The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, March 30, 1883, Image 3

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HJlxs pnilB sxqxxsvu
There have been four deaths in
Weston from small pox.
The Statesman thinks that water
works in the capital would be a pay
ing investment.
3L J. Kinney arrives home from
San Jose, Cal., this morning.
J. 0. Bozorth. clerk district No.
1, advertises for proposals for building
Councilman Cooper, and F. C.
Young, formerly of the I. X. L are on
the incoming steamer.
The Columbia is due this morn
ing from San Francisco. She brings
over 200 cabin passengers.
Portlands waterworks are to be
enlarged to an additional capacity of
half a million gallons daily.
Mrs. Potts is nightly lecturing to
crowded houses. Her subject to-night
is the circulation of the blood.
Fire brick and retorts for the gas
works are being towed around from
Main street to the site of location.
The barkentine Tarn O'Shanter
arrived in yesterday morning, seventy-two
hours from San Francisco.
Good time.
Labor Saving Machine.
Our Astoria machine shops arc busy
turning out first-clas3 work. At Arndt
& Ferhens over four hundred iron
crates for holding cooking salmon are
being made. At the Astoria Iron
Worts there is a large crowd of busy
workers in the foundry, machine and
boiler shop3. In one apartment we
foand men setting up some ingenious
contrivances for canning salmon. In
these machines the salmon slides down
a sort of trough,at the bottom of which
a knifo slices off just enough to fill a
can which is on a lateral spindle to the
left. As the knife cuts the fish a solid
punch a littlo leas iu diameter than
the can drives the quantum sufficit of
fish into the can, and the work goes
on. About twenty of these machines
are now building. They are a success.
With two or three chinamen to keep
it from running away with the fish in
its mouth, ono of these can-fillers will
do as much in a day as twenty men in
the old fashion. They cost about 800
apiece and are marvels of ingenious
The Occidental.
The parsimonious forty-seventh
congress compelled a curtailment of
the signal service, which is now going
into effect.
The Fleetwood left Portland at 6
o'clock yesterday morning, made nine
teen landings and blew her whistle
hero at 12:59.
The News learns that Gill & Mc
Cabe have put in a fish trap just above
Clifton, at a cost of $S00, and will
dispose of their fi3h to J. W. & V.
The Melancthon is unloading hay
at Flavel's dock. She has nearly 500
tons cannery supplies which will bo
put off on the upper dock in Coleman's
The adv. of the New York novel
ty store appears this morning. There
is a large and handsome display of
goods, and the prices are commensur
ate with the quality.
The Jfrcira says the Bush electric
light is an assured fact, bo far as Port
land is concerned. Nearly 100 lights
have been contracted for in the busi
ness portion of tho city.
The Liquor Dealers Onion had a
full meeting yesterday. It is under
stood that they will stand pat, and
test the validity of the new license
ordinance. Standard 29.
A busy little group were arranging
the scenes in the skating rink yester
day, which place in a few days will be
transformed into "Occidental Hall."
The scenery looks well, works well,
and is, ws believe, as fine as any thea
ter north of San Frauctsco, can show.
There are nine sets, and the artist did
his work faithfull. The seats are
expected on to-day's steamer, and on
next Thursday the public will have an
opportunity of judging for themselves
as to the merits of the new theater. On
that date the Kentucky Jubilee Sin
gers will appear and have the honor
of giving the inaugural performance.
Police Court.
jtfarch 29.
Martin Crystal, drunk; forfeited
E. Freoman, drunk; forfeited 2.
S. Johnson, iudocent act; pleaded
guilty; fined $10.
Hotel Arrivals.
Mrs A F Naef, J Walsh, Seaside; C
Ohle, P O Chilstrom, H Baniwater,
It Hoyt, 1 Kaufman, G Walker, J A
Brown, Portland; A Rome, W W
Ward, Capt S Davis, llwaco; J G
Megler & wife,BrookGeld;JO Spencer.
Clifton; A Ivnapp, SF: E S McComas.
Baker City; W G Williams, Sacra
mento; Geo T Myers, Fisherton.
PAKKEll uousi:.
Geo. YanLangee, Portland; A
Wohlars, Portland; O Clark, Portland
J Hoover wife & family, Vancouver;
D Wheele., J E Mayo, T Huntington,
Portland; Y Jamison, Cathlamett; M
L Reynolds, St Helena CaL ; Mrs Mc
Kewan &3 children, Portland; Miss
Beatrice Gragg, Mishawaka; W S
Martin, Martin's Bluff; F M Sweet,
Bay View; J B Corner, J C Bnrnes,
Portland; A Brady, City.
