flj gto guiXij gsta&m. ASTOKIA, OREGON: TUESDAY MAHCH 13. 1SS3 Norman Lockyer tells us that he found at a little station in the Rocky mountains a French priest who was travelling round the world because, when preparing to die a few months before, the thought had come to him that he might be asked in Paradise what was his opinion of the world he had left; and he had not seen the world. Air. Lockyer does not point out what he considers to be the moral of this pleasing story. The obvious moral is that death may and ought to be put off until one has trav elled round the world, and this will commend itself to an over whelming majority. Another and perhaps, in the opinion of En glishmen, a more satisfactory moral is that, France forming no part of God's beautiful world, no French man can be supposed to have seen anything of the glories of nature who has seen only his own country. This was probably Mr. Lockyers opinion, as it was that of the Rev. T. C. Upham, who found no room in his expansive soul in the forests of Fontaine bleau, "wlierc all was man," but sighed for the mightv woods of his native land, fresh from the hand of God overlooking in his patriotic and pardonablo pride the surpris ing speed with which the protec tive association of American lumbermen was converting these forests of his soul into merchant able boards. "When a writer has ideas for which there is no English he may be excused using a foreign Ian cuairc. The Ex-Mayor of Manchester, Va., lion. .Tas. A. Gentry, suffered with acute rheumatism; but by us ing St. Jacobs Oil he was cured. Composed of the best known tonics, iron ami cinchona, with well known aromatic, is Brown's Iron Bitters. It euros indigestion, and all kindred troubles. Will you suffer with Dispepsia and iver Complaint.' Shiloh's Vitalizcr is 1iv gtntranu'ea to cure you DiMIIHllt. Sold by W. E. -Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De niiint Kor lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous I'la.-ler, I'ric.' 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. COJUMEBOTAHD TRADE. I'OIIT OF ASTORIA. RKADY FOR SKA. IHonry VlHard. Ara Liverpool March 1(1 'j&snijs jx the : run. l.i:rttirtli. Itr W. Illimm. Am fji Jli&elFHieh. Aim tut ?arn(.ok. itr. 14.. Jolont?. Ilr hit. ICtmnnrR liiRlilsnd Msht, Am.sp "ornica, Aiu hh haranac. Am tk l!etifreisliire vsssxjjS ojv nit; ya y. From Furcisn I'oriM. for I In CoIutriMn Ilier t;icnlrvio. 15r bk Mn'rpool Dec 27 Lombardin, llr71H I.ircr;ool DtcC Kyeralo. IlrSSt Uver;ool Dec 2 IJIIock, Ur 1)1: September 13 From Azncricati SortH. Harry Mor&e. Am s 3t Jov3 t; S Hulbprt. Axn KWOA' Y Xe "2 5o. S Ilomor. jw. Y.Jan 27 Iraporia), Aia ;i X Y October t Indiana. Aui t-p, Philadelphia, Xov. to lUlve S. Southard, Am nl:, Phils. -vb 12 Heapur, A:n f p Phi'.a Oct I Titan. Am 1223 X Y l)ec'.0 Wstra Uelle. Am pp 1135 X Y Dec 23 TIDE TABL.E FOR ASTORIA From wtMcs of United Slates Coast Survoj llifih Wat or. t Low Water. Quia. A.M. r. M. A.M. r. M. S.. 0 :,-. o 0S . r. 3r, 1 1 OU 0 .111 . 7 i-M....... 10 1 40 1 SI I 8 00 11 2 CW. 2 42! 8 S"i 12. 2 41 .1 S7t... SI 4T 7 05 7 3G S UG 1 14 ia s ai. 14 4 Ot in r 02 1C (IS 17 7 1(5..... 4 3S1.. 5 41!.... 0 53U. 8 011.. 9 01 ... .10 .17 10 02 11 35 10 SS - - 0 39 .... 0 03.... 1 43 1 11 2 49 Common Council. KcEularinootines second and fourth Tues day uvemnss of each month, at IVi o'clock J Porsons de.nrip;; to havo matters actod urtoeby the Council, atanyrojular mooting rau iirwcnt tho same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday evening prior to tLo Tuesday ou which the Council holds its rejrular mooting. V. C. KOHUIS, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, lioaore x'o. 40, L O. G.I. llCKularllcctinjr every Tucfday Evcninc at - o'ciucK, at J'ytlnnn iiau, ftoria. lem b ers of the Order, in cond Ftandinp. are invit. od to attend, ilcgrec meeting lFt Monday of cacli month, lly order "V. C. T. Temple JLoagre, Wo. 7 A. F. A. M. Regular Communications first and :hird TuCMlayp in each month. at"H o ciocK. i. m.. at tno iiau in Astoria. .uemocre oi uio vruor, in cooa stanalD?, are iDvuoo to aiieuu. iy erac: m tno Y. Al. American Lecrion of Honor. lteuular ineetii oi Astoria Council So. 995. .s held on the first and third Saturday of each month, at 7 o'clock i. at. By order of Council ConMnander. K. V? JIoxteitu, Sec'ty. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure dyspepsia,heartbum, mala ria, kidney disease, liver complaint, and other wasting diseases. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the system; cures weakness, lack of energy, etc. Try a bottle. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is the only Iron preparation that does not color the teeth, and will not cause headache or constipation, as other Iron preparations will. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Ladies and all sufferers from neu ralgia, hysteria, and kindred com plaints, will find it without an equal LOEB & CO., JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQTJOES, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Eff""AH goods sold at San Francisco Trices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEAXEUS IX Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AND CUT GALVANIZED SPIKESt IVails, Copper Nails and ISurrs, Shelf Hardwaxe, Paints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, FI.OUR AND MIIX FEKI. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Strett ASTORIA. OREGON. .1. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In. FLOUR, ALL .KIXJS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and irtiarfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. an ton a Aarkeu. ItETAJt. Bdttkr Extra fancy CO C5 cents.o. rolL CHKKSE.-18&20C Dkikd Fkuits. Blackberries 25c: Trones Cala. 11015c: Peeled Peaches 2533c bUGAB. Cuuo, 14; crushed, 14c; fine crushed, 14c; extra powd. 14c ; dry tran. 13jc; extra gran. 13&c, G. a 12Jic Egcs. 30 cts dot. Oats. $2 00 2 25 per cwt. PotAtoks. $2 00 per cwt Floue. Superfino So 50; Extra fC 2j; Corn Meal cwt. 83 50; Buckwheat cvrt 10 00. Fkesh AIeats. Choice cute. Lamb. I5c; Boofl215; Pork 15; Mutton 1214. By the carcass 10c Meats. Breakfast bacon ISc per tt; sidos 15317c; hams l"i420c: shoulders HSUto ; smoked.beef lSQlGJj'c; corned beef S10312 tt; corned pork 12c V-. Labh. In tins and caddies lB20c ? 0. IIOXEr. In frames 40o ; in glass 50c Mill Feed. Bran $25 00 ton; chop feed., $35-; Shorts $35 00 ; Hay 120 $2513 ton;Qiddiinfft $10. Chop barley, $37.50 11 tallies and "Cnri'Sies tlio Wood, Tonci tip tho System, Slakes iho AYcalc Strong, Builds ui tlie lirokea- dotrn, Invigorates tlio Brain, and CURES Dyspepsia, XJervous Affections, Sss era! Debility, neuralgia, ever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhea, Boiis, Sropsy, Humors, Peuiale Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Eemitteirt Pever, and ILL DISEASES OGIGINATIKG IB A DA9 STATt OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY 03 A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. MAN SuppLcsthe blood -with its Vital Vrl'irip!. Life Element, IKON', id; J-Jrcngili VIirnraadNcvr Lift kiW all t Turflc y- strrs. BEING FREE IT.OM AlCbH'I. -; ng cfiects are ne: followed by c-.-tr;-r - t uc ion, but are pennaacat. SETll V. rOWLC ft S'" iarrisoa Avitjuc U"-Hcii 21 tv BITTERS !, VYilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb &Co., Agents. Astori. Leinenweber & Co.. c. r.KrxKXWKr.Ki. ii.browx. ESTAISLTSIIKD l8Ti. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS MB CUEBEIES, Manufacttnen :tuil IniiMriT.I L LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale De:ders in OIL AND TALLOW. cij'IIIghcst cash price iiiltl for Hules and T:tlIov. HANSEN BROS. EAY'E REMOVED! From their old quarters to their NEW SHOP And Factory near Kinney's Cannery A. . ilea, (SUOCKSSOU TO TARE & AI.LKN.) Wholesale and retail tlcalw" la Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobacco.Cigars Plumbing and Gas Fitting. T.GKYEA BROS. Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fillers. Johbing Promptly Attended to. A Full Supply of GAS FIXTURES, COCKS. STEAM FIT TINGS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HANI). All Work Guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Chenamus street, opposite Demeut's Drug Store, Astoria, Oregon. i - BANKING AHDJHSURAHCE. s. "w. Cass, BROKER, BANKER A2CI IH8URAHGE AGEHT. ASTORIA, - - - - OltEGON OFFICE IlOUltS: EEOAl 9 O'CLOCK A. 31. TJ2CTIL 3 O'CLOCK T. M. Home Mitel taraios Go. OF CALIFORNIA. .T. F. IIOUOHTOX 1'resWent CnAS. E. Stouv. Secretary Gr.o. I- Stout Agent rr 0'-ion Capital paid up in U. S. goldj coin . . 5 W I. XV. (MS? Agent, Cheanauis street. Ator'.a. Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVEilPOOL AND LOvTON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Rej-re-'entin a capital of !307.0rtfl.iftO. A. VA" UVSKV.Aaeut PARSER'S H Alii. B AlrAM fefc .V:VS& .'. ' " ' :j.iv -A t-i-,3R vn .. .jv-'.:tftoar.y SWS:' "'. t-a ac- i i-Viff3K"i s s-iprmr fer5rSKci-nEr,rvK aw 'i.inty. ,1 KirtK! ..... - Lfi. . ,-v v...y -. t l'-..- f -rj and hair Re:!orcs the Yoaihful Cole? to Cxy or Fatted Hafr J r.-irker's HairEalsara H fin-1 -r. .r-.-..i and is J w.-uxsr.tcd to prc.rnt w!!ir.j c . l 'uir and to re- J moxtlinonifrri-duchinj. H'- X&Ci.X.Y. I Srte. and l tat, at dea'tn In dn, anJ nea '. I FAKMEK'S i SlSH Li 1 gH39 h US'QB A Superlative Health and S!ri5lh Restorer. I f - : are a met imnic cr C-micr. xirra otii with cr. TTXtt. cranfihcrnmd"nly Cu.'yorbousc h. II iJ.'aa Hy i'AKKEK s or ci k j c If you have Consuoptkwi, Dypcp'ia, l'bsflaia ism, Kidney Complaints, crsr.yrt--roeroftheln3SSf ncirodi.bowck, blood cr pen cs.I'ai-keks Gikcex Tomc will curcyou. 1 1 Isthctrc.u.t JUocd PuriBct ,nJ the Eest snd Surest Cors'i Cars Ever Used. If you are trastlnjj away from age, dkMpation cr arr ikeae or weakness snd rwulic a Jtiniular.t take Gr.urR "Ionic it once ; it wtII ir.vig-ni:e and build voi i;p from ths first dose but vrill nc tr int-jsiste. IthassavcU JiundrcUS oi uves; it raay save jours. CACTlOt ' Rrfai:rolatKBl.riiin3TTUek ns.wlr( titt-r tWBtUattottTtU.-i-iUKirJy jCWvft'rwi j-rjcaSontcfserIoc. FtlfcreBUrU Hktm & Co., N. V. Me. & $ 1 ion, n Jrtlt fa drajt CHEAT SAYING ECnXC DOLLAR SIZE. It.r a-d lasais fragrance has rnjce tLis dtlirnful pcrfurao eiceedmgly p"pi:r. There Is nothing like it. Insist ujoa hsxznz Floxes. ton Cologne and iook i-r ssnaturc ci J&Ucot O, . ca ciT7 ltll. Any it.r:' I - le. Any it.' t I. IS 31J . . i IC.MV.. I.t r. "r tr. T-r.jtry I HKESW".. I.t sr.a A-Hv-iSSraS 19SSSSS& t-iN VI fcs cnfrJ run v i va -v Sr A Common-sense Remedy. Salicylic A, No more RheumatismT Cout or Neuralgia. immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Zfw years ctatUhed and ncrcr known In fall in a tingle caff, acute or chrunic. Ilefcr to all prominent ;7iiicfnw ami tlmgifiil for the ttantUna oj Sallculica. SSOH.ET 2 THE ONLY DISSOLVEU OF THE POISONOUS UKIC ACID AVHICII EXISTS IN THE ULOOD OFRIIEU MATIU AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALlCYLICAisknom:is a cominon s.'iise remedy, because It strikes directly at tlie cause of Itheuinatlsin. Gout and Neural gia, while so many so-called Secifics and .supposed panaceas only tre.it locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists thai outward applications, such as rubbing Willi oils, ointment, liniments, nndsoothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which are the result of the jwisoaing of the blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA works with marvelous effect on tills neidnm! so removes the disor der. It is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of America and Europe. Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports vo jter cent cures 111 inreo nays. that SALICYLICA Is a certain cure for Rheumatism. Coutanti Neuralgia. The most Intense pains are subdued almost lustanily. Give ir a trial, llelief guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. SI a. Box. 6 Boxes for S5. Sent free by mail on receipt ot money. ASK YOUlt DKUGGIST FOIt IT. Rut do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as " just as good !" IiuLt on the genuine with the name of Washburne&Co onxach box which is guaranteed chemieaiiy pure under our signature, an indispensable requisite to insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Washburne &. Co., Proprietors. 27 Broadway, cor. EeadcSL, XEWYOKK". For Sale by W.K. DEMENT & Co and J. E. THOMAS. SteDhans Varieties GRAIMD OPEEFIKG. A LIVELY EX5?ETAIS3IEST Have a new bowling allcv..tlie laisest and best in town. Adnilttance free. Croup, Whooninrr Cough and Bron chitis imuiediatefy relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. r3 eauBBiad HOTELS AND EESTAU HANTS. PARKER HOUSE, II. It. IAIS:iKIt. J'roi.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGOK. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. HOT A5J COT.l I1A.TIZS. Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. oarFREE COACH TO THE II0lTSE.-5 AS TOR HOUSE. THF.O. BKOEISIftKK, Iiopr. ASTORIA, - ' - - - OREGON. Hotel Ney & ftewiy Furnished From $1.00 t S2.0O jmt day. ac eonlinit turooui. Best of Wines.. Liquors and Cigars AT THE BAR. 7TT 1 ! IS A FACT -THAT- Jeff's VARIETY CHOP HOUSE, on Ccnccmiy Street is the Best in Town. -THAT-5T lias Alitays on Blantl FISTSIJ !::il "Water Hay ami "East ern Uystvrs. -TIIAT- : JEFFr IS THE BOSS CATERER. -THAT- Hi Ims lren Proprietor of lite "Aurora tinier' in Ki:a:pto:i cc-nje:trs. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. . R0SCOErs" FIRST CLASS Ovster Saloon. 11 ' y&g? CIIKN'AMUH STUHiCr. ASTOULV. miiK ONDEIISICNHD IS I'LEASKD.TO A annoHBee to w jml'lie that he has on enfl a F2KST CIiAHS TT3 a.lii TTig HiOUSG , Ami fnniLMies in lirst-e lass style OYSTEI.'S, HOT COFFEE TE.V, ETC AT THK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHENAMUS STREET. Please give me a call. KOSCOEiDIXON, l'roprietor PIOKSER RE3TATJBANT, Tiider the manasemetit of J. . KSS. A smh1 I'lnee to stop at when yon come to town. Every xrntngcriient for the comfort and convenience of gnej. Terms reasonable. GEILVN1A nivER HALL -AKI HOTTliE HKEU DBPOT. Chkvahts Strhkt. A ST OKI . The !? of lAifjcvii Cls. (i CI tt as Orders for the Celetti! ColumMa Brewery :jE5:es:ol Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. J3No cJnp Sji I'rancl3co Iteer soW at this place WM. KOCK. Proprietor. Brewery Beev Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. 51 The be of Liquors and Cipars on hand. A deservedly iMpular place ot social reo,rt. GEO. 1IILLEK. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, 15 Y (iSOXUE LOVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's, Notice or Aitpllration to I'arehase Timber Xand. T AND OFFICE AT VVNCOUA'EE, W.T., JLI January 9th. ln. Notice is hereby given that incompliance with the provisions of the act or Congress, approved June 3. 1S73. entitled "An act for the sale of Timber I.auds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in 'Wash ington Territory." James M. Wallace, of Pacific count v. Wash. Tc-r.. has this day tiled in thlsoulce hisnpplicntionto purchase tlie S i of S W ?f and S i of S E . of Sec. 31. T, 10 X of i: 9 W, of the Willamette Me ridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before tlie Clerk of the District Court at 0stervi!le, wash, Ter., on Saturday, March 21th. 1SS3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (Co) days from date hereof. FRED. AY. SPARLING, wS-lOt Register. Xotire of Application to I'nrrhase TInilier .Lands. XT S. LAND OFFICFATOKEGONC1TY, U Oregon. January 19, leSJ. Notice is hereby gh en that John II. Col vln. of Columbia county. Oregon, has inade application to purchase the SW of SAVii of Sec 10. T 7.N. irs