C2J gte pBniXn sXa&vJtu ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY MARCH 9, 1SS3 How to Get a Homestead. Following is a brief resume oE information concerning the pro curing of a homestead under exist ing laws: "x. nomesteau entry must not exceed one hundred and sixty acres. It maj' be for eighty or forty, or smaller number of acres; but one homestead is all that any one person is entitled to. Women as well as men are entitled to homesteads, by compliance with law. Tho first is a written application to the land office in the district where the land to be entered is located. It must state the full name of the applicant; the section, township and range whero the land lies, and the number of acres ap plied for; and there must be no prior adverse valid right to the land. On this application and none but citizens of the United States or those who have filed to become such, are legally entitled to homestead entry the register of the land office issues a certifi cate to the applicant. This states that the person is legally entitled to the cntrj, the class of the land, and that it is surveyed. The ap plicant must make affidavit that he has filed his application; that he or she is the head of the family or not, as the case may be; that he is a citizen, or has filed his declara tion of intention to become such; that ho or she is twenty-one years of age; or, if a soldier, that he has served not less than fourteen days in the army of the United States or In the navy in the time of actual war; that the application is made for his or her especial benefit, and for the purpose of ac tual settlement, and not for the benefit of any other person; and, finally, that he or she has never had tl! benefit of homestead law. This is sworn to before the regis ter or the receiver. The next step is to pay land office fee and commission, atid to take posses sion of the land entered. The fees and commissions for home steads are as follows. For one hundred and sixty acres of land within the belt of r.hy railroad grant, on the even numbered sec tions, fee $10, to be paid at the time of making the c;itry, and commissions $12, to be paid at the same time. When the certificate of title is issued, 12 more must bo paid, a total of -Sol. The fees and coinmisfcious for eighty acres are just half as much; and lor forty acres, $ in ail. If the land ih not within a land grant In. It the fees and commissions payable as above stated amount to 22 for one hundred and sixty acres, half as much for eighty acres and 8 for forty .acres. The resident owner of a farm of eighty acres ma' enter as a part of his home stead eighty adjoining acres on the same terms as above and the same forms. Or, if he owns forty acres, he may enter one hundred and twenty acres additional of adjoin ing public lauds. This is by the act of March 3, 1870. To,perfect the title to a home stead entry five year's continuous residence is required. A single woman who has homesteaded land does not lose her right by mar riage, but she must settle on and cultivate the same. Married wo men are entitled to homesteads. An abandoned wife, if continuing to live on a homestead entered by her husband, is entitled to a cer tificate of title in her own name. Minors under twenty-one 3ears of age are not entitled to homestead entry. The application to be legal must be made at the ofiicc of the re ceiver, in office hours, and accom- panied by the legal fees and com , mission. After continuous resi dence and cultivation for five y cars the homesteader receives his patent or perfect title to the land. Ihe law as to residence does not prohibit him from working on the laud of others for two or three weeks at a time. If he dies before the end of five years his widow or heirs may reside on the land for the time and get a title. "Where a man and woman have made separate homestead entries