0 gfts axlxj stoiatXe ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY MARCH 21, 1883 The Iowa Decision. An Iowa temperance paper thus states the causes which led to the late decision averse to the pro hibitory amendment in that state: "The clerical blunder which caused the defeat of the constitutional amendment, was made four years ago, or by the legislature preced ing the last one. The fatal points in the amendment case were: 1. The proposed amendment that passed the senate contained the words 'or to be used.' A senate clerk in copying it omitted those four words and sent his defective copy to the house, which adopted the defective proposition, hence both houses did not adopt the same amendment, as the con stitution itself provides. 2. This same senate clerk, in making up his journal entry, failed to record on his journal the names of sena tors voting for and those voting against the proposition, as the con stitution itself provides shall be done. This one man by his care lessness defeats the will of the great majority of the people of Iowa. The "Waitsburg Times says James S. Murphy announces that he will fight McDonald or any other man in "Washington Territo ry for the sum of 1,000, sixty days after signing articles. He says this is business and not "moon shine on a teaspoon.' Anybody wanting and meaning business will oblige him by calling on .Rod Handed Mike at Spokane Falls, and he will find men and money ready. Mr. S. A. Curtis, of the Wash ington D. C. Swi mining School, was cured by St. Jacobs Oil of very severe chronic rheumatism which often assumed the inflam matory type. After giving the OREGON JiLOOD PURIFIER a fair trial, I have found, that as blocd-purifier and rcconstruct or, it is what it claims to be, and gladly recommended. A. Lkvixoson. COMMERCE AND TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Seleue. Cr eh. Qutenstown, Hatch IT Honry Vlll&rd. Am sp Liverpool Marc-li W SAILED. Helicon, Am ep Sound March ill A RRl VALS FROM SKA . tlr-'cnn bb. 22SS tons. Pohlman. S FMcrcbS) VESSELS IX THE 111 VER. Lutterworth, lit Lk Cbesebroucn, Am t-p Garnock. Hr. M, Renfrewshire Klsii.oro llicltlacd l.iahl, Atu.tp "ormca, Amtli Saranac. Am t'k V ESS ELS OX THE WA J . J'roei li'cltrii J'irtf. ftir the Colttniliin Itirr Glenbcrvie. Hr bk Lirorpool Dec 27 Lorobardin, Br 71S Liverpool DecC Rjrerale, Br 614 Liverpool Dec 2 Scottish Tar, Br bk Lirorpool, March 14 Ullock, Br bkSoptfnbcriq From American Iortn. Uarry Morse. Am sp I.' Nor 3 C S Hulbert, Am UttO X V Nov 2 Geo. S Homer, ps V Jnn 27 Imperial, Am ep X Y October 24 Indiana. Am sp, Philadelphia. Xov. 19 lry. Am sp Philndclphia March 12 Olive S. Southard. Am t-h, Phils. Yli Red Cross, Am ji Jf Y March 12 Reaper, Am sp l'hila Oct 1 St, Lucie, sp .Vow York March 14 Titan. Am 1229 Jf Y Dec 10 Western Belle. Am sp 11S5 : V Dec 23 TIDE TABLK FOK ASTOKIA From tables or Uniteil Suites Coast urr-j High Water. LmrWate Onto a. z. p. v.. 1 a. si. y. zi. IP .r. 02 C IBs - - 0 SD 16 fi OS S 011 0 03 1 43 17 7 10 9 01 1 14 19 18. 8 20 10 0rt 3 'Si . :i 29 1 9 22. 10 57 3 30 4 4"; 20 10 21 11 391 4 3t T, 31 21 11 18 I r 30 0 12 22.. 0 13...... 0 07... . C 30 47 23 0 39 9 491 7 ltS 7 14 24 1 01 1 251 7 51 7 3S Common Council. Regular niootings second and fourth Tues day iv crimes of each month, at 'A o'clock Persons desiring to hnvo matters acted uj-onby tho Council, atany regular rccetias must present tho satno to the Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday evening prior to tho Tuesday tin which tho Council holds its rejrular mooting. F. C KOltitlS, Auditor andlerk. Astoria Lodge .No. 40. L O. G.I. Itcirular Metlinp crcry Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Aftoiiu. .Mem' bers of tho Order, in toed f taudinc. are invit ed to attend. Decrco meeting l?t Alonday of each month. By order W. C. T. Temple