. en csirrssssEG "ixz 23nttrj stxrriiuu ASTORIA, OREGON: SATFR AY FEBKUARY24. I"3 A Sad Recital. P i Tiu-hmmi I. F. b. 22. Th-mtk-tliint C. L. Taylor, fr San Kn !- . ft Ii.-r last S'lttinUy. S V, j F at'i'M, S'lsu' ut 4 A. M., with a lair wind. When about fifty miles from the shore a squall struck her and threw her on her beam-ends. The ringing- nnd masts were cut away and the ves sel righted. A little six-year old sou of the captain was washed ov erboard. The captain jumped ov er to save him, but failed and nearly lost his life in the attempt. After the vessel righted, the cap tain's wife was found in the cabin dead, either being killed by the fright or suffocation. The socond child, a girl about three, was in the cabin with her mother, but was saved uninjured. A fire was made on the deck, and the survivors got along as best they coald till yesterday, when the second mate and crew, six in all, left in the boat for Vancouver Is land, which they proba"bly reached in safety. Last evening the bark Arcutrus rescued the captain, child, first mate and cook, and brought them to this place. Mrs. Bergman was buried at sea. While a man was sitting in the crotch of a tree to saw off a limb, at Saginaw, Mich., the crotch split as the limb fell, letting him down into the opening and then closing on him. It took an hour of chop ping and prying to get him out of the trap, and several of his ribs were broken by the squeezing. Mr. David Walton, who keeps a large liverv stable on N. Twelfth St., Philadelphia, used St. Jacobs Uil with happiest results on a val uable horse, which sprained itself oy supping. CiMIERGE AND TRADE. --Q3rtfF ASTORIA. ARRIVALS yjiOS! SJU Queen of the Pacific. 8s. S F Feb 'Umatilla ss Fob 23 vj;ssi:i jx thk m van. J-isiie Bfll. I$r bk Klrinorn t-utteruorUj. Br bk Trevpljan. Hrsp !1?,"vmm,Pa - UisMnud Light. A in. p KI QuiiUM. Air sb Bonnek Law. fir bk JfMfc indies, lit bk Karatiac. Am bk hricna. Br pfe. Ji6rj- Hocarth. Br louri America. Am sp Konfrewjjlnro Garcock, I3r. bk WSSJCLS OA TIM Y.'A Y. 1'j-oai Forufsrn Port h. fur tht Coluuiliia Klirr Lorabardin, Br 718 Liverpool Dc C ltyuTale, ErSM Liverpool Dec 2 Uliock. JJr bk September IB TRla.Awuk 4T0 Valparaiso From Anicricafi PortH. Cbsoborouch, Am h. Philadslphia, Oct 11. Harry Moraa. Am Bp Ji ov 3 O S Unlbcit Aot ION VlwJ imperial, A tp K October 35 Indiana. Am ep, Pbiladlpbia. liar, n OUre S. Southard, Am sli, PbHa. Tob I Ilesror. Am sp Phila Ort 1 TJlto. Am 12 N V DecS (Kcfctorn Btle. Am sp 1133 y Dec 2S ilDE TABLE FOE ASTOEIA 1 ivnat ;! oi United States Coast Minv Sags H'ar. 1 Loy atvt . a. . r. i. I . v. , . ? 1 i3 ,. 2 091 7 25 7 47 U3 I 40'.. . 8 01 u 2t JX :i 87 b 34 X 3 2.. 2 SI 2 4J i 11 U Mt 2C S 0 3 87J 3 S3 . I' 2 2 S 27 4 2i 10 -J2 10 0. 2S-. 4 0 r.SO 11 32 10 4!) 1 4 4G C 30' 0 26 11 41 2. i 42 7 31 - - 1 22 3... (i 46 8 6u. 0 40 2 20 Common Council, ilejular meetings second and fourth Tues day vonmjrs ot each month, at T'i o'clock oar" Persons desiring to havo matters acted cKn by the Council, at any regular uuooIisk must present tho same to the Auditor and (Herk on or before the Friday eveninp prior to the Tuoedny ou which tbo Council hoiue its rrcoiar laaetino. F. C. SORHIH, Auditor and Clerk. At-tona Lioclrje Ho. 40. L O. G.l. Rciialar Moctinjr every Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Astoria. Jlcra- linra nOlio I ttilpr. in rood vt"nilinr. nrn invit. ed'to nitond. Hcjrrco mcotinslft Monday of! each uwiKb. Ry order W. C.T. , Itttuphf LiOdSO, Wo. (A.F. A.M. e. 