on lands that join, they may marry and complete title to both by building and living in a house on a line of the two tracts. A hus band loses none of his rights by the refusal of his wife to reside on the land." About the roughest thing that has yet been said about Bob Jh gersoll is the recent charge lhat he plagiarizes from the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius. A man that would steal ideas from a Chinaman who died 47S years be fore Christ has more cheek than usual. A Competent Wntolamalter And engraver at Carl Adler's. All work warranted. Repairinj; a spe cialty. Tlie Astoria Alnrblc Wori-s. The proprietor will furnibli plans and designs when required for all cemctcrj work, curbing, walls, coping, etc. Slate can aeamers lor canneries. Kitrous OxI' CI:is. Painless extraction of teeth at Dr. LaForce's dental rooms over 1. V. Case's store. Furnished ICooijik to ICcrtt At Mrs. Dcnnj' CurranV. On Cas street ne:ir Congregational church. Frnnlc Fabrc's Oj'slcranc! Choi IIouc. Those wishinganiceplaleof Eastern or Shoalwatcr bay oysters cooked in any style, or an early breakfast before going aboard the boat, should call and sea him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwatcr bay oysters received by every steamer. Oytcrn! Oj'NtcrH!! At Frank Fabre's; in every Fresh from the beds every day. style Mother! 3Sotlicrs!! Mothers!! 1 Are you disturbcilatnight and broken of vour rest by a sick child suffei nig and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth V Jf so, go at once ami get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, it will relieve the poor littl- suf ferer immcdiatcly-lcpcnd mum it; there is no mistake about it. There ih not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and five rest to the mother, and relief and leallh to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all eas-es and pleasant to the taste, and is the ire scription of one ot the oldest and best lemaie. puysiciaus aim nuracs 111 ii:e United States. Sold everywhere- 5 cents a bottle. Penny Wisdom-Found Folly. It is loolish to save the little that SOZODOXT costs, and suffer what will result in bad teeth and large payments to dentists. Place a bottle of it on the toilet, use five drops only of it every time after eating, cleanse the mouth, and show your wisdom. I'slTiiI In I be family. We usually leave it to Doctors to recommend medicines, but Parker's Ginger Tonic lias been to useful in our family in relieving sickness and suffering that w ) cannot say too much in its praise. Sitlcm Argils. Good Tor Kaljio. With a baby at breast nothing is so useful for quieting my own and baby' nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It prevents bowel complaints, and is bet ter than any stimulant to give strength and appetite. A Newark Mother. Hature's Own True Laxative. As agreeable to the taste as the fruit from which it is made, prompt and painless in its action on the liver and bowels the great remedy, Syrup of Figs is selling rapidly and giving satis faction to all. Children cry for it on account of its pleasant taste, and gi imp people are beginning to use it exclu sively, as it leaves them feeling better than :ui3 other remedy. W. E. Dement aud Co. have been appointed agents for Astoria. Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents. Portland Oregon. The youthful cobr, beauty and lus tre are gradually restored to gray hair by Parker's Hair Balsam. Easter cards in beautiful variety at Carl Adler's. Wanted. 