The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, March 20, 1883, Image 3

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2Hn? BnilQ staviau.
Tho Viola has arrh ed out.
Read Thu AsToniAX for home
A dense fog detained the Orejjon
outside yesterday.
Read A. M. Johnson & Co.'s new
adv. concerning their crockery.
The O. R. & N. bunker will be
ready for use about the 1st prox.
The new steam packet A. B.
Field, will be launched at high tide
thia morning.
with tide table
n back, at The
for Oshing season
Astoriax office.
Among tho latest rumors is one to
the effect that Weidler's mill is to be
rsmoved to Columbia City.
Mr. J. P. Miller has sold his place
on Grays river, and will remove to
Starks Point the coming season.
Father Powers was taken to Port
land yesterday morning, it being his
wish to consult with a physician there.
Grading has begun above Co
lumbia City, and the St. Jacob's Oil
man has already a big ad. on the
quarried rocks.
The Luproils gave an entertain
ment at Liberty hall last evening
which will be repeated with a change
of programme to-night.
Tho Shubrick has been laying
beacon and range lights in the chan
nel above last week, and started up
again.yesterdaj' morning.
The river boats are doing propor
tionately as good business as tho ocean
steamers. The travel is imtnenso,
every passenger boat being crowded.
Judge McGuiro is getting some
fine stock on his place. It is his in
tention this week to bring down a
Norman stallion frcm the Willamette
Capt. A. W. Berry has been ap
pointed Lloyd's commercial agent for
this place, and in that capacity will
transact all local business connected
with Llovd's.
Ross Bros, are running three
large logging camps, ono being at
Deep River: They employ about
seventy-five men, and are getting out
a large quantity of logs.
A large sawmill is to be built at
Skamockwa, just above the steamboat
landing. Work began yesterday. It
is for J. B. Montgomery, and we are
informed it will cost $100,000.
Special communication of Tem
ple Lodge No. 7, F. & A. M. this
evening at half past seven o'clock.
Work on the"E. A. degree. Sojourn
ing brethren invited to attend.
Services in Grace church during
holy week will be as follews: Daily
at 3:30 r. m.; Wednesday, Litany at
9 a. m. ; and on Good Friday morning,
prayer and Litany at 10 a. jr.
The American ship Helicon which
arrired in from New York with rail
road material Nov. 19th, came down
the river yesterday. She goes to Port
Blakely to load lumber for New Cale
donia. An active boy that can read En
glish and is willing to learn, can get a
good chance by applying at The Ar
TORIA.K office this morning from nine
to eleven. No extraordinary smart
ness required'.
The latest development is the or
ganization of a company who have ac
quired a largo tract of fine timber
land in this and Columbia counties.
The intention is to put up a large
sawmill and ship all lumber east.
Work will begin by May 1st
"The ITorthicest" for March is
received. The compiler does not seem
to have learned anything nor forgot
ten anything since he issued the last
number. The publication before us
has a map of the Northwest, in which
the name of ASTORIA is conspicuous
by reason of its not appearing.
Tho March moon fills on tho 23d
at 1:20 o'clock in the evening. The
full March moon plays an important
part in the affairs of men. For as
she fills three days after the vernal
equinox, she determines, in accord
ance -with tho law, that Easter shall
fall -on the following Sunday, the 25th,
and Easter in turn determines the
movable feasts and fasts of the church.
The short time intervening between
the vernal equinox and the full of the
moon brings Easter this "year within
three days of the earliest date the
festival can occur. In 1818 Easter
fell on the 22d of March, tho earliest
date possible. Such will not be the
case again either in this or the fol
lowing century.
