a (8 Irtrf R ,wJ9 ' Vol. xyin. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, February 27, 1883. No. 127. ?T 1 P5SP tyl Jl jfi I 1 1Fn OVERLAND WHEAT TRANSIT. "We observe in the "Walla "Walla papers of last week, a statement that a 8300,000 irain elevation was to be constructed there in time for the next coming harvest, by capital connected with the N. P. R. R. If this is accom plished, it foreshadows an in tended eastern transit of the future grain crops of "Washington and of eastern Oregon, instead of seeking an outlet via the Colum bia a new departure in probable transit policy that should be earnestly observed by Northwest ern property and trade interests, so as to be in line with any phase that business may assume in con nection with the new order of things inaugurated by the "Villard railroad system. It will be remembered that some months ago there was a semi official statement going the rounds of the Northwestern press to the effect (1) that a Minneapolis grain syndicate has leased the privilege to establish elevators and grain depots along the whole N. P. line: (2d) that Mr. Villard stated the opinion that grain from "Walla Walla could be transported to Minneapolis for 40 cts. per bushelf and (3d) the people of Walla Walla and Puo-or. SnnnH I were promised from the same source, that the freight rate from Walla "Walla west, should be alike to Portland and all interme diate points to Seattle, as the ship per might direct, without increased charges. "We make no comment whatever about the promised rate westward, but simply ask the attention of our readers to the probable trade effect of Walla "Walla wheat going by railroad to Minnesota, instead of reaching sale and a market through Portland, as at present. The rate per ton from "Walla "Walla to this city has lately been reduced to $7. or 21 cents per bushel; from the time it is landed on the wharf till disposed of "free on board," there are further charg es of at least five cents per bushel, on an average; and at the present quotations for "wheat charters nominally from 45 to 50 shillings it has a freight cost of about 30 to 40 cents per bushel in addition to inland and port charges, with insurance added the aggregate reaching about 60 cents per bushel or more, the whole of which is col lected from the producer virtually at the time of sale. In addition to these charges, the producer is also discounted for four or five months advances on the cargo till it arrive at port of destination. Per contra "Walla Walla wheat exported by railroad through medium of an elevator, saves to the "granger" from five to six cents per bushel for grain-bags required for all grain shipped westward; next, he will save on the discount for insurance and ad vances charged him for marketing his crop via Cape Horn. The rate $13.33J per ton to Minneapolis (40c. per bushel) is only the aver ago charter rate seaward so the producer saves grain-bag, insur ance and nearly half a year's bank discount by marketing overland, as his crop reaches the "U. K. or port of call" via Minneapolis, in the form of flour, at least three or four months in advance of the period the same would have re quired via Cape Horn, with the rebate of 30 per cent, transit weight and bulk left at Minneapo lis in the form of offal. This is the principal topic now discussed by those interested in eastern Oregon and Washington which is to be tested next fall, so eooo as the N. P. road and "Walla Wall elevator are both in run- ning order. We have no comment as to the business feasibility of this proposed transit scheme, further than to draw the attention of our readers to what portends to be a new business departure in which their interests are involved. This subject is about to be forced prominently before the business and industrial elements of the Pacific Northwest within the course of the present year. Portland Journal Commerce. Ice "Yachting on the Hudson. There are sensations that are sensations, but for a "blood maddener," that of ice-yachting takes a foremost place. The thin line that separates the participant from danger possesses a special fascination, while the terrific pace sends up nerve excitement to the highest condition of tension. Clean solid ice, a stiff breeze, wraps that would suggest a Polar expedition, a flask and a saucy craft, and the ice-yachtman is in his glory. The sheet is loosened and off the yacht shoots like an arrow from a bow. Away with a sPeed that catches the breath and bnnSs salt tears to the ees! Avva-r cuttlnS the Ice Wlth a stranSe Sratin sound- Away leavxnS everything behind! Up thunders a lightning express on