. flee dlwk To All Whom It May Concern. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE THE Longshoremen of Astoria, In the event of any vessel loading or discharging at any Dolnt on the Columbia river from Walkers island to the mouth of the Columhia river bar shall not help to load or discharge said vessel or vessels unless Astoria Longshore men are employed. By order of the presi dent, r.HOGE, PHIL. CAItROLL, Sec'ty. Astoria, Oregon, Mar. 20th, 1S33, cl lm GRAND OPENING-! OF THE 1883. STORE. and GENTS FURNISHER. 1 A. Y. Allen, (SUCCESSOR. TO PAGE & ALIEN.) Wholesale and retail dealer In Provision, Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Utpors,Tobacco,Cigars I. "W. CASE, LMl'ORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - OREGON CO pq