The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, March 08, 1883, Image 3

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$tie BxKilxy atcruiRii
Hum nre 6 pri&ouers in the
iCdteNOMnk ootmty 'nil.
Tim long oenlimieu sjxHl of One
dr- woodier w Rbont at mi nd.
Prd Uowitt, fonneriy of tlo 0.
It. vt 2v. otnpioy at tins piaco, is in
The Shubrick came up
br yesiordny, and goes to
At Aw tikis morniii".
from the
Th Sttlem Sour anilis- will have
all sbmr mrtv iwachinory in trim to
saw M Iba 1st of April.
Tlio Weston "r is one of tlio
beet oditod of our exchanges and a
croUt t the community that supports
Mr. Henry Burnor, representing
tfce pioneer varnish works of Ileuter
llrs. ,& Co., Sun Francisco, is in the
Tke fire alarm at 0:15 hot even
ing was occAstonod b a burning roof
l uko Esmond hotel on the roadway.
It ws put out with little damage.
The Columbia went to sua yester
day Afternoen: the Walla Walla
crossed mi t to the Seund: the Tarn
(VSttmttor sailed for 0m south, lum-ber-4eu.
Ik the county court yesterday
Jm4k McGinns denied the custody of
IsuHtf Ghilds to her mother and ap-pM-tied
Robert Christie guardian
(taring the girl's minority.
The utmost diflicul'y is csperi
oceA in got ting crews for vessols now
i pert. From now on there is more
attractionR in the inducements the
Astoria fisheries present than in ship
ping Wore the mast for the other
side f the world.
There are still lying in the post
o3ce, hold for postage, two valentines
for a Knappa young lady. Arc not
some of wr young moil gallant enough
t furnish the necessary stamps and
sond them to the one that perchance
treiHlors why they comolh not?
Thore is a temperance revival at
lltrace. A meeting was held Tuesday
cvoning; J. E. Graham was elected
prwsid out pro torn., and tho temper
aaoo question discussed. Twenty
sigwore to the plodge were obtained,
a4 the next meeting appointed for
tttelUth. It is proposed to establish
a iitdopendont iodgo.
The Kioto and Trcvelyan are
ready for sen. The former is an
Awierican barkontinc and take3 4.03,
SSS feet sawn lumber, and 100,700
foot tanguod and grooved lumber to
Valparaiso, Chile, tho first lumber
sktpmont from the Columbia to that
port. The Trevolyan is an English
shift for Quoonstown, with 15,753
barrels flour aboard worth 78,777.
"Guiltyaa Charged."
The case of the City of Asto
ria vr. Geo. Hill for alleged vio
IatioM f Sec 4, Ordinance No. 370,
oam up Hi the police court at two
o'okHdkyeetordayaftornoon. The case
winch ld originally been brought
into court on the 1st inst., was post
poned until Wodnosday for tho judge
im tiilc under advisement a demurrer
Sled by counsol for defendant regard
ing the constitutionality of tho ordi
nanea. On the court assembling yes
terday afternoon Judgo Winton over
rated the domurror and declared that
the city ordinance under which the
ooatptnint was brought was constitu
tional. Counsel for defendant
demanded, a jury trial, and tho
names of twolve jurymen were
submitted, from which a jury of six
were drawn. Three of these having
boon excused, by mutual consent of
counsol the case proceeded to trial be
fore the roraaining three. City at
torney Fulton opened the case by a
recital of the alleged facts, F. J. Tay
lor appearing for the defense. The
chief of police, anolher policeman and
Gee. Hill's barkeeper were examined
as witnessos, after which argument
began. Sir. Taylor's argument was
to the offect that there had been
no illegal act proved and that
the allegations were denied in
tote; Mr. Fulton argued that tho
point at issue was the ques
tion had the defendant violated the
section referred to. This, he claimed,
the evidence showed he had. After
summing tho case up and charging tho
jury they retired and after an ab
sence of twenty-five minutes brought
in a verdict of guilty as charged. The
sentence of the court was that the de
fendant pay a fine of fifty dollars and
thai he forfeit his license. The case of
John Stephans, charged with the same
offense, comes up this afternoon.