the Hudson River railroad. Here is a chance! The driver blows a whistle of defiance, responded to by the yacht with an accosting cheer. Another reef is let out, and, leaning over in a manner suggestive of instant annihilation, the race begins. The locomotive is tested to her fullest going power sixty miles an hour. Bah! The yacht commences to draw on the express, and in a few minutes the race is over, the train getting "badly left." Accidents, how ever, will occur. The gearing is not always to be relied upon, or the cutter either. Bolts are as un stable as woman, and ropes will give out at unexpected places. When an ice-yacht capsizes this does not often occur the move ment to destruction is ver gradu al. She "lifts," rears," eases the sail, shows up, heels more and more, while the stern remains on the ice, and she quietly spills the crew out of the box, or lets them hang by the shrouds till they drop on the ice. Leslie's Maga zine. A man who has attended his own execution, and survives to relate the details, is worthy of a short paragraph. According to the London Jicho, his name is Colonel Marteras, and in 18G9 he was on the point of being pro claimed president of Uruguay, when he was arrested and con demned to death. On Monday, June 30th of that year, he was taken by a platoon of soldiers out of the city to a meadow in the heart of a forest, and bound to a chair. At the word "fire!" a "spasmodic shock" threw him to the ground. He did not hear the volley. The soldiers marched away without giving him the customary coup de grace, and Marteras, by the kindly aid of a neighboring laborer, got away, was healed of his wounds, and to-day serves socially more humbly, but yet more safely, as a waiter in a Paris cafe. Ernest King, Esq., editor of the Fall River, Mass. Swi, edito rially mentions that he was cured of severe rheumatism by St. Jac obs Oil. In countries where malaria is prev alent, or where the climate is subject to sudden changes should be found in every house Brown's Iron Bitters. Slnloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W.E. Dement "A recent painful case of death caused byahypodermicinjectionof morphia," says the London Lan cet, "directs attention afresh to the dangers of resorting to this most perilous mode of administering drugs designed to relieve pain. The public should be warned against the practice of employing jemedies hj'podermically. So formidable a -remedy' should on no account be used except unoer medical advice, and when deemed necessary it ought to be given by practitioners. "We have repeat edly urged the profession to dis countenance the recourse to in jections under the skin, which is becoming general. It is a prac tice of extreme hazard, and we are of opinion that surgical instru ment makers should refuse to sell the requisite apparatus to lay per sons, and that medical men should forbid their use." Armed sentries patrol before the tomb of General Gkirfield day and night, relieved at intervals with the usual formalities of military discipline. "Whenever the of ficers of the guard are changed," says the Cincinnati Commercial, "they open the coffin, identify the corpse and exchange receipts for it. Thus have we put the body of the slain president into a daily morgue and a continuous post mortem examination, violating all the sanctity of the grave, and forc ing the soldiers into this repulsive duty in the name of honoring and guarding the remains. The tomb is violated lo protect it from viola tion." Absolutely Puve This powder never -varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholeMimrncss. .More economical than the ordmarv Kinds, and cannot ie sold in comp tltlon with the mul titude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate ponders. Sold viilji in cmix. Hovai. Baking Powder Co.. ioc "Wall-st., K. Y. Eing of tlie Blood Is not a "cure all," It Is a blood-purifier and tonic. Impurity of the blood iwlsons thesvs tem, deranges the circulation, and thus In duces many disorders, known by different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity or 1'k' l01' are IUpepa, umifmxnets. Liver Complaint, Conxttpation, Kcmnts DU ordcr. Headache, Jiachachc, General WcaU nav. Heart DUctuc,Droiuu. Kidney nieac. Piles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, ScnUula, Skin Disorders, Pimples. Ulcers. Swellings, Ac.. c. Iting of the IJIood prevents and cures these by attacking the cause. Impurity pi the blood. Chemlstsand phyMdans agree In calling it "the most genuine and effk-k-nt preparation for the purpose." Sold bv Drug gists, Jl per bottle. See testimonials", direc tions, vc, in pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases ol tlif Blood." wrapped around each bottle. I). RANSOM, SON & Co.. Props Buffalo. N. Y. Annual School Meeting. mnE ANNUAL MKElINfr OF THE YOT JL ers of School MsiiictNo, 1 wld he held at the school house on Main street, in Asto ria. Clat-op county. Oregon, on Momlav ctentng, Marcus. 