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping in a pri vate house to be ocupicu 3Iarch 13th. Address W. Ji. T- astokiax oflice. Why will you cough when iShiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10cts50ctsandl. Sold by W. K. De ment. A good housekeeper wants employ ment In a private family. Apply at Pioneer Restaurant Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherrv always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and tung complaints, zv cents ana si a bot tle. AverilFs mixed paints, the hest in use, for sale at J. W. Conn,s drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. Cold boiled ham, brown bread and Boston baked beans at "JelTs' Tarietv Chop llou&c every night, near Stephans Theatre sign of the red and green light. Open all night. Boston Baked Beans at ".JeflV Va riety Chop House every night. Baby carriages, twenty-five differ ent styles, at Carl Adler's. Hallo! Where are you going? Why to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy. Price 50 cent Sold by W, E. Dement AT CAKI. ADtKIfS. Just received new books by the thous theus and: Seaside and Franklin Squiirc nov els, splendidly printed, 10. 15, and 20 cents : clocks and silverware : baby car- riaees, blank book., stationery, roller skates, acconieons, innirai instruments and musicians' supplies, a splendid stock of fresh jjoods . in this paper, together w:Ui the choicest perfumery, aud toilet articles, etc can 5 be bought Hi Um lowest prices, at .1. u. Conn's druc store, opposite Occident held, Astoria. Kuwling's fruit stand bus been re moved iroiu tlie old locution to the building next H A.Quhtn's, on Main street. llae you tried a slew or pan limst as Frank Fabre cook it ? Oi tier r.e and you'll thni.k os lor the ah ice. Arc you made numerable ! Indi C5tiou. Const iMioii. Di77int--. i.os of apetite, Yellow Skin V Sl'iIoV- Vital izer is n positive cure. Fruiely V. J. Dement. Boston Brown bread eer;. Sitiurduy at F. I J. Eibcrson's bakery. P. J. 'iooitmnii. Cbeiiaiuus street has just nx'itived the latest ami mot tasuionaole styic 01 gents an. I ir.ua Ioots.uioo'.e:c. Agent m Astoria .or the famous Morrow hoe. For a good shave or hair cut. : Joe Charters at Fobter5. in to lie place get your pure liesli chocolate creams, aud'inolasses candy, at Ocrkwiu' oppo site the Bell tower. At Carl Adlei's may Ik found all the latest sheet music, the most popular walize. dance niUMce.lc. For the genuine J. JI. Cutter old Biiarliou. and the bet oi wines, liquors xud Sjiu Fnuii'Uco ln'er. call atthetJem nitiMisite the bell tower, and see Cami) bell. Shoalwatcr bay eysters: fre&h every day. at Frank Fabrc's. KEW TO-DAY Mce to Gas Consnmers. mo ritoTKcr our. patuons.ave will -2L not supply ns where the internal pip nisof biilMixgs has not been approed by our Inspector. There will be no charge for Inspection. Rules Furnished on Application. ASTOltIA GAS LlVllIT CO. CliAS. S. "Wmoirr, C. I!. i'AOK. Pre-?. Sec. Astoria, March Sth, 1S33. d-lwk ScSiaMCTlOSSiLB Saturday, flar. 10 at 10:30 am I WILL SKLL, AT 1Y AUCTIOXKOOMS. A. a lot of fcecoml-liiuul Furniture anil Household offsets, aud a lot of Sundries. Alo, PWlbsof Dried Prunes in lots to suit. E. C. I10LDEX. Auctioneer. FOR GRAY'S HARBOR. The i. S. N. Cos Steamer GEN. MILES Xfitt leave Astoria for (!ra II.:rbor. on FriiJ.iy. 3?:utZe ::M. Notice. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL P.K ItE ceiveil at the ottic? o the couatr eicrk until uoiHi of Aprli till, lftt. tor Ute bnrta! of me mini win) :h3.v nave ;u be SMinwi at ine isitH-Hse irf Hie ovuiity by order or Ur C wnty Ciurt. it-w tf H. 1U SPEDDKX, Civ: 1:. Notice. LL PJ K0:S AKK HEItl.l'.Y NOTI-13- fieri not to purchase, a proniory note for-13d. lven by the tituirr!p;trt to J lIiMiieaian onor:.lumi tlie 7th ot Aoettst. 132. orniiiortaiae to secure tin ivmeiit of s:ud note., gtten hy nij-sdf atnt wife on the same dale. a; salri note and uicrtpiKe vJ!I u& come.