0 i f (fe5DV Yol. XYIII. Astoria, Oregon. Tuesday Morning, March 6, 1883. No. 133. 1fp v nTlVIPTiflrtf i- -& ? nj sy m & 9 v SEVENTY YEARS AGO. John Jaoob Astor's Letter to Hon. John Quincy Adams, Relative to the American Establishment of Astoria. IS'mv York, Jan. -1, 1S23. Sit: I have the honor to re ceive your letter of the 24th ult imo. 1 wiisjKJSuion has prevented roe from acknowledging the re ceipt ikorcof at an earlier period. Yoa request information of :ir r&ngomeHts made al or about 1S14, lir the northwest company and citizens of tle United Statos, by -nbiek that company became pos sessed of a settlement made at the mouth of the Columbia river by ctlutetts of the United States. The i-rufomeut to which you allude I prestwoe is "Astoria," :is I know f no other having been made at or er the lttouth of that river. Several circumstances are alleged as having contributed to the ar ransvMOcuts by which the north west ooMtpany came into posses sion of that settlement, but chiefly t the misuse of confidence which had been placet! in Mr. McDougal, vbo a the turn the nrrnnrremenfs i were made,. at the time mv ! at Mr. Wilson G. Hunt. absent, acted as sub-agent. I bear leave brieflv to state that C3Mwiatinff to make an cstab-. lishmeut at the mouth of the Co 1 umbra river, which should serve as a place depot and give further facilities for conducting a trade across the continent to that river and thence to the ranges of the northwest coast and country to C&aton in China, and from thence to the United States. Arrange ments wore accordingly made, m 1S10, for a party of men to cross tireconttucnt for the f"!nlnmlii river. At the same time I fitted 1 oot the ship Tonquin, carrying twonty guns and sixty men com manded by the late Captain Thorn, lieutenant in the United States aary. The ship sailed in September, 1S10, having on board the means of making an establishment at Columbia where they arrived on the 23nd of March, 1SD. They lauded, found the natives friendly and btttit a fort, erected a house, stores, &c This being accom plished, Captain Thorn left thirty men iti possession of the place to await the party who were to make a vorage overland, these also hap pily arrived, tlough not till sev eral months after. On or about the 14th of June, Captain Thorn left the Columbia river with a train to make some trade on the coast and then return to the river, bat unfortunately Thorn never re turued. At about two hundred miles north of the Columbia he put in a bay to trade with the na tives. Not attending to the pre cautions necessary, as he had been instructed to do, to guard against an attack, he suffered a whole tribe of Indians to come on board and about the ship. An attack was made; he was overpowered, fire' was communicated to the maga riae, the ship was blown up and every soul on board or near her perish od. In 1S11, 1 fitted out another ship, the Beaver, carrying twenty guns with a duplicate cargo to the ship Tonquin and sixty or seventy men. The captain, Fowles, was instructed to sail for the Columbia river and in search of the men who were sent across the continent, as also of the Tonquin. The Beaver sailed from this port in October, 1S11. arrived in Columbia in May following; found the establish ment and landed such men, goods, provisions, etc., as the establish ment was in need of. My instructions to the captain wore that after supplying the es tablishment, he should proceed to "Chatka,' a Russian settlement for the purpose of trade, and then return to Columbia, take what furs we had and proceed to Canton and thence to Xew York; had ac cordingly left Columbia (and most unfortunately Mr. nunt, of Tren ton, New Jersey, my chief agent on Jhe river with him. sailed as di rected for the Russian settlement and efiected the object; but in stead of following instructions to return to Columbia he sailed di rect for Canton leaving Mr. Hunt at the Sandwich Islands to await the arcival of another ship which I promised to send from this port in 1S12. The ship Beaver arrived Canton and received there news of the war. 1 had sent in the or- tiers to the captain to return to Astoiia but he was fearful of be ing captured and remained in safe ty at Canton till the war was over, when he came home. In conse quence of the war, found it in convenient to send a ship in 1312, but J did send the Lark early in lSlo, with directions to the cap- tain to sail for Columbia and to stop