'r inimunications Et mdv ,r ims$nf jn each month, at7jj W ..:. m : tho Hall in Astoria. Wr; : we Order, in good Etandinc, aro 4tirtcc(i. Brorderoftbc V,'.!. American Legion of Honor. Uufcu- meeting ol Astoria Council Xo. f&. snold on the llr-t arid Uurd Saturihiy of csch lrtonlli. at " o'clock x. 3U iBy order of Council Commander. R. Y ilOMKiTW, Sec'ty. Dressmaking. Plain and Fancy Sewing, fSsita sixfle an tho best Style and Gunrantced to Pit. Mrs. T. S. Jewetb. lIJWQXS OVEB MRS. E. S. WABKEN'c.l ?M WWW'il '' -i- wA no loivjc i f? o:n Dyspep sia, Indigestion, wantof AppetJte.iossof Strength lack of Energy , Malaria, intermi..c:::. T ..v-irr. c. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure all these diseases. LVjtcn, N'ovewber s6, iSSi. 13 bow Chemical Co. Gentlemen- Per years I have been a great su&rerfroM Dyspepsia, and coald get no relief (having tried everything wis ch ws reowniBetK: ed) until, artu.s: on the 4rice e( j. friend, who had own bcvcihtcd Vv Brown's Inow Mitteks, I -' a bottle, with rnot surprising re ult. Previous to taking Knows;' !l' Bitters, c,erythinjj I ate dirinaeC'4 mc, and 1 suffered jTcatly from a buratng scnsstKr in tle stomach, which was mibearaUe. Since Ink ing BHOWN'S IIOK 1SI17UMC, alt w troubles are at an end. Canelai:v time without any disapccaMr' re. t.uits. 1 am practically another person. Mrs. W J. Flaw. 33 Maverick Ft., E. ltttn BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm en the digestive organ , removing all dyspep:: symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach.. Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by nil Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore. Md. .-r- that a'J !mn Hitters ate made ly Urwii Chemical Co.. Ualtinicrs, and liave crofwi red HHO-rwid trade. luatv on v-rxpfnt. HTvVARE OF IMITATIONS LOEB & CO, .IORP.ERS IX WISES, LIQKOBS, AND OiGARg. AGENTS FOR TIIK Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. ia?All good- sold at Saw FrainflHco Price. MAIN STJIKRT. Ojipnslt Pirkr House. Astoria. Orcnon. J. EL D. G-KAY. Wholesale and ratall dealer In. fe-era's,. ALL KTJTDS OV FEED, Hay, Oafs, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and "Wharf ace on reason able terms. FootofBer ton street. Astoria. Oregon. Annual School Meeting. mUE AKNITAL MEETING OFTHEVOT--. rsf SchoullMMikrNc, 1 will be held at the Mmooi house u Stain street, in Asto ria. Olai-on county. Oivkvhi. on Mondav c eniiijc, Msrih 5, :8fc3. fr the punos cf fleni intone lirclr for three oars. and one Clerk 1 r oim vi ar. Al-o to lew a tax toMiiijMirr a.-cluMil foi the ensuing year in s;ild dilrirt : lo a tax t pav inteibst aud meidenU'l exmi f s:ii(l disiilct: also a tax io bi- applied to building a new chool house, and to irautnct sueti olbor business as may properly cmiii' befi'ie tbe meeting, - Uy order nf the Hoard of Directors. .T.G.UUSiLKi:. Clerk. 15v .T. O. HOZOItTIT, Deputv. Astoria, Feb. 17th. 1SSS. Siockhoides' Meeting. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK lioldcrs ot Hie Columbia Canning Co. will be held at their oillce on Sntuidav. ltb Int., s.t i a. at. .sli:irp. lly order of tho Hoard of Director, dot THOS.DEALEY, Secretary. Astoria JlnrKcxs. KETAII- III TTfe? Extra fancy 7u ZO cent a rolL CiiKr--v-liJ8-0c. I)iaiu Fiiuns. iSInckberriesSc: Prunes Gala. ll15c; Peclod Peachos 2.ift1Kc SuoAJt. Cube, 11; crashed, lie; Cno crashed, 1-lc; extra itowd. HJjJc; dry sran. Ktc; extra cran. 13c, O. C lc Eoos. -13 ot? V do. Oate. 32 W&i 23 per owt- I'OTATOlSi. 