Oregon Fir Going East
The immense amount of agricultural
implements imported into this coun
try from eastern states is something
phenomenal. It seems as though their
manufacture would pay here. Ves
sels discharge thousands of tons of
plows, threshing machines, fanning
mills, hoes, rakes, pitchforks, churns,
etc, stowed away in Xew York aud
Philadelphia and carried around the
Horn. We are doubty impressed with
this fact on being told that there is a
company now organizing who propose
to cut Oregon fir and send it to Ohio
factories to make up wood fittings for
agricultural implements: the fact that
good second growth oak and hickory
are becoming scarce impels them to
this, aud eastern manufacturers have
demonstrated by experiment that Ore
goM fir will make excellent fittings for
Implements of farm use. If it pays
to carry Oregon fir from the Columbia
it will surely pay when this country
fills up to make the castings, the steel
and iron works here, and thus make
the entire machinery on the Columbia.
Columbia City.
Columbia City seems to be having a
little boom of its own. The following
paragraphs are from the Celumbian:
The N. P. R. R. are surveying tip
the opposite side of the Columbia
to Maxwell's Point opposite Columbia
The 2s'. P. R. R, has commenced
operations at Columbia City. They
have surveyed out the streets etc., of
tho city.
About 1,200 worth of lots were
sold at Columbia City on Wednesday.
A Mr. Pinkney was one of the pur
chasers. D. G. Caples and Hezekiah Caples
sold last Saturday $1,800 worth of
lots in Columbia City.
"Tho Drunkard's Bride" was the
name of a cleverly rendered recitation
by little Kdith Conn at tho Baptist
church laRt Sun iay evening.
Attention is directed to the
adv. of Wm. Plunder & Co.'s Oregon
Blood Purifier. It is emphatically an
Oregon production, is compounded
with skill, and deserves considera
tion. At the regular, meeting of the
Astoria 'Longshoremen and Rigger's
Association held at their rooms last
evening, it was resolved that from
date none but Astoria 'Longshoremen
should be employed on vessels load
ing or unloading below Walker's
Island. See notice.
J. E. Mayo, the contractor
the Odd Fellows' building now in
process of completion, is also building
a brick structure for tho Astoria Gas
Light company. Last Saturday he
signed a contract for a similar build
ing in East Portland for the gas com
pany lately organized in that place.
The-Geo. W. Hume sawmill re
cently bought by Dr. Kinney will be
turned over to its new proprietor on
April 1st. It will be run on its pres
ent site for this season. A new mill
will bo built on the water frontage
abovo the city, recently purchased by
Dr. Kinney, next year, when the
present mill will be removed.
Last Sunday morning a crowd of
Chinese passengers were stopped at
Morrison street wharf, Portland, on
their way to the Fleetwood, for non
payment of poll-tax. Captain Scott
insisted that the official had no right
to attempt collection of poll-tax on
Sunday, and the matter ended by the
heathens filing onboard to the num
ber of thirty.
The Boston Post believes that the
idea of having state capitols in largo
cities is all wron. "Have 'em in
small towns," the Post says, "where
the hotels are bad, variety shows
scarce and the girls homely. Then
you get Bhort sessions and quick ad
journments." Should those ideas
prevail we need never expect to have
the state capital in Astoria.
Now that the building of brick
stores has become a settled fact tho
establishment of a brick yard is in or
der. We have splendid brick clay in
the vicinitj', at Fort Clatsop, and
elsewhere, and, in connection with the
brick yard, pottery works could be
made a profitable industry, the best
quality of clay being now shipped to
Portland from here for that purpose.
Gas and Billiard Fixtures,
Silver-plated basin coek, eta, very
elegant and cheap, at Lorvea Bros.,
Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Chenamus
street, opposite Deraent's Drug Store.
Go and look at them.
Recommended to me, the great
have obtained the most satisfactory
and quickest result from the remedy
ever know, and send me some more
per Wells, Fargo & Co. for sick
friends. H. C. Wilkinson;
History Repeating Itself.