-u,a ler want or roie-MicraiHitt. W.W. NICHOLS. Astoria, Oreiiii, Mat !i 2nd, I5:. irS-lv.U q nnn T loax 1N su-ms to M,t. iV ks v vf v oh real es i estate seenrltv. Ajuily to 150ZOKTH&.IOIINS. For Sale or Rent. L HOUSE AND LOT IN WILLI AMSPOUT. ii. Will ltf Milil ehai for ri. For iir tieiilars imptire t Oregon ileal Sljtrkct.of nil lin GEOROE GANZ. Notice. PRIVILEGE Or FISH- -niDSFORTIIE 13 Inir the bejuh at Fort Htevcns. Oreemi. ilurliiK the eoiihng fishing s4hvoii. will bere eeived at the offlte ir tin- A. A. (J. M.. Fort Steens. Orejjwjj, until 12 it.. Maieh 7, ISSi Kills hhonld lx' nddroM'it to the under signed, at Fort Stevens, Oregon, ami marked on cover, "Rids for privilege of fLshlns." 31.1". HARMON, 2nI lient. lit Arliller d-7t A. A. li SI. Notice TS 1IEREUY GIVEN THAT A I SPECIAL X meettug ii tnc bUK:khiH4lers or lite Wlnte StarP.ittkhijrcoiimaiiy will be held at the otlleeofttieciHiiiwiiv in Fpjier AsUma, on Saturdav. March loth, lfcci. m: 2o'ciork i. si. r.v omerni . r..JOHANsi:N. M..1..MEARA. Prosldent Secretary. td ASTORIA MARBLE WORKS. IAVII K!.I.3IA'. - - Proprietor, Manufacturer e: Anietiran and Italian marble monuments and head tones. Ceme tery lots enclosed with curbing, walls and coiling or stone posts nd Inm nnliu;. Prices and designs fu nished to iwrsous at a dis tance, ratLsfnctlou guaranteed. Slate can seamers for Ginnery iye ASTORIA. OKI2GO.V For Sale. milK SLOOP. "LAST CIIANCE."-F0R JL i:irtfciilar( enquiieat M. Visc's store, or address (i. AY. Ihrchard, Graj's River. V. To Let. milEliND AND HRD FLOORS, 2ND FIN A ished in rooms : 3rd all hi one, -ISxGO leer, unniiisucci. Also a sp-icc 01 grouim oiled and capped, about !x -IS feet, front ing on Dlney sti-eet. Irfase given to resjon siblj parties for years. Location most desir able lor a Restaurant and Lodging House. cunuruier i;irucuiurs iiiuuiru ui RARTU& MEYERS. Astoria, Oregon, December 2S. 1SS2. S2?JL ?. DEALEK IX IM 1 u ggBoob aiiu SlanonerjlS ; p " VOTIOXS & TOYS. j 5 Dn,Unn. 2 s DlaMMJUOKS 5H IK P h Schoolbooks,lo hi X S 3 EW ELK Y, SILVERWARES ysptecriBtionfeDepoLjR Vr J PIANOS and ORGANS ? , v S For sale on easy installment plan ; jj q j also some for jvnr. sQ j 6 ZJSHEE T fJUSIC & MUSICIAN'S (2 ' 3 2 SUPPLIES. 3 h! 5 keep H S rk-tv More, and iny Prices will a M n lii frtiiml in I'vprv !iisf:inoi h i , ... sp( 35 REASONABLE. sO SAT TIIK OH STA?TI.B() 1 ! Astoria. Oregon. V, . Gas?I FJK8T GRAND AT EMHEE STOEE PRIOR TO STOCK TAKiNG. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line of Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Plushes, Cashmeres and Arnmres. Laces. Hosiery, Corsets, Cloaks, Dolmans, Etc.. etc. A. FINE ASSORTMENT OF FLANNEL CO tVIFORTERS, Blankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. Prael Brothers. ASTORIA SAIL LOFT. A. M. JOHNSON & CO.. PROPfTS. rSTAYiNG CONSIDERABLY INCREASED X nur facilities lorincetni:tliedeiiiand or lneRase i:i boat this year v.e would re spectfully call the attention of CANNERY MEN And all others needing ssils, to this fact. Prices Same as Last Year. WORK STILL BETTER. Drilling znd Best Quality of Rope on Hand. Our Work has Given . Satisfaction for Eight Years, And shall lie made to do so while we aie in the business. ASK FOR- Tlnioii India Hublier Co's Pure Para Gum CliAOK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. CBffAKE Or IMITATION! ! lie sure the Boots arc stamped CIIACIC PICOOF on Uw heels, and have the PURE GUM Sl'lUXGS on the foot ami instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. V.'e are now making them with RUlilllill AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any uiiuucr 0001s mam. FOR SALE I1Y ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUI1HRR RELl'ING. PACK- IMi,HOSK.SrRlNGS. CLOTHING. ROOTS AND SHOES. Etc. c,P,9I?.TE?,RyBBER CO. R. II. PEASE. .Ir. f Asents. S. M. RUNYON, J San ErancLsco. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Til E undersigned hasp his day been apjiolntcd by the Honorable county court, of the State or Oregon, county of Clatsop, administrator of the Estate of .fohn Gustaf Fnmseii. de ceased, and who was generally known by the name of Frank Drown. Alt persons hav ing claims against said estate arc herebv notified to present the same, with proper vouchers duly verified, tome at the otlice of Union Packing Companv, at Astoria, Clatsop County. Oiegon. within six. months from the date or this notice. All persons in debted to said estate will ca'l and settle the same with me at once. 1. F. JOHNSON. . . , .. . Administrator. Astoria, I; cbruary 27th, 1883. d4w S Tin nest assortment lii Ihe etv:. . N 2 a full JtocK of evcrvths kept in gn f 1 iO k5 ISL ma mj Attention Longshoremen. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the regular meetings shall be heln on the first Monday of each month. at7r. at You will govern yourselves accordingly. By order of H19 President. A. MALTMAN, d Ira Eec. Bec'y. KILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL. -AVALTEU 1'AltKS. vKornrarroit STAGE MANAUEK Engagement rf an out ire A';nv Tsson53 MISS HELENA RICHMAN. The German Nightengale. MISS SUSIE LEE, Song am1 Dance Artbt. MISS MINNIE WILLIAMS. Seno-comfe Queen. MISS KITTY FRANKLIN. Soiihrietti. Alvi Yi. GEO. HEXDERSOX. hlhetKiiaii l inmeilrir. Together with a new sn tmt; "TcTs , r x -- " - -' .. fc-V8 t'n-ier the managenieiit of Pt:OF. CILM.T.ES K1C1CAUDS. I All the Old Favorites Retained. t Open all th Year Performance Every .Mfcni r.nurc cnanieo; ivognmrn-f Every Night, Comprising All tlie JSOKCS, DANCES AZ5D ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. Tin theatre U CMWileit nlshtlv. ami nil . v.!-f l:ave wil:u-sf(l tJi fi.UTtaiiihien; pro I iitr.i re :t to le e:unt u any given elsewhere. mt. nut as a eniervr lor cite public's auiii-eiHeni i-an not Im 'eellel. Anybotly whiii; to ijM.n: a Hea-ant evening anil see sjc.rkli.iu wil ,mmI beauty .villi.i.r vtil garit . sImhikI impro-.e tli.-oKirttniitvaiiit roaie. The ciiiMHy tti!iiriaw tlie roHmin; well k!Hi:i Aril-!: JIlSS i'AXMK V.'AI.TOX. Jli.- 51 ami n (Jooii:in. .Mi:. Waltku Pai:ks. Mk.Chas. Hakkows. ' Mk. AVm. Mouto.x. Alt of which will appear uuihtlv in their dif. feriiit specialtk'S. Open air concert every evening : perfonn aucecommenemgat 8; entrance totiioatre on teuton Mrcet ; priva-e boxes on Chcna nuw street Nntsr Stars in Rapiil Succession ! A Common-sense Remedy. O aiieyiici Mo mere Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediale Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Flee years CflalAiihul and ncrer l.nnwn (0 fall inaxtHyle cage, aculc or chronic. liefer In all prominent jrtuwicians ami flruiiointi for the tamUnu oj Salicylica. SSOSLST ! THE ONLY DISSOLVE!: OF THE POISONOUS TJK1C ACID VI1ICH EXISTS IN THE JJLOOD OF KHEU- MATIU AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALiCYLlCAi known as a common- sense remedv, because It strikes directly at the cause of Itheunuitlsni. Gout and Neural gia, while so many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas only treat locally the euccts. It has-been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such its rubbing with oils, ointment, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which are the result of the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid SAL1CYLICA works with marvelous ellect on this acid and so removes the disor der. It is now exclusively used bj all cele brated pbjsielans of America and Europe. Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 ier cent cures in three days. that SALICYLIC A. is a certain cure for Rheumatism. Coutami Neuralgia. Tbc most intense pains ate subdued almost Instantly. Give ir a trial. Relief guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of tctmicnials sent on applica tion. S I a Box. 6 Boxes for S5. Sent free by mail on receipt ot money. ASIC YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. Rut do not lie deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just as good!" Insist on the genuine with the name of Washburne &. Co on each box which is guaranteed cliemicaiiy pure under our signatme. an indispensable requisite to insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. 