Respectfuity Submitted.
The West Shore for the current
month is on our table and is filled
with reliable information concerning
the northwest. A peculiar feature of
this publication is the quantity of ex
cellent illustrations. Every number
has a series of ougravings of soinn lo
cality. A noticeable feature is the
fine character of the school buildings.
The appearance of the school prem
ises is generally an index to the stand
ing of the community. Wo notice the
engravings of school buildings in Se
attle, facoma, and other places show
fine substantial buildings. The ques
tion comes up next Jfonday in Dis
trict No. 1 concerning a new. school
building. We hope that at that meet
ing no narrow, contracted idons will
prevail The district needs a good
schoolhousc. It at least should have
one adequate for present wants. The
citj- is growing fast, and what might
appear good enough for this season
would bo found too small and cramped
for the demands of the near future.
The pndo and glory of a community
is or should be its public schools. We
get on an average about two letters a
day from intending immigrants. About
the first question from a man that has
children is: "what school facil
ities have you in Astoria?"
Sometimes they ask about the
churches. In relation to them
we can give very satisfactory reply.
Astoria is well supplied with good,
comfortable churches, and is foitunate
m having upright pastors, zealous in
the faith and exemplifying by their
upright life and blameless conduct
the precepts they teach. But in re
lation to schools the accommodations
aro not what they should be. This is
a matter on which wo all agree. The
point is to see that now that we aro to
havo a new school house we have a
good one, large, well-built, and
adapted to the needs of the children.
The time ha3 gone by when a hen
roost is good enough for the little
ones. There are a good many of us
that have children growing up here,
and expect to educate them here; and
for that reason it is a question that we
are concerned in. As u matter of
pure investment it is a good idea to
build well. Looked at as a cold, busi
ness transaction it is cheaper to build
than to patch; as a plain uncontra
dictable proposition it is cheaper to
educate a child than to let him run
wild in the streets and pay for his
keep in the penitentiary after a while.
Let no one accuse U3 of suggesting that
education will keep a boy from be
coming criminal, for it will not, but it
will come nearer to it than any one
human agency we know of. Astoria
will grow three times as fast in the
next five years as it has in the past
five. The educational necessities of
the city demand recognition. Let us
have a good roomy schoolhouse, with
prcper furniture and appliances, and
then when a stranger comes to look
around we cau lake him somen here
else to look besides to the Odd Fellows
building and the canneries.
Laat Evening's Lecture.
At the Presbyterian church last
evening, Will C. King, temperance
lecturer for the I. 0. G. T., delivered
a lecture on "Alcohol and its Effects."
Tho lecture was preceded by a well
executed selection by tho choir and a
fervent pra3'er by the pastor, Rev. J.
V. Milligan. Mr. Caswell then
introduced Mr. King who pre
faced his remarks by tho state
ment that he was not a re
formed inebriate and had no experi
ence to relate, that he wished to ap
peal to tho judgment rather than the
feelings and only asked a calm, dispas
sionate hearing of his case as stated.
Tho lecturer then explained what al
cohol was, where it came from, and
illustrated its effects. He declared it
to be the product of decomposition,
the result of decay, and the direct an
tagonist of lifo and strength, lie fol
lowed its xrocess of formation, do
scribed its effect upon animal organ
ism and asserted its utter uselcssnesB
and direct injurious, effect. Incident
ally he brought in many things in nat
ural law and chemical workings as
evidence of the truth of hi3 assertion
and in phrases of exceeding beauty
appealed to his hearers to use their
influence against its use. At the
close of his remarks which wero
listened to with the greatest attention
he stated his intention to discuss this
evening, the actioji or alcohol upon
the brain; and closed by a eulogy
upon the purpose and practical work
ings of the Independent order of Good
Mr. King is a speaker of exceeding
fluency, his words are happily choaen,
and his ideas clearly and forcibly set
forth. Thy lecture this evening will
be at the same time and place.
A good housekeeper wants eniploj
raent in a private tamily. Apply at
Pioneer Restaurant.
Packing Sacramento Salmon.