18S3. for the purpose o'f electing one Director for three jears, and one Clerk fur one y ar. A1m to levy a tax tosupjortachoolforthe ensuing vear in said district ; also a tax to pav Interest and incidental expenses of s-dd d 1st! let ; also a tax to be applied to building a new school house, and to transact such other business as may properl come befoie the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. J.G.HUSiLER. Clerk. By J. O. BOZORTH, Deputy. Astoria, Feb. 17th, is$3. $ ml I fWr wiipRg?'? ill ?? A- ' V l' ci S .& ii. Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbago. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosied Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jcors Oil cj a safe, sure, simple and clieap External 7liTniir A friM nt,!la m 111 rrHrwra?lrW trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and erery one uffef- ! lng with pain can uave clitcp tea paaure proof of its claims. Directions In Eleren Languages. E0LDBYALLDHUGSISTSALDDE1LBE8 HJ H2DICIHE. A. VOGEIiER &, CO., Haltlmore, SaiL, 17". .V. A. A cubic inch of gold is worth 210; a -cubic foot, 3G2,3S0; a cubic yard, 9,797,702. This is valuing it at $18 an ounce. At the com mencement of the Christian era there -was then in the world 427, 000,000 in gold. This had dimin ished to 57,000,000 at the time America was discovered when it began to increase. Now the amount of gold in use is estimated to be 0,000,000,000. A LETTER Pf! GERMANY. .-; . i.iiX, January 9, 1S32. Vory esteemed .sirs: The praise your Liver Pills have called forth here is wonderful. After taking one and a half boxes of your pcruilne IU. C. .McLVXE'S 1.IVEU PILT.S, I have en tirely recovered from my fourycHP' lTtc ln. All who Iv-vnv me wonder how I. who, for so many year, luid no :tpp-ite, and could not sleep for liacknche, -tll'h in my sdde, and general stomach com plaints, could have recovered. An old lady In our city, who 1ir fir-wl for many years from Kidney die and the doctors had given her up, toiilc tn of jour Pills, and got more roller than hc has from all the doctors. Yo. -: . J. VON DM! I'&tG. BEWARE OF IKSETAHOriS, The genuine are never sugnr-contci. Kvery box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impressien: 31cLaneS Liir The genuine McI.AXE'S T.r. Ui: PILLS bear the signature of C. 3!-I.ine and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having tliecenuini? 1)1!. C. McLAXITS LrVXR PILLS, propartx! bv Fleming Bros of Pitfcdnirgli. Ph 'V market being full of imitations or -.e name McLane, knelled differently, be: of same pronunciation. If your storekeeper does not hair tlu genuine DIL c. McLANK'S I'LLK BKATLI) LIVKU PILLS, send ti- VG cents, and wo wifl send you a box by mall, and a set of our advertising card. FLI3IIXG BROS., Pittsburgh. Ta. IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH ME ! "WHO? FRANK ELBERSON, SeasifleBaiery & Confectionery. Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candles etc., furnished for Wedding parties, on short notl , and guaranteed to give perfect satLsfactlon. Cake ornamenting a specially. Opposite ;. W. XSunic's. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. - fttost Complete Stock in Astoria Novelties of all Kinds Fruits Both Forcisrn anil Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &JiD0CK ft, TKEGBE&T -nsSl aroit RHEUIATIS1. C If. STICKELS A. HL JOHNSON & Co., Dealers In CROCKERY & CLASS WARE. Also 'Wholesale Dealers In Paint.. Oils. Varnishes, Class. Putty. Artists' Oil and IVnter Colors. faint and Knlso- itiJuo Brushes. Constantly un hr.nd a full and- choice stock of Staph and Fancy Croceries Only tho Erst Kept. Jnr stock of Croeltory and Jlass V an- is the Iar;;tr.t and mot Complete Stirck ecr opened in Astona. Consisting of Tea and Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Glass. Fruit, and Water sets, liar Fixtures. Ale Mugs. Ponies. KiMle ltottles Goblets, Tum blers Lti onade Cujis, &c, S.C. Kvcry thing sold at I-owest Living Rates. unlify CSuaraiitccfl. An Examination will more than repay you. s:, 23. j&srsaa. DKAT.EB IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Order, Drcying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. iikalki: IX V1NES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Important ! ! Read OnreMIyl 1 1 Hereafter all our Pure Coffees will be put up under our own private label NONE GENUINE Un'es bought of A. jL JOHNSON & CO. X. JJ. All goods bearing our label a: e guaranteed to be strictly Pure and of Best quality, and are scid by no other House. Wilson & Fisher, i)KA.;.Kr.s in Iron. Steel. Coal, Anchors. Ghains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WKOCUllT AND CUT GALVANIZED Hulls, Cojjjici XaiN ami Burrs. Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Pachinq of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, FLOWS A3il JIILL FJnEl. Agents for fcalem Flouring Mills. ' Corner Climiuimis and Hamilton Street? AbTOKIA. OKEGOX. MGMS C. 0R0SBT, Dealer in HARDWARE, DM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLTJ MBEKS AND STEAM FITTERS Goods and Toois, SHEET LEAD STRIP ILEAD SHEET IROK TIN ANPCOPPER, Cannery anil Flshennens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING :md STEAM FITTING Done with 1 eatness and dispatch, 2auti but Mrs! clas workmen employed. Llarue assortment ofj SO ALE Ocnstantly on band A M. JOHNS OS. BANKIKQ AHDJNSURAKGE. BROKER, 8AHKER, -ASD- INSURANCE AGEHT. ASTORIA, ... OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL S O'CLOCK P. M. il tar Co, OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. HorjGirrox.... cha3. k. stokv.. Gko.L. Stout. -..President Secretary ,At;eut for Ogon Capital paid up In U. S. gold? coin s 300JJ00 W) I. W. CASE. Agent, Cnenamus street. Astoria, Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Repreiontins a capital of SG7.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Acent. HAIB BAISAM. jIKC-m-?. Tills elegant dressine is prefcued by those v. holia vc used it, to any , similar article, on ac count of lis superior cleanKr ess and purity. It contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp and far acdahrajs Restores the Youthful Co!or to C.-ey cr Faded Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prei ent fallisg ot the Iiair and to re move dandrulFand itching. Hiscox & Co . N.Y. 50c and l lliei, at dtalrn la drag and ctedldnn. PAMKER'S T ft Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If ycu are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold dudes try Parker's Gi.ger Tome. If you are a lawyer, uiinister or business man ex lausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take iatoxicatingsamuIaats,buttse Parl-er's Ginger Tonic Ifyouhae Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuraa. sm.KidnevComplaints,oranvdisorderoftheIuntrs. stomach. boweL, blood or nerres.PAiiKERs GitXEit To:icwnicureyou. ItistheGreatestBloodPuriner VS:i lha Gcst and Surest Sough Cure Ever Used. If you are waiting away from age. dissipation or any cVcae or eakness and require a stimulant tike Gim iJJ'ovcttrnce; it will invigorate and build v't up froii the first dose but will net er intoxicate. l'.r s saved hundreds of lies; it may sae jours. C -, CriOV Rfa all rebrtltct. Parier'i GbrTonfc ii cc 1 nuef lhetitr?ndi3)3gnUiiitliairarM.ikibcntIrIy itSf ifpnm"rToni:)uiofgtapTrloa. Siil for circular to llux.r C, N. V. Oc.&liizi,al!rt!ersladTC. cr.r.T savixg buvig doixah size. It 11 h a d kuunc frserance has made this deli ;lmal perfume exceedingly popular. There Is nothing liko it. Insist upon havmgFLORES. tc:j Cologne and look for signanoe of . ca tTerjr bottle. Ay iratsA cr d!r !a Jwrfaiccxy ranf 'rwx S5"t.iTSrnt t'ji. i R ,K f'; hi VINO Zle. SIZE. 3?fE3?Fa8 i v. vJ&jR tfieJM V 1.KV - i.J.lvfJt Xotlce of Application to Pnrchae Timber Jjands. TTT S. Ii.ND OFFICFATOKEGONC1TY, SJ Oregon. Januarj" 19. 1SSJ. Notice Is hereby jd en that John II. Col vin. of Columbia count. Orecon, ha3 made ai)plicationtoptiroh:ise the SV Kof SWiC of Sec 10, T 7.N. Ii 5 V, "Will. Mer.7under the proMsions of the Act of Conpress npproreil June 3, 18TS, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber 1-tnds In the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and In "Washington Ter ritory." All adverse claims to said tract must be filed in thp U. S. Land ofilce at Oregon City, Oregon, before the expiration of sixty das from this date. Given under my hand this 19th day of Jan uary, lcJ. Lu 1. UAKIiN, w-3-10t KegLster. Xoticc or Application to i-urehaHe Timber Imul. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, "W.T., January Sth.lSSS. Notice is hereuy given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress, approved June 6. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of caiironila. Oregon. Nevada, and in Wash Ineton Territory. William I. Smith, of P.i oitic county, "Wash. Ten, has this day filed In this ofllce his application to purchase the S H of N EK and N t, of S E M of Sec. 3t. T. 10. N of It 9 w, of tho Villainettc Meridian. Teitlmouy In the above case will be taken before the Clerk or ths District Court at O sterville, Waah.Ter., on Saturday March 21th. 1SS3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the abo e described lands or anv portion thereot are hereby required to "file their claims in this ofilce within sixty (GO) dajs from date hereof. Fr.ED. "W. SPARLING. W3-101 Kegister. $500 Reward. "We willnay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Djspepsi.i. Sick Head ache, indigestion. Constiiiatinn or Costive n'ess we cannot cure wuh West's Vegetable Livpr Fills, when the directions are strictly complied with. Thev are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing Pills, 25 cents. Forsalebyall Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine niHiiuiaciurvu (mivuydOHXU. WEsrsco. "The Pill Jlaker 181 and ljc: "W. Jladlson St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stainu. W E. Dement, axent. ji&i- 5n'-2S M: -? c-3 lltitsill Kt&to 5HLSSr-i3v USiiL DEALER IN Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of y - HrS - ,rvr aiSB&6i& ' OAK LD3IBBE, !pg glass, !S Bracket Work vsaf Boat Material, Etc. : Boats of all Kinds Made to Order. BT"Orden from a distance promptly attended . ARNDT & EERCBEN, ASTORLV. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLVCKSMITH jgp -?&& v 8HOPfca i- -1 iS rt y UCA ya Doner anop 'SjJi All kinds of EHGDIE, CANNEEY, STEAMBOAT WOEI Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Beutok Street, Near Parker House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LiNDsMA&UfB ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. Of all DetHriplion mntle to Order at Short Itotirc. A. D. "Wass, President. J. G. IIustlek, Secretary. I. AV. Case, Treasurer. Jonx Fox, Superintendent WH. EDGAR, ASTORIA, - OREGON. Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, Stationery and Optica! Coods, Joseph Rcdgers and "Wostenliolm GEHUlflE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. WAZ.TII.13X AXI EtGJx'V Gold and Silver Watches and Chain Fine Jind Coarse Liverpool SALT. Tin Platp.UloclcTIn, Caustic Soda, For sale ex "Warehouse at Portland or Astoria hy ItAIiFOUJt, GUTIIKIE &. CO. dtf Portland, Or. Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE ! CORK m LAD LIKES, SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 Market Street. San Franclgeo Sols Agents for the Pacific Coast SBBBSsv "SS.IS'SJS'eb A SPECIALTY. : V to, and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. BUSINESS CARDS. Tj- C. HOLDES. IS'OTAIIY TUBLIC, AUCTIOXEEI COJ.LM1SSION A IN STJRANCE AGEXI. " l EL.O F. X-AJIIti:iI. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, nsitl City or Astoria Ottlce :-Cheuamus street, Y. 31. C. A. hall Room So. S. Vy J5. DiliLAXlO, Attorncs at Iiar. OFFICE AT ST. ELLENS, OREGON. "Will attend terms of Court at Astona, Kalaniaaud i'oit.and, "C D. 1VIATOK, Attorney and Counselor at Law. jssromce in Pytlilan Ruildiug. Rooms 11, 12; ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. TAY TUTTIiE. 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEONi Office Rooms 1,2, and 3. Pythian Build ing. Residence Over J. E. Thomas' Drug Store. "ci p. uncus, PENTIST, ASTORIA, --- - OREGJ Rooms in Allen's building tip'Srs, corner of CaiS and Sqemocqhe streets J Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LA AY. ' Chenamus Street. - ASTORIA. OREGON Piano Lessons With Use of Piano'. MRS. J. W. EUBDOCS:. Terms moderate. Orders may he lelE at Adlers hook store. G.A. STINSON & CO?, BLACKSIVIITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Ctnnery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. . . i ' 3f. AVERTHEiaiKR. i. -WEnTnEiaiER M. WEBTHElftlER & BR01. MANUFACTrRERS OF FINE Havana and Domestic Cigars No. 5iS .Front St. Srm Francisco I. "W..CASE, IMPOKTJiR AXD WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN e-EMAL HEBMPI1 Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTOP.IA - - - OREGON FOR SALE ! I offer for sale my ranch nar Skipa non in this County it consists of 160 ACRES, Eigliij Acres Improved, irilli good lTcIIing House; Two B:irnb, Jt Houses, etc.? A rine Oreliard. Everythinc is well improved and in good condition. A large assortment of Farming Iij-loxi3eiit, , Three i.'asscu'jer Coaelies. e RiiSSr, - 3Tnp I2cn! Sforscv. Cattle. I3g. Etc. This affords a rare chance for a man to -ge a jjnori home in the oldest settled' section it the btate. Terms favorable to one meaning busi ness. C. A. 3IAGUIRS.