C2) CTxc UtHb sxojcisu ASTORIA, OREGON: "WEDNESDAY MARCH 21. 18E3 Mr. Koelilcr's Eeply. About a week ago wo. wrote to Mr. Koehler, vice president and general manager of the O. & C. R. R., asking for any information he might be disposed to give con cerning the proposed building of the road between here and Forest Grove. The following'reply was received last evening: Oijegox & California Rail- ) road Co. Managers Office, . Portland, Or, March 19, 1883. J J. F. Halleran: Dear Sir: I have received yonr favor of the 14th inst. In reply I beg to say that by order of the president of this company a surveying party will be started at an early date to make a survey of the line from Astoria to Forest Grove. Pending these surveys I cannot give you more definite information as to the direction of the route and time of construction. Respectfully yours, 11. KOKIILKK. Census Returns. Though nearly three -e:irs have elapsed since the latest decennial census of the country was taken, yet the returns, like backwoods election returns, "come in slowly." Some one who got access to the govermental figures gives a few interesting results: It must be premised that our population in 1SS0 was more than double that in 1S50, or 50,155,75:), against '23, 191,870. The tendency of popu lation to center in the cities be comes more marked as the union grows older. The total number of inhabitants in the cities has about quadrupled'since 1850 11, :1S,54:7, against 2,S!)7,5SG. The total male population of voting age in the states and terri tones was 12, S30,34.0, made up of S,270,510 native, 3,72,437 foreign born, 1,4S7,344 colored. The statistics oC the ages of the population are interesting. The largest number of inhabitants of the United States of a single age were those most important mem bers of the familj who had not yet completed their st 'ear. Of these there 1,447,0S3, while of men who had just reached 21 the total was i)0S,9G4. The total number of people pur suing gainful occupations was 37, 302,099, being 34.GS per cent, of the entire population and 47.31 per cent, of the population of 18 years of age and upward. Of these 14,744,942 were males and 2.G47, 1.57 wore females. The total population of ten years and over having beets 3G, 7G1,G07, there were, therefore, 19:3G9,50S of these not enjrajrocl in the gainful occupations, 3,991,03S being males and 15,378,470 females. Of these, 2,550,927 are males and 2,9S0,200 females be tween the age of 10 and 15, the total of white figures substantially equals the number of children at tending school, who do not, through any considerable portion of the 3'ear, pursue any gainful occupation. Invalid children, vagrants and inmates of charitable and correctional institutions must also be ciphered out. Of malps between 1G and 59 only 921,333 are unaccounted for. Those are students, the infirm in body and mind, and the criminals and pau pers. "The number of men of this period of life, not disabled, who are not returned as of some occupation by reason of inherited wealth or of having retired from business, is hardly irnportant enough in this country," saj's the report, "to be mentioned." Of females between the age of 1G and 59, however, the number not ac accounted for is vastly larger, for obvious reasons 11.093.8S7. In that total are included the students and disabled, the criminal and the pauper; but it is made up in chief part of wives, mothers and grown daughters, who are keeping house for their ' families or living at home without any special occu- pation. Of those of GO and over without occupation the totals are 518,77s males and 1,304,383 fe males. It is obvious why these are unemployed. Finally, of course, onry reputable occupations are included. In New York, out of a total population of 1,200,220, 513,337 were engaged in gainful occupations, of whom 378,159 were males and 135,21S females. "When President Arthur vetoed the Chinese bill the good people of the east patted him on the back approvingly and expressed great surprise that the cruel men who lived on the Pacific coast should wish to keep away the harmless and inofFensive Chinaman, "the little, brown man,1' as Senator Hoar termed him. Since then the "lit tle brown man" has migrated east, and already Philadelphia papers are deploring the prevalence of vice, the depreciation of property, occasioned by their nox:ous pr- enee. Let them take a