C3 3?)xc iumatu stetaru ASTOEIA, OBEGON: "WEDNESDAY MARCH 21, 1FS3 Use up all your three cent stamps by October 1st. An English bark is outside, sup posed to be the Ullock, which is over dne. W. H. Bush has been appointed postmaster at Montesano, Chehalis Co., W. T. A town in Colorado advertises for an attorney-at-law, guaranteeing him a good practice. There will be a special' meeting of the city council this evening at half past seven o'clock. Tho Helicon went to sea yester day morning. She was towed off shore about twenty-five miles. Messrs. Megler & Wright, pro prietors of the Occident, give notice concerning tho price of board. A few salmon have made their appearance on private tables in the vicinity. They are of tho usual fine flavor. The New Postal Order. The new postal note or money or der for tho transmission of sums leES than 5, just authorized by Congress, in accordance with the recommenda tion of the postmaster-general made two years ago, will be found of great convenience to the people. Tho order costs but three cents, is obtained with out any written application, and is made payable to bearer at. tho office on which it is drawn. No notice is sent by tho postmaster who issues tho order to tire office where it is made payable, except the order itself. Hence, as to eafety in transmission, it in no manner differs from a greenback, or paper fractional currency. Follow ing is a rough form of the new erder: S3 3 S. & c s . L -k " 5 C5 O 30 O 30 m o o -t-M"orrison & Phipps, of Kansas, havo bought A. H. Webster's cran berry marsh of seveutj'-five acres near Olyrapia. The price paid was $1,300. T. M. Reed, of Olympia, has brought an action against the Janet Gold Mining company to foreclose a 312,000 mortgage given to secure bonds. Reports from tho Willamette val ley concerning the crops are to the ef fect that noarly all tho wheat was killed by the frosts in January, but has been resown, over almost tho en tiro area and the outlook for a good yield is good. Rain is badly needed. In the injunction suit of Wells Fargo'a express company against the Northern Pacific It. R. Co., restrain ing defendants from preventing plain tiffs carrying on their express busi ness over defendant's lines, Judge Deady, qn Monday granted a provis ional injunction in favor of the ex press company, on condition of the company giving bonds in the sum of $20,000. Tho California Groctr and Conner says: "It is reported that Geo. W. Hume is about to retire from the salmon business: that he has already transferred his business to other par ties." Mr. Hume has been in this city for tho past week on a mission looking toward that consummation, but as yet no arrangement of the kind has been made. en 3" 3 2, ? "5 r.-so . s O 9? I o. Sn - 3 3 0.0 .9 S 1 o 9 1 ' O "1 es-oS STr" o -it &2s 3-3 X-. e 3 Z a js "'. -5 "5 2 2.tr 3?er3 : s & p 2 - 2.&jiC 2 a o p c I im 3 " S El2. c o S 2 2-2So 3 5.c b 5 S a i2" S SgC.B gFfsS ft o c s c s f a. a SC S or- B BO " o.co 2scL "r c 5 22'' c oSj o "rr 3 3 3 H ? c g 2. 2 3 c 2. o . - c -n H 3 . O o 5- H. ? . ? 2 o 3 0) c 2 0 CO H x r 53 o o English Salmon Market. The Liverpool Grocer says: "There has been a fresh arrival of salmon during the week, the ship Banffshiro having reached thi8 port from tho Co lumbia river with about 9,000 cases. Other expected arrivals aro so distant that it is not thought likely that tho market will bo materially affected by them. The arrivals expected in London aro very large, and although the fish will be from outside rivers, it will find market somewhere, and prevent the steady drain of Liverpool stocks by London bnyera as in former seasons 23s. to 23s. Od. for Fraser river, and 2o3. to 20s. for Columbia river fish, are tho current ratea. Some disappointment has been expressed by holders of sardiues at the compara tively insignificant demand, and do not appear able to account for it; but the fact that Columbia river salmon is very good and much cheaper may probably explain this." London advices are to the effect that business is kept somewhat in abeyance by the firmness of holders in refusing to sell at any concession in value, and none of the cargo of Co lumbia river fish per Glengarry has yet beon sold under 25s. to 25s. Gd. per case. A further portion of the shipment of Praser river salmon per Lady Head, has, however been taken at 23s. for fair qualit', and another arrival, per Albany, from Victoria, B. C, with over 21,000 cases of the same description of fish, is now at hayd, in course of landing at the West India docks. ARRIVAL OF. iar iw & o o d It E DIRECT FROM AT- SHERIFF OmSILS Bankrupt C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. nil i i 2 2 K 7 Young, middle-aged or old men, suffering from nervous decility or kin dred affections, should