The miserable condition, in which
some Sacramento river canneries put
un their xack last reason has had its '
certain effect upon the market for
that brand of salmou, and although
the excellent reputation of our Colum
bia river salmon and the improved
and cleanly system of packing it has
, e . . ... .j . - .
earned for our prouuet a world wide
reputation, yet there :s now and then
f.ti.ti.l f.i-A?rrt ..inlBia.t irw la I
liable to confound the two and get a
bad opinio'i of salmon in general from
being "stuck" with a bad brand of :
California salmon. A lew days ago
there was published a dispatch from
Washington giving the views of Con
sul Leonard, of Leith, Scotland, on
salmon and fruit canned on the Pa
cific slope as expressed iu a communi
cation to the st.ite department, the
purport of which was that the foreign j
market was being ruined by Califor
nia goods of inferior quality being
sent there. Tho San Francisco Ghroii'
ide interviewed several on the sub
ject, among others Win. T. Coleman
who said that he believed it to be tho
truth in every particular, as the ship
pers all know to their sorrow. "Sorno
of the canners know it, too, but by
far too few, as it is a great injury to
the market. Some of them insist on
putting in some bad lots, and spoil
the entire batch and ruin the trade and
prices correspondingly. What i3 true
of the salmon can also be applied to
tho fruit."
On the other hand Sidney M.
Smith, president of the Cutting Pack
ing company, said: "These are but
tho views of an individual and should
bo taken as such. I know, and
everybody else having any experience
with this branch of the trade knows,
that thu quality of the goods is seen in
the English market through the con
dition of the market; if they havo a
largo supply on hand, things are
worth nothing they are spoiled
while on the other no such complaint
is ever thought of when the supply is
short. They do the same in wheat
and everything else. All of the pack
ers on this coast try to come up to our
standard, which is iufiinitely higher
than in the east. As to salmon, the
Columbia river run is of abetter grade
than those of other rivers and this has
been taken as a standard. The other
rivers produce fish not as fat and rich
a3 those of tho Columbia, but by no
means unsound, as indicated. There
is no difficHlty in selling good brands
of California fish continuously. The
demand is steady, but, of course,
varies with the condition of the trade
and prosperity."
''Said a representative of Scotchler &
Gibbs: "I think there is good reason
to complain about the quality of some
of tho goods foisted upon the English
market. In the case of salmon it is,
not the fish from the Frazier river so
much as those from the Sacramento
river that arc canned in this city.
Tho Sacramento fish are equally as
good as those of the Columbia, but,
great heavens! what can you expect
when you find fish transported down
the river, thrown upon the wharves
and carted to the canneries, and actu
ally putrefied before they reach there?
Yet, that can be seen any hot day
during the season. Fish packed iu
this city are scarcely ever in the can3
before thirty-six hours after they are
caught and more times they are seventy-two
hours' old. "What can you
oxpect? The salmon should be treated
as quickly as possible after catching,
and that cannot be done unless the
canneries are close at hand. Why,
last year one of these persons packing
in this city had to throw overboard
10,000 fish, spoiled before they
reached tho dock, and many thousands
of fish aro put into cans which should
by rights bo thrown overboard Walk
into one of these city canneries some
hot day and see if yon won't have to be
carried out; walking jnat them is bad
enough already. Good canners would
like to see this system done away
with, as it lowers the quality of their
product in tho eyes of the foreign
consumer. As to the Frazer river
salmon, they are good fish, but ground
for complaint may lie in the fact that
often it is impossible for the canuer
ies, that being a new region, to treat
their fish as rapidly as they catch
them during a good run, and the con
sequence is that some may get bad
before steaming, and the canners are
unwilling to throw their labor away.
What has been said of fish is true of
fruits. It is the San Francisco can
ners who buy up the refuse who spoil
tho market with their rotten "fruit.
There's where's the rub."
It is manifestly to the interest of
tho San Francisco canners to at least
try and put their goods in marketable
condition, as otherwise they must as
suredly loso the result of their sea
eon's work and outlay, and also injure
the trade for men who conscientiously
and intelligently place their pack in
good condition on the English mar-kot.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Post
office at Astoria, Oregon, March Sth,
Abercombie, Joie Mauldiu. Fied
KnvxnLr. Qiiinn.II.C-.
niristiansoii. Nil;- Quinn, Mike
njas "roebuck. T. J.
