(I) JHHllr Yol. xvni. Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, March 15, L883. No. Ml. HOW COIJ3 "WAVES TRAVEL Cold waves, so called a name for which we are indebted to recent meteorological science do not appear to move in some in stance much faster than a railroad express train. They vary, how ever, in their rate of motion. Where do they come from? It is not easy to say. Tt might be found, if one could travel at ex press rate speed from the moun tains of Montana and the frozen regions farther north, that the cold continued all the wa' to eastern Alaska, and on to Behring strait, with even a greater degree of intensity. In fact, the coldest region is probably the wide ex panse west, and especially north west, of Hudson's Baj, in the neighborhood of the magnetic pole. A "cold wave" is a wave of heavy air, following the rarefied track of "low barometer," and changing the rarefied and milder atmosphere (which is usually also stormy) to one of clear, cold skies; a heavy air, full of tonic power, and exhilarating and hunger pro ducing to sound and healthy ani mal life. The establishment of the modern government weather observation station with their ap pliances, including the electric telegraph and the daily press, has enabled the country to see and comprehend something of the movements of these frequent cold waves. The movement is as marked as the advance of a veri table sea wave. The telegraph heralds its start from the Rocky mountains (it always seems to begin there), and its advance can "b"e timed like that of a railroad train. Its speed varies from forty to sixty, or sometimes even seven ty miles an hour; usually it would seem about fifty. It rolls over the country a real wave, an atrial counterpart, on the shore, of its congener, the tidal wave of the ocean, and its direction is usually from the northwest to the south west. It sweeps slowly down from the frozen waves of the Asiatic shore, and the equally frigid winds of the American mainland in the Arctic circle, to our Atlantic coast its breadth reaching all the way from Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras, and.fre quently making its chilly presence felt as far south as Florida. The Bermudas which lie just south of the Gulf Stream, a little over COO miles almost due east of Charleston feel the influence of our "cold waves" very percep tibly. That solitary little group of small, low-lying coral islands which can be reached by steamer from New York in the same time that it would take to go to Sa vanah, happen to lie on the lee ward side of the Gulf Steam; and that great thermal current of the ocean forever saves them from frost, and keeps them in spring foliage all winter; but while it finely tempers and modifies the north wind, it cannot quite rob it of all its intrinsic character and the result is a wind that may be at times cool, and frequently bois terous, but never really cold; and those lonely -islands, surrounded by wide-reaching coral reefs, have all winter a pleasant climate of spring. That is almost all that they, or the more southern islands of the Bermudas, ever know of our winter "cold waves." These come in almost rlrythraical succession, and have their causes, doubtless, as those of the ocean's tides, which they strikingly resemble. l?crnl la tkc Family. Wo usually leave it to Doctors to recommend medicines, but Parker's Ginger Tonic has been so useful in our family in relieving sickness and suffering that wo cannot say too much in its praise. Salem Argus. The Oregon Short Line. "Writing on the 2d a Lewistown correspondent of the "Walla "Walla Statesman says: Many and various are the sur mises of the true inwardness of the great railaoad compromise of which we hearand read so much about these days. But out of the chaos of comment which the com promise has provoked, two facts stand out distinctly: 1. That the Oregon Short Line will not enter Oregon. 2. That the Short Line surveyors are still at work in the Snake river canyon. Viewed m a practical light the latter fact is so important and implies so much that the compromise assumes alto gether a totally different and sub ordinate phase. From a careful review of the railroad situation your correspondent is of the opin ion that the Oregon Short Line people have compromised nothing The compromise seems to be all on the side of the O. R. & N. Co. The gist of the argument is that the Short Line will turn over all Oregon freight to the O. R. & N. Co., at the mouth of Burnt river. I . ... . There is nothing in this detrimen tal to the interests of the people of the northwest, but rather the contrary; inasmuch