1 75 iMr cwt. Flovu. busjriino $5 00; Kxtrti $G COt Cora Meal cwt. S3 .to; BucktrLcdt " cwt fti W. FitRSU Mi'jws. Choice cut. famb. 15a; BeofWgle: Pork IS: Mutton 1214. By tho carcass 10c Mcats. Breakfast bacon ISc per H; sides 15017c; hams isg2c; shoulders VJi41c: 6mokodboef 15SlC?jc: corned be of S10gl2 E; corned pork 12c?!Ci. LiED. ia tine and caddies lS20c V &. HOKEY. In frames 40c ; in glass 50c Mill Feed. Bran $25 00 ton; chop feed ?33S : Shoiu $25 003 ; Hay 820 $25V ton;middlins 810. Chop barley. $3750 New Goods ! Weijy fstoods! CITY BOOK" ST ORE. r The Best Store in the City to get your Money's Worth. Album. Anttiurnph xuul Miotorrrsph nil Wirt mid Pri . Books from a Dlm Novel to Webber's Unabridged ; Cent' .iclry anil Cutlery ; Writing Desks of all sizes ; Mark Twain's Scrap Books ; MbhM. Pnu or Book and U ynmals, Also the Kev tn He ivim. Opera an Marine Glasses ; Draughting Instrument- 1mm 4 cents l" 53) CO a set IH;.i.k k Anrt eveiy thing you could want In ur lln. Exatnr c wr giwM.i ami prices before goin clevhen It. V. STKVJ- NS & Co.. City Book Store. TEK apply to the Captain, or to " " ' " " ' " ! 1 - - THE NEW MODE A FULIi STOCIt ALWATS OK KAKD. Two doors east of Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. fSL'CCESSOR TO .UCKINS& JIONTGOMEItV. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AMD OANHERY WORK AUended io Prcmptly on Reasonable Terms. CHEZVAJICS T5IE:-;t. Xcxt lo C. ts. PurlicT'B Ktorn. OHAS. HEILEORN, MANUFACTURER OK UTTBlsriTTJRE S BKDDlN(i AND DEALER I.N Carpets, Oil Cloth. Wall Paper. Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and (Viouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN FOLKS Complete- in every branch. MARTIN DEAKEK- IV TTATTT TTnnTTT T? J? UX.JLNJLJ. UJLvr-, Corner 3fnlii and Stiiit'iunqua Strert. Astoria. Orcznn. WIHDOW SHADES AHD TR!Mf.ll!lQS; WALL PAPER ETC. A 0iJIiI-t Mori.. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AT.L. IZX:S.S v fukxitl'r: A. . Alien, (.SUCCXSSon TO PAGE & ALLRN.) Wholosaleaud retail tiealerj to roGken Glass and Plated Ware.; i TltO PICA! AND DOMl!STlC j FRUfTS AND VEGETABLES.! ToKtUfr v.itb Wines, Uquors,Tobacco,Gig2rs To Let. THE 2ND AND 3RD FLOORS, 2ND tIN ished in rooms : 3rd all in one, -JS x CO fret, unfinished. Also a space of ground piled and capped, about 22 x 48 f-et, front ing on olney street. Leae jdven to respon sible parties for years. Local ion most desir able for a ltestaurant and Lodging House. For further particulars inquire of BAUTH& MEYERS. Arttria, trecon, D6msr SS, lest V J, "lit?" CLlSi PJBKBR, Lien P. Parker, Master. For TOWING. FREIGHT orCHA.?. tl. K. PA Kit Kit. - - - - - - RANGE CAN RE nAI) IN AS TORIA OM.Y OF B. R, B. ?&Q &' JU - AGE VI CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL UK PLEASED. 11 1:. 1IAWES Is alvj auent Tor the Bntk gated Coakbur Stove And oilier fint-chiss stoves. Fwrnacc 'Worlr, Stcnm Pt tiuRs. etc., a. fpccinlty- DKAT.KR IN Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware A Go era! AfcoriMnt r HOUSEHOLD COODS. -xeiit for 31;ige? Stoves and ivango." The le in the :narl:ei. PintultK kihvIs uf all kinds on hxtid. .!' wert: dime In a workmanlike nianaer OLSEN -tt T Tfi T T T"XT f JDHiJlJJXXS V Kpxiaim am VAnisxiEr. T3piaamgvive.aj'.ijajxncsji. r ' r rjuinuugr'" r "rt PEEUYIAN BITTERS ! Wilmerding & Co.. San Francisco. Loeb c Co.. Agents, Ast ori . SteDlians Varieties GRAKD 0FENING. A i.lVCIjT- E?;TEKTAIX2IEST Have a new bowling alley, the largest and but In tows. Admittance free. g pv :i!H M? MIL'S TIRllTiiS. GEO. HILL, - - - PROPRIETOR AGE MANAGER! in entire ! tf AITER TARKS, - ST. Engagement of an entire 3iETV