Tho Chehalis Vidette announces
a great rush of immigration to that
country. It is a splendid country aud
has a zealous champion in the enter
prising newspaper at Montcsano.
M. D. Kant and wife are on tho
outgoing steamer to-day, for a visit to
southern California. Mrs. Kant has
been very sick for the last three
months, and it is hoped the, change
may prove beneficial.
Aug. C. Kinney, W. S. Kinney
and L. C. Kinney filed articles yester
day with the county clerk incorpora
ting the Clatsop Lumbering Co. The
new company will take possession of
the Hume saw mill on next Mon
day. Hon. M. C. George and mother
are on the incoming steamer this
morning. Mr. George is tho only
member of the congress of the United
States that is obliged to travel by sea
on his way to and from the national
Seldom has there been a quicker
trip, or neater run in these northern
waters than that made by the Tarn
O'Shanter, which arrived in yesterday
morning sixty-five hours from Sao
Francisco to the bar. This is better
than the steamship time of a few years
The Willamette has been put on
as a freight boat between San Fran
cisco and the Colnmbia, to relievo the
present pressure of the northward
Mrs Malcolm advertises a fine
stock of spring milliner' which will
in styles and prices suit the ladies who
contemplate a purchase. She goes to
San Francisco on to-morrow's steamer.
The Imperial arrived in yesterday
evening and anchored in the stream.
The American ship Harry Morse,
Murphy master, which sailed from
New York at seventeen minutes to
four on tho afternoon of November
2nd, 18S2, came in and anchored off
Sand Island.
How Parents, byaLacIi or Precaution
nudCnrc, are Responsible for,
the Death or Their
(Camden, 3fc, Herald,)
The moral and legal responsibility of
parents, in the care of tlieir children is,
fortunatelv. attracting the serious atten
tion of the better portion of the entire
country. The many instances ot child
beating, oppression, and other forms of
cmeltv winch have come to light, de
mand'that something be done; and it is
gratifying to know that the people are
becemim: thoroughly aroused. Whether
the cruelty be in the form of physical
violence or physical neglect matters not ,
the principle in bom cases is mc same.
The man or woman who neglects his or
her own health may be pardoned, as the
consequences fa J. upon the individual
alene: but the parent or cuardiau who
permits the inroads of disease upon the
innocent ones dependent upon him for
protection, is criminally liable in the
sight of God, however, he may appear in
the eyes of men. There are, however,
parents that intend to care for their
children, but, who through carelessness
or the urgency of other duties, permit
them to become the innocent victims of
disease. Such parents may be guiltless
of intentional wrong, but the disastrous
result? upon their children are jubt as
These arc truths which must be mani
fest to every worthy parent and espe
cially in a vicinity where the unknown
effects of the atmosphere, the water and
the general tendency to malaria arc so
great. There are many families in this
locality who have been called upon to
mourn untimely losses, even when the
greatest care was exercised; but the ex
perience of one only will be given: It
is that of the late W. O. Thomas. The
children were all most promising, but
for some unexplained reason theirhealth
and strength seemed to gradually lessen
until their friends feared they were the
victims of consumption. One by one,
they sickened ami died until three had
departed and two of the surviving
brothers were also taken ill. Their
names were llermon and Edward, ller
mon, however, seemed the stronger of
the two; and while his youugcr brother
was confined to the house constantly,
and to his bed much of the time, ller
mon was able to be about but in so weak
a condition that he had no desire to
plav. Eddie's symptoms were terrible !
lie found difficulty in retaining food
upon his stomach, was restless and irri
table, and out of Ins head frequently.
At various times three different physi
cians visited him: and each one told
his friends he coukl notlivc. lie lmaily
got so low that death was only consid
ered the matter of a few days. At that
critical time his elder brothers, aroused
almost to the pitch of desperation by
the three deaths that had so recently oc
curred, and the other one staring them
in the face, resolved to take the case
into their own hands. They accord
ingly did so, and secured a remedy that
was men uemg universally ubtu, ami
began giving it to htm. Its egect at first
was slight, but any improvement was
consideied a good symptom. By de
grees his strength returned; he was able
to eat with a relish, then walk about the
house; aud finally he regained complete
health and strength. The boy was so
reioiccd over his recovery that, accom
panied by the editor of this paper, he
went betore Justice Charles K. Miller
and made oath to the facts of his sick
ness as above related, and that he was
restored to perfect health by the use of
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
Now, Edward Thomas's s parents,
while they lived, undoubtedly, provided
faithfully for the wants of all their
children; and yet the seeds of disease
had taken deep root Their care in one
direction had been counteracted by un
known carelessness in another. Their
love was sincere, but wholly misdi
rected. They should have known that
children are just as liable to kidney and
liver diseases as grown up people; and
that the fatality of Bright's disease of
the kidnevs is lust as creat amonff little
children as with adults. This is a seri
ous subject Hereditary traits: the
after consequences of measles and scar
let fever, diphtheria and the passing
troubles which so easily become chronic,
all demand me greatest care ami cau
tion. No case of cholera infantum,
measles, scarletma, or diphtheria was
ever virulent while the child's kidneys
and liver were healthy. It would shn
plvbe an impossibility. These import
ant organs of the body are just forming
within the child and growing with its
growth; and they can be trained to
truth and uprightness.