dose of J the same advice they sent out here in such large quantities fourteen months ago. A notku of odd customs writes that there is a dark red line on the matting of the house of commons, ruled about a pace from the benches. Its origin is almost con temporaneous with the establish ment of a parliament. It was for the purpose of preventing mem bers from drawing their swords on each other. The old use of the line is, of course, abrogated, but it is still considered out of order for any member in debate to outstep it by six inches. Senator Beck, of Kentuckv. who came a poor bo3 to this coun try from Scotland, says the Cour- ler.uournai, worKeu on tnc same farm in Livingston county, Ky., that Secretary Teller worked npon. When they met in the senate Mr. Beck said: "Well, Henry, when we used to drive old Brown's oxen we never expected to meet in the United States Senate." 4'No, Jim," said Mr. Teller, "we didn't know there was such a place." Tex thousand six hundred and seventy bills aud reso lutions were introduced during the session of the forty seventh congress. The wonder is that amid such a multiplicity of details that any business can be pushed to completion. Congress has too much pressed upon its at tention, private matters, claims, and a host of subjects that rightly belong to a court of adjudication. The London Truth says: lll lav ing for centuries treated Ireland as an English navvy treats" his wife kicked her almost to death we are amazed that at the moment we desist she rises, not to her knees, to thank us for mercy, bai to her feet, to demand a separa tion." Joaquin Mim.ec recited to a lady who had invited him to her house some of his verses. "How beautiful!" she said ""Why don't you print your poetr sometimes, Mr. Miller?" Then says the Na tional Republican, Joaquin said big words and went rapidly home. Little balloons filled with hy drogen, and to which the card of the enterprising business man is affixed, constitutes the latest thins: in advertising. It beats the dodge of the actresses who are always losing their diamonds. Statistics show that of all the republics, empires and kingdoms of this little planet, but four pay their "waj- Engltnd, the United States, Belgium and Holland. The rest have generally an annual de ficit. Among the names of the nota bles who it is said, will visit Ore gon this summer, that of H. R. H., the Priqce of "Wales is mentioned The Boston Post fears that the fact that ex-secretary Robeson retires to private life may make private life rather disreputable. On and after October 1st, 1SS3, the postage on . letters which is now three cents will be reduced to two cents. NEW TO-DAY. Notice. ON AND AFTER Al'JtlL IfeT, IS 83, TIIE price of board al tlie Ocoldcnt Hotel will be advanced flro dollars per month, dlvr IIECLEU & WKIGIIT. HAEHSSS SHOP. A. I. CLOrTKIi: ANNOUNCES TO TIIE . citizen, of ..stern t!nt on tho 21th Inst, lie will oi-t':' a 2IAUXESS A.M XA.3I!j3 SHOT IIKLOW Till-. I'ARKKK HOUSE. Where a full snpil ,wl!l be found Ite piiinnjrcf all kind prunptly attended to. Your Jatro;iag Solicited. To Let. TlHEiND AND 3i:n FLOORS. 2ND Fl N ished inroen.s: Sid all in oiir. 4SC0 feot. unflnuJietl. Al-o a pcc of ground I piled ami fHppeu. atfctui r u er. mm:- , !nu on oincy street. 1a.ip s'Vmi to repon- siblc iiartlcjj for ear. J.ifaMon inost desir- j able torn Ke.staurant and Jxxlsdnj; House. Fcrfurtlirr particulars iiiqnitv of j ItAirril & MKYFItS. Astoria, Oregon. DeceinlHr 2S. IHN2. To All Whom It May Concern. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE THE LomrUiorcmen of Aston. In the event of any vessel loading or dUch-irsiiic at any point on the Columbia river troin Walker's Island to the mouth of the Columbia river bar shall not lu'lp to IokiI or 'iseli.in;e said vessel or vessels unle-.s AsIoriH Longshore men are emplovetl. B order of the presi dent. IMIOOE, MilL. CAItUOI.L. Sec'ty. Astoria. Oregon, Mar. artli, ISO, d Un Noticc io Settle. ejavixg soldmyavash house us- .fl a mass on couronuy street, to uun u:on. all parties owing me are notHlcd to pay mc within two weeks !rom 3londnv. March I2th 1SS3. ' MY SINO. Astoria, March, loth. 1SS3. 2wk For Sale or Rent. 2ANDI.OTIXW1I.LU i! sold cheao for c-jish. HOUSE AND LOT IX WILLIAMSPOKr. xa. VHI he sold cheap for c-jish. vot par tieulars inquire at Oregon Meat Market, of ml Un GEOKOE GANZ. CSQ fff TO LOAN IX SUMS to suit. x-)tJJJJ on real estate i security. Apply to UOZOKTH&.10IINS. FOR GRAY'S HARBOR. i he I. S. M Co.'s Steamer GEN. MILES . Will leave Astoria for Gras Harbor, on Fritlaj. 