d?TH'3S " C) gto g-diTij gisJxdatt ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY MARCH 9, 18S3 Lively I Times. A Seattle dispatch says:" Much excitement has prevailed here in certain circles during the past two clays over attempts to seize upon valuable tide flat lands at the head Qf the bav. These flats are claimed by the railroad people, under an act of the territorial legislature. They, however, were in actual pos session of but a small portion of them. Night before last a number of men, aided by two pile dri vers, went out under cover of darkness and seized upon several choice blocks, driving piles around them and placing guards thereon. Injunctions were got out on be half of the railroad company yes terday morning, and there it was supposed the matter would rest until tried in the courts. On the contrary, though, a force of men for the company, with two steam boats, quietly went to work hist night at 12 o'clock and pulled out most of the piles driven the night before. In doing so they were re sisted as far as possible by the jumpers and some shooting was done, though without personal in jury to anyone. Injunctions against the company and its employes were trot out at once. The tide flats of the bay have an area of over 2000 acres, and are worth at present values over a million dol lars. It is understood the Canadian government has consented to sub sidize a direct steamship line with Mexico, and 50,000 will be placed in the estimate for that purpose. Mr. J. S. Lefavour, artist, Salem, Mass., reports that he has used St. Jacobs-Oii with :are satisfaction and surprising benefit for rheuma tism of twenty years standing. For tremu'ousness, wakefulness, dizziness, and lack of energy, a most valuable reined' is Brown's Iron Bit ters. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on ever' bottle ot Smloh's Vitalizer. Jt never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Smr.oifs Cent: will immediately relieve Cioup, whooping cough and HronehitU. bold by W. 31 Dement. COMMEBGEAHD TRADE PORT OF ASTOiilA. HEADY FOR SEA. Trereljau. Ilrp Quecnstotrn March? SAILED. IKIoto. AiuliUn Valfiariso March S VESSELS IS THE EI VEIL Letter-north, lir Wc Helicon. Am fp Honry Villard. Am m GjirnocV. lir. IA, Je&nic l.a;idl.. Ur IJ. Solene. lir th. l'lbinoro Highland Light, Am. tp "orsica. Am h Saranac. Am tik ttoiifreuhhire Chesebroucli, Am p VESSELS t.V TEE tt'A 1 . Front Foreisu 1'orln. foi the t'lilitiiittla itltcr Lombardic, Br 718 Liverpool DcC Kjcvale. Br 811 Liverpool Dec 2 UllocV, Br bk September 19 "Vale, Korbk 470 Valparaiso From American PoriM. Harry Morse. Am sp N XovS C S Hulbert. Am KN) X V Ziev 2 Imperial, Am fy X V October 21 IodUua. Am sp, I'hiladeliihia, Xov. l'J Olive S. Southard. Am th, I'bilo. "jb 1 J Iteapcr, Am sp Pliila Oct 1 Titan. Am 1329 X Y DccJSO Webtcrn Belle. Am .p 11S5 X V Dec 23 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTOPvIA From tab! s ol United States Coast m;mc HIch Wator. Low Water. bate. a. :. . 0 32. . 1 0i. 140. 2 W. - 2 4 1. a 20. . 4 01 ... 5 02. P.M. i P. Ji. 8 3 10 11 12 13 14 ir. 10 17 ,... 0 061 o .Vi 1 511. ZZZ 3 '.". .... 4 351.... ft 4 ... f. 33 Z. 8 Tnl'Z ... 8 5" 45 ...10 37 .11 33 . 7 03 . 7 35 . 80G . 838 . 9 11 -10 02 .10 ftb .033 - 1 43 .2 49 C K5I. 8lH. 9 Oil. 0 03..., 1 14., .7 10...... Common Council. Regular mooting second and fourth Tues day evenings of onch month, at 7! o'clock "Porsons desiring to havo raattcrB acted upon by tho Council, atany regular mcetinc most present tho same to tho Auditor ami Clork on or before tho 1- riday evening prior to the Tuesday on which tho Council holds its regular raoctinge. F. C. XOKK1S, Auditor asd Clerk. Astoria Lodge Mo. 40. L O. G.I. Itccul.ir Meeting every Tuccday Evening at 4 o'clock, at l'i thian Hull. At tpno. Jl em bers of the Order, in rood Ftanding. are invit ed to attend. Dcgrco meeting lit Monday of each month. By order W.CT. Temple Lodge. No. 7A.F.A.M. Regular Communications first and ihird Tuesdays in each month. at7H o'clock. I". !.. at ibo Hall in Afstorin. Members of the Order, in good standing, are Invited to attend. By orde: of the W. M. American Legion of Honor. Rplniljir niAflii:it Avlnrin fVtiiiioli Vn oor s held on the first :tml third Saturday of eacu muniii, ai o ciock i'. si. By order of Council Commander. Jl. V Moxtkith. Sec'ty. New Life is given by using Brown's Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock cf sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. Brown's Iron Bitters ensures per fect health through the . hanging seasons, it disarms ll ic danger from impure water and miasmatic air. :ud it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis- . S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. ix.