W. AVill. Men. under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved J une 3, 187S, piiI "led "An Act for the sale of Timber Lauds . the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington Ter ritory." All adverse claims to said tract must be filed in the U. S. Land oftlce at Oregon City, Oregon, before the expiration of sixty days from this date. Given under my hand this 10th dny of Jan uary. ISO. L.T.RAMN. v3-10t Register. SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PCRTLAWD- (FAST TIME. Tb popular steaiHer FLEETWOOD, AVliJch has wn reBtted for the comfort or imasengers will leave Wilson and Fisher's dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P. M. Returning leaven Portland every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A. hi. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. . An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland al O oVlock Sunday lorninj:. rasseneer by thfc route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. U. li. SCOTT, lresldent. Astoria and Portland. s:Str. WESTPORT, IMLSHEKMAN". - - MASTER. "Will make repular trips to Portland and Asotin, leaving Jlumeirs dock, foot of Jlor riMm street, l'ortland. at a.ji. Saturdays. And will leave "Wilson & Fisher's dock, Astoria. at 0 a. M.Thursdays. J3"Frei?lit carried at reasotiahle rates. Steamer ''RELIC. j rlt WILL 3IAKE Tiur.s u FOLLCWS : tTjLW To YOUNGS RIVEK, 3Iondays, Wednesdays GKAYS RIVEK, Tuesdays, Fridays, LEWIS and CLAltKE, Tlmrsdays and Saturdays. Will leave Wilson & Fishers wharf at 1 o'clock shan't each mornins- LEWIS (1. 1IAAVEX, 3faster. ilAEKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly cu nam!, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Earns, Shoulders, Lard, -GS. 1SVTTEK, CHEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FJSH. POULTRY AHiYi A3IE lu the season. CIGARS AST TOBACCO. Best r vraE5 Aim r.iQirpKS. AH ch'eaii for CASH. Goods sold on com mls3?i!ii. Opposite I. "V. Case's store. J. ItOD(JEI. STAB MARKET. WHERRY & COHIPAHY, Fresli and Cured Meats, FR01TS.. BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CIXKXATfSlTS Street, Astoria, Ocn ASTOBIA MAEKET D.K.WARREN, COIL CHENAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA. - - OREGON. Dealer in FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables, Butter. Eggs. And a full line of CHOICE lAfflLT PtEDCEEIES Constantly on hand. SHIPS SUPPLIED AT I.OAYEST ItATES. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BEJIGMAX D KERRY T ESPECTrULLY' CALL THE -ATTEK XL tion of tlio public to tho fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to suppb ng shiDS. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - OKEGO-S Tins INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, 13 now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation oi any desiring them. Patients admitted at all bonis, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege ot employing any physician they prefer. United Stntcs marine Seamen who payllospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob ained for Vnited States Marines at the Cus tom House. StSTEIta OP CnATUTV That Hacking Uouijh can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. AVe guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement TRANSPOBTATIOH' LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPANY. OCEAlff DITTSIOX. Steamers s.Ul from Portland for San Fran cisco twice n Avcck, on Tuesdays and Fridays, at midnight. Returning, leave San Francisco for Astoria and Portland Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 A. M. Throncli Tickets sold to all principal cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and After Nov. 20, 1882. ' RAIL DIVISION. Trains leave Tortland for each point 7 :00 A. 31. Sundays excepted. RIVER DIVISION' (Middle Colmabla); Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 KM alse: Leave Port-I I l ktnd for 3Ion Tu. We. Thn. Frl. 1 Sat. Astoria and I I lower Co-I lumbia....lBAM 6AM RAM 6A31 BAM 6AM Dayton. Or.JTAil! 