The Albany Herald says that the
spring of 1883 is similar in mair re
spects to the spring of 18G1. In 1861
it cleared tip the last of January and
tho month of February and two
weeks of March were in all respects
like the month of March 1883, thus
far. Six weeks of beautiful weather
at that time smiled upon the earth,
without rain. Fanners finished seed
ing, the roads presented a hard aud
dusty surface, vegetation advanced
rapidby, and about the middle of
March it commenced raining, and for
five weeks it came down steadily with
scarcely any interval. The mud be
came knee deep again, but the rains
were warm aud grain and all kinds of
vegetation grew without interruption
and the crops were never excelled for
quantity and yield. If the grain
crop of 1801 repeats itself in 1883, we
shall have good times next fall.
The chamber of commerce held
its regular monthly meeting last even
ing. Communications were read from
Spencer F. Baird, U. S. Fish com
mission, and Hon, Clarence A. Sew
ard, of New York. Documents were
received from our state congressional
delegations. After the transaction of
some minor business tho meeting ad
journed. A. W. Berry's establishment at
Ranier is now in operation and is
turning out a fine article of smoked
smelt. From actual experience wo
can say that the smelt thus prepared
are of a fine flavor, and we have no
doubt that when introduced on the
market the demand will be fully up to
the supply. Tho smelt are put
through a smoking and curing
process, then packed in air tight
canB Holding trom eighteen to
twenty-two smelt, and two dozen
of these cans constitute a case. The
smelt thus prepared are juicy and of a
delicate flavor; thejr more resemble
sardines than any thing else in the
GbIi line to which we can comparo
W. E. HunsTis, of Emporia. Kan
sas, says that his wife had been sick
nearly seven years, and for the last
four months bed-ridden. She has been
treated by a number of physicians and
only grew worse. Her attention was
called to Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medi
cal Discovery" and "Favorite Pre
scription," which she commenced us
ing. In one week she could sit up, and
in three weeks could walk about. By
tnst Evciiiujr's Entertainment
The Luproil combination appeared at
Liberty Mail lastevenimr in one of their
entertainments such as they have ren
dered in Portland, during their six
weeks engagement in that city. A fair
house greeted the troupe, and the audi
ence was evidently pleased with the
several acts. The Moore sisters re
ceived an encore which was cheerfully
responded to, after which Harry Tyler
and his eight trained dogs entertained
the audience. Joe Carter as a clog
dancer is hard to beat, and in character
impersonation John Irwin made a hit
The feature of the evening in our esti
mation was the trapeze act of the Lu
proils, Pauline and George. They are
artistes in their profession aud should be
seen. "The School for Scandal" closed
the performance. It will be repeated
this evening, aud those of our readers
who want an entertaining evening
should surely go; there will be an en
tire change of programme.
Good IVcu..
S.vx Fkaxcisco, March 17, 18S3.
Caki. I send by steamer
twenty baby carriages on sale at nearly
one-tlfird of regular price. An eastern
factory having suspended we bought
their stock for a mere song. Be sure
to sell them as we have no room to store
them. We also send you velocipedes,
bin! cages, and a variety of other goods
which you will sell regardless of price.
Will send you another lot shortly, ns
these prices will sell the goods on sight.
Referring to the above I would re
respectfully inform the public that I
will sell the carriages and other goods
on their arrival on incoming steamers,
at 20 per cent, less than the same arti
cles are now marked, uaii and examine
the goods. Caki Adlkk.
Dear Julia: Go to "Jeffs' Variety
Chop House for your meals while in
Astoria. Meet mc same time and place
in Portland, next Sunday. Gu.
Nitrous Oxide Gns.
Painless extraction of teeth at Dr.
LaForce's dental rooms over I. W.
Case's store.
Oysters! Oysters I!
At J? rank abre's; In every
Fresh from the beds every day.
The Old Veteran.
doe Charters, Astoria's tonsorial art
ist is fitting up a fine new establishment
next to Frank Fabre's. Past reputa
tion a guarantee of good work. "Come
and see me.''
Sew Kicli BIoocL
The use of Oregon Blood Purifier.
What gives a healthy appetite, an
increased digestion, strength to .the
muscles, and tone to the nerves?
Brown's Iron Bitters.
IVcu- Ulillincry Spring Stock.
