" w (1) 2?to -DhxIu starasn. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY-.- MARCH 23, 1S3 Full moon. High tide. Good Friday. Sunrise at sis. The Queen is due this morning. J. G. Ross advertises a suite of rooms to let. The Lilian is carrying lumber from Knappton. E'xSenator Grover -will in future reside in Portland. All the land offices are doing a land office business. Cant Korts, late of the Tacoma, is on the incoming steamer. The new Odd Fellows' temple is assuming an ornate appearance. The John W. Marr and Boldon, henco to Queenstown, have arrived out. W. E. Dement & Co. advertise a fino display of decorations for Easter epgs. Herring arc coming in largo quantities into Yaquina and Aleea bays. E. C. Holden, city assessor, was busy distributing assessment blanks yesterday. The Cape FJattery military tele graph line has been completed as far as Ncah bay. E. C. Holden announces an auction sale of of furniture nt eleven o'clock to-morrow morning. The steamer State of California broke one of the fans of her propeller on her latest trip to San Francisco. The Queen like, her predecessors, was obliged tq leave freight at San Francisco. She has a large crowd aboard. Portland post of the G. A. R., proposes to have a grand reunion of soldiers and sailors in that city on the 4th of next July. Capt. Whitcomb, of the Gee. Miles, was busy yesterday taking on freight. The boat sails this morning with freight and passengers for Gray's harbor. L. L. Clifford, who recently went to Portland to draw $2000 from ;he A. 0. D. W., for a death benefit, and who was reported as having been murdered in that city, has been een in Jacksonville, heading eastward. At a meeting of the Cpquille Packing company last evening the or ganization was perfected; the major portion of tho stock is now issued. The officers are D. H Getchell, presi dent; E. It. Hawes, treasurer; J. W. Hume, secretary. The run of smelt in the Columbia reached this place last Friday, and since then ten tons of them have been dipped out of tho rivsr along the wharves by numerous boys and men with dip-nets made of netting or bags. The sport has been much enjoyed by all concerned. Yacourer Independent. To-day is Good Friday, the most solemn of all the fasts of the church. On this day is commemorated the cru cifixion on Calvary, and throughout the Christiau world, in habiliments of woe, with darkened altars aud peni tential psalms the faithful fast and pray, that by penance their sins and transgressions may be pardoned. They have a" peculiar city council in Portland. At its last session the legislature passed a new charter for the city, which granted to the mayor an annual salary of 1,500, and to each councilman $300. Wednesday night, when a formal ordinance was introduced appropriating tho amount of their salaries, two of the members protested against receiving pay. Per haps this action has a precedent in tho history of municipal legislation in America, but the fact has never been tnade public. By referenco to our advertising columns it will bo seen that Mr. I. W. Case is tho sole agent in Astoria for several of the leading trans-Atlantic steamship lines. Any person con templating a trip to Europe, or de sirous of sending for anyjfriend or rel ative can do so with no more ex pense than in the large cities of the east. Mr. Case issues and honors bills of exchange in the leading cities of the continent and possesses equal facilities in that line with conterapo sary bankers. The fullest informa tion relative to rates of passage, pre paid tickets for those in the old coun try, etc., furnished on application at the bank. Salmon Packers Union. The following is a copy of a circular which is to be sent to every packer of salmon on the Columbia river: We the undersigned committee, be ing duly appointed at a meeting of the packers held m Astoria, Oregon, on March 13, 1883, for the purpose of corresponding with the packers absent on that occasion, take this mode of so doing and have to request your co operation on the following subjects: 1st. To organize a "Pac'-era Pro tective Onion" on the river with a view to harmonize amongst ourselves and to adopt. from time to time, such measures a3 may advance our iutore3ts and have a tendency to give mutual aid to each other. 2nd. To adopt means to asml a representative from the packers on this river, to Europe the coming tea son, in order to protect our interests and look after the inspection of salm on in Liverpool and London, and co operate with other gentlemen now in England on the same mission. 