The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, March 27, 1883, Image 3

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2?lxc inUij fxstetaik
TUESDAY -..31AKCH 27, 18S3
Council meets to-night
The Miles will leave for Graj-'s
harbor on Friday, April Cth.
Visitors to San Francisco will find
The Astouiax on file at the public
It is again announced that work
will soon begin on the railroad to Ya
quina bay.
The Californian for April is fully
up to the usual standard of that excel
lent magazine.
Dr. Aug. C. Kinney and wife
wers among the returning passengers
on yesterday's steamer.
J. O. Eozorth, school clerk
district No. 1, gives notice concerning
a meeting this evening.
The State arrivod in at 7:30
j'estcrday morning. The Queen goes
out to-day, one day ahead of time.
The Sailor Boy, from Shoalwater
Bay to San Francisco, was spoken 20
miles west of Cape Hancock on the
night of the 24th.
Dr. Philip Harvey, one of Port
laud's oldest and most respected phy
sicians, died in that city last Saturday,
aged seventy-eight years.
The Henry Villard crossed out
last Sunday morning. This leaves no
loaded vessel in the river. There is
very little to load at present.
Mrs. II. A. Angcll, an old and
esteemed resident of Wahkiakum
county, died at her residence near
Skamockwa, last Frida3r, in the 40th
year of her age.
The long period of dry weather
ended Sunday night, and yesterday
for the first time m nearly six weeks
the rubber coats and umbrellas were
brought out. The rain is welcome.
The Gen. Miles arrived in last Sun
day from Gray's harbor, with a load
of lumber from the Cosmopolis mill.
Capt. Whitcomb reports towing out
the schooner Wing and Wing, lumber
laden for San Francisco.
At a parish meeting of Grace
church held yesterday, after morning
service, the following gentlemen were
duly elected vestrymen to serve for
the ensuing j'car: Messrs. A. Van
DuBcn, S. D. Adair, C. J. Trenchard,
Dr. Tuttle, A. B. Anderson, B. Van
Dusen, Maxwell Young, A. W. Berry
and C. P. Upshur.
Our museum is daily growing in
value. We now have on the top shelf,
ajJackage of "ozone," warranted to
all manner of impossible things. It
was handed us by a subscriber who
paid $3 for it and pronounces it a
fraud. That was just what we thought
about it a year ago, when the proprie
tors offered us 100 to advertise the
worthless stuff.
Archie Clark, better known as
"Circus," was shot by Charles Ander
son in a Portland saloon, at an early
hour last Sunday morning. The trou
ble began in referenco to some re
marks of Anderson's concerning two
girls who had been there and resulted
in Anderson's firing two shots, tho
second of which took effect in Clark's
right oye. The injuries are not con
sidered fatal. Anderson was arrested.
J. F. Smith, of the Portland pot
tery works, is in the city engaging
men for work at Fort Clatsop from
whence the earth comes of which the
pottery is mado. It seems a pity that
tho works were not located there in
the first place. There is an inexhaus
tible deposit of tho finest clay there,
and a four foot bank of splendid fire
brick clay. Some day a brick yard
will be a profitable institution in that
Henry Youmans, a deck hand on
the Gen. Miles was drowned at the
O. R. & N. dock yesterday morning.
The Miles was lying at the dock wait
ing for the State of California to go
up, to unload some freight. As the
State backed out, the bow of the Miles
swung out toward that vessel, and the
deceased sprang with a fender to put
it between the stern of the steamer
and the bow of the Miles. In some way
he slipped and fell overboard almost
directly beneath the revolving pro
peller of the State. Escape was hope
less; the State wjs stopped as soon as
it was possible, but nothing could be
seen of the poor fellow till. his body
was recovered by grappling about
three hours after. Deceased was a
single man aged 35, was a member of
the Astoria 'Longshoremens Associa
tion, aud was wellpoken of by all his
comrades and associates. Tho remains
were conveyed to the coroner's, from
whoso rooms the funeral will take
place at half-past two o'clock thb
afternoon. His father resides in
Norfolk, England, of which place the
drowned man was a native.