Mrs. Malcom has just received a
splendid new stock of spring millinery,
which she is selling at prices so low
that ladies will find it to their interest
to give her a call before going elsewhere.
it m
XXX Horsehead Muslin, :20 yards for 1.00
Genuine Lonsdale Muslin, 10 " " 1.00
" New irork Mills Muslin, S vards for 1.00
u Cabot A 4 12 ".c ts 1.00
Double width Table Linen, per van! 25
" " Turkey Red ' ' 50
" " Satin Damask Table Linen, per yard 50
Pure Linen Napkins, per do. 50
Extra size Towels, 1.00
Pure Linen Towels, " ' 3.20
20 yards b'est brands of Calico for 1.00
Tvcoon Reps, all shades, per vard
Kindross Plaids, per yard ' 5
All wool Momie Cloth, per yard 25
Double width Lung try Plaids, per vard 90
All wool Black Cashmere. " u 40
All wool, 4G inch, Black Cashmere, per yard : 75
English Cashmeres, all shades, per yard 35
All wool Shoodah Cloths, double width, per yard 65
" " Corded Camels Hair, double width 70
Spoon Busk Corset, white and colored, each 75
French woven Corsets, white and colored 1.25
All shades Silk Fringes, per yard .'. 25
" " Cord and Tassels, each 25
Also, bargains in Dress Goods, Domestics, Fancy Goods, Gents
and Boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods, of the latest manufacture.
New Goods on our Ten, Twenty-five and Fifty Cent tables.
Inspection of goods freely invited at
Sheriff O'Nell's Bankrupt Stare,
Corner Concomly and Main Streets, - ASTORIA, OREGON.
2y"Look out for our general Millinery opening.
On and after Monday, .March UHh, t
18S3, .Mr. L,. i. Selig will call on the tax
payers of District Xo. 17, embracing
McCIure's addition, for the purpose of
collecting such taxes, I having appoint
ed him my deputy.
County Supervisor, District No. 17.
Wood Choppers 'Wanted.
Men who want to contract for cutting
timber into cord-wood can get a chance
for a contract by calling on Jas. Bell.
Upper Astoria.
I'seCnl In the Fnmllj.
We usually leave it to Doctors to
recommend medicines, but Parker's
Ginger Tonic has been so useful in
our family in relieving sickness and
suffering that w j cannot say too much
in its praise. Salem Argwt.
The Results.
All jwjrsons feelinc dull and depressed
-i... -n..:ni:' ...:.i. . ....:
ith no appetite.
no energy, the system clogged, the Iher
torpid, and the bowels inactive, who
are wondering how to tindreHef.shou'd
purchase a 50 cent or Si bottle of Syrup
ot r igs. rcail the circular around the
bottle, follow the directions, taking a
few doses of this pleasant remedy and
be restored to health and happiness. It
may be had of W. E. Dement & Co., As
Ilodgc Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents.
Portland Oregon.
Foul tartar is disease and death
Not on I j- to the teeth, but breath.
It taints the mouth, aud to our mhH
Gives a most ghastlv tinae, the while.
But if we've SOZODOXT close by.
We may its worst assaults defy.
The Bev. Geo. 1 1. Thayer, or Bour
bon, Ind., says: ''Both myself and wire
owe our lives toSim.oifs Consumption
Cults." Sold by W. E. Dement.
Have yon tried a Mew or pan ro;ut
as Frank Fabre cooks it'.'
you'll thank us for the advice.
Physicians prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at J. V.
Conn's drug store. oiipo.ite Occident
Cold boiled ham, brown bread ami
Boston baked beans at IeflV Variety
Chop llottee every night, near Stephans
Theatre sign of the red ami green
light. Open all night.
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cLs and SI. Sold by W.E. De
ment. Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement,
For the genuine J. JI. Cutter old
Bourbon-aml the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite tne dcu tower, anu see uamp
befl. Shoalwater bay eysters: fresh every
day, at Frank Fabre's.