TKOUPi: MISS HELENA RICHMAN, Tlie German Nlphtcngale. MISS SUSIE LEE, Sonc and Danro Artist, MISS MINNIE WILLIAMS.. Serio-comic Queen. MISS KITTY FRANKLIN. Soubriette. Also MR. GEO. HENDERSON.. Ethiopian Commediau. Together vritii a r.w Under the management of PROF. CHARLES RICKARDS. All the Old Favorites Retained. Open nil the 1'car. rrriurmaiire V.v ry Xlclil. r.iillre t'lianse r Pro- urauinic Once :t AVccK. Comprising all tb latent SONCS, DANCES AKD ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment la the West. i The theatre is crowded night!) . and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce It to be equal to any Kien elsewhere. I 31r. Hill as a caterer for the public':! , amusement can not be excedil. Anybody wishing to spend a idetimt eveniUR ahd , ee sparklin" wit and heautj without vI- i parity, should improve theopnortimityand I come. I Tlie company comprises the fnllowlnj well-j ttiown ArtKts : ; Miss Faik V,tai.to. i 3IlSS2lA3IlF.GOOlI5ICK. j Sin. Waltkk Pauks. ! Mh. CitA3. I;ai:i:0v.. i SI K. VM. 3IOKTO. j All of which will appear nightly in their 6" if. I fcrent specialties. j Open air concert every evening ; ierform- j ance commencing at S ; entrance to theatre l on Ronton street ; privait Ioxes on Chena- mus street. Koxs- Stars in Rapid Succtsnsion ! i A Common-sense Remedy. fi fcaiicyi No more Rheumatism, Cout or Fceuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Five years established and nevir fcnoirn to fail in a single case, acute or chronic. Refer to all prominent physicians and dntagitts for thi standing of Salicylica. THE ONLY DTSSOLVEK OF THE POISONOUS URIC ACID "WHICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF RHEU MATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALICYLICA Is known as a common -sense remedy, because It strikes directly at thecauc of Ithcumatism. Gout and Neural gia, while so many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas only treat locally the cuecls. It has been conceded by eminent scientists ; that outward applications, such as rubbing with olLs.olitraent-, liniments, and soothing i lotions will not eradicate these dLseases '. which are the result of the pohouiug of the blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA works with marvelous eltecton tills acid and so removes the disor der. It is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of America and Europe. High' si Medical Academy of Paris reports 05 per cent cures in three days. SS.E33M:E3!2::3B E3DEL that SALICYLIC a Is a certain cure fori Rheumatism.Coutand Neuralgia. '"ci'velta trial. Relief guaranteed or mon - ev relunded. Thousauds of testimonials sent ou applica - tion. SI a Box. 6 Boxes for 85. Sent free by mall on receipt ot money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. But do not be deluded Into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended I as "Just as good!" la-dst on the genuine I witn me name 01 vashburnc&Co on each box which Is guaranteed chemicaiiy pure under our signature, an indispensable requisite to insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. 2 S7 Broadway, cor. RcadeSt-, NEWYOKIC Fors-aleby W.E. DEMENT & Co., and J. E. THOMAS. LARGE STOCK! OF FDPB CROCKERY Just Received at F0ASD & STOKES, LEATHERS BROS. BOAT BIILREKS, "Cp Stairs Over Arntlt &. Fcrchcn'H rjltop. Call and examine the work ivo arc doing atiu ice tne wood we are using, ueiore maK- Ing a tnule elsewhere. FIRST-CLASS 'WORK A SPECIALTY. PIONEER EESTATTRAKT, Under the management of J. G. KOSS. A good place to stop at when you como to town. Every arrangement for the comfort and waviniftag i guwt. Tuuu wuonakl. r? Pfejn0j &&&&i& 5SB! IVitallxcs and Unsicl.cn 'l KiontS. .a ' tip tio Systcxii, .U-iKos -bM crz Strong. Euililc aj the Mm's-C.