address, with two stamps for large treatise, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Personal. i 2 g r o o 2 I rf && h- a F -" ihHHhhHrlH? c I j I I I I I T"i 1 1 1 r I I I I 1 During tho twenty days of March that have elapsed there havo been but two deaths in Astoria. Of these two, one was a hospital patient from across the river, and the other was a case of drowning; so that" there was really no instance of death from what might be termed natural causes. We know of no city of its size in tho Union that has a more satisfactory mortuary record than Astoria. Last Saturday, at a point a little above Skamockwa, George, a Greek, working for Nicholas Andrews, was drowned. He was in a skiff, and it capsizing flung him and lu3 partner into tho water; his comrade managed to get to the upturned boat, but the unfortunato young man sank before assistance could reach him. He waB 22 years of age. His associates spent all Saturday and Sunday in ineffectual attempts to recover the body. Good San Francisco authority says the reports from the Sacramento river concerning this year's run of salmon are not enceuraging: "A largo run is not looked for this season unless we get rain soon, and lots of it. The river is very low, in fact lower than has been known at this season for many years. The snow on the mountains amounts to little or noth ing, so the volume of water must be small. It is a well known fact that high water is required for good salmon fishing." Gas and Billiard Fixtures, Silver-plated basin cock, etc very elegant and cheap, at Loryea Bros., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Chenamus street, opposite Dement's Drug Store. Go and look at them. The office of issue, amount, date and office at which payable, on the left of the order, represents the stub to bo kept bv the postmaster, and which is his only record of the trans action. To prevent the amount of the order being fraudulently changed the figures on the right, in dollars, dimes and cents columns, will be punched by the issuing office, as in the above order 4 in dollars column, 3 in dimes, and 0 in cents, making 4.30, and rendering a change impos sible. Its great advantago is in its economy and convenience. ' Dear .Julia: Go to "JefTs' Variety Chop House for your meals while in Astoria. Meet me same tune and place in Portland, next Sunday. Gi. XXX llorsehead Muslin, 20 yards for 81.00 Genuine Lonsdale Muslin, 10 -; " 1.00 " New irork Mills Muslin, 8 vards for 1.00 " Cabot A " " 12 Ci " 1.00 Double width Table Linen, per yard 25 " " TurkeyRed u " " 50 " " Satin Damask Table Linen, per yard 50 Pure Linen Napkins, per do. ." 50 Extra size Towels, " " 1.00 Pure Linen Towels, ' " 1.20 20 yards best brands of Calico for 1.00 Tycoon Reps, all shades, per yard 12 Kindross Plaids, per yard " 5 All wool Moinie Cloth, per yard 25 Double width Langtry Plaids, per yard 90 All wool Black CashmCre, " " 40 All wool, 4C inch, Black Cashmere, per yard 75 English Cashmeres, all shades, per yard '. 35 All wool Shoodah Cloths, double width, per yard Go " Corded Camels Hair, double width . 70 .Spoon Busk Corset, white and colored, each 75 v rench woven Corsets, white and colored 1.2o All shades Silk Fringes, per vard l. 25 " Cord and Tasselseach 25 Also, bargains in Dress Goods, Domestfcs, Fancy Goods, Gents and Boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods, of the latest, manufacture. New Goods on our Ten, Twenty-five and Fifty Cent tables. Inspection of goods freely invited at Sheriff 0'NeIPs Bankrupt Store, Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON. ISAACS & STTMMEBFIEIJ). 2egfLook out for our Grand Millinery opening. Kit rous Oxide fins. Painless extraction of teeth at Dr. LaForce's dental rooms over 1. W. Case's store. OysterH! Oysters!! At Frank Fabre's; in every Fresh from the beds every day. style FranU Falrcs Oyster and Chop House. THE Z.KSJ3XXTG Dry Goods Clothing House ISotice. On and after Monday, March lIUli, ,1883, Mr. L. E. Selig will call on the tax payers of District Xo. 17, embracing McCIure'd addition, for the purpoe of collecting such taxes, I having appoint ed him my deputv. C. S. Cahrotiiehs, County Supervisor, District No. 17. Those wishing a nice plate of Eastern or Shoahvater bay oysters cooked in any style, or an carl y breakfast before going aboard the boat, should call and sec him. Fresh Eastern and Shoahvater bay oysters received by every steamer. Furnished Rooms- to ISent At Mrs. Denny Curran's. On Cass street near Congregational church. :ood Tor Babies, With a baby at breast nothing is so useful for quieting my own and baby's nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic It prevents bowel complaints, and is bet ter than any stimulant to give strength and appetite. A Newark Mother. 