"Jeff," the enterprising proprietor
of the Variety Chop House, is doing a
rushing business, lie has just complet
ed the best ice house north of San r ran
cisco, and intends selling ice and ice
cream as soon as his apparatus arrives
from Chicago.
Furnished rooms to rent at Mrs. P.
J.Goodman's, comer Concomloy ami
Madison streets.
The youthful color, beauty and lus
tre are gradually restored to gray
hair by Parker's Hair Balsam.
Two splendid front rooms, suitable
for gentlemen only, or for office use.
Apply to Alex. Campbell at Gem Saloon.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be boucht at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
nctei, Astoria.
Frank Falres Oyster and Chop
Those wishlnga nice plateof Eastern or
Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any
style, or an early breakfast before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
hay oysters received by every steamer.
Furnished Rooms to Bent
At Mrs. Denny Cnrran's. On Cass
street near Congregational church.
Zond Tor Rabies
With a baby at breast nothing is ao
useful for quieting my own and baby's
nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It
prevents bowel complaints, and is bet
ter than an stimulant to give strength
and appetite. A Newark Mother.
IMothcM ! Mothers!! Mothers!!
1 Art' yon disturuc- at night and broken
. of voi:r nL liv n sio.k r.hilri snffcrtnir
ami crvintr with the fixemciatintr nain
: of cut: in" teeth' If so. eo at 'once and
-... 1 ..., .. .; ----- - -vct --
et a bottle of Mr. Winslow's Soothing
Srup. it will relieve
the poor littlu suf
lepend upon it;
. ferer immediately-
i there Is no mistake about it. There is
j not a mother on earth who has ever
I iuetl it. who will not tell you at once
: that it will remdate the bowels, and
, uive rt-t tn the mother, and relief and
I health to the child. operating like magic.
and plesiaiit to the taste, and is the pre-
iui perieeuy saie 10 use m an cases,
! serintion ot one ol the oldest and best
leinaic physician, and nurses in
Unihnl Stabs. Sold everywhere,
j .Tuts a bottle.
"HacKmetaek. a lasting anil fra
grant perfume. Price 23 and 50 cents.
SoMhy W.E. Dement.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who wore suffering from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, lemaie complaints, etc Pamph
lets free to any address. Seih W. Fowl
iXrSon" "loston.
Hrace up tho whole system with King
of the Blood. See Advertisement
Fancy soaps and perfumery of all
kinds can he found at J. W. Conn's drng
store, opposite Occident hotel.
P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of cents and ladie
1 oots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
tne ramous Morrow shoes.
Kawling's fruit stand has been re-
nioveu irom the oiil location to the
building next E.A. Quinn's, on Main
Foi Dj-spepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed Guarantee on even
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Remember the place where j'ou can
get your pure fresh chocolate creams,
.and molasses candy, at Oerkwitz' oppo
site the Bell tower.
-A Xasal lnlector tree with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy.
Price 50 cent Sold by W, E. Dement,
Dry Goods I Clothing House
Received a consignment of Ladies
Cloaks, Dolmans. Circulars and Ulsters
from a manufacturer
out in the the next 20 days at half price,
SSTThis sale is genuine and bona fide and to satisfy the public we would
wish an inspection of these goods as to price and quality.
Xj S
For the Millions ! Spring Stools !
Direct from Xew York now on
Embracing all the Latest, Leading and Standard Styles in Soft, Stiff and Flexible
is: u tsj
Styles to suit all. Quality to suit all. Prices to suit all.
A full line of
id. -. zvEoi:Kr,3?os:sc
A. V. Allen,
Wholesale and retail dealer" In
Glass and Plated Ware,
Toother with
lAftnaa I iniinn Tnktnn Pinnan
ITIUG. umuui d, i uuabUU'Uiuai a
This space Reserved for
New York Novelty Store.
that must be closed
From their old quarters to their
And Factory near Kinney's Cannery
J. H. D. GRAY,
Wholesale and retail dealer iu.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
i .
General storage and Wharfage on reason?
able terms. Vootol Becton street. Astoria
i Oregon.