Cape Hancock Record.
March 2G.
Bar moderate; wind easterly, light;
tugs outside; nothing in sight.
Bearer Lodgo So. 35, I. O. O.F.
Witlelcst representatives to the Grand
.Lodge Thursday evening April 7th.
A full attendance is desirable. By
order N. G.
The Salmon Market.
In our latest received advice3 from
Dickson & Renwick, of Liverpool, they
say that the decline has further de
veloped. A large arrival of a favor
ite Columbia river brand has recently
been placed at 23 6 warehouse Liver
pool, and still lower has been ac
cepted for floating parcels and for old
seasons. Arrivals for the month have
been 115,903 cases at Liverpool, and
71,350 at London, making the season's
arrivals to date 473,186 cases.
Under date of the 24th inat., the
Grocer and Canncr reports tho market
very quiet, no goods moving and
prices practically unchanged. Re
ports from the interior received
through prominent represantatives of
the canning interest are of rather a
gloomy hue, as regards the run in the
Sacramento river for the present year.
They state that never within the .his
tory of the state was the water of tho
Sacramento river so low. A phenome
nal feature of the case is, that the
tides back the salt water 34 miles
from San Francisco bay to Benicia,
or even above that point, so little re
sistance is offered by the river in its
present condition. Fishermen say
they are at a los3 what to do under
such circumstances such as they have
never before encountered, aud cannot
tell whether to fish up or down, and
can form no reasonable conjecture
whether or not tho fish will run.
Their theory has always been that the
salmon in approaching the coast, met
with streams of fresh water and fol
lowed them up, making what is termed
the run. They say they aro thrown
outside any possible calculation, and
shall watch with eagerness, should tho
Sacramento remain in its low state, to
learn whether the run will occur at a
time when no fresh water is running
out. Past experience ha3 given no
opportunity in judging in such an
emergency. So far aa we have been
able to learn, no sales of salmon have
been recently made, and the aggre
gate of sales up to the present time is
very much smaller than in former
years. The hold over-stock of the
pack of 1882 in Liverpool and London
is said to be very large, and the busi
ness is dull and dead. In the event
of no outlet being found through a
revival of trade a movement is on
foot to relieve those markets of their
surplus. Tho Fraser river catch has
hitherto averaged one gooJ season out
of three Last season having proved
a very bountiful one with them, it is
argued by many that the catch of this
vear will be rather light.
Across the River.
Skamokawa, W. T. .March 23, 18S3.
Ed. Astokiax-
The great .Northern Pacific railroad
boom has reached Skamokawa, W. T.,
and must reach Astoria in good tune.
A large force or men are already at
Fork preparing the foundation at tho
mouth of Skamokawa creek for ono of
tho largest lumber mills on the Co
lumbia river. Owing to the great de
mand for lumber at the sawmills, it is
necessary, I presume, for J. B.
Montgomery, Esq., to undertake this
enterprise in order to be promptly
supplied with lumber for tho great
work of completing the link in the
Northern Pacific railroad between
Portland and Kalama.
C. C. S.
The "Water Company.
Hon. D. P. Thompson, is in the
city, for the purpose of conferring
with the council committee in refer
enco to tho number of hydrants to bo
placed for use. The hydrants aro in
San Francisco, and will bo shipped
from that city thin week. It is tho
intention of the company to begin
laying pipe in three weeks. Tho main
piping was shipped around tho Horn
sometime ago, but to facilitate mat
ters Mr. Thompson has mado
arrangements with the Portland
waterworks to bring what is
needed for main lead pipes down
from Portland, and when his pipe
gets here via the Horn he can return
it from that stock, thus avoiding any
delay. The remainder of tho eleven
miles of pipe has been shipped over
land and will be in San Francisco this
week. It is the intention to proceed
with work as fast as possible and have
tho works in successful operation by
tne time agrcea upon wnen tne con
tract was made.
Sunday Service.
Astoria, March 2Gth.