31 others ! Zlother!! Xothfrs! ! Big Bones. While blasting out for railroad construction at Albina last week a tusk, jaw and rib of an alleged masto don were found. Tho reporter saith that it is thought "the liv ing animal must nave iar exceeded in dimensions the genus chalicotheriuui with which Marsh submits tho Miocene beds of Oregon are in vested." We can hardly expect that our osteological friends will forward the bones to us, for classification, but cannot refrain from suggesting that the genus chalicothcrium is manifestly a first cousin to theuintatheriura, and that which Marsh refers to a3 invest ing the Miocene beds of Oregon is ovidently the same alluded, to by Bogg and Peatland in their disquisi tion on the Eoceno couches of our Webfoot Btate. An inspection of the binomial maxillary if procurable would be of value in determining the era of this prehistoric mammoth. 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with -the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, it will relieve the poor littlu suf ferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it There is uot a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate tho bowels, and give rest to tiie mother and relief and ealth to the child, operating like magic It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre scription of one ot the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. Cscrnl In tbc Family. We usually leave it to Doctors to recommend medicines, but Parker's Ginger Tonic has beeu so useful in our family in relieving sickness and suffering that w cannot say too much in its praise. Salem Argus. The Results All persons feeling dull and depressed or perhaps feverish with no appetite, no energy, the system clogged, the liver torpid, and the bowels inactive, who are wondering how to find relief. should purchase a 50 cent or $1 bottle of Syrup of Figs, read the circular around the bottle, follow the directions, taking a few doses of this pleasant remedy and be restored to health and happiness. It may be had of W. E. Dement & Co., As toria, llodge Davis & Co-Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. Recommended to me, the great OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER, I have obtained the most satisfactory and quickest result from the remedy ever know, and send me some more per Wells. Fargo & Co. for sick friends. 11. C. Wilkiksox. Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and mug complaints. r0 cents and.51 a bottle. (I110CKKRY! CROCKERY! .fust received at A. M. JOHNSON & CO'S Another large shipment of Crockery. Consisting of Dinner anil Tea Srfs, Glau Sets, Water Sets, Toilet Sets, Bar Glasna and Hollies or all kind Cigar Lichters Tabic Cutlery. Flaln and Plated Castor, Ornamental Hand Lamps, 1'ateHt Seir-extlnzBliuInz .Camp Ilurneri, Lalfcistce Lamp CIiItuuejM, nil sizes, Lamp Ucdurcr, Lump Shades, pa pernnil porcelain and illuminators Bran I'ulo, and Flower PotH. Stone Jars, nil .sizes. CROCKERY Of all kinds and descriptions. It will pay you to can ami examine, Tne largest stock of CKOCKEKY In town OF JLSTOBX&. Received a consignment of Ladies Cloaks, Dolmans, Circulars . and Ulsters from a manufacturer that must be closed out in the' the next 20 days at half price, CONSISTING OF SEAL PLTJSEL CLOAKS REDUCED! RHADAME SATIN DOLMANS REDUCED! BLACK DIAGONAL DOLMANS REDUCED! SATEEN SURRAH DOLMANS REDUCED! CIRCULARS. ULSTERS & WRAPS REDUCED! tSFThis sale is genuine and bona fide and to satisfy the public we would wish an inspection of these goods as to price and quality. 3E2.3ES ii I 2C Xa STO K- COOPER! KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING, ASTORIA. Sw am. AverilFs mixed paints, the best in use, for sale at J. W. Conn,s drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. P. J. Goodman, on Clienamus street has just received the latest an-i most fashionable style of gents and ladle I oots. sho'es. etc Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. For Dyspepsia aiulLivcr Complaint, you have a printed Guarantee, on every bottle of Sniloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Remember the place where you can get your pure fresli chocolate, creams, and molasses candy, at Oerkwitz' oppo site the Bell tower. Kexv Millinery Spring Stock. Mrs. Malcom has just received a splendid new stock of spring millinery, which she is selling at prices so low that ladies will find it to their interest to give her a call before going elsewhere. Wood Choppers IVanictl. Men who want to contract for cutting limber into cprd-wood can get a chance for a contract by calling on Jas. Bki.t., Upper Astoria. Rawling's fruit stand has been. re moved from the old location to the building next E.A. Quinn's, on