-j doirs, 2irv;oraif '.'-, ; Drain. sri;. ORE- GySTepsi:i, 2 eiTCIW Jir.'Cl"ivUS.v-?2 errBeoility, AoniTJU, Jf2?e7 and. Ague, r.'UTtlyBis, Ciironit; BianlicKi. 2oils. Dropsy. Kmnors, Zemalo Cohl plaints, Li-rer Com- "plaint, Kemittent Pever, and tL DISEASES OniGtfiAJiKG If! A CAD STAt! 0FTHE BLOOD, 0K ACCOKPAUJED Bf DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTBi. 5uppLcst!ii bkvd with i Vital I'riueiplr, . Life lllcirf.tt, j:::;f ?. lrc:-.ii VjRora,'?kC,.v Tifrt: .s5ir ,r,l.:! ;. BEiNO i M'E. iuon a: cc-. :.. -1 -c z njicT'.-t-i -ic re: fo:"-ryd b; ctc - . -.; jr.-L Urn. t"it iri p rnarc:i. ' in-.. r-1 ?TSS5iKSB525S& M$? f. IV" -s.-j SlliPfl I cl-ra-..' Cwrca zm.'l never dirnp- points. TioT?or:a crcat paa- iicIicTcr for Laa. and Juaasfc. Chcnp. enicS: asd re!i:iblc. Bii5;KVfiAvar'A:Vga25gna . .m. PITCHER'S CASTOEIA. is not 27.ircotie, Cliililrcu gro'.r fat upon, Itlotliers 212e, i and Phj'sicifiiis rccotamcacl C ASTORIA. Itrcsraltitcstlie Bowels, cures TTiiicl Colic, allays ITevcrishncss, and de stroys Worms. WSI DE SIEYSR'S CA- TARRH Cnrs, a. Constitutional Aatidoto for this tcrriblo mala- ay. "by Aosorption. Tlxo xaost ! Importaat TJiscovcryEiiicoVao- I cination. Other roztodiou 3nay i rciievo Oat-arrh, this euros at any atago licfcro Consumption tia- SOIS 2ZU Leinenweber & Co., C. tKINEiWEHKlt. ti. EltOWK. K3TA1SX.ISUKU 1865. ASTOSIA. OREGON, j 1 Ail KMu AlIU bUJiiLulM ' ; i Manufacturers and Importers oi A LL 1CINDS OF j AND FINDINGS Wiioiciale Dealers in Oil, AND TALLOW. s7HIghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. HANSEN BEOS. SAVE REMOVED! From their old quarters to their NEW SHOP And Factory near Kinney's Cannery Notice of Application to Purchase Timber .Land. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., January 9th, lbi-3. Notice is herebv given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress, approved June 5, 1S7S. entitled "An aet for the sale of Tinilwr Lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and in "Wash ington Territory." James M. Wallace, of Pacific countv. Wash. Ter.. has tills day filed in ihWotiVc hisapplieationto purchase the SHofSWK and h V4 or S K k of Sec 31. T, 10 N of It V.. of the Willamette Me ridian. Tesilmonv in the above case will be taken before the Clerk of the Distri.t Court at OjMerville, Wash, Tcr., onaturday, March 'JUu.lSS. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described land, or any portion thercor. are hereby reouired to file their claims in this oftko within sixty (W) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING. w3-10t Register. Attention Longshoremen. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the regular met tings shall be held on the first Mondav of each minth. at 7 1 sx You will govern yourselves accordingly. By order oi tho President. A. MALTMAN, dim Kas.KM'r. JE:r-w t- ViMjWT 1Sm,A v S A P Bfev XV?'rt i.