-rlin & Co., Attorneys, Lc Droit Building, Washing Ion, D. C, writes, Dec. 51I1, 1SS1: Gentlemen: I take incis ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for rr.a laria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, witl excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "Just as goody The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Lid. LOEB & OO., JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Housesand Eastern Distilleries. J-A11 goods sold at San Francisco Price. MAIN STJtEET. Opposile Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. Wilson & Fisher, SKIP CHANDLERS. DKALUKS jx Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Ghains, . TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AND OCT GALVANIZKO IVnils. Cpier IVnil.s ami Ilnrr. Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. FJjOUR AUI) 311X.T. fi:ki. Agcnls for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Cheiiainus and llainilloi; b!tif1 . ASTORIA, OREGON. J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale aud retail dealer in. ALL KINDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and WharfaRe on reasn able terras. Foot of BeLton streer. Astoria Orccon. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria ihoveltiesofall Kinds fr'ruita Uoth Foreign and Doxaohtir Wines and Liquors Of Sujerior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &X DOCK Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CHEAP A2CD QUICK. BY UEOfiGE LOVETT, Main Street, opposite K. Loeb'a. INE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST REHASH REMEDIES IN THE W05LD TOR THE CUBE OF Coughs, Colds, HoarsenesSj Sore Throat, Broncliitis, Influenza, Asthma, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of the THROAT, LUNGS AND GUEST, Including CONSUMJPTEON. A WELL-KNOWN PHYsfciAH WRITES s " It docs not dry up a cough, ami leave the c-i-w behind, as is ths case with toast preparations, Lt: bosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irritation ihus xcsMving the cause -of complaiat." DO MOT BH DECEIVED bv article beat as similar uatnes. Ec sure you eel DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vith the signature of " I. BUTTS" on ihevrrappee 50 Cents anil S1.00 .1 Bottle. Prepared by SETII W. rOWLE & SONS, Re a.Misv. ScldWdniccisiamldcalcMccnrraS' sssssssastsa. Children tchfs R li Llollicro lilio and Physicians recommend it. IT IS ROT NARCOTIC. CEXTAXTR L,IT3LEKTS; the "World's g-reat Pain-Kc-licviiig' remedies. They lieal, soothe aud cure Sums, Ti'ouiids, "Weak 3ack and Ehcuuiatism upon 51an, and Sprains, Galls and Xamcncss .pon. Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPTTSTS of cliscnstincliucus, 5 unifies, Craclilins Pains in Iho Ho.ad, Pctid Breath, Deafiicss, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can. oo cjcterminated "by "Wei Do Meyer's Catarrli Curo, a Ccnsti tutioiol Antidoto, Iiy Absorp tion. TLo most Important Dis covery sinco Vaccination. a?ytaBbfefeAt Leincnweber & Go., a X.RIKKNWKSIKIL i. IIBOWX. KSTAIU.X9HXD 186 ASTORIA. OKKOS, TABB1RS ABB GUEESIES, .ManwfacSnrew ami Importers of 4 I.I. KINDS OF ASD FINDINGS WhutcAtlo Dealers In OIL ATs'I) TALLOW. cc"llluh.-t cash imce pntl fr lnt& and Talknv. HANSEN BROS. BATE REMOVED! From their eld quarters to their NEW SHOP And Factory near Kinney's Cannery P DR. dhs: rAfC FfJkL mm -AND -AFTER TOrnEHOKLYjYOUIiGOROLD, WHO arc KutTorlns t rera Xnivors Dnr.iL irr. Lost Vctautt. LfK of Xiaivn Fobck axd Vioon, astioA r. ikxtsses, and ell those diseases of aPntsoNAiNATcnn re Fultlng from abuses and OrJCR Causes. Speedy relief and complete restoration of HcxLrn.ViGonand JIaxhood GrARAjrrrno. Tho Krandest discovery of the Nineteenth. Ccntcry. Send at once for Illustrated I'am phlctfree. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, MICH. 3 1 1ft fig tor n t-i li annsrcPn- WiTtfl .i wii iriafer I vwii5 j m!& BEFORE BAHKINQ AHDJHSUBAHGL AND INSURANCE AQEHT. - - - OREGON ASTORL OFFICE HOURS: FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. taraics Co.. OF CALIFORNIA. J. l'. Houghton Chas. lt. Stoky.... (no. I, Stoiiv ,.. ...... I't ei'd ent . ...........Srcnnnry .Agwit for 0"inh Capital paid up in U. S. coiu . ........... jold) S sua w) u I. XV. CASK. A gout, Clieuriiniis street. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LO,rON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART- FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Ueprcsentini: a capital of SOr.OOO.iHJO. A. VAX M'SKX. Asent PAEKEFJS HAIR BMSASBL .CXSs. ' -.ttilresJns Atx&. is v ... . U hv thoe wh !uctirdit,toar.y aniZ ;a:!i.!., en sc- J'wint of iiS superior fckar.rwvs and vinty. It contains tnatenais only that arc beneficial to the scalp asd hale Reslarcs ths YoLlhfal Cclcrt3 Grey or Faded Hair Parser's Hair lUssia U fir. !;r pcru-nved and is warranted to prevent fclling ot t'.c.Jr ard to xe i.icicdaidru!far.duchj. H.scor : C . X.Y. -')-ygr T&.-'na A Superlative Health cad Strength Ruiortr. II y ii trc a mechanic or fanrer, vcm out with ovcnrcwl:. cr a mother ran dou n ly fcniiy cr hcusc 1. !J dcics try Pakkeic's GiNCt.it 'Jmc. 1 f you are a lawyer !iuMer cr burners man ex haaifd by mental strain or anxtotn ca.TS do not take LuojacatinEitimulantsbutuseParLersGinKcrToaic Jfyouluve Consumption, Dyppsia, Kheuiaa tsta. Kidney Complaint, or r ry d.ordcr of theluags, r'omach. bmvek, blood or ncrcs.PA: kbr's GtKGES 1 -victtill care you. ItisthcGreatcsilllcod Purifier And ifca Dest and Surest Cocgh Care Ever Ussi. If vfit are Trastins sway froraajje, dissipation or say it eai or weakness ard reqnii e a stimulant taV G- -c'! To:. c it once; IfTlljnvi(;orateandbuiU v j i .-p f:om the first dose but will never intoskats. lth. i s-.ved hundreds oflives; It may sae yours. C. l TK" ' lUfwe all raVrUtet. rir' G!os Trale Ij enr .i'Jcl lit tot restrdialaesti In tkcimlXxsiicsUnl d Sr-!f"mtriniJuef rterrlT. EeDjf.rdrtLtsrtc lla-r.tCo., :.". Y. iTC.iilliiM.a'.d.ikrtlad.-sp. i CT.ZXT SAVING ECTINC POLIAII SIZE. 1. i r d Iasu z fnzrrrcs has maJs taa deti!iUul perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing like it. Insist upon havinj; Fiosas tos: CcLOCHE and look for sis-re of . tn evor totile. Acy Cr " t cr ?-" - is piscary mm; . r.i in --. s'7Z. Xoticc orAnpIIcation to Pnrchasc Tiiulicr IjCikIs. US. IXD OFFICFATOItLfiONClTV. Orcpon. .Tanuarj 19. 1-SI. Xotici is licruliy piven that John II. Col vin. of Columbia county. Oregon, lias made upplicationto purchase the SV liot SW . of Sec 10, T 7.N. It 5 V, AViU. Men. under the iirmisious of the Act of CoiiKrevs :nmroed .lime.-;. 1S78, ontitled "An Act for the sale or Timber I .amis in the States of California, wregon. -evnun, aim in uasniiigion ier- niorv. Allailverse claims to said tract must lie filed in the U. S. Ijtnd oflicc at Oregon City, Oregon, licforu the expiration of sixty days from this date. (iven under my hand this Kith dav of Jan uary. ISKt. UT.IW'KLV. Mo-10i Keglster. Aotire or Auplieattcu to Pnrrlin.se Timber .Lund. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, Y.'.T., January ath. i3. Notice is hereby given that In comnliancc with the provisions of the act of Congress, approved June 3. 1S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of Timber I-mxls in the States of California, Oregon, Xevada. and in Wash ington Territory." James M. "Wallace, of Pacific county. Wash. Ter.. has thi3 day filed in Ihisoiilco hisnpplicationto purchase the S !i of S V l and S 4 or S E U of Sec. 4. T, 10 X of R 0Y, of the Willamette Me ridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before tho Clerk of the District Court at Oysterville, "Wash, Ten, onSaturdav, March 2ttli,16SJ. Any and all persons having adene claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof. ar hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (CO) days from dato hereof. FRED. AV. SPARL1XG, w3-lot Register. Irtare and. Ship Clailen. A. VAH DUSEN & CO.. dkai.uks is Hardware and Ship Ghandiery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized.Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing machines. Paints and Oils, Groceries. tc. Shlloh's Catarrh ltcmedv a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptherla and Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement. XKysSj '0-57 .V'rSz i? v- FAMKEM'I HOTELS AND RESTAUKAKTS. PARKER HOUSE, II. li. P.VKKKi:. Prop.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODEP.X IMPKOVEMENTS. HOT ArO COT.I ISATIIS. Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. ea-FKEK COACH TO THE HOUSE.-S AS TOR HOUSE. TKEO. BKOKMSKIt, Proi.'r. ASTORIA. --- - 015EGOX. Hotel New & Newly Furnished PHICKS. Fnm $51.00 to JJ2.CH) per day, ac cording to room. Best Qf Wines, Liquors and Cigars AT THE BAP,. IT IS A FACT -THAT Jeff's VARIETY CHOP HOUSE, on Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT II litis AIrnys on U:ml ritlJII Shoal AValcr Hay ami EasJ crn Oysters. THAT "lEFF' IS THE BOSS CATERER. -TIIAT- Ht lias been Proprietor of the "Aurora Hold In Knapptnn cen jear. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ROSCOE'5 FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, w CIII'AMUS STltKET, ASTORIA. THE UXDKItSIGXED IS PLEASED TO announce to the public that he has op ened a FIKST CliASS jE2cvtjOL& TTouse , And furnishes in first-class stylo OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE TEA, ETC AT THE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHEXAMUS STREET. Please give me a call. ROSCOEIDIXOX, Proprietor PIGIOffilL EESTAUEANT, Under the management of J. G. JSOSS. A good place to stop at when ou tome to town. Every arrangement for the comfort and com enieuce of guests. Terms reasonable. GEKMAX1A BEER HALL AUD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Cs.xMus SraFCT. Astosia, TheJSest Lager 5 Cis. a Glass Orders for the Celetateil GolHmtila " Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. EXo cheap San Francisco llcer sold at this iIoce WM. BOCK. Proprietor Brewery Bfrnr Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A dcscrvedlj popular place of social resort. GEO. IIILLER. ENLARGEMENT F0A&B & STOKES, Our Rapidly increasing Business Compels an Enlargement of Our Premises. A full line of choice GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Sole Agents for the celebrated POTRERO COMPRESSED YEAST. BILLIARDS ! BILLIARDS! JAM. 3IAC03I2JER Has opened a Temperance Billiard Parlor Xext to Geo. "W. Hume's Store. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater Bay Oysters in every Style FINEST CIGARS AXD TODACCO, Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate ; Tics, Cakes Sandwiches, etc., at the Counter. Also in connection with the Parlor A Fine Shoeting: Gallery. 'SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) The popular steamer Jrf. FLEETWOOD, sk- "Wliich lias been refitted for the comfort of passenpors ill leave "Wilson and Fisher's dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P. M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesdays and Thursdaus at G A. HI. Arriving at Astoria at1 P fii. An additional trip will lie made en Sunday of Each Week, Lcai ins Portland at 9 o'clock Sunday Slornins;. Fajsengers by this route connect at Kalama Tor Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, President. Astoria and Portland. j&Str. WESTPORT, F. II SH F.UMAX, --- MASTEP.. "Will maSce regular trips to Portland and Astoria. Iea tug IlurncUs dock, foot of iMor rbou street, Portland, at 6 a.m. Saturdays. And will leave "Wilton & Fisher's dock. Astoria, at i; a. m. Tliursdajs. Casr'FreiBlit canted at reasonable rates. 'New Vessel. J Y XEW STEAM. YACI1T EELIC. Is now rcadv for Cusiness. and can be en gaged by the day, job or season. Orders may be mado bv letter or personal application to me . LEWIS G. II AAVEX, Upper Astoria. MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, FJiGS. BOTTER, CIIEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, 1'ISIS, POULTRY AND A3IE In the season. CIGARS AJSI TOKACCO. Best oT WTXE8 AX LIQUORS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. KODGERS. STAE MARKET. WHERRY & COHPAEY, Fresli and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CIIEXAXITSS Street, A.storia, Ogu ASTOBIA MARKET D.K.WAKREN, COR. CnENAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA, - - 0REGOX. Dealer hi FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables, Butter. Eggs. And a full lino of CHOICE FAMILY &R0CEPJES Constantly on hand. SHIPS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST RATES. Washington Harket, 3lai7i Street, - - Astoria Oregon BEKGMAN X- DEBUT RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEST tion of tho public to tho fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS 1 Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention riven to suppb nc ahiDS. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREG02S Tins INSTITUTION, UXDER CARE OF the Sisters of Chanty, is now ready fe: the reception of patients. Private rooms for tlte accommodation ol anvdcslring them. Patients admitted at all houis.day or uiaht. No physician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege ol employing any physician they prefer. United StatcH 3Iariue Seamen who pay Ilospital Dues, arc enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob alned for United States Marines at the Cus Cus eom: House. Staters op Chabjtv The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind.. says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toSini.oirs Coxscmptiox Ctjee." Sold by W. E. Dement. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXY. O CEA.Y BrTSIO. Steamers sail from Portland for San Fran cisco ttvlce a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, at midniglit. Ueturninfr.lpave San Francisco for Astoria and Portland "Wednesdajs and Saturdays at jy ;i. M. Tlironsrli Tickets sold to all principal cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and After Nov. 20, 1882. RAIL DIVISION. 1 rains leave Portland for each point 7 :0O A. M. Sundays excepted. RIVEE DIVISION" (Middle Colnmbla).- Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 :00 A. M. ALSO: Leave Port-I 1 I land for Mon Tu. I We. Thu.l Frt. I Sat. Astoria andl I lower Co-I lnmbia....l6AMl6AM Dayton. Or.'.7Ailj cSirJhAM Victna.BOiBAM! RAM 7 AM 6 AM SAM 7 AM 6 AM 16AM 6 AM PAM Leaves A storia f or Portland at 6 a. m. daily ex cept Sunday. Pullman Palace Cars Tanning between Port land. "Walla Walla and Duton. . JOHN MUTR, Superintendent of Traffic. C. II. FEESCOTT, Manager. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Ilwaco, Connecting by Stages for Oysterville and Olympia. iStxpT Until further notice the Ilwaco mWJnm- Steam Navigation Co'a steamers GENV3IILES, orGEX. CAJS'BT Will leave Astona On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A.M. Fon Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and lltraco OS Tuesdays, Wednesdays, ' Fridays and Saturd eye. The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens.. ..............BOcts " " Canby and Ilwaco. ..S1 00 earllwaco freight, by the ton, In lota ol one ton or over, S2 oo per ton. es-For Tickets, Towage or Charter appl? at tho offices of the Company, Gray'i wharf,' foot of Benton street. J. n. D.GRAY. Aftent. Oresron & California R.R.Co On an after Sept. 21, 1SS2. trains will run as follows, DALLiT (Except Sundays), KAST3IDE niviaioir. Ilctwecn POKTIulXB antl KIDDLE'S. 1TA1L TBACJ LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 A. jr.lRiddle's 8:30 p. ic Riddlo3 3:30 A. ir.lPortland 4:25r. u ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.Portland.10:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 a. M.IJunction 6:00p.n Junction C:3!)A.ir.Riddle'3 . 5:10p.m Rtddlos fi:00 a. M.IJunction 5:00 p. m Junction 5:45 a. ir.lPortland 5:25 p. x The Oregon and California Railroad 1 erry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastside Division. "WESTSIDE DIYlSIOJr. Between I'ortlnntl anI Corrallls. KAII. TBAIS LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis 3:00 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. M.Portland 3:20 P. M Close connections mado at Riddle's with tho Stages of the Oregon and California Stew Company. . ..... jfctrTickctsforsale at all thepnncipal points In California and tho East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storago will bo charpd on freight remain ing at Companys Warehouse over 24 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on cither the East or West side Division. J. BRANDT, Uen'lSnp't. E. P. ROGERS, Gen'I Froight and Passenger Ajent. R. KOEHLER, Vice President and Manager Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, Ilwaco, Xorth Beacli, Oysterville, Xorth Cove, Petersons Point, IIo- Huluni, Ioutesano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEX. MILES, t Strs. or GEX.CAXBY, On Columbia River. " GEX. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. " MOXTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays and Thursdays through trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. Xotice or Application to Purchase Timber land. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., January 0th, 1883. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress, approved June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon. Xevada, and In "Wash ington Territory, AVilHam I. Smith, of Pa cillc county, "Wash. Ter., has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the S&oNEHandX&ofSEiGfSec.3L T. 10. X of R 0 W, of the "Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Clerk of the District Court at Ojstervllle, Wash, Ten, on Saturday March 24111, ISSJ.jm Any andall pe Any andrall persons having adverse claims to the above described lands or any portion thefeot are hereby renuired to filo their claims In this office within sixty (CO) days from date hereof. FRED. T7. SPARLING, Register. ws-iot