Ed. Asteriax:
The entertainment at tho M. E.
church on last evening, was enjoyed
by as large an audience as could be
seated. The exercises were varied,
and instructive. A recitation ren
dered by little Edith Conn, subject,
"Tho Cross," was rapturously appreci
ated, because of the sentiment ex
pressed, and the splended style in
which it was declaimed. S.
Mrs. Anna M. L. Potts, M. D the
eloquent and popular lecturer on Fhysi
olocv. health and disease, has secured
Libertv Hall for the balance of this
week, and this evening will begin a
course of lectures on the above men
tioned subject Tho lady is highly
praised by the press of the entire United
States and without doubt our people
have a treat in store for them. The lol
lowing Is from the W. W. Statesman:
Wo are only reflecting general public
sentiment in Walla Walla, when we
say that the last half of the present
week has been a red letter period for
the intelligent and thinkine ones who
were fortunate enough to hear the lect
ures of Mrs. Dr. Potts. In these lectures,
this lady, bright, brimful of that com
mon sense, before which cant and
quackery shrinks abasned, chatty,
piquant, confidential, heartily in sym
pathy with the human In all stages of
fife, has imparted ounces of information
and fact, worth-millions of tons of theory.
Proceedings of the board of county
commissioners of Wahkiakum county
Washington Territory. Special March
term, 1883:
Monday March 12, 1883.
Board met pursuant to law.
Present Jesse Baker, Jame3 Wright
and Thomas Irvine. Commissoners,
S. F. Albert, sheriff and C. C. Shep
herd, clerk.
Orderded, That Jesse Baker be and
is hereby declared to be elected
chairman of the board of county com
missioners. Ordered, That, whereas a vacancy
has occurred, in the office of judge of
probate, in the Tcounty of Wahkiakum,
by the death of Geo. B. Roberts,
Esq. It is hereby ordered that John
W. Clemens be and is hereby ap
pointed probate judge in and for the
county of Wahkiakum, to fill said
Ordered That the official bond of
John W. Clemens as probate judge
and given for the sum of one thousand
(1000) dollars, with Thomas Irvine,
James Wright and Jesse Baker as
sureties, be and tho same is hereby
Thorepoitof J. T. Lutes, S. P.
Hoff, surveyors; and Robert Bnrch,
viewers; appointed by tho board
at the February, 1883, term, to
view and locate au extension of the
county road to the claim of J. B. Mc
Donold; received, considered and ap
proved. Said viewers report that the
location is favorable for a road and
thai the road can be easily made and
will be required by the settlers, and
recommended that the road should be
unobstructed by gates. S. P. Hoff,
surveyor, has furnished the following
notes and description of the road, to
wit: Commencing at McDonald's
Point in the N E $ of N E Sec. 28,
T No ten (10) N, and No six (G) V
of Willm Merd, 14 chains and 50
links cast of McDonald's house. Set
a post from which br. An alder 23 in
dim N 8 deg diet 28 links. An alder
18 m in dim N 48 deg W dist 41
links McDonald's Point S 28 deg E
dist 18 links.
S 4 deg E 8.50 a spruce va 22 deg E.
S 14 deg W G S W cor McDonald's
houso set a post.
S 14 deg W 4 spruce stump south
side of road.
S 2 deg E 4.25 maple north side of
S 2 deg E 2.75 alder stnmp south
side of road.
S 38 deg W 1.34 cedar stump mid
dle of road.
S 33 deg W 9.30 alder in middle of
S 38 deg W 3.55 maple 1G in dim
south side of road.
S 82 deW 5.92 maple 18 in north
side of road.
S 32 deg W 2 maple 18 on north
side of road.
S GO deg W 4.50 maple middle of
S G3 deg W 3.50 alder, set a post
45 links south of bank of the creek.
S23 deg W 2.10 alder 18 in dim.
S 23 deg W 4.45 alder stump.
S 23 deg W 7.50 shettemwood 5 ft
dim north side of road.
S 2.80 to a post in S E of N
E j Sec 29 Township 9 and six (G) W
from which br an alder 10 in dim N
22 deg E dist 17 links.
An alder 10 in dim W dist 40 links.
A brook G links wide S dist GO links.