2P7 Rroadway, cor. RcadeSf., NI-7WYOEK. For Sale bv V. E. DEMENT & Co., and .1. 11 THOMAS. IT PAYS TO TRADE mm ME ! WHO? FRANK ELBERSON, Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candles etc., furnished for Wedding parties, 011 short notice, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. . . Opposite -. XV. JlluisieV. WM CLEABANCE SALE! to make room for more Hantaan: i4 Sbip Clailer? A. VAH BUSEN & GO. Will sell at 1 est their entire stock of HATS AHD GAPS AND BOOTS AHD SHOES. These goods must be disposed of as we are soon to receive another large lot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And must have room to'storc it. Notice. ALL PARTIES KNOWING TnEM selvcs Indebted to the late M. W. Gal lick will"please pay the amount to S. Schlus el at the White House Store, who Is author ized to receipt for tiic same. W. GALLICK. Astoria, Oregon, February 23th, 1833. Mw iS!s ! iTrT3 "7" si-a 0-- a-t-W The Best Store in the City to get your Money's Worth. Albums. Autograph, ami Photograph all Sizes and Prices. Hooks from a Dim Noret to AVelwr's Unalirtdged ; Gents' Jewelry and Cutlery ; Writing Desks of all sizes ; JIark Twain's Scrap Boohs ; Kible. Prayer Books and Hymnals, Also the Key to Heaven. Oncra an .Marine Glasses ; Draughting Instruments from 40 cents to S30.CO a set Blank Books, Ami every thing you could want in our line. Examine our goods and prices before goin elsewhere. 15. F. STEVENS & Co., City Book Store. TElt apply to 'he Captain, or to ---'V7'TfTrJViJ-'l:l '-"l "--" THE NEW MODE! A FDIiI. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 2S. S5.. H.AWES, Two !oors east of Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. UTA SUCCESSOR TO .TACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) ( w. r-LVai- PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CKKAASiB'H BTKEF-T, Kext to C li. Parker's Store. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FTJENITUE.E BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Winds? Shades, Lacs Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN DEALER IX B5 FTJRNITTJKE S BEDDIlST G Corner Ululii end .qicenioqna Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AHD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stuck. PRICES AS GEEA? AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALT K1XDS F FUIXKITUirc ZSIIPAIBED AWI VAKISOED. V. AHenJPEEUVIAN (SUOCKSSOK TO PAIK & ALLEX.) Wimif sale anil ratRil tfeiOer. lu Glass and Plated Ware, TUOriCAI. AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND YEGEfABLES. Tosetlipr with Wmes, LiqaorsjQfaacco.Gigars FOE SALE. rHIEX SHAKES CANNEUY STOCK JL terms private. ALso, Lot 1. Block 10, mcClure's Asc with improvements thereon. Also three good farms within easv distance of Astoria terms easy. Lots in 'McClure's, Shively's and Adalrs A&toria, and three blocks In Alderbrook fifteen acres tide land on Young's liny. Also, a good paying busi ness In Astoria. tt BOZOKTH & JOHNS. JSTew ds ! STEAISER CLARA PARKER, E ben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAP. II. S. PABKEB. innMiiriiainwir-irrf RANGE CAN BE HAD IN TORTA ONLY OF A3- BAWES, AGENT CAT.T. AND EXiUnNE IT, YOU TLL BE PLEASED. E. 11. IIAWES Is also agent for the it (Mil And other flrst-class stoves. Furnace "Work, Steam Fit tings? etc., a. specialty- DnXXKR IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best in the market. Pmmblug goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Lceb & Co., Agents, AstorL Steuhans Varieties GRAM) OPENING-. A L.IVEI.Y KXTERTAIX3IENT Uavo a new bowling alley, the largest and best in town. Admittance free. -nf-aitac ' -,-.r- .j " ' B