3rd. To adopt measures of so strin gent and effective a character as to protect U3 from the cutting and steal ing of nets, etc. 4th. To instruct the public in the difference between Columbia river and Sacramento river salmon, as num bers of Sacramento river packers use the name Columbia or Columbia river, thereby deceiving the public 5th. To enable us by a concert of action to propagate salmon in the river and ask the state and United States governments to assist us in tho good rork. J. G. Meglek. J. O. Hanthorx. Thos. Dealet. S. Elmoke. TheO. & C. Extension. The Red Bluff People's Cause saj's: "While in conversation a few days since with Gen. Caihvaldur,wt learned some important facts connected witli the Oregon division of the Central PaciGc railroad from Redding to the northern boundary of the state. Tho company is massing men, animals, tools, machinery, etc, on the line of the extension as rapidly as it is possi ble at this time. A few daj-s since a number of tho officers of the company went up and took a bird's eye view of the route and found everything in splendid shape, and ready for active operation as soon as a force of men can be put to work. As soon as the company completes its work on the Southern Pacific, the whole force will be put to work on tho Oregon extension- This will be about the middle of April. The General says it is the intention of the company to complete the work this year if possible; if men and money, drive and push will ac complish the undertaking, it will be done. Villard, no doubt, intends to try and reach the Southern Oregon boundary at the earliest possible day, and the Central Pacific people are de termined to meet him there. Fast Time. The steamer Wide West left Portland at 5:30 yesterday morning and blew her whistle in front of the dock at this place at 12:15 v. m. It was purely an experimental trip. For some time past the grate bars in this and other of the O. R. & It. river steamers have been under change for the purpose of hereafter burning coal, and yester day's run was for the purpose of see ing how the boat behaved herself. The result was in every way satisfac tory. Among those on board were F. T. Dodge, superintendent river divis ion; John Gates, chief engineer river division; and D. P. Keene, secretary for C. H. Prescott. Captain Bab bidgo brought her down. Further improvement in speed is expected when the boat goes on the route under tho new time table, a time which is as yet undetermined. The Wide West left on her return trip at L'J r. m. Polio e Court. March 22d. David Cozzcns, disorderly, $10; Au gust Anderson, drunk, $2. Cape Hancock Record. Cape Hancock, March 22 a. m. Bar moderate, wind S. E. strong. CKD-KIDDELV AXD CURED. W. E. Huestis, of Emporia. Kan sas, says that his wife had been sick nearly seven yeara, and for the last four months bed-ridden. She has been treated by a number of physicians and only grew worse. Her attention was called to Dr. Pierce's ''Golden Medi cal Discovery" and "Favorite Pre scription," which she commenced us ing. In one week she couldsitup, and in three weeks could walk about. By druggists. 3fcw Rich Blood. The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. Why will you cough when Shlloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by W.E. Dement A WOMAM'S EXPERIENCE. What a Lady of Great Prominence Has to Say About Her Bez. Boston Globe) On a recent trip by a representative of this paper to the city of Haverhill, Mass., a most important incident oc curred, which cannot fail to be of tho greatest interest to all, and especially to our lady readers. Tho newspaper man met a lady a trifle past middle age with luxurious white hair that contrasted strikingly with piercing black eyes. Shelpossessed a straight, full habit, wom anlv but commanding, combined with manners wholly lady-like, and yet pro nounced. Any acute judge of human, nature could see at once that he was In the presence of an unusual personage one destined to accomplish more than most of her sex, and to exert aii influ ence far reaching In its power. This lady was Mrs. M. Y. Wlngate. Almost from childhood she has taken a special interest in the bodily troubles of her sex and has probably been more suc cessful in relieving suffering and saving lives than any other woman in America. Indeed, she seems to have been to women what Florence Nightingale and Dorothv Dix were to the suffering sol diers. 'Ihe instances of women who were in the greatest agony ana appar mitiv bevond ttie reach of human aid. that she has restored to health and hap piness, are almost innumerable, ana it was only natural mat niu scniw suuuiu become specially inteicsted and wish to converse with her more in detail. 