at the Sandwich Islands for in formation. Beinir within a davs sail of t!,ose isIands lho shlP in u flua11 (,f j wind was upset, and finally crip pled on the beach of one of those islands, a wreck, ship and cargo totally lost. . Here was met Mr. Hunt, who after all the informa tion he received, and my great de sire to protect the establishment at the Columbia river, procured an American vessel, took some pro visions, sailed and arrived in Co lumbia river. He there learned that Mr. McDougall had trans ferred all my property to the Northwest com panj, who when in possession of it by a sale, as he called it, for the sum of about fifty-eight thousand dollars, of which he retained fourteen thou sand dollars for wages said to be due some of the men fiom the price obtained for the goods, and he having himself become inter ested in the purchase and made a partner of the Northwest company, some idea may be formed of this man's correctness of dealing. It will be seen by the agreement (that of which 1 transmit a copy) and the inventory that he sold to the Northwest company eighteen thousand one hundred and seventy and a quarter pounds of beaver at two dollars, which was at that time selling at Canton at five and six dollars a pound; nine hundred and seventy otter skins at fifty or half dollar, which were selling at Can ton at $5 and G per skin. I estimated the whole property to be worth nearer two hundred thousand dollars than fortj- thou sand, about the sum I received in bills on Montreal. Previous to the transaction of Mr. Doujrall who had already established trad ing posts in the interior and were in contact with the Northwest company. It is now to be seen what means have been used by them to counteract my plan. It is well known that as soon as the Northwest company had informa tion of my intention and plan for conducting my commercial opera tions, they dispatched a party of men from the interior with a view to arrive before my people at the Columbia. These men were obliged to return without affecting their object. In the meantime repre sentations were made to their government as to the probable effect of my operations on their interests and requesting to inter pose in their behalf. This beinyl in time of peace the government did not deem it advisable to do so. So soon, however, as war was de clared those representations were renewed. Aid was asked from the government and it was grant ed. The frigate Phoebe and sloops-of-war Ranccon and Porcu pine were sent from England with orders to proceed to Columbia river and destroy my property. They sailed from England earh' in January 1S13. Arrived at Rio Janeiro, Ad miral Dickson ordered the Phoebe frigate with one sloop to pursue Capt. Porter in the frigate Essex, and the sloop-of-war Rangoon to the Columbia. She arrived there, took possession in the name of the king, and changed the name of the place from Astoria to Fort George. Previous to this the Northwest company had dispatched another I or second party of men to the Co-: lumbia. They arrived in absence i of Mr Hunt. Mr. McDougal irave j them support and protection and they commenced after some time to negotiate with this jrentleman. The reason assigned bv him for his conduct will be seen by an ex- tract of a letter said to be sent by a Mr. Shaw to the Xorthwest com-! pany, and of which I send a copy. The plan by me adopted was such as must materially have aflected the Xorthwest company and the Hudson Bu.y company, and it was esisy to be forseen that they would employ ever- means to counteract my operations, and which, as my impressions, I stated to the execu tive of your department as earl as February, 1813, as will be seen by the copy of a sketch of a letter which I wrote to the secretary of state, to which no reply was given. On repeated applications some time after, aid was promised me, but I believe the situation of our country rendered it inconvenient to ffive it. 5lou will observe that ., ,i t -, I the name Ot the IraClfic l1Ur COm- pany is made use of at the com mencement of the arrangements for this undertaking?;. I preferred to have it appear as a business of a company rather than that of an individual, and several of the gentlemen engaged Mr. Hunt, Mr. Crooks, Mr. McKay, Mr. Mc Dougall, and Stuard as were in effect, to be interested as partners in the undertaking, so far as re specting the project which might arise, but means were furnished by me and the