The following warrants were ap
proved by order of the board of coun
ty commissioners at the special March,
1883, meeting of the board, to-wit:
Order No. 131 to John Kier
nan for amount of poll taxes
paid for ten Chinamen for the
year 1882, said Chinamen
having produced poll tax re
ceipts from Oregon (20) 20 00
Order No. 137 to J. T. Lutes
for viewing road on county
road extension, mileage, etc. 4 80
Order No. 13S to Robert Bush
for viewing road on county
road extension, mileage, etc. 4 80
Order No. 139 to B. P. Hoff
for viewing and surveying
road on county road exten
sion, mileage, etc 7 20
Order No. 140 to Jesse Baker
for attendance and mileage as
county commissioner, March
term, 1883 10 00
Order No. 141 to Jas. Wright
tor attendance aud mileage as
county commissioner, March
term, 18S3 5 GO
Order No. 142 to TIiob. Irvine
for attendance and mileage as
county commissioner, March
term 1883 4 50
Order No. 143 to B. F. Albert
for attendance as sheriff,
March term, 1883 3 00
Order No. 144 to C. C. Shep
herd for auditor's fees, sta
tionary and postage 47 55
Order No. 145 to John Foster
perorderN. O'Connor for ser
vices or attendance of said
O'Connor on tho day of spe
cial election, Jan. 1883, said
John Foster having destroyed
accidentally order No. 104
issued for the same service. . 4 CO
Order No. 147 to Jesse Baker
upon Arabella Ahlberg, in
sane 7 80
Order No. 148 to S. F. Albert
for attendance and mileage
in conveying Arabella Ahl-
berrg, insaue to hospital 25 17
Order No. 349 to S T. Albert
for attendance and mileage
in conveying Arabella Ahl
berg, insane, to hospital. ... 53 00
O. C. Shepherd,
Auditor Wahkiakum Co., W. T.
it m w
XXX Horsehead Muslin, 20 yards lor $1.00
Genuine Lonsdale Muslin, 10 ' " 1.00
" New Vork Mills Muslin, 8 yards for. . . 1.00
" Cabot A " 12 "ts 1.00
Double width Table Linen, per yard 25
" " Turkey Red '; 50
' " batin Damask Table
Jf ure .Linen iNapkins, per.doz
Extra size Towels, " u
Pure Linen Towels, " "
20 yards best brands of Calico for
Tycoon Reps, all shades, per yard
lundross Plaids, per yard
All wool Momie Cloth, per yard
Double width Langtry Plaids, per
All wool Black Cashmere, "
All wool, 4G inch, Black Cashmere, per yard 75
English Cashmeres, all shades, per yard 35
All wool Shoodah Cloths, double width, per ard G5
t: " Corded Camels Hair, double width 70
Spoon Busk Corset, white and colored, each 75
French woven Corsets, white and colored 1.25
All shades Silk Fringes, per yard
Cord and Tassels, each.
Also, bargains in Dress Goods,
ana iioys Looming ana r: urnismng
iNew tjroods on our Ten, Twenty-five and Fifty Cent tables.
Inspection of goods freely invited at
Sheriff O'NeiFs Bankrupt Store,
Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON.
J3gTLook out for our Grand Millinery ppening.