Main street, Good. News. Sax Fiiaxcisco, March 17, 1883. Cakl Aiu.ek: I send by steamer twenty baby carriages on sale at nearly one-third of regular price. An eastern factory having suspended we bought their stock for a mere song. Be sure to sell them as we have no room to store them. We also send you velocipedes, bird cages, and a variety of other goods which you will sell regardless of price. Will send you another lot shortly, as these prices will sell the coods on sieht. Tours, FlEOKXEAUM & CO. Referring to the above I would re respectful ly inform the public that I will sell the carriages and other goods on their arrival on incoming steamers, at 20 per cent, less than the same arti cles are now marked. Call and examine the goods. CAiti.AiJi.Kn. Foul tartar is disease and death Sot only to the teeth, but breath. It taints the mouth, and to our smile Gives a most ghastly tinge, the while. But if we've SOZODONT close bv, Wc may its worst assaults defy. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, IndM saj-s: ''Both myself and wife oweour Jives toSnn.on's Coxscmptiox Cure." Sold by W. E. Dement. Do not be deceived. Insist on hav ing the genuino Brown's Iron Bitters, made only by the Brown Chemical Co. and take nothing else. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded daj' or night at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. Cold boiled ham, brown bread and Boston baked beans at "JefTs"' Variety Chop House everj night, near Stephans Theatre sign of the red and green light. Open all night Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOctsSOctsandSJ. Sold by W.E. De ment. Kcvr Rich Blood. The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. "Jeff,'' the enterprising proprietor of the Variety Chop House, is doing a rushing business, lie has just complet ed the best ice house north of San Fran cisco, and intends selling ice and ice cream as soon as his apparatus arrives from Chicago. Furnished rooms to Tent at Mrs. P. J.Goodman's, corner Concoraloy and Madison streets. A Nasal Injector tree with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy. Price 50 cent. Sold by w, E. Dement. Arevou made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. The youthful color, beauty and lus tre are gradually restored to gray hair by Parker's Hair Balsam. Two splendid front rooms, suitable for gentlemen only, or for office use. Apply to Alex. Campbell at Gem Saloon. All the patent medicines advertised, in this paper, together with the choicest Eeriumery, aim toiiet nrucie, uiu tun e bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, oall at the Gem opposite the bell tower, aud see Cainp befi: What gives a healthy appetite, an increased digestion, strength to the muscles, and tone to the nerves? Brown's Iron Bitters. "Hackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement Wilson & Fisher, SKIP CHANDLERS. DEALERS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WKOUGHT AND CUT GALVANIZED S X Bk E S IValls. Copper IVnils and Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Pachinq of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. FI.OUR AID 3IIIX FEEI. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenamus aud Hamilton Streets ASTORI A. OREGON. OCCIDENT STORE. For til Millions ! Spring Stock ! Direct from Xew York now on EXHIBITION. Embracing all the Latest, Leading and Standard Styles in Soft, Stiff and Flexible IBI.L'a? S ! Styles to suit all. Quality to suit all. Prices to suit all. A frill line of CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER and GENTS FURNISHER. Shoalwater bay eysters: fresh every day, at Frank Fabre's. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and Canker llouth. Sold by W. E. Dement The Peruvian syrup lias cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc Pamph lets free to any address, seta w . r owir &Sonp Boston. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stack irrAstoria JY ovelti.es of all Kinds Fruits Both ForclSH and Domestic Wines and Liquors 01 Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &XD0CX For Sale. THE SLOOP. "1AST CHANCE."-FOR particulars enquire at M. "Wise's store. . Htrcliard, Gray's River. W. or address T. A. V. Allen, (SUCCESSOR TO PAQK & ALLKN.) Wholesale and retail dealer" In Pr$vl9ioss5 Cratktry. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors JobaccoXigars I HANSEN BROS. SAVE REMOVED! From their old quarters to their NEW SHOP And Factory near Kinney's Cannery J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KI2TJDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc General storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Becton street. Astoria Oregon. This space Eeserved for New York Novelty Store. 41 ,r