Loctge, TJo. 7A.F.AM. s?Xk Kefular Communications first :h:rd luesday; in oacu month i'clock. P. St.. at the Hall in Astoria. iomDcrs ot mo uruor, n kooq standing, are r i !., . . .. lovjioa ro attena. jsy oraoi ot tno W.At. American Legion of Honor. Uetnilnr mrllt:rnl ttiiri rViuiir.ll X'n cmi: s held on the first aud third Saturday of each month, at 7 o'clock i. m. By order of Council Commander. K. V7 Monteitb, Sec'ty. f Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case., take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor o! the American Christian Rt vzciv, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Gn.,O..Nov. iG.iSSi. Gents: The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity ; and if applied, -will save hun dreds who resort to.saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief Squemoqua Street Assessment. ; NOTICE is herein- "iven that the ' assessment made by Ordinance rrfc, for the improvement of Squemoqua street i from the west side of Cass street to the f eastern m end of Squemoqua street in McClures Astoria, in the manner pro-1 videdby Ordinance No. .r07, upon each of ; the following-described lots lrontiii;;on said portion of Squemoqua street, is; now due and payable at the office of the 1 City Treasurer of said city, in U. .S. "old l and silver coin and unless paid within J ' five days from the expiration of this' notice, viz: March 30, 18S3, the Cm- mon council will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows : A'awie a Otaxtr riflxit. ttfSo.ofI r. Block Lot, Cot. Geo.W. Hume Geo. W. Hume Geo. W. Hume No Whiskey S CO 58 58 15 22 151 Trustees M J .Kinney rn i? v. Ji. and S. Warren W. K. and S. Warren 11. Carruthers .lolm Jlobson 05 5ft CO 58 29 581 i r.s I Trustees M J.Kinney IK 58 5S 15 58 15 29 58 29 58 l rnstecs M-i.Kinney Trusleas IJ.Kinney Mrs. "K. L. Kinney. . . O. F. L. &4i. Associ ation Geo. Flavcl 22 15 i 22 15 ! 10 43 ) Geo. Flavel Geo.FlaveI...E:J0ft By order of the Common Council. F.C.XOKIUS. Auditor and Clerl; Astoria, March 15, 18S3. 10d Domestic Exports. The receipts of certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1st, 1883, to March 14th. inclu sive, have been as follews: Flour, or sks fii.ste Wheat, ctls .. . 21,2-fti J Oats, ctls 'M.Vti Salmon, bids.... . .. 3!lj hf bbLs isji cs . ..... 21 , 0W Dkgs 34 Apples, Ripe, bxs , 7,107 Butter, pkjss cs Potatoes, sks . . 11795 Wool, bales... 742 Hides. Ko . tuun Tallow, purs . 5CS Beef, bbls........................ c, Hay. bales................. 23 Quicksilver, ilaska 75 Fruit, Dried, pktr . 4.813 I.cal her, pk? . 'jzo Hop;, bales . . 227 Hams. pk;;s.... .......... " 2 Cheese, cs 14 Flaxseed, sks . . . 400 Com. ctls . ....... li Canned Goods, cs ... Ki I.ard, pkgs................................. 9 Astoria Maruru, ItETAIL Butte Extra fancy C070 ccntea rolL CnKESE.-1820c DuiKDrnurrs. BIackbcrrio3 25c: Pranca Cala. Ul5c; Peeled Peaches 25i33c SUGAR. Cube, 14; crushed, lie; Cno crashed, 14c; extra porrd. 14jc; dry cran. 13Kc; extra cran. 13Uc, O. a 12Mc. Eccs. 2ots i doz. Oats. 52 25 2 40 per cwL PotAtoks. 51 75 per err t. Flock. Superfine 5 50; Extra jr. 50; Corn Meal T crrt. S3 50; Buckwheat ? cwt S3 00. FuEsn Meats. Choico cuts. 'Lamb, foa; Beefl213; Pork 15 ; ilutton 12tl4. By tho carcass 10c 1 Meats. -Breakfast bacon ISc per w,; j sides 15317c; bams 1720c; shoulders i Vs0l44j ; smoked beef 15glCHc; corned beof ! 7J1012 ft; corned pork 12jc&.- Lakd. Jn tins and caddies lS20eT3'. Hoxev. In frames 40c; in glass 50c i Mill Feed. Bran $23 00 ten: chon' 2;$ tonimiddhngi 8. Chop barley. S37C.7) Shlloli's Catarrh Itcmedv a r.c! m c euro xor v,aiarrji, xipuieria ana Canter Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement' :.. r .