Worth $25 a Month in Astoria
A Tcnucs3ec ghost comes to a huuau
in Nashville, and rocks the bahy to
sleep every night. Now, then, says
Burdette, by all thu dwellers in tho
nether gloom, if there is a restless
ghost of any old ancestor of oura
would like to find steady employment
at good wages in a quiet family and
good neighborhood, we can give tho
perturbed spirit all it wants to do in
the silent lino of general housework,
with Sunday aftornoon for itself, and
one night out every week when it
could go around and raise a costly
racket with the neighbors, aud h.iunt
all the lonely houses in the neighbor
hood, wnatagem ot a nouse-servant j
a ghost would be. JSever "sass back; j
always invisible. The pie would come
on the table as though it were sailing
through the air; tho carpet-sweeper
would perform its noiseless functions
without the howling accompaniment
of "Gnah-na-gnah-na-iha-wah that
wur tho place whayre the whisky is
plenty whack! fol dhe rol loll" Aud
at night it could haunt all the object- ,
ionablc neighbors until they lied the
neighborhood and property would dc
prcciato seventy-five per cent., when
we could buy it in and whack up with
tho ghost .No light and no fire re
quired for the ghost's room. No pri
vate watchman wanted on the block;
no dog on the premises. When a
burglar climbed in at tho window and
felt the cold, clammy fingers of the
ghost wiggling down the back of his
neck; whon ho drove a ten-inch bowio
knife clean through the ghost's bosom
fivo times and the spectre smiled sadly
at him, and showed him where his
throat had been cut clear off nine
years before how the robber would
drop his kit and winj his restless
flight to realms bei'ond the farther
limits of the city corporate. And
when the door-bell rang, the ghost
would just stick its head clear through
tho key-hole and see who was thero
before the door was opened. Aud
there would be no sweethearts loafing
about the kitchen Sunday nights ah,
no. Truly, a ghost would be a great
boon to the home, and if any of our
readers kuow of a gho3t out of a job,
send him at once to this office.
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription"
is the debilitated woman's best restor
ative tonic.
Wijrgrius Great Storm.
Itseem3as though the great storm
predicted by Wiggins, is going to strike
Astoria. During the last week, at least
seventeen j'oung, good-looking, mar
riageable men have been at A. M. .John
son's Crockery Store, inspecting their
stock and pricing crockery, with a view
of getting ready for housekeeping. I f a
storm is not in transit towards Astoria,
a squall is, at least, and the young ladies
bad better be prepared for it If they
will call at our store during the week,
our gentlemanly clerk will take pleas
ure in showing them the nice sets of
dishes, etc., that their young men have
alreadv picked out. Of course we don't
want you to give us away, as wc have
promised the young men not to let you
into the secret; but of course you will
want to see what kind of crockery you
are going to use, and as it is all hercwe
WOU1U llKe UJ II.IVU i UU UUlWtK . uk-
entecn honeymoons are going to be
crowded into this year it seems. How
they are going to do it is a question, but
they'll do it no doubt,
A. M. Jonxsox & Co.'s
Great Crockery Store.
Furnished rooms to rent at Mrs. P.
J.Goodman's, comer Concomloy and
Madison streets.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold by W.E. Dement
Call at the Occident Store and in
spect Mcintosh's stock of spring suit
ings. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
Siaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Linen, per yard 50
yard 90
" 40
. 25
...................... .vU
Domestics, Fancy Goods, Gents
broods, ot the latest manufacture.
Hotel Arrivals.
J R Wheat, Portland; G Debnoy.str;
A G Allen & faintly, Ft. Stevens; L
A Luomis, llwaco; D P Thompson,
Pertland: J W ZHaffet, Jacksonville;
E D McKee, Portland; Geo. T Myers,
Fisherton; J C White, U S A; L W
Wisaber, City.
M J Youug, Will Hill, wife and
child, Mich; G W Harris, Geo W
Schilling, Chas Schilling, S F; J T
Stocker, Jr, T G Elliott, San Rafael,
Cal;J McGregor, Patrick McCarty,
L Johansen, J Brancher, S F; Harry
Bragdon, Portland; J F Christusod,
D E English, Oak Point; E J Cook.
I Portland; H & C M Gillette, Minn;
LMoffett, city; W O Williams, Jos
Wilson,' T Hee ly, S F; A Steen,
ooutti Uenu.
Police Court.
Monday March 26.
Chas. Welhnan, disorderly; $10 de
posit forfeited.
John Hohlmau, disorderly; 10 do
posit forfeited.
Andrew Foster, drunk; S20 fine.
V. E. Dugan, disorderly; $40
H. Wiseman, charged with viola
tion of Sec 4, ordinance 370; Fulton
for city, Taylor for defendant; demur
rer of defendant overruled; $50 fine;
license forfeited. Notice given of ap
Il'ilroiis Oxide Gas.
Painless eNtraetion of teeth at Dr.
LaForcu's dental rooms oyer I. W.
Case store.