7AM 7 AM ...... CbiSlK" AM( SAM Victoria.OCfiAM 6AM PAM Leives Astoria for Portland at 6 a.m. daily ex cept Sunday. Pullman Palace Cars running between Port- land. Walla Walla and Daiton. JOHN 3I0TR, Superintendent of Traffic c.ir. riiEscoiT, Manager. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go "WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and' Ilwaco, Connecting by Stages for Oysterville and Olympia. Until farther notice the Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co 's steamers GEN. MILES, or. GEN. CANBY Will leave Astoria On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Ilwaco OX Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturd cys. The steamer will leave Astoria ato a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens................... " " Canby and Hwaco.. ,.B0ct3 -Si 00 3-llwaco freight, by the ton, in lots ol one ton or over, S2 00 per ton. KB"For Tickets. Towage or Charter appr? at the offico of the Company, Qray'a wharf, foot of Benton street. J. n.D. GRAY, Agent. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after Sept. 21, 1SS2. trains will run as follows, JDALLiT (Except Sundays), KASTSTDE DRISIOS. between rOKTLAND and KIDDLE'S. MATI. TKAEI LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 A. K.IRirldle's 8:30p. m Riddle's 3:30 A. ji.PortIand 45p. m ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEA'V'E. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9J30 P. M Lebanon 4:13 A. AI.Portland10:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland G:15a. ii. Junction 6:00p.u Junction C:30a. u.lRiddle's . 5:10p.m Eiddlo'3 ..6:00 a. m. Junction 5:00 p. m Junction 5:45 a. m. Portland 5:23 p. a Tho Oregon and California Railroad l'eny makes connection with all Regular-Trains oa Eastaido Division. westside Drnsios. IJetwcen Portland and Corvallls. KAIL TRAIS LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. JLICorvallis 3:00 P. M Corvalli3 8:20 A. M.Portland 3:20 P. M Close connections mado at Riddle's with tho Staces of the Orogon and California Stage Companr. .. , . , . . . BSTTickots for sale at allthe principal points in California and tho Eaat, at Company's Offico. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bo charad on freight remain ins atCompanys Warehouse over 24 hours. Krolcrht will nnt bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or "West sido Division. . ., ,L J. BRANDT, Gcn'l Sup'b E. P. ROGERS, Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent. R. KOEHLER, Vico President and Manager Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SU3I5IER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, Ilwaco, Xortli Bench, Oysterville, North Cove, Petersons Point, Ho qaium, Jlontesano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES,) Strs. or ) On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY, J GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. " MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. M. On Mondays and Thursdays through trip in GO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. Xotice or Application to Purchase Timber Land. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUYER, AY.T., January 0th, 1SS3. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress, approvetl June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash ington Territory, AVilliam I. Smith, of Pa cific county, Wash. Ter., has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the S Vi of N Eand N & of S E J of Sec. 34. T. 10. N ot It 9 AV, of tho Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Clerk of the District Court at Oysterville, Wash, Ter., on Saturday March 2h, 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands or any portion thereof are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (60) days fronnlate hereof. FRED. AY. SPARLING, w3-lut Register.