-fi & Vf-S C. AVr B5 iv5 s SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Go. FOR PORTLAND- (FAST TIME.) Th populAr steamer FLETVCCD, Whteh lia lieen refitted for the coiafort of passenprs ilt lave Wilon and Fisher'-, dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6j A.M. arriving at Portland at 7 P. M. SettnuiiK leaven PottiaRil every tjuesdetts. and Thursdays at 6 A. !i. f Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. AT. I An additional trip win bo msde on Sunday of Each Yeek, LesTlns Portland al 9 o'clock Sunday 2Iornins;. P8?oenj:ers by thH route connect at Ktdaraa for Sound iwrts. t . a. jjuorr. President. Astoria and Poriland. tllffgs WSSTPORT, F. K SHERMAN', - - MASTER. "Will make rejnilar trips to Portland and Astoria, leaving Rurnell's dock, foot of Mor rison street, loriiauu. at i a.. caiuruays. And will leave "Wilson & Fisher's dock. Astoria, at 0 a. m. 1 litirsdays. EyFrbiKlit canieil at reasonable rates. New Vessel. rTY NEW STEAM YACnT ! 4 KELIC, Is now readv for business, and can be en- 5 Raged by the dav, job or season. Orders may be made hv letter or personal application to LEWIS G. II AAVEX, Upper Astoria. MAEEETS. CENTRAL MARKET. i Gentjral assortment of table stock constantly on band, such :c$ i Canned Fruits andJclIy, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, KGS. JKSJTT12K, CMEESS, iffnsh Fruits and VeGstahlss. J In the season. CIGARS ASO TOBACCO. i Bt or TTI3ES A3TD T.IQUOES. AH cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com-mi.-iou. 0ppi3ite I. W.Cass.-4ore. J. KOD(JF.ltS. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, T7t -i n Purofl Mpofc; l?lCbll lslU. IrlllUl JllLdTb, Vegetables, CDIIITC CHTTTTP o nrl CnfiQ I "Ul ' ! uul l -" Ul,u -". OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, i j CIIKXA3IUS Street. Astoria, Osn I lASTOEIA MARKET D.K.AViinitEN, COR. CHENAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. Dealer In FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs. And a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Constantly on hand. SniPS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST RATES. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon heugman a berry T FSP2CTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the puonc to tne tact mat cue above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention mven to supplj ns shuj. Piles! PUes! Piles! A Smic Cure IToumcI nt S.n&t I Jfo One Kcccl Sn fieri A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching anil L!eeraiei rues uasueen aiscoereu oy Dr. Williams, (an Indian Remedy), called Dr. Wiliiam's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or so years standing. No one need suffer uve minutes alter applying tins wonuenui soouuiur meuicme. jahious. instruments .uiu electuaries do more narnt than trood. Wil liam's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night af te getting warm m bed), acts as a poultice, gives iitstaut relief, and Is prepared onlv for Piles, itching of the private parts, and for uoiuir.g eise. Readwhat the Hon. J. M. Cofimburry of uieveianu,sajs auout ur. William's lnuian Pile Ointment : I have used scores of Pile Cure", and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. Forsalebyall druggists or mailed ou re ceipt ot price, m eo. IlEXItY & CO., Prop's. Cleveland. O. Hodge, Davis & Co., Whclssala Agents, JTUIHBA, VX9. TRANSPORTATION UNES. Oregon Railway & Navigation U35"PAX1l. O CEA? "Bi-ISIO. l Steamers sail from Portland for San Fras. i eisco tTi-iro n. iveek. on Tuesdav3 and Irulays. at inldniglit. Returning, lpave San Francisco for Astoria and Portland Wednesdays and Satuxdars at 10 A.M. Tlironsli TivlzetH sold to all principal cities In tbe United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and After Hov. 20, 1882. RAIL DIVISION. Trains leave Portland for Dalles 4:0O P. M. Sundays excepted. laVER DJTlalOX (Jllddle Colaabte). Boats leave Tortland for Dalles at 7 rOO A. M, ALSO: Leave Port-l Wc.1 land