"Why Do People Havo
Two sets of teeth.
The don't shed amis and lees to get
new oiks. Teeth are indispensable,
and the Creator gives two chances.
When one uses SOZODOXT. even
among babies, it preserves the "decidu
ous teetn, and helps to strengthen the
Sen- ISirh Blood.
The use of Oregon Blood PuriGer.
'.JeflV the enternrisinjr proprietor
I of the Variety Chop House, is doing a
rushing business, lie has just complet
ed the host ice house north of San Fran
cisco, and intends selling ice and ice
cream as soon as his apparatus arrives
from Chicago.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp-
The only iron preparation that does
not color the teeth, and will not cause
headache or constipation, as other iron
preparations will, m Browns Iron
The youthful color, beauty and lu3
tro are gradually restored to gray
hair by Parker's Hair Balsam.
Pin sician.V prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
For the creat OREGON BLOOD
PURIFIER has cured me of my bo
much Quinine habit and general de
bility, I havo suffered so long.
Yours truly, Wm. Aruxgtok.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. Dement
Dry Goods 1 Clothing House
Eeceivecl per
York, over
4,000 yards of EMBR023DEBXES,
whicb will be sold at
1,100 yards Embroidery, from
1,500 " "
1,000 "
600 " " "
These Goods are
ITresIi and New,
Of the latest designs, and are fully
20 per cent, Tinder th, Regular Prices.
Touth.s' and Boys Suits.
est Goods at
Dear Julia: Go to ".IciTs" Variety;
Chop House for your meals while in ,
Astoria. Meet me same time and place
in rortland, next bunuay. uvs.
IVewMiHincrj Spring Stoclc.
Mrs. Malcom has just received a
splendid new stock of spring millinery.
wmuu sue is &UU1UK ui. initio au iuv :
that ladies will find it to their interest
to give her a call before going else -
Good for Babies.
"With a baby at breast nothing i3 so
useful for quieting my own and baby's
nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It
prevents bowel complaints, and is bet
ter than any stimulant to give strength
and appetite. A Newark Mother.
Gas and Billiard Fixtures,
Silver-plated basin cock, etc., very
elegant and cheap, at Loryea Bros.,
Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Chenaraus
street, opposite Dement's Drug Store.
Go and look at them.
Cold boiled ham, brown bread and
Boston baked beans at "JefTs" Variety
Chop House every nigh t, near Stephans
Theatre sign of the red and green
light. Open all night.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Not an experiment or cheap patent
medicine is Brown's Iron Bittera. It
is prepared by one of the oldest and
most reliable chemical firms, and will
An nil thftt is nlaimpd fnr tt.
r Wva mAd OPTION RT.rifVn
xruxvxxjn. lor ucuruig., k, ;umt;u
my blood and nerves at once.
Mks. Akna Siinn.
nTmTnmT c !:- z. l.l i
This space Reserved for
New York Novelty Store.
Express, from New
the following prices:
05c to 12
124- 25-
25 " 50
50 " 75
Lowest Prices
Furnished Rooms to Kent
At Mrs. Denny Curran's. On Cass
street near Congiegational church.
Wood Choppers TFantetl.
Men who want to contract for cutting
timber into cord-wood can cet a chance
for a contract by calling on Jas. Belt.,
Upper Astoria.
-,?!, ..i.-. n..B -i rimn
i Frniilc Falrc s Oj stcr and Cnop
Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or
Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early breakfast before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
bay oysters received by every steamer.
Do not be deceived. Insist on hav
ing the genuine Brown's Iron Bitters,
made only by the Brown Chemical Co.
and take nothing else.
Fancy soaps and perfumery of all
kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drng
store, opposite Occident hotel.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph
lets free to any address. Seth W.Fowl?
teSon" oton.
Two splendid front rooms, suitable
for gentlemen only, or for office use.
Apply to Alex. Campbell at Gem Saloon.
P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladie
loots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
urace up tne wnoic system Willi lung
ottneiiiood. see Advertisement.
For lam Back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
I For sale by W.E. Dement,
aawjfM w ii '111111111 ' ssssas
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