3ZaroI ZlUl. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. LOKYKA BROS. Plumbers. Gas. and Steam Fitters. Jolibinf; Promptly Attended to A Tull Sup!j of GAS FIXTCUES. COCKS, STEAM FIT TINGS, ETC . ALWAYS OX HAND. All Work Raanuiteetl. Charges Moderate. Chenantns street. o;io-!!e Dement's Drus Stoie. Astoi ia, irexou. ASTORIA MARBLE WORKS. r.VVIIIti:!i3IAX. -- Iroirletor. Manufacturer o. Ameiiean aud Italian marble monuments and head stones. Ceme tery lots enclosed with eurWnjr. walls and cojiiiii; or stone tost sand iron niilin?. J'nccs aud designs funished to Kr-ons at a dis tance. Mitisfaetion guaraulei-d. Slate can seamers for cannery ne. ASTOitFA. OIti:X. From Date. milE FOLLOWING KATES WILL P.E charged at the I'hmeer UeStaurant, SJnsle meals, three bits, or three for one dollar. 'I he Tallin will he Mi)icd with the bast the utarkeL nflords. .1. G. ItOSS. Astoria, Jlareh I3t!i. tSKi. iwk FIRST GJRAND araii AT PRIOR TO STOCK TAKING. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line of Dress Goods, Silks. Vol vets, Plushes, Cashmeres anil Arnmrcs. Laces. Hosiery, Corsets. Cloaks, Dolmans, Etc.. etc. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FLANNEL COPrl PORTERS, Blankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CUBAI AND QUICK, BY ;i:an;i: loyett. Main Street. opios!te N. Loeb's, I. W. CASE, LMPOUTKi: AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALEK IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE onier Cneaamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA .... OREGON Look Here ! ! MY BOOB LAHDLOBDS Are going to improve my uremics ami I MUST HAVB ROOM For such improvement anil for spring stock. EVERY VARIETY OF Choice Fancy Goods, j SILVERWARE, Books, Stationery Etc.. Of excellent quality . at minced prices at Oari Adler's Bazaar and Fancy Emporium. BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! -j jas. uiacusici:!: & Has oprned a Temperance Billiard Parlor Next to Geo. W. Hume's Store. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater Bay Oysters in every Style FINEST CICAltS AND TOKACCO, Tea. Coffee, and Chocolate; Pie.s. Cakes Sandwiches, etc., at the Counter. Also in connection with the Parlor A 'inc Shooting al!er. ENLARGEMENT FOAED & STOKES, Our Rapidly increasing Business Compels an Enlargement of Our Premises. A full Hue of choice GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Sole Agents for the celebrated FOTKERO COMPRESSED YEAST. -ASK FOK- Tfnion India Eubher Co's Pure Tata Oiim CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. r.nwAKK or imitations ! J ure the Boots :ire htnmitcd CliACK VltOOF on the heels, and have the l'URE Gl'31 SPIIIXGS on the loot and instep. umenprcrenc uieir cracKinc or iireaKin?. We are now inakini; them with lWllllEll AND ASBESTOSSoes which v.SH make tiiem last more than twice as louj; as anv Btitihi-r hoots made. FOJtSALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS UUBP.F.i: BLLT1NO. l'ACK- INtf, IIOSK.SPKINGS.CLOTIIINO, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. COODYEAR RUBBER CO. 1L II. TEASE. Jr. I AKCiif!. S. M. KUNYON. j" San ErancNco. ASTORIA SAIL LOFT. A. M. JOHNSON & CO.. PROPR'S. HAVING CONSIDERABLY INCREASED onr facilities lonnectlng thedemand of Increase in boats this vcar v,-p would re spectfully call the attention or CANNERY WEN And all others needing sails, to this fact. Prices Same as Last Year, WORK STILL BETTER. Drilling and Best Quality of Rope on Hand. Our Work has Given Satisfaction for Eight Years, And shall be made to do so while we are in the business. Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully comounded Day or Night. f ' NATURE'S REMEDY. Liver. Kidney, and Skin Diseases., Malaria, Dyspepsia. Biliousness. Fains in the Back and Loins, Pimples and Blotches on the Skin, V"1iothir Hereditary. Or C tused by Vti!n v, or Es s , Can Only be Cured by the Use of Largest Sale and IViost Satisfaction j Of any Medicine i.n the Coat. Sold !y all Driiggkts ju 1 Medieiue Dealer. HILL'S rARIBTliJs". GEO.HII.U -I WAI.TKU PAIIKS, - rUOPHIETOE STAGE MANAGEli EKSNgment of an entire SEW TISOVPJ2 . MISS HELENA R1CHMAN. The Oorinan Nightingale. MISS SUSIE LEE, S.;jk ami Dance Artist. ftsISS MINNIE WILLIAMS. Serio-comic Queen. MISS KITTY FRANKLIN, Souhrette. ANo mi. GEO. 11EXDERS0X. Hlliioi'Ian Comedian. Together with a new Under the management of Ti:OF. CHARLES KICKAEDS. AH the Old Favorites Retained. Open all the Year 1'erformance Every Night Entire Change of Prosnunine Every Night, Comprising SOKCS, DAHCSS AfJD ACTS. Wc give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre is crowded nightly, and all hoIiaewititeMHM the entertainment pro nounce it to Ik eiuial to any aHeii elsewhere. Sir. llitl as a c.iferer for tin pubiie's amusement can imi be excelled. Anybody wishing to jK'nrt a ite:is:ii!t eveniii and see siKirkiing vjt and Imisity without vu! pirity, .should i if,m-. i- the opportunity and come. The compHiiy coai;;ri---s the following) well known ArtUts : .Miss Fannik Walton. Ii-s Mamir OoOliIlICII. Jli:. Walthu Takks. Mil Ciias. Kaickoivs. Mil Vm. Mouton. AH of which will appear nightly In their dif, ferent siwclaltles. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at S; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. Nrnv Stay in Rapid Succr-ssioii ! LT PAYS TO TilADE WITH ME ! WHO? PRANK ELBERSON, SeasifteBaiery & ConfeoUoiiery, Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candles etc, furnished for Weddine parties, on short notice, and guarantcid to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite CiJ. l'. fSuirte's. WM CLEAMCE SALE! to make room for more Earte ai SMg Clailerj A. VAK DUSEH & CO. Will sell at cost their entire stock or HATS AND CAPS AND BOOTS AND SHOES. These goods must be disKscd of as Ave are oon to receive another large lot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And mast liave room to store it. Hartae anil Slip CnaniUery. A. VAH DUSEH & CO.. DKAI.EKS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing 31acliines. I'aints and Oils, Groceries, etc. Notice. ALL TARTIES KXOWLXG TIIEM selves Indebted to the late M.W. Gal Hck will please pay the amount to S. Schlus sel at the lilte House Store, who Is author ized to receipt for the same. W. OALLIGK. Astoria, Oregon, February 23th, 1S33, !liBII3BBa jgaiiiaAi3iA5i!tiiA3iwiiiUria FSi& -AT- CALIFOEMA STORE! MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, I SATURDAYS, At & o'eloek P M mi 7 o'otoBk P M. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. SALE PEREMPTORY. S. a BOLDEST, Auctioneer. CITY BOOK-IT ORE. Tho Best Store in the City to get your Money's Worth. Atlinn:s, Antorapli and Pliotoraph all Sizes and Prices. Rooks from a Dime Novel to YVebser's Unabridged ; Gents Jewelry and Cutlery ; Writing Desks of all size-? ; Mark Train's Scrap Books ; Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals, Also the Key to Heaven. Opera an Marine Oiase-; Draughting Instruments from 40 cents to 30.00 a set Blank Books, And every thing j on could want in our line. Examine our goods and prices before goin el&ew here. B. F. STEVENS & Co., City Book Store. &- " TEB. apply to the Captain, or to kf - ': 5-! - -' - - -5g THE NEW MODEL A FDI. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 3S2- DEL- 3BLA.W jb5S, Two doors e:ist of Occident Hotel, (SITCESSOK TO JACK v3 PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CJIi:aA3ICS 8TRKET, Xext to C. Ji. Parker's Store. JB.STCRL&, CHAS. HEILBORN, MaNUFACTUBER of FTTRNITTJRE SS BEDDING AND DEALEK IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CERTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN DEALER IX Ei FTJKNITURE S BEDDING Corner .lluiii and Squcmoqna Streets. Astoria. Orecon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stuck. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AM. KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AND TARNISHED. V(. t STEAMER CLARA PARKER, f ben P. Parker, Master. -i For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR- ir. B. PARKER. r'rwt.L KAXGE CAN BE BAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E, E. BAWM8, AGENT CALL AND EXASHNE IT, YOU WILT. BE FJEASED. E. K. IIAWES Is also agent for the M patent CooMi StOY6 And other first-class stoves. Furnace "Work. Steam Tit tings, etc.. a specialty ASTOrkIA, OKEGO . INS & MONTGOJIERY.) .DEALER IN Tin, Sheet Jron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Kanges The Best In the market. Piumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done- In a workmanlike manner. OREGON.