as it provides through connection to the east much sooner than if the rival cor porations relied upon their own re sources for that desirable result. Meanwhile, the two surveying parties of the Short Line are still surveying the Snake river, and this fact strengthens the supposi tion that this system is destined to have a terminus on Puget Sound. It is idle to suppose that these surveys are maintained in the middle of winter at an expense of $4:00 a day for the fun of the thing. The terms of the compro mise do not indicate that the Short Line system is to terminate at the mouth of Burnt river, and further more, we have "Wall street advices of February 20th that the Union Pacific had guaranteed $10,000,000 in stocks for the construction of the Short Line branch. Nor is it to be supposed that the Villard corporations will be permitted to monopolize such an immense mine of wealth as exists in the Pacific northwest; no matter how benev olent such a monopoly may be, other corporations are eager to have a finger in the pie. Dividends of 2 per cent, per month, such as the O. R. & N. Co. returns to its stock holders, are apt to excite the cupidity of other companies, and competition in railroad matters is as certain under such circum stances, as in any other branch of public or private enterprise. Value of Oatmeal. Oatmeal is a food of great strength and nutrition, having claims to be be better known and more widely used than it is at present. Of much service as a brain food, it contains enough phosphorous to keep a man doing an ordinary amount of brain work in health and vigor. All medical authorities unite in the opinion that, eaten with milk, it is a per fect food, and, having all the requi sites for the development of the system, it is a pre-eminently use ful food for growing children and the young generally. Oatmeal requires much cooking to effectu ally burst its starch shells, but when it is well cooked it will thicken liquid much more than equal its weight in wheaten flour. The oats of this country are supe rior to those grown on the conti nent and the southern part ol En gland, but eertainly inferior to the Scotch, where considerable pains are taken to cultivate them, anditisneedlesstopointoutthatthe Scotch are an example of a strong and thoroughly robust nation,' which result is justly set down as derived from a plentiful use of oat meal. Dr. Guthrie has asserted that his countrymen have the larg est heads of any nation in the world not even the English hav ing such large heads which he! attributes to the universal use ofj oatmeal, as universal it is, being found alike on the tables of the rich and the tables of the poor in the morning the porridge, and in the evening the traditional cake. The two principal ways of cooking oatmeal into porridge and cake (bannock) are, commencing first with the receipt for perridge: To three pints of boiling water add a level teaspoonful of salt and a pint of coarse meal, stirring while it is being slowly stirred in; continue stirring until the meal is diffused through the water about eight or ten minutes; cover it closely then, and place it where it will simmer for an hour; avoid stirring during the whole of that time; serve hot, with as little messing as possiblp, accompanied with milk, maple syrup or sugar and cream. To make oatmeal cake: place in a bowl a quart of meal, add to it as much cold water as will form it into a soft, light dough, cover it with a cloth fifteen minutes to al low it to swell, then dust the paste board with meal, turn out the dough and give it a vigorous kneading. Cover it with a cloth a few minutes and proceed at once to roll it out to an eighth of an inch in thickness'; cut it in five pieces and partly cook them on a griddle, then finish them by toast ins: in front of the fire. mM Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purit j'. .strength and wholesomenes. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking row i ek Co.. ice Wall-st. N. Y. King of the Blood Is not a "cure alt," It 13 a blood-purifier and tonic. Impurity of the blood poisons the svs tern, deranges the circulation, and thus in duces many disorders, known by different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder, linpnrity or Blood. Such are Dyspepsia, lillllousne, Liter Complaint, Constipation, Kerrous Dis order. cadachc. Backache, General Weak ness, Heart Dlscase,Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Piles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin Disorders, Pimples. Ulcers. Swellings, dc dc. Kins: or the mood prevents and cures these by attacking the cause. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and physicians agree In calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for the purpose." Sold by Drug gists, 81 per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions. &c In pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases ol thn Blood." wrapppd around each bottle. D. RANSOM, SON & Co.. Props Buffalo, N. Y. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. IORYEA BROS. Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fitters. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. A Full Supply or GAS FIXTURES, COOKS, STEAM FIT TINGS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. All Work Guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Chenamus street, opposite Demeut's Drug Store, Astoria, Oregon. W T ROYAL KKIM Ji U &a G PflWfflFR w Ei st? Sail '"'"' -v,j5 Fit ERHANREHE THEGREAT JFOIfc RHEUMAT Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scads, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jaoom Oil u & soft, sure, simple and cheap External Beraedjr. A trial entails but the cooparaUrelj trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and crery one iuffer ing with rain can hare cheap and poitire proof of iU claims. Directions In Eleven Languages. 80LDBTALLDEUQQIST3Ain)DEALEE3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEUER Jr. CO., Baltimore, JOiL, V. S.A. Gen. John B. Gordon, of Geor gia says: "It is enough to make an American proud to ride through the streets of London, with its civilization of 2,000 years, andgsee American iifiplemerHs, American sewing machines, American tools and American goods displayed on every hand, and know that Amer ican watches are being sold in the stores, and American fields are feeding the English people, and American factories are beginning to clothe them." SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. The rountennnce is pale nnd leaden colored, with occasional flushes of a cir cumxrribud spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-Mil; the nose Is Irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelliim of the upper lip; occasional headache, with bumming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual se cretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morn ing; npjMMitc variable, sometimes vora cious, with a gnawing sensation of the Ftomach ; at other.-!, entirely gone; fleeting pains in tho stomach ; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the nbdomen; bowels Irregular, at times co-tIe; Mools slimy, not unfrequently tinged with blood ; belly swollen and lnrd ; urine turbid ; respiration (M-casionnllyditll-eult and accompanied by hiccough ; cough sometimes dry anil convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DK. C. XcLAXE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. In buvlug Vcrmifiirje be sure yon r.t the cenulno UK. C. McLANK'S VKIOII KU;ii, manufactured by Fleming Kr., 24 Wood Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. The market Is full of counterfeits. You will be right If it hits the signature of I'loni lug Uros. and C. McLnne. If your storekeeper does not hae the genuine, please reiort to us. Send us three cent stnmp for 1 hand sonic advertising cards. FLE3UXU BROS., Pitblinrgli, Pa. listen Attention! Sutton's Gcmtinc Cnpc nn Oiled Clothing. Double Long Coats. Half Peas, Double suits. Fisherman Jnmpers, Fisherman PantN. Apron, SlcevcH, Itnhber Rocta, Blanket KhirtH. Socks, ere. At San Francisco Prices. A Liberal Di"count to the Trade. Ship Masters Supplied. II. P. CnAI)HOURNK, Agent. On the Itoadway, near "Water Street. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria Novelties of all Kinds FrultxBoth Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &' DOCK if is C. H. STICKELS A. M. JOHNSON & Co., Dealers In Ship Chanfllery ai Groceries CROCKERY & CLASS WARE. ALso "Wholesale Dealers In Pniut.s. Oils. Varnishes, Glass, Piiltj-. Artists Oil and Water Colors. I'niut and KjiIho- ni Ine finishes. Constantly on hand a full and choice stock or Staple and F:ui Groceries Only tno Best kept. Our stock of Crockery and Glass lVn.ro it the ImrseNtnnd most Complete Stick ever opened in Astoria. Consistlng-of Tea and Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets. Glass. Fruit, and Water Sets. Bar Fixtures. Ale Slugs. Tonics. Hustle Bottles Goblets, Tum blers Lcn.onade Cups, &c ic. Everything sold at Lowest Living Kates. Ojnality Guaranteed. An Examination will more than repay you. T f Eeml Carefully! ! I Hereafter all our Pure Coffees will be put up under our own private label NONE GENUINE Unless bought of A. 3L JOHNSON & CO. N. B. Ail goods bearing our label are guaranteed to be strictly Pure and of Best quality, and are sold by no other House. K. S3E J&. 