The importance of carefully watching
the slightest troubles of the child, and
especially those ffaecting the kidneys
and liver, cannot be too strongly em
phasized. Children respond so readily
to the proper remedies and are so sensi
tive to disease, that it is a sin to deprive
them of one at the risk of Incurring the
other. By a judicious treatment these
essential 'organs can be developed so
that a strong constitution, able to resist
the inroads of disease through coming
years. .hall be the result
XXX Horscheatl Muslin, 20 yards lor $1.00
Genuine Lonsdale Muslin, 10 " " 1.00
" New York Mills Muslin, 8 yards for 1.00
' Cabot A " " 12. " u 1.00
Double width Table Linen, per yard 25
" " TurkovRed " " " 50
" " Satin Damask Table Linen, per yard 50
Pure Linen Napkins, per doz .50
Extra size Towels, " " i.00
Pure Linen Towels " " 1.20
20 yards best brands of Calico for 1.00
Tycoon Reps, all shades, per yard 12-
Kin dross Plaids, per yard 5
All wool Momie Cloth, per yard 25
Double width Lang try Tlnids, per yard 90
All wool Black Cashmere, " " 40
All wool, 40 inch, Black Cashmere, per yard 75
English Cashmeres, all shades, per yard 35
All wool Shoodah Cloths, double width, per yard G5
" " Corded Camels Hair, double width 70
Spoon Busk Corset, white and colored, each 75
French woven Corsets, white and colored 1.25
All shades Silk Fringes, per yard 25
" " Cord and Tasseis,eaeh 25
Also, bargains in Dress Goods, Domestics, Fancy Goods, Gents
and Boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods, of the latest manufacture.
New Goods on our Ten, Twenty-five and Fifty Cent tables.
Inspection of goods freely invited at
Sheriff Q'Neil's Bankrupt &tore,
Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON.
22-TLook out for our Grand Millinery opening.
Dry Goods Clothing House
Received per Express, from New
York, over
which will be sold at the following prices:
1,100 yards Embroidery, from 05c to 12
1,500 " ' 12 25
1,000 " " 25 "50
GOO " ' " " 50 "75
These Goods are
"Wiggins' Great Storm.
It seems as though the great storm
predicted by Wiggins, is going to strike
Astoria. During the last week, at least
seventeen young, good-looking, mar
riageable men have been at A. M. John
son's Crockery Store, inspecting their
stock and pricing crockery, with a view
of getting ready for housekeeping. If a
storm is not in transit towards Astoria,
a squall is, at least, and the young ladies
had better be prepared for it. If they
will call at our store during the week,
our gentlemanly clerk will take pleas
ure in showing them the nice sets of
dishes, etc., that their young men have
already picked out Of course we don't
want you to give us away, as we have
promised the young men not to let you
into the secret; but of course you will
want to see what kind of crockery you
are going to use, and as it is all here we
would like to have you inspect it. Sev
enteen honeymoons arc going to be
crowded into this year it seems. How
they are going to do it is a question, but
they'll do it no doubt.
A. IL .lon.vsox & Co.'s
Great Crockery Store.
n -&- tia? openea a
Temperance Billiard Parlor
Next to Geo. W. Hume's Store.
Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater Bay
Oysters in every Style
Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate ; Pies, Cakes
Sandwiches, etc., at the Counter.
Also In connection with the Parlor
A Flue yhootins Gallery.
Iew Iiicli Blood.
The use of Oregon Blood Purifier.
During tho year 1880, 755,883
persons died in tho United States.
The death rate was about 15 to the
thousand. Were all parts of the
union as healthy as Oregon and Wash
ington Territory the death rate ,would
be only one-seventh, what it is. But
perhaps it is just as well.
At the annual meeting of the
Portland Seamen's friend society, ac
cording to the Standard, Chaplain
Stubbs made favorable mention of tho
bethel work at Astoria among fisher
men, seamen and others by Rev. J.