-. i. .. r. . i '" ,,', 2 02 :; 02 4 C2 2 1 0 01 7 01 8 58 9 58 11 58 12 5S Lt 58 14 58 1 00 2 CO 5 59 0 59 PSE OF THE OLDEST 'AND IfOST fiEUABU REMEDIES IH THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Conglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore TlLroatjBroncriitis, Influenza, Astlima, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and Evory affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST," including A WEIL-KHOWH PHYSICIAH WRITES: " It decs net dry tip a cough, and leave tr cauu tcitiad, as is the esse widi rood, r reparations, btf bMGt it, cleanses the Inapt asd allays imutloa ibus remavinj the cause -of corapliurt." DO NOTEi: DECEIVED byartklcs lieai n-iimHir names. Be sure yon jjet DIl. WISTAH'S DALSAM OF WILD CHERRY; vfch the signature of " I. BUTTS " on the wrapper CO Cent and SI. 00 a Dottle. Prepared by SET1I W. FOWIX & SONS, Bos a.Mast. Scldhvdrjc3xasddedcrsscnrra3' ..... .. 0001- WllmcrOir.g & CO., San FranciSCO. 0eb & GO.. AgeitlS. AstOH . J . . y "I P 1 IjeillGllWGDGr (X 00., 3 r.KiXKXWKup.it. ti. imnw.v. KSTAISLISIIKD 1365. ASTORIA. OKEGOX, TAMRS A1TD GUREEIES, ManufactiirpPi aad Importers of t LL KINDS OF ZLc33.i.,3?:o::2s:E5. AND FINDINGS Wlioisale IKtUersln OIL AND TALLOW. 4nij:hi"t jiIi price inJd for Hides mid "Mil" North Pacific purniture Em)oriuiii. i Ico. A. yiRttsaiict. Cor. 5th.nd Alder St. - I'rop!. rortlaml. Or. Straw Beds, per doz. - - S10. Spring Beds. each. - $5. to 515. Lounges, Jn lixw Silk, Carpet, and iUter coyerliK:, Frqm$lG.'toS15. Sr.iii4&s of ver ami iartScu!ats by tiiail, IfdaMrwL Street Extension Notice. NOTICE is herchy Riven that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, in Clatsop county. Oresoii. intend to jinss an ordinance to provide for extend ing Cedar street in that portion of said city whiclrwas laid out and recorded by John M. Miively. to the east lino of Ol licy ?trcet in that portion of said eitv which was laid out ami recorded hj John McCliue, the said Cedar street to be extended in a westward course to said Olney street at a point bringing the north line of the extension to the south west corner of lot numbered one (1) of mock numbered sixtv-six (ffi) in said Aicuiure s Astoria, and the portion ex tended to be sixty (00) feet w ide. IJy order of the ('out mon Council. F. C. NOKI1IS. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria. March 15, 1883. aod Administrator's Notice. -JKTOTICEJS HBKEKYGIVEXTHATTIIE ! Ll undersigned htusjl Ids dav been apjiohitcd ; ly the Honorable county court, of tiie htate i of Oregon, county of Cia!sop. adminlMrator uiun-iiaicui .imiii humi rniiiM'ii. e- cca&eti, aim wno was eiien:li l.noun by iiie muueui rniiiK irowi. ah jkt riins hav ing, claims agtiinst said utatc aro hereby notified to pnent the same, with proper vouchers duly verified, to me at the ofliee of L'niini racking rdmrmnv. r.t Asioit ; Clatsop County. Hi egfn. wit hht six n.oiulis I from ihedaicortlilCiitiiw. Allinnn. debted to said esiatc nil ca 1 and ttlle the ";e with me at once " AdminUtratbr. Afctoria, Fcbi tiarj' 27th, 16S3. d hv UAr) o a T i JD JJL oA.ljll-. r jEX SHARES CANNEKY STOCK - terms private. Also, 1it 4. Block 10. .utviuru .wii. -iviui iniiiroveincnis incieoii. distance ! of Astoria tenns easv. IjLs hi 3 SV. Jits in MtCIure's. , Shlvely's and Adair s Astoria, and three blocks In Alderbrook fifteen acres tide land j on oungs iiay. Also, a good paying bust ness hi Astoria tt BOZORTU & JOHNS. PERUVIAN BITTERS !, fcBx5 BAHKIHQ ANDJKSUBAKGE. BROKER, BANKER INSURANCE AGEHT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE UOUi:S: F11031 9 O'CLOCK A. JT. TJNTIL Z O'CLOCK P. AT. Horns Miti! Iraais Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. llOUGIITOX. ClIAS. K. STOKV... Geo. L. Stoiiv.... ...creiary tor f--(r.ii .AstfMJ Capita) paid coin .. .... up In U. S. goitlf ,v aiw tv 5. V,. Cbeii&nms street .'rSK. Oretu. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. L1VRUFOOL AUD L(iT1ON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT O I1AKT- . FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Koircatinc c cnrital of SG7.(;fM.t;09. A. VAT- m'KKN.Ascni. 1 'ASSSS'S HAIR B ASSAM. ! ?ms A Rsilorcs tts Yuaihlal Cclcr t:- Crey cr TzizA Hair Partrr's HarDalan b fr''j-vyxi'-l and is tvzrrantcd to prcicst CuHn "? tf- !uir ad ta re move danuruffar.il ucl.i.-;. Il.xrf; Co . 1.V. 1223233 sirs tF.SS H 8 K 8 !Bslsaa a HJii A Cspcrlalivs Health and SJrcrglh Rss'.orcr. I j 1 zrz a mechanic or f tu-T. warn oil with -era -i"i. era nether ran don 1 L, -.nTh-cr hoase- I. : 1 Ju.".cs try Pahkeus Gf.LK "i nrc. I f yc are a lawyer .nintstcr or 1-u.vrse s rnss ex lnrtod Iiv racnul strain or'-isiou? c?f.. do not take iatoxKatinsstluiulaiitJ.butUicl r'cr's dinrer Tonic T.Jici'l cure you. ItisihcGrctest Blood Purifier &d l!ic Cost and Surest Zeztf: Cure Ever U:ed. If jti'taretrastinaway frora?g, dlsstjiation cr rrv w-eac cr weakness and result e a Jlirnular t take tti-.i.j. i 'I osic tt once ; it tviil xuvismu atuHrfriSd y-.-i vp front the first dose but wilLxievcr int 's::s. lthas scved liundrcds of lives; it may save ycttrs. CAITION! IJi'llialrUtBt.I"Kr,naT'rTmieI ?- -d(tfcelWaroiiiHala;rUlaCifwI!.M!teaJislv .f V-r f 'irrrliooofirirfr5. ScuJf rrtcaliru i:u.ei&C .. V. J0c.&JUc,ata rlaJf-t. cr.;:T s vig eutixc douau size. 1 n h ar.d lasung fnrance has xnace this delihtfid perfume exceedingly pepular. 1 he re Is nothing like it. Indit upon hiiine Fix. ars tos CotxwNE and look for signature cf J6sUcOX Cos , csrtvry lt. Any Jcer t or n'.r h pfrfraoHy fMUH-lrn. ?Jj-h1T". u .t tu I .:v. - ; Try-: v. ?!7E. A Common-sense Remedy. alicylic moro Rheumatism, Cout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Fire ycon ctfablihcd aud ncrtr Lumen to fall in a single cttcc, ande or chronic. liefer to aU prominent physietan and dnfjgfct for the flmulit'U of Salicylica. THE ONLY DISSOLVER OF THE POISONOUS TJKIC ACID "WHICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF KHEU 1IATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALICYLICA is known as a cominon Fcnscicinedy. because it strikes directly at the cause of Rheumatism. Gout aud Neural gia, while so many so-called .specifies and Minisosed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointment, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate tlie.se diseases which are the result of the poboning of the blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA works with marvelous eftet t on tliis acid and so removes the disor der. It Is now exclusively nsed by all cele brated physicians of America and Europe. Highest Medical Academy of 1'aris rciioris 93 icr cent cures in three days. that SALICYLICA. Is a certain care for Rheumatism. Coutand Neuralgia. The most intense pains me subdued almost iustantly. Give Ir a trial. Relief guaranteed or mon ey rcfundeiL Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. c S I a Box. G Boxes for S5. Sent free by mail on receipt ot money. ASIC YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT But do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or .something recommended as just as good !" Imist n the genuine with the name of Washburne& Co on each box which is guaranteed cliemieany pure under oiir signature, an indispensable retiuisitc to insure success In the treatment. Take no other, or send to its. Washburne &. Co., Proprietors. 2S7 Broadway, cor. ReadeSJ.. NEW YORK. For Sale b W.E. DEMENT & Co., and J. E. THOMAS. SteDkans Varieties GRAHD OFEDJING. A IaIYSLUS KXTI2;iTAZX3IEXT Have a new bowling allev. the latest and best in towu. Atlmittance fn'e. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, whooplnij cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. K. Dement Tl . . &?&. 5 i --.:.! bv doe I i-i .