property was solely mine, and I sustained the loss which, though considerable, I do not regret, because had it not been for the unfortunate occurrence just stated, I should have been, as I believe, most richly rewarded, as it will be seen that the differ ence of price in beaver and otter skins alone, say what T received and the value of them at Canton at that time, is about 6G0,000. I am, sir, your obedient servant. Joiix Jacob Astoi:. P Absolutely Pwe This powder never varies. A marvel or purity, .strenpth and wholesonieness. .More economical than the ord-nary kinds, and cannot he sold in comp-tltlon viith the mul titude of low test, short weight, alum or nhos'ihate iorder?. Sold only in cans loval Bakixg Powder Co., too "VVall-st., I HI i ' - fWSTiFT: SS 5& CtStfiis 5 wmmm ,- re. B a h a S VS &. 5 q j na kV&iitaslVsf ilttiii i U?:?iMck: BtsoitT Gout, ', Quinsy, Soro Throat, Sv-eff- s and Sprains, Burns and mgs Scalds, GoneraJ Uodny ' Pnins. ! j 7oGfh ap and ijeadachef frosieif j feet and Ears, and all ether Pains and Actios. No Preparation on earth equals St. J cars Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Keraedr. A trial entail but tho ccMpaiatively ttiflinp'oulUy of 60 Onts. and every one 6uffr ing with raih can ha7e cheep nd jwdlive proof dt its claims. Directions in Eleven L3ngoes. EOLD BY ALLBBUGGIBTS AUDSEALEES Hi HEDIOIHE. A. VOGEL3R &-, GO., A number of renegade Indians from Tulalip and Puyallup, "V. T., reservations have been occupying a large body of valuable land known as Muckelshoot prairie, without legal right. The land has now been cornered by some specu lators by means of soldier's scrip. MOTHERS, BEAD. Getts: About nitip yctirs mco I !-1! n child two yenr-M:ii!:ilmo-tWni.l. the doctor I li.'d attending her i-ould n. loll whatniled her. 1 sked him if heUi i fit thiiik it was worms. Ho said no How- ever, lliigdid not .satisfy mi iis f t . (J1 - ! viuceti in inyovrn mind that she h .!. I olitniif-Kl a bottle of UK. ('. 3Ic1Am:'S : i gnxp iK.r .1 teispoonmi m the tunnum: nimnnoiiicrnimsiiuuierwniiii.Mioij! .( seventy-two worms and was :i w'l! !ilI. I Since then I have never heti: wilbmi it! In my family. The health of m ih 1 w reimiined 6 Kood that I IimIw&I. lc-.l I watching tlieir aclimis until hJm.im h p-e ! weeks iiko, when two of them 1 n-ci.H-i j me Riime Mt-Kiy ajiearaiici nun 1 .uiizy Pfl ell P H mi iA-M- JOHNSON & Co. $?& -J tj HS 8 I1 Dealers In tm si rtPyiMBEIIfSlf feLlfJIIIIlill r r-ii-iviv .tjijn-HiHiK"1.- mm 1 .iu:v . SvErSHlEDWlEE, IRON, STEEL, uni nine years uro. be worms, a lx)ttle of DK. C. aic-LAXK'-s VJ'Kilf. J L't.i. wlween lour or my clil!!:eii. ilwir I ages lioinu jls follews: Alice, 8 j v ; l..ir-1 !", 5cars: r,ininu,lic ir; Joint. !.us I Now comes the result: Alice nmi 1 ii.nm j eiuwuntnll rlKlit.lfiiiriini !. . d f.ri - live ami Joiiiiuy alxmt :.! niis 1 . j reMilt wjs o rj'Sifyiiiu itiat I '-1 ! days InlioM. my Hie w.MKrfu: i ir. : .f your VprmKiiL'o aromid i'tlca. iid i.w j li.1e the worms on xhilitkn tn m viine. Yours tmiy. joh.v wi-Kiu TJip uenuiix UK. C SfcLANK-.s I.Xt ?IIKt"f :i. is mnmifnct mod onlj h Ficming Ercc, Pittsburgh, Pa.. ami Ix-ir the MtiMlmn if C. 7.IfIn:io - and I'leniiog JIro. Ii is ioir SI. JUii-tor Wle-liiic. ll sun-ymi jt tSie pei n-ne I'rlee, CPU's .. iKKtk'. iTiee, . n-EUUIb' JJItOS., Iisl-tirtrlt, Pa. rf King the Blood Is not "cure all." it Is a Wood-purifier ami tonic Iuipuntvof thehIool jmmhs tlipvs teni, Meninges ttie circulation, and tlms in duces nianv dtsonlers, knvn h different names tn distinguish tliem according to ef fects, hut being really hr-uiclics or phases of that great gem rie iliyinier. Impurity 01 Jtlooil. Such are Jjj;h;iio, ltlUbiwmcn', Liter Complaint, ConfUpatum, Ac rmiw Di imlcs. Headache, Backache, General Mi. itcs. Heart Dieac,Drop9!l. Kidney Distnxe, Pilot, Rheumatism, Catarrh. Scrofula, Shin Disorder, Piinvlc. Ulcer. StrclUue, dc. d-c. Kins of the Klood prewnls anil cures these hv attacking the cnav. liupuiity of the IiIikhI. " ChemLsLsand phslciaus agree in cidling It "tlie most genuine and efnci tit prepaninon for the purpose." Sold by Prug gLts, SI per liottle. See testimonial?, direc tions, &e., in pamphlet. "TrcatLse on Diseases ol the Blood." wrapped around each bottle. I). RAXSOM, SON & Cq l'rops r.ullaio. N. Y. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria Novelties of all Kinds Fruits Both JForcijrii and Ioxnvtir Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &XD0CK jr of C. M. STICKKLS Ship Cliailerj m Groceries CROCKERY & CLASS WARE. AIm Wholesale Dealers In Fniitl.t. Oils, Varnishes, Glass. Iisy Artists' Oil and "Water Color.. I'nint and Iialso- iiiiuc I2ru.shc.s-. Constantly hand a full and choice stock of blaplc am! Fnnrj fJroceries Only tao B-st kc;. M:r tofk of t'roclcery and Glass vV:ire i Hit Ijnrrst ami most Complete M k t )ined in Astoria. Consisting of Ton. amf Dinner Set. Toilet Set?. Glass. Knitt, :m! WiUt Sen. 15ar Fixtures. Ale Mu;r. IViili", Iluotic Kottles Goblets, Tum blers L" tinarii Cni3. &c , Ac. Uverj-lhii.g solijjn lowest Living Rates. (kunlixj' Guaranteed. An Kxaminatlon vfiH more than repay you. 33 23. FAaKER, pkau-k i.v Oats, Straw. j, . n - , . . . j L-me B-"'CK, Cement and Sand Woo-l Ielivireil to Order, Graying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. KKALKR IX WIHES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. KIILST Of, ASS "3 K,m.YkekYr3'nit I I . . Bend Qarefnllyl 1 1 Hereafter all our Pure Coffees will be put up under our own private label -- HONE GENUINE 1'iiless bought of A. ?,L JOHNSON & CO. N. 13. All jroods bearinjr our label are guaranteed to be Strictly J Pure and of Best quality, and are solfi- "7 no Otner HOUSe. ir t C ATITCi (TS AC1"n"U" At AItJN U O J I 'XLUklS 1 KJK w v AfcVyKjaXj Dealer In ""' ' " j "i-"j wxiiiiAJj iron Pipe and Fittings, put 31 ijkrs AXD STEAM FITTERS r f j -r i bOOliS 2LlQ I OOlS, ' nirrr f r- i n, nTnin n n SHEET LEAD STRIP HEAD tSHEET iRON-TIH ANDCOPPER, l Cawi aM Flshermens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch, Xone but Urst class workmen employed. A large assortment ofj SCALE? Constantly on band W. E. DEMENT & CO. AfeTORIA. - - OREGON, Tarry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, 2&.XX0:fcXXH,Gc. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CimA.1 AJJD QUICK, BY tIEOKGE JOVETT, Mala Street, opposite N. Loeb's, For Sale or Exchange. NEAR SAN .10aE. CALA.-6 ACRES NO. 1 Fruit land.together with cottage house 5 rooms, barn, chicken houses, etc "Water In pipes to house and bam; School and Church across road. "Will exchange for can nery stock or timber land. 21 d lm BOZORTH & JOHNS. A M. .lOIIV-OX. DAUiiun tun luoiinnunr 1 unrminu anu mounMnuc. r. TrV case. BROKER, BANKER AMI INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, . - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. IT. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. H Mutual Iisnrw Co, OF CALIFORNIA, J.ir. Houoirroy Chas. R. STonv...., Geo. L. Stoit,t...... . President . Secretary .Agent for 0-Mon Capital paid up in U. S. goldj coin s SCO 000 W I. IV. CASE, Agent, Chcnamus street. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of 807.000,000. A. VAN DTJSEN. Agent. PARKISR'S HAIB BALSAM. This elegant dressing Is preferred by those who have used it, to any .similar article, on se lecting of its superior cleanliness and purity. It contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp and halt and always Restores the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and Is warranted to pre ent falling of the hair and to re move dandruff and itching, lliscox & Co . N.Y. SOc u! 41 tizn, at dulcrt la droji sad nsedlciaex. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or fanner, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house, hold duties try Pakkek's Gi.sger Tonic. If you are a Iawyer, uilnlster or business man ex hausted by mental strain oranxiou cares, do net take in tojdcatlngstlmuIanU.butuscParker'sGinger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma Ism, Kidney Complaints, oranydisordcroftheiungs, stomach, bowels, blood crnerves.PARKERs Ginger Tonic will cure you. Itis the Greatest Blood Purifier And tho Best and Sorest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wastlnt; away from age, dissipation or sny disease or w eakness and require a stimulant take Ginger Tomc it once; it will invigorate andbulld you up from the first doss but win never intoxicate! It has sated hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION ! IUfneallrebmtuti.rwk-'GiTsrrrTK!e I crrtifirJ of the Imt rtcxdi! agtati in ti norU.uu h catlnty d .Tnrtt from prrfvaUontof jiojrrfJon. SiJ forcircalirto lltwor & Co., N. Y. IQc. & l uut, tl dtUnt la dtzgu CHEAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. 