Christiansen, K. E. Kob-on. i'obort
-. 1 - i1--
Shirley, J. 15.
Hashing Harry
IjerWvi f-sak"
Lixon, A. P.
Slater, Jainu.-
.Smith, Maude
Smith, Ploasaut
Tainoca, LSalia
! Persons eallin;
for thbbe letter
i must give the date they are advertised.
W. Ckaxcs. P- -
"linck Pomeroy '.vnil't .:mn:y h
printer v drink?, Munki or ilurws."'
We find til in item tlu.itm .iriinti
S then it appi'MM there!v are
printers who practice thu habit?.
"Rnck" always was opposed to
'Tis said that eastern ladle are
wild on dogs for pet. The hritc in
led by a string, and grabbed up at
each crossing to be carried over the"
pavement. When shaggy dogs v.r--u
in vogue the habit was to pick I hem
up by the hair, and they were trained
not to yelp. Pugs as smooth as new
born pigs are now the favorites, and
of course they have no hair to be lifted
by. But a clever surgeon cut the end
of a little dog's tail, made an incision
in the middle of his back, stuck in
the tail tip, iet it heal fast, and there
was as handy a handle as could he
wished for.
On the appearance of tho Grsi-sy nip
toms as general debility, loss of ap
petite, pallor, chilby sensations, fol
lowed by night-sjveats and cough
prompt measures for relief should be
taken. Consumption's scrofulous dis
ease of tho lungs: therofoie use the
great anti-scrofula, or blood-purifier
and strength-restorer, Dr. Pierco's
"Golden Medical Discovery." Superi
or to Cod liver oil a3 a nutritive, and
unsurpassed as a pectoral, For weak
lungs, spitting of blood, and kindred
affections, it lias no equal. Sold by
druggists the world over. For Dr.
Pierce's pamphlet on Consumption,
send two stamps to World's Dispens
ary Medical Association, Buffalo,
X. Y.
Adjourned meeting of the Board of
Delegates A. P. D. Board will meet to
night at 8 o'clock i. m. Business of
importance- (-. J. Tkknchakw,
A. A. Cleveland, President.
Astoria, On, March Sth, ISS3.
At the Presbyterian church on
Wednesday and TlmrMlav evening-, at
7 :'. by Will C.King. .Subject: Alco
hol, Us nature and effect:,. Tho speak
er will present tlie subject in a candid
and original manner. All arc cordially
A Competent VnteIimalMr
And engraver at Carl Adlcr's. AH
work warranted. Itepairim: a spe
cialty. The Asloriu ITJarlile tVorl;,
The proprietor will furnish plans and
designs when required for all cemetery
work, curbinj', walls, coping, etc. Slate
can tamers for canneries.
Y'rous Oi.ii! o :ss.
Paiiile eMraetion of ire: Is at Dr.
La Force's denial looms over J. W.
Cac: store.
l"ur:tshel 'Sooms to ISent
At 3Irs. Denny CurranV. On Cass
street near Congregational chinch.
rraulf Falrc Ojslcr :t:ul Chop
Those wishing a nice plnfe of Eastern or
Shoalwater bay oysters cooked iu any
style, or an early breakfast before going
aooaru tne noar, snonui can ami .see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shonlwater
bay oysters received by every .steamer.
Nature's Ovrn True Laxative.
As agreeable to the taste as the fruit
from which it is made, prompt and
painless in its action on the liver and
bowels, the great remedy. Syrup of
Figs is selling rapidly and giving satis
faction to all. Children cry for it on
account of its pleasant taste, and grown
people are beginning to use it exclu
sively, as it leaves them feeling better
than any other remedy. W. E. JX-inent
and Co. have been appointed agents for
Hodge Davis & Co.. Wholesale Agent.
Portland Oregon.
Penny Wisdom-Pound Folly
It is foolish to save the little that
SOZODON'T costs, and suffer what will
result in had teeth and large payments
to dentists. Place a bottle of it on the
toilet, use five drops only of it every
time after eating, cleanse the mouth,
and show vour wisdom.