4,Ilow long have you been engaged in the practice of medicine Mrs. Win gate V "For more than 25 years." "A long time certainly. How did you happen to enter the field at that early dav when women In the professions we're specially frowned down upon V 1 think I must have inherited a taste from my father, Professor J. C. Wood, of Harvard college. He was eminent in tho profession, a hard worker and enualiv earnest in his recreations. He hunted considerably and I remember when only nine years old 1 used to dis sect the Dims ana animaisneuau Kiueu. I felt infatuated with medical science, even then and the infatuation has con tinued up to the present time. "And did you oegin your studies so early in life V "l can hardly say when 1 began, fori cannot remember when I did not read medical literature. You would scarcely believe It, but I was a slender girl aud did not weigh over 120 pounds but I used to sit up night after night until 2 o'clock in the morning poring over my studies and never dreaming of the flight ottime. It seemed as though calls for my attendance on the sick always came unsolicited. I certainly cannot fix the date when I first began jiracticing. Of course most of my patients were women, and the natural sympathy I felt for ray sex has increasea during all these years where I have been brought so closely in contact with them and have learned to anticipate their needs and sympathize with their sufferings. After the open ing of the Boston Medical College 1 ap peared before the faculty; passed exam ination and received a diploma. I had practiced for years previous to that time but thought it desirable to receive an other diploma, which I did without any effort.' -Your experience with the many and serious diseases of women having been so extensive must also be valuable? Can you give me some facts regarding tneii'i?' "I find that woman seems born to suf fering, and where she avoids it, it is by reason of some care on her part or owing to some special renewing power. It is true some women go through life with out unusual suffering, but they are none the less in danger, for there are critical periods all alone their pathway when the utmost precaution is required. The innumerable complaints called female weaknesses; the irregularities of life and changes of the system all indicate the perils which hang over every wom an's career, and which, unless attended to, may result disastrously.77 "But is there no way by which the so terrible troubles can be avoided r "That has been the problem for years. The habits of life and the demands of fashion are clearly at war with the health of women. I have been, perhaps, unusually successful in my treatment of their troubles, but there have been many cases that seemed specially stub born. I recall one in particular. I had exhausted all the usual expedients and the results were uot satisfactory. I be came worried over the case and really did not know what to do, but finally thought 1 would try something out of the usual line. I had heard u certain remedy recommended very highly and sol procured some and made a chemi cal analysis of it. I found it was per fectly pure, and that the ingredients were unusually valuable. So 1 began giving it to my patient, changing it. however, into a bottle of my own. To my great joy it seemed to have an al most immediate effect and a complete cure was the result. Since then I have used it constantly in my practice and have cured every form of female weak ness, as well as displacements, dropsical tumors, cellular dropsy and all such troubles. 1 have also used it with the best of results in cases of pregnancy and gestation. Indeed I have found it of untold value and benefit.' "Have you any objection to giving mo the name of this remedy of which vou speak T "Xone whatever. It is Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure." "Why, that is a proprietary medi cine r "Certainly, but what of that? 1 have but one end m view in the treatment of my patients namely their restoration to health. In the accomplishment of this end I prescribe what 1 believe to be beneficial, no matter what the profes sional consequences may be." "I notice in the Xcw York papers that Doctors Hammond, Agnew and other prominent physicians arc taking a sim ilar staud Mrs. Wingate. "Yes and all independent thinkers in the profession are bound to do so. I am, however, on the best of terms with un professional brethren as you can see," and the lady produced a beautiful gold medal mounted in the form of a badge which had been presented her by the medical society, known as the Ensign of the Humble 1-amily, of which she is a prominent member. After examining it closely, the reporter remarked that the medical profession