1 Its rich and lasting frazrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. Thero Is nothlns like it. Insist upon having Fijores tok Cologne and look for signature ot , aa emj bottlt Any dmgrJit or dealer In perfumery can taifly Too. ii anj TJ rent the. IRnE SWING HI YI.NG ".le. SIZE. LS5LJAAaVM ENLARGEMENT FOAED & STOKES, Our Rapidly Increasing Business Compels an Enlargement of Our Premises. A full line of choice GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Sole Agents for the celebrated POTItERO COMPRESSED YEAST. Hardware ai Ship Mleri. A. VAN DUSEN & CO., DEALKBS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc. .Sk mE29iam&&MitBm -DEALER IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of A OAK LUMBER, ;J GLASS, Boat Material, Etc. :lliMPll Te'-gggjT'ygfeg, j Boats of all Blinds Made to Order. t-Orders from a distance promptly attended S. AlltfDT & JFERCBEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SH-aWJH f SHOPir2ft. Boiler Shop S& All kinds of ENGINE. CANNESY, AKD STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CAKNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bentox Stkeet, Near Parker House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LMDiMARINE ENGINES Boiler Vork, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. OASTI3STOS. OTall Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. Hustler, Secretary. WW. Case, Treasurer. Johx Fox, Superintendent WM. EDGAR, ASTORIA, ... OREGON. Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, Stationery and Optical Goods, Joseph Rodgers and "Wostenholm GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. tva:ltiia:!I ani elgia Gold and Silver Watches and Chain Fine and Coarse Liverpool SALT. Tin Plate, UIockTIn, Caustic Soda, For sale ex "Warehouse at Portland or Astoria by BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. dtf . Portland, Or. Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE! COM Mil LEAD LINES, SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 Market Street, San Francisco Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. L WsEXZi,. AND ffMMe mT- Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. to, and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. BUSIjSESS cards. p C. HOLDEXr NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COr.LMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENI. t KL.O Jb PA1U2LUI:. SURVEYOR OF -I Clatsop County, mi cl City or Astoria Office :-Chenamus street, Y. 51. C. A. hall Room No. 8. "O 1. TVIJiTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. 8S-0fllce in "Pythian Building. Rooms 11, 12. ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. TAY TUTTJLE. 31. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEONi Offick Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Tythian Build ing. Residence Over J. E. Thomas' Drug Store. TJ1 P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - OREGON Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, comer of Cass and Sqemocqhe streets.' J, Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus Street. - ASTORIA. OREGOh 31. 1VKKTHEIMEK. r. 1vKK'rilR!S, M. WERTHEIMER & BRO. JLVNUFACTCRERS OF FINE Havana and Domestic Cigars No. 518 .Front St. San Francisco Dressmaking. Plain and Fancy Sewing. Suits made in fho best Stylo and Guaranteed to Pit Mrs. T. S. Jeiuett. ROOMS OVER MRS. E. S. WARREN'S.! Gr.A. ST1NS0N & CO., BLACKSiVIITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, comer ot Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagoni made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. I. "W. CASE, LMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GEEEAL -MEECHAHE Corner Chenamus and Cass streota. ASTORIA - - - OREGON R SALE ! I offer for sale my ranch near Skipa non in this County; it consists of 160 ACRES, Eighty Acres improved, willi good direliing House? Two Barns, Out Houses, etc.; A Fine Orchard. Everything is well improved and in good condition. A large assortment of -Farxuiug Implements, Three lasscngcr Coaches. One Euggy, Nine Head Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. This affords a rare chance for a man to gc" a good home in the oldest settled section in the state. Terms favorable to one r.ieai.ing busi ness. C. A. MAGUIRB. Notice. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES FOR THE year 1882. are now dun and can he paid "at my ofllce at the Court House. d-wtf A. M, TWOMBLY, Sheriff.