(ooiI for Uablo.
With a baby at breast nothing is so
useful for quieting my own and baby's
nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It
prevents bowel complaints, and is bet
ter than any stimulant to give strength
and appetite. A Newark ilothef.
Shiloh's Cunr. will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement.
The youthful cobr, beauty and lus
tre are gradually restored to gray
hair by Parker's Hair Balsam.
Easter cards in beautiful variety at
Carl Adler's.
Wanted. 3 furnished or unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping in a pri
vate house to be ocupied March 13th.
Address W. E. T astokian office.
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
1VI11 be Disponed of at
An Inkling; of the Prices :
20 yards of Plaid Dress Goods for $1.00
Satins in all shades, per yard 50
20 yards of Bleached Muslin, yard wide 1.00
Berlin Zephyrs, all shades, an ounce 5
Men's Business Suits 7.00
Men's Dress Suits 10.00
Men's Colored Hose, per doz 50
Men's Shaker Socks, per doz 1.50
Ten thousand miscellaneous articles worth from 50 cts. to $2.50
will, by order of the Sheriff, be placed on our
Corner Mala and Concomly Streets.
Kvery one knows the place: Nearly opposite the Parker House.
OyMtern! Oj-sters!!
At Frank Fabre's; in every
Fresh from the beds every day.
Just received new books by the thous theus
and: .Seaside and Franklin Square nov
els, splendidly printed, 10, 15, and 20
cents; clocks and silverware; baby car
riages, blank books, stationer.', roller
skates, accordeons, musical instruments
and musicians' supplies, a splendid
stock of fresh roods .
31 others blathers!! mothers!!
1 Are you disturbed at night and broken
of joiir rest by a sick child suffering
ami crying with the excruciating pain
of cutting teeth '. 1 f so, go at once and
get a bottle of Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing
.Syrup, it will relieve the poor littla suf
ferer immediately depend upon it;
there is no mistake about it. There is
not a mother on earth who has ever
used it. who will not tell you at once
that it will regulate the bowels, and
give n-i to the moMier, and relief and
health to the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe to use in all cases,
and pleasant to Ihe la.-tc, and is the pre
scription of one ot the oldest, and best
female physicians and nurses in the
United States. Sold everywhere. Uu
cents a bottle.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep
sia. debility. liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph
lets free to any addre-s. Set h W.Fowlr
i&Suii 'Uh.1011.
Fanev wraps and perfumery of all
kinds can he found at J. W. Conn's dmg
store, opposite Occident hotel.
Draee up the whole system with King
of the Hlood. See Advertisement.
The Rev. Ceo. II. Thayer. of llour
bon, 1ml., mjv.s: 'Roth myself and wife
owe our live to Shiloh's Consumption
Cuki. Sold by W. E. Dement.
llacknietaek. a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sold bv Y. E. Dement.
Phjsiciaiis' prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
Remember the place where you can
get your pure fresli chocolate creams,
and molasses candv, at Oerkwitz' oppo
site the Hell tower.
At Carl Adler's may be found all
tne latest sheet music, the most popular
waltzes, dance music, etc.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Rourbon. ami the best ot wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
oimosile the bell tower, and see Camp
bell. -
Shoalwater bay eysters: fresh every
day. at Frank Fabre's.
Boston Baked Beans at uJeffV Va
riety Chop House every night.
Cold boiled ham, brown bread and
Boston baked beans at "Jeffs' Variety
Chop 1 louse every night, near Stephans
Theatre sign of the red and green
light. Open all night
Babv carriages, twenty-five differ
ent styles, at Carl Adler's.
Hallo! Where are you going? Why
to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast.
-A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy.
Price rn cent. Sold by W, E. Dement.
Furnished rooms to rent at Mrs. P.
J. Goodman's, comer Concomloy and
Madison streets.
Bor-ton Brown bread every Saturday
at F. H. Elberson's bakery.
P. J. (iiKKtman, on Chenamus street
has jiLt received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
1 oots. shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
For a good shave or hair cut, go to
Joe Charters at Foster's.