UcCormac. He says a home and
bethel are greatly needed here to con
tract in some measure the evils prac
ticed on seamen by wicked people in
this city.
The captain of the schooner Hare
Plant, which arrived at Liverpool
February 1st from St. John's, with a
cargo of seal oil, reports having en
countered severe weather. During a
terrific gale on January 16th, he
filled a large canvas bag with seal oil
and towed it astern of tho .vessel,
which, was running before the wind.
It had the effect of rendering the
waves almost powerless, and to this
precaution the captain attributes the
safety of kk Ye1.
An Orcfjonian reporter leani3 from
Captain Powell that at Yaquina bay
the channel has moved to the north,
and is now nearly at the center of the
entrance, where there are no rocks as
a menace. Tho depth over the bar
at mean high tide is 17f? feet. At the
mouth of tho Coquillc work has been
suspended on account of the near ex
haustion of the funds appropriated.
The Astoria teachers association
will hold its regular meeting at tho
Slain street school building, this after
noon at two o'clock. The following
are subjects chosen for discussien:
Graded schools and the greatest needs
of our schools. An invitation is ex
tended to all patrons of the school,
and friends of education generally, to
attend and take part in tho discussion.
Dr. Pierce's "FavoritePrescription"
is tho debilitated woman's best restor
ative tonic.
"Wood Choppers Vantcd.
Men who want to contract for cutting
timber into cord-wood can get a chance
for a contract by calling on .Ias. Rem.,
Upper Astoria.
Fran If FabrcVs Oyster and Chop
Fresla and. New,
Of the latest designs, and are fully
20 per cent, under th.e Regular Prices.
Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or
Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early breakfast before going
aboard the boat, should rail aud see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoilwatcr
bay oysters receh ed by cwry steamer.
Cood Tor Knblr.
With a baby at breast nothing is so i
useful for quieting my own and baby a
nerves as Parker's Ging ;r Tonic. It
prevents bowel complaints, and is bet
ter than any stimulant to give strength
aud appetite. A Newark Mother.
The funeral of the late C.1L 2sich
olson was larcely attended, and accom
panied from the hospital by the band
playing the Dead March in Saul. Prof.
Smith, leader. The expense was de-
iiiijeu uy iiuujicsuuacnpuonscouecieu
by Jas. Smith, of the Variety Chop
House, who returns thanks to all
For the I-ntlics.
IWruI In the rauiily.
We usually leave it to Doctors to
recommend medicines, but Parker's
Ginger Tonic has been so useful in
our family in relieving sickness and
suffering that wo cannot say too much
in its praise. Salem Argus.
Why Do People Have
Two sets of teeth.
They don't shed arms and lens to get
new ones. Teeth arc indispensable,
and the Creator gives two chances.
When one uses SOZODOXT. even
among babies, it preserves the "decidu
ous teeth,' and helps to strengthen the
BcaTcr lodge Zo. S3, I. O. O. F.
Witl eleit representatives to the Grand
Lodge Thursday evening April 7th.
A full attendance is desirable. By
order X. G.
.lust received at
Another large shipment of
Consisting or
Dinner nnil Ten Sets, CSlau Scls,
lVutcr Srt. Toilet Sets
liar Kinase and atottle of all kluil.
Opar Usuler.-. Tabic Cnllery.
l'lnln ami I'latril Castor,
Omnium ml Ilauil Lamp,
I'ntenl Mr - rxtinznlsliln: Lamp
LaB:ilce Lamp Chlninrjs, nil sizes,
Lamp Keducers, Lamp Shades, pa
per anil porcelain and Illnmluator.s
Kean rots, anil flower Tot. Stone
Jars, nil sizes.
Ot all kind and descriptions. It will pay
you to call ami examine.
The largest stock of CROCKERY in town
O I- o
Spring Sfocls
m t
r " DE.ESS S72TS N
Tou.tlls, and Boys' Suits.
IgtggHBest Goods at Lowest Prices
id. -A- nvEoi:Kr,E3L?cs:s:
A Pair Proposition
Anyone suffering from habitual con
stipation, torpidity of the liver, colds,
fevers, headaches, restlessness, sleep
lessness, indigestion or otherills arising
from a disordered or inactive condition
of the liver, stomach and bowels, and
wishing to give Syrup of Figs a thor
ough trial, can buy it of W.E.tement&
Co., Astoria, who will agree to return
j'our money if it fails to act promptly
and satisfactorily.
Hodge Davis & Co., "Wholesale Agents,
Portland Oregon.
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded,
Mrs. Warren lias received the first in
voice of Litts Dresses and Dolmans.