evidently were proud of what she had done, as she might well be in the possession of such a medal. "I am proud of that," she replied, '-and I was also pleased a short time since to receive an offer at a large salary to take the professorship in the new medical college at Walla Walla, on the Pacific coast. I do not know how thev heard of me out there, but I was obliged to decline their offer. "And so in your experience with the diseases of women, you have found suc cess, and that Warners Safe Cure has been a most efficient remedy." "Yes, I have had unusual success and the remedy of which you speak has been proven of great benefit. There are. however, some base imitations of it to be found in the market; these are bad and should be avoided, but the gen uine remedy is one of the very best" "And has not the practice of your profession injured your health V ARRIVAL OF it m tm C mm DIRECT m m w -AT- XXX Horsehead Muslin, iiO yanis Genuine Lonsdale Muslin, 10 4 New York Mills Muslin, " UabotA " " 12 Double width Table Linen, per vard ' Turkey Red ' " " " Satin Damask Tallin Linen, per yard '. Pure Linen Napkins, per do. Extra size Towels, " "' Pure Linen Towels, " 20 yards best brands of Calico for Tvcoon Reps, all shades, per vard Trr.i ri -.i -. jvmurubb naius, per yarn All wool Momie Cloth, per yard Double width Lungtry Plaids, per All wool tsiack Uashmcre, " All wool, 40 inch, Black Cashmeie, Jinglish Uashmeres, ail shades, per yard All wool Shoodah Cloths, double width, per vard " t: Corded Camels Hair, double width . Spoon Busk Corset, white and colored, each 75 Jb rench woven Corsets, white and All shades Silk Fringes, per yard Cord and Tassels, each . . Also, bargains in Dress Goods, Domestics, Fancy Goods, Gents and Boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods, of the latest manufacture. New Goods on our Ten, Twenty-five and Fiftv Cent tables. Inspection of goods freely invited at Sheriff 0' Nell's Bankrupt Store, Uorner Concomly and Mam Streets, ISAACS & SXTMMEErpjLD. 3grLook out for our Grand Millinery opening. "Xo, 1 am better now than ever before in my life. I froze my limbs last Win ter, while ridins one cold night to see a patient and was obliged to remain in doors for over two months. Otherwise I am healthy, as you can sec by looking at me. "And may I publish this interview. Mrs. Wingate?' "Yes, if what I have told you should lift tllP. inMllQ nf tCcioHniT lliv irntnnn who may be suffering, I shall be per-1 fectly willing to have it published.' i I'sefnl In tkc Family. We usually leave it to Doctors to recommend medicines, but Parker's Ginger Tonic has been so useful in our family in relieving sickness and suffering that w i cannot say tun much in its praise. Salem Argits. The Results. All persons feeling dull and depressed or perhaps feverish with no appetite, no energy, the system Hogged, the liver torpid, and the bowels inactive, who are wondering how to findreIief.lMuId purchase a 50 cent or Si bottle of Svrtip of Figs, read the circular around' the bottle, follow the direction, taking a few doses of this pleasant remedy ami be restored to health and happiness, it may be had of W. E. Dement & Co., As toria. Hodge, Davis & Co., Wholesale Af-nts. Portland Oregon. Franlc Fabre's Oyster ami ('Imp. House. Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or Shoahvater bay oysters cooked in anv style, or an early breakfast before geinl: aboard the boat, should call aud ee him. Fresh Eastern and bhoalwater bay oysters received by ever .steamer. C'ns and Iliiliurcl Fixtures. Silver-plated basin cook, etc., vcrj elegant and cheap, at Loryea Uros., Plumbers and (Jas Fitters. Cheiiamus street, opposite Dement's Drug .Store. Ho and look at them. Personal. Dear Julia: (So to "Jeff's Varietv Chop House for your meals while, in Astoria. Meet me same time and place in Portland, next Sunday. ( ; i. Nitrous Oxlfle (as. Painless extraction of teeth at Dr. LaForce's dental rooms over I. W. Case's store. Wood Choppers "Wanted. Men who want to contract for cutting timber into cord-wood can get a chance for a contract by calling on Jas. Uki.i., Upper Astoria. Ifcir millinery Spring Stock. Mrs. Malcom has just received a splendid new stock of spring millinery, which she is selling at prices so low that ladies will find it to their interest to" give her a call before going else where. Shlloh's Catarrh Kemedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by . E. Dement P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street has mt received the latest and most fashionable style of gents anil ladie loots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. Remember the place where you can get your pure fresh chocolate creams, and molasses candy, at Oerkwitz' oppo site the Uell tower. Two splendid front rooms, suitable for gentlemen only, or for office use. Apply to Alex. Campbell at Gem Saloon. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Ocidpnt hctel, Astoria. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. w. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. O O D FROM it o I fur $1.00 1.00 8 yards for : 1.00 1.00 .25 .50 .50 .50 1.00 1.20 1.00 12 - q 25 yard 90 " .40 per yard 71 .35 .65 .70 colored .. 1.25 '40 ... .............. ifkU - ASTORIA, OREGON. Furnished Kooms to Kent At Mrs. Dennv Uurran's. On Cass street near Congregational church. Good Tor Cables. With a baby at breast nothing is so useful for quieting my own and baby's nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic It prevents bowel complaints, and is bet ter than any stimulant to give strength and appetite. A Newark Mother. To tlic Public. Mr. 1. W. Case is the sole Astoria agent for the following lines of Atlantic steamships: White Star, National. American, lied Star, and Allan. 1 shall he glad to have my friends patronize the lines that Mr. Case represents. A. T. Uhakke. ool Sows. Sax Fkaxcisco. March 17, 18&. Cai:i. Adi.ki:: I send by steamer twenty baby carriages on sale at nearly one-third of regular price. An eastern factory having suspended we bought their .stock for a mere song. Be sure to sell them as we have no room to store them. We also send you velocipedes, bird cages, and a variety of other goods which you will sell regardless of price. Will send you another lot shortly, as these prices will sell the goods on sight. Yours. FlEOEXRAUM & Co. Referring to the above I would re respectful ly inform the public that I will sell the carriages and other goods on their arrival on incoming steamers, at 20 per cent, less than the same arti cles are now marked. Call and examine the goods. Caki. An leu." ".Jeff. the enterprising proprietor I of the Variety Chop House, is doing a I rushing business. 1 le has just complet ed the he&t ice houe north of San Fran cisco, ami intends selling ice and ice cream as soon as his apparatus arrives from Chicago. After giving the OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER a fair trial, I have found, that as blocd-purifior and reconstruct or, it is what it claims to be, and gladly recommended. A. Levinosox. For the genuine J. H. Cutter old Bourlion. and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. Foul tartar is disease and death .Not only to the teeth, but breath. It taints the mouth, and to our smile Gives a most ghastly tinge, the while. But if we've SOZODONT close by, 1 e may its worst assaults defy. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Silicon's Coxsumptiox CcnK. Sold by W. E. Dement. Do not be deceived. Insist on hav ing the genuine Brown's Iron Bittera, made only by the Brown Chemical Co. and take nothing else. Cold boiled ham, brown bread and Boston baked beans at "Jeffs" Variety Chop House every night, near Stephans Theatre sign of the red and green light. Open all night. This space Reserved for New York Novelty Store.. C. EL. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. t . W " 'i THE THE XAPIITC Dry Goods Clothing House OF .aSTOBXS.- Eeceived a consignment of Ladies Cloaks, Dolmans, Circulars and Ulsters from a manufacturer that must be closed out in the the next 20 days at half price, COffSISTiafG OF SEAL PLUSH CLOAKS REDUCED! RHADAME SATIN DOLMANS REDUCED! BLACK DIAGONAL DOLMANS REDUCED! SATEEN SURRAH DOLMANS REDUCED! CIRCULARS, ULSTERS & WRAPS REDUCED! ISeTThis sale is genuine and bona fide and to satisfy the public we would wish an inspection of these goods as to irice and quality. X XL Xj S"3?OX5-3E3- o i-i. OOOI? KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS OCCIDENT STOEE. For the Millions ! Spring Stock ! Direct from New York now on EXHIBITION, Embracing all the Latest, Leading and DBC j&. Styles to suit all. Quality to suit all. Prices to suit all. A full line of CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER A. V. Allen, (SUCCESSOR TO PAOE & ALLKN.) Wholesale and retail dealer In firoitritfj PttvMoaa, Crekry. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsTobacco, Cigars IXL I BUILDING, ASTORIA. mwm i- Standard Styles in Soft, Stiff and Flexible T S ! and GENTS FURNISHER. HANSEN BROS. KATE BE MO TED! From their old quarters io their NEW SHOP And Factory near Kinney's Cannery J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KINDS OF FEEL, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot or Benton street. Astoria. Oregon.