March 7th.
For Sale.
A sloop which will carry five or six
tons is in good order. Also one Bain
spring wagon, with two seats : is as good
as new, would make an excellent farm
wagon. For particulars enquire of
Astoria, March 3, 1883. 2wk
Tidal la the Family.
We usually leave it to Doctors to
recommend medicines, but Parker's
Umger Ionic has been so useful m
ouf family in relieving sickness 2nd
suffering that w cannot say too much
in its praise. Salem Argus.
Why will you couch when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
lOctsSOctsandSl. Sold by W.E. De
ment. All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hctel, Astoria.
Rawlins's fruit stand has been re
moved from the old location to the
building next E.A. Quinn's, on Main
Have vou tried a stew or nan roast
as Frank Fabre cooks it ? Order one and
you'll thank us for the advice.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptiiuria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement.
ft Ladies and all sufferers from neu
ralgia, hysteria and kindred com
plaintswill find without a rival Brown's
Iron Bitters.
Columbia River Exports.
291.878 bus. wheat S 306,110
56,2o7 bblS flour. 237,1715
Total, 8 carRoes...-. . S 553.4SG
"Wheat. IGOjtoS bus., value 179.19?
Flour, 29,490 bblS., " 144.493
Total. 5canoe3. S 3S1.C91
3 To Quccnstown perMaru Hogarth.
From Portland 32,161 bus wheat 37.000
3 To Queeiutoxcn per Benclek Laic.
From Tortland CC.40C bus wheat ...
" Astoria 7,820 " " .....
Totals 74,22t5
7 To Tdlparabo per Kioto.
From Portland 509,"28 It lumber
7 To Queenatoicn per Trevclyan.
From Tortland U.183 bbls flour.
' Astoria 1.572 -
. 8,937
... 7.S62
Domestic Exports.
The receipts of certain articles of Or
egon produce from January 1st, 1883.
to February 28th, inclusive, have been
as follews:
Flour, qr sks..... .. 57,4tH
"Wheat, ctls 3,357
Oats, ctls 30.432
Salmon, bbls l
hf bbls J2
cs 10,121
pkra 34
Apples, KIpe, bxs 5,793
Butter, pkps 58
Potatoes. sks. . 7.793
Wool, bales 643
Hides. No 8.109
Tallow. pkRS . 4C0
Beef, bbls r
Hay. bales 23
Quicksilver, flasks... ...... 75
Fruit. Dried, pkgs 4.375
Leat her. pkgs............ ..... 199
Hops, bales.......... 227
Hams, pkgs... ....................... 2
Cheese, cs..... . . 7
Flaxseed, sks 40C
Corn. ctls... ............ 11
Canned Goods, cs...... .. 501
Lard, pkgs...................... ........ 8
ry w
oo'ds (Nothing House
Received a consignment of Ladies
Cloaks, Dolmans, Circulars arid Ulsters
from a manufacturer that must be closed
out in the the next 20 days at half price,
JSTThis sale is genuine and bona
wish an inspection of these goods as to
I SI Xa S "3? 0 32-33.
Id. A. McINTiE
Xew stock of Foreign and American
Special attention i
directed to the latest shapes in soft and stiff Hats.
Young 3Ien's ilats.
A full line of Men's Underwear.
Hosiery, Dress Shirts, Gloves, etc., etc.
Men's. and Boy's Dress Suits,
to make room for more
Haruware ani Ship Chandlery
Will ell at cost their entire stock of
These goods must be disposed of as we are
soon to receive another large lot of
Hardware and Ship Chandlery
And must have room to store it.
Seaside Balerj& Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best,
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candies etc., furnished for Wcddinj;
parties, on short notice, and gitaranterd
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
OppoHlte j. IV. Hume's.
fide and to satisfy the public we would
price and quality.
A fine assortment of Neck wearj
Business Suits and Overcoats.
Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches3
Of every description.
The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria.
JSy-All goods warranted as represented.
Drugs and Chemicals
& AST0R1A.!C
r s
- k
- I
rrJKijyfjjiHf. carefully compounded
Jlav or Night. .