Ladies will please call and' examine
Orders taken for dresses subject to
approval. Samples to be examined, etc.
Furnislietl Rooms to Rent
At Mrs. Dcnnj' Curran's. On Cass
street near Congregational church.
Call at the Occident Store and in
spect Mcintosh's stock of spring suitings.
Furnished rooms to rent at Mrs. P.
J.Goodman's, corner Concomloy and
Madison streets.
Cold boiled ham, brown bread and
Boston baked beans at "Jeffs"' Variety
Chop House every night, near Stephans
Theatre sign of the red and green
light Open all night
Two splendid front rooms, suitahlo
for gentlemen only, or for office use.
Apply to Alex. Campbell at Gem Saloon.
The youthful color, beauty and lus
tre are gradually restored to gray
hair by Parker's Hair Balsam.
K On and after April 1st Single meals
at Palace variety Chop House will be
thirty-five cents or three meal tickets
for one dollar. The table will always
be supplied with tho best the market
affords. T. Cnoss & C. IIkxry,
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Priuc 50 cents Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement
For lame Back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold b3 W. E. Dement
Xitrous Oxide Gas.
Painless extraction of
LaForce's dental room?
Case's store.
teeth at Dr.
over 1. Y.
I have used OREGON BLOOD
PURIFIER for neuralgia, it coaled
my blood and nerves at once.
Mrs. Axx.1 Sjctji.
The great distinguishing feature of
Kedding's Kussia Salve is its power to
reduce inflammation.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Care. We
guarantee it Sold by W.E. Dement.
On and after April 1st, Single meals
at Jeff's Variety Chop House will be
thirty-five cents, or three meal tickets
for one dollar. The table will always
le supplied with the best the luarket
affords. Board bv the week at the old
rates 5. R. L. Jeffehy, Prop'r.
Fancy soaps and perfumery of all
kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drng
store, opposite Occident hotel.
P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladie
oots. shoes, etc Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
"Jeff,'' the enterprising proprietor
of the Variety Chop House, is doing a
rushing business. He has just complet
ed the best ice house north of San Fran
cisco, and intends selling ice and ice
cream as soon as nis apparatus arrives
from Chicago.
For the genuine J. 11. Cutter old
Bourbon, ana the best ot wines, liquors
and San Franolsco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp
bell. Physicians' prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
For the crcat OREGON BLOOD
PURIFIER has cured me of my so
much Quinine habit and general de
bility, I have suffered so long.
Yours truly, Wsl Arlington.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
nerfumerv. and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Pnnn'ii lnirr ctnrr nnnncitn Or-iilpnt
hctel, Astoria.
The Peruvian syrup nas .cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint, bolls, hu
mors, female complaints, etc Pamph
lets free to any address. Seth W.FowIf
&Son Boston.
Will jou suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
I offer for sale my ranch near Skipa
non in this County; it consists of
160 ACRES,
iRlity Acres improved, -with
good dwelling House;
Tiro Barns, Out Houses, etc.:
A Fine Orchard.
Everything is well improved and
good condition. A large assortment of
Farming Implements,
Three lascnser Coaches.
One Kuggy-,
lYinc Head Horses,
Cattle, Hogs, Etc.
This affords a rare chance for a man to
ge- a good home in the oldest settled
section in the" state.
Terms favorable to one meaning busi
ness. C.A.IIAGUmE
Important ! ! J Y.
Hereafter all our
Pure Coffees will be
put up under our own
private label
Unless bought of
Wholesale and retail dealer .to
N. B. All goods bearing our
label are guaranteed to be strictly
Pure and of Best quality, and
are sold by no other House.
eeived at the office of the county clerk
until noon of April 4th, 18S3. for the burial ot
the dead who may have to be burled at the
expense of the county
By order of the County Court.
d-w tt R. R. SPEDDEN, Clerk.
To All Whom It May Concern.
Longshoremen ot Astoria, in the event
or any vessel loading or discnarging at any
point on the Columbia ri7er irom walker's
rl7er from
land to the mouth of the Columbia river
bar shall not help to load or discharge said
vessel or vessels unless Astoria Longshore
men arc employed. By order of thepresl-
aeni, r.mjuc,
Astoria. Oregon, liar. 20th, 1883,
Glass and Plated Ware,
Together with
Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars
. citizens of Astoria that on the 21th
Inst., he will open a
Where a full supply Iwill he found. Re
pairing or all kinds promptly attended to.
Yoor Patronage Solicited.
price of board at the Occident Hotel
will be advanced five dollars per month,
New York Novelty St2?e?
And a thousand other things too numerous to mention.
NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Cor. Chenamus, and Main Streets,