for Mon Tu. Thu. FrUISar. Astoria and I I lower Co-1 I lninbie....lr.AMIfiASI BAM 6 AH AM 6AM am; JSASI AM SSSiu::! am; ictona,BCifiAM GAM Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. m. daily ex cept Sunday. Pullman Palace Cars rnnnins bofrsreea Port land. Walla Walla and Dutcn. JOHN MUTR, r. -,-r . Superintendent of Traffic. j. a. xMinaiAir, Manager. ilwaco Steam Navigation Go. TrINTE SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Ilwaco, Connecting by Stages for Oysterville and Olympia. Until farther notice the Ilwaco fesaw Steam Navigation Co'a steamers GEN. 3IILES, oe GEN. CANBY Will lcavo Astoria On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Fort Jilcvein, Fort Canby aau Ilwaco oif Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Fridays and Saturd etc. The steamer will leave Astoria at 0 A. at. as formerly, not beinir confined strictlvto schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens......................50cts, " " Canby and Dwaco . 1 00 e3-llwaco freight, by the ton. in lots ol one ton or over, 2 00 per ton. tttri'or tickets, iowago or Charter appro at tho office of the Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H.D. GRAY. Agent, Oreeon & California R.R.Co On an aftor Sept. 24, 1S82. trains will ran as follows, LAlLx (.Except bundays;, EASTSIDE DIVISION. Kctwcen POUTL.1AD and KIDDLE'S. JTA1L TEAEt LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 a. 11. middle'? 8:30?. K Riddle's 3:30 A. u.rortland 4:25?. at ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.Lobanon.9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.PortIand.-10:03A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 a. x. Junction GrOO?.K Junction 6:3 'a. M.IRiddlo's n 5:10p.K Riddle'? 6:00 a. 11 1 Junction 5:00?. m Junction 5: 13 a. si. Portland 5:25 p. x The Oregon and California Railroad. erry makes connection with all RegularTratns n Eaatsido Division. WESTSIDE DIT13I0S. Ect-ween Portlnnd and CorvalllB. HAIL TEAUt . LEAVE. ARRIVE. , Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis ,.S:00 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. M.PortIand 30 P. M Closo connections made at Riddle's with tho Stages of tho Oroson and California StK Company. , . . esTicketsforsalc at all the principal points in California and the East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storatto will be char"4 on freight remaia inc atCompanys Warehouse over 21 hours. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on.either the East or W est sido Division. , , ti J. BRANDT, Uen-'l Snp't E. P.ROGERS, Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agant. R. KOEHLER, Vice President and Manager Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, X'ort Canby, Ilwaco, riorth Beach, Oysterville, North Cove, Petersons Point, Ho- qalnm, Jlontcsano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES,) Strs. or J- On Columbia River. .GEN. CANBY.) " GEN. GARFIELD ' Shoalwater Bay. " MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 2BL On Mondays and Thursdays through trip in GO houra. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. 40 HOSPITAL, ASTOPwIA, - - - OREGON mHIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF JL the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis.day ornight. No physician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are eatt tied to Free care and attendance at thisHos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cu. torn Housa. 3ZWJBAS OX GXAjgXT t I irf4ttl S tJr Av. rtm&r&r-z.L i. t5JW i-3? .