-. -1 ' v$ & -'cu3eI:tftoany J n&tJh "tStrarjrartkTc, ca ac- Vififa'SSCftih It coxitis matciA? I FAKM1 (! R fa? ft S B ! afirafe & h KKtSBB HOTELS AND KESTATJKANTS. PARKER HOUSE, II. U. PAltKMK. Prop.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 1SOT ATT3) COS.J S3ATS5S. Gcod Billiard Table, and First Class Sa teen stocked tut tli Fine Liquors. earFREE COACH TO THE HOUSE.- IT LS A FACT THAT Jeff's VARIETY CHOP HOUSE, on Cancorniy Sireet is the Best in Town. -TKAT-ESc Iia.s Alwnys ix Iltuttt SKESK Shun I "W'aier Kay and R;?.t rn tJystrK. -TIIAT- : JEFF' IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He !ins tjpt'ii rriiprlrlor cril:i "Aiir4)rn Hotel"' hi Mnrtp::t)C concars. OPEN DAY AMD NIGHT. ROSCOPS FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. 'Q CHKXAMIIS STREET, ASTORIA. npjiE undersk;nei) is ple.vsed to M. announce to the puolie that he has o oncd a F1KKT C'IiASS And fiinihhcs in first-clas style OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE TFA. J7fC AT THE Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CJIKXAMUS STREET. Ilea-e kivc mc n r-dl. ROSCOKDIXOX, ProtH-ietor PIOHESJ KBSTATTRANT, t'tiderthe iiKiiiasentent of i A pkhI irfaee to stop at wlien joh come to town. Every" arrangement fr the comfort aud eoiivenienre of guests. Tenns reasonable. GERM ANT A BEER ITALL AXD BOTTLE 1VEKR DEFOT. Ohfi.N.ycB Strkkt. Astoria, TheJiest. or Itttgerii Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celebrated ColmsMa Breierj IjcK at this ilacc will be promptly attend ed to. ESNo cJipap Sim Francisco P.ecr sohl at this ihee W.M. BOCK.I'roprietor. Brewery Boer Saloon. The Best Beer cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A.M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular ilace of .social report. GEO. HILLER. Xotice of Application to Purclta.He Timber Jtnd. 5" AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T.. JU Jantian'Sth. 1SK& Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress, aniiroved June . ISTS. entitled "An act for the sale of 'Umber ltnds In the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory," James M. "Wallace, of Pacific county. Wash. Tor., lias this day filed in this ottlrc his application to purchase the S i of S W H and S hi of S E Ki or See. 3t, T, 10 N of It 9 of the Willamette Me ridian. Testiinonv In the above case will bo taken before the Clerk of the District Court at Oysterville, AVash, Ten, ouSaturdav, March 2Uh.ltX!. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any iortion thereof, are hereby reouired to file their claims in this ofllce within sixty (go) days from date hereof. FRED. Y. SPARLINO, w.1-10t Register. Xotlc.e or Amplication to Iurcliase Timber Lands. US. LXD OFFICF AT OREGON CITY, Oregon,. Tanuary 19. 1SS3. Notice is hereby given that John III Col vin. of'Columbia county. Oregon, has made application to purchase the SW 'of SW h of Secio, T T.N. li 5 W, "Will. Men. under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June ::,187S, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands In the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington Ter ritory." All adverse claims to said tract must be filed in the U.S. Land oTllce at Oregon City. Oregon, before the expiration of sixty days from this date. Gn en under my hand this totli dav of Jan ary. !. L.T.BAKIN, nary. wit-tot Register. BEFORE -AND- AFTER SUcbi: pj!iir:y srs ztzl cs 30 3:7" -J. T0FnEM0NLY,Y0UN80R0LQ, WHO ara s 'Ins from Seevocs DebU rrr. Usr rrALrrr. IvrK of Jerve Tones a.ni Viaos. Wastisg V.'e.vkxtsses, una nil l hose diseases ot a Vzesoxkt. Xatube re bultlns from ABTSE3 and Other Cacsix Spced7 relict ami complete restoration ot IiEAtxn.ViGOBaml 3T.caiooD Gcaranteed. Tho Brandcst discovery Of the Nineteenth Ccntnn- Sond at oneo for niaatrsted Iam phletfree. Address YOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, MICH. 501Y5"P! SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transporiaiion Co. FOR PQRTLAMD. (FAST TIME.) TItP popular steamer FLESTVOOD, VhkIi has Iieii renttcd for the comfort of passenf rs will leave AVHson and Flslier's dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P. M. Rctr.rain leaves Portland every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A. hi. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. At. An ariilltfonat trip will he made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland at i o'clock Santlny Illornins. ltsseners iv this roi!te eomicct at Kalama for Sound ports. L. 15. SCOTT, President. Astoria and Portland. gjb5tr. WESTFORT, I'. II SIIEltMAN'. - MASTER. V.'ill tuakc regular trips to Portland and Astoria. leaving Jtunie'd's dock, foot of Mor rison street, Portland, at 0 a.m. Satnrdavs. And v.ill leave ViNoii & Pkher's dock, Astoria, at r. a. 31. Thursdavs. SErelght can led at reasonable rates. Steamer "RELIC." pfcy&h WI LL MAKE TRIPS AS FOLLOWS : To YOUNGS RIVER, .Mondays, WednesdaVs GRAYS RIVER, Tuesdays, Fridays, LEWIS and CLARKE, Thursdays and Saturdays. Will leave Wilson & Fishcrj wharf at O o'clock sharp, each morning. LEWIS G. OA AVEN, Master. lIAEKETi. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on nnnd, such as Canned Fruits and Jell v, Eacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, KGS. BETTER, CHEESE, 'resh Fruits ana Vegetables, FI5IS. POUtTIIY AaI GAUIE In the season. C5KARS AXI TOBACCO. Utist oi WISHES ASI) y.KtliOKS. AH cheap for CASH, mission. Opposite 1. Y Goods sold on corr. ". Case's store. . J. RODGERS. STAE MARKET. WHERRY & COmPAEY, Frcsli raid Cured Meats, Vegetatoles, FRUITS.. BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTEL, CHi:XA"tIIJS Street, Astoria, Ocn ASTORIA MARKET D.K. WARREN, COK. CIIF.NAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA. - - OKEGOX. Dealer in FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables, Butter. Eggs. And a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GE0CEE1ES .Constantly on hand. SHIPS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST RATES. "Washington Harket, Main Xtrcet, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAX i0 KERRY T ESPHCTFULLY CALL THE ATTEK JlX tion of the public to tho fact that tho abovo Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VA RIETY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention riven to suppb ns shirs. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - OREGON millS 1NSTITUTIOX. UNDER CARE OF JL the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready for the reception of patients. lrivate rooms for the accommodation o any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis, day or night. 2io physician has exclusive right, even patient is free to and has the privilege ol emplojing any physician they prder. United Statcti 32nriue Seamen v.ho pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be obi ained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. StSTKKS OF CltARITV "llacknietack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 23 and 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement TRANSPORTATION" LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXY. OCEA?; DIVISION. Steamers sail from Portland for San Fran, cisco tivice n ivcelc, on Tuesdays and Fridays, at midnight. Returning, leave San Francisco for Astoria and Portland "Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 A. M. Thronrh Tickets sold to all principal cities In the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and After March 18, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. Trains leave Tortland for Eastern points, at 7 :20 a. M. Sundays excepted. R1TER DIVISION" (Middle ColHmbla).- Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 :00 A. AL Leave Port-1 land for Mon Tu. We. Thu. Fri. I Sat. Astoria and lower Co lumbia.... Dayton. Or.' Salem ....J Corvallis..? BAM RAM 7 AM 7 CO GAMl RAM RAM 7 00 6 AM 7 AM J6AM Victoria.BG KAMI DAM PAM Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. m. daily ex cept Sunday. Pullman Palace Cars running botween Port land, Walla AValla and Dayton. JOHN1 MUIB, Superintendent of Traffic. C.II. PRESCOTT, Manager. iiwaco Steam Navigation Go WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Iiwaco, Connecting by Stages for Oysterville and Olympia. Until farther notice tho Iiwaco Steam Navigation Co's steamers GEN". MILES, or. GEN. CANBY Will leave Astoria On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOB Fort Stevens, Fort Canby aad Iiwaco ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturd cys. The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens...... .... . " " Canby and Iiwaco..., ,.B0cts -?100 czllwaco freight, by the ton, in lots ol one ton or over, $2 oo per ton. cS"For Tickets. Towage or Charter appr? at the office of the Company, Gray' wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H.D. GRAY, Afcent. Oregon & California R.R.Co i1 On an after Sopt 24, 1SS2. trains will run follows, DAILiT (Except Sundays), KASTSIDE DIVISION. Kclwccn rORTL.VXD anil KIDDLE'S. ir An. Tiura LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 a. ir.lRiddle's 8:30p. it Riddle's 3:30 A. it. Portland 4:25 p. m ALEANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.Portland10:05A.M FREIGHT TRAIN8. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 a. ir. Junction fl:00r.si Junction. C:3Ja. u.lRiddle's . 5:10p.m Itiddlo's 6:00 a. m.I Junction 5:00p. m Junction 5:43 a. m. Portland 5:25 p. it Tho Oregon and California Railroad 1) erry makes connection with all RegularTraina on Eastside DivMon. WKSTSIDE D1VI3I0JT. Between Portland and Corvnllls. MAII. TEATS LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis ..-3:00 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. M.Portland 3:20 P. M Close connections made at Riddle's with tho Stages of the Oregon and California Stage Company. ..... BrTicketa forsale at all the principal points in California and tho East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will ho charwi on freight remain inp at Companys Warehouse over 24 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. 31. on either tho East or Westsido Division. ., J. BRANDT, Gen'l Snp't E. P. ROGERS, . A Gen'l Freight and Passonger Agent. R. KOEHLER, Vice President and Manager Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens. Fort Canby, Iiwaco, STortli Beach, Oysterville, North Cove, letersons Point, Ho- qainm, Jloutcsano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES, l strs. or GEN. CANBY, On Columbia River. - GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. ". MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays and Thursdays through trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria onsamo days. ffliS Xotice of Application to Purchase Timber land. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., January oth, 1SS3. Notice is hereby given that in compliance Ith the provisions of the act of Congress, approved June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory, William I. Smith, of Pa ciiic county, Wash. Ter., has this day filed in this oilice his application to purchase the S V, of N EJf and N y. ot S E li of Sec. 34, T. 10. N of R SW, of tho Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Clerk of the District Court at Oysterville, Wash, Ter., on Saturday March 2Ml, 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands or anv portion thercot are hereby required to "file their claims in this office within sixty (60) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, w3-iot Register.