3a K S R, DKALRK IX Ha3r, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Order, Graying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses una Carriages for Hire. UEALKIt IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. F1KST CfiASS MAGNUS C. CROSBY, Dealer In HARDWARE, IM, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, PLTJ FIBERS AXD STEAM FITTER Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD TRIP 'LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AHD COPPER, Cannery anfl Flshennens Snpplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but Hrst class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALE? Constantly on hand TO MRRBRYMBK ! ORDER BOOKS, TALLY LISTS, Time and Credit Cards. STOCK BOOKS LINEN NOTE and LETTER HEADS -AND- JOB PRINTING ! Of all kinds at lowest prices. We Guarantee Satisfaction ! We have new tj-ye and a large stock of first class material. J. F. 1IALLORAX & Co. A M. JOHNSON". WILLIAM HOWE -DEALER IX- Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of OAK LUMBER. ; GLASS, ''S5fe&iv Boat Material, Etc. 'gSaglBiip a specialty. gpSgjgg'i j Boats of aH Kinds Made to Order, j k... ..""""""""; EOrders from a distance promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. S. ARNDT & FEROHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNEEY, AND STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Bektok Stbket, Nkar Pabkek Houbs, ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LdPiMARhnGIES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a' specialty. Oral! Descriptions made to Order at Hliort A'otlfe. A. D. "Wass, President. J. G. IIusTiJCit, Secretary. I.'W. Cask, Treasurer. John Fox, Superintendent WEI. EDGAR, ' ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, Stationery and Optical Goods, Joseph Rodgers and "Wostenholm GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLER Revolvers and Cartridges. WAXTHA3I AtfD jaXSIAT Gold and Silver Watches and Chain Fine and Coarse Liverpool SALT. Tin Plate, Block Tin, Caustic Soda, For sale ex Warehouse at Tortland or Astoria by BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. dtf Portland, Or. Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE! CORK MD LEAD LINES, SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 Market Street, San Franclsce Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. ijyp TURNING AND Bracket Work BUSINESS CARDS. V C. IIOIiDEN. NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMJIISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. piELO F. JMICKKR. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County.and. City or Astoria Otflce :-Chenamu3 street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. O . WIXTOX, Attorney and Counselor at Law. earOfflce In Pythian Building. Rooms 11, 12. ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. JAY TBTTJLE, M. J. PHYSICIAN AND STJEGEON; Office Rooms 1 , 2, and 3, Pythian Build ing. Residence Over J. E. Thomas Drue Store. TJl P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON, Rooms In Allen's building upstalrs,ecr of Cass and Sqeraocqhe streets. ' -L I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus Street. - ASTORIA, OEEGOI M. WERTIIEIMEU. I. WEUTHEIMKIt M. WERTHEIMER & BR0. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE Havana and Domestic Cigars No. 51S. Front St. San Francisco Dressmaking. Plain and Fancy Sewing. Suits mndo in tho ooet Style and Guaranteed, to Fit Mrs. T. S. Jewett. ROO MS OVER MRS. E. S. WARREN'3.1 G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner ot Casa and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. I. "W. CASE, IMl'OKTEK AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON FOR SALE ! I offer for sale my ranch near Sklpa noiuin this County; it consists of !60 ACRES, Eighty Acres improved, -writli gool dwelling House; Two Barns, Out Houses, etc.; A fine Orchard. Everything is well improved and in good condition. A large assortment of Farming Implements, Three l'asscnger Coaches. One Kugsr, Sine Head Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. This affords a rare chance for a man to get; a good home in the oldest settled section in the state. Terms favorable to one meaning busi ness. C. A. rtXAGITTRK. Notice. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES FOR THE year 1882, are now duft and can he paid at my office at the Court House, d-wtf A. M, TWOMBLY, Sheriff.